- Update zaun version to 2.7.1
- Fix create project timezone and description bug
Add cli-login endpoint
Fix default session to use camelCase
- Fix nl training condition
- Fix select project by name
- Fix when create deployment not set cmsId, nluId, botId
- Fix bug when switch to team during in impersonate mode (#126)
- Add feature to select project name inline (#127)
- Add handler to display notification message when error happened, instead of letting string quotes
pop up (#128)
- Add missing feature so that Kata-CLI is aligned with Platform. (#122)
- For the sake of consistency, we renamed several commands, such as:
kata add-channel
tokata create-channel
kata edit-channel
tokata update-channel
kata config-view
tokata view-config
kata add-member
tokata invite-member
- For the sake of consistency, we renamed several commands, such as:
- Add feature: impersonate user when logging in as administrator (#121)
- Improved user experience for update-environment command (#120)
- Improved user experience for update-environment command (#114)
- Add 20 character limit validation for environment URL and project name (#115)
- Improved error message for missing NLU.yml (#117)
- Fixed bug on create-deployment command not choosing the correct NLU revision (#118)
- Change analytics message (#119)
- Change endpoint API for command
(#109) - Check job training status on command
(#108) - Add training error detail for command
(#107) - Fix endpoint API for command
(#106) - Add Google Analytics for command tracking (#105)
2.0.11 - 2019/01/03
- Create new revision on push (#102)
- Fix get latest revision (#101)
- Limit new entity name to 20 chars and add detailed error messages (#98)
- Set substring to 7 (#97)
2.0.8 - 2018/12/20
- Fix nl-pull for entity type dictionary
- Latest bot, nlu, and cms revision endpoint
- Remove yarn.lock
2.0.6 - 2018/12/20
- Remove warning http2
2.0.5 - 2018/12/20
- Restrict create-environment when name exist
- Change Project Push endpoint
- NL docs on README
2.0.4 - 2018/12/13
- Remove *.yml from .gitignore
2.0.3 - 2018/12/13
- Fix vulnerabilities
2.0.2 - 2018/12/13
- Switch team error
- Create team error namespace
- Add or remove member to team
- Pull with revision
- Version type when create-deployment
2.0.1 - 2018/12/05
- Fix .gitignore
2.0.0 - 2018/12/05
- Kata CLI v2.0
1.4.0 - 2018/08/16
- Add twitter channel type
- Switch team method
1.3.2 - 2018/07/12
- Add config-view command
- Integrate function 'versions' to new bot version object
1.3.1 - 2018/02/12
- Fix undefined context and state in flow spec
1.3.0 - 2018/02/05
- Kata pull bot
- Fix version still increment when failed push bot
1.2.4 - 2017/01/08
- Handle kata console error when no bot.yml in directory
1.2.3 - 2017/12/27
- Fix bug on kata deploy and kata nl-push command
1.2.1 - 2017/12/21
- Update kata init command
1.2.0 - 2017/12/06
- Add discard and update draft
- Add new version information when pushing bot
- Generate challenge token for fbmessenger channel type
- Change kata init output message
- Fix proper handling for kata versions
1.1.0 - 2017/11/28
- Handle NLU Management
- Fix wrong username and password
- Fix invalid user command input
- Handle Bot Management
- Handle Deployment Management
- Handle User & Team Management