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108 lines (97 loc) · 6.82 KB


Release Notes (v0.4)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing questions not answered by a specific user to appear in the answer tab, as opposed to all unanswered questions
  • Created a backend flask server template
  • Updated node packages to fix vulnerabilities

UI Improvements:

  • General
    • Added a new confirmation screen within the sign-in process
  • Ask/Answer Page
    • Updated colors, designs, and centered question/answer cards to implement material deisgn
    • Fixed an incorrectly formatted button
    • Fixed a bug causing a user to be stuck on the ask page after asking or answering a question
    • Fixed a bug causing answers to disappear
    • Added shadows to the question and answer cards
  • Leaderboard Page
    • Fixed the title
    • Updated styling to match material design elements exhibited prior
  • Question History Page
    • Added and formatted answered question cards mirroring the material design elements of the Ask/Answer Page
    • Added shadows to the answered question cards
    • Added author, date, and time to answered question cards
  • Challenge Page
    • Updated the styling to match the prior material design elements
    • Removed superfluous code on intialization of the Challenge react component
    • Updated the Challenge mechanisms in incrementing question and answer counts, user feedback to submitting answers, and scoring
  • Chat Page
    • Added a working sender label to chatting instead of having a static sender
    • Created functionality to allow the group name to be changed in the chat module

Installation Guide

The codebase is organized into 3 directories: Backend, StudyBuddiesApp, and ManagementPortal

  • The Backend/ directory contains all Python code for the Flask server and database connection. This can be deployed locally or to AWS
  • The StudyBuddiesApp/ directory contains the React Native app. This talks to the backend and AWS directly
  • The ManagementPortal/ directory contains the code for the portal allowing administrators to manage study groups and see content


  • Must have Python 2.7 installed on the computer to run the backend
  • Must have react-native tools installed (installation instructions for expo are described here)


  • All dependencies are managed and do not need to be manually tracked. They are described as follows:
    • Dependencies for the Backend are managed by a Python2.7 virtualenv
      • All dependencies are tracked in the requirements.txt file (see the file for a complete list). Any addition/removal of a dependency must be changed in this file.
    • Dependencies for the StudyBuddiesApp is managed through npm and is seen in the package.json file (see the file for a complete list)
      • Any addition/removal of a dependency must be through npm install new-dependency --save or npm uninstall old-dependency --save

Installing Code:

  • git clone to clone the repo
  • git checkout dev to work on the dev branch
  • npm install to install all the dependencies that the branch has that you don't have locally
  • npm audit fix to fix all the vulnerabilities (if it tells you to)
  • npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli to install the amplify CLI (
  • Get a high level overview of what amplify does for you ( It basically connects our javascript code in the mobile app to AWS.
  • amplify configure to configure amplify on your machine
  • amplify init to boot up the amplify configurations from the /amplify folder
    • use an existing environment when prompted (it's name is dev)
  • npm install -g yarn
  • npm install -g expo-cli (not sure if this is needed but that's what we did)
  • yarn add expo
  • close out of all terminals and emulators relating to this app
  • open up a terminal again and navigate to the app folder (/StuddyBuddiesApp)
  • yarn run ios

Backend Setup:

  • [One Time] Within StudyBuddies/Backend directory, create a virtualenv:
    • Install virtualenv if you don't have it: sudo pip3 install virtualenv
    • Create a virtualenv in the Backend directory and name it "venv": virtualenv -p python2.7 venv
    • NOTE: We use python2.7 to be compatible with AWS. You need python2.7 installed in your machine to create a virtual environment from it.
    • Activate the virtualenv: source venv/bin/activate
  • [Every time] Load all dependencies for the Flask server:
    • source venv/bin/activate
    • pip install -r requirements.txt

Access MySQL Database:

  • Install MySQL Workbench (this should download MySQL)
  • Create a new connection to AWS RDS (credentials are in

Deployment to AWS Elastic Beanstalk:

  • [One Time] Install EB CLI tools from
    • This is outside of the virtualenv so everyone will need to do this using their OS Python
  • [One Time] Make sure you add the tool to the PATH variable with the following command depending on environment:
    1. Bash: echo 'export PATH="/Users/karshinlin/.ebcli-virtual-env/executables:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile
    2. Zsh: echo 'export PATH="/Users/karshinlin/.ebcli-virtual-env/executables:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshenv && source ~/.zshenv
    • Now you should be able to see options when running eb status
    • You may need to initialize your eb environment with eb init
  • Using Elastic Beanstalk CLI, run eb deploy to deploy a new version of this application. Otherwise you can just run the Flask server locally with python in your virtualenv in the /Backend directory

Run Instructions

  • From the StudyBuddiesApp/ directory, you should run yarn run ios from terminal
    • In the global.js file, there are two urls, one is for the localhost backend (which must be running)
      • To run the localhost backend, run python after you have activated your virtualenv
      • If you are using the AWS EB endpoint, the updated code must be deployed to AWS (eb deploy)


  • If there is an error loading modules, make sure you have installed all required dependencies
    • For the backend, this means running pip install -r requirements.txt
    • For the StudyBuddiesApp, this means running npm install
  • If the expo localhost connection is acting up, close all terminals and rerun yarn run ios. Sometimes, expo has trouble starting up and needs a manual quit.