Create the account id < 1000 as a system account. An extra step is required to hide it from the user list of interactive logins. It will be a login account using SSH keys.
useradd --create-home --system --shell </path/to/shell> --comment "Management Account" <username>
useradd -m -r -s </path/to/shell> -c "Management Account" <username>
Set the password on the account. Remove password login later. This is used for interactive setup.
passwd <username>
Hide the account from interactive login (for desktop/ gui machines)
sudo vi /var/lib/AccountsService/users/<username>
Add the following content.
Without reboot: ALT-F2 end the letter r and hit enter to restart the login manager. Log out and login to verify.
To remove the user:
userdel -r <username>
rm -v /var/lib/AccountsService/user/<username>
Restart session (ALT-F2 + r) or Reboot