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Stories in Ready

A simple tool for getting stats for an openstreetmap area.


You can also use this tool to download OSM shapefiles with a nice QGIS canned style for OSM roads and buildings for the area of your choosing.


Install via the Kartoza Rancher Catalogue

The easiest way to install is via our Rancher Catalogue. When you install Rancher on your host, add our catalogue, you will see osm-reporter in the list of available applications.

Docker install

This will install and setup a postgis (kartoza/postgis) and an osm-reporter (kartoza/osm-reporter) container and then run the application with the source code from osm-reporter mounted into the osm-reporter container.

sudo apt-get install python-pip git
sudo pip install docker-compose
git clone git://
cd osm-reporter
# "make up" is an alias for the following command
docker-compose up -d web

If you like you can change the port number in the docker compose and run the site behind an nginx reverse proxy (or apache2 if you prefer) pointing to the running container. e.g. check deployment/nginx/

Note: See our troubleshooting section below if running on docker.

Manual Install for deployment


sudo apt-get install osm2pgsql postgis

Or under MacOS:

brew install osm2pgsql

If you install you will get pgsql2shp on MacOS.

Ensure that the above binaries are in your path. If running on MacOS you will need to ensure that /Applications/ is in the path of the user running the server.

You should also give the process that osm-reporter runs as createdb rights (needed to support the shape downloading feature). You should also have a postgis template named 'template_postgis' available on your system. Consult a postgis tutorial online to see how this is done. An example of setting this up under MacOS is provided below:

export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/

Now execute the following commands to create the template_postgis database:

create database template_postgis encoding 'UTF8' TEMPLATE template0;
update pg_database set datistemplate=true where datname='template_postgis';

Now execute the following bash commands to load the required legacy postgis support:

psql template_postgis < "create extension postgis;"
psql template_postgis < /Applications/
psql template_postgis < /Applications/

First clone:

cd /home/web
git clone git://

Then setup a venv (you may need to adjust the path to your python3 executable):

cd osm-reporter
virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python3.6 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Then deploy under apache mod_wsgi:

cd apache
cp osm-reporter.apache.conf.templ osm-reporter.apache.conf

Modify the contents of osm-reporter.apache.conf to suite your installation. Then do :

sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi
cd /etc/apache/sites-available
sudo ln -s /home/web/osm-reporter/apache/osm-reporter.apache.conf .
sudo a2ensite osm-reporter.apache.conf

The default configuration assumes a user named 'osm-reporter' exists on your system that the wsgi process will run under. If you wish to follow this convention you should create the user:

sudo useradd osm-reporter

And also give that user a database account (needed for the shape download feature) and database create permissions:

createuser osm-reporter
Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n
Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y
Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n

If deploying locally you can leave the apache conf file mostly unchanged and add this to your /etc/hosts file:       osm-reporter.localhost

Next restart apache:

sudo service apache2 restart

Now test - open chrome and visit: http://osm-reporter.localhost

Manual install for development

Follow the install above and stop after setting up a venv. You don't need to configure apache, there is a lightweight development web server. You can run it:


and then visit

Note: If running under PyCharm on MacOS, ensure that your run configuration includes the following:

  • Script: /Users/timlinux/dev/python/osm-reporter/
  • Environment: PATH=$PATH:/Applications/;PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1
  • Working directory: /Users/timlinux/dev/python/osm-reporter/

(Update these paths as needed to match your system)


OSM-Reporter will log requests as geojson files - one file per request. The attributes of each geojson file will contain the following:

  • feature_type (building, roads etc.)
  • qgis_version
  • inasafe_version (if applicable)
  • year / month / day / hour of request
  • bounding box of request as a GeoJSON geometry

You can use geojson-merge to combine these into a single file (e.g. for use in QGIS). We assume you have npm installed):

npm install --upgrade -g @mapbox/geojson-merge
geojson-merge 2017**.geojson > combined.geojson

Where the above example would merge all log files from 2017 into a single log file.


You can optionally define a 'config' python module to override the default behaviour of OSM-Reporter.

You can create the python module wherever you want, and then you will need to add the environment var REPORTER_CONFIG_MODULE to make reporter aware of it. For example:


Then you can override the config properties to fit your needs. Note that you can override only the properties you need to, the others will fallback to default values. For inspiration, you can have a look at :file:reporter/config/

Available config


(list) valid OSM users names of people actively working on your data
    gathering project. When set, an additional tag will be added
    in the user profile areas to indicate those who are crew members.


(str) default bbox to use for the map and the stats;
    format is: "{SW_lng},{SW_lat},{NE_lng},{NE_lat}


(bool) either to display or not the "update stats" button on the map


(str) path to a dir where to cache the OSM files used by the backend


(str) path to a dir where to store request logs in geojson format

TAG_NAMES: (TODO - verify if this is actually used.)

(list) tag names available for stats (default: ['building', 'highway'])

OSM2PGSQL_OPTIONS : (str) options for the osm2pgsql command line

Setting config using environment variables

All of the above configuration options can also be managed by setting them as environment variables. e.g.

CREW=timlinux,gustry python

Would run the application with a specific list of users in crew.


On some computers with less RAM than servers, you may adapt the import into postgis with osm2pgsql. For instance in your 'config' python module above :

OSM2PGSQL_OPTIONS = '--cache-strategy sparse -C 1000'

Tests and QA

There is a test suite available, you can run it using nose e.g.:

PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/reporter:`pwd`:${PYTHONPATH} nosetests -v --with-id \
--with-xcoverage --with-xunit --verbose --cover-package=reporter reporter

On MacOS within pycharm:


  • You have chrome installed
  • You have brew installed
  • You have docker installed

Install postgis in brew

You need this to have the shp2pgsql and psql command line tools available on your system.

brew install postgis

Run postgis in docker

First pull and run our postgis image from docker:

docker run --name "osm-reporter-postgis" -p 5433:5432 -d -t kartoza/postgis

This will create a dedicated instance of postgis we can test against. When you are done using it, you can stop or kill it using docker e.g.

docker kill osm-reporter-postgis


For selenium tests you need to install chromedriver:

brew install chromedriver

And ensure that the chromedriver executable is in your path:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/chromedriver

(If you are using pycharm you could add this path to your test runner configuration.)

Before you run the tests, be you may need to launch the chromedriver:


Brew installation of chromedriver will also give you notes on how to run this via launchd if you do not feel inclined to start chromedriver each time.

Running tests from command line

export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/reporter:`pwd`:$PYTHONPATH:venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/; \
nosetests -v --with-id  --with-xunit --verbose --cover-package=reporter reporter

Running tests from pycharm

Create a new test configuration by right clicking on the test directory and clicking 'Run unit tests'. After the tests probably fail, use this menu to edit the configuration: Run -> Edit configurations. Now choose test configuration and set the following environment variables.

  • PGHOST: - localhost
  • PGPORT: - 5433
  • PGUSER: - docker
  • PGPASSWORD: - docker
  • Include parent environment variables: - Uncheck this option

Apply your changes then rerun the tests. All tests should pass now.

Using Docker

docker-compose build test
docker-compose run test

In travis

See the .travis file for travis specific info. Note that selenium based frontend testing is currently disabled in travis via the ON_TRAVIS environment variable. You can use this variable to disable selenium tests on your desktop too if needed.

Continuous integration

  • Current test status master: Build Status and Code Health

  • Current test status develop: Build Status and Code Health

Local file instead of Overpass API

  • Download PBF file from the internet
  • Rename it data.pbf and put it in the root folder osm-reporter/reporter/resources/pbf/.
  • OSM-Reporter will now skip Overpass and use this local OSM file. Be careful to download data which are included in your PBF file. The BBOX parameter will not be parsed.


Sentry is a service that collects exceptions and displays aggregate reports for them. You can view the sentry project we have running for osm-reporter here:


Issue: I deployed under docker and it seems my disk is filling up with the container.

Answer: Although the application is stateless, if keeps lots of logs. If your deployment gets lots of traffic those logs in docker can consume lots of disk space. As a short term fix you can simple remove the container and redeploy:

root@osm ~/osm-reporter # docker-compose kill
Killing osmreporter_web ... done
Killing osmreporter_db ... done
root@osm ~/osm-reporter # docker-compose rm
Going to remove osmreporter_web, osmreporter_db
Are you sure? [yN] y
Removing osmreporter_web ... done
Removing osmreporter_db ... done
root@osm ~/osm-reporter # df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev            3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev
tmpfs           799M   84M  716M  11% /run
/dev/sda1       188G  5.3G  173G   3% /
tmpfs           3.9G   80K  3.9G   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs           5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
tmpfs           3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs           799M     0  799M   0% /run/user/0
root@osm ~/osm-reporter # docker-compose up -d web


Tim Sutton, Etienne Trimaille & Yohan Boniface