diff --git a/.artifact/apidoc.html b/.artifact/apidoc.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6101547c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.artifact/apidoc.html
@@ -0,0 +1,2076 @@
1. 1// #!/usr/bin/env node
2. 1// JSLint
3. 1
4. 1// The Unlicense
5. 1//
6. 1// This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
7. 1//
8. 1// Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
9. 1// distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
10. 1// binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
11. 1// means.
12. 1//
13. 1// In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
14. 1// of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
15. 1// software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
16. 1// of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
17. 1// successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
18. 1// relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
19. 1// software under copyright law.
20. 1//
28. 1
29. 1
30. 1// jslint(source, option_dict, global_list) is a function that takes 3
31. 1// arguments. The second two arguments are optional.
32. 1
33. 1// source A text to analyze.
34. 1// option_dict An object whose keys correspond to option names.
35. 1// global_list An array of strings containing global variables that
36. 1// the file is allowed readonly access.
37. 1
38. 1// jslint returns an object containing its results. The object contains a lot
39. 1// of valuable information. It can be used to generate reports. The object
40. 1// contains:
41. 1
42. 1// directives: an array of directive comment tokens.
43. 1// edition: the version of JSLint that did the analysis.
44. 1// exports: the names exported from the module.
45. 1// froms: an array of strings representing each of the imports.
46. 1// functions: an array of objects that represent all functions
47. 1// declared in the file.
48. 1// global: an object representing the global object. Its .context property
49. 1// is an object containing a property for each global variable.
50. 1// id: "(JSLint)"
51. 1// json: true if the file is a JSON text.
52. 1// lines: an array of strings, the source.
53. 1// module: true if an import or export statement was used.
54. 1// ok: true if no warnings were generated. This is what you want.
55. 1// option: the option argument.
56. 1// property: a property object.
57. 1// stop: true if JSLint was unable to finish. You don't want this.
58. 1// tokens: an array of objects representing the tokens in the file.
59. 1// tree: the token objects arranged in a tree.
60. 1// warnings: an array of warning objects. A warning object can contain:
61. 1// name: "JSLintError"
62. 1// column: A column number in the file.
63. 1// line: A line number in the file.
64. 1// code: A warning code string.
65. 1// message: The warning message string.
66. 1// a: Exhibit A.
67. 1// b: Exhibit B.
68. 1// c: Exhibit C.
69. 1// d: Exhibit D.
70. 1
71. 1// jslint works in several phases. In any of these phases, errors might be
72. 1// found. Sometimes JSLint is able to recover from an error and continue
73. 1// parsing. In some cases, it cannot and will stop early. If that should happen,
74. 1// repair your code and try again.
75. 1
76. 1// Phases:
77. 1
78. 1// PHASE 1. Split <source> by newlines into <line_list>.
79. 1// PHASE 2. Lex <line_list> into <token_list>.
80. 1// PHASE 3. Parse <token_list> into <token_tree> using the Pratt-parser.
81. 1// PHASE 4. Walk <token_tree>, traversing all nodes of the tree. It is a
82. 1// recursive traversal. Each node may be processed on the way down
83. 1// (preaction) and on the way up (postaction).
84. 1// PHASE 5. Check whitespace between tokens in <token_list>.
85. 1
86. 1// jslint can also examine JSON text. It decides that a file is JSON text if
87. 1// the first token is "[" or "{". Processing of JSON text is much simpler than
88. 1// the processing of JavaScript programs. Only the first three phases are
89. 1// required.
90. 1
91. 1// WARNING: JSLint will hurt your feelings.
92. 1
93. 1/*jslint beta, node*/
94. 1/*property
95. 1 JSLINT_BETA, NODE_V8_COVERAGE, a, all, argv, arity, artifact,
96. 1 assertErrorThrownAsync, assertJsonEqual, assertOrThrow, assign, async, b,
97. 1 beta, bitwise, block, body, browser, c, calls, catch, catch_list,
98. 1 catch_stack, causes, char, children, clear, closer, closure, code, column,
99. 1 concat, consoleError, console_error, console_log, constant, context,
100. 1 convert, count, coverageDir, create, cwd, d, dead, debugInline, default,
101. 1 delta, devel, directive, directive_ignore_line, directive_list, directives,
102. 1 dirname, disrupt, dot, edition, elem_list, ellipsis, else, end, endOffset,
103. 1 endsWith, entries, env, error, eval, every, example_list, excludeList, exec,
104. 1 execArgv, exit, exitCode, export_dict, exports, expression, extra, fart,
105. 1 file, fileList, fileURLToPath, filter, finally, flag, floor, for, forEach,
106. 1 formatted_message, free, freeze, from, froms, fsWriteFileWithParents,
107. 1 fud_stmt, functionName, function_list, function_stack, functions, get,
108. 1 getset, github_repo, globExclude, global, global_dict, global_list,
109. 1 holeList, htmlEscape, id, identifier, import, import_list, import_meta_url,
110. 1 inc, includeList, indent2, index, indexOf, init, initial, isArray,
111. 1 isBlockCoverage, isHole, isNaN, is_equal, is_weird, join, jslint,
112. 1 jslint_apidoc, jslint_assert, jslint_charset_ascii, jslint_cli,
113. 1 jslint_edition, jslint_phase1_split, jslint_phase2_lex, jslint_phase3_parse,
114. 1 jslint_phase4_walk, jslint_phase5_whitage, jslint_report, json,
115. 1 jstestDescribe, jstestIt, jstestOnExit, keys, label, lbp, led_infix, length,
116. 1 level, line, lineList, line_list, line_offset, line_source, lines,
117. 1 linesCovered, linesTotal, live, log, long, loop, m, map, margin, match, max,
118. 1 message, meta, min, mkdir, modeCoverageIgnoreFile, modeIndex, mode_cli,
119. 1 mode_conditional, mode_json, mode_module, mode_noop, mode_property,
120. 1 mode_shebang, mode_stop, module, moduleFsInit, moduleName, module_list,
121. 1 name, names, node, nomen, noop, now, nr, nud_prefix,
122. 1 objectDeepCopyWithKeysSorted, ok, on, open, opening, option, option_dict,
123. 1 order, package_name, padEnd, padStart, parameters, parent, parentIi, parse,
124. 1 pathname, pathnameList, platform, pop, processArgv, process_argv,
125. 1 process_env, process_exit, promises, property, property_dict, push, quote,
126. 1 ranges, readFile, readdir, readonly, recursive, reduce, repeat, replace,
127. 1 resolve, result, reverse, role, round, scriptId, search, set, shebang,
128. 1 shell, shift, signature, single, slice, some, sort, source, spawn, splice,
129. 1 split, stack, stack_trace, start, startOffset, startsWith, statement,
130. 1 statement_prv, stdio, stop, stop_at, stringify, subscript, switch,
131. 1 syntax_dict, tenure, test, test_cause, test_internal_error, this, thru,
132. 1 toLocaleString, toString, token, token_global, token_list, token_nxt,
133. 1 token_tree, tokens, trace, tree, trim, trimEnd, trimRight, try, type,
134. 1 unlink, unordered, unshift, url, used, v8CoverageListMerge,
135. 1 v8CoverageReportCreate, value, variable, version, versions, warn, warn_at,
136. 1 warning, warning_list, warnings, white, wrapped, writeFile
137. 1*/
138. 1
139. 1// init debugInline
140. 1let debugInline = (function () {
141. 3 let __consoleError = function () {
142. 3 return;
143. 3 };
144. 1 function debug(...argv) {
145. 1
146. 1// This function will print <argv> to stderr and then return <argv>[0].
147. 1
148. 1 __consoleError("\n\ndebugInline");
149. 1 __consoleError(...argv);
150. 1 __consoleError("\n");
151. 1 return argv[0];
152. 1 }
153. 1 debug(); // Coverage-hack.
154. 1 __consoleError = console.error; //jslint-ignore-line
155. 1 return debug;
156. 1}());
157. 1let jslint_charset_ascii = (
158. 1 "\u0000\u0001\u0002\u0003\u0004\u0005\u0006\u0007"
159. 1 + "\b\t\n\u000b\f\r\u000e\u000f"
160. 1 + "\u0010\u0011\u0012\u0013\u0014\u0015\u0016\u0017"
161. 1 + "\u0018\u0019\u001a\u001b\u001c\u001d\u001e\u001f"
162. 1 + " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"
164. 1 + "`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~\u007f"
165. 1);
166. 1let jslint_edition = "v2024.11.24";
167. 1let jslint_export; // The jslint object to be exported.
168. 1let jslint_fudge = 1; // Fudge starting line and starting
169. 1 // ... column to 1.
170. 1let jslint_import_meta_url = ""; // import.meta.url used by cli.
171. 1let jslint_rgx_cap = (
172. 1 /^[A-Z]/
173. 1);
174. 1let jslint_rgx_crlf = (
175. 1 /\n|\r\n?/
176. 1);
177. 1let jslint_rgx_digits_bits = (
178. 1 /^[01_]*/
179. 1);
180. 1let jslint_rgx_digits_decimals = (
181. 1 /^[0-9_]*/
182. 1);
183. 1let jslint_rgx_digits_hexs = (
184. 1 /^[0-9A-F_]*/i
185. 1);
186. 1let jslint_rgx_digits_octals = (
187. 1 /^[0-7_]*/
188. 1);
189. 1let jslint_rgx_directive = (
190. 1 /^(jslint|property|global)\s+(.*)$/
191. 1);
192. 1let jslint_rgx_directive_part = (
193. 1 /([a-zA-Z$_][a-zA-Z0-9$_]*)(?::\s*(true|false))?,?\s*|$/g
194. 1);
195. 1let jslint_rgx_identifier = (
196. 1 /^([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*)$/
197. 1);
198. 1let jslint_rgx_json_number = (
199. 1
200. 1// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7159#section-6
201. 1// number = [ minus ] int [ frac ] [ exp ]
202. 1
203. 1 /^-?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][\-+]?\d+)?$/
204. 1);
205. 1let jslint_rgx_mega = (
206. 1
207. 1// Vim-hack - vim-editor has trouble parsing naked '`' in regexp
208. 1
209. 1 /[\u0060\\]|\$\{/
210. 1);
211. 1let jslint_rgx_module = (
212. 1 /^[a-zA-Z0-9_$:.@\-\/]+$/
213. 1);
214. 1let jslint_rgx_numeric_separator_illegal = (
215. 1 /__|_$|_n$/m
216. 1);
217. 1let jslint_rgx_slash_star_or_slash = (
218. 1 /\/\*|\/$/
219. 1);
220. 1let jslint_rgx_tab = (
221. 1 /\t/g
222. 1);
223. 1let jslint_rgx_todo = (
224. 1 /\b(?:todo|TO\s?DO|HACK)\b/
225. 1);
226. 1let jslint_rgx_token = new RegExp(
227. 1 "^("
228. 1 + "(\\s+)"
229. 1 + "|([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*)"
230. 1 + "|[(){}\\[\\],:;'\"~\\`]"
231. 1 + "|\\?[?.]?"
232. 1 + "|=(?:==?|>)?"
233. 1 + "|\\.+"
234. 1 + "|\\*[*\\/=]?"
235. 1 + "|\\/[*\\/]?"
236. 1 + "|\\+[=+]?"
237. 1 + "|-[=\\-]?"
238. 1 + "|[\\^%]=?"
239. 1 + "|&[&=]?"
240. 1 + "|\\"
241. 1 + "|[|=]?"
242. 1 + "|>{1,3}=?"
243. 1 + "|<<?=?"
244. 1 + "|!(?:!|==?)?"
245. 1
246. 1// PR-351 - Add BigInt support.
247. 1// PR-390 - Add numeric-separator support.
248. 1
249. 1 + "|((?:0_?|[1-9][0-9_]*)n?)"
250. 1 + ")"
251. 1 + "(.*)$"
252. 1);
253. 1let jslint_rgx_url_search_window_jslint = (
254. 1 /[&?]window_jslint=1(?:$|&)/m
255. 1);
256. 1let jslint_rgx_weird_property = (
257. 1 /^_|\$|Sync$|_$/m
258. 1);
259. 1let jstestCountFailed = 0;
260. 1let jstestCountTotal = 0;
261. 1let jstestItCount = 0;
262. 1let jstestItList = [];
263. 1let jstestTimeStart;
264. 1let moduleChildProcess;
265. 1let moduleFs;
266. 1let moduleFsInitResolveList;
267. 1let modulePath;
268. 1let moduleUrl;
269. 1
270. 11async function assertErrorThrownAsync(asyncFunc, regexp) {
271. 11
272. 11// This function will assert calling <asyncFunc> throws an error.
273. 11
274. 11 let err;
275. 11 try {
276. 1 await asyncFunc();
277. 10 } catch (errCaught) {
278. 10 err = errCaught;
279. 10 }
280. 11 assertOrThrow(err, "No error thrown.");
281. 11 assertOrThrow(
282. 4 !regexp || new RegExp(regexp).test(err.message),
283. 11 err
284. 11 );
285. 11}
286. 1
287. 267function assertJsonEqual(aa, bb, message) {
288. 267
289. 267// This function will assert JSON.stringify(<aa>) === JSON.stringify(<bb>).
290. 267
291. 267 aa = JSON.stringify(objectDeepCopyWithKeysSorted(aa), undefined, 1);
292. 267 bb = JSON.stringify(objectDeepCopyWithKeysSorted(bb), undefined, 1);
293. 3 if (aa !== bb) {
294. 3 throw new Error(
295. 3 "\n" + aa + "\n!==\n" + bb
296. 3 + (
297. 3 typeof message === "string"
298. 3 ? " - " + message
299. 3 : message
300. 3 ? " - " + JSON.stringify(message)
301. 3 : ""
302. 3 )
303. 3 );
304. 3 }
305. 267}
306. 1
307. 1931function assertOrThrow(condition, message) {
308. 1931
309. 1931// This function will throw <message> if <condition> is falsy.
310. 1931
311. 4 if (!condition) {
312. 4 throw (
313. 4 (!message || typeof message === "string")
314. 4 ? new Error(String(message).slice(0, 2048))
315. 4 : message
316. 4 );
317. 4 }
318. 1931}
319. 1
320. 94133function empty() {
321. 94133
322. 94133// The empty function produces a new empty object that inherits nothing. This is
323. 94133// much better than '{}' because confusions around accidental method names like
324. 94133// 'constructor' are completely avoided.
325. 94133
326. 94133 return Object.create(null);
327. 94133}
328. 1
329. 59async function fsWriteFileWithParents(pathname, data) {
330. 59
331. 59// This function will write <data> to <pathname> and lazy-mkdirp if necessary.
332. 59
333. 59 await moduleFsInit();
334. 59
335. 59// Try writing to pathname.
336. 59
337. 59 try {
338. 41 await moduleFs.promises.writeFile(pathname, data);
339. 41 } catch (ignore) {
340. 18
341. 18// Lazy mkdirp.
342. 18
343. 18 await moduleFs.promises.mkdir(modulePath.dirname(pathname), {
344. 18 recursive: true
345. 18 });
346. 18
347. 18// Retry writing to pathname.
348. 18
349. 18 await moduleFs.promises.writeFile(pathname, data);
350. 18 }
351. 59 console.error("wrote file " + pathname);
352. 59}
353. 1
354. 184function globExclude({
355. 184 excludeList = [],
356. 184 includeList = [],
357. 184 pathnameList = []
358. 184}) {
359. 184
360. 184// This function will
361. 184// 1. Exclude pathnames in <pathnameList> that don't match glob-patterns in
362. 184// <includeList>.
363. 184// 2. Exclude pathnames in <pathnameList> that match glob-patterns in
364. 184// <excludeList>.
365. 184
366. 552 function globAssertNotWeird(list, name) {
367. 552
368. 552// This function will check if <list> of strings contain weird characters.
369. 552
370. 552 [
371. 552 [
372. 552 "\n", (
373. 552 /^.*?([\u0000-\u0007\r]).*/gm
374. 552 )
375. 552 ],
376. 552 [
377. 552 "\r", (
378. 552 /^.*?([\n]).*/gm
379. 552 )
380. 552 ]
381. 1102 ].forEach(function ([
382. 1102 separator, rgx
383. 1102 ]) {
384. 3 list.join(separator).replace(rgx, function (match0, char) {
385. 3 throw new Error(
386. 3 "Weird character "
387. 3 + JSON.stringify(char)
388. 3 + " found in " + name + " "
389. 3 + JSON.stringify(match0)
390. 3 );
391. 3 });
392. 1102 });
393. 552 }
394. 184
395. 1370 function globToRegexp(pattern) {
396. 1370
397. 1370// This function will translate glob <pattern> to javascript-regexp,
398. 1370// which javascript can then use to "glob" pathnames.
399. 1370
400. 1370 let ii = 0;
401. 1370 let isClass = false;
402. 1370 let strClass = "";
403. 1370 let strRegex = "";
404. 1370 pattern = pattern.replace((
405. 1370 /\/\/+/g
406. 1370 ), "/");
407. 1370 pattern = pattern.replace((
408. 1370 /\*\*\*+/g
409. 1370 ), "**");
410. 1370 pattern.replace((
411. 1370 /\\\\|\\\[|\\\]|\[|\]|./g
412. 18691 ), function (match0) {
413. 18691 switch (match0) {
414. 310 case "[":
415. 310 if (isClass) {
416. 310 strClass += "[";
417. 310 return;
418. 310 }
419. 310 strClass += "\u0000";
420. 310 strRegex += "\u0000";
421. 310 isClass = true;
422. 310 return;
423. 310 case "]":
424. 310 if (isClass) {
425. 310 isClass = false;
426. 310 return;
427. 310 }
428. 310 strRegex += "]";
429. 310 return;
430. 18071 default:
431. 18071 if (isClass) {
432. 18071 strClass += match0;
433. 18071 return;
434. 18071 }
435. 18071 strRegex += match0;
436. 15021 }
437. 15021 return "";
438. 15021 });
439. 1370 strClass += "\u0000";
440. 1370
441. 1370// An expression "[!...]" matches a single character, namely any character that
442. 1370// is not matched by the expression obtained by removing the first '!' from it.
443. 1370// (Thus, "[!a-]" matches any single character except 'a', and '-'.)
444. 1370
445. 1370 strClass = strClass.replace((
446. 1370 /\u0000!/g
447. 1370 ), "\u0000^");
448. 1370
449. 1370// One may include '-' in its literal meaning by making it the first or last
450. 1370// character between the brackets.
451. 1370
452. 1370 strClass = strClass.replace((
453. 1370 /\u0000-/g
454. 1370 ), "\u0000\\-");
455. 1370 strClass = strClass.replace((
456. 1370 /-\u0000/g
457. 1370 ), "\\-\u0000");
458. 1370
459. 1370// Escape brackets '[', ']' in character class.
460. 1370
461. 1370 strClass = strClass.replace((
462. 1370 /[\[\]]/g
463. 1370 ), "\\$&");
464. 1370
465. 1370// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3561493
466. 1370// /is-there-a-regexp-escape-function-in-javascript
467. 1370// $()*+-./?[\]^{|}
468. 1370
469. 1370 strRegex = strRegex.replace((
470. 1370
471. 1370// Ignore [-/].
472. 1370
473. 1370 /[$()*+.?\[\\\]\^{|}]/g
474. 1370 ), "\\$&");
475. 1370
476. 1370// Expand wildcard '**/*'.
477. 1370
478. 1370 strRegex = strRegex.replace((
479. 1370 /\\\*\\\*\/(?:\\\*)+/g
480. 1370 ), ".*?");
481. 1370
482. 1370// Expand wildcard '**'.
483. 1370
484. 1370 strRegex = strRegex.replace((
485. 1370 /(^|\/)\\\*\\\*(\/|$)/gm
486. 1370 ), "$1.*?$2");
487. 1370
488. 1370// Expand wildcard '*'.
489. 1370
490. 1370 strRegex = strRegex.replace((
491. 1370 /(?:\\\*)+/g
492. 1370 ), "[^\\/]*?");
493. 1370
494. 1370// Expand wildcard '?'.
495. 1370
496. 1370 strRegex = strRegex.replace((
497. 1370 /\\\?/g
498. 1370 ), "[^\\/]");
499. 1370
500. 1370// Expand directory-with-trailing-slash '.../'.
501. 1370
502. 1370 strRegex = strRegex.replace((
503. 1370 /\/$/gm
504. 1370 ), "\\/.*?");
505. 1370
506. 1370// Merge strClass into strRegex.
507. 1370
508. 1370 ii = 0;
509. 1370 strClass = strClass.split("\u0000");
510. 1370 strRegex = strRegex.replace((
511. 1370 /\u0000/g
512. 306 ), function () {
513. 306 ii += 1;
514. 2 if (strClass[ii] === "") {
515. 2 return "";
516. 304 }
517. 304 return "[" + strClass[ii] + "]";
518. 304 });
519. 1370
520. 1370// Change strRegex from string to regexp.
521. 1370
522. 1370 strRegex = new RegExp("^" + strRegex + "$", "gm");
523. 1370 return strRegex;
524. 1370 }
525. 184
526. 184// Validate excludeList, includeList, pathnameList.
527. 184
528. 184 globAssertNotWeird(excludeList, "pattern");
529. 184 globAssertNotWeird(includeList, "pattern");
530. 184 globAssertNotWeird(pathnameList, "pathname");
531. 184
532. 184// Optimization
533. 184// Concat pathnames into a single, newline-separated string,
534. 184// whose pathnames can all be filtered with a single, regexp-pass.
535. 184
536. 184 pathnameList = pathnameList.join("\n");
537. 184
538. 184// 1. Exclude pathnames in <pathnameList> that don't match glob-patterns in
539. 184// <includeList>.
540. 184
541. 142 if (includeList.length > 0) {
542. 142 includeList = includeList.map(globToRegexp);
543. 574 includeList.forEach(function (pattern) {
544. 574 pathnameList = pathnameList.replace(pattern, "\u0000$&");
545. 574 });
546. 142 pathnameList = pathnameList.replace((
547. 142 /^[^\u0000].*/gm
548. 142 ), "");
549. 142 pathnameList = pathnameList.replace((
550. 142 /^\u0000+/gm
551. 142 ), "");
552. 181 }
553. 181
554. 181// 2. Exclude pathnames in <pathnameList> that match glob-patterns in
555. 181// <excludeList>.
556. 181
557. 181 excludeList = excludeList.map(globToRegexp);
558. 796 excludeList.forEach(function (pattern) {
559. 796 pathnameList = pathnameList.replace(pattern, "");
560. 796 });
561. 181
562. 181// Split newline-separated pathnames back to list.
563. 181
564. 10117 pathnameList = pathnameList.split("\n").filter(function (elem) {
565. 10117 return elem;
566. 10117 });
567. 181 return {
568. 181 excludeList,
569. 181 includeList,
570. 181 pathnameList
571. 181 };
572. 181}
573. 1
574. 14214function htmlEscape(str) {
575. 14214
576. 14214// This function will make <str> html-safe by escaping & < >.
577. 14214
578. 14214 return String(str).replace((
579. 14214 /&/g
580. 14214 ), "&").replace((
581. 14214 /</g
582. 14214 ), "<").replace((
583. 14214 />/g
584. 14214 ), ">");
585. 14214}
586. 1
587. 668function jslint(
588. 668 source = "", // A text to analyze.
589. 668 option_dict = empty(), // An object whose keys correspond to option
590. 668 // ... names.
591. 668 global_list = [] // An array of strings containing global
592. 668 // ... variables that the file is allowed
593. 668 // ... readonly access.
594. 668) {
595. 668
596. 668// The jslint function itself.
597. 668
598. 668 let catch_list = []; // The array containing all catch-blocks.
599. 668 let catch_stack = [ // The stack of catch-blocks.
600. 668 {
601. 668 context: empty()
602. 668 }
603. 668 ];
604. 668 let cause_dict = empty(); // The object of test-causes.
605. 668 let directive_list = []; // The directive comments.
606. 668 let export_dict = empty(); // The exported names and values.
607. 668 let function_list = []; // The array containing all functions.
608. 668 let function_stack = []; // The stack of functions.
609. 668 let global_dict = empty(); // The object containing the global
610. 668 // ... declarations.
611. 668 let import_list = []; // The array collecting all import-from strings.
612. 668 let line_list = String( // The array containing source lines.
613. 668 "\n" + source
614. 105217 ).split(jslint_rgx_crlf).map(function (line_source) {
615. 105217 return {
616. 105217 line_source
617. 105217 };
618. 105217 });
619. 668 let mode_stop = false; // true if JSLint cannot finish.
620. 668 let property_dict = empty(); // The object containing the tallied
621. 668 // ... property names.
622. 668 let state = empty(); // jslint state-object to be passed between
623. 668 // jslint functions.
624. 668 let syntax_dict = empty(); // The object containing the parser.
625. 668 let tenure = empty(); // The predefined property registry.
626. 668 let token_global = { // The global object; the outermost context.
627. 668 async: 0,
628. 668 body: true,
629. 668 context: empty(),
630. 668 finally: 0,
631. 668 from: 0,
632. 668 id: "(global)",
633. 668 level: 0,
634. 668 line: jslint_fudge,
635. 668 live: [],
636. 668 loop: 0,
637. 668 switch: 0,
638. 668 thru: 0,
639. 668 try: 0
640. 668 };
641. 668 let token_list = []; // The array of tokens.
642. 668 let warning_list = []; // The array collecting all generated warnings.
643. 668
644. 668// Error reportage functions:
645. 668
646. 8041 function artifact(the_token) {
647. 8041
648. 8041// Return a string representing an artifact.
649. 8041
650. 256 the_token = the_token || state.token_nxt;
651. 8041 return (
652. 5266 (the_token.id === "(string)" || the_token.id === "(number)")
653. 2900 ? String(the_token.value)
654. 5141 : the_token.id
655. 8041 );
656. 8041 }
657. 668
658. 31957 function is_equal(aa, bb) {
659. 31957
660. 31957// test_cause:
661. 31957// ["0&&0", "is_equal", "", "", 0]
662. 31957
663. 31957 test_cause("");
664. 31957
665. 31957// Probably deadcode.
666. 31957// if (aa === bb) {
667. 31957// return true;
668. 31957// }
669. 31957
670. 31957 jslint_assert(!(aa === bb), `Expected !(aa === bb).`);
671. 27 if (Array.isArray(aa)) {
672. 27 return (
673. 27 Array.isArray(bb)
674. 27 && aa.length === bb.length
675. 27 && aa.every(function (value, index) {
676. 27
677. 27// test_cause:
678. 27// ["`${0}`&&`${0}`", "is_equal", "recurse_isArray", "", 0]
679. 27// ["`${0}`&&`${1}`", "is_equal", "recurse_isArray", "", 0]
680. 27
681. 27 test_cause("recurse_isArray");
682. 27 return is_equal(value, bb[index]);
683. 27 })
684. 27 );
685. 31930 }
686. 31930
687. 31930// Probably deadcode.
688. 31930// if (Array.isArray(bb)) {
689. 31930// return false;
690. 31930// }
691. 31930
692. 31930 jslint_assert(!Array.isArray(bb), `Expected !Array.isArray(bb).`);
693. 31930 switch (aa.id === bb.id && aa.id) {
694. 65 case "(number)":
695. 23429 case "(string)":
696. 23429 return aa.value === bb.value;
697. 31957
698. 31957// PR-394 - Bugfix
699. 31957// Fix jslint falsely believing megastring literals `0` and `1` are similar.
700. 31957
701. 15 case "`":
702. 15 if (!is_equal(aa.value, bb.value)) {
703. 15 return false;
704. 15 }
705. 15 break;
706. 8498 }
707. 8498 if (is_weird(aa) || is_weird(bb)) {
708. 34
709. 34// test_cause:
710. 34// ["aa(/./)||{}", "is_equal", "false", "", 0]
711. 34
712. 34 test_cause("false");
713. 34 return false;
714. 8464 }
715. 8464 if (aa.arity === bb.arity && aa.id === bb.id) {
716. 2147 if (aa.id === "." || aa.id === "?.") {
717. 2147
718. 2147// test_cause:
719. 2147// ["aa.bb&&aa.bb", "is_equal", "recurse_arity_id", "", 0]
720. 2147// ["aa?.bb&&aa?.bb", "is_equal", "recurse_arity_id", "", 0]
721. 2147
722. 2147 test_cause("recurse_arity_id");
723. 2147 return (
724. 2147 is_equal(aa.expression, bb.expression)
725. 2147 && is_equal(aa.name, bb.name)
726. 2147 );
727. 2147 }
728. 2147 if (aa.arity === "unary") {
729. 2147
730. 2147// test_cause:
731. 2147// ["+0&&+0", "is_equal", "recurse_unary", "", 0]
732. 2147
733. 2147 test_cause("recurse_unary");
734. 2147 return is_equal(aa.expression, bb.expression);
735. 2147 }
736. 2147 if (aa.arity === "binary") {
737. 2147
738. 2147// test_cause:
739. 2147// ["aa[0]&&aa[0]", "is_equal", "recurse_binary", "", 0]
740. 2147
741. 2147 test_cause("recurse_binary");
742. 2147 return (
743. 2147 aa.id !== "("
744. 2147 && is_equal(aa.expression[0], bb.expression[0])
745. 2147 && is_equal(aa.expression[1], bb.expression[1])
746. 2147 );
747. 2147 }
748. 2147 if (aa.arity === "ternary") {
749. 2147
750. 2147// test_cause:
751. 2147// ["aa=(``?``:``)&&(``?``:``)", "is_equal", "recurse_ternary", "", 0]
752. 2147
753. 2147 test_cause("recurse_ternary");
754. 2147 return (
755. 2147 is_equal(aa.expression[0], bb.expression[0])
756. 2147 && is_equal(aa.expression[1], bb.expression[1])
757. 2147 && is_equal(aa.expression[2], bb.expression[2])
758. 2147 );
759. 2147 }
760. 2147
761. 2147// Probably deadcode.
762. 2147// if (aa.arity === "function" || aa.arity === "regexp") {
763. 2147// return false;
764. 2147// }
765. 2147
766. 2147 jslint_assert(
767. 2147 !(aa.arity === "function" || aa.arity === "regexp"),
768. 2147 `Expected !(aa.arity === "function" || aa.arity === "regexp").`
769. 2147 );
770. 2147
771. 2147// test_cause:
772. 2147// ["undefined&&undefined", "is_equal", "true", "", 0]
773. 2147
774. 2147 test_cause("true");
775. 2147 return true;
776. 6317 }
777. 6317
778. 6317// test_cause:
779. 6317// ["null&&undefined", "is_equal", "false", "", 0]
780. 6317
781. 6317 test_cause("false");
782. 6317 return false;
783. 6317 }
784. 668
785. 28763 function is_weird(thing) {
786. 28763 switch (thing.id) {
787. 1 case "(regexp)":
788. 1 return true;
789. 1 case "=>":
790. 1 return true;
791. 593 case "[":
792. 593 return thing.arity === "unary";
793. 12 case "function":
794. 12 return true;
795. 8 case "{":
796. 8 return true;
797. 28148 default:
798. 28148 return false;
799. 28763 }
800. 28763 }
801. 668
802. 106 function stop(code, the_token, a, b, c, d) {
803. 106
804. 106// Similar to warn and stop_at. If the token already had a warning, that
805. 106// warning will be replaced with this new one. It is likely that the stopping
806. 106// warning will be the more meaningful.
807. 106
808. 38 the_token = the_token || state.token_nxt;
809. 106 delete the_token.warning;
810. 106 throw warn(code, the_token, a, b, c, d);
811. 106 }
812. 668
813. 28 function stop_at(code, line, column, a, b, c, d) {
814. 28
815. 28// Same as warn_at, except that it stops the analysis.
816. 28
817. 28 throw warn_at(code, line, column, a, b, c, d);
818. 28 }
819. 668
820. 339547 function test_cause(code, aa, column) {
821. 339547
822. 339547// This function will instrument <cause> to <cause_dict> for test-purposes.
823. 339547
824. 4882 if (option_dict.test_cause) {
825. 4882 cause_dict[JSON.stringify([
826. 4882 String(new Error().stack).replace((
827. 4882 /^ at (?:file|stop|stop_at|test_cause|warn|warn_at)\b.*?\n/gm
828. 4882 ), "").match(
829. 4882 /\n at ((?:Object\.\w+?_)?\w+?) /
830. 4882 )[1].replace((
831. 4882 /^Object\./
832. 4882 ), ""),
833. 4882 code,
834. 4882 String(
835. 4882 (aa === undefined || aa === token_global)
836. 4882 ? ""
837. 4882 : aa
838. 4882 ),
839. 4882 column || 0
840. 4882 ])] = true;
841. 4882 }
842. 339547 }
843. 668
844. 1075 function warn(code, the_token, a, b, c, d) {
845. 1075
846. 1075// Same as warn_at, except the warning will be associated with a specific token.
847. 1075// If there is already a warning on this token, suppress the new one. It is
848. 1075// likely that the first warning will be the most meaningful.
849. 1075
850. 1075 let the_warning;
851. 20 the_token = the_token || state.token_nxt;
852. 1075 the_warning = warn_at(
853. 1075 code,
854. 1075 the_token.line,
855. 376 (the_token.from || 0) + jslint_fudge,
856. 835 a || artifact(the_token),
857. 1075 b,
858. 1075 c,
859. 1075 d
860. 1075 );
861. 1075
862. 1075// Issue #408
863. 1075// Warnings that should be ignored sometimes suppress legitimate warnings.
864. 1075
865. 26 if (the_warning.directive_ignore_line) {
866. 26 return the_warning;
867. 1049 }
868. 1049
869. 1049// If there is already a warning on this token, suppress the new one. It is
870. 1049// likely that the first warning will be the most meaningful.
871. 1049
872. 1049 if (the_token.warning) {
873. 192 warning_list.pop();
874. 192 return the_warning;
875. 857 }
876. 857 the_token.warning = the_warning;
877. 857 return the_warning;
878. 857 }
879. 668
880. 1394 function warn_at(code, line, column, a, b, c, d) {
881. 1394
882. 1394// Report an error at some line and column of the program. The warning object
883. 1394// resembles an exception.
884. 1394
885. 1394 let mm;
886. 1394 let warning = Object.assign(empty(), {
887. 1394 a,
888. 1394 b,
889. 1394 c,
890. 1394 code,
891. 1394
892. 1394// Fudge column numbers in warning message.
893. 1394
894. 27 column: column || jslint_fudge,
895. 1394 d,
896. 1394 line,
897. 1394 line_source: "",
898. 1394 name: "JSLintError"
899. 1394 }, line_list[line]);
900. 1394 warning.column = Math.max(
901. 1394 Math.min(warning.column, warning.line_source.length),
902. 1394 jslint_fudge
903. 1394 );
904. 926 test_cause(code, b || a, warning.column);
905. 1394 switch (code) {
906. 1394
907. 1394// The bundle contains the raw text messages that are generated by jslint. It
908. 1394// seems that they are all error messages and warnings. There are no "Atta
909. 1394// boy!" or "You are so awesome!" messages. There is no positive reinforcement
910. 1394// or encouragement. This relentless negativity can undermine self-esteem and
911. 1394// wound the inner child. But if you accept it as sound advice rather than as
912. 1394// personal criticism, it can make your programs better.
913. 1394
914. 1 case "and":
915. 1 mm = `The '&&' subexpression should be wrapped in parens.`;
916. 1 break;
917. 71 case "bad_assignment_a":
918. 71 mm = `Bad assignment to '${a}'.`;
919. 71 break;
920. 1 case "bad_directive_a":
921. 1 mm = `Bad directive '${a}'.`;
922. 1 break;
923. 1 case "bad_get":
924. 1 mm = `A get function takes no parameters.`;
925. 1 break;
926. 1 case "bad_module_name_a":
927. 1 mm = `Bad module name '${a}'.`;
928. 1 break;
929. 2 case "bad_option_a":
930. 2 mm = `Bad option '${a}'.`;
931. 2 break;
932. 1 case "bad_set":
933. 1 mm = `A set function takes one parameter.`;
934. 1 break;
935. 6 case "duplicate_a":
936. 6 mm = `Duplicate '${a}'.`;
937. 6 break;
938. 64 case "empty_block":
939. 64 mm = `Empty block.`;
940. 64 break;
941. 5 case "expected_a":
942. 5 mm = `Expected '${a}'.`;
943. 5 break;
944. 25 case "expected_a_at_b_c":
945. 25 mm = `Expected '${a}' at column ${b}, not column ${c}.`;
946. 25 break;
947. 286 case "expected_a_b":
948. 286 mm = `Expected '${a}' and instead saw '${b}'.`;
949. 286 break;
950. 17 case "expected_a_b_before_c_d":
951. 17 mm = `Expected ${a} '${b}' to be ordered before ${c} '${d}'.`;
952. 17 break;
953. 2 case "expected_a_b_from_c_d":
954. 2 mm = (
955. 2 `Expected '${a}' to match '${b}' from line ${c}`
956. 2 + ` and instead saw '${d}'.`
957. 2 );
958. 2 break;
959. 30 case "expected_a_before_b":
960. 30 mm = `Expected '${a}' before '${b}'.`;
961. 30 break;
962. 2 case "expected_digits_after_a":
963. 2 mm = `Expected digits after '${a}'.`;
964. 2 break;
965. 1 case "expected_four_digits":
966. 1 mm = `Expected four digits after '\\u'.`;
967. 1 break;
968. 31 case "expected_identifier_a":
969. 31 mm = `Expected an identifier and instead saw '${a}'.`;
970. 31 break;
971. 6 case "expected_line_break_a_b":
972. 6 mm = `Expected a line break between '${a}' and '${b}'.`;
973. 6 break;
974. 3 case "expected_regexp_factor_a":
975. 3 mm = `Expected a regexp factor and instead saw '${a}'.`;
976. 3 break;
977. 76 case "expected_space_a_b":
978. 76 mm = `Expected one space between '${a}' and '${b}'.`;
979. 76 break;
980. 2 case "expected_statements_a":
981. 2 mm = `Expected statements before '${a}'.`;
982. 2 break;
983. 1 case "expected_string_a":
984. 1 mm = `Expected a string and instead saw '${a}'.`;
985. 1 break;
986. 1 case "expected_type_string_a":
987. 1 mm = `Expected a type string and instead saw '${a}'.`;
988. 1 break;
989. 6 case "freeze_exports":
990. 6 mm = (
991. 6 `Expected 'Object.freeze('. All export values should be frozen.`
992. 6 );
993. 6 break;
994. 1394
995. 1394// PR-378 - Relax warning "function_in_loop".
996. 1394//
997. 1394// case "function_in_loop":
998. 1394// mm = `Don't create functions within a loop.`;
999. 1394// break;
1000. 1394
1001. 1394// PR-390 - Add numeric-separator check.
1002. 1394
1003. 7 case "illegal_num_separator":
1004. 7 mm = `Illegal numeric separator '_' at column ${column}.`;
1005. 7 break;
1006. 1 case "infix_in":
1007. 1 mm = (
1008. 1 `Unexpected 'in'. Compare with undefined,`
1009. 1 + ` or use the hasOwnProperty method instead.`
1010. 1 );
1011. 1 break;
1012. 1 case "label_a":
1013. 1 mm = `'${a}' is a statement label.`;
1014. 1 break;
1015. 1 case "misplaced_a":
1016. 1 mm = `Place '${a}' at the outermost level.`;
1017. 1 break;
1018. 1 case "misplaced_directive_a":
1019. 1 mm = `Place the '/*${a}*/' directive before the first statement.`;
1020. 1 break;
1021. 3 case "missing_await_statement":
1022. 3 mm = `Expected await statement in async function.`;
1023. 3 break;
1024. 1394
1025. 1394// PR-347 - Disable warning "missing_browser".
1026. 1394//
1027. 1394// case "missing_browser":
1028. 1394// mm = `/*global*/ requires the Assume a browser option.`;
1029. 1394// break;
1030. 1394
1031. 1 case "missing_m":
1032. 1 mm = `Expected 'm' flag on a multiline regular expression.`;
1033. 1 break;
1034. 5 case "naked_block":
1035. 5 mm = `Naked block.`;
1036. 5 break;
1037. 2 case "nested_comment":
1038. 2 mm = `Nested comment.`;
1039. 2 break;
1040. 1 case "not_label_a":
1041. 1 mm = `'${a}' is not a label.`;
1042. 1 break;
1043. 2 case "number_isNaN":
1044. 2 mm = `Use Number.isNaN function to compare with NaN.`;
1045. 2 break;
1046. 4 case "out_of_scope_a":
1047. 4 mm = `'${a}' is out of scope.`;
1048. 4 break;
1049. 11 case "redefinition_a_b":
1050. 11 mm = `Redefinition of '${a}' from line ${b}.`;
1051. 11 break;
1052. 1 case "redefinition_global_a_b":
1053. 1 mm = `Redefinition of global ${a} variable '${b}'.`;
1054. 1 break;
1055. 6 case "required_a_optional_b":
1056. 6 mm = `Required parameter '${a}' after optional parameter '${b}'.`;
1057. 6 break;
1058. 1 case "reserved_a":
1059. 1 mm = `Reserved name '${a}'.`;
1060. 1 break;
1061. 1 case "subscript_a":
1062. 1 mm = `['${a}'] is better written in dot notation.`;
1063. 1 break;
1064. 16 case "todo_comment":
1065. 16 mm = `Unexpected TODO comment.`;
1066. 16 break;
1067. 13 case "too_long":
1068. 13 mm = `Line is longer than 80 characters.`;
1069. 13 break;
1070. 1 case "too_many_digits":
1071. 1 mm = `Too many digits.`;
1072. 1 break;
1073. 3 case "unclosed_comment":
1074. 3 mm = `Unclosed comment.`;
1075. 3 break;
1076. 3 case "unclosed_disable":
1077. 3 mm = (
1078. 3 `Directive '/*jslint-disable*/' was not closed`
1079. 3 + ` with '/*jslint-enable*/'.`
1080. 3 );
1081. 3 break;
1082. 3 case "unclosed_mega":
1083. 3 mm = `Unclosed mega literal.`;
1084. 3 break;
1085. 2 case "unclosed_string":
1086. 2 mm = `Unclosed string.`;
1087. 2 break;
1088. 137 case "undeclared_a":
1089. 137 mm = `Undeclared '${a}'.`;
1090. 137 break;
1091. 237 case "unexpected_a":
1092. 237 mm = `Unexpected '${a}'.`;
1093. 237 break;
1094. 2 case "unexpected_a_after_b":
1095. 2 mm = `Unexpected '${a}' after '${b}'.`;
1096. 2 break;
1097. 2 case "unexpected_a_before_b":
1098. 2 mm = `Unexpected '${a}' before '${b}'.`;
1099. 2 break;
1100. 34 case "unexpected_at_top_level_a":
1101. 34 mm = `Expected '${a}' to be in a function.`;
1102. 34 break;
1103. 1 case "unexpected_char_a":
1104. 1 mm = `Unexpected character '${a}'.`;
1105. 1 break;
1106. 2 case "unexpected_comment":
1107. 2 mm = `Unexpected comment.`;
1108. 2 break;
1109. 1394
1110. 1394// PR-347 - Disable warning "unexpected_directive_a".
1111. 1394//
1112. 1394// case "unexpected_directive_a":
1113. 1394// mm = `When using modules, don't use directive '/\u002a${a}'.`;
1114. 1394// break;
1115. 1394
1116. 128 case "unexpected_expression_a":
1117. 128 mm = `Unexpected expression '${a}' in statement position.`;
1118. 128 break;
1119. 4 case "unexpected_label_a":
1120. 4 mm = `Unexpected label '${a}'.`;
1121. 4 break;
1122. 3 case "unexpected_parens":
1123. 3 mm = `Don't wrap function literals in parens.`;
1124. 3 break;
1125. 8 case "unexpected_space_a_b":
1126. 8 mm = `Unexpected space between '${a}' and '${b}'.`;
1127. 8 break;
1128. 1 case "unexpected_statement_a":
1129. 1 mm = `Unexpected statement '${a}' in expression position.`;
1130. 1 break;
1131. 2 case "unexpected_trailing_space":
1132. 2 mm = `Unexpected trailing space.`;
1133. 2 break;
1134. 1 case "unexpected_typeof_a":
1135. 1 mm = (
1136. 1 `Unexpected 'typeof'. Use '===' to compare directly with ${a}.`
1137. 1 );
1138. 1 break;
1139. 1 case "uninitialized_a":
1140. 1 mm = `Uninitialized '${a}'.`;
1141. 1 break;
1142. 1 case "unopened_enable":
1143. 1 mm = (
1144. 1 `Directive '/*jslint-enable*/' was not opened`
1145. 1 + ` with '/*jslint-disable*/'.`
1146. 1 );
1147. 1 break;
1148. 1 case "unreachable_a":
1149. 1 mm = `Unreachable '${a}'.`;
1150. 1 break;
1151. 1 case "unregistered_property_a":
1152. 1 mm = `Unregistered property name '${a}'.`;
1153. 1 break;
1154. 6 case "unused_a":
1155. 6 mm = `Unused '${a}'.`;
1156. 6 break;
1157. 2 case "use_double":
1158. 2 mm = `Use double quotes, not single quotes.`;
1159. 2 break;
1160. 1394
1161. 1394// PR-386 - Fix issue #382 - Make fart-related warnings more readable.
1162. 1394
1163. 4 case "use_function_not_fart":
1164. 4 mm = (
1165. 4 `Use 'function (...)', not '(...) =>' when arrow functions`
1166. 4 + ` become too complex.`
1167. 4 );
1168. 4 break;
1169. 7 case "use_open":
1170. 7 mm = (
1171. 7 `Wrap a ternary expression in parens,`
1172. 7 + ` with a line break after the left paren.`
1173. 7 );
1174. 7 break;
1175. 1 case "use_spaces":
1176. 1 mm = `Use spaces, not tabs.`;
1177. 1 break;
1178. 5 case "var_on_top":
1179. 5 mm = `Move variable declaration to top of function or script.`;
1180. 5 break;
1181. 1 case "var_switch":
1182. 1 mm = `Don't declare variables in a switch.`;
1183. 1 break;
1184. 23 case "weird_condition_a":
1185. 23 mm = `Weird condition '${a}'.`;
1186. 23 break;
1187. 5 case "weird_expression_a":
1188. 5 mm = `Weird expression '${a}'.`;
1189. 5 break;
1190. 3 case "weird_loop":
1191. 3 mm = `Weird loop.`;
1192. 3 break;
1193. 9 case "weird_property_a":
1194. 9 mm = `Weird property name '${a}'.`;
1195. 9 break;
1196. 8 case "weird_relation_a":
1197. 8 mm = `Weird relation '${a}'.`;
1198. 8 break;
1199. 1 case "wrap_condition":
1200. 1 mm = `Wrap the condition in parens.`;
1201. 1 break;
1202. 1394
1203. 1394// PR-386 - Fix issue #382 - Make fart-related warnings more readable.
1204. 1394
1205. 1 case "wrap_fart_parameter":
1206. 1 mm = `Wrap the parameter before '=>' in parens.`;
1207. 1 break;
1208. 1 case "wrap_immediate":
1209. 1 mm = (
1210. 1 `Wrap an immediate function invocation in parentheses to assist`
1211. 1 + ` the reader in understanding that the expression is the`
1212. 1 + ` result of a function, and not the function itself.`
1213. 1 );
1214. 1 break;
1215. 18 case "wrap_regexp":
1216. 18 mm = `Wrap this regexp in parens to avoid confusion.`;
1217. 18 break;
1218. 1 case "wrap_unary":
1219. 1 mm = `Wrap the unary expression in parens.`;
1220. 1 break;
1221. 1394 }
1222. 1394
1223. 1394// Validate mm.
1224. 1394
1225. 1394 jslint_assert(mm, code);
1226. 1394 warning.message = mm;
1227. 1394
1228. 1394// PR-242 - Include stack_trace for jslint to debug itself for errors.
1229. 1394
1230. 6 if (option_dict.trace) {
1231. 6 warning.stack_trace = new Error().stack;
1232. 6 }
1233. 41 if (warning.directive_ignore_line) {
1234. 41
1235. 41// test_cause:
1236. 41// ["0 //jslint-ignore-line", "semicolon", "directive_ignore_line", "", 0]
1237. 41
1238. 41 test_cause("directive_ignore_line");
1239. 41 return warning;
1240. 1353 }
1241. 1353 warning_list.push(warning);
1242. 1353 return warning;
1243. 1353 }
1244. 668
1245. 668 try {
1246. 668
1247. 668// tokenize takes a source and produces from it an array of token objects.
1248. 668// JavaScript is notoriously difficult to tokenize because of the horrible
1249. 668// interactions between automatic semicolon insertion, regular expression
1250. 668// literals, and now megastring literals. JSLint benefits from eliminating
1251. 668// automatic semicolon insertion and nested megastring literals, which allows
1252. 668// full tokenization to precede parsing.
1253. 668
1254. 668 option_dict = Object.assign(empty(), option_dict);
1255. 668 Object.assign(state, {
1256. 668 artifact,
1257. 668 catch_list,
1258. 668 catch_stack,
1259. 668 directive_list,
1260. 668 export_dict,
1261. 668 function_list,
1262. 668 function_stack,
1263. 668 global_dict,
1264. 668 global_list,
1265. 668 import_list,
1266. 668 is_equal,
1267. 668 is_weird,
1268. 668 line_list,
1269. 668 mode_json: false, // true if parsing JSON.
1270. 668 mode_module: false, // true if import or export was used.
1271. 668 mode_property: false, // true if directive /*property*/ is
1272. 668 // ... used.
1273. 668 mode_shebang: false, // true if #! is seen on the first line.
1274. 668 option_dict,
1275. 668 property_dict,
1276. 668 source,
1277. 668 stop,
1278. 668 stop_at,
1279. 668 syntax_dict,
1280. 668 tenure,
1281. 668 test_cause,
1282. 668 token_global,
1283. 668 token_list,
1284. 668 token_nxt: token_global,
1285. 668 warn,
1286. 668 warn_at,
1287. 668 warning_list
1288. 668 });
1289. 668
1290. 668// PHASE 1. Split <source> by newlines into <line_list>.
1291. 668
1292. 668 jslint_phase1_split(state);
1293. 668 jslint_assert(catch_stack.length === 1, `catch_stack.length === 1.`);
1294. 668 jslint_assert(
1295. 668 function_stack.length === 0,
1296. 668 `function_stack.length === 0.`
1297. 668 );
1298. 668
1299. 668// PHASE 2. Lex <line_list> into <token_list>.
1300. 668
1301. 668 jslint_phase2_lex(state);
1302. 668 jslint_assert(catch_stack.length === 1, `catch_stack.length === 1.`);
1303. 668 jslint_assert(
1304. 668 function_stack.length === 0,
1305. 668 `function_stack.length === 0.`
1306. 668 );
1307. 668
1308. 668// PHASE 3. Parse <token_list> into <token_tree> using the Pratt-parser.
1309. 668
1310. 668 jslint_phase3_parse(state);
1311. 668 jslint_assert(catch_stack.length === 1, `catch_stack.length === 1.`);
1312. 668 jslint_assert(
1313. 668 function_stack.length === 0,
1314. 668 `function_stack.length === 0.`
1315. 668 );
1316. 668
1317. 668// PHASE 4. Walk <token_tree>, traversing all nodes of the tree. It is a
1318. 668// recursive traversal. Each node may be processed on the way down
1319. 668// (preaction) and on the way up (postaction).
1320. 668
1321. 518 if (!state.mode_json) {
1322. 518 jslint_phase4_walk(state);
1323. 533 }
1324. 533 jslint_assert(catch_stack.length === 1, `catch_stack.length === 1.`);
1325. 533 jslint_assert(
1326. 533 function_stack.length === 0,
1327. 533 `function_stack.length === 0.`
1328. 533 );
1329. 533
1330. 533// PHASE 5. Check whitespace between tokens in <token_list>.
1331. 533
1332. 533 if (!state.mode_json && warning_list.length === 0) {
1333. 208 jslint_phase5_whitage(state);
1334. 533 }
1335. 533 jslint_assert(catch_stack.length === 1, `catch_stack.length === 1.`);
1336. 533 jslint_assert(
1337. 533 function_stack.length === 0,
1338. 533 `function_stack.length === 0.`
1339. 533 );
1340. 533
1341. 533// PR-347 - Disable warning "missing_browser".
1342. 533//
1343. 533// if (!option_dict.browser) {
1344. 533// directive_list.forEach(function (comment) {
1345. 533// if (comment.directive === "global") {
1346. 533//
1347. 533// // test_cause:
1348. 533// // ["/*global aa*/", "jslint", "missing_browser", "(comment)", 1]
1349. 533//
1350. 533// warn("missing_browser", comment);
1351. 533// }
1352. 533// });
1353. 533// }
1354. 533
1355. 533 if (option_dict.test_internal_error) {
1356. 2 jslint_assert(undefined, "test_internal_error");
1357. 2 }
1358. 137 } catch (err) {
1359. 137 mode_stop = true;
1360. 137 err.message = "[JSLint was unable to finish] " + err.message;
1361. 137 err.mode_stop = true;
1362. 137 if (err.name !== "JSLintError") {
1363. 137 Object.assign(err, {
1364. 137 column: jslint_fudge,
1365. 137 line: jslint_fudge,
1366. 137 line_source: "",
1367. 137 stack_trace: err.stack
1368. 137 });
1369. 137 }
1370. 137 if (warning_list.indexOf(err) === -1) {
1371. 137 warning_list.push(err);
1372. 137 }
1373. 137 }
1374. 668
1375. 668// Sort warning_list by mode_stop first, line, column respectively.
1376. 668
1377. 986 warning_list.sort(function (aa, bb) {
1378. 986 return (
1379. 986 Boolean(bb.mode_stop) - Boolean(aa.mode_stop)
1380. 896 || aa.line - bb.line
1381. 876 || aa.column - bb.column
1382. 986 );
1383. 986
1384. 986// Update each warning with formatted_message ready-for-use by jslint_cli.
1385. 986
1386. 1164 }).map(function ({
1387. 1164 column,
1388. 1164 line,
1389. 1164 line_source,
1390. 1164 message,
1391. 1164 stack_trace = ""
1392. 1164 }, ii, list) {
1393. 1164 list[ii].formatted_message = String(
1394. 1164 String(ii + 1).padStart(2, " ")
1395. 1164 + ". \u001b[31m" + message + "\u001b[39m"
1396. 1164 + " \u001b[90m\/\/ line " + line + ", column " + column
1397. 1164 + "\u001b[39m\n"
1398. 1164 + (" " + line_source.trim()).slice(0, 72) + "\n"
1399. 1164 + stack_trace
1400. 1164 ).trimRight();
1401. 1164 });
1402. 668
1403. 668 return {
1404. 668 causes: cause_dict,
1405. 668 directives: directive_list,
1406. 668 edition: jslint_edition,
1407. 668 exports: export_dict,
1408. 668 froms: import_list,
1409. 668 functions: function_list,
1410. 668 global: token_global,
1411. 668 id: "(JSLint)",
1412. 668 json: state.mode_json,
1413. 668 lines: line_list,
1414. 668 module: state.mode_module === true,
1415. 164 ok: warning_list.length === 0 && !mode_stop,
1416. 668 option: option_dict,
1417. 668 property: property_dict,
1418. 668 shebang: (
1419. 668 state.mode_shebang
1420. 1 ? line_list[jslint_fudge].line_source
1421. 667 : undefined
1422. 668 ),
1423. 668 stop: mode_stop,
1424. 668 tokens: token_list,
1425. 668 tree: state.token_tree,
1426. 668 warnings: warning_list
1427. 668 };
1428. 668}
1429. 1
1430. 1// PR-362 - Add API Doc.
1431. 1
1432. 1async function jslint_apidoc({
1433. 1 example_list,
1434. 1 github_repo,
1435. 1 module_list,
1436. 1 package_name,
1437. 1 pathname,
1438. 1 version
1439. 1}) {
1440. 1
1441. 1// This function will create API Doc from <module_list>.
1442. 1
1443. 1 let elem_ii = 0;
1444. 1 let html;
1445. 1
1446. 27 function elem_create(moduleObj, key, moduleName) {
1447. 27
1448. 27// This function will create a sub API Doc from elem <moduleObj>[<key>].
1449. 27
1450. 27 let example = "N/A";
1451. 27 let id = encodeURIComponent("apidoc.elem." + moduleName + "." + key);
1452. 27 let name;
1453. 27 let signature;
1454. 27 let source;
1455. 27 name = htmlEscape((typeof moduleObj[key]) + " " + key);
1456. 2 if (typeof moduleObj[key] !== "function") {
1457. 2 return {
1458. 2 name,
1459. 2 signature: (`
1460. 2<a class="apidocElementLiA" href="#${id}">
1461. 2${name}
1462. 2</a>
1463. 2 `),
1464. 2 source: (`
1465. 2<li>
1466. 2 <h2>
1467. 2 <a href="#${id}" id="${id}">
1468. 2 ${name}
1469. 2 </a>
1470. 2 </h2>
1471. 2</li>
1472. 2 `)
1473. 2 };
1474. 25 }
1475. 25 // init source
1476. 25 source = htmlEscape(trim_start(moduleObj[key].toString()));
1477. 25 // init signature
1478. 25 source = source.replace((
1479. 25 /(\([\S\s]*?\)) \{/
1480. 25 ), function (match0, match1) {
1481. 25 signature = htmlEscape(
1482. 25 match1.replace((
1483. 25 / *?\/\*[\S\s]*?\*\/ */g
1484. 25 ), "").replace((
1485. 25 / *?\/\/.*/g
1486. 25 ), "").replace((
1487. 25 /\n{2,}/g
1488. 25 ), "\n")
1489. 25 );
1490. 25 return match0;
1491. 25 });
1492. 25 // init comment
1493. 25 source = source.replace((
1494. 25 /\n(?:\/\/.*?\n)+\n/
1495. 25 ), "<span class=\"apidocCodeCommentSpan\">$&</span>");
1496. 25 // init example
1497. 56 example_list.some(function (example2) {
1498. 56 example2.replace(
1499. 56 new RegExp((
1500. 56 "((?:\\n.*?){8}(function )?)\\b"
1501. 56 + key
1502. 56 + "(\\((?:.*?\\n){8})"
1503. 56 ), "g"),
1504. 132 function (ignore, header, isDeclaration, footer) {
1505. 124 if (!isDeclaration) {
1506. 124 example = "..." + trim_start(
1507. 124 htmlEscape(header)
1508. 124 + "<span class=\"apidocCodeKeywordSpan\">"
1509. 124 + htmlEscape(key)
1510. 124 + "</span>"
1511. 124 + htmlEscape(footer)
1512. 124 ).trimEnd() + "\n...";
1513. 124 }
1514. 132 return "";
1515. 132 }
1516. 56 );
1517. 56 return example !== "N/A";
1518. 56 });
1519. 25 if (source.length > 2048) {
1520. 11 source = source.slice(0, 2048) + "...\n}\n";
1521. 25 }
1522. 25 return {
1523. 25 name,
1524. 25 signature: (`
1525. 25<a class="apidocElementLiA" href="#${id}">
1526. 25${name}<span class="apidocSignatureSpan">${signature}</span>
1527. 25</a>
1528. 25 `),
1529. 25 source: (`
1530. 25<li>
1531. 25 <h2>
1532. 25 <a href="#${id}" id="${id}">
1533. 25 ${name}<span class="apidocSignatureSpan">${signature}</span>
1534. 25 </a>
1535. 25 </h2>
1536. 25</li>
1537. 25<li>Description and source-code:<pre class="apidocCodePre">${source}</pre></li>
1538. 25<li>Example usage:<pre class="apidocCodePre">${example}</pre></li>
1539. 25 `)
1540. 25 };
1541. 25 }
1542. 1
1543. 149 function trim_start(str) {
1544. 149
1545. 149// This function will normalize whitespace before <str>.
1546. 149
1547. 149 let whitespace = "";
1548. 149 str.trim().replace((
1549. 149 /^ */gm
1550. 13071 ), function (match0) {
1551. 8412 if (whitespace === "" || match0.length < whitespace.length) {
1552. 6610 whitespace = match0;
1553. 6610 }
1554. 13071 return "";
1555. 13071 });
1556. 149 str = str.replace(new RegExp("^" + whitespace, "gm"), "");
1557. 149 return str;
1558. 149 }
1559. 1 await moduleFsInit();
1560. 1
1561. 1// Html-escape params.
1562. 1
1563. 1 github_repo = htmlEscape(github_repo);
1564. 1 package_name = htmlEscape(package_name);
1565. 1 version = htmlEscape(version);
1566. 1
1567. 1// Init example_list.
1568. 1
1569. 3 example_list = await Promise.all(example_list.map(async function (file) {
1570. 3
1571. 3// This function will read example from given file.
1572. 3
1573. 3 let result = await moduleFs.promises.readFile(file, "utf8");
1574. 3 result = (
1575. 3 "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
1576. 3 // bug-workaround - truncate example to manageable size
1577. 3 + result.slice(0, 524288)
1578. 3 + "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
1579. 3 );
1580. 3 result = result.replace((
1581. 3 /\r\n*/g
1582. 3 ), "\n");
1583. 3 return result;
1584. 3 }));
1585. 1
1586. 1// Init module_list.
1587. 1
1588. 1 module_list = await Promise.all(module_list.map(async function ({
1589. 1 pathname
1590. 1 }) {
1591. 1 let moduleName = htmlEscape(JSON.stringify(pathname));
1592. 1 let moduleObj = await import(pathname);
1593. 1 if (moduleObj.default) {
1594. 1 moduleObj = moduleObj.default;
1595. 1 }
1596. 1 return {
1597. 27 elem_list: Object.keys(moduleObj).map(function (key) {
1598. 27 return elem_create(moduleObj, key, moduleName);
1599. 78 }).sort(function (aa, bb) {
1600. 78 return (
1601. 78 aa.name < bb.name
1602. 22 ? -1
1603. 56 : 1
1604. 78 );
1605. 27 }).map(function (elem) {
1606. 27 elem_ii += 1;
1607. 27 elem.signature = elem.signature.replace(
1608. 27 ">",
1609. 27 ">" + elem_ii + ". "
1610. 27 );
1611. 27 elem.source = elem.source.replace(
1612. 27 "\">",
1613. 27 "\">" + elem_ii + ". "
1614. 27 );
1615. 27 return elem;
1616. 27 }),
1617. 1 id: encodeURIComponent("apidoc.module." + moduleName),
1618. 1 moduleName
1619. 1 };
1620. 1 }));
1621. 1 html = (`
1622. 1<!DOCTYPE html>
1623. 1<html lang="en">
1624. 1<head>
1625. 1<meta charset="utf-8">
1626. 1<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
1627. 1<meta name="description" content="${package_name} API Doc">
1628. 1<title>${package_name} apidoc</title>
1629. 1<style>
1630. 1/* jslint utility2:true */
1631. 1/*csslint*/
1632. 1body {
1633. 1 margin: 0;
1634. 1 padding: 20px;
1635. 1}
1636. 1.apidocCodeCommentSpan,
1637. 1.apidocCodeKeywordSpan {
1638. 1 background: royalblue;
1639. 1 color: white;
1640. 1}
1641. 1.apidocCodeCommentSpan {
1642. 1 display: block;
1643. 1}
1644. 1.apidocCodePre {
1645. 1 background: #eef;
1646. 1 border: 1px solid;
1647. 1 font-size: 14px;
1648. 1 overflow-wrap: break-word;
1649. 1 padding: 5px;
1650. 1 white-space: pre-wrap;
1651. 1}
1652. 1.apidocDiv {
1653. 1 color: #555;
1654. 1 font-family: sans-serif;
1655. 1}
1656. 1.apidocDiv a[href] {
1657. 1 color: royalblue;
1658. 1 text-decoration: none;
1659. 1}
1660. 1.apidocDiv a[href]:hover {
1661. 1 text-decoration: underline;
1662. 1}
1663. 1.apidocDiv li a {
1664. 1 display: inline-block;
1665. 1 padding: 8px 0;
1666. 1}
1667. 1.apidocDiv ul {
1668. 1 list-style: none;
1669. 1 padding-left: 20px;
1670. 1}
1671. 1.apidocFooterDiv {
1672. 1 margin-top: 20px;
1673. 1 text-align: center;
1674. 1}
1675. 1.apidocModuleA {
1676. 1 font-size: 24px;
1677. 1 font-weight: bold;
1678. 1}
1679. 1.apidocSectionDiv {
1680. 1 border-top: 1px solid;
1681. 1 margin-top: 20px;
1682. 1}
1683. 1.apidocSignatureSpan {
1684. 1 color: #666;
1685. 1 white-space: pre-wrap;
1686. 1}
1687. 1</style>
1688. 1</head>
1689. 1<body>
1690. 1<div class="apidocDiv">
1691. 1<h1>API Doc for <a href="${github_repo}">${package_name} (${version})</a></h1>
1692. 1<div class="apidocSectionDiv">
1693. 1 <a href="#apidocTableOfContents1" id="apidocTableOfContents1">
1694. 1 <h1>Table of Contents</h1>
1695. 1 </a>
1696. 1 <ul>
1697. 1 `) + module_list.map(function ({
1698. 1 elem_list,
1699. 1 id,
1700. 1 moduleName
1701. 1 }) {
1702. 1 return (
1703. 1 (`
1704. 1 <li>
1705. 1 <a class="apidocModuleA" href="#${id}">Module ${moduleName}</a>
1706. 1 <ul>
1707. 1 `)
1708. 27 + elem_list.map(function ({
1709. 27 signature
1710. 27 }) {
1711. 27 return "<li>\n" + signature + "\n</li>\n";
1712. 27 }).join("")
1713. 1 + (`
1714. 1 </ul>
1715. 1 </li>
1716. 1 `)
1717. 1 );
1718. 1 }).join("") + (`
1719. 1 </ul>
1720. 1</div>
1721. 1 `) + module_list.map(function ({
1722. 1 elem_list,
1723. 1 id,
1724. 1 moduleName
1725. 1 }) {
1726. 1 return (
1727. 1 (`
1728. 1<div class="apidocSectionDiv">
1729. 1 <h1><a href="#${id}" id="${id}">Module ${moduleName}</a></h1>
1730. 1 <ul>
1731. 1 `)
1732. 27 + elem_list.map(function ({
1733. 27 source
1734. 27 }) {
1735. 27 return source;
1736. 27 }).join("")
1737. 1 + (`
1738. 1 </ul>
1739. 1</div>
1740. 1 `)
1741. 1 );
1742. 1 }).join("") + (`
1743. 1<div class="apidocFooterDiv">
1744. 1 [
1745. 1 This document was created with
1746. 1 <a href="https://github.com/jslint-org/jslint">JSLint</a>
1747. 1 ]
1748. 1</div>
1749. 1</div>
1750. 1</body>
1751. 1</html>
1752. 1 `);
1753. 1 html = html.trim().replace((
1754. 1 / +?$/gm
1755. 1 ), "") + "\n";
1756. 1 await fsWriteFileWithParents(pathname, html);
1757. 1}
1758. 1
1759. 102849function jslint_assert(condition, message) {
1760. 102849
1761. 102849// This function will throw <message> if <condition> is falsy.
1762. 102849
1763. 102847 if (condition) {
1764. 102847 return condition;
1765. 102847 }
1766. 2 throw new Error(
1767. 2 `This was caused by a bug in JSLint.
1768. 2Please open an issue with this stack-trace (and possible example-code) at
1769. 2https://github.com/jslint-org/jslint/issues.
1770. 2edition = "${jslint_edition}";
1771. 2${String(message).slice(0, 2000)}`
1772. 2 );
1773. 2}
1774. 1
1775. 38async function jslint_cli({
1776. 38 console_error,
1777. 38 console_log,
1778. 38 file,
1779. 38 import_meta_url,
1780. 38 mode_cli,
1781. 38 mode_noop,
1782. 38 option,
1783. 38 process_argv,
1784. 38 process_env,
1785. 38 process_exit,
1786. 38 source
1787. 38}) {
1788. 38
1789. 38// This function will run jslint from nodejs-cli.
1790. 38
1791. 38 let command;
1792. 38 let data;
1793. 38 let exit_code = 0;
1794. 38 let mode_report;
1795. 38 let mode_wrapper_vim;
1796. 38 let result;
1797. 38
1798. 51 function jslint_from_file({
1799. 51 code,
1800. 51 file,
1801. 51 line_offset = 0,
1802. 51 mode_conditional,
1803. 51 option = empty()
1804. 51 }) {
1805. 51 let result_from_file;
1806. 51 if (
1807. 51 mode_conditional
1808. 5 && !(
1809. 5 /^\/\*jslint\b/m
1810. 5 ).test(code.slice(0, 65536))
1811. 1 ) {
1812. 1 return;
1813. 50 }
1814. 50 option = Object.assign(empty(), option, {
1815. 50 file
1816. 50 });
1817. 50 switch ((
1818. 50 /\.\w+?$|$/m
1819. 50 ).exec(file)[0]) {
1820. 50 case ".html":
1821. 3
1822. 3// Recursively jslint embedded "<script>\n...\n</script>".
1823. 3
1824. 3 code.replace((
1825. 3 /^<script\b[^>]*?>\n([\S\s]*?\n)<\/script>$/gm
1826. 3 ), function (ignore, match1, ii) {
1827. 3 jslint_from_file({
1828. 3 code: match1,
1829. 3 file: file + ".<script>.js",
1830. 3 line_offset: string_line_count(code.slice(0, ii)) + 1,
1831. 3 option: Object.assign(empty(), {
1832. 3 browser: true
1833. 3 }, option)
1834. 3 });
1835. 3 return "";
1836. 3 });
1837. 3 return;
1838. 2 case ".md":
1839. 2
1840. 2// Recursively jslint embedded "node --eval '\n...\n'".
1841. 2
1842. 2 jslint_node_eval({
1843. 2 code,
1844. 2 file,
1845. 2 mode_conditional: true,
1846. 2 option
1847. 2 });
1848. 2 return;
1849. 2 case ".sh":
1850. 2
1851. 2// Recursively jslint embedded "node --eval '\n...\n'".
1852. 2
1853. 2 jslint_node_eval({
1854. 2 code,
1855. 2 file,
1856. 2 option
1857. 2 });
1858. 2 return;
1859. 43 default:
1860. 43 result_from_file = jslint("\n".repeat(line_offset) + code, option);
1861. 43 }
1862. 43
1863. 43// Print only first 10 warnings to stderr.
1864. 43
1865. 43 if (result_from_file.warnings.length > 0) {
1866. 5 exit_code = 1;
1867. 5 console_error(
1868. 5 mode_wrapper_vim
1869. 5
1870. 5// PR-349 - Print warnings in format readable by vim.
1871. 5
1872. 5 ? result_from_file.warnings.slice(0, 10).map(function ({
1873. 5 column,
1874. 5 line,
1875. 5 message
1876. 5 }, ii) {
1877. 5 return (
1878. 5 file
1879. 5 + ":" + ii
1880. 5 + ":" + line
1881. 5 + ":" + column
1882. 5 + ":" + message
1883. 5 );
1884. 5 }).join("\n")
1885. 5
1886. 5// Print warnings in format readable by human.
1887. 5
1888. 5 : "\u001b[1mjslint " + file + "\u001b[22m\n"
1889. 11 + result_from_file.warnings.slice(0, 10).map(function ({
1890. 11 formatted_message
1891. 11 }) {
1892. 11 return formatted_message;
1893. 11 }).join("\n")
1894. 5 );
1895. 43 }
1896. 43 return result_from_file;
1897. 43 }
1898. 38
1899. 4 function jslint_node_eval({
1900. 4 code,
1901. 4 file,
1902. 4 mode_conditional,
1903. 4 option = empty()
1904. 4 }) {
1905. 4 code.replace((
1906. 4 /\bnode\b.*? (?:--eval|-e) '\n([\S\s]*?\n)'/gm
1907. 26 ), function (ignore, match1, ii) {
1908. 26 jslint_from_file({
1909. 26 code: match1,
1910. 26 file: file + ".<node -e>.js",
1911. 26 line_offset: string_line_count(code.slice(0, ii)) + 1,
1912. 26 mode_conditional,
1913. 26 option: Object.assign(empty(), {
1914. 26 beta: Boolean(
1915. 26 process_env.JSLINT_BETA
1916. 26 && !(
1917. 26 /0|false|null|undefined/
1918. 26 ).test(process_env.JSLINT_BETA)
1919. 26 ),
1920. 26 node: true
1921. 26 }, option)
1922. 26 });
1923. 26 return "";
1924. 26 });
1925. 4 }
1926. 38
1927. 28 function string_line_count(code) {
1928. 28
1929. 28// This function will count number of newlines in <code>.
1930. 28
1931. 28 let count;
1932. 28 let ii;
1933. 28
1934. 28// https://jsperf.com/regexp-counting-2/8
1935. 28
1936. 28 count = 0;
1937. 28 ii = 0;
1938. 23104 while (true) {
1939. 23104 ii = code.indexOf("\n", ii) + 1;
1940. 23104 if (ii === 0) {
1941. 23104 break;
1942. 23104 }
1943. 23104 count += 1;
1944. 23104 }
1945. 28 return count;
1946. 28 }
1947. 38
1948. 38// PR-396 - window.jslint
1949. 38// Check import.meta.url for directive to export jslint to window-object.
1950. 38// Useful for ES5-era browser-scripts that rely on window.jslint,
1951. 38// like CodeMirror.
1952. 38//
1953. 38// Example usage:
1954. 38// <script type="module" src="./jslint.mjs?window_jslint=1"></script>
1955. 38
1956. 22 import_meta_url = import_meta_url || jslint_import_meta_url;
1957. 38 if (
1958. 38 jslint_rgx_url_search_window_jslint.test(import_meta_url)
1959. 4 && (typeof globalThis === "object" && globalThis)
1960. 4 ) {
1961. 4 globalThis.jslint = jslint;
1962. 4 }
1963. 38
1964. 38// Feature-detect nodejs.
1965. 38
1966. 38 if (!(
1967. 38 (typeof process === "object" && process)
1968. 38 && process.versions
1969. 38 && typeof process.versions.node === "string"
1970. 38 && !mode_noop
1971. 1 )) {
1972. 1 return exit_code;
1973. 37 }
1974. 37 console_error = console_error || console.error;
1975. 37 console_log = console_log || console.log;
1976. 22 process_argv = process_argv || process.argv;
1977. 34 process_env = process_env || process.env;
1978. 24 process_exit = process_exit || process.exit;
1979. 37 await moduleFsInit();
1980. 37 if (
1981. 37 !(
1982. 37
1983. 37// Feature-detect nodejs-cli.
1984. 37
1985. 37 process.execArgv.indexOf("--eval") === -1
1986. 37 && process.execArgv.indexOf("-e") === -1
1987. 37 && (
1988. 37 (
1989. 37 /[\/|\\]jslint(?:\.[cm]?js)?$/m
1990. 37 ).test(process_argv[1])
1991. 37 || mode_cli
1992. 37 )
1993. 20 && (
1994. 20 moduleUrl.fileURLToPath(import_meta_url)
1995. 20 ===
1996. 20 modulePath.resolve(process_argv[1])
1997. 20 )
1998. 38 )
1999. 22 && !mode_cli
2000. 17 ) {
2001. 17 return exit_code;
2002. 20 }
2003. 20
2004. 20// init commmand
2005. 20
2006. 20 command = String(process_argv[2]).split("=");
2007. 20 command[1] = command.slice(1).join("=");
2008. 20
2009. 20 switch (command[0]) {
2010. 20
2011. 20// PR-362 - Add API Doc.
2012. 20
2013. 20 case "jslint_apidoc":
2014. 1 await jslint_apidoc(Object.assign(JSON.parse(process_argv[3]), {
2015. 1 pathname: command[1]
2016. 1 }));
2017. 1 return;
2018. 38
2019. 38// PR-363 - Add command jslint_report.
2020. 38
2021. 6 case "jslint_report":
2022. 6 mode_report = command[1];
2023. 6 process_argv = process_argv.slice(1);
2024. 6 break;
2025. 38
2026. 38// COMMIT-b26d6df2 - Add command jslint_wrapper_vim.
2027. 38
2028. 1 case "jslint_wrapper_vim":
2029. 1 mode_wrapper_vim = true;
2030. 1 process_argv = process_argv.slice(1);
2031. 1 break;
2032. 38
2033. 38// PR-364 - Add command v8_coverage_report.
2034. 38
2035. 7 case "v8_coverage_report":
2036. 7 await v8CoverageReportCreate({
2037. 7 consoleError: console_error,
2038. 7 coverageDir: command[1],
2039. 7 processArgv: process_argv.slice(3)
2040. 7 });
2041. 7 return;
2042. 12 }
2043. 12
2044. 12// Normalize file relative to process.cwd().
2045. 12
2046. 12 process_argv.slice(2).some(function (arg) {
2047. 12 if (!arg.startsWith("-")) {
2048. 12 file = file || arg;
2049. 12 return true;
2050. 12 }
2051. 12 });
2052. 12 if (!file) {
2053. 1 return;
2054. 11 }
2055. 11 file = modulePath.resolve(file) + "/";
2056. 11 if (file.startsWith(process.cwd() + "/")) {
2057. 11 file = file.replace(process.cwd() + "/", "").slice(0, -1) || ".";
2058. 11 }
2059. 11 file = file.replace((
2060. 11 /\\/g
2061. 11 ), "/").replace((
2062. 11 /\/$/g
2063. 11 ), "");
2064. 11 if (source) {
2065. 7 data = source;
2066. 7 } else {
2067. 4
2068. 4// jslint_cli - jslint directory.
2069. 4
2070. 4 try {
2071. 4 data = await moduleFs.promises.readdir(file, "utf8");
2072. 4 } catch (ignore) {}
2073. 4 if (data) {
2074. 34 await Promise.all(data.map(async function (file2) {
2075. 34 let code;
2076. 34 let time_start = Date.now();
2077. 34 file2 = file + "/" + file2;
2078. 34 switch ((
2079. 34 /\.\w+?$|$/m
2080. 34 ).exec(file2)[0]) {
2081. 4 case ".cjs":
2082. 5 case ".html":
2083. 8 case ".js":
2084. 10 case ".json":
2085. 12 case ".md":
2086. 14 case ".mjs":
2087. 16 case ".sh":
2088. 16 break;
2089. 18 default:
2090. 18 return;
2091. 16 }
2092. 16 try {
2093. 16 code = await moduleFs.promises.readFile(file2, "utf8");
2094. 15 } catch (ignore) {
2095. 4 return;
2096. 15 }
2097. 15 if (
2098. 15 (
2099. 15 /(?:\b|_)(?:lock|min|raw|rollup)(?:\b|_)/
2100. 15 ).test(file2)
2101. 15 || !(code && code.length < 1048576)
2102. 4 ) {
2103. 4 return;
2104. 14 }
2105. 14 jslint_from_file({
2106. 14 code,
2107. 14 file: file2,
2108. 14 option
2109. 14 });
2110. 14 console_error(
2111. 14 "jslint - " + (Date.now() - time_start) + "ms - " + file2
2112. 14 );
2113. 14 }));
2114. 4 process_exit(exit_code);
2115. 4 return exit_code;
2116. 4 }
2117. 4
2118. 4// jslint_cli - jslint file.
2119. 4
2120. 4 try {
2121. 4 data = await moduleFs.promises.readFile(file, "utf8");
2122. 4 } catch (err) {
2123. 4 console_error(err);
2124. 4 exit_code = 1;
2125. 4 process_exit(exit_code);
2126. 4 return exit_code;
2127. 4 }
2128. 9 }
2129. 9 result = jslint_from_file({
2130. 9 code: data,
2131. 9 file,
2132. 9 option
2133. 9 });
2134. 9 if (mode_report) {
2135. 6 result = jslint.jslint_report(result);
2136. 6 result = `<body class="JSLINT_ JSLINT_REPORT_">\n${result}</body>\n`;
2137. 6 await fsWriteFileWithParents(mode_report, result);
2138. 9 }
2139. 9 process_exit(exit_code);
2140. 9 return exit_code;
2141. 9}
2142. 1
2143. 668function jslint_phase1_split() {
2144. 668
2145. 668// PHASE 1. Split <source> by newlines into <line_list>.
2146. 668
2147. 668 return;
2148. 668}
2149. 1
2150. 668function jslint_phase2_lex(state) {
2151. 668
2152. 668// PHASE 2. Lex <line_list> into <token_list>.
2153. 668
2154. 668 let {
2155. 668 artifact,
2156. 668 directive_list,
2157. 668 global_dict,
2158. 668 global_list,
2159. 668 line_list,
2160. 668 option_dict,
2161. 668 stop,
2162. 668 stop_at,
2163. 668 tenure,
2164. 668 test_cause,
2165. 668 token_global,
2166. 668 token_list,
2167. 668 warn,
2168. 668 warn_at
2169. 668 } = state;
2170. 668 let char; // The current character being lexed.
2171. 668 let column = 0; // The column number of the next character.
2172. 668 let from; // The starting column number of the token.
2173. 668 let from_mega; // The starting column of megastring.
2174. 668 let line = 0; // The line number of the next character.
2175. 668 let line_disable; // The starting line of "/*jslint-disable*/".
2176. 668 let line_mega; // The starting line of megastring.
2177. 668 let line_source = ""; // The remaining line source string.
2178. 668 let line_whole = ""; // The whole line source string.
2179. 668 let mode_digits_empty_string = 1;
2180. 668 let mode_digits_numeric_separator = 2;
2181. 668 let mode_directive = true; // true if directives are still allowed.
2182. 668 let mode_mega = false; // true if currently parsing a megastring
2183. 668 // ... literal.
2184. 668 let mode_regexp; // true if regular expression literal seen on
2185. 668 // ... this line.
2186. 668 let paren_backtrack_list = []; // List of most recent "(" tokens at any
2187. 668 // ... paren-depth.
2188. 668 let paren_depth = 0; // Keeps track of current paren-depth.
2189. 668 let snippet = ""; // A piece of string.
2190. 668 let token_1; // The first token.
2191. 668 let token_prv = token_global; // The previous token including
2192. 668 // ... comments.
2193. 668 let token_prv_expr = token_global; // The previous token excluding
2194. 668 // ... comments.
2195. 668
2196. 668// Most tokens, including the identifiers, operators, and punctuators, can be
2197. 668// found with a regular expression. Regular expressions cannot correctly match
2198. 668// regular expression literals, so we will match those the hard way. String
2199. 668// literals and number literals can be matched by regular expressions, but they
2200. 668// don't provide good warnings. The functions char_after, char_before,
2201. 668// read_digits, and char_after_escape help in the parsing of literals.
2202. 668
2203. 238213 function char_after(match) {
2204. 238213
2205. 238213// Get the next character from the source line. Remove it from the line_source,
2206. 238213// and append it to the snippet. Optionally check that the previous character
2207. 238213// matched an expected value.
2208. 238213
2209. 5986 if (match !== undefined && char !== match) {
2210. 10
2211. 10// test_cause:
2212. 10// ["aa=/[", "char_after", "expected_a", "]", 5]
2213. 10// ["aa=/aa{/", "char_after", "expected_a_b", "/", 8]
2214. 10
2215. 10 return (
2216. 10 char === ""
2217. 10 ? stop_at("expected_a", line, column - 1, match)
2218. 10 : stop_at("expected_a_b", line, column, match, char)
2219. 10 );
2220. 238203 }
2221. 238203 char = line_source.slice(0, 1);
2222. 238203 line_source = line_source.slice(1);
2223. 238203 snippet += char || " ";
2224. 238213 column += 1;
2225. 238213 return char;
2226. 238213 }
2227. 668
2228. 2953 function char_after_escape(extra) {
2229. 2953
2230. 2953// Validate char after escape "\\".
2231. 2953
2232. 2953 char_after("\\");
2233. 2953 switch (char) {
2234. 1 case "":
2235. 1
2236. 1// test_cause:
2237. 1// ["\"\\", "char_after_escape", "unclosed_string", "", 2]
2238. 1
2239. 1 return stop_at("unclosed_string", line, column);
2240. 219 case "/":
2241. 219 return char_after();
2242. 355 case "\\":
2243. 355 return char_after();
2244. 1 case "`":
2245. 1 return char_after();
2246. 62 case "b":
2247. 62 return char_after();
2248. 6 case "f":
2249. 6 return char_after();
2250. 1015 case "n":
2251. 1015 return char_after();
2252. 32 case "r":
2253. 32 return char_after();
2254. 24 case "t":
2255. 24
2256. 24// test_cause:
2257. 24// ["\"\\/\\\\\\`\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\"", "char_after_escape", "char_after", "", 0]
2258. 24
2259. 24 test_cause("char_after");
2260. 24 return char_after();
2261. 376 case "u":
2262. 376 if (char_after("u") === "{") {
2263. 376 if (state.mode_json) {
2264. 376
2265. 376// test_cause:
2266. 376// ["[\"\\u{12345}\"]", "char_after_escape", "unexpected_a", "{", 5]
2267. 376
2268. 376 warn_at("unexpected_a", line, column, char);
2269. 376 }
2270. 376 if (read_digits("x", undefined) > 5) {
2271. 376
2272. 376// test_cause:
2273. 376// ["\"\\u{123456}\"", "char_after_escape", "too_many_digits", "", 11]
2274. 376
2275. 376 warn_at("too_many_digits", line, column);
2276. 376 }
2277. 376 if (char !== "}") {
2278. 376
2279. 376// test_cause:
2280. 376// ["\"\\u{12345\"", "char_after_escape", "expected_a_before_b", "\"", 10]
2281. 376
2282. 376 stop_at("expected_a_before_b", line, column, "}", char);
2283. 376 }
2284. 376 return char_after();
2285. 376 }
2286. 376 char_before();
2287. 376 if (read_digits("x", mode_digits_empty_string) < 4) {
2288. 376
2289. 376// test_cause:
2290. 376// ["\"\\u0\"", "char_after_escape", "expected_four_digits", "", 5]
2291. 376
2292. 376 warn_at("expected_four_digits", line, column);
2293. 376 }
2294. 376 return;
2295. 862 default:
2296. 862 if (extra && extra.indexOf(char) >= 0) {
2297. 862 return char_after();
2298. 862 }
2299. 862
2300. 862// test_cause:
2301. 862// ["\"\\0\"", "char_after_escape", "unexpected_a_before_b", "0", 3]
2302. 862
2303. 862 warn_at("unexpected_a_before_b", line, column, "\\", char);
2304. 2953 }
2305. 2953 }
2306. 668
2307. 10013 function char_before() {
2308. 10013
2309. 10013// Back up one character by moving a character from the end of the snippet to
2310. 10013// the front of the line_source.
2311. 10013
2312. 10013 char = snippet.slice(-1);
2313. 10013 line_source = char + line_source;
2314. 10013 column -= char.length;
2315. 10013
2316. 10013// Remove last character from snippet.
2317. 10013
2318. 10013 snippet = snippet.slice(0, -1);
2319. 10013 return char;
2320. 10013 }
2321. 668
2322. 8924 function check_numeric_separator(digits, column) {
2323. 8924
2324. 8924// This function will check for illegal numeric-separator in <digits>.
2325. 8924
2326. 8924 digits.replace((
2327. 8924 jslint_rgx_numeric_separator_illegal
2328. 6 ), function (ignore, ii) {
2329. 6
2330. 6// test_cause:
2331. 6// ["0x0_0_;", "check_numeric_separator", "illegal_num_separator", "", 6]
2332. 6// ["0x0_0__0;", "check_numeric_separator", "illegal_num_separator", "", 6]
2333. 6// ["aa=1_2_;", "check_numeric_separator", "illegal_num_separator", "", 7]
2334. 6// ["aa=1_2__3;", "check_numeric_separator", "illegal_num_separator", "", 7]
2335. 6// ["aa=1_2_n;", "check_numeric_separator", "illegal_num_separator", "", 7]
2336. 6
2337. 6 warn_at("illegal_num_separator", line, column + ii + 1);
2338. 6 return "";
2339. 6 });
2340. 8924 }
2341. 668
2342. 11221 function lex_comment() {
2343. 11221 let body;
2344. 11221 let ii = 0;
2345. 11221 let jj = 0;
2346. 11221 let the_comment;
2347. 11221
2348. 11221// Create a comment object. Comments are not allowed in JSON text. Comments can
2349. 11221// include directives and notices of incompletion.
2350. 11221
2351. 11221// Create token from comment //....
2352. 11221
2353. 11107 if (snippet === "//") {
2354. 11107 snippet = line_source;
2355. 11107 line_source = "";
2356. 11107 the_comment = token_create("(comment)", snippet);
2357. 11107 if (mode_mega) {
2358. 11107
2359. 11107// test_cause:
2360. 11107// ["`${//}`", "lex_comment", "unexpected_comment", "`", 4]
2361. 11107
2362. 11107 warn("unexpected_comment", the_comment, "`");
2363. 11107 }
2364. 11107
2365. 11107// Create token from comment /*...*/.
2366. 11107
2367. 11107 } else {
2368. 114 snippet = [];
2369. 114 if (line_source[0] === "/") {
2370. 114
2371. 114// test_cause:
2372. 114// ["/*/", "lex_comment", "unexpected_a", "/", 2]
2373. 114
2374. 114 warn_at("unexpected_a", line, column + ii, "/");
2375. 114 }
2376. 114
2377. 114// Lex/loop through each line until "*/".
2378. 114
2379. 696 while (true) {
2380. 696 // jslint_rgx_star_slash
2381. 696 ii = line_source.indexOf("*/");
2382. 696 if (ii >= 0) {
2383. 696 break;
2384. 696 }
2385. 696 // jslint_rgx_slash_star
2386. 696 ii = line_source.indexOf("/*");
2387. 696 if (ii >= 0) {
2388. 696
2389. 696// test_cause:
2390. 696// ["/*/*", "lex_comment", "nested_comment", "", 2]
2391. 696
2392. 696 warn_at("nested_comment", line, column + ii);
2393. 696 }
2394. 696 snippet.push(line_source);
2395. 696 line_source = read_line();
2396. 696 if (line_source === undefined) {
2397. 696
2398. 696// test_cause:
2399. 696// ["/*", "lex_comment", "unclosed_comment", "", 1]
2400. 696
2401. 696 return stop_at("unclosed_comment", line, column);
2402. 696 }
2403. 696 }
2404. 114 jj = line_source.slice(0, ii).search(
2405. 114 jslint_rgx_slash_star_or_slash
2406. 114 );
2407. 114 if (jj >= 0) {
2408. 114
2409. 114// test_cause:
2410. 114// ["/*/**/", "lex_comment", "nested_comment", "", 2]
2411. 114
2412. 114 warn_at("nested_comment", line, column + jj);
2413. 114 }
2414. 114 snippet.push(line_source.slice(0, ii));
2415. 114 snippet = snippet.join(" ");
2416. 114 column += ii + 2;
2417. 114 line_source = line_source.slice(ii + 2);
2418. 114 the_comment = token_create("(comment)", snippet);
2419. 11218 }
2420. 11218
2421. 11218// Uncompleted work comment.
2422. 11218
2423. 11218 if (!option_dict.devel && jslint_rgx_todo.test(snippet)) {
2424. 16
2425. 16// test_cause:
2426. 16// ["//todo", "lex_comment", "todo_comment", "(comment)", 1] //jslint-ignore-line
2427. 16
2428. 16 warn("todo_comment", the_comment);
2429. 11218 }
2430. 11218
2431. 11218// Lex directives in comment.
2432. 11218
2433. 11218 [
2434. 11218 the_comment.directive, body
2435. 11218 ] = Array.from(snippet.match(jslint_rgx_directive) || []).slice(1);
2436. 11141 if (the_comment.directive === undefined) {
2437. 11141 return the_comment;
2438. 11141 }
2439. 77 directive_list.push(the_comment);
2440. 77 if (!mode_directive) {
2441. 1
2442. 1// test_cause:
2443. 1// ["0\n/*global aa*/", "lex_comment", "misplaced_directive_a", "global", 1]
2444. 1
2445. 1 warn_at("misplaced_directive_a", line, from, the_comment.directive);
2446. 1 return the_comment;
2447. 76 }
2448. 76
2449. 76// lex_directive();
2450. 76// JSLint recognizes three directives that can be encoded in comments. This
2451. 76// function processes one item, and calls itself recursively to process the
2452. 76// next one.
2453. 76
2454. 76// Lex/loop through each directive in /*...*/
2455. 76
2456. 76 ii = 0;
2457. 1835 body.replace(jslint_rgx_directive_part, function (
2458. 1835 match0,
2459. 1835 key,
2460. 1835 val,
2461. 1835 jj
2462. 1835 ) {
2463. 76 if (ii !== jj) {
2464. 76
2465. 76// test_cause:
2466. 76// ["/*jslint !*/", "lex_comment", "bad_directive_a", "!", 1]
2467. 76
2468. 76 return stop("bad_directive_a", the_comment, body.slice(ii));
2469. 1834 }
2470. 1834 if (match0 === "") {
2471. 76 return "";
2472. 1759 }
2473. 1759 ii += match0.length;
2474. 1759 switch (the_comment.directive) {
2475. 1759 case "global":
2476. 76 if (val) {
2477. 76
2478. 76// test_cause:
2479. 76// ["/*global aa:false*/", "lex_comment", "bad_option_a", "aa:false", 1]
2480. 76
2481. 76 warn("bad_option_a", the_comment, key + ":" + val);
2482. 76 }
2483. 76 global_dict[key] = "user-defined";
2484. 76
2485. 76// PR-347 - Disable warning "unexpected_directive_a".
2486. 76//
2487. 76// state.mode_module = the_comment;
2488. 76
2489. 76 break;
2490. 99 case "jslint":
2491. 99 if (!option_set_item(key, val !== "false")) {
2492. 99
2493. 99// test_cause:
2494. 99// ["/*jslint undefined*/", "lex_comment", "bad_option_a", "undefined", 1]
2495. 99
2496. 99 warn("bad_option_a", the_comment, key);
2497. 99 }
2498. 99 break;
2499. 1651 case "property":
2500. 1651 state.mode_property = true;
2501. 1651 tenure[key] = true;
2502. 1651 break;
2503. 1759 }
2504. 1759 return "";
2505. 1759 });
2506. 76 return the_comment;
2507. 76 }
2508. 668
2509. 789 function lex_megastring() {
2510. 789 let id;
2511. 789 let match;
2512. 789
2513. 789// The token is a megastring. We don't allow any kind of mega nesting.
2514. 789
2515. 1 if (mode_mega) {
2516. 1
2517. 1// test_cause:
2518. 1// ["`${`", "lex_megastring", "expected_a_b", "`", 4]
2519. 1
2520. 1 return stop_at("expected_a_b", line, column, "}", "`");
2521. 788 }
2522. 788 from_mega = from;
2523. 788 line_mega = line;
2524. 788 mode_mega = true;
2525. 788 snippet = "";
2526. 788
2527. 788// Parsing a mega literal is tricky. First create a ` token.
2528. 788
2529. 788 token_create("`");
2530. 788 from += 1;
2531. 788
2532. 788// Then loop, building up a string, possibly from many lines, until seeing
2533. 788// the end of file, a closing `, or a ${ indicting an expression within the
2534. 788// string.
2535. 788
2536. 5963 while (true) {
2537. 5963 match = line_source.match(jslint_rgx_mega) || {
2538. 5963 "0": "",
2539. 5963 index: 0
2540. 5963 };
2541. 5963 snippet += line_source.slice(0, match.index);
2542. 5963 column += match.index;
2543. 5963 line_source = line_source.slice(match.index);
2544. 5963 match = match[0];
2545. 5963 switch (match) {
2546. 5963 case "${":
2547. 5963
2548. 5963// if either ` or ${ was found, then the preceding joins the snippet to become
2549. 5963// a string token.
2550. 5963
2551. 5963 token_create("(string)", snippet).quote = "`";
2552. 5963 snippet = "";
2553. 5963
2554. 5963// If ${, then create tokens that will become part of an expression until
2555. 5963// a } token is made.
2556. 5963
2557. 5963 column += 2;
2558. 5963 token_create("${");
2559. 5963 line_source = line_source.slice(2);
2560. 5963
2561. 5963// Lex/loop through each token inside megastring-expression `${...}`.
2562. 5963
2563. 5963 while (true) {
2564. 5963 id = lex_token().id;
2565. 5963 if (id === "{") {
2566. 5963
2567. 5963// test_cause:
2568. 5963// ["`${{", "lex_megastring", "expected_a_b", "{", 4]
2569. 5963
2570. 5963 return stop_at("expected_a_b", line, column, "}", "{");
2571. 5963 }
2572. 5963 if (id === "}") {
2573. 5963 break;
2574. 5963 }
2575. 5963 }
2576. 5963 break;
2577. 5963 case "\\":
2578. 5963 snippet += line_source.slice(0, 2);
2579. 5963 line_source = line_source.slice(2);
2580. 5963 column += 2;
2581. 5963 break;
2582. 5963 case "`":
2583. 5963
2584. 5963// if either ` or ${ was found, then the preceding joins the snippet to become
2585. 5963// a string token.
2586. 5963
2587. 5963 token_create("(string)", snippet).quote = "`";
2588. 5963 snippet = "";
2589. 5963
2590. 5963// Terminate megastring with `.
2591. 5963
2592. 5963 line_source = line_source.slice(1);
2593. 5963 column += 1;
2594. 5963 mode_mega = false;
2595. 5963 return token_create("`");
2596. 5963 default:
2597. 5963
2598. 5963// If neither ` nor ${ is seen, then the whole line joins the snippet.
2599. 5963
2600. 5963 snippet += line_source + "\n";
2601. 5963 if (read_line() === undefined) {
2602. 5963
2603. 5963// test_cause:
2604. 5963// ["`", "lex_megastring", "unclosed_mega", "", 1]
2605. 5963
2606. 5963 return stop_at("unclosed_mega", line_mega, from_mega);
2607. 5963 }
2608. 5963 }
2609. 5963 }
2610. 789 }
2611. 668
2612. 8851 function lex_number() {
2613. 8851 let prefix = snippet;
2614. 8851
2615. 8851// PR-390 - Add numeric-separator check.
2616. 8851
2617. 8851 check_numeric_separator(prefix, column - prefix.length);
2618. 8851 char_after();
2619. 2880 switch (prefix === "0" && char) {
2620. 3 case "b":
2621. 6 case "o":
2622. 33 case "x":
2623. 33 read_digits(char, mode_digits_numeric_separator);
2624. 33
2625. 33// PR-351 - Ignore BigInt suffix 'n'.
2626. 33
2627. 33 if (char === "n") {
2628. 33 char_after("n");
2629. 33 }
2630. 33 break;
2631. 8818 default:
2632. 8818 if (char === ".") {
2633. 8818 read_digits("d", mode_digits_numeric_separator);
2634. 8818 }
2635. 8818 if (char === "E" || char === "e") {
2636. 8818 char_after(char);
2637. 8818 if (char !== "+" && char !== "-") {
2638. 8818 char_before();
2639. 8818 }
2640. 8818 read_digits("d", mode_digits_numeric_separator);
2641. 8818 }
2642. 8851 }
2643. 8851
2644. 8851// If the next character after a number is a digit or letter, then something
2645. 8851// unexpected is going on.
2646. 8851
2647. 8851 if (
2648. 1567 (char >= "0" && char <= "9")
2649. 44 || (char >= "a" && char <= "z")
2650. 8850 || (char >= "A" && char <= "Z")
2651. 1 ) {
2652. 1
2653. 1// test_cause:
2654. 1// ["0a", "lex_number", "unexpected_a_after_b", "0", 2]
2655. 1
2656. 1 return stop_at(
2657. 1 "unexpected_a_after_b",
2658. 1 line,
2659. 1 column,
2660. 1 snippet.slice(-1),
2661. 1 snippet.slice(0, -1)
2662. 1 );
2663. 8850 }
2664. 8850 char_before();
2665. 8850 return token_create("(number)", snippet);
2666. 8850 }
2667. 668
2668. 583 function lex_regexp() {
2669. 583
2670. 583// Regexp
2671. 583// Lex a regular expression literal.
2672. 583
2673. 583 let flag;
2674. 583 let mode_regexp_multiline;
2675. 583 let result;
2676. 583 let value;
2677. 583 mode_regexp = true;
2678. 583
2679. 209 function lex_regexp_bracketed() {
2680. 209 let mode_regexp_range;
2681. 209
2682. 209// RegExp
2683. 209// Match a class.
2684. 209
2685. 209 char_after("[");
2686. 35 if (char === "^") {
2687. 35 char_after("^");
2688. 35 }
2689. 902 while (true) {
2690. 902
2691. 902// RegExp
2692. 902// Match a character in a character class.
2693. 902
2694. 902 switch (char) {
2695. 902 case "":
2696. 902 case "]":
2697. 902
2698. 902// test_cause:
2699. 902// ["aa=/[", "lex_regexp_bracketed", "closer", "", 0]
2700. 902// ["aa=/[]/", "lex_regexp_bracketed", "closer", "", 0]
2701. 902
2702. 902 test_cause("closer");
2703. 902 if (mode_regexp_range) {
2704. 902
2705. 902// test_cause:
2706. 902// ["aa=/[0-]/", "lex_regexp_bracketed", "unexpected_a", "-", 7]
2707. 902
2708. 902 warn_at("unexpected_a", line, column - 1, "-");
2709. 902 }
2710. 902 return char_after("]");
2711. 902
2712. 902// PR-362 - Relax regexp-warning against using <space>.
2713. 902//
2714. 902// case " ":
2715. 902//
2716. 902// // test_cause:
2717. 902// // ["aa=/[ ]/", "lex_regexp_bracketed", "expected_a_b", " ", 6]
2718. 902//
2719. 902// warn_at("expected_a_b", line, column, "\\u0020", " ");
2720. 902// break;
2721. 902
2722. 902 case "-":
2723. 902 case "/":
2724. 902 case "[":
2725. 902 case "^":
2726. 902
2727. 902// test_cause:
2728. 902// ["aa=/[-]/", "lex_regexp_bracketed", "expected_a_before_b", "-", 6]
2729. 902// ["aa=/[.^]/", "lex_regexp_bracketed", "expected_a_before_b", "^", 7]
2730. 902// ["aa=/[/", "lex_regexp_bracketed", "expected_a_before_b", "/", 6]
2731. 902// ["aa=/[\\\\/]/", "lex_regexp_bracketed", "expected_a_before_b", "/", 8]
2732. 902// ["aa=/[\\\\[]/", "lex_regexp_bracketed", "expected_a_before_b", "[", 8]
2733. 902
2734. 902 warn_at("expected_a_before_b", line, column, "\\", char);
2735. 902 break;
2736. 902 case "\\":
2737. 902 char_after_escape("BbDdSsWw-[]^");
2738. 902 char_before();
2739. 902 break;
2740. 902 case "`":
2741. 902 if (mode_mega) {
2742. 902
2743. 902// test_cause:
2744. 902// ["`${/[`]/}`", "lex_regexp_bracketed", "unexpected_a", "`", 6]
2745. 902
2746. 902 warn_at("unexpected_a", line, column, "`");
2747. 902 }
2748. 902 break;
2749. 902 }
2750. 902 char_after();
2751. 902 mode_regexp_range = false;
2752. 902 if (char === "-") {
2753. 902
2754. 902// RegExp
2755. 902// Match a range of subclasses.
2756. 902
2757. 902 mode_regexp_range = true;
2758. 902 char_after("-");
2759. 902 }
2760. 902 }
2761. 209 }
2762. 583
2763. 794 function lex_regexp_group() {
2764. 794
2765. 794// RegExp
2766. 794// Lex sequence of characters in regexp.
2767. 794
2768. 794 switch (char) {
2769. 1 case "":
2770. 1 warn_at("expected_regexp_factor_a", line, column, char);
2771. 1 break;
2772. 1 case ")":
2773. 1 warn_at("expected_regexp_factor_a", line, column, char);
2774. 1 break;
2775. 1 case "]":
2776. 1
2777. 1// test_cause:
2778. 1// ["/ /", "lex_regexp_group", "expected_regexp_factor_a", "", 3]
2779. 1// ["aa=/)", "lex_regexp_group", "expected_regexp_factor_a", ")", 5]
2780. 1// ["aa=/]", "lex_regexp_group", "expected_regexp_factor_a", "]", 5]
2781. 1
2782. 1 warn_at("expected_regexp_factor_a", line, column, char);
2783. 1 break;
2784. 794 }
2785. 5592 while (true) {
2786. 5592 switch (char) {
2787. 5592 case "":
2788. 5592 case ")":
2789. 5592 case "/":
2790. 5592 case "]":
2791. 5592 return;
2792. 5592
2793. 5592// PR-362 - Relax regexp-warning against using <space>.
2794. 5592//
2795. 5592// case " ":
2796. 5592//
2797. 5592// // test_cause:
2798. 5592// // ["aa=/ /", "lex_regexp_group", "expected_a_b", " ", 5]
2799. 5592//
2800. 5592// warn_at("expected_a_b", line, column, "\\s", " ");
2801. 5592// char_after();
2802. 5592// break;
2803. 5592
2804. 5592 case "$":
2805. 5592 if (line_source[0] !== "/") {
2806. 5592 mode_regexp_multiline = true;
2807. 5592 }
2808. 5592 char_after();
2809. 5592 break;
2810. 5592 case "(":
2811. 5592
2812. 5592// RegExp
2813. 5592// Match a group that starts with left paren.
2814. 5592
2815. 5592 char_after("(");
2816. 5592 switch (char) {
2817. 5592 case ":":
2818. 5592
2819. 5592// test_cause:
2820. 5592// ["aa=/(:)/", "lex_regexp_group", "expected_a_before_b", ":", 6]
2821. 5592// ["aa=/?/", "lex_regexp_group", "expected_a_before_b", "?", 5]
2822. 5592
2823. 5592 warn_at("expected_a_before_b", line, column, "?", ":");
2824. 5592 break;
2825. 5592 case "?":
2826. 5592 char_after("?");
2827. 5592 switch (char) {
2828. 5592 case "!":
2829. 5592
2830. 5592// PR-437 - Add grammar for regexp-named-capture-group.
2831. 5592
2832. 5592 case "<":
2833. 5592 case "=":
2834. 5592 char_after();
2835. 5592 break;
2836. 5592 default:
2837. 5592 char_after(":");
2838. 5592 }
2839. 5592 break;
2840. 5592 }
2841. 5592
2842. 5592// RegExp
2843. 5592// Recurse lex_regexp_group().
2844. 5592
2845. 5592 lex_regexp_group();
2846. 5592 char_after(")");
2847. 5592 break;
2848. 5592 case "*":
2849. 5592 case "+":
2850. 5592 case "?":
2851. 5592 case "{":
2852. 5592 case "}":
2853. 5592
2854. 5592// test_cause:
2855. 5592// ["aa=/+/", "lex_regexp_group", "expected_a_before_b", "+", 5]
2856. 5592// ["aa=/.**/", "lex_regexp_group", "expected_a_before_b", "*", 7]
2857. 5592// ["aa=/?/", "lex_regexp_group", "expected_a_before_b", "?", 5]
2858. 5592// ["aa=/{/", "lex_regexp_group", "expected_a_before_b", "{", 5]
2859. 5592// ["aa=/}/", "lex_regexp_group", "expected_a_before_b", "}", 5]
2860. 5592
2861. 5592 warn_at("expected_a_before_b", line, column, "\\", char);
2862. 5592 char_after();
2863. 5592 break;
2864. 5592 case "[":
2865. 5592 lex_regexp_bracketed();
2866. 5592 break;
2867. 5592 case "\\":
2868. 5592
2869. 5592// test_cause:
2870. 5592// ["aa=/\\/", "lex_regexp_group", "escape", "", 0]
2871. 5592
2872. 5592 test_cause("escape");
2873. 5592
2874. 5592// PR-437 - Add grammar for regexp-named-backreference.
2875. 5592
2876. 5592 char_after_escape("BbDdSsWw^${}[]():=!.|*+?k");
2877. 5592 break;
2878. 5592 case "^":
2879. 5592 if (snippet !== "^") {
2880. 5592 mode_regexp_multiline = true;
2881. 5592 }
2882. 5592 char_after();
2883. 5592 break;
2884. 5592 case "`":
2885. 5592 if (mode_mega) {
2886. 5592
2887. 5592// test_cause:
2888. 5592// ["`${/`/}`", "lex_regexp_group", "unexpected_a", "`", 5]
2889. 5592
2890. 5592 warn_at("unexpected_a", line, column, "`");
2891. 5592 }
2892. 5592 char_after();
2893. 5592 break;
2894. 5592 default:
2895. 5592 char_after();
2896. 5592 }
2897. 5592
2898. 5592// RegExp
2899. 5592// Match an optional quantifier.
2900. 5592
2901. 5592 switch (char) {
2902. 5592 case "*":
2903. 5592 case "+":
2904. 5592 if (char_after(char) === "?") {
2905. 5592
2906. 5592// test_cause:
2907. 5592// ["aa=/.*?/", "lex_regexp_group", "?", "", 0]
2908. 5592// ["aa=/.+?/", "lex_regexp_group", "?", "", 0]
2909. 5592
2910. 5592 test_cause("?");
2911. 5592 char_after("?");
2912. 5592 }
2913. 5592 break;
2914. 5592 case "?":
2915. 5592 if (char_after("?") === "?") {
2916. 5592
2917. 5592// test_cause:
2918. 5592// ["aa=/.??/", "lex_regexp_group", "unexpected_a", "?", 7]
2919. 5592
2920. 5592 warn_at("unexpected_a", line, column, char);
2921. 5592 char_after("?");
2922. 5592 }
2923. 5592 break;
2924. 5592 case "{":
2925. 5592 if (read_digits("d", mode_digits_empty_string) === 0) {
2926. 5592
2927. 5592// test_cause:
2928. 5592// ["aa=/aa{/", "lex_regexp_group", "expected_a_before_b", ",", 8]
2929. 5592
2930. 5592 warn_at("expected_a_before_b", line, column, "0", ",");
2931. 5592 }
2932. 5592 if (char === ",") {
2933. 5592
2934. 5592// test_cause:
2935. 5592// ["aa=/.{,/", "lex_regexp_group", "comma", "", 0]
2936. 5592
2937. 5592 test_cause("comma");
2938. 5592 read_digits("d", mode_digits_empty_string);
2939. 5592 }
2940. 5592 if (char_after("}") === "?") {
2941. 5592
2942. 5592// test_cause:
2943. 5592// ["aa=/.{0}?/", "lex_regexp_group", "unexpected_a", "?", 9]
2944. 5592
2945. 5592 warn_at("unexpected_a", line, column, char);
2946. 5592 char_after("?");
2947. 5592 }
2948. 5592 break;
2949. 5592 }
2950. 5592 }
2951. 794 }
2952. 583
2953. 583// RegExp
2954. 583// Scan the regexp literal. Give a warning if the first character is = because
2955. 583// /= looks like a division assignment operator.
2956. 583
2957. 583 snippet = "";
2958. 583 char_after();
2959. 1 if (char === "=") {
2960. 1
2961. 1// test_cause:
2962. 1// ["aa=/=/", "lex_regexp", "expected_a_before_b", "=", 5]
2963. 1
2964. 1 warn_at("expected_a_before_b", line, column, "\\", "=");
2965. 1 }
2966. 583 lex_regexp_group();
2967. 583
2968. 583// RegExp
2969. 583// Remove last character from snippet.
2970. 583
2971. 583 snippet = snippet.slice(0, -1);
2972. 583
2973. 583// RegExp
2974. 583// Make sure there is a closing slash.
2975. 583
2976. 583 value = snippet;
2977. 583 char_after("/");
2978. 583
2979. 583// RegExp
2980. 583// Create flag.
2981. 583
2982. 583 flag = empty();
2983. 583 while (
2984. 583
2985. 583// Regexp
2986. 583// char is a letter.
2987. 583
2988. 512 (char >= "a" && char <= "z\uffff")
2989. 573 || (char >= "A" && char <= "Z\uffff")
2990. 510 ) {
2991. 510
2992. 510// RegExp
2993. 510// Process dangling flag letters.
2994. 510
2995. 510 switch (!flag[char] && char) {
2996. 510 case "g":
2997. 510 break;
2998. 510 case "i":
2999. 510 break;
3000. 510 case "m":
3001. 510 break;
3002. 510 case "u":
3003. 510 break;
3004. 510 case "y":
3005. 510
3006. 510// test_cause:
3007. 510// ["aa=/./gimuy", "lex_regexp", "flag", "", 0]
3008. 510
3009. 510 test_cause("flag");
3010. 510 break;
3011. 510 default:
3012. 510
3013. 510// test_cause:
3014. 510// ["aa=/./gg", "lex_regexp", "unexpected_a", "g", 8]
3015. 510// ["aa=/./z", "lex_regexp", "unexpected_a", "z", 7]
3016. 510
3017. 510 warn_at("unexpected_a", line, column, char);
3018. 510 }
3019. 510 flag[char] = true;
3020. 510 char_after();
3021. 573 }
3022. 573 char_before();
3023. 573 if (char === "/" || char === "*") {
3024. 1
3025. 1// test_cause:
3026. 1// ["aa=/.//", "lex_regexp", "unexpected_a", "/", 3]
3027. 1
3028. 1 return stop_at("unexpected_a", line, from, char);
3029. 572 }
3030. 572 result = token_create("(regexp)", char);
3031. 572 result.flag = flag;
3032. 572 result.value = value;
3033. 572 if (mode_regexp_multiline && !flag.m) {
3034. 1
3035. 1// test_cause:
3036. 1// ["aa=/$^/", "lex_regexp", "missing_m", "", 7]
3037. 1
3038. 1 warn_at("missing_m", line, column);
3039. 572 }
3040. 572 return result;
3041. 572 }
3042. 668
3043. 598 function lex_slash_or_regexp() {
3044. 598
3045. 598// The / can be a division operator or the beginning of a regular expression
3046. 598// literal. It is not possible to know which without doing a complete parse.
3047. 598// We want to complete the tokenization before we begin to parse, so we will
3048. 598// estimate. This estimator can fail in some cases. For example, it cannot
3049. 598// know if "}" is ending a block or ending an object literal, so it can
3050. 598// behave incorrectly in that case; it is not meaningful to divide an
3051. 598// object, so it is likely that we can get away with it. We avoided the worst
3052. 598// cases by eliminating automatic semicolon insertion.
3053. 598
3054. 598 let the_token;
3055. 598 switch (
3056. 598 token_prv_expr.identifier
3057. 18 && !token_prv_expr.dot
3058. 15 && token_prv_expr.id
3059. 598 ) {
3060. 1 case "case":
3061. 2 case "delete":
3062. 3 case "in":
3063. 4 case "instanceof":
3064. 5 case "new":
3065. 6 case "typeof":
3066. 7 case "void":
3067. 8 case "yield":
3068. 8 the_token = lex_regexp();
3069. 8
3070. 8// test_cause:
3071. 8// ["case /./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "unexpected_a", "(regexp)", 6]
3072. 8// ["delete /./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "unexpected_a", "(regexp)", 8]
3073. 8// ["in /./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "unexpected_a", "(regexp)", 4]
3074. 8// ["instanceof /./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "unexpected_a", "(regexp)", 12]
3075. 8// ["new /./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "unexpected_a", "(regexp)", 5]
3076. 8// ["typeof /./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "unexpected_a", "(regexp)", 8]
3077. 8// ["void /./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "unexpected_a", "(regexp)", 6]
3078. 8// ["yield /./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "unexpected_a", "(regexp)", 7]
3079. 8
3080. 8 return stop("unexpected_a", the_token);
3081. 1 case "return":
3082. 1 return lex_regexp();
3083. 589 }
3084. 589 switch (!token_prv_expr.identifier && token_prv_expr.id.slice(-1)) {
3085. 1 case "!":
3086. 2 case "%":
3087. 4 case "&":
3088. 5 case "*":
3089. 6 case "+":
3090. 7 case "-":
3091. 9 case "/":
3092. 10 case ";":
3093. 11 case "<":
3094. 12 case ">":
3095. 13 case "^":
3096. 16 case "{":
3097. 17 case "|":
3098. 18 case "}":
3099. 19 case "~":
3100. 19 the_token = lex_regexp();
3101. 19
3102. 19// test_cause:
3103. 19// ["!/./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "wrap_regexp", "(regexp)", 2]
3104. 19// ["%/./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "wrap_regexp", "(regexp)", 2]
3105. 19// ["&/./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "wrap_regexp", "(regexp)", 2]
3106. 19// ["+/./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "wrap_regexp", "(regexp)", 2]
3107. 19// ["-/./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "wrap_regexp", "(regexp)", 2]
3108. 19// ["0 * /./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "wrap_regexp", "(regexp)", 5]
3109. 19// ["0 / /./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "wrap_regexp", "(regexp)", 5]
3110. 19// [";/./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "wrap_regexp", "(regexp)", 2]
3111. 19// ["</./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "wrap_regexp", "(regexp)", 2]
3112. 19// [">/./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "wrap_regexp", "(regexp)", 2]
3113. 19// ["^/./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "wrap_regexp", "(regexp)", 2]
3114. 19// ["{/./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "wrap_regexp", "(regexp)", 2]
3115. 19// ["|/./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "wrap_regexp", "(regexp)", 2]
3116. 19// ["}/./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "wrap_regexp", "(regexp)", 2]
3117. 19// ["~/./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "wrap_regexp", "(regexp)", 2]
3118. 19
3119. 19 warn("wrap_regexp", the_token);
3120. 19 return the_token;
3121. 514 case "(":
3122. 515 case ",":
3123. 516 case ":":
3124. 553 case "=":
3125. 554 case "?":
3126. 555 case "[":
3127. 555
3128. 555// test_cause:
3129. 555// ["(/./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "recurse", "", 0]
3130. 555// [",/./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "recurse", "", 0]
3131. 555// [":/./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "recurse", "", 0]
3132. 555// ["=/./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "recurse", "", 0]
3133. 555// ["?/./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "recurse", "", 0]
3134. 555// ["aa[/./", "lex_slash_or_regexp", "recurse", "", 0]
3135. 555
3136. 555 test_cause("recurse");
3137. 555 return lex_regexp();
3138. 15 }
3139. 15 if (line_source[0] === "=") {
3140. 1 column += 1;
3141. 1 line_source = line_source.slice(1);
3142. 1 snippet = "/=";
3143. 1 warn_at("unexpected_a", line, column, "/=");
3144. 15 }
3145. 15 return token_create(snippet);
3146. 15 }
3147. 668
3148. 24335 function lex_string(quote) {
3149. 24335
3150. 24335// Create a string token.
3151. 24335
3152. 24335 let the_token;
3153. 24333 if (!option_dict.single && quote === "'") {
3154. 2
3155. 2// test_cause:
3156. 2// ["''", "lex_string", "use_double", "", 1]
3157. 2
3158. 2 warn_at("use_double", line, column);
3159. 2 }
3160. 24335 snippet = "";
3161. 24335 char_after();
3162. 24335
3163. 24335// Lex/loop through each character in "...".
3164. 24335
3165. 217055 while (true) {
3166. 217055 switch (char) {
3167. 217055 case "":
3168. 217055
3169. 217055// test_cause:
3170. 217055// ["\"", "lex_string", "unclosed_string", "", 1]
3171. 217055
3172. 217055 return stop_at("unclosed_string", line, column);
3173. 217055 case "\\":
3174. 217055 char_after_escape(quote);
3175. 217055 break;
3176. 217055 case "`":
3177. 217055 if (mode_mega) {
3178. 217055
3179. 217055// test_cause:
3180. 217055// ["`${\"`\"}`", "lex_string", "unexpected_a", "`", 5]
3181. 217055
3182. 217055 warn_at("unexpected_a", line, column, "`");
3183. 217055 }
3184. 217055 char_after("`");
3185. 217055 break;
3186. 217055 case quote:
3187. 217055
3188. 217055// Remove last character from snippet.
3189. 217055
3190. 217055 snippet = snippet.slice(0, -1);
3191. 217055 the_token = token_create("(string)", snippet);
3192. 217055 the_token.quote = quote;
3193. 217055 return the_token;
3194. 217055 default:
3195. 217055 char_after();
3196. 217055 }
3197. 217055 }
3198. 24335 }
3199. 668
3200. 252255 function lex_token() {
3201. 252255 let match;
3202. 252255
3203. 252255// Lex/loop through each whitespace.
3204. 252255
3205. 376039 while (true) {
3206. 376039
3207. 376039// Lex/loop through each blank-line.
3208. 376039
3209. 376039 while (!line_source) {
3210. 376039 line_source = read_line();
3211. 376039 from = 0;
3212. 376039 if (line_source === undefined) {
3213. 376039 return (
3214. 376039 mode_mega
3215. 376039
3216. 376039// test_cause:
3217. 376039// ["`${//}`", "lex_token", "unclosed_mega", "", 1]
3218. 376039
3219. 376039 ? stop_at("unclosed_mega", line_mega, from_mega)
3220. 376039 : line_disable !== undefined
3221. 376039
3222. 376039// test_cause:
3223. 376039// ["/*jslint-disable*/", "lex_token", "unclosed_disable", "", 1]
3224. 376039
3225. 376039 ? stop_at("unclosed_disable", line_disable)
3226. 376039 : token_create("(end)")
3227. 376039 );
3228. 376039 }
3229. 376039 }
3230. 376039 from = column;
3231. 376039 match = line_source.match(jslint_rgx_token);
3232. 376039
3233. 376039// match[1] token
3234. 376039// match[2] whitespace
3235. 376039// match[3] identifier
3236. 376039// match[4] number
3237. 376039// match[5] rest
3238. 376039
3239. 376039 if (!match) {
3240. 376039
3241. 376039// test_cause:
3242. 376039// ["#", "lex_token", "unexpected_char_a", "#", 1]
3243. 376039
3244. 376039 return stop_at(
3245. 376039 "unexpected_char_a",
3246. 376039 line,
3247. 376039 column,
3248. 376039 line_source[0]
3249. 376039 );
3250. 376039 }
3251. 376039 snippet = match[1];
3252. 376039 column += snippet.length;
3253. 376039 line_source = match[5];
3254. 376039 if (!match[2]) {
3255. 376039 break;
3256. 376039 }
3257. 376039 }
3258. 251612
3259. 251612// The token is an identifier.
3260. 251612
3261. 251612 if (match[3]) {
3262. 67699 return token_create(snippet, undefined, true);
3263. 183913 }
3264. 183913
3265. 183913// Create token from number.
3266. 183913
3267. 183913 if (match[4]) {
3268. 8851 return lex_number();
3269. 175062 }
3270. 175062
3271. 175062// Create token from string "..." or '...'.
3272. 175062
3273. 175062 if (snippet === "\"" || snippet === "'") {
3274. 24335 return lex_string(snippet);
3275. 150727 }
3276. 150727
3277. 150727// Create token from megastring `...`.
3278. 150727
3279. 150727 if (snippet === "`") {
3280. 789 return lex_megastring();
3281. 149938 }
3282. 149938
3283. 149938// Create token from comment /*...*/ or //....
3284. 149938
3285. 149938 if (snippet === "/*" || snippet === "//") {
3286. 11221 return lex_comment();
3287. 138717 }
3288. 138717
3289. 138717// Create token from slash /.
3290. 138717
3291. 138717 if (snippet === "/") {
3292. 598 return lex_slash_or_regexp();
3293. 138119 }
3294. 138119 return token_create(snippet);
3295. 138119 }
3296. 668
3297. 2667 function option_set_item(key, val) {
3298. 2667
3299. 2667// These are the options that are recognized in the option object or that may
3300. 2667// appear in a /*jslint*/ directive. Most options will have a boolean value,
3301. 2667// usually true. Some options will also predefine some number of global
3302. 2667// variables.
3303. 2667
3304. 2667 switch (key) {
3305. 659 case "beta": // Enable experimental warnings.
3306. 661 case "bitwise": // Allow bitwise operator.
3307. 668 case "browser": // Assume browser environment.
3308. 670 case "convert": // Allow conversion operator.
3309. 672 case "couch": // Assume CouchDb environment.
3310. 678 case "devel": // Allow console.log() and friends.
3311. 2014 case "ecma": // Assume ECMAScript environment.
3312. 2020 case "eval": // Allow eval().
3313. 2024 case "fart": // Allow complex fat-arrow.
3314. 2029 case "for": // Allow for-statement.
3315. 2035 case "getset": // Allow get() and set().
3316. 2040 case "indent2": // Use 2-space indent.
3317. 2042 case "long": // Allow long lines.
3318. 2089 case "node": // Assume Node.js environment.
3319. 2093 case "nomen": // Allow weird property name.
3320. 2095 case "single": // Allow single-quote strings.
3321. 2097 case "subscript": // Allow identifier in subscript-notation.
3322. 2602 case "test_cause": // Test jslint's causes.
3323. 2604 case "test_internal_error": // Test jslint's internal-error
3324. 2667 // ... handling-ability.
3325. 2606 case "this": // Allow 'this'.
3326. 2609 case "trace": // Include jslint stack-trace in warnings.
3327. 2613 case "unordered": // Allow unordered cases, params, properties,
3328. 2667 // ... variables, and exports.
3329. 2617 case "variable": // Allow unordered const and let declarations
3330. 2667 // ... that are not at top of function-scope.
3331. 2619 case "white": // Allow messy whitespace.
3332. 2619 option_dict[key] = val;
3333. 2619 break;
3334. 2667
3335. 2667// PR-404 - Alias "evil" to jslint-directive "eval" for backwards-compat.
3336. 2667
3337. 2 case "evil":
3338. 2 return option_set_item("eval", val);
3339. 2667
3340. 2667// PR-404 - Alias "nomen" to jslint-directive "name" for backwards-compat.
3341. 2667
3342. 2 case "name":
3343. 2 return option_set_item("nomen", val);
3344. 44 default:
3345. 44 return false;
3346. 2619 }
3347. 2619
3348. 2619// Initialize global-variables.
3349. 2619
3350. 2619 switch (val && key) {
3351. 2667
3352. 2667// Assign global browser variables to global_dict.
3353. 2667/*
3354. 2667// /\*jslint beta, browser, devel*\/
3355. 2667console.log(JSON.stringify(Object.keys(window).sort(), undefined, 4));
3356. 2667*/
3357. 2667
3358. 6 case "browser":
3359. 6 object_assign_from_list(global_dict, [
3360. 6
3361. 6// Shared with Node.js.
3362. 6
3363. 6 "AbortController",
3364. 6 // "Buffer",
3365. 6 // "Crypto",
3366. 6 // "CryptoKey",
3367. 6 "Event",
3368. 6 "EventTarget",
3369. 6 "MessageChannel",
3370. 6 "MessageEvent",
3371. 6 "MessagePort",
3372. 6 // "Request",
3373. 6 // "Response",
3374. 6 // "SubtleCrypto",
3375. 6 "TextDecoder",
3376. 6 "TextEncoder",
3377. 6 "URL",
3378. 6 "URLSearchParams",
3379. 6 "WebAssembly",
3380. 6 // "__dirname",
3381. 6 // "__filename",
3382. 6 // "atob",
3383. 6 // "btoa",
3384. 6 // "clearImmediate",
3385. 6 "clearInterval",
3386. 6 "clearTimeout",
3387. 6 // "console",
3388. 6 // "crypto",
3389. 6 // "exports",
3390. 6 // "fetch",
3391. 6 // "global",
3392. 6 // "module",
3393. 6 "performance",
3394. 6 // "process",
3395. 6 "queueMicrotask",
3396. 6 // "require",
3397. 6 // "setImmediate",
3398. 6 "setInterval",
3399. 6 "setTimeout",
3400. 6
3401. 6// Web worker only.
3402. 6// https://github.com/mdn/content/blob/main/files/en-us/web/api
3403. 6// /workerglobalscope/index.md
3404. 6
3405. 6 "importScripts",
3406. 6
3407. 6// Window.
3408. 6
3409. 6 "Blob",
3410. 6 // "CharacterData",
3411. 6 // "DocumentType",
3412. 6 // "Element",
3413. 6 // "Event",
3414. 6 "FileReader",
3415. 6 // "FontFace",
3416. 6 "FormData",
3417. 6 "IntersectionObserver",
3418. 6 "MutationObserver",
3419. 6 // "Storage",
3420. 6 // "TextDecoder",
3421. 6 // "TextEncoder",
3422. 6 // "URL",
3423. 6 "Worker",
3424. 6 "XMLHttpRequest",
3425. 6 // "caches",
3426. 6 // "clearInterval",
3427. 6 // "clearTimeout",
3428. 6 "document",
3429. 6 // "event",
3430. 6 "fetch",
3431. 6 // "history",
3432. 6 "indexedDb",
3433. 6 "localStorage",
3434. 6 "location",
3435. 6 // "name",
3436. 6 "navigator",
3437. 6 "postMessage",
3438. 6 // "screen",
3439. 6 "sessionStorage",
3440. 6 // "setInterval",
3441. 6 // "setTimeout",
3442. 6 "structuredClone",
3443. 6 "window"
3444. 6 ], "browser");
3445. 6 break;
3446. 2667
3447. 2667// https://docs.couchdb.org/en/stable/query-server/javascript.html#javascript
3448. 2667
3449. 2 case "couch":
3450. 2 object_assign_from_list(global_dict, [
3451. 2 "emit",
3452. 2 "getRow",
3453. 2 "isArray",
3454. 2 "log",
3455. 2 "provides",
3456. 2 "registerType",
3457. 2 "require",
3458. 2 "send",
3459. 2 "start",
3460. 2 "sum",
3461. 2 "toJSON"
3462. 2 ], "CouchDb");
3463. 2 break;
3464. 6 case "devel":
3465. 6 object_assign_from_list(global_dict, [
3466. 6 "alert", "confirm", "console", "prompt"
3467. 6 ], "development");
3468. 6 break;
3469. 2667
3470. 2667// These are the globals that are provided by the language standard.
3471. 2667// Assign global ECMAScript variables to global_dict.
3472. 2667/*
3473. 2667node --input-type=module --eval '
3474. 2667// /\*jslint beta, node*\/
3475. 2667import https from "https";
3476. 2667(async function () {
3477. 2667 let dict = {import: true};
3478. 2667 let result = "";
3479. 2667 await new Promise(function (resolve) {
3480. 2667 https.get((
3481. 2667 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mdn/content/main/files"
3482. 2667 + "/en-us/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/index.md"
3483. 2667 ), function (res) {
3484. 2667 res.on("data", function (chunk) {
3485. 2667 result += chunk;
3486. 2667 }).on("end", resolve).setEncoding("utf8");
3487. 2667 });
3488. 2667 });
3489. 2667 result.replace((
3490. 2667 /\n- \{\{JSxRef\("(?:Global_Objects\/)?([^"\/]+?)"/g
3491. 2667 ), function (ignore, key) {
3492. 2667 if (globalThis.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
3493. 2667 dict[key] = true;
3494. 2667 }
3495. 2667 return "";
3496. 2667 });
3497. 2667 console.log(JSON.stringify(Object.keys(dict).sort(), undefined, 4));
3498. 2667}());
3499. 2667'
3500. 2667*/
3501. 2667
3502. 1336 case "ecma":
3503. 1336 object_assign_from_list(global_dict, [
3504. 1336 "AggregateError",
3505. 1336 "Array",
3506. 1336 "ArrayBuffer",
3507. 1336 "Atomics",
3508. 1336 "BigInt",
3509. 1336 "BigInt64Array",
3510. 1336 "BigUint64Array",
3511. 1336 "Boolean",
3512. 1336 "DataView",
3513. 1336 "Date",
3514. 1336 "Error",
3515. 1336 "EvalError",
3516. 1336 "Float32Array",
3517. 1336 "Float64Array",
3518. 1336 "Function",
3519. 1336 "Infinity",
3520. 1336 "Int16Array",
3521. 1336 "Int32Array",
3522. 1336 "Int8Array",
3523. 1336 "Intl",
3524. 1336 "JSON",
3525. 1336 "Map",
3526. 1336 "Math",
3527. 1336 "NaN",
3528. 1336 "Number",
3529. 1336 "Object",
3530. 1336 "Promise",
3531. 1336 "Proxy",
3532. 1336 "RangeError",
3533. 1336 "ReferenceError",
3534. 1336 "Reflect",
3535. 1336 "RegExp",
3536. 1336 "Set",
3537. 1336 "SharedArrayBuffer",
3538. 1336 "String",
3539. 1336 "Symbol",
3540. 1336 "SyntaxError",
3541. 1336 "TypeError",
3542. 1336 "URIError",
3543. 1336 "Uint16Array",
3544. 1336 "Uint32Array",
3545. 1336 "Uint8Array",
3546. 1336 "Uint8ClampedArray",
3547. 1336 "WeakMap",
3548. 1336 "WeakSet",
3549. 1336 "WebAssembly",
3550. 1336 "decodeURI",
3551. 1336 "decodeURIComponent",
3552. 1336 "encodeURI",
3553. 1336 "encodeURIComponent",
3554. 1336 "eval",
3555. 1336 "globalThis",
3556. 1336 "import",
3557. 1336 "isFinite",
3558. 1336 "isNaN",
3559. 1336 "parseFloat",
3560. 1336 "parseInt",
3561. 1336 "undefined"
3562. 1336 ], "ECMAScript");
3563. 1336 break;
3564. 2667
3565. 2667// Assign global Node.js variables to global_dict.
3566. 2667/*
3567. 2667node --input-type=module --eval '
3568. 2667// /\*jslint beta, node*\/
3569. 2667import moduleHttps from "https";
3570. 2667(async function () {
3571. 2667 let dict = Object.create(null);
3572. 2667 let result = "";
3573. 2667 await new Promise(function (resolve) {
3574. 2667 moduleHttps.get((
3575. 2667 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nodejs/node/v16.x/doc/api"
3576. 2667 + "/globals.md"
3577. 2667 ), function (res) {
3578. 2667 res.on("data", function (chunk) {
3579. 2667 result += chunk;
3580. 2667 }).on("end", resolve).setEncoding("utf8");
3581. 2667 });
3582. 2667 });
3583. 2667 result.replace((
3584. 2667 /\n(?:\* \[`|## |## Class: )`\w+/g
3585. 2667 ), function (match0) {
3586. 2667 dict[match0.split("`")[1]] = true;
3587. 2667 return "";
3588. 2667 });
3589. 2667 console.log(JSON.stringify(Object.keys(dict).sort(), undefined, 4));
3590. 2667}());
3591. 2667'
3592. 2667*/
3593. 2667
3594. 47 case "node":
3595. 47 object_assign_from_list(global_dict, [
3596. 47 "AbortController",
3597. 47 "Buffer",
3598. 47 // "Crypto",
3599. 47 // "CryptoKey",
3600. 47 "Event",
3601. 47 "EventTarget",
3602. 47 "MessageChannel",
3603. 47 "MessageEvent",
3604. 47 "MessagePort",
3605. 47 // "Request",
3606. 47 // "Response",
3607. 47 // "SubtleCrypto",
3608. 47 "TextDecoder",
3609. 47 "TextEncoder",
3610. 47 "URL",
3611. 47 "URLSearchParams",
3612. 47 "WebAssembly",
3613. 47 "__dirname",
3614. 47 "__filename",
3615. 47 // "atob",
3616. 47 // "btoa",
3617. 47 "clearImmediate",
3618. 47 "clearInterval",
3619. 47 "clearTimeout",
3620. 47 "console",
3621. 47 // "crypto",
3622. 47 "exports",
3623. 47 // "fetch",
3624. 47 "global",
3625. 47 "module",
3626. 47 "performance",
3627. 47 "process",
3628. 47 "queueMicrotask",
3629. 47 "require",
3630. 47 "setImmediate",
3631. 47 "setInterval",
3632. 47 "setTimeout"
3633. 47 ], "Node.js");
3634. 47 break;
3635. 2619 }
3636. 2619 return true;
3637. 2619 }
3638. 668
3639. 469 function read_digits(base, mode) {
3640. 469 let digits = line_source.match(
3641. 469 base === "b"
3642. 3 ? jslint_rgx_digits_bits
3643. 466 : base === "o"
3644. 466 ? jslint_rgx_digits_octals
3645. 466 : base === "x"
3646. 466 ? jslint_rgx_digits_hexs
3647. 466 : jslint_rgx_digits_decimals
3648. 469 )[0];
3649. 469 if (
3650. 77 (mode !== mode_digits_empty_string && digits.length === 0)
3651. 468 || digits[0] === "_"
3652. 2 ) {
3653. 2
3654. 2// test_cause:
3655. 2// ["0x", "read_digits", "expected_digits_after_a", "0x", 2]
3656. 2// ["0x_", "read_digits", "expected_digits_after_a", "0x", 2]
3657. 2
3658. 2 warn_at("expected_digits_after_a", line, column, snippet);
3659. 2 }
3660. 469
3661. 469// PR-390 - Add numeric-separator check.
3662. 469
3663. 73 if (mode === mode_digits_numeric_separator) {
3664. 73 check_numeric_separator(digits, column);
3665. 396 } else if (digits.indexOf("_") >= 0) {
3666. 396
3667. 396// test_cause:
3668. 396// ["\"\\u{1_2}\"", "read_digits", "illegal_num_separator", "", 6]
3669. 396
3670. 396 warn_at(
3671. 396 "illegal_num_separator",
3672. 396 line,
3673. 396 column + digits.indexOf("_") + 1
3674. 396 );
3675. 396 }
3676. 469 column += digits.length;
3677. 469 line_source = line_source.slice(digits.length);
3678. 469 snippet += digits;
3679. 469 char_after();
3680. 469 return digits.length;
3681. 469 }
3682. 668
3683. 105193 function read_line() {
3684. 105193
3685. 105193// Put the next line of source in line_source. If the line contains tabs,
3686. 105193// replace them with spaces and give a warning. Also warn if the line contains
3687. 105193// unsafe characters or is too damn long.
3688. 105193
3689. 105193 if (
3690. 105193 !option_dict.long
3691. 105189 && line_whole.length > 80
3692. 56 && line_disable === undefined
3693. 56 && !state.mode_json
3694. 23 && token_1
3695. 23 && !mode_regexp
3696. 13 ) {
3697. 13
3698. 13// test_cause:
3699. 13// ["/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////", "read_line", "too_long", "", 1] //jslint-ignore-line
3700. 13
3701. 13 warn_at("too_long", line);
3702. 13 }
3703. 105193 column = 0;
3704. 105193 line += 1;
3705. 105193 mode_regexp = false;
3706. 105193 line_source = undefined;
3707. 105193 line_whole = "";
3708. 645 if (line_list[line] === undefined) {
3709. 645 return line_source;
3710. 104548 }
3711. 104548 line_source = line_list[line].line_source;
3712. 104548 line_whole = line_source;
3713. 104548
3714. 104548// Scan each line for following ignore-directives:
3715. 104548// "/*jslint-disable*/"
3716. 104548// "/*jslint-enable*/"
3717. 104548// "//jslint-ignore-line"
3718. 104548
3719. 104548 if (line_source === "/*jslint-disable*/") {
3720. 5
3721. 5// test_cause:
3722. 5// ["/*jslint-disable*/", "read_line", "jslint_disable", "", 0]
3723. 5
3724. 5 test_cause("jslint_disable");
3725. 5 line_disable = line;
3726. 104543 } else if (line_source === "/*jslint-enable*/") {
3727. 104543 if (line_disable === undefined) {
3728. 104543
3729. 104543// test_cause:
3730. 104543// ["/*jslint-enable*/", "read_line", "unopened_enable", "", 1]
3731. 104543
3732. 104543 stop_at("unopened_enable", line);
3733. 104543 }
3734. 104543 line_disable = undefined;
3735. 104543 } else if (
3736. 104543 line_source.endsWith(" //jslint-ignore-line")
3737. 104543 || line_source.endsWith(" //jslint-quiet")
3738. 104543 ) {
3739. 104543
3740. 104543// test_cause:
3741. 104543// ["0 //jslint-ignore-line", "read_line", "jslint_ignore_line", "", 0]
3742. 104543
3743. 104543 test_cause("jslint_ignore_line");
3744. 104543 line_list[line].directive_ignore_line = true;
3745. 104547 }
3746. 104547 if (line_disable !== undefined) {
3747. 9
3748. 9// test_cause:
3749. 9// ["/*jslint-disable*/\n0", "read_line", "line_disable", "", 0]
3750. 9
3751. 9 test_cause("line_disable");
3752. 9 line_source = "";
3753. 104547 }
3754. 104547 // jslint_rgx_tab
3755. 104547 if (line_source.indexOf("\t") >= 0) {
3756. 3 if (!option_dict.white) {
3757. 3
3758. 3// test_cause:
3759. 3// ["\t", "read_line", "use_spaces", "", 1]
3760. 3
3761. 3 warn_at("use_spaces", line, line_source.indexOf("\t") + 1);
3762. 3 }
3763. 3 line_source = line_source.replace(jslint_rgx_tab, " ");
3764. 104547 }
3765. 104547 if (!option_dict.white && line_source.endsWith(" ")) {
3766. 2
3767. 2// test_cause:
3768. 2// [" ", "read_line", "unexpected_trailing_space", "", 1]
3769. 2
3770. 2 warn_at("unexpected_trailing_space", line, line_source.length - 1);
3771. 104547 }
3772. 104547 return line_source;
3773. 104547 }
3774. 668
3775. 255241 function token_create(id, value, identifier) {
3776. 255241
3777. 255241// Create the token object and append it to token_list.
3778. 255241
3779. 255241 let the_token = {
3780. 255241 from,
3781. 255241 id,
3782. 255241 identifier: Boolean(identifier),
3783. 255241 line,
3784. 255241 nr: token_list.length,
3785. 255241 thru: column,
3786. 255241 value
3787. 255241 };
3788. 255241 token_list.push(the_token);
3789. 255241
3790. 255241// Directives must appear before the first statement.
3791. 255241
3792. 244023 if (id !== "(comment)" && id !== ";") {
3793. 228006 mode_directive = false;
3794. 228006 }
3795. 255241
3796. 255241// If this token is an identifier that touches a preceding number, or
3797. 255241// a "/", comment, or regular expression literal that touches a preceding
3798. 255241// comment or regular expression literal, then give a missing space warning.
3799. 255241// This warning is not suppressed by option_dict.white.
3800. 255241
3801. 255241 if (
3802. 255241 token_prv.line === line
3803. 185838 && token_prv.thru === from
3804. 119910 && (id === "(comment)" || id === "(regexp)" || id === "/")
3805. 125 && (token_prv.id === "(comment)" || token_prv.id === "(regexp)")
3806. 1 ) {
3807. 1
3808. 1// test_cause:
3809. 1// ["/**//**/", "token_create", "expected_space_a_b", "(comment)", 5]
3810. 1
3811. 1 warn(
3812. 1 "expected_space_a_b",
3813. 1 the_token,
3814. 1 artifact(token_prv),
3815. 1 artifact(the_token)
3816. 1 );
3817. 1 }
3818. 11603 if (token_prv.id === "." && id === "(number)") {
3819. 4
3820. 4// test_cause:
3821. 4// [".0", "token_create", "expected_a_before_b", ".", 1]
3822. 4
3823. 4 warn("expected_a_before_b", token_prv, "0", ".");
3824. 4 }
3825. 11603 if (token_prv_expr.id === "." && the_token.identifier) {
3826. 11598 the_token.dot = true;
3827. 11598 }
3828. 255241
3829. 255241// PR-385 - Bugfix - Fixes issue #382 - failure to detect destructured fart.
3830. 255241// Farts are now detected by keeping a list of most recent "(" tokens at any
3831. 255241// given depth. When a "=>" token is encountered, the most recent "(" token at
3832. 255241// current depth is marked as a fart.
3833. 255241
3834. 255241 switch (id) {
3835. 17591 case "(":
3836. 17591 paren_backtrack_list[paren_depth] = the_token;
3837. 17591 paren_depth += 1;
3838. 17591 break;
3839. 17590 case ")":
3840. 17590 paren_depth -= 1;
3841. 17590 break;
3842. 16 case "=>":
3843. 16 if (
3844. 16 token_prv_expr.id === ")"
3845. 16 && paren_backtrack_list[paren_depth]
3846. 16 ) {
3847. 16 paren_backtrack_list[paren_depth].fart = the_token;
3848. 16 }
3849. 16 break;
3850. 255241 }
3851. 255241
3852. 255241// The previous token is used to detect adjacency problems.
3853. 255241
3854. 255241 token_prv = the_token;
3855. 255241
3856. 255241// The token_prv_expr token is a previous token that was not a comment.
3857. 255241// The token_prv_expr token
3858. 255241// is used to disambiguate "/", which can mean division or regular expression
3859. 255241// literal.
3860. 255241
3861. 244023 if (token_prv.id !== "(comment)") {
3862. 244023 token_prv_expr = token_prv;
3863. 244023 }
3864. 255241 return the_token;
3865. 255241 }
3866. 668
3867. 668// Init global_dict and option_dict.
3868. 668
3869. 668 option_set_item("ecma", true);
3870. 1896 Object.keys(option_dict).sort().forEach(function (key) {
3871. 1896 option_set_item(key, option_dict[key] === true);
3872. 1896 });
3873. 668 object_assign_from_list(global_dict, global_list, "user-defined");
3874. 668
3875. 668// Scan first line for "#!" and ignore it.
3876. 668
3877. 1 if (line_list[jslint_fudge].line_source.startsWith("#!")) {
3878. 1 line += 1;
3879. 1 state.mode_shebang = true;
3880. 1 }
3881. 668 token_1 = lex_token();
3882. 640 state.mode_json = token_1.id === "{" || token_1.id === "[";
3883. 668
3884. 668// Lex/loop through each token until (end).
3885. 668
3886. 249474 while (true) {
3887. 249474 if (lex_token().id === "(end)") {
3888. 249474 break;
3889. 249474 }
3890. 249474 }
3891. 668}
3892. 1
3893. 631function jslint_phase3_parse(state) {
3894. 631
3895. 631// PHASE 3. Parse <token_list> into <token_tree> using the Pratt-parser.
3896. 631
3897. 631// Parsing:
3898. 631
3899. 631// Parsing weaves the tokens into an abstract syntax tree. During that process,
3900. 631// a token may be given any of these properties:
3901. 631
3902. 631// arity string
3903. 631// label identifier
3904. 631// name identifier
3905. 631// expression expressions
3906. 631// block statements
3907. 631// else statements (else, default, catch)
3908. 631
3909. 631// Specialized tokens may have additional properties.
3910. 631
3911. 631 let anon = "anonymous"; // The guessed name for anonymous functions.
3912. 631 let {
3913. 631 artifact,
3914. 631 catch_list,
3915. 631 catch_stack,
3916. 631 export_dict,
3917. 631 function_list,
3918. 631 function_stack,
3919. 631 global_dict,
3920. 631 import_list,
3921. 631 is_equal,
3922. 631 option_dict,
3923. 631 property_dict,
3924. 631 stop,
3925. 631 syntax_dict,
3926. 631 tenure,
3927. 631 test_cause,
3928. 631 token_global,
3929. 631 token_list,
3930. 631 warn,
3931. 631 warn_at
3932. 631 } = state;
3933. 631 let catchage = catch_stack[0]; // The current catch-block.
3934. 631 let functionage = token_global; // The current function.
3935. 631 let mode_var; // "var" if using var; "let" if using let.
3936. 631 let token_ii = 0; // The number of the next token.
3937. 631 let token_now = token_global; // The current token being examined in
3938. 631 // ... the parse.
3939. 631 let token_nxt = token_global; // The next token to be examined in
3940. 631 // ... <token_list>.
3941. 631
3942. 244361 function advance(id, match) {
3943. 244361
3944. 244361// Produce the next token.
3945. 244361
3946. 244361// Attempt to give helpful names to anonymous functions.
3947. 244361
3948. 244361 if (
3949. 244361 token_now.identifier
3950. 67656 && token_now.id !== "function"
3951. 65664 && token_now.id !== "async"
3952. 65483 ) {
3953. 65483 anon = token_now.id;
3954. 178878 } else if (
3955. 178878 token_now.id === "(string)"
3956. 178878 && jslint_rgx_identifier.test(token_now.value)
3957. 178878 ) {
3958. 178878 anon = token_now.value;
3959. 178878 }
3960. 244361
3961. 244361// Attempt to match token_nxt with an expected id.
3962. 244361
3963. 120065 if (id !== undefined && token_nxt.id !== id) {
3964. 26 return (
3965. 26 match === undefined
3966. 26
3967. 26// test_cause:
3968. 26// ["{0:0}", "advance", "expected_a_b", "0", 2]
3969. 26
3970. 26 ? stop("expected_a_b", token_nxt, id, artifact())
3971. 26
3972. 26// test_cause:
3973. 26// ["{\"aa\":0", "advance", "expected_a_b_from_c_d", "{", 1]
3974. 26
3975. 26 : stop(
3976. 26 "expected_a_b_from_c_d",
3977. 26 token_nxt,
3978. 26 id,
3979. 26 artifact(match),
3980. 26 match.line,
3981. 26 artifact()
3982. 26 )
3983. 26 );
3984. 244335 }
3985. 244335
3986. 244335// Promote the tokens, skipping comments.
3987. 244335
3988. 244335 token_now = token_nxt;
3989. 255550 while (true) {
3990. 255550 token_nxt = token_list[token_ii];
3991. 255550 state.token_nxt = token_nxt;
3992. 255550 token_ii += 1;
3993. 255550 if (token_nxt.id !== "(comment)") {
3994. 255550 if (token_nxt.id === "(end)") {
3995. 255550 token_ii -= 1;
3996. 255550 }
3997. 255550 break;
3998. 255550 }
3999. 255550 if (state.mode_json) {
4000. 255550
4001. 255550// test_cause:
4002. 255550// ["[//]", "advance", "unexpected_a", "(comment)", 2]
4003. 255550
4004. 255550 warn("unexpected_a");
4005. 255550 }
4006. 255550 }
4007. 244361 }
4008. 631
4009. 7572 function assignment(id) {
4010. 7572
4011. 7572// Create an assignment operator. The one true assignment is different because
4012. 7572// its left side, when it is a variable, is not treated as an expression.
4013. 7572// That case is special because that is when a variable gets initialized. The
4014. 7572// other assignment operators can modify, but they cannot initialize.
4015. 7572
4016. 7572 const the_symbol = symbol(id, 20);
4017. 5013 the_symbol.led_infix = function (left) {
4018. 5013 const the_token = token_now;
4019. 5013 let right;
4020. 5013 the_token.arity = "assignment";
4021. 5013 right = parse_expression(20 - 1);
4022. 4234 if (id === "=" && left.arity === "variable") {
4023. 2818 the_token.names = left;
4024. 2818 the_token.expression = right;
4025. 2818 } else {
4026. 2191 the_token.expression = [left, right];
4027. 5009 }
4028. 5009 if (
4029. 5009 right.arity === "assignment"
4030. 5009 || right.arity === "preassign"
4031. 5007 || right.arity === "postassign"
4032. 2 ) {
4033. 2 warn("unexpected_a", right);
4034. 5009 }
4035. 5009 check_mutation(left);
4036. 5009 return the_token;
4037. 5009 };
4038. 7572 return the_symbol;
4039. 7572 }
4040. 631
4041. 5713 function block(special) {
4042. 5713
4043. 5713// Parse a block, a sequence of statements wrapped in braces.
4044. 5713// special "body" The block is a function body.
4045. 5713// "ignore" No warning on an empty block.
4046. 5713// "naked" No advance.
4047. 5713// undefined An ordinary block.
4048. 5713
4049. 5713 let stmts;
4050. 5713 let the_block;
4051. 5708 if (special !== "naked") {
4052. 5708 advance("{");
4053. 5712 }
4054. 5712 the_block = token_now;
4055. 5712 if (special !== "body") {
4056. 3715 functionage.statement_prv = the_block;
4057. 5712 }
4058. 5712 the_block.arity = "statement";
4059. 5712 the_block.body = special === "body";
4060. 5712
4061. 5712// Top level function bodies may include the "use strict" pragma.
4062. 5712
4063. 5712 if (
4064. 5712 special === "body"
4065. 5712 && function_stack.length === 1
4066. 281 && token_nxt.value === "use strict"
4067. 4 ) {
4068. 4 token_nxt.statement = true;
4069. 4 advance("(string)");
4070. 4 advance(";");
4071. 5712 }
4072. 5712 stmts = parse_statements();
4073. 5712 the_block.block = stmts;
4074. 5712 if (stmts.length === 0) {
4075. 72 if (!option_dict.devel && special !== "ignore") {
4076. 72
4077. 72// test_cause:
4078. 72// ["function aa(){}", "block", "empty_block", "{", 14]
4079. 72
4080. 72 warn("empty_block", the_block);
4081. 72 }
4082. 72 the_block.disrupt = false;
4083. 5633 } else {
4084. 5633 the_block.disrupt = stmts[stmts.length - 1].disrupt;
4085. 5705 }
4086. 5705 advance("}");
4087. 5705 return the_block;
4088. 5705 }
4089. 631
4090. 23297 function check_left(left, right) {
4091. 23297
4092. 23297// Warn if the left is not one of these:
4093. 23297// ?.
4094. 23297// ?:
4095. 23297// e()
4096. 23297// e.b
4097. 23297// e[b]
4098. 23297// identifier
4099. 23297
4100. 23297 const id = left.id;
4101. 23297 if (
4102. 23297 !left.identifier
4103. 6298 && (
4104. 6298 left.arity !== "ternary"
4105. 6298 || (
4106. 6298 !check_left(left.expression[1])
4107. 6298 && !check_left(left.expression[2])
4108. 6298 )
4109. 6298 )
4110. 6298 && (
4111. 6298 left.arity !== "binary"
4112. 6298 || (id !== "." && id !== "?." && id !== "(" && id !== "[")
4113. 6298 )
4114. 11 ) {
4115. 11 warn("unexpected_a", right || token_nxt);
4116. 11 return false;
4117. 23286 }
4118. 23286 return true;
4119. 23286 }
4120. 631
4121. 5012 function check_mutation(the_thing) {
4122. 5012
4123. 5012// The only expressions that may be assigned to are
4124. 5012// e.b
4125. 5012// e[b]
4126. 5012// v
4127. 5012// [destructure]
4128. 5012// {destructure}
4129. 5012
4130. 5012 if (
4131. 5012 the_thing.arity !== "variable"
4132. 1543 && the_thing.id !== "."
4133. 192 && the_thing.id !== "["
4134. 7 && the_thing.id !== "{"
4135. 7 ) {
4136. 7
4137. 7// test_cause:
4138. 7// ["0=0", "check_mutation", "bad_assignment_a", "0", 1]
4139. 7
4140. 7 warn("bad_assignment_a", the_thing);
4141. 7 return false;
4142. 5005 }
4143. 5005 return true;
4144. 5005 }
4145. 631
4146. 2208 function check_not_top_level(thing) {
4147. 2208
4148. 2208// Some features should not be at the outermost level.
4149. 2208
4150. 34 if (functionage === token_global) {
4151. 34
4152. 34// test_cause:
4153. 34// ["
4154. 34// while(0){}
4155. 34// ", "check_not_top_level", "unexpected_at_top_level_a", "while", 1]
4156. 34
4157. 34 warn("unexpected_at_top_level_a", thing);
4158. 34 }
4159. 2208 }
4160. 631
4161. 3360 function check_ordered(type, token_list) {
4162. 3360
4163. 3360// This function will warn if <token_list> is unordered.
4164. 3360
4165. 4062 token_list.reduce(function (aa, token) {
4166. 4062 const bb = artifact(token);
4167. 4048 if (!option_dict.unordered && aa > bb) {
4168. 4 warn("expected_a_b_before_c_d", token, type, bb, type, aa);
4169. 4 }
4170. 4062 return bb;
4171. 4062 }, "");
4172. 3360 }
4173. 631
4174. 1301 function check_ordered_case(case_list) {
4175. 1301
4176. 1301// This function will warn if <case_list> is unordered.
4177. 1301
4178. 2691 case_list.filter(noop).map(function (token) {
4179. 2650 switch (token.identifier || token.id) {
4180. 34 case "(number)":
4181. 34 return {
4182. 34 order: 1,
4183. 34 token,
4184. 34 type: "number",
4185. 34 value: Number(artifact(token))
4186. 34 };
4187. 2604 case "(string)":
4188. 2604 return {
4189. 2604 order: 2,
4190. 2604 token,
4191. 2604 type: "string",
4192. 2604 value: artifact(token)
4193. 2604 };
4194. 41 case true:
4195. 41 return {
4196. 41 order: 3,
4197. 41 token,
4198. 41 type: "identifier",
4199. 41 value: artifact(token)
4200. 41 };
4201. 2691 }
4202. 2691 }).reduce(function (aa, bb) {
4203. 2691 if (
4204. 2691
4205. 2691// PR-419 - Hide warning about unordered case-statements behind beta-flag.
4206. 2691
4207. 2691 option_dict.beta
4208. 2691 && !option_dict.unordered
4209. 2683 && aa && bb
4210. 1384 && (
4211. 1384 aa.order > bb.order
4212. 1384 || (aa.order === bb.order && aa.value > bb.value)
4213. 1384 )
4214. 10 ) {
4215. 10 warn(
4216. 10 "expected_a_b_before_c_d",
4217. 10 bb.token,
4218. 10 `case-${bb.type}`,
4219. 10 bb.value,
4220. 10 `case-${aa.type}`,
4221. 10 aa.value
4222. 10 );
4223. 10 }
4224. 2691 return bb;
4225. 2691 }, undefined);
4226. 1301 }
4227. 631
4228. 3263 function condition() {
4229. 3263
4230. 3263// Parse the condition part of a do, if, while.
4231. 3263
4232. 3263 const the_paren = token_nxt;
4233. 3263 let the_value;
4234. 3263
4235. 3263// test_cause:
4236. 3263// ["do{}while()", "condition", "", "", 0]
4237. 3263// ["if(){}", "condition", "", "", 0]
4238. 3263// ["while(){}", "condition", "", "", 0]
4239. 3263
4240. 3263 test_cause("");
4241. 3263 the_paren.free = true;
4242. 3263 advance("(");
4243. 3263 the_value = parse_expression(0);
4244. 3263 advance(")");
4245. 1 if (the_value.wrapped === true) {
4246. 1
4247. 1// test_cause:
4248. 1// ["while((0)){}", "condition", "unexpected_a", "(", 6]
4249. 1
4250. 1 warn("unexpected_a", the_paren);
4251. 3259 }
4252. 3259
4253. 3259// Check for anticondition.
4254. 3259
4255. 3259 switch (the_value.id) {
4256. 3259 case "%":
4257. 1 warn("unexpected_a", the_value);
4258. 1 break;
4259. 1 case "&":
4260. 1 warn("unexpected_a", the_value);
4261. 1 break;
4262. 17 case "(number)":
4263. 17 warn("unexpected_a", the_value);
4264. 17 break;
4265. 1 case "(string)":
4266. 1 warn("unexpected_a", the_value);
4267. 1 break;
4268. 1 case "*":
4269. 1 warn("unexpected_a", the_value);
4270. 1 break;
4271. 1 case "+":
4272. 1 warn("unexpected_a", the_value);
4273. 1 break;
4274. 1 case "-":
4275. 1 warn("unexpected_a", the_value);
4276. 1 break;
4277. 1 case "/":
4278. 1 warn("unexpected_a", the_value);
4279. 1 break;
4280. 1 case "<<":
4281. 1 warn("unexpected_a", the_value);
4282. 1 break;
4283. 1 case ">>":
4284. 1 warn("unexpected_a", the_value);
4285. 1 break;
4286. 1 case ">>>":
4287. 1 warn("unexpected_a", the_value);
4288. 1 break;
4289. 1 case "?":
4290. 1 warn("unexpected_a", the_value);
4291. 1 break;
4292. 1 case "^":
4293. 1 warn("unexpected_a", the_value);
4294. 1 break;
4295. 1 case "typeof":
4296. 1 warn("unexpected_a", the_value);
4297. 1 break;
4298. 1 case "|":
4299. 1 warn("unexpected_a", the_value);
4300. 1 break;
4301. 1 case "~":
4302. 1
4303. 1// test_cause:
4304. 1// ["if(0%0){}", "condition", "unexpected_a", "%", 5]
4305. 1// ["if(0&0){}", "condition", "unexpected_a", "&", 5]
4306. 1// ["if(0){}", "condition", "unexpected_a", "0", 4]
4307. 1// ["if(0*0){}", "condition", "unexpected_a", "*", 5]
4308. 1// ["if(0+0){}", "condition", "unexpected_a", "+", 5]
4309. 1// ["if(0-0){}", "condition", "unexpected_a", "-", 5]
4310. 1// ["if(0/0){}", "condition", "unexpected_a", "/", 5]
4311. 1// ["if(0<<0){}", "condition", "unexpected_a", "<<", 5]
4312. 1// ["if(0>>0){}", "condition", "unexpected_a", ">>", 5]
4313. 1// ["if(0>>>0){}", "condition", "unexpected_a", ">>>", 5]
4314. 1// ["if(0?0:0){}", "condition", "unexpected_a", "?", 5]
4315. 1// ["if(0^0){}", "condition", "unexpected_a", "^", 5]
4316. 1// ["if(0|0){}", "condition", "unexpected_a", "|", 5]
4317. 1// ["if(\"aa\"){}", "condition", "unexpected_a", "aa", 4]
4318. 1// ["if(typeof 0){}", "condition", "unexpected_a", "typeof", 4]
4319. 1// ["if(~0){}", "condition", "unexpected_a", "~", 4]
4320. 1
4321. 1 warn("unexpected_a", the_value);
4322. 1 break;
4323. 3259 }
4324. 3259 return the_value;
4325. 3259 }
4326. 631
4327. 10096 function constant(id, type, value) {
4328. 10096
4329. 10096// Create a constant symbol.
4330. 10096
4331. 10096 const the_symbol = symbol(id);
4332. 10096 the_symbol.constant = true;
4333. 10096 the_symbol.nud_prefix = (
4334. 10096 typeof value === "function"
4335. 4417 ? value
4336. 18689 : function () {
4337. 18689 token_now.constant = true;
4338. 5679 if (value !== undefined) {
4339. 5679 token_now.value = value;
4340. 5679 }
4341. 18689 return token_now;
4342. 18689 }
4343. 10096 );
4344. 10096 the_symbol.type = type;
4345. 10096 the_symbol.value = value;
4346. 10096 return the_symbol;
4347. 10096 }
4348. 631
4349. 5 function constant_Function() {
4350. 2 if (!option_dict.eval) {
4351. 2
4352. 2// test_cause:
4353. 2// ["Function", "constant_Function", "unexpected_a", "Function", 1]
4354. 2
4355. 2 warn("unexpected_a", token_now);
4356. 3 } else if (token_nxt.id !== "(") {
4357. 3
4358. 3// test_cause:
4359. 3// ["
4360. 3// /*jslint eval*/
4361. 3// Function
4362. 3// ", "constant_Function", "expected_a_before_b", "(end)", 1]
4363. 3
4364. 3 warn("expected_a_before_b", token_nxt, "(", artifact());
4365. 3 }
4366. 5 return token_now;
4367. 5 }
4368. 631
4369. 1 function constant_arguments() {
4370. 1
4371. 1// test_cause:
4372. 1// ["arguments", "constant_arguments", "unexpected_a", "arguments", 1]
4373. 1
4374. 1 warn("unexpected_a", token_now);
4375. 1 return token_now;
4376. 1 }
4377. 631
4378. 4 function constant_eval() {
4379. 1 if (!option_dict.eval) {
4380. 1
4381. 1// test_cause:
4382. 1// ["eval", "constant_eval", "unexpected_a", "eval", 1]
4383. 1
4384. 1 warn("unexpected_a", token_now);
4385. 3 } else if (token_nxt.id !== "(") {
4386. 3
4387. 3// test_cause:
4388. 3// ["/*jslint eval*/\neval", "constant_eval", "expected_a_before_b", "(end)", 1]
4389. 3
4390. 3 warn("expected_a_before_b", token_nxt, "(", artifact());
4391. 3 }
4392. 4 return token_now;
4393. 4 }
4394. 631
4395. 1 function constant_ignore() {
4396. 1
4397. 1// test_cause:
4398. 1// ["ignore", "constant_ignore", "unexpected_a", "ignore", 1]
4399. 1
4400. 1 warn("unexpected_a", token_now);
4401. 1 return token_now;
4402. 1 }
4403. 631
4404. 1 function constant_isInfinite() {
4405. 1
4406. 1// test_cause:
4407. 1// ["isFinite", "constant_isInfinite", "expected_a_b", "isFinite", 1]
4408. 1
4409. 1 warn("expected_a_b", token_now, "Number.isFinite", "isFinite");
4410. 1 return token_now;
4411. 1 }
4412. 631
4413. 1 function constant_isNaN() {
4414. 1
4415. 1// test_cause:
4416. 1// ["isNaN(0)", "constant_isNaN", "number_isNaN", "isNaN", 1]
4417. 1
4418. 1 warn("number_isNaN", token_now);
4419. 1 return token_now;
4420. 1 }
4421. 631
4422. 3 function constant_this() {
4423. 1 if (!option_dict.this) {
4424. 1
4425. 1// test_cause:
4426. 1// ["this", "constant_this", "unexpected_a", "this", 1]
4427. 1
4428. 1 warn("unexpected_a", token_now);
4429. 1 }
4430. 3 return token_now;
4431. 3 }
4432. 631
4433. 6366 function enroll(name, role, readonly) {
4434. 6366
4435. 6366// Enroll a name into the current function context. The role can be exception,
4436. 6366// function, label, parameter, or variable. We look for variable redefinition
4437. 6366// because it causes confusion.
4438. 6366
4439. 6366 let earlier;
4440. 6366 let id = name.id;
4441. 6366
4442. 6366// Reserved words may not be enrolled.
4443. 6366
4444. 42 if (syntax_dict[id] !== undefined && id !== "ignore") {
4445. 1
4446. 1// test_cause:
4447. 1// ["let undefined", "enroll", "reserved_a", "undefined", 5]
4448. 1
4449. 1 warn("reserved_a", name);
4450. 1 return;
4451. 6365 }
4452. 6365
4453. 6365// Has the name been enrolled in this context?
4454. 6365
4455. 6365 earlier = functionage.context[id] || catchage.context[id];
4456. 7 if (earlier) {
4457. 7
4458. 7// test_cause:
4459. 7// ["let aa;let aa", "enroll", "redefinition_a_b", "1", 12]
4460. 7
4461. 7 warn("redefinition_a_b", name, id, earlier.line);
4462. 7 return;
4463. 6358 }
4464. 6358
4465. 6358// Has the name been enrolled in an outer context?
4466. 6358
4467. 10756 function_stack.forEach(function ({
4468. 10756 context
4469. 10756 }) {
4470. 10601 earlier = context[id] || earlier;
4471. 10756 });
4472. 6358 if (earlier && id === "ignore") {
4473. 4 if (earlier.role === "variable") {
4474. 4
4475. 4// test_cause:
4476. 4// ["let ignore;function aa(ignore){}", "enroll", "redefinition_a_b", "1", 24]
4477. 4
4478. 4 warn("redefinition_a_b", name, id, earlier.line);
4479. 4 }
4480. 6354 } else if (
4481. 6354 earlier
4482. 6354 && role !== "parameter" && role !== "function"
4483. 6354 && (role !== "exception" || earlier.role !== "exception")
4484. 6354 ) {
4485. 6354
4486. 6354// test_cause:
4487. 6354// ["
4488. 6354// function aa(){try{aa();}catch(aa){aa();}}
4489. 6354// ", "enroll", "redefinition_a_b", "1", 31]
4490. 6354// ["function aa(){var aa;}", "enroll", "redefinition_a_b", "1", 19]
4491. 6354
4492. 6354 warn("redefinition_a_b", name, id, earlier.line);
4493. 6354 } else if (
4494. 6354 option_dict.beta
4495. 6354 && global_dict[id]
4496. 6354 && role !== "parameter"
4497. 6354 ) {
4498. 6354
4499. 6354// test_cause:
4500. 6354// ["let Array", "enroll", "redefinition_global_a_b", "Array", 5]
4501. 6354
4502. 6354 warn("redefinition_global_a_b", name, global_dict[id], id);
4503. 6358 }
4504. 6358
4505. 6358// Enroll it.
4506. 6358
4507. 6358 Object.assign(name, {
4508. 6358 dead: true,
4509. 6358 init: false,
4510. 6358 parent: (
4511. 6358 role === "exception"
4512. 6358 ? catchage
4513. 6328 : functionage
4514. 6366 ),
4515. 6366 readonly,
4516. 6366 role,
4517. 6366 used: 0
4518. 6366 });
4519. 6366 name.parent.context[id] = name;
4520. 6366 }
4521. 631
4522. 18930 function infix(bp, id, f) {
4523. 18930
4524. 18930// Create an infix operator.
4525. 18930
4526. 18930 const the_symbol = symbol(id, bp);
4527. 31941 the_symbol.led_infix = function (left) {
4528. 31941 const the_token = token_now;
4529. 31941 the_token.arity = "binary";
4530. 23493 if (f !== undefined) {
4531. 23493 return f(left);
4532. 23493 }
4533. 8448 the_token.expression = [left, parse_expression(bp)];
4534. 8448 return the_token;
4535. 8448 };
4536. 18930 return the_symbol;
4537. 18930 }
4538. 631
4539. 11597 function infix_dot(left) {
4540. 11597 const the_token = token_now;
4541. 11597 let name = token_nxt;
4542. 11597 if (
4543. 11597 (
4544. 11597 left.id !== "(string)"
4545. 44 || (name.id !== "indexOf" && name.id !== "repeat")
4546. 11597 )
4547. 11554 && (
4548. 11554 left.id !== "["
4549. 11554 || (
4550. 11554 name.id !== "concat"
4551. 11554 && name.id !== "flat"
4552. 11554 && name.id !== "flatMap"
4553. 11554 && name.id !== "forEach"
4554. 11554 && name.id !== "join"
4555. 11554 && name.id !== "map"
4556. 11554 )
4557. 11554 )
4558. 11509 && (left.id !== "+" || name.id !== "slice")
4559. 11504 && (
4560. 11504 left.id !== "(regexp)"
4561. 11504 || (name.id !== "exec" && name.id !== "test")
4562. 11504 )
4563. 11437 ) {
4564. 11437
4565. 11437// test_cause:
4566. 11437// ["\"\".aa", "check_left", "unexpected_a", ".", 3]
4567. 11437
4568. 11437 check_left(left, the_token);
4569. 11437 }
4570. 1 if (!name.identifier) {
4571. 1
4572. 1// test_cause:
4573. 1// ["aa.0", "infix_dot", "expected_identifier_a", "0", 4]
4574. 1
4575. 1 stop("expected_identifier_a");
4576. 11596 }
4577. 11596 advance();
4578. 11596 survey(name);
4579. 11596
4580. 11596// The property name is not an expression.
4581. 11596
4582. 11596 the_token.name = name;
4583. 11596 the_token.expression = left;
4584. 11596 return the_token;
4585. 11596 }
4586. 631
4587. 1 function infix_fart_unwrapped() {
4588. 1
4589. 1// test_cause:
4590. 1// ["aa=>0", "infix_fart_unwrapped", "wrap_fart_parameter", "=>", 3]
4591. 1
4592. 1 return stop("wrap_fart_parameter", token_now);
4593. 1 }
4594. 631
4595. 1 function infix_grave(left) {
4596. 1 const the_tick = prefix_tick();
4597. 1
4598. 1// test_cause:
4599. 1// ["0``", "check_left", "unexpected_a", "`", 2]
4600. 1
4601. 1 check_left(left, the_tick);
4602. 1 the_tick.expression = [left].concat(the_tick.expression);
4603. 1 return the_tick;
4604. 1 }
4605. 631
4606. 1461 function infix_lbracket(left) {
4607. 1461 const the_token = token_now;
4608. 1461 let name;
4609. 1461 let the_subscript = parse_expression(0);
4610. 1438 if (the_subscript.id === "(string)" || the_subscript.id === "`") {
4611. 25 name = survey(the_subscript);
4612. 25
4613. 25// PR-404 - Add new directive "subscript" to play nice with Google Closure.
4614. 25
4615. 25 if (!option_dict.subscript && jslint_rgx_identifier.test(name)) {
4616. 25
4617. 25// test_cause:
4618. 25// ["aa[`aa`]", "infix_lbracket", "subscript_a", "aa", 4]
4619. 25
4620. 25 warn("subscript_a", the_subscript, name);
4621. 25 }
4622. 25 }
4623. 1461
4624. 1461// test_cause:
4625. 1461// ["0[0]", "check_left", "unexpected_a", "[", 2]
4626. 1461
4627. 1461 check_left(left, the_token);
4628. 1461 the_token.expression = [left, the_subscript];
4629. 1461 advance("]");
4630. 1461 return the_token;
4631. 1461 }
4632. 631
4633. 10421 function infix_lparen(left) {
4634. 10421 const the_paren = token_now;
4635. 10421 let ellipsis;
4636. 10421 let the_argument;
4637. 10384 if (left.id !== "function") {
4638. 10384
4639. 10384// test_cause:
4640. 10384// ["(0?0:0)()", "check_left", "unexpected_a", "(", 8]
4641. 10384// ["0()", "check_left", "unexpected_a", "(", 2]
4642. 10384
4643. 10384 check_left(left, the_paren);
4644. 10384 }
4645. 7699 if (functionage.arity === "statement" && left.identifier) {
4646. 5503 functionage.name.calls[left.id] = left;
4647. 5503 }
4648. 10421 the_paren.expression = [left];
4649. 8962 if (token_nxt.id !== ")") {
4650. 8962
4651. 8962// Parse/loop through each token in expression (...).
4652. 8962
4653. 14286 while (true) {
4654. 14286 if (token_nxt.id === "...") {
4655. 14286 ellipsis = true;
4656. 14286 advance("...");
4657. 14286 }
4658. 14286 the_argument = parse_expression(10);
4659. 14286 if (ellipsis) {
4660. 14286 the_argument.ellipsis = true;
4661. 14286 }
4662. 14286 the_paren.expression.push(the_argument);
4663. 14286 if (token_nxt.id !== ",") {
4664. 14286 break;
4665. 14286 }
4666. 14286 advance(",");
4667. 14286 }
4668. 8962 }
4669. 10421 advance(")", the_paren);
4670. 5260 if (the_paren.expression.length === 2) {
4671. 5260
4672. 5260// test_cause:
4673. 5260// ["aa(0)", "infix_lparen", "free", "", 0]
4674. 5260
4675. 5260 test_cause("free");
4676. 5260 the_paren.free = true;
4677. 5260 if (the_argument.wrapped === true) {
4678. 5260
4679. 5260// test_cause:
4680. 5260// ["aa((0))", "infix_lparen", "unexpected_a", "(", 3]
4681. 5260
4682. 5260 warn("unexpected_a", the_paren);
4683. 5260 }
4684. 5260 if (the_argument.id === "(") {
4685. 5260 the_argument.wrapped = true;
4686. 5260 }
4687. 5260 } else {
4688. 5161
4689. 5161// test_cause:
4690. 5161// ["aa()", "infix_lparen", "not_free", "", 0]
4691. 5161// ["aa(0,0)", "infix_lparen", "not_free", "", 0]
4692. 5161
4693. 5161 test_cause("not_free");
4694. 5161 the_paren.free = false;
4695. 5161 }
4696. 10421 return the_paren;
4697. 10421 }
4698. 631
4699. 12 function infix_option_chain(left) {
4700. 12 const the_token = token_now;
4701. 12 let name = token_nxt;
4702. 12 if (
4703. 12 (
4704. 12 left.id !== "(string)"
4705. 1 || (name.id !== "indexOf" && name.id !== "repeat")
4706. 12 )
4707. 12 && (
4708. 12 left.id !== "["
4709. 1 || (
4710. 1 name.id !== "concat"
4711. 1 && name.id !== "forEach"
4712. 1 && name.id !== "join"
4713. 1 && name.id !== "map"
4714. 1 )
4715. 12 )
4716. 12
4717. 12// test_cause:
4718. 12// ["(0+0)?.0", "infix_option_chain", "check_left", "", 0]
4719. 12
4720. 1 && (left.id !== "+" || name.id !== "slice")
4721. 12 && (
4722. 12 left.id !== "(regexp)"
4723. 1 || (name.id !== "exec" && name.id !== "test")
4724. 12 )
4725. 12 ) {
4726. 12 test_cause("check_left");
4727. 12
4728. 12// test_cause:
4729. 12// ["(/./)?.0", "check_left", "unexpected_a", "?.", 6]
4730. 12// ["\"aa\"?.0", "check_left", "unexpected_a", "?.", 5]
4731. 12// ["aa=[]?.aa", "check_left", "unexpected_a", "?.", 6]
4732. 12
4733. 12 check_left(left, the_token);
4734. 12 }
4735. 12
4736. 12// Issue #468 - Fix optional dynamic-property/function-call not recognized.
4737. 12
4738. 11 if (name.id === "[" || name.id === "(") {
4739. 2 test_cause("dyn_prop_or_call");
4740. 2
4741. 2// test_cause:
4742. 2// ["aa?.(bb)", "infix_option_chain", "dyn_prop_or_call", "", 0]
4743. 2// ["aa?.[bb]", "infix_option_chain", "dyn_prop_or_call", "", 0]
4744. 2
4745. 2 return left;
4746. 10 }
4747. 10 if (!name.identifier) {
4748. 4
4749. 4// test_cause:
4750. 4// ["aa?.0", "infix_option_chain", "expected_identifier_a", "0", 5]
4751. 4
4752. 4 stop("expected_identifier_a");
4753. 6 }
4754. 6 advance();
4755. 6 survey(name);
4756. 6
4757. 6// The property name is not an expression.
4758. 6
4759. 6 the_token.name = name;
4760. 6 the_token.expression = left;
4761. 6 return the_token;
4762. 6 }
4763. 631
4764. 631 function infixr(bp, id) {
4765. 631
4766. 631// Create a right associative infix operator.
4767. 631
4768. 631 const the_symbol = symbol(id, bp);
4769. 1 the_symbol.led_infix = function parse_infixr_led(left) {
4770. 1 const the_token = token_now;
4771. 1
4772. 1// test_cause:
4773. 1// ["0**0", "parse_infixr_led", "led_infix", "", 0]
4774. 1
4775. 1 test_cause("led_infix");
4776. 1 the_token.arity = "binary";
4777. 1 the_token.expression = [left, parse_expression(bp - 1)];
4778. 1 return the_token;
4779. 1 };
4780. 631 return the_symbol;
4781. 631 }
4782. 631
4783. 56002 function parse_expression(rbp, initial) {
4784. 56002
4785. 56002// This is the heart of JSLINT, the Pratt parser. In addition to parsing, it
4786. 56002// is looking for ad hoc lint patterns. We add .fud_stmt to Pratt's model, which
4787. 56002// is like .nud_prefix except that it is only used on the first token of a
4788. 56002// statement. Having .fud_stmt makes it much easier to define statement-oriented
4789. 56002// languages like JavaScript. I retained Pratt's nomenclature.
4790. 56002// They are elements of the parsing method called Top Down Operator Precedence.
4791. 56002
4792. 56002// .nud_prefix Null denotation. The prefix handler.
4793. 56002// .fud_stmt First null denotation. The statement handler.
4794. 56002// .led_infix Left denotation. The infix/postfix handler.
4795. 56002// lbp Left binding power of infix operator. It tells us how strongly
4796. 56002// the operator binds to the argument at its left.
4797. 56002// rbp Right binding power.
4798. 56002
4799. 56002// It processes a nud_prefix (variable, constant, prefix operator). It will then
4800. 56002// process leds (infix operators) until the bind powers cause it to stop (it
4801. 56002// consumes tokens until it meets a token whose lbp <= rbp). Specifically, it
4802. 56002// means that it collects all tokens that bind together before returning to the
4803. 56002// operator that called it. It returns the expression's parse tree.
4804. 56002
4805. 56002// For example, "3 + 1 * 2 * 4 + 5"
4806. 56002// parses into
4807. 56002// {
4808. 56002// "id": "+",
4809. 56002// "expression": [
4810. 56002// {
4811. 56002// "id": "+",
4812. 56002// "expression": [
4813. 56002// {
4814. 56002// "id": "(number)",
4815. 56002// "value": "3"
4816. 56002// },
4817. 56002// {
4818. 56002// "id": "*",
4819. 56002// "expression": [
4820. 56002// {
4821. 56002// "id": "*",
4822. 56002// "expression": [
4823. 56002// {
4824. 56002// "id": "(number)",
4825. 56002// "value": "1"
4826. 56002// },
4827. 56002// {
4828. 56002// "id": "(number)",
4829. 56002// "value": "2"
4830. 56002// }
4831. 56002// ]
4832. 56002// },
4833. 56002// {
4834. 56002// "id": "(number)",
4835. 56002// "value": "4"
4836. 56002// }
4837. 56002// ]
4838. 56002// }
4839. 56002// ]
4840. 56002// },
4841. 56002// {
4842. 56002// "id": "(number)",
4843. 56002// "value": "5"
4844. 56002// }
4845. 56002// ]
4846. 56002// }
4847. 56002
4848. 56002 let left;
4849. 56002 let the_symbol;
4850. 56002
4851. 56002// Statements will have already advanced, so advance now only if the token is
4852. 56002// not the first of a statement.
4853. 56002
4854. 44642 if (!initial) {
4855. 44642 advance();
4856. 44642 }
4857. 56002 the_symbol = syntax_dict[token_now.id];
4858. 24510 if (the_symbol !== undefined && the_symbol.nud_prefix !== undefined) {
4859. 24451
4860. 24451// test_cause:
4861. 24451// ["0", "parse_expression", "symbol", "", 0]
4862. 24451
4863. 24451 test_cause("symbol");
4864. 24451 left = the_symbol.nud_prefix();
4865. 31551 } else if (token_now.identifier) {
4866. 31551
4867. 31551// test_cause:
4868. 31551// ["aa", "parse_expression", "identifier", "", 0]
4869. 31551
4870. 31551 test_cause("identifier");
4871. 31551 left = token_now;
4872. 31551 left.arity = "variable";
4873. 31551 } else {
4874. 31551
4875. 31551// test_cause:
4876. 31551// ["!", "parse_expression", "unexpected_a", "(end)", 1]
4877. 31551// ["/./", "parse_expression", "unexpected_a", "/", 1]
4878. 31551// ["let aa=`${}`;", "parse_expression", "unexpected_a", "}", 11]
4879. 31551
4880. 31551 return stop("unexpected_a", token_now);
4881. 55966 }
4882. 55966
4883. 55966// Parse/loop through each symbol in expression.
4884. 55966
4885. 93124 while (true) {
4886. 93124 the_symbol = syntax_dict[token_nxt.id];
4887. 93124 if (
4888. 93124 the_symbol === undefined
4889. 93124 || the_symbol.led_infix === undefined
4890. 93124 || the_symbol.lbp <= rbp
4891. 93124 ) {
4892. 93124 break;
4893. 93124 }
4894. 93124 advance();
4895. 93124 left = the_symbol.led_infix(left);
4896. 93124 }
4897. 55955 return left;
4898. 55955 }
4899. 631
4900. 14 function parse_fart(the_fart) {
4901. 14
4902. 14// Give the function properties storing its names and for observing the depth
4903. 14// of loops and switches.
4904. 14
4905. 14 Object.assign(the_fart, {
4906. 14 arity: "binary",
4907. 14 context: empty(),
4908. 14 finally: 0,
4909. 14 level: functionage.level + 1,
4910. 14 loop: 0,
4911. 14 name: anon,
4912. 14 switch: 0,
4913. 14 try: 0
4914. 14 });
4915. 14
4916. 14// PR-384 - Relax warning "function_in_loop".
4917. 14//
4918. 14// if (functionage.loop > 0) {
4919. 14
4920. 14// // test_cause:
4921. 14// // ["while(0){aa.map(()=>0);}", "parse_fart", "function_in_loop", "=>", 19]
4922. 14//
4923. 14// warn("function_in_loop", the_fart);
4924. 14// }
4925. 14
4926. 14// Push the current function context and establish a new one.
4927. 14
4928. 14 function_list.push(the_fart);
4929. 14 function_stack.push(functionage);
4930. 14 functionage = the_fart;
4931. 14
4932. 14// Parse the parameter list.
4933. 14
4934. 14 prefix_function_parameter(the_fart);
4935. 14 advance("=>");
4936. 14
4937. 14// The function's body is a block.
4938. 14
4939. 3 if (token_nxt.id === "{") {
4940. 3 if (!option_dict.fart) {
4941. 3
4942. 3// test_cause:
4943. 3// ["()=>{}", "parse_fart", "use_function_not_fart", "=>", 3]
4944. 3
4945. 3 warn("use_function_not_fart", the_fart);
4946. 3 }
4947. 3 the_fart.block = block("body");
4948. 11 } else if (
4949. 11 syntax_dict[token_nxt.id] !== undefined
4950. 11 && syntax_dict[token_nxt.id].fud_stmt !== undefined
4951. 11 ) {
4952. 11
4953. 11// PR-384 - Bugfix - Fixes issue #379 - warn against naked-statement in fart.
4954. 11
4955. 11// test_cause:
4956. 11// ["()=>delete aa", "parse_fart", "unexpected_a_after_b", "=>", 5]
4957. 11
4958. 11 stop("unexpected_a_after_b", token_nxt, token_nxt.id, "=>");
4959. 11
4960. 11// The function's body is an expression.
4961. 11
4962. 11 } else {
4963. 11 the_fart.expression = parse_expression(0);
4964. 13 }
4965. 13
4966. 13// Restore the previous context.
4967. 13
4968. 13 functionage = function_stack.pop();
4969. 13 return the_fart;
4970. 13 }
4971. 631
4972. 12961 function parse_json() {
4973. 12961 let container;
4974. 12961 let is_dup;
4975. 12961 let name;
4976. 12961 let negative;
4977. 12961 switch (token_nxt.id) {
4978. 5262 case "(number)":
4979. 5262 if (!jslint_rgx_json_number.test(token_nxt.value)) {
4980. 5262
4981. 5262// test_cause:
4982. 5262// ["[-.0]", "parse_json", "unexpected_a", ".", 3]
4983. 5262// ["[-0x0]", "parse_json", "unexpected_a", "0x0", 3]
4984. 5262// ["[.0]", "parse_json", "unexpected_a", ".", 2]
4985. 5262// ["[0x0]", "parse_json", "unexpected_a", "0x0", 2]
4986. 5262
4987. 5262 warn("unexpected_a");
4988. 5262 }
4989. 5262 advance("(number)");
4990. 5262 return token_now;
4991. 1767 case "(string)":
4992. 1767 if (token_nxt.quote !== "\"") {
4993. 1767
4994. 1767// test_cause:
4995. 1767// ["['']", "parse_json", "unexpected_a", "'", 2]
4996. 1767
4997. 1767 warn("unexpected_a", token_nxt, token_nxt.quote);
4998. 1767 }
4999. 1767 advance("(string)");
5000. 1767 return token_now;
5001. 3 case "-":
5002. 3 negative = token_nxt;
5003. 3 negative.arity = "unary";
5004. 3 advance("-");
5005. 3
5006. 3// Recurse parse_json().
5007. 3
5008. 3 negative.expression = parse_json();
5009. 3 return negative;
5010. 1649 case "[":
5011. 1649
5012. 1649// test_cause:
5013. 1649// ["[]", "parse_json", "bracket", "", 0]
5014. 1649
5015. 1649 test_cause("bracket");
5016. 1649 container = token_nxt;
5017. 1649 container.expression = [];
5018. 1649 advance("[");
5019. 1649 if (token_nxt.id !== "]") {
5020. 3300 while (true) {
5021. 3300
5022. 3300// Recurse parse_json().
5023. 3300
5024. 3300 container.expression.push(parse_json());
5025. 3300 if (token_nxt.id !== ",") {
5026. 3300
5027. 3300// test_cause:
5028. 3300// ["[0,0]", "parse_json", "comma", "", 0]
5029. 3300
5030. 3300 test_cause("comma");
5031. 3300 break;
5032. 3300 }
5033. 3300 advance(",");
5034. 3300 }
5035. 1649 }
5036. 1649 advance("]", container);
5037. 1649 return container;
5038. 509 case "false":
5039. 511 case "null":
5040. 896 case "true":
5041. 896
5042. 896// test_cause:
5043. 896// ["[false]", "parse_json", "constant", "", 0]
5044. 896// ["[null]", "parse_json", "constant", "", 0]
5045. 896// ["[true]", "parse_json", "constant", "", 0]
5046. 896
5047. 896 test_cause("constant");
5048. 896 advance();
5049. 896 return token_now;
5050. 3379 case "{":
5051. 3379
5052. 3379// test_cause:
5053. 3379// ["{}", "parse_json", "brace", "", 0]
5054. 3379
5055. 3379 test_cause("brace");
5056. 3379 container = token_nxt;
5057. 3379
5058. 3379// Explicit empty-object required to detect "__proto__".
5059. 3379
5060. 3379 is_dup = empty();
5061. 3379 container.expression = [];
5062. 3379 advance("{");
5063. 3379 if (token_nxt.id !== "}") {
5064. 3379
5065. 3379// JSON
5066. 3379// Parse/loop through each property in {...}.
5067. 3379
5068. 9636 while (true) {
5069. 9636 if (token_nxt.quote !== "\"") {
5070. 9636
5071. 9636// test_cause:
5072. 9636// ["{0:0}", "parse_json", "unexpected_a", "0", 2]
5073. 9636
5074. 9636 warn(
5075. 9636 "unexpected_a",
5076. 9636 token_nxt,
5077. 9636 token_nxt.quote
5078. 9636 );
5079. 9636 }
5080. 9636 name = token_nxt;
5081. 9636 advance("(string)");
5082. 9636 if (is_dup[token_now.value] !== undefined) {
5083. 9636
5084. 9636// test_cause:
5085. 9636// ["{\"aa\":0,\"aa\":0}", "parse_json", "duplicate_a", "aa", 9]
5086. 9636
5087. 9636 warn("duplicate_a", token_now);
5088. 9636 } else if (token_now.value === "__proto__") {
5089. 9636
5090. 9636// test_cause:
5091. 9636// ["{\"__proto__\":0}", "parse_json", "weird_property_a", "__proto__", 2]
5092. 9636
5093. 9636 warn("weird_property_a", token_now);
5094. 9636 } else {
5095. 9636 is_dup[token_now.value] = token_now;
5096. 9636 }
5097. 9636 advance(":");
5098. 9636 container.expression.push(
5099. 9636
5100. 9636// Recurse parse_json().
5101. 9636
5102. 9636 Object.assign(parse_json(), {
5103. 9636 label: name
5104. 9636 })
5105. 9636 );
5106. 9636 if (token_nxt.id !== ",") {
5107. 9636 break;
5108. 9636 }
5109. 9636 advance(",");
5110. 9636 }
5111. 3379 }
5112. 3379 advance("}", container);
5113. 3379 return container;
5114. 5 default:
5115. 5
5116. 5// test_cause:
5117. 5// ["[undefined]", "parse_json", "unexpected_a", "undefined", 2]
5118. 5
5119. 5 stop("unexpected_a");
5120. 12961 }
5121. 12961 }
5122. 631
5123. 20929 function parse_statement() {
5124. 20929
5125. 20929// Parse a statement. Any statement may have a label, but only four statements
5126. 20929// have use for one. A statement can be one of the standard statements, or
5127. 20929// an assignment expression, or an invocation expression.
5128. 20929
5129. 20929 let first;
5130. 20929 let the_label;
5131. 20929 let the_statement;
5132. 20929 let the_symbol;
5133. 20929 advance();
5134. 20742 if (token_now.identifier && token_nxt.id === ":") {
5135. 13 the_label = token_now;
5136. 13 if (the_label.id === "ignore") {
5137. 13
5138. 13// test_cause:
5139. 13// ["ignore:", "parse_statement", "unexpected_a", "ignore", 1]
5140. 13
5141. 13 warn("unexpected_a", the_label);
5142. 13 }
5143. 13 advance(":");
5144. 13 switch (token_nxt.id) {
5145. 13 case "do":
5146. 13 case "for":
5147. 13 case "switch":
5148. 13 case "while":
5149. 13
5150. 13// test_cause:
5151. 13// ["aa:do{}", "parse_statement", "the_statement_label", "do", 0]
5152. 13// ["aa:for{}", "parse_statement", "the_statement_label", "for", 0]
5153. 13// ["aa:switch{}", "parse_statement", "the_statement_label", "switch", 0]
5154. 13// ["aa:while{}", "parse_statement", "the_statement_label", "while", 0]
5155. 13
5156. 13 test_cause("the_statement_label", token_nxt.id);
5157. 13 enroll(the_label, "label", true);
5158. 13 the_label.dead = false;
5159. 13 the_label.init = true;
5160. 13 the_statement = parse_statement();
5161. 13 functionage.statement_prv = the_statement;
5162. 13 the_statement.label = the_label;
5163. 13 the_statement.statement = true;
5164. 13 return the_statement;
5165. 13 }
5166. 13 advance();
5167. 13
5168. 13// test_cause:
5169. 13// ["aa:", "parse_statement", "unexpected_label_a", "aa", 1]
5170. 13
5171. 13 warn("unexpected_label_a", the_label);
5172. 20920 }
5173. 20920
5174. 20920// Parse the statement.
5175. 20920
5176. 20920 first = token_now;
5177. 20920 first.statement = true;
5178. 20920 the_symbol = syntax_dict[first.id];
5179. 20920 if (
5180. 20920 the_symbol !== undefined
5181. 20920 && the_symbol.fud_stmt !== undefined
5182. 20929
5183. 20929// PR-318 - Bugfix - Fixes issues #316, #317 - dynamic-import().
5184. 20929
5185. 10154 && !(the_symbol.id === "import" && token_nxt.id === "(")
5186. 10152 ) {
5187. 10152 the_symbol.disrupt = false;
5188. 10152 the_symbol.statement = true;
5189. 10152 token_now.arity = "statement";
5190. 10152 the_statement = the_symbol.fud_stmt();
5191. 10152 functionage.statement_prv = the_statement;
5192. 10768 } else {
5193. 10768
5194. 10768// It is an expression statement.
5195. 10768
5196. 10768 the_statement = parse_expression(0, true);
5197. 10768 functionage.statement_prv = the_statement;
5198. 10768 if (the_statement.wrapped && the_statement.id !== "(") {
5199. 10768
5200. 10768// test_cause:
5201. 10768// ["(0)", "parse_statement", "unexpected_a", "(", 1]
5202. 10768
5203. 10768 warn("unexpected_a", first);
5204. 10768 }
5205. 10768 semicolon();
5206. 20826 }
5207. 20826 if (the_label !== undefined) {
5208. 1 the_label.dead = true;
5209. 20826 }
5210. 20826 return the_statement;
5211. 20826 }
5212. 631
5213. 7501 function parse_statements() {
5214. 7501
5215. 7501// Parse a list of statements. Give a warning if an unreachable statement
5216. 7501// follows a disruptive statement.
5217. 7501
5218. 7501 const statement_list = [];
5219. 7501 let a_statement;
5220. 7501 let disrupt = false;
5221. 7501
5222. 7501// Parse/loop each statement until a statement-terminator is reached.
5223. 7501
5224. 28003 while (true) {
5225. 28003 switch (token_nxt.id) {
5226. 28003 case "(end)":
5227. 28003 case "case":
5228. 28003 case "default":
5229. 28003 case "else":
5230. 28003 case "}":
5231. 28003
5232. 28003// test_cause:
5233. 28003// [";", "parse_statements", "closer", "", 0]
5234. 28003// ["case", "parse_statements", "closer", "", 0]
5235. 28003// ["default", "parse_statements", "closer", "", 0]
5236. 28003// ["else", "parse_statements", "closer", "", 0]
5237. 28003// ["}", "parse_statements", "closer", "", 0]
5238. 28003
5239. 28003 test_cause("closer");
5240. 28003 return statement_list;
5241. 28003 }
5242. 28003 a_statement = parse_statement();
5243. 28003 statement_list.push(a_statement);
5244. 28003 if (disrupt) {
5245. 28003
5246. 28003// test_cause:
5247. 28003// ["while(0){break;0;}", "parse_statements", "unreachable_a", "0", 16]
5248. 28003
5249. 28003 warn("unreachable_a", a_statement);
5250. 28003 }
5251. 28003 disrupt = a_statement.disrupt;
5252. 28003 }
5253. 7501 }
5254. 631
5255. 1262 function postassign(id) {
5256. 1262
5257. 1262// Create one of the postassign operators.
5258. 1262
5259. 1262 const the_symbol = symbol(id, 150);
5260. 1 the_symbol.led_infix = function (left) {
5261. 1 token_now.expression = left;
5262. 1 token_now.arity = "postassign";
5263. 1 check_mutation(token_now.expression);
5264. 1 return token_now;
5265. 1 };
5266. 1262 return the_symbol;
5267. 1262 }
5268. 631
5269. 1262 function preassign(id) {
5270. 1262
5271. 1262// Create one of the preassign operators.
5272. 1262
5273. 1262 const the_symbol = symbol(id);
5274. 2 the_symbol.nud_prefix = function () {
5275. 2 const the_token = token_now;
5276. 2 the_token.arity = "preassign";
5277. 2 the_token.expression = parse_expression(150);
5278. 2 check_mutation(the_token.expression);
5279. 2 return the_token;
5280. 2 };
5281. 1262 return the_symbol;
5282. 1262 }
5283. 631
5284. 10727 function prefix(id, f) {
5285. 10727
5286. 10727// Create a prefix operator.
5287. 10727
5288. 10727 const the_symbol = symbol(id);
5289. 5744 the_symbol.nud_prefix = function () {
5290. 5744 const the_token = token_now;
5291. 5744 the_token.arity = "unary";
5292. 4932 if (typeof f === "function") {
5293. 4932 return f();
5294. 4932 }
5295. 812 the_token.expression = parse_expression(150);
5296. 812 return the_token;
5297. 812 };
5298. 10727 return the_symbol;
5299. 10727 }
5300. 631
5301. 1 function prefix_assign_divide() {
5302. 1
5303. 1// test_cause:
5304. 1// ["/=", "prefix_assign_divide", "expected_a_b", "/=", 1]
5305. 1
5306. 1 stop("expected_a_b", token_now, "/\\=", "/=");
5307. 1 }
5308. 631
5309. 136 function prefix_async() {
5310. 136 let the_async = token_now;
5311. 136 let the_function;
5312. 136 token_nxt.arity = the_async.arity;
5313. 136
5314. 136// PR-414 - Parse async fart.
5315. 136
5316. 3 if (token_nxt.fart) {
5317. 3 advance("(");
5318. 3 the_function = Object.assign(token_now.fart, {
5319. 3 async: 1
5320. 3 });
5321. 3 if (!option_dict.fart) {
5322. 3
5323. 3// test_cause:
5324. 3// ["async()=>0", "prefix_async", "use_function_not_fart", "=>", 8]
5325. 3
5326. 3 warn("use_function_not_fart", the_function);
5327. 3 }
5328. 3 prefix_lparen();
5329. 3
5330. 3// Parse async function.
5331. 3
5332. 133 } else {
5333. 133 advance("function");
5334. 133 the_function = Object.assign(token_now, {
5335. 133 async: 1
5336. 133 });
5337. 133 prefix_function();
5338. 133 }
5339. 3 if (the_function.async === 1) {
5340. 3
5341. 3// test_cause:
5342. 3// ["
5343. 3// async function aa(){}
5344. 3// ", "prefix_async", "missing_await_statement", "function", 7]
5345. 3
5346. 3 warn("missing_await_statement", the_function);
5347. 3 }
5348. 136 return the_function;
5349. 136 }
5350. 631
5351. 297 function prefix_await() {
5352. 297 const the_await = token_now;
5353. 297
5354. 297// PR-370 - Add top-level-await support.
5355. 297
5356. 4 if (functionage.async === 0 && functionage !== token_global) {
5357. 2
5358. 2// test_cause:
5359. 2// ["function aa(){aa=await 0;}", "prefix_await", "unexpected_a", "await", 18]
5360. 2// ["function aa(){await 0;}", "prefix_await", "unexpected_a", "await", 15]
5361. 2
5362. 2 warn("unexpected_a", the_await);
5363. 295 } else {
5364. 295 functionage.async += 1;
5365. 295 }
5366. 185 if (the_await.arity === "statement") {
5367. 185
5368. 185// PR-405 - Bugfix - fix expression after "await" mis-identified as statement.
5369. 185
5370. 185 the_await.expression = parse_expression(150);
5371. 185 semicolon();
5372. 185 } else {
5373. 112 the_await.expression = parse_expression(150);
5374. 112 }
5375. 297 return the_await;
5376. 297 }
5377. 631
5378. 1 function prefix_fart() {
5379. 1
5380. 1// test_cause:
5381. 1// ["=>0", "prefix_fart", "expected_a_before_b", "=>", 1]
5382. 1
5383. 1 return stop("expected_a_before_b", token_now, "()", "=>");
5384. 1 }
5385. 631
5386. 2005 function prefix_function(the_function) {
5387. 11 let name = the_function && the_function.name;
5388. 1994 if (the_function === undefined) {
5389. 1994 the_function = token_now;
5390. 1994
5391. 1994// A function statement must have a name that will be in the parent's scope.
5392. 1994
5393. 1994 if (the_function.arity === "statement") {
5394. 1994 if (!token_nxt.identifier) {
5395. 1994
5396. 1994// test_cause:
5397. 1994// ["function(){}", "prefix_function", "expected_identifier_a", "(", 9]
5398. 1994// ["function*aa(){}", "prefix_function", "expected_identifier_a", "*", 9]
5399. 1994
5400. 1994 return stop("expected_identifier_a");
5401. 1994 }
5402. 1994 name = token_nxt;
5403. 1994 enroll(name, "variable", true);
5404. 1994 the_function.name = Object.assign(name, {
5405. 1994 calls: empty(),
5406. 1994
5407. 1994// PR-331 - Bugfix - Fixes issue #272 - function hoisting not allowed.
5408. 1994
5409. 1994 dead: false,
5410. 1994 init: true
5411. 1994 });
5412. 1994 advance();
5413. 1994 } else if (name === undefined) {
5414. 1994
5415. 1994// A function expression may have an optional name.
5416. 1994
5417. 1994 the_function.name = anon;
5418. 1994 if (token_nxt.identifier) {
5419. 1994 name = token_nxt;
5420. 1994 the_function.name = name;
5421. 1994 advance();
5422. 1994 }
5423. 1994 }
5424. 2003 }
5425. 2003
5426. 2003// Probably deadcode.
5427. 2003// if (mode_mega) {
5428. 2003// warn("unexpected_a", the_function);
5429. 2003// }
5430. 2003// jslint_assert(!mode_mega, `Expected !mode_mega.`);
5431. 2003
5432. 2003// PR-378 - Relax warning "function_in_loop".
5433. 2003//
5434. 2003// // Don't create functions in loops. It is inefficient, and it can lead to
5435. 2003// // scoping errors.
5436. 2003//
5437. 2003// if (functionage.loop > 0) {
5438. 2003//
5439. 2003// // test_cause:
5440. 2003// // ["
5441. 2003// // while(0){aa.map(function(){});}
5442. 2003// // ", "prefix_function", "function_in_loop", "function", 17]
5443. 2003//
5444. 2003// warn("function_in_loop", the_function);
5445. 2003// }
5446. 2003
5447. 2003// Give the function properties for storing its names and for observing the
5448. 2003// depth of loops and switches.
5449. 2003
5450. 2003 Object.assign(the_function, {
5451. 2003 async: the_function.async || 0,
5452. 2005 context: empty(),
5453. 2005 finally: 0,
5454. 2005 level: functionage.level + 1,
5455. 2005 loop: 0,
5456. 2005 statement_prv: undefined,
5457. 2005 switch: 0,
5458. 2005 try: 0
5459. 2005 });
5460. 929 if (the_function.arity !== "statement" && typeof name === "object") {
5461. 38
5462. 38// test_cause:
5463. 38// ["let aa=function bb(){return;};", "prefix_function", "expression", "bb", 0]
5464. 38
5465. 38 test_cause("expression", name.id);
5466. 38 enroll(name, "function", true);
5467. 38 name.dead = false;
5468. 38 name.init = true;
5469. 38 name.used = 1;
5470. 2003 }
5471. 2003
5472. 2003// PR-334 - Bugfix - fix function-redefinition not warned inside function-call.
5473. 2003// Push the current function context and establish a new one.
5474. 2003
5475. 2003 function_list.push(the_function);
5476. 2003 function_stack.push(functionage);
5477. 2003 functionage = the_function;
5478. 2003
5479. 2003// Parse the parameter list.
5480. 2003
5481. 2003 advance("(");
5482. 2003 token_now.arity = "function";
5483. 2003 prefix_function_parameter(the_function);
5484. 2003
5485. 2003// The function's body is a block.
5486. 2003
5487. 2003 the_function.block = block("body");
5488. 2003 if (
5489. 2003 the_function.arity === "statement"
5490. 2003 && token_nxt.line === token_now.line
5491. 2 ) {
5492. 2
5493. 2// test_cause:
5494. 2// ["function aa(){}0", "prefix_function", "unexpected_a", "0", 16]
5495. 2
5496. 2 return stop("unexpected_a");
5497. 1990 }
5498. 1990 if (
5499. 1990 token_nxt.id === "."
5500. 1990 || token_nxt.id === "?."
5501. 2005
5502. 2005// PR-459 - Allow destructuring-assignment after function-definition.
5503. 2005
5504. 2005 // || token_nxt.id === "["
5505. 2 ) {
5506. 2
5507. 2// test_cause:
5508. 2// ["function aa(){}\n.aa", "prefix_function", "unexpected_a", ".", 1]
5509. 2// ["function aa(){}\n?.aa", "prefix_function", "unexpected_a", "?.", 1]
5510. 2
5511. 2 warn("unexpected_a");
5512. 1990 }
5513. 1990
5514. 1990// Check functions are ordered.
5515. 1990
5516. 1990 check_ordered(
5517. 1990 "function",
5518. 1990 function_list.slice(
5519. 1990 function_list.indexOf(the_function) + 1
5520. 2515 ).map(function ({
5521. 2515 level,
5522. 2515 name
5523. 2515 }) {
5524. 1990 return (level === the_function.level + 1) && name;
5525. 2515 }).filter(function (name) {
5526. 2510 return option_dict.beta && name && name.id;
5527. 2515 })
5528. 1990 );
5529. 1990
5530. 1990// Restore the previous context.
5531. 1990
5532. 1990 functionage = function_stack.pop();
5533. 1990 return the_function;
5534. 1990 }
5535. 631
5536. 2017 function prefix_function_parameter(the_function) {
5537. 2017
5538. 2017// This function will parse input <parameters> at beginning of <the_function>
5539. 2017
5540. 2017 let optional;
5541. 2017 let parameters = [];
5542. 2017 let signature = ["("];
5543. 2017 let subparam;
5544. 2781 function param_enroll(name) {
5545. 2514 if (name.identifier) {
5546. 2514 enroll(name, "parameter", false);
5547. 2514 } else {
5548. 267
5549. 267// test_cause:
5550. 267// ["([aa])=>0", "param_enroll", "use_function_not_fart", "=>", 7]
5551. 267// ["({aa})=>0", "param_enroll", "use_function_not_fart", "=>", 7]
5552. 267
5553. 267 if (the_function.id === "=>" && !option_dict.fart) {
5554. 267 warn("use_function_not_fart", the_function);
5555. 267 }
5556. 267
5557. 267// Recurse param_enroll().
5558. 267
5559. 267 name.names.forEach(param_enroll);
5560. 267 }
5561. 2781 }
5562. 2077 function param_parse() {
5563. 2077 let ellipsis = false;
5564. 2077 let param;
5565. 227 if (token_nxt.id === "{") {
5566. 227 if (optional !== undefined) {
5567. 227
5568. 227// test_cause:
5569. 227// ["function aa(aa=0,{}){}", "param_parse", "required_a_optional_b", "aa", 18]
5570. 227
5571. 227 warn(
5572. 227 "required_a_optional_b",
5573. 227 token_nxt,
5574. 227 token_nxt.id,
5575. 227 optional.id
5576. 227 );
5577. 227 }
5578. 227 param = token_nxt;
5579. 227 param.names = [];
5580. 227 advance("{");
5581. 227 signature.push("{");
5582. 625 while (true) {
5583. 625 subparam = token_nxt;
5584. 625 if (!subparam.identifier) {
5585. 625
5586. 625// test_cause:
5587. 625// ["function aa(aa=0,{}){}", "param_parse", "expected_identifier_a", "}", 19]
5588. 625// ["function aa({0}){}", "param_parse", "expected_identifier_a", "0", 14]
5589. 625
5590. 625 return stop("expected_identifier_a");
5591. 625 }
5592. 625 survey(subparam);
5593. 625 advance();
5594. 625 signature.push(subparam.id);
5595. 625 if (token_nxt.id === ":") {
5596. 625 advance(":");
5597. 625 advance();
5598. 625 token_now.label = subparam;
5599. 625 subparam = token_now;
5600. 625 if (!subparam.identifier) {
5601. 625
5602. 625// test_cause:
5603. 625// ["function aa({aa:0}){}", "param_parse", "expected_identifier_a", "}", 18]
5604. 625
5605. 625 return stop(
5606. 625 "expected_identifier_a",
5607. 625 token_nxt
5608. 625 );
5609. 625 }
5610. 625 }
5611. 625
5612. 625// test_cause:
5613. 625// ["function aa({aa=aa},aa){}", "param_parse", "equal", "", 0]
5614. 625
5615. 625 test_cause("equal");
5616. 625 if (token_nxt.id === "=") {
5617. 625 advance("=");
5618. 625 subparam.expression = parse_expression();
5619. 625 param.open = true;
5620. 625 }
5621. 625 param.names.push(subparam);
5622. 625 if (token_nxt.id === ",") {
5623. 625 advance(",");
5624. 625 signature.push(", ");
5625. 625 } else {
5626. 625 break;
5627. 625 }
5628. 625 }
5629. 227 parameters.push(param);
5630. 227
5631. 227// test_cause:
5632. 227// ["
5633. 227// function aa({bb,aa}){}
5634. 227// ", "check_ordered", "expected_a_b_before_c_d", "aa", 17]
5635. 227
5636. 227 check_ordered("parameter", param.names);
5637. 227 advance("}");
5638. 227 signature.push("}");
5639. 227 if (token_nxt.id === ",") {
5640. 227 advance(",");
5641. 227 signature.push(", ");
5642. 227 param_parse();
5643. 227 return;
5644. 227 }
5645. 1850 } else if (token_nxt.id === "[") {
5646. 1850 if (optional !== undefined) {
5647. 1850
5648. 1850// test_cause:
5649. 1850// ["function aa(aa=0,[]){}", "param_parse", "required_a_optional_b", "aa", 18]
5650. 1850
5651. 1850 warn(
5652. 1850 "required_a_optional_b",
5653. 1850 token_nxt,
5654. 1850 token_nxt.id,
5655. 1850 optional.id
5656. 1850 );
5657. 1850 }
5658. 1850 param = token_nxt;
5659. 1850 param.names = [];
5660. 1850 advance("[");
5661. 1850 signature.push("[]");
5662. 1850 while (true) {
5663. 1850 subparam = token_nxt;
5664. 1850 if (!subparam.identifier) {
5665. 1850
5666. 1850// test_cause:
5667. 1850// ["function aa(aa=0,[]){}", "param_parse", "expected_identifier_a", "]", 19]
5668. 1850
5669. 1850 return stop("expected_identifier_a");
5670. 1850 }
5671. 1850 advance();
5672. 1850 param.names.push(subparam);
5673. 1850
5674. 1850// test_cause:
5675. 1850// ["function aa([aa=aa],aa){}", "param_parse", "id", "", 0]
5676. 1850
5677. 1850 test_cause("id");
5678. 1850 if (token_nxt.id === "=") {
5679. 1850 advance("=");
5680. 1850 subparam.expression = parse_expression();
5681. 1850 param.open = true;
5682. 1850 }
5683. 1850 if (token_nxt.id === ",") {
5684. 1850 advance(",");
5685. 1850 } else {
5686. 1850 break;
5687. 1850 }
5688. 1850 }
5689. 1850 parameters.push(param);
5690. 1850 advance("]");
5691. 1850 if (token_nxt.id === ",") {
5692. 1850 advance(",");
5693. 1850 signature.push(", ");
5694. 1850 param_parse();
5695. 1850 return;
5696. 1850 }
5697. 1850 } else {
5698. 1850 if (token_nxt.id === "...") {
5699. 1850 ellipsis = true;
5700. 1850 signature.push("...");
5701. 1850 advance("...");
5702. 1850 if (optional !== undefined) {
5703. 1850
5704. 1850// test_cause:
5705. 1850// ["function aa(aa=0,...){}", "param_parse", "required_a_optional_b", "aa", 21]
5706. 1850
5707. 1850 warn(
5708. 1850 "required_a_optional_b",
5709. 1850 token_nxt,
5710. 1850 token_nxt.id,
5711. 1850 optional.id
5712. 1850 );
5713. 1850 }
5714. 1850 }
5715. 1850 if (!token_nxt.identifier) {
5716. 1850
5717. 1850// test_cause:
5718. 1850// ["function aa(0){}", "param_parse", "expected_identifier_a", "0", 13]
5719. 1850
5720. 1850 return stop("expected_identifier_a");
5721. 1850 }
5722. 1850 param = token_nxt;
5723. 1850 parameters.push(param);
5724. 1850 advance();
5725. 1850 signature.push(param.id);
5726. 1850 if (ellipsis) {
5727. 1850 param.ellipsis = true;
5728. 1850 } else {
5729. 1850 if (token_nxt.id === "=") {
5730. 1850 optional = param;
5731. 1850 advance("=");
5732. 1850 param.expression = parse_expression(0);
5733. 1850 } else {
5734. 1850 if (optional !== undefined) {
5735. 1850
5736. 1850// test_cause:
5737. 1850// ["function aa(aa=0,bb){}", "param_parse", "required_a_optional_b", "aa", 18]
5738. 1850
5739. 1850 warn(
5740. 1850 "required_a_optional_b",
5741. 1850 param,
5742. 1850 param.id,
5743. 1850 optional.id
5744. 1850 );
5745. 1850 }
5746. 1850 }
5747. 1850 if (token_nxt.id === ",") {
5748. 1850 advance(",");
5749. 1850 signature.push(", ");
5750. 1850 param_parse();
5751. 1850 return;
5752. 1850 }
5753. 1850 }
5754. 1850 }
5755. 2077 }
5756. 2017
5757. 2017// test_cause:
5758. 2017// ["function aa(){}", "prefix_function_parameter", "opener", "(", 0]
5759. 2017
5760. 2017 test_cause("opener", token_now.id);
5761. 2017 token_now.free = false;
5762. 1485 if (token_nxt.id !== ")" && token_nxt.id !== "(end)") {
5763. 1485 param_parse();
5764. 2009 }
5765. 2009 advance(")");
5766. 2009 signature.push(")");
5767. 2009 parameters.forEach(param_enroll);
5768. 2009 the_function.parameters = parameters;
5769. 2009 the_function.signature = signature.join("");
5770. 2009 }
5771. 631
5772. 588 function prefix_lbrace() {
5773. 588 const seen = empty();
5774. 588 const the_brace = token_now;
5775. 588 let extra;
5776. 588 let full;
5777. 588 let id;
5778. 588 let name;
5779. 588 let the_colon;
5780. 588 let value;
5781. 588 the_brace.expression = [];
5782. 548 if (token_nxt.id !== "}") {
5783. 548
5784. 548// Parse/loop through each property in {...}.
5785. 548
5786. 1996 while (true) {
5787. 1996 name = token_nxt;
5788. 1996 advance();
5789. 1996 if (
5790. 1996 (name.id === "get" || name.id === "set")
5791. 1996 && token_nxt.identifier
5792. 1996 ) {
5793. 1996 if (!option_dict.getset) {
5794. 1996
5795. 1996// test_cause:
5796. 1996// ["aa={get aa(){}}", "prefix_lbrace", "unexpected_a", "get", 5]
5797. 1996
5798. 1996 warn("unexpected_a", name);
5799. 1996 }
5800. 1996 extra = name.id;
5801. 1996 full = extra + " " + token_nxt.id;
5802. 1996 name = token_nxt;
5803. 1996 advance();
5804. 1996 id = survey(name);
5805. 1996 if (seen[full] === true || seen[id] === true) {
5806. 1996
5807. 1996// test_cause:
5808. 1996// ["aa={get aa(){},get aa(){}}", "prefix_lbrace", "duplicate_a", "aa", 20]
5809. 1996
5810. 1996 warn("duplicate_a", name);
5811. 1996 }
5812. 1996 seen[id] = false;
5813. 1996 seen[full] = true;
5814. 1996 } else if (name.id === "`") {
5815. 1996
5816. 1996// test_cause:
5817. 1996// ["aa={`aa`:0}", "prefix_lbrace", "unexpected_a", "`", 5]
5818. 1996
5819. 1996 stop("unexpected_a", name);
5820. 1996
5821. 1996 } else {
5822. 1996 id = survey(name);
5823. 1996 if (typeof seen[id] === "boolean") {
5824. 1996
5825. 1996// test_cause:
5826. 1996// ["aa={aa,aa}", "prefix_lbrace", "duplicate_a", "aa", 8]
5827. 1996
5828. 1996 warn("duplicate_a", name);
5829. 1996 }
5830. 1996 seen[id] = true;
5831. 1996 }
5832. 1996 if (name.identifier) {
5833. 1996 if (token_nxt.id === "}" || token_nxt.id === ",") {
5834. 1996 if (typeof extra === "string") {
5835. 1996
5836. 1996// test_cause:
5837. 1996// ["aa={get aa}", "prefix_lbrace", "closer", "", 0]
5838. 1996
5839. 1996 test_cause("closer");
5840. 1996 advance("(");
5841. 1996 }
5842. 1996 value = parse_expression(Infinity, true);
5843. 1996 } else if (token_nxt.id === "(") {
5844. 1996
5845. 1996// test_cause:
5846. 1996// ["aa={aa()}", "prefix_lbrace", "paren", "", 0]
5847. 1996// ["aa={get aa(){}}", "prefix_lbrace", "paren", "", 0]
5848. 1996
5849. 1996 test_cause("paren");
5850. 1996 value = prefix_function({
5851. 1996 arity: "unary",
5852. 1996 from: name.from,
5853. 1996 id: "function",
5854. 1996 line: name.line,
5855. 1996 name: (
5856. 1996 typeof extra === "string"
5857. 1996 ? extra
5858. 1996 : id
5859. 1996 ),
5860. 1996 thru: name.from
5861. 1996 });
5862. 1996 } else {
5863. 1996 if (typeof extra === "string") {
5864. 1996
5865. 1996// test_cause:
5866. 1996// ["aa={get aa.aa}", "prefix_lbrace", "paren", "", 0]
5867. 1996
5868. 1996 test_cause("paren");
5869. 1996 advance("(");
5870. 1996 }
5871. 1996 the_colon = token_nxt;
5872. 1996 advance(":");
5873. 1996 value = parse_expression(0);
5874. 1996 if (
5875. 1996 value.id === name.id
5876. 1996 && value.id !== "function"
5877. 1996 ) {
5878. 1996
5879. 1996// test_cause:
5880. 1996// ["aa={aa:aa}", "prefix_lbrace", "unexpected_a", ": aa", 7]
5881. 1996
5882. 1996 warn("unexpected_a", the_colon, ": " + name.id);
5883. 1996 }
5884. 1996 }
5885. 1996 value.label = name;
5886. 1996 if (typeof extra === "string") {
5887. 1996 value.extra = extra;
5888. 1996 }
5889. 1996 the_brace.expression.push(value);
5890. 1996 } else {
5891. 1996
5892. 1996// test_cause:
5893. 1996// ["aa={\"aa\":0}", "prefix_lbrace", "colon", "", 0]
5894. 1996
5895. 1996 test_cause("colon");
5896. 1996 advance(":");
5897. 1996 value = parse_expression(0);
5898. 1996 value.label = name;
5899. 1996 the_brace.expression.push(value);
5900. 1996 }
5901. 1996 if (token_nxt.id !== ",") {
5902. 1996 break;
5903. 1996 }
5904. 1996
5905. 1996// test_cause:
5906. 1996// ["aa={\"aa\":0,\"bb\":0}", "prefix_lbrace", "comma", "", 0]
5907. 1996
5908. 1996 test_cause("comma");
5909. 1996 advance(",");
5910. 1996 if (token_nxt.id === "}") {
5911. 1996
5912. 1996// test_cause:
5913. 1996// ["let aa={aa:0,}", "prefix_lbrace", "unexpected_a", ",", 13]
5914. 1996
5915. 1996 warn("unexpected_a", token_now);
5916. 1996 break;
5917. 1996 }
5918. 1996 }
5919. 583 }
5920. 583
5921. 583// test_cause:
5922. 583// ["aa={bb,aa}", "check_ordered", "expected_a_b_before_c_d", "aa", 8]
5923. 583
5924. 583 check_ordered(
5925. 583 "property",
5926. 1991 the_brace.expression.map(function ({
5927. 1991 label
5928. 1991 }) {
5929. 1991 return label;
5930. 1991 })
5931. 583 );
5932. 583 advance("}");
5933. 583 return the_brace;
5934. 583 }
5935. 631
5936. 759 function prefix_lbracket() {
5937. 759 const the_token = token_now;
5938. 759 let element;
5939. 759 let ellipsis;
5940. 759 the_token.expression = [];
5941. 392 if (token_nxt.id !== "]") {
5942. 392
5943. 392// Parse/loop through each element in [...].
5944. 392
5945. 1884 while (true) {
5946. 1884 ellipsis = false;
5947. 1884 if (token_nxt.id === "...") {
5948. 1884 ellipsis = true;
5949. 1884 advance("...");
5950. 1884 }
5951. 1884 element = parse_expression(10);
5952. 1884 if (ellipsis) {
5953. 1884 element.ellipsis = true;
5954. 1884 }
5955. 1884 the_token.expression.push(element);
5956. 1884 if (token_nxt.id !== ",") {
5957. 1884 break;
5958. 1884 }
5959. 1884 advance(",");
5960. 1884 if (token_nxt.id === "]") {
5961. 1884
5962. 1884// test_cause:
5963. 1884// ["let aa=[0,]", "prefix_lbracket", "unexpected_a", ",", 10]
5964. 1884
5965. 1884 warn("unexpected_a", token_now);
5966. 1884 break;
5967. 1884 }
5968. 1884 }
5969. 392 }
5970. 759 advance("]");
5971. 759 return the_token;
5972. 759 }
5973. 631
5974. 1616 function prefix_lparen() {
5975. 1616 let the_paren = token_now;
5976. 1616 let the_value;
5977. 1616
5978. 1616// PR-385 - Bugfix - Fixes issue #382 - failure to detect destructured fart.
5979. 1616
5980. 14 if (token_now.fart) {
5981. 14 return parse_fart(token_now.fart);
5982. 1602 }
5983. 1602
5984. 1602// test_cause:
5985. 1602// ["(0)", "prefix_lparen", "expr", "", 0]
5986. 1602
5987. 1602 test_cause("expr");
5988. 1602 the_paren.free = true;
5989. 1602 the_value = parse_expression(0);
5990. 1602 if (the_value.wrapped === true) {
5991. 1
5992. 1// test_cause:
5993. 1// ["((0))", "prefix_lparen", "unexpected_a", "(", 1]
5994. 1
5995. 1 warn("unexpected_a", the_paren);
5996. 1602 }
5997. 1602 the_value.wrapped = true;
5998. 1602 advance(")", the_paren);
5999. 1602 return the_value;
6000. 1602 }
6001. 631
6002. 155 function prefix_new() {
6003. 155 const the_new = token_now;
6004. 155 let right;
6005. 155 right = parse_expression(160);
6006. 1 if (token_nxt.id !== "(") {
6007. 1
6008. 1// test_cause:
6009. 1// ["new aa", "prefix_new", "expected_a_before_b", "(end)", 1]
6010. 1
6011. 1 warn("expected_a_before_b", token_nxt, "()", artifact());
6012. 1 }
6013. 155 the_new.expression = right;
6014. 155 return the_new;
6015. 155 }
6016. 631
6017. 782 function prefix_tick() {
6018. 782 const the_tick = token_now;
6019. 782 the_tick.value = [];
6020. 782 the_tick.expression = [];
6021. 782 if (token_nxt.id !== "`") {
6022. 782
6023. 782// Parse/loop through each token in `${...}`.
6024. 782
6025. 1499 while (true) {
6026. 1499 advance("(string)");
6027. 1499 the_tick.value.push(token_now);
6028. 1499 if (token_nxt.id !== "${") {
6029. 1499 break;
6030. 1499 }
6031. 1499 advance("${");
6032. 1499
6033. 1499// test_cause:
6034. 1499// ["let aa=`${}`;", "prefix_tick", "${", "", 0]
6035. 1499
6036. 1499 test_cause("${");
6037. 1499 the_tick.expression.push(parse_expression(0));
6038. 1499 advance("}");
6039. 1499 }
6040. 780 }
6041. 780 advance("`");
6042. 780 return the_tick;
6043. 780 }
6044. 631
6045. 2 function prefix_void() {
6046. 2 const the_void = token_now;
6047. 2
6048. 2// test_cause:
6049. 2// ["void 0", "prefix_void", "unexpected_a", "void", 1]
6050. 2// ["void", "prefix_void", "unexpected_a", "void", 1]
6051. 2
6052. 2 warn("unexpected_a", the_void);
6053. 2 the_void.expression = parse_expression(0);
6054. 2 return the_void;
6055. 2 }
6056. 631
6057. 13430 function semicolon() {
6058. 13430
6059. 13430// Try to match a semicolon.
6060. 13430
6061. 13205 if (token_nxt.id === ";") {
6062. 13205 advance(";");
6063. 13205 } else {
6064. 225
6065. 225// test_cause:
6066. 225// ["0", "semicolon", "expected_a_b", "(end)", 1]
6067. 225
6068. 225 warn_at(
6069. 225 "expected_a_b",
6070. 225 token_now.line,
6071. 225 token_now.thru + 1,
6072. 225 ";",
6073. 225 artifact()
6074. 225 );
6075. 225 }
6076. 13430 anon = "anonymous";
6077. 13430 }
6078. 631
6079. 14513 function stmt(id, fud_stmt) {
6080. 14513
6081. 14513// Create a statement.
6082. 14513
6083. 14513 const the_symbol = symbol(id);
6084. 14513 the_symbol.fud_stmt = fud_stmt;
6085. 14513 return the_symbol;
6086. 14513 }
6087. 631
6088. 1023 function stmt_break() {
6089. 1023 const the_break = token_now;
6090. 1023 let the_label;
6091. 1023 if (
6092. 719 (functionage.loop < 1 && functionage.switch < 1)
6093. 1017 || functionage.finally > 0
6094. 6 ) {
6095. 6
6096. 6// test_cause:
6097. 6// ["break", "stmt_break", "unexpected_a", "break", 1]
6098. 6
6099. 6 warn("unexpected_a", the_break);
6100. 6 }
6101. 1023 the_break.disrupt = true;
6102. 5 if (token_nxt.identifier && token_now.line === token_nxt.line) {
6103. 5 the_label = functionage.context[token_nxt.id];
6104. 5 if (
6105. 5 the_label === undefined
6106. 5 || the_label.role !== "label"
6107. 5 || the_label.dead
6108. 5 ) {
6109. 5 if (the_label !== undefined && the_label.dead) {
6110. 5
6111. 5// test_cause:
6112. 5// ["aa:{function aa(aa){break aa;}}", "stmt_break", "out_of_scope_a", "aa", 27]
6113. 5
6114. 5 warn("out_of_scope_a");
6115. 5 } else {
6116. 5
6117. 5// test_cause:
6118. 5// ["aa:{break aa;}", "stmt_break", "not_label_a", "aa", 11]
6119. 5
6120. 5 warn("not_label_a");
6121. 5 }
6122. 5 } else {
6123. 5 the_label.used += 1;
6124. 5 }
6125. 5 the_break.label = token_nxt;
6126. 5 advance();
6127. 5 }
6128. 1023 advance(";");
6129. 1023 return the_break;
6130. 1023 }
6131. 631
6132. 2 function stmt_continue() {
6133. 2 const the_continue = token_now;
6134. 1 if (functionage.loop < 1 || functionage.finally > 0) {
6135. 2
6136. 2// test_cause:
6137. 2// ["continue", "stmt_continue", "unexpected_a", "continue", 1]
6138. 2// ["
6139. 2// function aa(){while(0){try{}finally{continue}}}
6140. 2// ", "stmt_continue", "unexpected_a", "continue", 37]
6141. 2
6142. 2 warn("unexpected_a", the_continue);
6143. 2 }
6144. 2 check_not_top_level(the_continue);
6145. 2 the_continue.disrupt = true;
6146. 2 warn("unexpected_a", the_continue);
6147. 2 advance(";");
6148. 2 return the_continue;
6149. 2 }
6150. 631
6151. 3 function stmt_debugger() {
6152. 3 const the_debug = token_now;
6153. 1 if (!option_dict.devel) {
6154. 1
6155. 1// test_cause:
6156. 1// ["debugger", "stmt_debugger", "unexpected_a", "debugger", 1]
6157. 1
6158. 1 warn("unexpected_a", the_debug);
6159. 1 }
6160. 3 semicolon();
6161. 3 return the_debug;
6162. 3 }
6163. 631
6164. 72 function stmt_delete() {
6165. 72 const the_token = token_now;
6166. 72 const the_value = parse_expression(0);
6167. 72 if (
6168. 1 (the_value.id !== "." && the_value.id !== "[")
6169. 71 || the_value.arity !== "binary"
6170. 1 ) {
6171. 1
6172. 1// test_cause:
6173. 1// ["delete 0", "stmt_delete", "expected_a_b", "0", 8]
6174. 1
6175. 1 stop("expected_a_b", the_value, ".", artifact(the_value));
6176. 71 }
6177. 71 the_token.expression = the_value;
6178. 71 semicolon();
6179. 71 return the_token;
6180. 71 }
6181. 631
6182. 5 function stmt_do() {
6183. 5 const the_do = token_now;
6184. 5 check_not_top_level(the_do);
6185. 5 functionage.loop += 1;
6186. 5 the_do.block = block();
6187. 5 advance("while");
6188. 5 the_do.expression = condition();
6189. 5 semicolon();
6190. 1 if (the_do.block.disrupt === true) {
6191. 1
6192. 1// test_cause:
6193. 1// ["function aa(){do{break;}while(0)}", "stmt_do", "weird_loop", "do", 15]
6194. 1
6195. 1 warn("weird_loop", the_do);
6196. 3 }
6197. 3 functionage.loop -= 1;
6198. 3 return the_do;
6199. 3 }
6200. 631
6201. 24 function stmt_export() {
6202. 24 let export_list = [];
6203. 24 let the_export = token_now;
6204. 24 let the_id;
6205. 24 let the_name;
6206. 24 let the_thing;
6207. 24
6208. 24 the_export.expression = [];
6209. 11 if (token_nxt.id === "default") {
6210. 11 if (export_dict.default !== undefined) {
6211. 11
6212. 11// test_cause:
6213. 11// ["
6214. 11// export default 0;export default 0
6215. 11// ", "stmt_export", "duplicate_a", "default", 25]
6216. 11
6217. 11 warn("duplicate_a");
6218. 11 }
6219. 11 advance("default");
6220. 11 the_thing = parse_expression(0);
6221. 11 if (
6222. 11 the_thing.id !== "("
6223. 11 || the_thing.expression[0].id !== "."
6224. 11 || the_thing.expression[0].expression.id !== "Object"
6225. 11 || the_thing.expression[0].name.id !== "freeze"
6226. 11 ) {
6227. 11
6228. 11// test_cause:
6229. 11// ["export default {}", "stmt_export", "freeze_exports", "{", 16]
6230. 11
6231. 11 warn("freeze_exports", the_thing);
6232. 11
6233. 11// PR-301 - Bugfix - Fixes issues #282 - optional-semicolon.
6234. 11
6235. 11 } else {
6236. 11
6237. 11// test_cause:
6238. 11// ["
6239. 11// export default Object.freeze({})
6240. 11// ", "semicolon", "expected_a_b", "(end)", 32]
6241. 11
6242. 11 semicolon();
6243. 11 }
6244. 11 export_dict.default = the_thing;
6245. 11 the_export.expression.push(the_thing);
6246. 13 } else {
6247. 13
6248. 13// PR-439 - Add grammar for "export async function ...".
6249. 13
6250. 13 if (token_nxt.id === "function" || token_nxt.id === "async") {
6251. 13
6252. 13// test_cause:
6253. 13// ["export async function aa(){}", "stmt_export", "freeze_exports", "async", 8]
6254. 13// ["export function aa(){}", "stmt_export", "freeze_exports", "function", 8]
6255. 13
6256. 13 warn("freeze_exports");
6257. 13 the_thing = parse_statement();
6258. 13 the_name = the_thing.name;
6259. 13 the_id = the_name.id;
6260. 13 the_name.used += 1;
6261. 13 if (export_dict[the_id] !== undefined) {
6262. 13
6263. 13// test_cause:
6264. 13// ["
6265. 13// let aa;export{aa};export function aa(){}
6266. 13// ", "stmt_export", "duplicate_a", "aa", 35]
6267. 13
6268. 13 warn("duplicate_a", the_name);
6269. 13 }
6270. 13 export_dict[the_id] = the_thing;
6271. 13 the_export.expression.push(the_thing);
6272. 13 the_thing.statement = false;
6273. 13 the_thing.arity = "unary";
6274. 13 } else if (
6275. 13 token_nxt.id === "var"
6276. 13 || token_nxt.id === "let"
6277. 13 || token_nxt.id === "const"
6278. 13 ) {
6279. 13
6280. 13// test_cause:
6281. 13// ["export const", "stmt_export", "unexpected_a", "const", 8]
6282. 13// ["export let", "stmt_export", "unexpected_a", "let", 8]
6283. 13// ["export var", "stmt_export", "unexpected_a", "var", 8]
6284. 13
6285. 13 warn("unexpected_a");
6286. 13 parse_statement();
6287. 13 } else if (token_nxt.id === "{") {
6288. 13
6289. 13// test_cause:
6290. 13// ["export {}", "stmt_export", "advance{", "", 0]
6291. 13
6292. 13 test_cause("advance{");
6293. 13 advance("{");
6294. 13 while (true) {
6295. 13 if (!token_nxt.identifier) {
6296. 13
6297. 13// test_cause:
6298. 13// ["export {}", "stmt_export", "expected_identifier_a", "}", 9]
6299. 13
6300. 13 stop("expected_identifier_a");
6301. 13 }
6302. 13 the_id = token_nxt.id;
6303. 13 export_list.push(token_nxt);
6304. 13 the_name = token_global.context[the_id];
6305. 13 if (the_name === undefined) {
6306. 13
6307. 13// test_cause:
6308. 13// ["export {aa}", "stmt_export", "unexpected_a", "aa", 9]
6309. 13
6310. 13 warn("unexpected_a");
6311. 13 } else {
6312. 13 the_name.used += 1;
6313. 13 if (export_dict[the_id] !== undefined) {
6314. 13
6315. 13// test_cause:
6316. 13// ["let aa;export{aa,aa}", "stmt_export", "duplicate_a", "aa", 18]
6317. 13
6318. 13 warn("duplicate_a");
6319. 13 }
6320. 13 export_dict[the_id] = the_name;
6321. 13 }
6322. 13 advance();
6323. 13 the_export.expression.push(the_thing);
6324. 13 if (token_nxt.id === ",") {
6325. 13 advance(",");
6326. 13 } else {
6327. 13 break;
6328. 13 }
6329. 13 }
6330. 13
6331. 13// PR-439 - Check exported properties are ordered.
6332. 13
6333. 13// test_cause:
6334. 13// ["export {bb, aa}", "check_ordered", "expected_a_b_before_c_d", "aa", 13]
6335. 13
6336. 13 check_ordered("export", export_list);
6337. 13 advance("}");
6338. 13 semicolon();
6339. 13 } else {
6340. 13
6341. 13// test_cause:
6342. 13// ["export", "stmt_export", "unexpected_a", "(end)", 1]
6343. 13
6344. 13 stop("unexpected_a");
6345. 13 }
6346. 18 }
6347. 18 state.mode_module = true;
6348. 18 return the_export;
6349. 18 }
6350. 631
6351. 12 function stmt_for() {
6352. 12 let first;
6353. 12 let the_for = token_now;
6354. 7 if (!option_dict.for) {
6355. 7
6356. 7// test_cause:
6357. 7// ["for", "stmt_for", "unexpected_a", "for", 1]
6358. 7
6359. 7 warn("unexpected_a", the_for);
6360. 7 }
6361. 12 check_not_top_level(the_for);
6362. 12 functionage.loop += 1;
6363. 12 advance("(");
6364. 12 token_now.free = true;
6365. 1 if (token_nxt.id === ";") {
6366. 1
6367. 1// test_cause:
6368. 1// ["for(;;){}", "stmt_for", "expected_a_b", "for (;", 1]
6369. 1
6370. 1 return stop("expected_a_b", the_for, "while (", "for (;");
6371. 9 }
6372. 9 switch (token_nxt.id) {
6373. 9 case "const":
6374. 1 case "let":
6375. 1 case "var":
6376. 1
6377. 1// test_cause:
6378. 1// ["for(const aa in aa){}", "stmt_for", "unexpected_a", "const", 5]
6379. 1
6380. 1 return stop("unexpected_a");
6381. 8 }
6382. 8 first = parse_expression(0);
6383. 8 if (first.id === "in") {
6384. 2 if (first.expression[0].arity !== "variable") {
6385. 2
6386. 2// test_cause:
6387. 2// ["for(0 in aa){}", "stmt_for", "bad_assignment_a", "0", 5]
6388. 2
6389. 2 warn("bad_assignment_a", first.expression[0]);
6390. 2 }
6391. 2 the_for.name = first.expression[0];
6392. 2 the_for.expression = first.expression[1];
6393. 2 warn("expected_a_b", the_for, "Object.keys", "for in");
6394. 6 } else {
6395. 6 the_for.initial = first;
6396. 6 advance(";");
6397. 6 the_for.expression = parse_expression(0);
6398. 6 advance(";");
6399. 6 the_for.inc = parse_expression(0);
6400. 6 if (the_for.inc.id === "++") {
6401. 6
6402. 6// test_cause:
6403. 6// ["for(aa;aa;aa++){}", "stmt_for", "expected_a_b", "++", 13]
6404. 6
6405. 6 warn("expected_a_b", the_for.inc, "+= 1", "++");
6406. 6 }
6407. 8 }
6408. 8 advance(")");
6409. 8 the_for.block = block();
6410. 8 if (the_for.block.disrupt === true) {
6411. 1
6412. 1// test_cause:
6413. 1// ["
6414. 1// /*jslint for*/
6415. 1// function aa(bb,cc){for(0;0;0){break;}}
6416. 1// ", "stmt_for", "weird_loop", "for", 20]
6417. 1
6418. 1 warn("weird_loop", the_for);
6419. 8 }
6420. 8 functionage.loop -= 1;
6421. 8 return the_for;
6422. 8 }
6423. 631
6424. 3051 function stmt_if() {
6425. 3051 const the_if = token_now;
6426. 3051 let the_else;
6427. 3051 the_if.expression = condition();
6428. 3051 the_if.block = block();
6429. 642 if (token_nxt.id === "else") {
6430. 642 advance("else");
6431. 642 the_else = token_now;
6432. 642 the_if.else = (
6433. 642 token_nxt.id === "if"
6434. 642 ? parse_statement()
6435. 642 : block()
6436. 642 );
6437. 642
6438. 642// test_cause:
6439. 642// ["if(0){0}else if(0){0}", "stmt_if", "else", "", 0]
6440. 642// ["if(0){0}else{0}", "stmt_if", "else", "", 0]
6441. 642
6442. 642 test_cause("else");
6443. 642 if (the_if.block.disrupt === true) {
6444. 642 if (the_if.else.disrupt === true) {
6445. 642
6446. 642// test_cause:
6447. 642// ["if(0){break;}else{break;}", "stmt_if", "disrupt", "", 0]
6448. 642
6449. 642 test_cause("disrupt");
6450. 642 the_if.disrupt = true;
6451. 642 } else {
6452. 642
6453. 642// test_cause:
6454. 642// ["if(0){break;}else{}", "stmt_if", "unexpected_a", "else", 14]
6455. 642
6456. 642 warn("unexpected_a", the_else);
6457. 642 }
6458. 642 }
6459. 3050 }
6460. 3050 return the_if;
6461. 3050 }
6462. 631
6463. 62 function stmt_import() {
6464. 62 const the_import = token_now;
6465. 62 let name;
6466. 62 let names;
6467. 62
6468. 62// PR-347 - Disable warning "unexpected_directive_a".
6469. 62//
6470. 62// if (typeof state.mode_module === "object") {
6471. 62//
6472. 62// // test_cause:
6473. 62// // ["
6474. 62// // /*global aa*/
6475. 62// // import aa from "aa"
6476. 62// // ", "stmt_import", "unexpected_directive_a", "global", 1]
6477. 62//
6478. 62// warn(
6479. 62// "unexpected_directive_a",
6480. 62// state.mode_module,
6481. 62// state.mode_module.directive
6482. 62// );
6483. 62// }
6484. 62
6485. 62 state.mode_module = true;
6486. 62
6487. 62// PR-436 - Add grammar for side-effect import-statement.
6488. 62
6489. 1 if (token_nxt.id === "(string)") {
6490. 1
6491. 1// test_cause:
6492. 1// ["import \"./aa.mjs\";", "stmt_import", "import_side_effect", "", 0]
6493. 1
6494. 1 test_cause("import_side_effect");
6495. 1 warn("expected_a_b", token_nxt, "{", artifact());
6496. 1 advance();
6497. 1 semicolon();
6498. 1 return the_import;
6499. 61 }
6500. 61 if (token_nxt.identifier) {
6501. 57 name = token_nxt;
6502. 57 advance();
6503. 57 if (name.id === "ignore") {
6504. 57
6505. 57// test_cause:
6506. 57// ["import ignore from \"aa\"", "stmt_import", "unexpected_a", "ignore", 8]
6507. 57
6508. 57 warn("unexpected_a", name);
6509. 57 }
6510. 57 enroll(name, "variable", true);
6511. 57 the_import.name = name;
6512. 57 } else {
6513. 4 names = [];
6514. 4 advance("{");
6515. 4 if (token_nxt.id !== "}") {
6516. 4 while (true) {
6517. 4 if (!token_nxt.identifier) {
6518. 4
6519. 4// test_cause:
6520. 4// ["import {", "stmt_import", "expected_identifier_a", "(end)", 1]
6521. 4
6522. 4 stop("expected_identifier_a");
6523. 4 }
6524. 4 name = token_nxt;
6525. 4 advance();
6526. 4 if (name.id === "ignore") {
6527. 4
6528. 4// test_cause:
6529. 4// ["import {ignore} from \"aa\"", "stmt_import", "unexpected_a", "ignore", 9]
6530. 4
6531. 4 warn("unexpected_a", name);
6532. 4 }
6533. 4 enroll(name, "variable", true);
6534. 4 names.push(name);
6535. 4 if (token_nxt.id !== ",") {
6536. 4 break;
6537. 4 }
6538. 4 advance(",");
6539. 4 }
6540. 4 }
6541. 4 advance("}");
6542. 4 the_import.name = names;
6543. 60 }
6544. 60 advance("from");
6545. 60 advance("(string)");
6546. 60 the_import.import = token_now;
6547. 60 if (!jslint_rgx_module.test(token_now.value)) {
6548. 1
6549. 1// test_cause:
6550. 1// ["import aa from \"!aa\"", "stmt_import", "bad_module_name_a", "!aa", 16]
6551. 1
6552. 1 warn("bad_module_name_a", token_now);
6553. 60 }
6554. 60 import_list.push(token_now.value);
6555. 60 semicolon();
6556. 60 return the_import;
6557. 60 }
6558. 631
6559. 5 function stmt_lbrace() {
6560. 5
6561. 5// test_cause:
6562. 5// [";{}", "stmt_lbrace", "naked_block", "{", 2]
6563. 5// ["class aa{}", "stmt_lbrace", "naked_block", "{", 9]
6564. 5
6565. 5 warn("naked_block", token_now);
6566. 5 return block("naked");
6567. 5 }
6568. 631
6569. 1761 function stmt_return() {
6570. 1761 const the_return = token_now;
6571. 1761 check_not_top_level(the_return);
6572. 1 if (functionage.finally > 0) {
6573. 1
6574. 1// test_cause:
6575. 1// ["
6576. 1// function aa(){try{}finally{return;}}
6577. 1// ", "stmt_return", "unexpected_a", "return", 28]
6578. 1
6579. 1 warn("unexpected_a", the_return);
6580. 1 }
6581. 1761 the_return.disrupt = true;
6582. 1509 if (token_nxt.id !== ";" && the_return.line === token_nxt.line) {
6583. 1509 the_return.expression = parse_expression(10);
6584. 1509 }
6585. 1761 advance(";");
6586. 1761 return the_return;
6587. 1761 }
6588. 631
6589. 5 function stmt_semicolon() {
6590. 5
6591. 5// test_cause:
6592. 5// [";", "stmt_semicolon", "unexpected_a", ";", 1]
6593. 5
6594. 5 warn("unexpected_a", token_now);
6595. 5 return token_now;
6596. 5 }
6597. 631
6598. 220 function stmt_switch() {
6599. 220 const the_cases = [];
6600. 220 const the_switch = token_now;
6601. 220 let dups = [];
6602. 220 let exp;
6603. 220 let last;
6604. 220 let stmts;
6605. 220 let the_case;
6606. 220 let the_default;
6607. 220 let the_disrupt = true;
6608. 220 let the_last;
6609. 23088 function is_dup(thing) {
6610. 23088 return is_equal(thing, exp);
6611. 23088 }
6612. 220 check_not_top_level(the_switch);
6613. 1 if (functionage.finally > 0) {
6614. 1
6615. 1// test_cause:
6616. 1// ["
6617. 1// function aa(){try{}finally{switch(0){}}}
6618. 1// ", "stmt_switch", "unexpected_a", "switch", 28]
6619. 1
6620. 1 warn("unexpected_a", the_switch);
6621. 1 }
6622. 220 functionage.switch += 1;
6623. 220 advance("(");
6624. 220 token_now.free = true;
6625. 220 the_switch.expression = parse_expression(0);
6626. 220 the_switch.block = the_cases;
6627. 220 advance(")");
6628. 220 advance("{");
6629. 1085 while (true) {
6630. 1085
6631. 1085// Loop through cases with breaks.
6632. 1085
6633. 1085 the_case = token_nxt;
6634. 1085 the_case.arity = "statement";
6635. 1085 the_case.expression = [];
6636. 1612 while (true) {
6637. 1612
6638. 1612// Loop through fallthrough cases.
6639. 1612
6640. 1612 advance("case");
6641. 1612 token_now.switch = true;
6642. 1612 exp = parse_expression(0);
6643. 1612 if (dups.some(is_dup)) {
6644. 1612
6645. 1612// test_cause:
6646. 1612// ["
6647. 1612// switch(0){case 0:break;case 0:break}
6648. 1612// ", "stmt_switch", "unexpected_a", "0", 29]
6649. 1612
6650. 1612 warn("unexpected_a", exp);
6651. 1612 }
6652. 1612 dups.push(exp);
6653. 1612 the_case.expression.push(exp);
6654. 1612 advance(":");
6655. 1612 if (token_nxt.id !== "case") {
6656. 1612 break;
6657. 1612 }
6658. 1612 }
6659. 1085
6660. 1085// test_cause:
6661. 1085// ["
6662. 1085// switch(0){case 1:case 0:break;}
6663. 1085// ", "check_ordered_case", "expected_a_b_before_c_d", "case-number", 23]
6664. 1085// ["
6665. 1085// switch(0){case "aa":case 0:break;}
6666. 1085// ", "check_ordered_case", "expected_a_b_before_c_d", "case-number", 26]
6667. 1085// ["
6668. 1085// switch(0){case "bb":case "aa":break;}
6669. 1085// ", "check_ordered_case", "expected_a_b_before_c_d", "aa", 26]
6670. 1085// ["
6671. 1085// switch(0){case aa:case "aa":break;}
6672. 1085// ", "check_ordered_case", "expected_a_b_before_c_d", "aa", 24]
6673. 1085// ["
6674. 1085// switch(0){case bb:case aa:break;}
6675. 1085// ", "check_ordered_case", "expected_a_b_before_c_d", "aa", 24]
6676. 1085
6677. 1085 check_ordered_case(the_case.expression);
6678. 1085 stmts = parse_statements();
6679. 1085 if (stmts.length < 1) {
6680. 1085
6681. 1085// test_cause:
6682. 1085// ["
6683. 1085// switch(0){case 0:default:}
6684. 1085// ", "stmt_switch", "expected_statements_a", "default", 18]
6685. 1085// ["switch(0){case 0:}", "stmt_switch", "expected_statements_a", "}", 18]
6686. 1085
6687. 1085 warn("expected_statements_a");
6688. 1085
6689. 1085// PR-359 - Bugfix - Fixes issue #358 - switch-statement crashes jslint.
6690. 1085
6691. 1085 break;
6692. 1085 }
6693. 1085 the_case.block = stmts;
6694. 1085 the_cases.push(the_case);
6695. 1085 last = stmts[stmts.length - 1];
6696. 1085 if (last.disrupt) {
6697. 1085 if (last.id === "break" && last.label === undefined) {
6698. 1085 the_disrupt = false;
6699. 1085 }
6700. 1085 } else {
6701. 1085 warn("expected_a_before_b", token_nxt, "break;", artifact());
6702. 1085 }
6703. 1085 if (token_nxt.id !== "case") {
6704. 1085 break;
6705. 1085 }
6706. 1085 }
6707. 217
6708. 217// test_cause:
6709. 217// ["
6710. 217// switch(0){case 1:break;case 0:break;}
6711. 217// ", "check_ordered_case", "expected_a_b_before_c_d", "case-number", 29]
6712. 217// ["
6713. 217// switch(0){case "aa":break;case 0:break;}
6714. 217// ", "check_ordered_case", "expected_a_b_before_c_d", "case-number", 32]
6715. 217// ["
6716. 217// switch(0){case "bb":break;case "aa":break;}
6717. 217// ", "check_ordered_case", "expected_a_b_before_c_d", "aa", 32]
6718. 217// ["
6719. 217// switch(0){case aa:break;case "aa":break;}
6720. 217// ", "check_ordered_case", "expected_a_b_before_c_d", "aa", 30]
6721. 217// ["
6722. 217// switch(0){case bb:break;case aa:break;}
6723. 217// ", "check_ordered_case", "expected_a_b_before_c_d", "aa", 30]
6724. 217
6725. 1080 check_ordered_case(the_cases.map(function ({
6726. 1080 expression
6727. 1080 }) {
6728. 1080 return expression[0];
6729. 1080 }));
6730. 217 dups = undefined;
6731. 217 if (token_nxt.id === "default") {
6732. 99 the_default = token_nxt;
6733. 99 advance("default");
6734. 99 token_now.switch = true;
6735. 99 advance(":");
6736. 99 the_switch.else = parse_statements();
6737. 99 if (the_switch.else.length < 1) {
6738. 99
6739. 99// test_cause:
6740. 99// ["
6741. 99// switch(0){case 0:break;default:}
6742. 99// ", "stmt_switch", "unexpected_a", "default", 24]
6743. 99
6744. 99 warn("unexpected_a", the_default);
6745. 99 the_disrupt = false;
6746. 99 } else {
6747. 99 the_last = the_switch.else[
6748. 99 the_switch.else.length - 1
6749. 99 ];
6750. 99 if (
6751. 99 the_last.id === "break"
6752. 99 && the_last.label === undefined
6753. 99 ) {
6754. 99
6755. 99// test_cause:
6756. 99// ["
6757. 99// switch(0){case 0:break;default:break;}
6758. 99// ", "stmt_switch", "unexpected_a", "break", 32]
6759. 99
6760. 99 warn("unexpected_a", the_last);
6761. 99 the_last.disrupt = false;
6762. 99 }
6763. 99 the_disrupt = the_disrupt && the_last.disrupt;
6764. 99 }
6765. 118 } else {
6766. 118 the_disrupt = false;
6767. 217 }
6768. 217 advance("}", the_switch);
6769. 217 functionage.switch -= 1;
6770. 217 the_switch.disrupt = the_disrupt;
6771. 217 return the_switch;
6772. 217 }
6773. 631
6774. 40 function stmt_throw() {
6775. 40 const the_throw = token_now;
6776. 40 the_throw.disrupt = true;
6777. 40 the_throw.expression = parse_expression(10);
6778. 40 semicolon();
6779. 1 if (functionage.try > 0) {
6780. 1
6781. 1// test_cause:
6782. 1// ["try{throw 0}catch(){}", "stmt_throw", "unexpected_a", "throw", 5]
6783. 1
6784. 1 warn("unexpected_a", the_throw);
6785. 1 }
6786. 40 return the_throw;
6787. 40 }
6788. 631
6789. 62 function stmt_try() {
6790. 62 const the_try = token_now;
6791. 62 let ignored;
6792. 62 let the_catch;
6793. 62 let the_disrupt;
6794. 1 if (functionage.try > 0) {
6795. 1
6796. 1// test_cause:
6797. 1// ["try{try{}catch(){}}catch(){}", "stmt_try", "unexpected_a", "try", 5]
6798. 1
6799. 1 warn("unexpected_a", the_try);
6800. 1 }
6801. 62 functionage.try += 1;
6802. 62 the_try.block = block();
6803. 62 the_disrupt = the_try.block.disrupt;
6804. 57 if (token_nxt.id === "catch") {
6805. 57 ignored = "ignore";
6806. 57 the_catch = token_nxt;
6807. 57 the_try.catch = the_catch;
6808. 57 advance("catch");
6809. 57
6810. 57// Create new catch-scope for catch-parameter.
6811. 57
6812. 57 catch_stack.push(catchage);
6813. 57 catchage = the_catch;
6814. 57 catch_list.push(catchage);
6815. 57 the_catch.context = empty();
6816. 57 if (token_nxt.id === "(") {
6817. 57 advance("(");
6818. 57 if (!token_nxt.identifier) {
6819. 57
6820. 57// test_cause:
6821. 57// ["try{}catch(){}", "stmt_try", "expected_identifier_a", ")", 12]
6822. 57
6823. 57 return stop("expected_identifier_a");
6824. 57 }
6825. 57 if (token_nxt.id !== "ignore") {
6826. 57 ignored = undefined;
6827. 57 the_catch.name = token_nxt;
6828. 57 enroll(token_nxt, "exception", true);
6829. 57 }
6830. 57 advance();
6831. 57 advance(")");
6832. 57 }
6833. 57 the_catch.block = block(ignored);
6834. 57 if (the_catch.block.disrupt !== true) {
6835. 57 the_disrupt = false;
6836. 57 }
6837. 57
6838. 57// Restore previous catch-scope after catch-block.
6839. 57
6840. 57 catchage = catch_stack.pop();
6841. 57
6842. 57// PR-404 - Relax warning about missing `catch` in `try...finally` statement.
6843. 57//
6844. 57// } else {
6845. 57//
6846. 57// // test_cause:
6847. 57// // ["try{}finally{break;}", "stmt_try", "expected_a_before_b", "finally", 6]
6848. 57//
6849. 57// warn("expected_a_before_b", token_nxt, "catch", artifact());
6850. 57
6851. 58 }
6852. 58 if (token_nxt.id === "finally") {
6853. 4 functionage.finally += 1;
6854. 4 advance("finally");
6855. 4 the_try.else = block();
6856. 4 the_disrupt = the_try.else.disrupt;
6857. 4 functionage.finally -= 1;
6858. 56 }
6859. 56 the_try.disrupt = the_disrupt;
6860. 56 functionage.try -= 1;
6861. 56 return the_try;
6862. 56 }
6863. 631
6864. 2334 function stmt_var() {
6865. 2334 let ellipsis;
6866. 2334 let mode_const;
6867. 2334 let name;
6868. 2334 let the_brace;
6869. 2334 let the_bracket;
6870. 2334 let the_variable = token_now;
6871. 2334 let variable_prv;
6872. 2334 mode_const = the_variable.id === "const";
6873. 2334 the_variable.names = [];
6874. 2334
6875. 2334// A program may use var or let, but not both.
6876. 2334
6877. 2058 if (!mode_const) {
6878. 2058 if (mode_var === undefined) {
6879. 2058 mode_var = the_variable.id;
6880. 2058 } else if (the_variable.id !== mode_var) {
6881. 2058
6882. 2058// test_cause:
6883. 2058// ["let aa;var aa", "stmt_var", "expected_a_b", "var", 8]
6884. 2058
6885. 2058 warn("expected_a_b", the_variable, mode_var, the_variable.id);
6886. 2058 }
6887. 2058 }
6888. 2334
6889. 2334// We don't expect to see variables created in switch statements.
6890. 2334
6891. 1 if (functionage.switch > 0) {
6892. 1
6893. 1// test_cause:
6894. 1// ["switch(0){case 0:var aa}", "stmt_var", "var_switch", "var", 18]
6895. 1
6896. 1 warn("var_switch", the_variable);
6897. 1 }
6898. 2334 switch (
6899. 2334 Boolean(functionage.statement_prv)
6900. 1449 && functionage.statement_prv.id
6901. 2334 ) {
6902. 107 case "const":
6903. 1437 case "let":
6904. 1439 case "var":
6905. 1439
6906. 1439// test_cause:
6907. 1439// ["const aa=0;const bb=0;", "stmt_var", "var_prv", "const", 0]
6908. 1439// ["let aa=0;let bb=0;", "stmt_var", "var_prv", "let", 0]
6909. 1439// ["var aa=0;var bb=0;", "stmt_var", "var_prv", "var", 0]
6910. 1439
6911. 1439 test_cause("var_prv", functionage.statement_prv.id);
6912. 1439 variable_prv = functionage.statement_prv;
6913. 1439 break;
6914. 3 case "import":
6915. 3
6916. 3// test_cause:
6917. 3// ["import aa from \"aa\";\nlet bb=0;", "stmt_var", "import_prv", "", 0]
6918. 3
6919. 3 test_cause("import_prv");
6920. 3 break;
6921. 885 case false:
6922. 885 break;
6923. 7 default:
6924. 7 if (
6925. 7 (option_dict.beta && !option_dict.variable)
6926. 7 || the_variable.id === "var"
6927. 7 ) {
6928. 7
6929. 7// test_cause:
6930. 7// ["console.log();let aa=0;", "stmt_var", "var_on_top", "let", 15]
6931. 7// ["console.log();var aa=0;", "stmt_var", "var_on_top", "var", 15]
6932. 7// ["try{aa();}catch(aa){var aa=0;}", "stmt_var", "var_on_top", "var", 21]
6933. 7// ["while(0){var aa;}", "stmt_var", "var_on_top", "var", 10]
6934. 7
6935. 7 warn("var_on_top", token_now);
6936. 7 }
6937. 2334 }
6938. 2335 while (true) {
6939. 2335 if (token_nxt.id === "{") {
6940. 2335 if (the_variable.id === "var") {
6941. 2335
6942. 2335// test_cause:
6943. 2335// ["var{aa}=0", "stmt_var", "unexpected_a", "var", 1]
6944. 2335
6945. 2335 warn("unexpected_a", the_variable);
6946. 2335 }
6947. 2335 the_brace = token_nxt;
6948. 2335 advance("{");
6949. 2335 while (true) {
6950. 2335 name = token_nxt;
6951. 2335 if (!name.identifier) {
6952. 2335
6953. 2335// test_cause:
6954. 2335// ["let {0}", "stmt_var", "expected_identifier_a", "0", 6]
6955. 2335
6956. 2335 return stop("expected_identifier_a");
6957. 2335 }
6958. 2335 survey(name);
6959. 2335 advance();
6960. 2335 if (token_nxt.id === ":") {
6961. 2335 advance(":");
6962. 2335 if (!token_nxt.identifier) {
6963. 2335
6964. 2335// test_cause:
6965. 2335// ["let {aa:0}", "stmt_var", "expected_identifier_a", "0", 9]
6966. 2335// ["let {aa:{aa}}", "stmt_var", "expected_identifier_a", "{", 9]
6967. 2335
6968. 2335 return stop("expected_identifier_a");
6969. 2335 }
6970. 2335
6971. 2335// PR-363 - Bugfix
6972. 2335// Add test against false-warning <uninitialized 'bb'> in code
6973. 2335// '/*jslint node*/\nlet {aa:bb} = {}; bb();'.
6974. 2335//
6975. 2335// token_nxt.label = name;
6976. 2335// the_variable.names.push(token_nxt);
6977. 2335// enroll(token_nxt, "variable", mode_const);
6978. 2335
6979. 2335 name = token_nxt;
6980. 2335 the_variable.names.push(name);
6981. 2335 survey(name);
6982. 2335 enroll(name, "variable", mode_const);
6983. 2335
6984. 2335 advance();
6985. 2335 the_brace.open = true;
6986. 2335 } else {
6987. 2335 the_variable.names.push(name);
6988. 2335 enroll(name, "variable", mode_const);
6989. 2335 }
6990. 2335 name.dead = false;
6991. 2335 name.init = true;
6992. 2335 if (token_nxt.id === "=") {
6993. 2335
6994. 2335// test_cause:
6995. 2335// ["let {aa=0}", "stmt_var", "assign", "", 0]
6996. 2335
6997. 2335 test_cause("assign");
6998. 2335 advance("=");
6999. 2335 name.expression = parse_expression();
7000. 2335 the_brace.open = true;
7001. 2335 }
7002. 2335 if (token_nxt.id !== ",") {
7003. 2335 break;
7004. 2335 }
7005. 2335 advance(",");
7006. 2335 }
7007. 2335
7008. 2335// test_cause:
7009. 2335// ["let{bb,aa}", "check_ordered", "expected_a_b_before_c_d", "aa", 8]
7010. 2335
7011. 2335 check_ordered(the_variable.id, the_variable.names);
7012. 2335 advance("}");
7013. 2335 advance("=");
7014. 2335 the_variable.expression = parse_expression(0);
7015. 2335 } else if (token_nxt.id === "[") {
7016. 2335 if (the_variable.id === "var") {
7017. 2335
7018. 2335// test_cause:
7019. 2335// ["var[aa]=0", "stmt_var", "unexpected_a", "var", 1]
7020. 2335
7021. 2335 warn("unexpected_a", the_variable);
7022. 2335 }
7023. 2335 the_bracket = token_nxt;
7024. 2335 advance("[");
7025. 2335 while (true) {
7026. 2335 ellipsis = false;
7027. 2335 if (token_nxt.id === "...") {
7028. 2335 ellipsis = true;
7029. 2335 advance("...");
7030. 2335 }
7031. 2335 if (!token_nxt.identifier) {
7032. 2335
7033. 2335// test_cause:
7034. 2335// ["let[]", "stmt_var", "expected_identifier_a", "]", 5]
7035. 2335
7036. 2335 return stop("expected_identifier_a");
7037. 2335 }
7038. 2335 name = token_nxt;
7039. 2335 advance();
7040. 2335 the_variable.names.push(name);
7041. 2335 enroll(name, "variable", mode_const);
7042. 2335 name.dead = false;
7043. 2335 name.init = true;
7044. 2335 if (ellipsis) {
7045. 2335 name.ellipsis = true;
7046. 2335 break;
7047. 2335 }
7048. 2335 if (token_nxt.id === "=") {
7049. 2335 advance("=");
7050. 2335 name.expression = parse_expression();
7051. 2335 the_bracket.open = true;
7052. 2335 }
7053. 2335 if (token_nxt.id !== ",") {
7054. 2335 break;
7055. 2335 }
7056. 2335 advance(",");
7057. 2335 }
7058. 2335 advance("]");
7059. 2335 advance("=");
7060. 2335 the_variable.expression = parse_expression(0);
7061. 2335 } else if (token_nxt.identifier) {
7062. 2335 name = token_nxt;
7063. 2335 advance();
7064. 2335 if (name.id === "ignore") {
7065. 2335
7066. 2335// test_cause:
7067. 2335// ["
7068. 2335// let ignore;function aa(ignore) {}
7069. 2335// ", "stmt_var", "unexpected_a", "ignore", 5]
7070. 2335
7071. 2335 warn("unexpected_a", name);
7072. 2335 }
7073. 2335 enroll(name, "variable", mode_const);
7074. 2335 if (token_nxt.id === "=" || mode_const) {
7075. 2335 advance("=");
7076. 2335 name.dead = false;
7077. 2335 name.init = true;
7078. 2335 name.expression = parse_expression(0);
7079. 2335 }
7080. 2335 the_variable.names.push(name);
7081. 2335 } else {
7082. 2335
7083. 2335// test_cause:
7084. 2335// ["let 0", "stmt_var", "expected_identifier_a", "0", 5]
7085. 2335// ["var{aa:{aa}}", "stmt_var", "expected_identifier_a", "{", 8]
7086. 2335
7087. 2335 return stop("expected_identifier_a");
7088. 2335 }
7089. 2335 if (token_nxt.id !== ",") {
7090. 2335 break;
7091. 2335 }
7092. 2335
7093. 2335// test_cause:
7094. 2335// ["let aa,bb;", "stmt_var", "expected_a_b", ",", 7]
7095. 2335
7096. 2335 warn("expected_a_b", token_nxt, ";", ",");
7097. 2335 advance(",");
7098. 2335 }
7099. 2320
7100. 2320// Warn if variable declarations are unordered.
7101. 2320
7102. 2320 if (
7103. 2320 option_dict.beta
7104. 2320 && !option_dict.unordered
7105. 2315 && !option_dict.variable
7106. 2309 && variable_prv
7107. 1437 && (
7108. 1437 variable_prv.id + " " + variable_prv.names[0].id
7109. 1437 > the_variable.id + " " + the_variable.names[0].id
7110. 1437 )
7111. 3 ) {
7112. 3
7113. 3// test_cause:
7114. 3// ["const bb=0;const aa=0;", "stmt_var", "expected_a_b_before_c_d", "aa", 12]
7115. 3// ["let bb;let aa;", "stmt_var", "expected_a_b_before_c_d", "aa", 8]
7116. 3// ["var bb;var aa;", "stmt_var", "expected_a_b_before_c_d", "aa", 8]
7117. 3
7118. 3 warn(
7119. 3 "expected_a_b_before_c_d",
7120. 3 the_variable,
7121. 3 the_variable.id,
7122. 3 the_variable.names[0].id,
7123. 3 variable_prv.id,
7124. 3 variable_prv.names[0].id
7125. 3 );
7126. 2320 }
7127. 2320 semicolon();
7128. 2320 return the_variable;
7129. 2320 }
7130. 631
7131. 208 function stmt_while() {
7132. 208 const the_while = token_now;
7133. 208 check_not_top_level(the_while);
7134. 208 functionage.loop += 1;
7135. 208 the_while.expression = condition();
7136. 208 the_while.block = block();
7137. 1 if (the_while.block.disrupt === true) {
7138. 1
7139. 1// test_cause:
7140. 1// ["function aa(){while(0){break;}}", "stmt_while", "weird_loop", "while", 15]
7141. 1
7142. 1 warn("weird_loop", the_while);
7143. 205 }
7144. 205 functionage.loop -= 1;
7145. 205 return the_while;
7146. 205 }
7147. 631
7148. 1 function stmt_with() {
7149. 1
7150. 1// test_cause:
7151. 1// ["with", "stmt_with", "unexpected_a", "with", 1]
7152. 1
7153. 1 stop("unexpected_a", token_now);
7154. 1 }
7155. 631
7156. 14600 function survey(name) {
7157. 14600 let id = name.id;
7158. 14600
7159. 14600// Tally the property name. If it is a string, only tally strings that conform
7160. 14600// to the identifier rules.
7161. 14600
7162. 183 if (id === "(string)") {
7163. 183 id = name.value;
7164. 183 if (!jslint_rgx_identifier.test(id)) {
7165. 183 return id;
7166. 183 }
7167. 14417 } else if (id === "`") {
7168. 14417 if (name.value.length === 1) {
7169. 14417 id = name.value[0].value;
7170. 14417 if (!jslint_rgx_identifier.test(id)) {
7171. 14417 return id;
7172. 14417 }
7173. 14417 }
7174. 14417 } else if (!name.identifier) {
7175. 14417
7176. 14417// test_cause:
7177. 14417// ["let aa={0:0}", "survey", "expected_identifier_a", "0", 9]
7178. 14417
7179. 14417 return stop("expected_identifier_a", name);
7180. 14513 }
7181. 14513
7182. 14513// If we have seen this name before, increment its count.
7183. 14513
7184. 14513 if (typeof property_dict[id] === "number") {
7185. 12086 property_dict[id] += 1;
7186. 12086
7187. 12086// If this is the first time seeing this property name, and if there is a
7188. 12086// tenure list, then it must be on the list. Otherwise, it must conform to
7189. 12086// the rules for good property names.
7190. 12086
7191. 12086 } else {
7192. 2427 if (state.mode_property) {
7193. 2427 if (tenure[id] !== true) {
7194. 2427
7195. 2427// test_cause:
7196. 2427// ["/*property aa*/\naa.bb", "survey", "unregistered_property_a", "bb", 4]
7197. 2427
7198. 2427 warn("unregistered_property_a", name);
7199. 2427 }
7200. 2427 } else if (
7201. 2427 !option_dict.nomen
7202. 2427 && name.identifier
7203. 2427 && jslint_rgx_weird_property.test(id)
7204. 2427 ) {
7205. 2427
7206. 2427// test_cause:
7207. 2427// ["aa.$", "survey", "weird_property_a", "$", 4]
7208. 2427// ["aa._", "survey", "weird_property_a", "_", 4]
7209. 2427// ["aa._aa", "survey", "weird_property_a", "_aa", 4]
7210. 2427// ["aa.aaSync", "survey", "weird_property_a", "aaSync", 4]
7211. 2427// ["aa.aa_", "survey", "weird_property_a", "aa_", 4]
7212. 2427
7213. 2427 warn("weird_property_a", name);
7214. 2427 }
7215. 2427 property_dict[id] = 1;
7216. 14513 }
7217. 14513 return id;
7218. 14513 }
7219. 631
7220. 631// These functions are used to specify the grammar of our language:
7221. 631
7222. 82030 function symbol(id, bp) {
7223. 82030
7224. 82030// Create a symbol if it does not already exist in the language's syntax.
7225. 82030
7226. 82030 let the_symbol = syntax_dict[id];
7227. 71303 if (the_symbol === undefined) {
7228. 71303 the_symbol = empty();
7229. 71303 the_symbol.id = id;
7230. 71303 the_symbol.lbp = bp || 0;
7231. 71303 syntax_dict[id] = the_symbol;
7232. 71303 }
7233. 82030 return the_symbol;
7234. 82030 }
7235. 631
7236. 631 function ternary(id1, id2) {
7237. 631
7238. 631// Create a ternary operator.
7239. 631
7240. 631 const the_symbol = symbol(id1, 30);
7241. 213 the_symbol.led_infix = function parse_ternary_led(left) {
7242. 213 const the_token = token_now;
7243. 213 let second;
7244. 213 second = parse_expression(20);
7245. 213 advance(id2);
7246. 213 token_now.arity = "ternary";
7247. 213 the_token.arity = "ternary";
7248. 213 the_token.expression = [left, second, parse_expression(10)];
7249. 5 if (token_nxt.id !== ")") {
7250. 5
7251. 5// test_cause:
7252. 5// ["0?0:0", "parse_ternary_led", "use_open", "?", 2]
7253. 5
7254. 5 warn("use_open", the_token);
7255. 5 }
7256. 213 return the_token;
7257. 213 };
7258. 631 return the_symbol;
7259. 631 }
7260. 631
7261. 631// Now we parse JavaScript.
7262. 631// Begin defining the language.
7263. 631
7264. 631 assignment("%=");
7265. 631 assignment("&=");
7266. 631 assignment("*=");
7267. 631 assignment("+=");
7268. 631 assignment("-=");
7269. 631 assignment("/=");
7270. 631 assignment("<<=");
7271. 631 assignment("=");
7272. 631 assignment(">>=");
7273. 631 assignment(">>>=");
7274. 631 assignment("^=");
7275. 631 assignment("|=");
7276. 631 constant("(number)", "number");
7277. 631 constant("(regexp)", "regexp");
7278. 631 constant("(string)", "string");
7279. 631 constant("Function", "function", constant_Function);
7280. 631 constant("Infinity", "number", Infinity);
7281. 631 constant("NaN", "number", NaN);
7282. 631 constant("arguments", "object", constant_arguments);
7283. 631 constant("eval", "function", constant_eval);
7284. 631 constant("false", "boolean", false);
7285. 631 constant("ignore", "undefined", constant_ignore);
7286. 631 constant("isFinite", "function", constant_isInfinite);
7287. 631 constant("isNaN", "function", constant_isNaN);
7288. 631 constant("null", "null", null);
7289. 631 constant("this", "object", constant_this);
7290. 631 constant("true", "boolean", true);
7291. 631 constant("undefined", "undefined");
7292. 631 infix(100, "!=");
7293. 631 infix(100, "!==");
7294. 631 infix(100, "==");
7295. 631 infix(100, "===");
7296. 631 infix(110, "<");
7297. 631 infix(110, "<=");
7298. 631 infix(110, ">");
7299. 631 infix(110, ">=");
7300. 631 infix(110, "in");
7301. 631 infix(110, "instanceof");
7302. 631 infix(120, "<<");
7303. 631 infix(120, ">>");
7304. 631 infix(120, ">>>");
7305. 631 infix(130, "+");
7306. 631 infix(130, "-");
7307. 631 infix(140, "%");
7308. 631 infix(140, "*");
7309. 631 infix(140, "/");
7310. 631 infix(160, "(", infix_lparen);
7311. 631 infix(160, "`", infix_grave);
7312. 631 infix(170, ".", infix_dot);
7313. 631 infix(170, "=>", infix_fart_unwrapped);
7314. 631 infix(170, "?.", infix_option_chain);
7315. 631 infix(170, "[", infix_lbracket);
7316. 631 infix(35, "??");
7317. 631 infix(40, "||");
7318. 631 infix(50, "&&");
7319. 631 infix(70, "|");
7320. 631 infix(80, "^");
7321. 631 infix(90, "&");
7322. 631 infixr(150, "**");
7323. 631 postassign("++");
7324. 631 postassign("--");
7325. 631 preassign("++");
7326. 631 preassign("--");
7327. 631 prefix("!!");
7328. 631 prefix("!");
7329. 631 prefix("(", prefix_lparen);
7330. 631 prefix("+");
7331. 631 prefix("-");
7332. 631 prefix("/=", prefix_assign_divide);
7333. 631 prefix("=>", prefix_fart);
7334. 631 prefix("[", prefix_lbracket);
7335. 631 prefix("`", prefix_tick);
7336. 631 prefix("async", prefix_async);
7337. 631 prefix("await", prefix_await);
7338. 631 prefix("function", prefix_function);
7339. 631 prefix("new", prefix_new);
7340. 631 prefix("typeof");
7341. 631 prefix("void", prefix_void);
7342. 631 prefix("{", prefix_lbrace);
7343. 631 prefix("~");
7344. 631 stmt(";", stmt_semicolon);
7345. 631 stmt("async", prefix_async);
7346. 631 stmt("await", prefix_await);
7347. 631 stmt("break", stmt_break);
7348. 631 stmt("const", stmt_var);
7349. 631 stmt("continue", stmt_continue);
7350. 631 stmt("debugger", stmt_debugger);
7351. 631 stmt("delete", stmt_delete);
7352. 631 stmt("do", stmt_do);
7353. 631 stmt("export", stmt_export);
7354. 631 stmt("for", stmt_for);
7355. 631 stmt("function", prefix_function);
7356. 631 stmt("if", stmt_if);
7357. 631 stmt("import", stmt_import);
7358. 631 stmt("let", stmt_var);
7359. 631 stmt("return", stmt_return);
7360. 631 stmt("switch", stmt_switch);
7361. 631 stmt("throw", stmt_throw);
7362. 631 stmt("try", stmt_try);
7363. 631 stmt("var", stmt_var);
7364. 631 stmt("while", stmt_while);
7365. 631 stmt("with", stmt_with);
7366. 631 stmt("{", stmt_lbrace);
7367. 631 symbol(")");
7368. 631 symbol("*/");
7369. 631 symbol(",");
7370. 631 symbol(":");
7371. 631 symbol(";");
7372. 631 symbol("]");
7373. 631 symbol("async");
7374. 631 symbol("await");
7375. 631 symbol("case");
7376. 631 symbol("catch");
7377. 631 symbol("class");
7378. 631 symbol("default");
7379. 631 symbol("else");
7380. 631 symbol("enum");
7381. 631 symbol("finally");
7382. 631 symbol("implements");
7383. 631 symbol("interface");
7384. 631 symbol("package");
7385. 631 symbol("private");
7386. 631 symbol("protected");
7387. 631 symbol("public");
7388. 631 symbol("static");
7389. 631 symbol("super");
7390. 631 symbol("void");
7391. 631 symbol("yield");
7392. 631 symbol("}");
7393. 631 ternary("?", ":");
7394. 631
7395. 631// Init token_nxt.
7396. 631
7397. 631 advance();
7398. 631
7399. 631// Parsing of JSON is simple:
7400. 631
7401. 25 if (state.mode_json) {
7402. 25 state.token_tree = parse_json();
7403. 25 advance("(end)");
7404. 25 return;
7405. 606 }
7406. 606
7407. 606// Because browsers encourage combining of script files, the first token might
7408. 606// be a semicolon to defend against a missing semicolon in the preceding file.
7409. 606
7410. 606 if (option_dict.browser) {
7411. 5 if (token_nxt.id === ";") {
7412. 5 advance(";");
7413. 5 }
7414. 5
7415. 5// If we are not in a browser, then the file form of strict pragma may be used.
7416. 5
7417. 601 } else if (token_nxt.value === "use strict") {
7418. 601 advance("(string)");
7419. 601 advance(";");
7420. 606 }
7421. 606 state.token_tree = parse_statements();
7422. 606 advance("(end)");
7423. 606
7424. 606// Check global functions are ordered.
7425. 606
7426. 606 check_ordered(
7427. 606 "function",
7428. 2001 function_list.map(function ({
7429. 2001 level,
7430. 2001 name
7431. 2001 }) {
7432. 606 return (level === 1) && name;
7433. 2001 }).filter(function (name) {
7434. 1992 return option_dict.beta && name && name.id;
7435. 2001 })
7436. 606 );
7437. 606}
7438. 1
7439. 518function jslint_phase4_walk(state) {
7440. 518
7441. 518// PHASE 4. Walk <token_tree>, traversing all nodes of the tree. It is a
7442. 518// recursive traversal. Each node may be processed on the way down
7443. 518// (preaction) and on the way up (postaction).
7444. 518
7445. 518 let {
7446. 518 artifact,
7447. 518 catch_stack,
7448. 518 function_stack,
7449. 518 global_dict,
7450. 518 is_equal,
7451. 518 is_weird,
7452. 518 option_dict,
7453. 518 syntax_dict,
7454. 518 test_cause,
7455. 518 token_global,
7456. 518 warn
7457. 518 } = state;
7458. 518 let block_stack = []; // The stack of blocks.
7459. 518 let blockage = token_global; // The current block.
7460. 518 let catchage = catch_stack[0]; // The current catch-block.
7461. 518 let functionage = token_global; // The current function.
7462. 518 let postaction;
7463. 518 let postamble;
7464. 518 let posts = empty();
7465. 518 let preaction;
7466. 518 let preamble;
7467. 518 let pres = empty();
7468. 518
7469. 518// The relational operators.
7470. 518
7471. 518 let relationop = object_assign_from_list(empty(), [
7472. 518 "!=", "!==", "<", "<=", "==", "===", ">", ">="
7473. 518 ], true);
7474. 518
7475. 518// Ambulation of the parse tree.
7476. 518
7477. 1036 function action(when) {
7478. 1036
7479. 1036// Produce a function that will register task functions that will be called as
7480. 1036// the tree is traversed.
7481. 1036
7482. 19684 return function (arity, id, task) {
7483. 19684 let a_set = when[arity];
7484. 19684 let i_set;
7485. 19684
7486. 19684// The id parameter is optional. If excluded, the task will be applied to all
7487. 19684// ids.
7488. 19684
7489. 4144 if (typeof id !== "string") {
7490. 4144 task = id;
7491. 4144 id = "(all)";
7492. 4144 }
7493. 19684
7494. 19684// If this arity has no registrations yet, then create a set object to hold
7495. 19684// them.
7496. 19684
7497. 5180 if (a_set === undefined) {
7498. 5180 a_set = empty();
7499. 5180 when[arity] = a_set;
7500. 5180 }
7501. 19684
7502. 19684// If this id has no registrations yet, then create a set array to hold them.
7503. 19684
7504. 19684 i_set = a_set[id];
7505. 19166 if (i_set === undefined) {
7506. 19166 i_set = [];
7507. 19166 a_set[id] = i_set;
7508. 19166 }
7509. 19684
7510. 19684// Register the task with the arity and the id.
7511. 19684
7512. 19684 i_set.push(task);
7513. 19684 };
7514. 1036 }
7515. 518
7516. 1036 function amble(when) {
7517. 1036
7518. 1036// Produce a function that will act on the tasks registered by an action
7519. 1036// function while walking the tree.
7520. 1036
7521. 210942 return function (the_token) {
7522. 210942
7523. 210942// Given a task set that was built by an action function, run all
7524. 210942// relevant tasks on the token.
7525. 210942
7526. 210942 let a_set = when[the_token.arity];
7527. 210942 let i_set;
7528. 210942
7529. 210942// If there are tasks associated with the token's arity...
7530. 210942
7531. 144702 if (a_set !== undefined) {
7532. 144702
7533. 144702// If there are tasks associated with the token's id...
7534. 144702
7535. 144702 i_set = a_set[the_token.id];
7536. 144702 if (i_set !== undefined) {
7537. 144702 i_set.forEach(function (task) {
7538. 144702 task(the_token);
7539. 144702 });
7540. 144702 }
7541. 144702
7542. 144702// If there are tasks for all ids.
7543. 144702
7544. 144702 i_set = a_set["(all)"];
7545. 144702 if (i_set !== undefined) {
7546. 144702 i_set.forEach(function (task) {
7547. 144702 task(the_token);
7548. 144702 });
7549. 144702 }
7550. 144702 }
7551. 210942 };
7552. 1036 }
7553. 518
7554. 2818 function init_variable(name) {
7555. 2818 let the_variable = lookup(name);
7556. 2759 if (!the_variable || the_variable.readonly) {
7557. 61 warn("bad_assignment_a", name);
7558. 61 return;
7559. 2757 }
7560. 2757 the_variable.init = true;
7561. 2757 }
7562. 518
7563. 31509 function lookup(thing) {
7564. 31509 let id = thing.id;
7565. 31509 let the_variable;
7566. 1 if (thing.arity !== "variable") {
7567. 1 return;
7568. 31508 }
7569. 31508
7570. 31508// Look up the variable in the current context.
7571. 31508
7572. 31508 the_variable = functionage.context[id] || catchage.context[id];
7573. 31509
7574. 31509// If it isn't local, search all the other contexts. If there are name
7575. 31509// collisions, take the most recent.
7576. 31509
7577. 24629 if (the_variable && the_variable.role === "label") {
7578. 1
7579. 1// test_cause:
7580. 1// ["aa:while(0){aa;}", "lookup", "label_a", "aa", 13]
7581. 1
7582. 1 warn("label_a", thing);
7583. 1 return the_variable;
7584. 31507 }
7585. 31507 if (!the_variable) {
7586. 14775 function_stack.forEach(function ({
7587. 14775 context
7588. 14775 }) {
7589. 6879 if (context[id] && context[id].role !== "label") {
7590. 6879 the_variable = context[id];
7591. 6879 }
7592. 14775 });
7593. 6879
7594. 6879// If it isn't in any of those either, perhaps it is a predefined global.
7595. 6879// If so, add it to the global context.
7596. 6879
7597. 6879 if (!the_variable && global_dict[id] === undefined) {
7598. 6879
7599. 6879// test_cause:
7600. 6879// ["aa", "lookup", "undeclared_a", "aa", 1]
7601. 6879// ["class aa{}", "lookup", "undeclared_a", "aa", 7]
7602. 6879// ["
7603. 6879// let aa=0;try{aa();}catch(bb){bb();}bb();
7604. 6879// ", "lookup", "undeclared_a", "bb", 36]
7605. 6879// ["
7606. 6879// let aa=0;try{aa();}catch(ignore){bb();}
7607. 6879// ", "lookup", "undeclared_a", "bb", 34]
7608. 6879
7609. 6879 warn("undeclared_a", thing);
7610. 6879 return;
7611. 6879 }
7612. 6879 if (!the_variable) {
7613. 6879 the_variable = {
7614. 6879 dead: false,
7615. 6879 id,
7616. 6879 init: true,
7617. 6879 parent: token_global,
7618. 6879 readonly: true,
7619. 6879 role: "variable",
7620. 6879 used: 0
7621. 6879 };
7622. 6879 token_global.context[id] = the_variable;
7623. 6879 }
7624. 6879 the_variable.closure = true;
7625. 6879 functionage.context[id] = the_variable;
7626. 31370 }
7627. 31370 if (
7628. 31370 (
7629. 31370 the_variable.calls === undefined
7630. 31370 || functionage.name === undefined
7631. 4364 || the_variable.calls[functionage.name.id] === undefined
7632. 31509 )
7633. 31185 && the_variable.dead
7634. 3 ) {
7635. 3
7636. 3// test_cause:
7637. 3// ["let aa;if(aa){let bb;}bb;", "lookup", "out_of_scope_a", "bb", 23]
7638. 3
7639. 3 warn("out_of_scope_a", thing);
7640. 31370 }
7641. 31370 return the_variable;
7642. 31370 }
7643. 518
7644. 5009 function post_a(thing) {
7645. 5009
7646. 5009// Assignment using = sets the init property of a variable. No other assignment
7647. 5009// operator can do this. A = token keeps that variable (or array of variables
7648. 5009// in case of destructuring) in its name property.
7649. 5009
7650. 5009 const lvalue = thing.expression[0];
7651. 5009 let right;
7652. 4234 if (thing.id === "=") {
7653. 4234 if (thing.names !== undefined) {
7654. 4234
7655. 4234// test_cause:
7656. 4234// ["if(0){aa=0}", "post_a", "=", "", 0]
7657. 4234
7658. 4234 test_cause("=");
7659. 4234
7660. 4234// Probably deadcode.
7661. 4234// if (Array.isArray(thing.names)) {
7662. 4234// thing.names.forEach(init_variable);
7663. 4234// } else {
7664. 4234// init_variable(thing.names);
7665. 4234// }
7666. 4234
7667. 4234 jslint_assert(
7668. 4234 !Array.isArray(thing.names),
7669. 4234 `Expected !Array.isArray(thing.names).`
7670. 4234 );
7671. 4234 init_variable(thing.names);
7672. 4234 } else {
7673. 4234 if (lvalue.id === "[" || lvalue.id === "{") {
7674. 4234 lvalue.expression.forEach(function (thing) {
7675. 4234 if (thing.variable) {
7676. 4234 thing.variable.init = true;
7677. 4234 }
7678. 4234 });
7679. 4234 } else if (
7680. 4234 lvalue.id === "."
7681. 4234 && thing.expression[1].id === "undefined"
7682. 4234 ) {
7683. 4234
7684. 4234// test_cause:
7685. 4234// ["aa.aa=undefined", "post_a", "expected_a_b", "undefined", 1]
7686. 4234
7687. 4234 warn(
7688. 4234 "expected_a_b",
7689. 4234 lvalue.expression,
7690. 4234 "delete",
7691. 4234 "undefined"
7692. 4234 );
7693. 4234 }
7694. 4234 }
7695. 4234 } else {
7696. 775 if (lvalue.arity === "variable") {
7697. 775 if (!lvalue.variable || lvalue.variable.readonly) {
7698. 775 warn("bad_assignment_a", lvalue);
7699. 775 }
7700. 775 }
7701. 775 right = syntax_dict[thing.expression[1].id];
7702. 775 if (
7703. 775 right !== undefined
7704. 775 && (
7705. 775 right.id === "function"
7706. 775 || right.id === "=>"
7707. 775 || (
7708. 775 right.constant
7709. 775 && right.id !== "(number)"
7710. 775 && (right.id !== "(string)" || thing.id !== "+=")
7711. 775 )
7712. 775 )
7713. 775 ) {
7714. 775
7715. 775// test_cause:
7716. 775// ["aa+=undefined", "post_a", "unexpected_a", "undefined", 5]
7717. 775
7718. 775 warn("unexpected_a", thing.expression[1]);
7719. 775 }
7720. 775 }
7721. 5009 }
7722. 518
7723. 706 function post_a_pluseq(thing) {
7724. 706 const right = thing.expression[1];
7725. 396 if (right.constant) {
7726. 396 if (
7727. 396 right.value === ""
7728. 396 || (right.id === "(number)" && right.value === "0")
7729. 396 || right.id === "(boolean)"
7730. 396 || right.id === "null"
7731. 396 || right.id === "undefined"
7732. 396 || Number.isNaN(right.value)
7733. 396 ) {
7734. 396 warn("unexpected_a", right);
7735. 396 }
7736. 396 }
7737. 706 }
7738. 518
7739. 31933 function post_b(thing) {
7740. 31933 let right;
7741. 3960 if (relationop[thing.id]) {
7742. 3960 if (
7743. 3960 is_weird(thing.expression[0])
7744. 3960 || is_weird(thing.expression[1])
7745. 3960 || is_equal(thing.expression[0], thing.expression[1])
7746. 3960 || (
7747. 3960 thing.expression[0].constant === true
7748. 3960 && thing.expression[1].constant === true
7749. 3960 )
7750. 3960 ) {
7751. 3960
7752. 3960// test_cause:
7753. 3960// ["if(0===0){0}", "post_b", "weird_relation_a", "===", 5]
7754. 3960
7755. 3960 warn("weird_relation_a", thing);
7756. 3960 }
7757. 3960 }
7758. 2023 if (thing.id === "+") {
7759. 2023 if (!option_dict.convert) {
7760. 2023 if (thing.expression[0].value === "") {
7761. 2023
7762. 2023// test_cause:
7763. 2023// ["\"\"+0", "post_b", "expected_a_b", "\"\" +", 3]
7764. 2023
7765. 2023 warn("expected_a_b", thing, "String(...)", "\"\" +");
7766. 2023 } else if (thing.expression[1].value === "") {
7767. 2023
7768. 2023// test_cause:
7769. 2023// ["0+\"\"", "post_b", "expected_a_b", "+ \"\"", 2]
7770. 2023
7771. 2023 warn("expected_a_b", thing, "String(...)", "+ \"\"");
7772. 2023 }
7773. 2023 }
7774. 29910 } else if (thing.id === "[") {
7775. 29910 if (thing.expression[0].id === "window") {
7776. 29910
7777. 29910// test_cause:
7778. 29910// ["aa=window[0]", "post_b", "weird_expression_a", "window[...]", 10]
7779. 29910
7780. 29910 warn("weird_expression_a", thing, "window[...]");
7781. 29910 }
7782. 29910 if (thing.expression[0].id === "self") {
7783. 29910
7784. 29910// test_cause:
7785. 29910// ["aa=self[0]", "post_b", "weird_expression_a", "self[...]", 8]
7786. 29910
7787. 29910 warn("weird_expression_a", thing, "self[...]");
7788. 29910 }
7789. 29910 } else if (thing.id === "." || thing.id === "?.") {
7790. 29910 if (thing.expression.id === "RegExp") {
7791. 29910
7792. 29910// test_cause:
7793. 29910// ["aa=RegExp.aa", "post_b", "weird_expression_a", ".", 10]
7794. 29910
7795. 29910 warn("weird_expression_a", thing);
7796. 29910 }
7797. 29910 } else if (thing.id !== "=>" && thing.id !== "(") {
7798. 29910 right = thing.expression[1];
7799. 29910 if (
7800. 29910 (thing.id === "+" || thing.id === "-")
7801. 29910 && right.id === thing.id
7802. 29910 && right.arity === "unary"
7803. 29910 && !right.wrapped
7804. 29910 ) {
7805. 29910
7806. 29910// test_cause:
7807. 29910// ["0- -0", "post_b", "wrap_unary", "-", 4]
7808. 29910
7809. 29910 warn("wrap_unary", right);
7810. 29910 }
7811. 29910 if (
7812. 29910 thing.expression[0].constant === true
7813. 29910 && right.constant === true
7814. 29910 ) {
7815. 29910 thing.constant = true;
7816. 29910 }
7817. 29910 }
7818. 31933 }
7819. 518
7820. 1202 function post_b_and(thing) {
7821. 1202 if (
7822. 1202 is_weird(thing.expression[0])
7823. 1197 || is_equal(thing.expression[0], thing.expression[1])
7824. 1183 || thing.expression[0].constant === true
7825. 1181 || thing.expression[1].constant === true
7826. 21 ) {
7827. 21
7828. 21// test_cause:
7829. 21// ["aa=(()=>0)&&(()=>0)", "post_b_and", "weird_condition_a", "&&", 11]
7830. 21// ["aa=(``?``:``)&&(``?``:``)", "post_b_and", "weird_condition_a", "&&", 14]
7831. 21// ["aa=/./&&/./", "post_b_and", "weird_condition_a", "&&", 7]
7832. 21// ["aa=0&&0", "post_b_and", "weird_condition_a", "&&", 5]
7833. 21// ["aa=[]&&[]", "post_b_and", "weird_condition_a", "&&", 6]
7834. 21// ["aa=`${0}`&&`${0}`", "post_b_and", "weird_condition_a", "&&", 10]
7835. 21// ["
7836. 21// aa=function aa(){}&&function aa(){}
7837. 21// ", "post_b_and", "weird_condition_a", "&&", 19]
7838. 21// ["aa={}&&{}", "post_b_and", "weird_condition_a", "&&", 6]
7839. 21
7840. 21 warn("weird_condition_a", thing);
7841. 21 }
7842. 1202 }
7843. 518
7844. 1460 function post_b_lbracket(thing) {
7845. 1 if (thing.expression[0].id === "RegExp") {
7846. 1
7847. 1// test_cause:
7848. 1// ["aa=RegExp[0]", "post_b_lbracket", "weird_expression_a", "[", 10]
7849. 1
7850. 1 warn("weird_expression_a", thing);
7851. 1 }
7852. 1 if (is_weird(thing.expression[1])) {
7853. 1
7854. 1// test_cause:
7855. 1// ["aa[[0]]", "post_b_lbracket", "weird_expression_a", "[", 4]
7856. 1
7857. 1 warn("weird_expression_a", thing.expression[1]);
7858. 1 }
7859. 1460 }
7860. 518
7861. 10411 function post_b_lparen(thing) {
7862. 10411 let arg;
7863. 10411 let array;
7864. 10411 let cack;
7865. 10411 let left = thing.expression[0];
7866. 10411 let new_date;
7867. 10411 let paren;
7868. 10411 let the_new;
7869. 154 if (left.id === "new") {
7870. 154 the_new = left;
7871. 154 left = left.expression;
7872. 154 }
7873. 37 if (left.id === "function") {
7874. 37 if (!thing.wrapped) {
7875. 37
7876. 37// test_cause:
7877. 37// ["aa=function(){}()", "post_b_lparen", "wrap_immediate", "(", 16]
7878. 37
7879. 37 warn("wrap_immediate", thing);
7880. 37 }
7881. 10374 } else if (left.identifier) {
7882. 10374 if (the_new !== undefined) {
7883. 10374 if (
7884. 10374 left.id[0] > "Z"
7885. 10374 || left.id === "BigInt"
7886. 10374 || left.id === "Boolean"
7887. 10374 || left.id === "Number"
7888. 10374 || left.id === "String"
7889. 10374 || left.id === "Symbol"
7890. 10374 ) {
7891. 10374
7892. 10374// test_cause:
7893. 10374// ["new BigInt()", "post_b_lparen", "unexpected_a", "new", 1]
7894. 10374// ["new Boolean()", "post_b_lparen", "unexpected_a", "new", 1]
7895. 10374// ["new Number()", "post_b_lparen", "unexpected_a", "new", 1]
7896. 10374// ["new String()", "post_b_lparen", "unexpected_a", "new", 1]
7897. 10374// ["new Symbol()", "post_b_lparen", "unexpected_a", "new", 1]
7898. 10374// ["new aa()", "post_b_lparen", "unexpected_a", "new", 1]
7899. 10374
7900. 10374 warn("unexpected_a", the_new);
7901. 10374 } else if (left.id === "Function") {
7902. 10374 if (!option_dict.eval) {
7903. 10374
7904. 10374// test_cause:
7905. 10374// ["new Function()", "post_b_lparen", "unexpected_a", "new Function", 5]
7906. 10374
7907. 10374 warn("unexpected_a", left, "new Function");
7908. 10374 }
7909. 10374 } else if (left.id === "Array") {
7910. 10374 arg = thing.expression;
7911. 10374 if (arg.length !== 2 || arg[1].id === "(string)") {
7912. 10374
7913. 10374// test_cause:
7914. 10374// ["new Array()", "post_b_lparen", "expected_a_b", "new Array", 5]
7915. 10374
7916. 10374 warn("expected_a_b", left, "[]", "new Array");
7917. 10374 }
7918. 10374 } else if (left.id === "Object") {
7919. 10374
7920. 10374// test_cause:
7921. 10374// ["new Object()", "post_b_lparen", "expected_a_b", "new Object", 5]
7922. 10374
7923. 10374 warn(
7924. 10374 "expected_a_b",
7925. 10374 left,
7926. 10374 "Object.create(null)",
7927. 10374 "new Object"
7928. 10374 );
7929. 10374 }
7930. 10374 } else {
7931. 10374 if (
7932. 10374 left.id[0] >= "A"
7933. 10374 && left.id[0] <= "Z"
7934. 10374 && left.id !== "BigInt"
7935. 10374 && left.id !== "Boolean"
7936. 10374 && left.id !== "Number"
7937. 10374 && left.id !== "String"
7938. 10374 && left.id !== "Symbol"
7939. 10374 ) {
7940. 10374
7941. 10374// test_cause:
7942. 10374// ["let Aa=Aa()", "post_b_lparen", "expected_a_before_b", "Aa", 8]
7943. 10374
7944. 10374 warn("expected_a_before_b", left, "new", artifact(left));
7945. 10374 }
7946. 10374 }
7947. 10374 } else if (left.id === ".") {
7948. 10374 cack = the_new !== undefined;
7949. 10374 if (left.expression.id === "Date" && left.name.id === "UTC") {
7950. 10374
7951. 10374// test_cause:
7952. 10374// ["new Date.UTC()", "post_b_lparen", "cack", "", 0]
7953. 10374
7954. 10374 test_cause("cack");
7955. 10374 cack = !cack;
7956. 10374 }
7957. 10374 if (jslint_rgx_cap.test(left.name.id) !== cack) {
7958. 10374 if (the_new !== undefined) {
7959. 10374
7960. 10374// test_cause:
7961. 10374// ["new Date.UTC()", "post_b_lparen", "unexpected_a", "new", 1]
7962. 10374
7963. 10374 warn("unexpected_a", the_new);
7964. 10374 } else {
7965. 10374
7966. 10374// test_cause:
7967. 10374// ["let Aa=Aa.Aa()", "post_b_lparen", "expected_a_before_b", "Aa", 8]
7968. 10374
7969. 10374 warn(
7970. 10374 "expected_a_before_b",
7971. 10374 left.expression,
7972. 10374 "new",
7973. 10374 left.name.id
7974. 10374 );
7975. 10374 }
7976. 10374 }
7977. 10374 if (left.name.id === "getTime") {
7978. 10374 paren = left.expression;
7979. 10374 if (paren.id === "(") {
7980. 10374 array = paren.expression;
7981. 10374 if (array.length === 1) {
7982. 10374 new_date = array[0];
7983. 10374 if (
7984. 10374 new_date.id === "new"
7985. 10374 && new_date.expression.id === "Date"
7986. 10374 ) {
7987. 10374
7988. 10374// test_cause:
7989. 10374// ["
7990. 10374// new Date().getTime()
7991. 10374// ", "post_b_lparen", "expected_a_b", "new Date().getTime()", 1]
7992. 10374
7993. 10374 warn(
7994. 10374 "expected_a_b",
7995. 10374 new_date,
7996. 10374 "Date.now()",
7997. 10374 "new Date().getTime()"
7998. 10374 );
7999. 10374 }
8000. 10374 }
8001. 10374 }
8002. 10374 }
8003. 10374 }
8004. 10411 }
8005. 518
8006. 974 function post_b_or(thing) {
8007. 974 if (
8008. 974 is_weird(thing.expression[0])
8009. 974 || is_equal(thing.expression[0], thing.expression[1])
8010. 973 || thing.expression[0].constant === true
8011. 2 ) {
8012. 2
8013. 2// test_cause:
8014. 2// ["aa=0||0", "post_b_or", "weird_condition_a", "||", 5]
8015. 2
8016. 2 warn("weird_condition_a", thing);
8017. 2 }
8018. 974 }
8019. 518
8020. 78 function post_s_export(the_thing) {
8021. 78
8022. 78// Some features must be at the most outermost level.
8023. 78
8024. 1 if (blockage !== token_global) {
8025. 1
8026. 1// test_cause:
8027. 1// ["
8028. 1// if(0){import aa from "aa";}
8029. 1// ", "post_s_export", "misplaced_a", "import", 7]
8030. 1
8031. 1 warn("misplaced_a", the_thing);
8032. 1 }
8033. 78 }
8034. 518
8035. 8 function post_s_for(thing) {
8036. 8
8037. 8// Recurse walk_statement().
8038. 8
8039. 8 walk_statement(thing.inc);
8040. 8 }
8041. 518
8042. 2001 function post_s_function(thing) {
8043. 2001 delete functionage.async;
8044. 2001 delete functionage.finally;
8045. 2001 delete functionage.loop;
8046. 2001 delete functionage.statement_prv;
8047. 2001 delete functionage.switch;
8048. 2001 delete functionage.try;
8049. 2001 functionage = function_stack.pop();
8050. 3 if (thing.wrapped) {
8051. 3
8052. 3// test_cause:
8053. 3// ["aa=(function(){})", "post_s_function", "unexpected_parens", "function", 5]
8054. 3
8055. 3 warn("unexpected_parens", thing);
8056. 3 }
8057. 2001 return post_s_lbrace();
8058. 2001 }
8059. 518
8060. 61 function post_s_import(the_thing) {
8061. 61 const name = the_thing.name;
8062. 60 if (name) {
8063. 60 if (Array.isArray(name)) {
8064. 60 name.forEach(function (name) {
8065. 60 name.dead = false;
8066. 60 name.init = true;
8067. 60 blockage.live.push(name);
8068. 60 });
8069. 60 } else {
8070. 60 name.dead = false;
8071. 60 name.init = true;
8072. 60 blockage.live.push(name);
8073. 60 }
8074. 60 return post_s_export(the_thing);
8075. 60 }
8076. 61 }
8077. 518
8078. 7695 function post_s_lbrace() {
8079. 2987 blockage.live.forEach(function (name) {
8080. 2987 name.dead = true;
8081. 2987 });
8082. 7695 delete blockage.live;
8083. 7695 blockage = block_stack.pop();
8084. 7695 }
8085. 518
8086. 56 function post_s_try(thing) {
8087. 54 if (thing.catch) {
8088. 54 if (thing.catch.name) {
8089. 54 Object.assign(catchage.context[thing.catch.name.id], {
8090. 54 dead: false,
8091. 54 init: true
8092. 54 });
8093. 54 }
8094. 54
8095. 54// Recurse walk_statement().
8096. 54
8097. 54 walk_statement(thing.catch.block);
8098. 54
8099. 54// Restore previous catch-scope after catch-block.
8100. 54
8101. 54 catchage = catch_stack.pop();
8102. 54 }
8103. 56 }
8104. 518
8105. 2320 function post_s_var(thing) {
8106. 2635 thing.names.forEach(function (name) {
8107. 2635 name.dead = false;
8108. 1250 if (name.expression !== undefined) {
8109. 1250 walk_expression(name.expression);
8110. 1250
8111. 1250// Probably deadcode.
8112. 1250// if (name.id === "{" || name.id === "[") {
8113. 1250// name.names.forEach(subactivate);
8114. 1250// } else {
8115. 1250// name.init = true;
8116. 1250// }
8117. 1250
8118. 1250 jslint_assert(
8119. 1250 !(name.id === "{" || name.id === "["),
8120. 1250 `Expected !(name.id === "{" || name.id === "[").`
8121. 1250 );
8122. 1250 name.init = true;
8123. 1250 }
8124. 2635 blockage.live.push(name);
8125. 2635 });
8126. 2320 }
8127. 518
8128. 213 function post_t(thing) {
8129. 213 if (
8130. 213 is_weird(thing.expression[0])
8131. 213 || thing.expression[0].constant === true
8132. 206 || is_equal(thing.expression[1], thing.expression[2])
8133. 9 ) {
8134. 9
8135. 9// test_cause:
8136. 9// ["let aa=(aa?`${0}`:`${0}`);", "post_t", "unexpected_a", "?", 11]
8137. 9// ["let aa=(aa?`0`:`0`);", "post_t", "unexpected_a", "?", 11]
8138. 9
8139. 9 warn("unexpected_a", thing);
8140. 204 } else if (is_equal(thing.expression[0], thing.expression[1])) {
8141. 204
8142. 204// test_cause:
8143. 204// ["aa?aa:0", "post_t", "expected_a_b", "?", 3]
8144. 204
8145. 204 warn("expected_a_b", thing, "||", "?");
8146. 204 } else if (is_equal(thing.expression[0], thing.expression[2])) {
8147. 204
8148. 204// test_cause:
8149. 204// ["aa?0:aa", "post_t", "expected_a_b", "?", 3]
8150. 204
8151. 204 warn("expected_a_b", thing, "&&", "?");
8152. 204 } else if (
8153. 204 thing.expression[1].id === "true"
8154. 204 && thing.expression[2].id === "false"
8155. 204 ) {
8156. 204
8157. 204// test_cause:
8158. 204// ["aa?true:false", "post_t", "expected_a_b", "?", 3]
8159. 204
8160. 204 warn("expected_a_b", thing, "!!", "?");
8161. 204 } else if (
8162. 204 thing.expression[1].id === "false"
8163. 204 && thing.expression[2].id === "true"
8164. 204 ) {
8165. 204
8166. 204// test_cause:
8167. 204// ["aa?false:true", "post_t", "expected_a_b", "?", 3]
8168. 204
8169. 204 warn("expected_a_b", thing, "!", "?");
8170. 204 } else if (
8171. 204 thing.expression[0].wrapped !== true
8172. 204 && (
8173. 204 thing.expression[0].id === "||"
8174. 204 || thing.expression[0].id === "&&"
8175. 204 )
8176. 204 ) {
8177. 204
8178. 204// test_cause:
8179. 204// ["(aa&&!aa?0:1)", "post_t", "wrap_condition", "&&", 4]
8180. 204
8181. 204 warn("wrap_condition", thing.expression[0]);
8182. 204 }
8183. 213 }
8184. 518
8185. 4106 function post_u(thing) {
8186. 779 if (thing.id === "`") {
8187. 779 if (thing.expression.every(function (thing) {
8188. 779 return thing.constant;
8189. 779 })) {
8190. 779 thing.constant = true;
8191. 779 }
8192. 3327 } else if (thing.id === "!") {
8193. 3327 if (thing.expression.constant === true) {
8194. 3327 warn("unexpected_a", thing);
8195. 3327 }
8196. 3327 } else if (thing.id === "!!") {
8197. 3327 if (!option_dict.convert) {
8198. 3327
8199. 3327// test_cause:
8200. 3327// ["!!0", "post_u", "expected_a_b", "!!", 1]
8201. 3327
8202. 3327 warn("expected_a_b", thing, "Boolean(...)", "!!");
8203. 3327 }
8204. 3327 } else if (
8205. 3327 thing.id !== "["
8206. 3327 && thing.id !== "{"
8207. 3327 && thing.id !== "function"
8208. 3327 && thing.id !== "new"
8209. 3327 ) {
8210. 3327 if (thing.expression.constant === true) {
8211. 3327 thing.constant = true;
8212. 3327 }
8213. 3327 }
8214. 4106 }
8215. 518
8216. 7 function post_u_plus(thing) {
8217. 7 const right = thing.expression;
8218. 7 if (!option_dict.convert) {
8219. 7
8220. 7// test_cause:
8221. 7// ["aa=+0", "post_u_plus", "expected_a_b", "+", 4]
8222. 7
8223. 7 warn("expected_a_b", thing, "Number(...)", "+");
8224. 7 }
8225. 1 if (right.id === "(" && right.expression[0].id === "new") {
8226. 1 warn("unexpected_a_before_b", thing, "+", "new");
8227. 6 } else if (
8228. 6 right.constant
8229. 6 || right.id === "{"
8230. 6 || (right.id === "[" && right.arity !== "binary")
8231. 6 ) {
8232. 6 warn("unexpected_a", thing, "+");
8233. 6 }
8234. 7 }
8235. 518
8236. 36945 function pre_a_bitwise(thing) {
8237. 36945
8238. 36945// These are the bitwise operators.
8239. 36945
8240. 36943 switch (!option_dict.bitwise && thing.id) {
8241. 2 case "&":
8242. 3 case "&=":
8243. 5 case "<<":
8244. 6 case "<<=":
8245. 8 case ">>":
8246. 9 case ">>=":
8247. 11 case ">>>":
8248. 12 case ">>>=":
8249. 14 case "^":
8250. 15 case "^=":
8251. 17 case "|":
8252. 18 case "|=":
8253. 21 case "~":
8254. 21
8255. 21// test_cause:
8256. 21// ["0&0", "pre_a_bitwise", "unexpected_a", "&", 2]
8257. 21// ["0&=0", "pre_a_bitwise", "unexpected_a", "&=", 2]
8258. 21// ["0<<0", "pre_a_bitwise", "unexpected_a", "<<", 2]
8259. 21// ["0<<=0", "pre_a_bitwise", "unexpected_a", "<<=", 2]
8260. 21// ["0>>0", "pre_a_bitwise", "unexpected_a", ">>", 2]
8261. 21// ["0>>=0", "pre_a_bitwise", "unexpected_a", ">>=", 2]
8262. 21// ["0>>>0", "pre_a_bitwise", "unexpected_a", ">>>", 2]
8263. 21// ["0>>>=0", "pre_a_bitwise", "unexpected_a", ">>>=", 2]
8264. 21// ["0^0", "pre_a_bitwise", "unexpected_a", "^", 2]
8265. 21// ["0^=0", "pre_a_bitwise", "unexpected_a", "^=", 2]
8266. 21// ["0|0", "pre_a_bitwise", "unexpected_a", "|", 2]
8267. 21// ["0|=0", "pre_a_bitwise", "unexpected_a", "|=", 2]
8268. 21// ["~0", "pre_a_bitwise", "unexpected_a", "~", 1]
8269. 21
8270. 21 warn("unexpected_a", thing);
8271. 21 break;
8272. 36945 }
8273. 36945 if (
8274. 36945 thing.id !== "("
8275. 26534 && thing.id !== "&&"
8276. 25332 && thing.id !== "||"
8277. 24358 && thing.id !== "="
8278. 20124 && Array.isArray(thing.expression)
8279. 8506 && thing.expression.length === 2
8280. 8505 && (
8281. 8505 relationop[thing.expression[0].id] === true
8282. 8505 || relationop[thing.expression[1].id] === true
8283. 8505 )
8284. 1 ) {
8285. 1
8286. 1// test_cause:
8287. 1// ["0<0<0", "pre_a_bitwise", "unexpected_a", "<", 4]
8288. 1
8289. 1 warn("unexpected_a", thing);
8290. 1 }
8291. 36945 }
8292. 518
8293. 31933 function pre_b(thing) {
8294. 31933 let left;
8295. 31933 let right;
8296. 31933 let value;
8297. 3960 if (relationop[thing.id] === true) {
8298. 3960 left = thing.expression[0];
8299. 3960 right = thing.expression[1];
8300. 3960 if (left.id === "NaN" || right.id === "NaN") {
8301. 3960
8302. 3960// test_cause:
8303. 3960// ["NaN===NaN", "pre_b", "number_isNaN", "===", 4]
8304. 3960
8305. 3960 warn("number_isNaN", thing);
8306. 3960 } else if (left.id === "typeof") {
8307. 3960 if (right.id !== "(string)") {
8308. 3960 if (right.id !== "typeof") {
8309. 3960
8310. 3960// test_cause:
8311. 3960// ["typeof 0===0", "pre_b", "expected_string_a", "0", 12]
8312. 3960
8313. 3960 warn("expected_string_a", right);
8314. 3960 }
8315. 3960 } else {
8316. 3960 value = right.value;
8317. 3960 if (value === "null" || value === "undefined") {
8318. 3960
8319. 3960// test_cause:
8320. 3960// ["
8321. 3960// typeof aa==="undefined"
8322. 3960// ", "pre_b", "unexpected_typeof_a", "undefined", 13]
8323. 3960
8324. 3960 warn("unexpected_typeof_a", right, value);
8325. 3960 } else if (
8326. 3960 value !== "bigint"
8327. 3960 && value !== "boolean"
8328. 3960 && value !== "function"
8329. 3960 && value !== "number"
8330. 3960 && value !== "object"
8331. 3960 && value !== "string"
8332. 3960 && value !== "symbol"
8333. 3960 ) {
8334. 3960
8335. 3960// test_cause:
8336. 3960// ["typeof 0===\"aa\"", "pre_b", "expected_type_string_a", "aa", 12]
8337. 3960
8338. 3960 warn("expected_type_string_a", right, value);
8339. 3960 }
8340. 3960 }
8341. 3960 }
8342. 3960 }
8343. 31933 }
8344. 518
8345. 1 function pre_b_eqeq(thing) {
8346. 1
8347. 1// test_cause:
8348. 1// ["0==0", "pre_b_eqeq", "expected_a_b", "==", 2]
8349. 1
8350. 1 warn("expected_a_b", thing, "===", "==");
8351. 1 }
8352. 518
8353. 1 function pre_b_in(thing) {
8354. 1
8355. 1// test_cause:
8356. 1// ["aa in aa", "pre_b_in", "infix_in", "in", 4]
8357. 1
8358. 1 warn("infix_in", thing);
8359. 1 }
8360. 518
8361. 1 function pre_b_instanceof(thing) {
8362. 1
8363. 1// test_cause:
8364. 1// ["0 instanceof 0", "pre_b_instanceof", "unexpected_a", "instanceof", 3]
8365. 1
8366. 1 warn("unexpected_a", thing);
8367. 1 }
8368. 518
8369. 10411 function pre_b_lparen(thing) {
8370. 10411 const left = thing.expression[0];
8371. 10411 let left_variable;
8372. 10411 let parent;
8373. 10411 if (
8374. 10411 left.identifier
8375. 6658 && functionage.context[left.id] === undefined
8376. 3034 && typeof functionage.name === "object"
8377. 2395 ) {
8378. 2395 parent = functionage.name.parent;
8379. 2395 if (parent) {
8380. 2395 left_variable = parent.context[left.id];
8381. 2395 if (
8382. 2395 left_variable !== undefined
8383. 2395
8384. 2395// Probably deadcode.
8385. 2395// && left_variable.dead
8386. 2395
8387. 2395 && left_variable.parent === parent
8388. 2395 && left_variable.calls !== undefined
8389. 2395 && left_variable.calls[functionage.name.id] !== undefined
8390. 2395 ) {
8391. 2395 left_variable.dead = false;
8392. 2395 }
8393. 2395 }
8394. 2395 }
8395. 10411 }
8396. 518
8397. 1 function pre_b_noteq(thing) {
8398. 1
8399. 1// test_cause:
8400. 1// ["0!=0", "pre_b_noteq", "expected_a_b", "!=", 2]
8401. 1
8402. 1 warn("expected_a_b", thing, "!==", "!=");
8403. 1 }
8404. 518
8405. 974 function pre_b_or(thing) {
8406. 1948 thing.expression.forEach(function (thang) {
8407. 177 if (thang.id === "&&" && !thang.wrapped) {
8408. 1
8409. 1// test_cause:
8410. 1// ["0&&0||0", "pre_b_or", "and", "&&", 2]
8411. 1
8412. 1 warn("and", thang);
8413. 1 }
8414. 1948 });
8415. 974 }
8416. 518
8417. 8 function pre_s_for(thing) {
8418. 8 let the_variable;
8419. 2 if (thing.name !== undefined) {
8420. 2 thing.name.dead = false;
8421. 2 the_variable = lookup(thing.name);
8422. 2 if (the_variable !== undefined) {
8423. 2 if (the_variable.init && the_variable.readonly) {
8424. 2
8425. 2// test_cause:
8426. 2// ["const aa=0;for(aa in aa){}", "pre_s_for", "bad_assignment_a", "aa", 16]
8427. 2
8428. 2 warn("bad_assignment_a", thing.name);
8429. 2 }
8430. 2 the_variable.init = true;
8431. 2 }
8432. 2 }
8433. 8
8434. 8// Recurse walk_statement().
8435. 8
8436. 8 walk_statement(thing.initial);
8437. 8 }
8438. 518
8439. 2001 function pre_s_function(thing) {
8440. 2001
8441. 2001// test_cause:
8442. 2001// ["()=>0", "pre_s_function", "", "", 0]
8443. 2001// ["(function (){}())", "pre_s_function", "", "", 0]
8444. 2001// ["function aa(){}", "pre_s_function", "", "", 0]
8445. 2001
8446. 2001 test_cause("");
8447. 1057 if (thing.arity === "statement" && blockage.body !== true) {
8448. 1
8449. 1// test_cause:
8450. 1// ["if(0){function aa(){}\n}", "pre_s_function", "unexpected_a", "function", 7]
8451. 1
8452. 1 warn("unexpected_a", thing);
8453. 1 }
8454. 2001 function_stack.push(functionage);
8455. 2001 block_stack.push(blockage);
8456. 2001 functionage = thing;
8457. 2001 blockage = thing;
8458. 2001 thing.live = [];
8459. 1098 if (typeof thing.name === "object") {
8460. 1098 thing.name.dead = false;
8461. 1098 thing.name.init = true;
8462. 1098 }
8463. 7 if (thing.extra === "get") {
8464. 7 if (thing.parameters.length !== 0) {
8465. 7
8466. 7// test_cause:
8467. 7// ["
8468. 7// /*jslint getset*/
8469. 7// aa={get aa(aa){}}
8470. 7// ", "pre_s_function", "bad_get", "function", 9]
8471. 7
8472. 7 warn("bad_get", thing);
8473. 7 }
8474. 1994 } else if (thing.extra === "set") {
8475. 1994 if (thing.parameters.length !== 1) {
8476. 1994
8477. 1994// test_cause:
8478. 1994// ["
8479. 1994// /*jslint getset*/
8480. 1994// aa={set aa(){}}
8481. 1994// ", "pre_s_function", "bad_set", "function", 9]
8482. 1994
8483. 1994 warn("bad_set", thing);
8484. 1994 }
8485. 1994 }
8486. 2063 thing.parameters.forEach(function (name) {
8487. 2063 walk_expression(name.expression);
8488. 1840 if (name.id === "{" || name.id === "[") {
8489. 267 name.names.forEach(subactivate);
8490. 1796 } else {
8491. 1796 name.dead = false;
8492. 1796 name.init = true;
8493. 1796 }
8494. 2063 });
8495. 2001 }
8496. 518
8497. 5694 function pre_s_lbrace(thing) {
8498. 5694 block_stack.push(blockage);
8499. 5694 blockage = thing;
8500. 5694 thing.live = [];
8501. 5694 }
8502. 518
8503. 56 function pre_try(thing) {
8504. 54 if (thing.catch !== undefined) {
8505. 54
8506. 54// Create new catch-scope for catch-parameter.
8507. 54
8508. 54 catch_stack.push(catchage);
8509. 54 catchage = thing.catch;
8510. 54 }
8511. 56 }
8512. 518
8513. 28689 function pre_v(thing) {
8514. 28689 const the_variable = lookup(thing);
8515. 28611 if (the_variable !== undefined) {
8516. 28611 thing.variable = the_variable;
8517. 28611 the_variable.used += 1;
8518. 28611 }
8519. 28689 }
8520. 518
8521. 717 function subactivate(name) {
8522. 717 name.init = true;
8523. 717 name.dead = false;
8524. 717 blockage.live.push(name);
8525. 717 }
8526. 518
8527. 164534 function walk_expression(thing) {
8528. 103787 if (thing) {
8529. 103787 if (Array.isArray(thing)) {
8530. 103787
8531. 103787// test_cause:
8532. 103787// ["(function(){}())", "walk_expression", "isArray", "", 0]
8533. 103787// ["0&&0", "walk_expression", "isArray", "", 0]
8534. 103787
8535. 103787 test_cause("isArray");
8536. 103787 thing.forEach(walk_expression);
8537. 103787 } else {
8538. 103787 preamble(thing);
8539. 103787 walk_expression(thing.expression);
8540. 103787
8541. 103787// PR-414 - Bugfix - fix fart-body not being walked.
8542. 103787
8543. 103787 if (thing.id === "function" || thing.id === "=>") {
8544. 103787
8545. 103787// test_cause:
8546. 103787// ["aa=()=>0", "walk_expression", "function", "=>", 0]
8547. 103787// ["aa=function(){}", "walk_expression", "function", "function", 0]
8548. 103787
8549. 103787 test_cause("function", thing.id);
8550. 103787
8551. 103787// Recurse walk_statement().
8552. 103787
8553. 103787 walk_statement(thing.block);
8554. 103787 }
8555. 103787 if (
8556. 103787 thing.arity === "preassign" || thing.arity === "postassign"
8557. 103787 ) {
8558. 103787
8559. 103787// test_cause:
8560. 103787// ["aa=++aa", "walk_expression", "unexpected_a", "++", 4]
8561. 103787// ["aa=--aa", "walk_expression", "unexpected_a", "--", 4]
8562. 103787
8563. 103787 warn("unexpected_a", thing);
8564. 103787 } else if (
8565. 103787 thing.arity === "statement"
8566. 103787 || thing.arity === "assignment"
8567. 103787 ) {
8568. 103787
8569. 103787// test_cause:
8570. 103787// ["aa[aa=0]", "walk_expression", "unexpected_statement_a", "=", 6]
8571. 103787
8572. 103787 warn("unexpected_statement_a", thing);
8573. 103787 }
8574. 103787
8575. 103787// test_cause:
8576. 103787// ["aa=0", "walk_expression", "default", "", 0]
8577. 103787
8578. 103787 test_cause("default");
8579. 103787 postamble(thing);
8580. 103787 }
8581. 103787 }
8582. 164534 }
8583. 518
8584. 78303 function walk_statement(thing) {
8585. 43095 if (!thing) {
8586. 43095 return;
8587. 43095 }
8588. 35208 if (Array.isArray(thing)) {
8589. 7608
8590. 7608// test_cause:
8591. 7608// ["+[]", "walk_statement", "isArray", "", 0]
8592. 7608
8593. 7608 test_cause("isArray");
8594. 7608
8595. 7608// Recurse walk_statement().
8596. 7608
8597. 7608 thing.forEach(walk_statement);
8598. 7608 return;
8599. 27600 }
8600. 27600 preamble(thing);
8601. 27600 walk_expression(thing.expression);
8602. 27600 if (thing.arity === "binary") {
8603. 5665 if (thing.id !== "(") {
8604. 5665
8605. 5665// test_cause:
8606. 5665// ["0&&0", "walk_statement", "unexpected_expression_a", "&&", 2]
8607. 5665
8608. 5665 warn("unexpected_expression_a", thing);
8609. 5665 }
8610. 21935 } else if (
8611. 21935 thing.arity !== "statement"
8612. 21935 && thing.arity !== "assignment"
8613. 21935 && thing.id !== "import"
8614. 21935 ) {
8615. 21935
8616. 21935// test_cause:
8617. 21935// ["!0", "walk_statement", "unexpected_expression_a", "!", 1]
8618. 21935// ["+[]", "walk_statement", "unexpected_expression_a", "+", 1]
8619. 21935// ["+new aa()", "walk_statement", "unexpected_expression_a", "+", 1]
8620. 21935// ["0", "walk_statement", "unexpected_expression_a", "0", 1]
8621. 21935// ["typeof 0", "walk_statement", "unexpected_expression_a", "typeof", 1]
8622. 21935
8623. 21935 warn("unexpected_expression_a", thing);
8624. 27600 }
8625. 27600
8626. 27600// Recurse walk_statement().
8627. 27600
8628. 27600 walk_statement(thing.block);
8629. 27600 walk_statement(thing.else);
8630. 27600 postamble(thing);
8631. 27600 }
8632. 518
8633. 518 postaction = action(posts);
8634. 518 postamble = amble(posts);
8635. 518 preaction = action(pres);
8636. 518 preamble = amble(pres);
8637. 518 postaction("assignment", "+=", post_a_pluseq);
8638. 518 postaction("assignment", post_a);
8639. 518 postaction("binary", "&&", post_b_and);
8640. 518 postaction("binary", "(", post_b_lparen);
8641. 518 postaction("binary", "=>", post_s_function);
8642. 518 postaction("binary", "[", post_b_lbracket);
8643. 518 postaction("binary", "||", post_b_or);
8644. 518 postaction("binary", post_b);
8645. 518 postaction("statement", "const", post_s_var);
8646. 518 postaction("statement", "export", post_s_export);
8647. 518 postaction("statement", "for", post_s_for);
8648. 518 postaction("statement", "function", post_s_function);
8649. 518 postaction("statement", "import", post_s_import);
8650. 518 postaction("statement", "let", post_s_var);
8651. 518 postaction("statement", "try", post_s_try);
8652. 518 postaction("statement", "var", post_s_var);
8653. 518 postaction("statement", "{", post_s_lbrace);
8654. 518 postaction("ternary", post_t);
8655. 518 postaction("unary", "+", post_u_plus);
8656. 518 postaction("unary", "function", post_s_function);
8657. 518 postaction("unary", post_u);
8658. 518 preaction("assignment", pre_a_bitwise);
8659. 518 preaction("binary", "!=", pre_b_noteq);
8660. 518 preaction("binary", "(", pre_b_lparen);
8661. 518 preaction("binary", "==", pre_b_eqeq);
8662. 518 preaction("binary", "=>", pre_s_function);
8663. 518 preaction("binary", "in", pre_b_in);
8664. 518 preaction("binary", "instanceof", pre_b_instanceof);
8665. 518 preaction("binary", "||", pre_b_or);
8666. 518 preaction("binary", pre_b);
8667. 518 preaction("binary", pre_a_bitwise);
8668. 518 preaction("statement", "for", pre_s_for);
8669. 518 preaction("statement", "function", pre_s_function);
8670. 518 preaction("statement", "try", pre_try);
8671. 518 preaction("statement", "{", pre_s_lbrace);
8672. 518 preaction("unary", "function", pre_s_function);
8673. 518 preaction("unary", "~", pre_a_bitwise);
8674. 518 preaction("variable", pre_v);
8675. 518
8676. 518 walk_statement(state.token_tree);
8677. 518}
8678. 1
8679. 208function jslint_phase5_whitage(state) {
8680. 208
8681. 208// PHASE 5. Check whitespace between tokens in <token_list>.
8682. 208
8683. 208 let {
8684. 208 artifact,
8685. 208 catch_list,
8686. 208 function_list,
8687. 208 function_stack,
8688. 208 option_dict,
8689. 208 test_cause,
8690. 208 token_global,
8691. 208 token_list,
8692. 208 warn
8693. 208 } = state;
8694. 208 let closer = "(end)";
8695. 208 let free = false;
8696. 208
8697. 208// free = false
8698. 208
8699. 208// cause:
8700. 208// "()=>0"
8701. 208// "aa()"
8702. 208// "aa(0,0)"
8703. 208// "function(){}"
8704. 208
8705. 208// free = true
8706. 208
8707. 208// cause:
8708. 208// "(0)"
8709. 208// "(aa)"
8710. 208// "aa(0)"
8711. 208// "do{}while()"
8712. 208// "for(){}"
8713. 208// "if(){}"
8714. 208// "switch(){}"
8715. 208// "while(){}"
8716. 208
8717. 208 let left = token_global;
8718. 208 let margin = 0;
8719. 208 let mode_indent = (
8720. 208
8721. 208// PR-330 - Allow 2-space indent.
8722. 208
8723. 208 option_dict.indent2
8724. 5 ? 2
8725. 203 : 4
8726. 208 );
8727. 208 let nr_comments_skipped = 0;
8728. 208 let open = true;
8729. 208 let opening = true;
8730. 208 let right;
8731. 208
8732. 208// This is the set of infix operators that require a space on each side.
8733. 208
8734. 208 let spaceop = object_assign_from_list(empty(), [
8735. 208 "!=", "!==", "%", "%=", "&", "&&", "&=", "*", "*=", "+=", "-=", "/",
8736. 208 "/=", "<", "<<", "<<=", "<=", "=", "==", "===", "=>", ">", ">=", ">>",
8737. 208 ">>=", ">>>", ">>>=", "^", "^=", "|", "|=", "||"
8738. 208 ], true);
8739. 208
8740. 38092 function at_margin(fit) {
8741. 38092 const at = margin + fit;
8742. 21 if (right.from !== at) {
8743. 21 return expected_at(at);
8744. 21 }
8745. 38092 }
8746. 208
8747. 2057 function delve(the_function) {
8748. 13014 Object.keys(the_function.context).forEach(function (id) {
8749. 13014 const name = the_function.context[id];
8750. 12979 if (id !== "ignore" && name.parent === the_function) {
8751. 6286
8752. 6286// test_cause:
8753. 6286// ["function aa(aa) {return aa;}", "delve", "id", "", 0]
8754. 6286
8755. 6286 test_cause("id");
8756. 6286 if (
8757. 6286 name.used === 0
8758. 6286
8759. 6286// Probably deadcode.
8760. 6286// && (
8761. 6286// name.role !== "function"
8762. 6286// || name.parent.arity !== "unary"
8763. 6286// )
8764. 6286
8765. 6286 && jslint_assert(
8766. 6286 name.role !== "function",
8767. 6286 `Expected name.role !== "function".`
8768. 6286 )
8769. 6286 ) {
8770. 6286
8771. 6286// test_cause:
8772. 6286// ["/*jslint node*/\nlet aa;", "delve", "unused_a", "aa", 5]
8773. 6286// ["function aa(aa){return;}", "delve", "unused_a", "aa", 13]
8774. 6286// ["let aa=0;try{aa();}catch(bb){aa();}", "delve", "unused_a", "bb", 26]
8775. 6286
8776. 6286 warn("unused_a", name);
8777. 6286 } else if (!name.init) {
8778. 6286
8779. 6286// test_cause:
8780. 6286// ["/*jslint node*/\nlet aa;aa();", "delve", "uninitialized_a", "aa", 5]
8781. 6286
8782. 6286 warn("uninitialized_a", name);
8783. 6286 }
8784. 6286 }
8785. 13014 });
8786. 2057 }
8787. 208
8788. 25 function expected_at(at) {
8789. 25
8790. 25// Probably deadcode.
8791. 25// if (right === undefined) {
8792. 25// right = token_nxt;
8793. 25// }
8794. 25
8795. 25 jslint_assert(
8796. 25 !(right === undefined),
8797. 25 `Expected !(right === undefined).`
8798. 25 );
8799. 25 warn(
8800. 25 "expected_a_at_b_c",
8801. 25 right,
8802. 25 artifact(right),
8803. 25
8804. 25// Fudge column numbers in warning message.
8805. 25
8806. 25 at + jslint_fudge,
8807. 25 right.from + jslint_fudge
8808. 25 );
8809. 25 }
8810. 208
8811. 3095 function no_space() {
8812. 3094 if (left.line === right.line) {
8813. 3094
8814. 3094// from:
8815. 3094// if (left.line === right.line) {
8816. 3094// no_space();
8817. 3094// } else {
8818. 3094
8819. 3094 if (left.thru !== right.from && nr_comments_skipped === 0) {
8820. 3094
8821. 3094// test_cause:
8822. 3094// ["let aa = aa( );", "no_space", "unexpected_space_a_b", ")", 14]
8823. 3094
8824. 3094 warn(
8825. 3094 "unexpected_space_a_b",
8826. 3094 right,
8827. 3094 artifact(left),
8828. 3094 artifact(right)
8829. 3094 );
8830. 3094 }
8831. 3094 } else {
8832. 1
8833. 1// from:
8834. 1// } else if (
8835. 1// right.arity === "binary"
8836. 1// && right.id === "("
8837. 1// && free
8838. 1// ) {
8839. 1// no_space();
8840. 1// } else if (
8841. 1
8842. 1// Probably deadcode.
8843. 1// if (open) {
8844. 1// const at = (
8845. 1// free
8846. 1// ? margin
8847. 1// : margin + 8
8848. 1// );
8849. 1// if (right.from < at) {
8850. 1// expected_at(at);
8851. 1// }
8852. 1// } else {
8853. 1// if (right.from !== margin + 8) {
8854. 1// expected_at(margin + 8);
8855. 1// }
8856. 1// }
8857. 1
8858. 1 jslint_assert(open, `Expected open.`);
8859. 1 jslint_assert(free, `Expected free.`);
8860. 1 if (right.from < margin) {
8861. 1
8862. 1// test_cause:
8863. 1// ["let aa = aa(\naa\n()\n);", "expected_at", "expected_a_at_b_c", "5", 1]
8864. 1
8865. 1 expected_at(margin);
8866. 1 }
8867. 1 }
8868. 3095 }
8869. 208
8870. 96059 function no_space_only() {
8871. 96059 if (
8872. 96059 left.id !== "(global)"
8873. 96057 && left.nr + 1 === right.nr
8874. 96057 && (
8875. 96057 left.line !== right.line
8876. 96057 || left.thru !== right.from
8877. 96057 )
8878. 5 ) {
8879. 5 warn(
8880. 5 "unexpected_space_a_b",
8881. 5 right,
8882. 5 artifact(left),
8883. 5 artifact(right)
8884. 5 );
8885. 5 }
8886. 96059 }
8887. 208
8888. 46227 function one_space() {
8889. 44324 if (left.line === right.line || !open) {
8890. 44324 if (left.thru + 1 !== right.from && nr_comments_skipped === 0) {
8891. 44324 warn(
8892. 44324 "expected_space_a_b",
8893. 44324 right,
8894. 44324 artifact(left),
8895. 44324 artifact(right)
8896. 44324 );
8897. 44324 }
8898. 44324 } else {
8899. 1903 if (right.from !== margin) {
8900. 1903 expected_at(margin);
8901. 1903 }
8902. 1903 }
8903. 46227 }
8904. 208
8905. 9344 function one_space_only() {
8906. 8 if (left.line !== right.line || left.thru + 1 !== right.from) {
8907. 8 warn("expected_space_a_b", right, artifact(left), artifact(right));
8908. 8 }
8909. 9344 }
8910. 208
8911. 24667 function pop() {
8912. 24667 const previous = function_stack.pop();
8913. 24667 closer = previous.closer;
8914. 24667 free = previous.free;
8915. 24667 margin = previous.margin;
8916. 24667 open = previous.open;
8917. 24667 opening = previous.opening;
8918. 24667 }
8919. 208
8920. 24667 function push() {
8921. 24667 function_stack.push({
8922. 24667 closer,
8923. 24667 free,
8924. 24667 margin,
8925. 24667 open,
8926. 24667 opening
8927. 24667 });
8928. 24667 }
8929. 208
8930. 208// uninitialized_and_unused();
8931. 208// Delve into the functions looking for variables that were not initialized
8932. 208// or used. If the file imports or exports, then its global object is also
8933. 208// delved.
8934. 208
8935. 174 if (state.mode_module === true || option_dict.node) {
8936. 51 delve(token_global);
8937. 51 }
8938. 208 catch_list.forEach(delve);
8939. 208 function_list.forEach(delve);
8940. 208
8941. 2 if (option_dict.white) {
8942. 2 return;
8943. 206 }
8944. 206
8945. 206// whitage();
8946. 206// Go through the token list, looking at usage of whitespace.
8947. 206
8948. 207158 token_list.forEach(function whitage(the_token) {
8949. 207158 right = the_token;
8950. 195959 if (right.id === "(comment)" || right.id === "(end)") {
8951. 11407 nr_comments_skipped += 1;
8952. 195751 } else {
8953. 195751
8954. 195751// If left is an opener and right is not the closer, then push the previous
8955. 195751// state. If the token following the opener is on the next line, then this is
8956. 195751// an open form. If the tokens are on the same line, then it is a closed form.
8957. 195751// Open form is more readable, with each item (statement, argument, parameter,
8958. 195751// etc) starting on its own line. Closed form is more compact. Statement blocks
8959. 195751// are always in open form.
8960. 195751
8961. 195751// The open and close pairs.
8962. 195751
8963. 195751 switch (left.id) {
8964. 195751 case "${":
8965. 195751 case "(":
8966. 195751 case "[":
8967. 195751 case "{":
8968. 195751
8969. 195751// test_cause:
8970. 195751// ["let aa=[];", "whitage", "opener", "", 0]
8971. 195751// ["let aa=`${0}`;", "whitage", "opener", "", 0]
8972. 195751// ["let aa=aa();", "whitage", "opener", "", 0]
8973. 195751// ["let aa={};", "whitage", "opener", "", 0]
8974. 195751
8975. 195751 test_cause("opener");
8976. 195751
8977. 195751// Probably deadcode.
8978. 195751// case "${}":
8979. 195751
8980. 195751 jslint_assert(
8981. 195751 !(left.id + right.id === "${}"),
8982. 195751 "Expected !(left.id + right.id === \"${}\")."
8983. 195751 );
8984. 195751 switch (left.id + right.id) {
8985. 195751 case "()":
8986. 195751 case "[]":
8987. 195751 case "{}":
8988. 195751
8989. 195751// If left and right are opener and closer, then the placement of right depends
8990. 195751// on the openness. Illegal pairs (like '{]') have already been detected.
8991. 195751
8992. 195751// test_cause:
8993. 195751// ["let aa=[];", "whitage", "opener_closer", "", 0]
8994. 195751// ["let aa=aa();", "whitage", "opener_closer", "", 0]
8995. 195751// ["let aa={};", "whitage", "opener_closer", "", 0]
8996. 195751
8997. 195751 test_cause("opener_closer");
8998. 195751 if (left.line === right.line) {
8999. 195751
9000. 195751// test_cause:
9001. 195751// ["let aa = aa( );", "no_space", "unexpected_space_a_b", ")", 14]
9002. 195751
9003. 195751 no_space();
9004. 195751 } else {
9005. 195751
9006. 195751// test_cause:
9007. 195751// ["let aa = aa(\n );", "expected_at", "expected_a_at_b_c", "1", 2]
9008. 195751
9009. 195751 at_margin(0);
9010. 195751 }
9011. 195751 break;
9012. 195751 default:
9013. 195751
9014. 195751// test_cause:
9015. 195751// ["let aa=(0);", "whitage", "opener_operand", "", 0]
9016. 195751// ["let aa=[0];", "whitage", "opener_operand", "", 0]
9017. 195751// ["let aa=`${0}`;", "whitage", "opener_operand", "", 0]
9018. 195751// ["let aa=aa(0);", "whitage", "opener_operand", "", 0]
9019. 195751// ["let aa={aa:0};", "whitage", "opener_operand", "", 0]
9020. 195751
9021. 195751 test_cause("opener_operand");
9022. 195751 opening = left.open || (left.line !== right.line);
9023. 195751 push();
9024. 195751 switch (left.id) {
9025. 195751 case "${":
9026. 195751 closer = "}";
9027. 195751 break;
9028. 195751 case "(":
9029. 195751 closer = ")";
9030. 195751 break;
9031. 195751 case "[":
9032. 195751 closer = "]";
9033. 195751 break;
9034. 195751 case "{":
9035. 195751 closer = "}";
9036. 195751 break;
9037. 195751 }
9038. 195751 if (opening) {
9039. 195751
9040. 195751// test_cause:
9041. 195751// ["function aa(){\nreturn;\n}", "whitage", "opening", "", 0]
9042. 195751// ["let aa=(\n0\n);", "whitage", "opening", "", 0]
9043. 195751// ["let aa=[\n0\n];", "whitage", "opening", "", 0]
9044. 195751// ["let aa=`${\n0\n}`;", "whitage", "opening", "", 0]
9045. 195751// ["let aa={\naa:0\n};", "whitage", "opening", "", 0]
9046. 195751
9047. 195751 test_cause("opening");
9048. 195751 free = closer === ")" && left.free;
9049. 195751 open = true;
9050. 195751 margin += mode_indent;
9051. 195751 if (right.role === "label") {
9052. 195751 if (right.from !== 0) {
9053. 195751
9054. 195751// test_cause:
9055. 195751// ["
9056. 195751// function aa() {
9057. 195751// bb:
9058. 195751// while (aa) {
9059. 195751// if (aa) {
9060. 195751// break bb;
9061. 195751// }
9062. 195751// }
9063. 195751// }
9064. 195751// ", "expected_at", "expected_a_at_b_c", "1", 2]
9065. 195751
9066. 195751 expected_at(0);
9067. 195751 }
9068. 195751 } else if (right.switch) {
9069. 195751 at_margin(-mode_indent);
9070. 195751 } else {
9071. 195751 at_margin(0);
9072. 195751 }
9073. 195751 } else {
9074. 195751 if (right.statement || right.role === "label") {
9075. 195751
9076. 195751// test_cause:
9077. 195751// ["
9078. 195751// function aa() {bb:
9079. 195751// while (aa) {
9080. 195751// aa();
9081. 195751// }
9082. 195751// }
9083. 195751// ", "whitage", "expected_line_break_a_b", "bb", 16]
9084. 195751
9085. 195751 warn(
9086. 195751 "expected_line_break_a_b",
9087. 195751 right,
9088. 195751 artifact(left),
9089. 195751 artifact(right)
9090. 195751 );
9091. 195751 }
9092. 195751
9093. 195751// test_cause:
9094. 195751// ["let aa=(0);", "whitage", "not_free", "", 0]
9095. 195751// ["let aa=[0];", "whitage", "not_free", "", 0]
9096. 195751// ["let aa=`${0}`;", "whitage", "not_free", "", 0]
9097. 195751// ["let aa={aa:0};", "whitage", "not_free", "", 0]
9098. 195751
9099. 195751 test_cause("not_free");
9100. 195751 free = false;
9101. 195751 open = false;
9102. 195751
9103. 195751// test_cause:
9104. 195751// ["let aa = ( 0 );", "no_space_only", "unexpected_space_a_b", "0", 12]
9105. 195751
9106. 195751 no_space_only();
9107. 195751 }
9108. 195751 }
9109. 195751 break;
9110. 195751 default:
9111. 195751 if (right.statement === true) {
9112. 195751 if (left.id === "else") {
9113. 195751
9114. 195751// test_cause:
9115. 195751// ["
9116. 195751// let aa = 0;
9117. 195751// if (aa) {
9118. 195751// aa();
9119. 195751// } else if (aa) {
9120. 195751// aa();
9121. 195751// }
9122. 195751// ", "one_space_only", "expected_space_a_b", "if", 9]
9123. 195751
9124. 195751 one_space_only();
9125. 195751 } else {
9126. 195751
9127. 195751// test_cause:
9128. 195751// [" let aa = 0;", "expected_at", "expected_a_at_b_c", "1", 2]
9129. 195751
9130. 195751 at_margin(0);
9131. 195751 open = false;
9132. 195751 }
9133. 195751
9134. 195751// If right is a closer, then pop the previous state.
9135. 195751
9136. 195751 } else if (right.id === closer) {
9137. 195751 pop();
9138. 195751 if (opening && right.id !== ";") {
9139. 195751 at_margin(0);
9140. 195751 } else {
9141. 195751 no_space_only();
9142. 195751 }
9143. 195751 } else {
9144. 195751
9145. 195751// Left is not an opener, and right is not a closer.
9146. 195751// The nature of left and right will determine the space between them.
9147. 195751
9148. 195751// If left is ',' or ';' or right is a statement then if open,
9149. 195751// right must go at the margin, or if closed, a space between.
9150. 195751
9151. 195751 if (right.switch) {
9152. 195751 at_margin(-mode_indent);
9153. 195751 } else if (right.role === "label") {
9154. 195751 if (right.from !== 0) {
9155. 195751
9156. 195751// test_cause:
9157. 195751// ["
9158. 195751// function aa() {
9159. 195751// aa();cc:
9160. 195751// while (aa) {
9161. 195751// if (aa) {
9162. 195751// break cc;
9163. 195751// }
9164. 195751// }
9165. 195751// }
9166. 195751// ", "expected_at", "expected_a_at_b_c", "1", 10]
9167. 195751
9168. 195751 expected_at(0);
9169. 195751 }
9170. 195751 } else if (left.id === ",") {
9171. 195751 if (!open || (
9172. 195751 (free || closer === "]")
9173. 195751 && left.line === right.line
9174. 195751 )) {
9175. 195751
9176. 195751// test_cause:
9177. 195751// ["let {aa,bb} = 0;", "one_space", "expected_space_a_b", "bb", 9]
9178. 195751
9179. 195751 one_space();
9180. 195751 } else {
9181. 195751
9182. 195751// test_cause:
9183. 195751// ["
9184. 195751// function aa() {
9185. 195751// aa(
9186. 195751// 0,0
9187. 195751// );
9188. 195751// }
9189. 195751// ", "expected_at", "expected_a_at_b_c", "9", 11]
9190. 195751
9191. 195751 at_margin(0);
9192. 195751 }
9193. 195751
9194. 195751// If right is a ternary operator, line it up on the margin.
9195. 195751
9196. 195751 } else if (right.arity === "ternary") {
9197. 195751 if (open) {
9198. 195751
9199. 195751// test_cause:
9200. 195751// ["
9201. 195751// let aa = (
9202. 195751// aa
9203. 195751// ? 0
9204. 195751// : 1
9205. 195751// );
9206. 195751// ", "expected_at", "expected_a_at_b_c", "5", 1]
9207. 195751
9208. 195751 at_margin(0);
9209. 195751 } else {
9210. 195751
9211. 195751// test_cause:
9212. 195751// ["let aa = (aa ? 0 : 1);", "whitage", "use_open", "?", 14]
9213. 195751
9214. 195751 warn("use_open", right);
9215. 195751 }
9216. 195751 } else if (
9217. 195751 right.arity === "binary"
9218. 195751 && right.id === "("
9219. 195751 && free
9220. 195751 ) {
9221. 195751
9222. 195751// test_cause:
9223. 195751// ["let aa = aa(\naa ()\n);", "no_space", "unexpected_space_a_b", "(", 4]
9224. 195751
9225. 195751 no_space();
9226. 195751 } else if (
9227. 195751 left.id === "."
9228. 195751 || left.id === "?."
9229. 195751 || left.id === "..."
9230. 195751 || right.id === ","
9231. 195751 || right.id === ";"
9232. 195751 || right.id === ":"
9233. 195751 || (
9234. 195751 right.arity === "binary"
9235. 195751 && (right.id === "(" || right.id === "[")
9236. 195751 )
9237. 195751 || (
9238. 195751 right.arity === "function"
9239. 195751 && left.id !== "function"
9240. 195751 )
9241. 195751 || (right.id === "." || right.id === "?.")
9242. 195751 ) {
9243. 195751
9244. 195751// test_cause:
9245. 195751// ["let aa = 0 ;", "no_space_only", "unexpected_space_a_b", ";", 12]
9246. 195751// ["let aa = aa ?.aa;", "no_space_only", "unexpected_space_a_b", "?.", 13]
9247. 195751
9248. 195751 no_space_only();
9249. 195751 } else if (left.id === ";") {
9250. 195751
9251. 195751// test_cause:
9252. 195751// ["
9253. 195751// /*jslint for*/
9254. 195751// function aa() {
9255. 195751// for (
9256. 195751// aa();
9257. 195751// aa;
9258. 195751// aa()
9259. 195751// ) {
9260. 195751// aa();
9261. 195751// }
9262. 195751// }
9263. 195751// ", "expected_at", "expected_a_at_b_c", "9", 1]
9264. 195751
9265. 195751 if (open) {
9266. 195751 at_margin(0);
9267. 195751 }
9268. 195751 } else if (
9269. 195751 left.arity === "ternary"
9270. 195751 || left.id === "case"
9271. 195751 || left.id === "catch"
9272. 195751 || left.id === "else"
9273. 195751 || left.id === "finally"
9274. 195751 || left.id === "while"
9275. 195751 || left.id === "await"
9276. 195751 || right.id === "catch"
9277. 195751 || right.id === "else"
9278. 195751 || right.id === "finally"
9279. 195751 || (right.id === "while" && !right.statement)
9280. 195751 || (left.id === ")" && right.id === "{")
9281. 195751 ) {
9282. 195751
9283. 195751// test_cause:
9284. 195751// ["
9285. 195751// function aa() {
9286. 195751// do {
9287. 195751// aa();
9288. 195751// } while(aa());
9289. 195751// }
9290. 195751// ", "one_space_only", "expected_space_a_b", "(", 12]
9291. 195751
9292. 195751 one_space_only();
9293. 195751 } else if (
9294. 195751
9295. 195751// There is a space between left and right.
9296. 195751
9297. 195751 spaceop[left.id] === true
9298. 195751 || spaceop[right.id] === true
9299. 195751 || (
9300. 195751 left.arity === "binary"
9301. 195751 && (left.id === "+" || left.id === "-")
9302. 195751 )
9303. 195751 || (
9304. 195751 right.arity === "binary"
9305. 195751 && (right.id === "+" || right.id === "-")
9306. 195751 )
9307. 195751 || left.id === "function"
9308. 195751 || left.id === ":"
9309. 195751 || left.id === "async"
9310. 195751 || (
9311. 195751 (
9312. 195751 left.identifier
9313. 195751 || left.id === "(string)"
9314. 195751 || left.id === "(number)"
9315. 195751 )
9316. 195751 && (
9317. 195751 right.identifier
9318. 195751 || right.id === "(string)"
9319. 195751 || right.id === "(number)"
9320. 195751 )
9321. 195751 )
9322. 195751 || (left.arity === "statement" && right.id !== ";")
9323. 195751 ) {
9324. 195751
9325. 195751// test_cause:
9326. 195751// ["let aa=0;", "one_space", "expected_space_a_b", "0", 8]
9327. 195751// ["let aa={\naa:\n0\n};", "expected_at", "expected_a_at_b_c", "5", 1]
9328. 195751
9329. 195751 one_space();
9330. 195751 } else if (left.arity === "unary" && left.id !== "`") {
9331. 195751 no_space_only();
9332. 195751 }
9333. 195751 }
9334. 195751 }
9335. 195751 nr_comments_skipped = 0;
9336. 195751 delete left.calls;
9337. 195751 delete left.dead;
9338. 195751 delete left.free;
9339. 195751 delete left.init;
9340. 195751 delete left.open;
9341. 195751 delete left.used;
9342. 195751 left = right;
9343. 195751 }
9344. 207158 });
9345. 206}
9346. 1
9347. 6function jslint_report({
9348. 6 exports,
9349. 6 froms,
9350. 6 functions,
9351. 6 global,
9352. 6 json,
9353. 6 module,
9354. 6 property,
9355. 6 stop,
9356. 6 warnings
9357. 6}) {
9358. 6
9359. 6// This function will create human-readable, html-report
9360. 6// for warnings, properties, and functions from jslint-result-object.
9361. 6//
9362. 6// Example usage:
9363. 6// let result = jslint("console.log('hello world')");
9364. 6// let html = jslint_report(result);
9365. 6
9366. 6 let html = "";
9367. 6 let length_80 = 1111;
9368. 6
9369. 328 function address(line = 1, column = 1) {
9370. 328
9371. 328// This function will create HTML address element from <line> and <column>
9372. 328
9373. 328 return `<address>${Number(line)}: ${Number(column)}</address>`;
9374. 328
9375. 328 }
9376. 6
9377. 2256 function detail(title, list) {
9378. 2256 return (
9379. 2256 (Array.isArray(list) && list.length > 0)
9380. 781 ? (
9381. 781
9382. 781// Google Lighthouse Accessibility - <dl>'s do not contain only properly-ordered
9383. 781// <dt> and <dd> groups, <script>, <template> or <div> elements.
9384. 781
9385. 781 "<dl>"
9386. 781 + "<dt>" + htmlEscape(title) + "</dt>"
9387. 781 + "<dd>" + list.join(", ") + "</dd>"
9388. 781 + "</dl>"
9389. 781 )
9390. 1475 : ""
9391. 2256 );
9392. 2256 }
9393. 6
9394. 6 html += String(`
9395. 6<style class="JSLINT_REPORT_STYLE">
9396. 6/* jslint utility2:true */
9397. 6/*csslint box-model: false, ids:false */
9398. 6/*csslint ignore:start*/
9399. 6@font-face {
9400. 6 font-display: swap;
9401. 6 font-family: "Daley";
9402. 6 src: url(
9403. 6"data:font/woff2;base64,d09GMgABAAAAABy4AA4AAAAAThwAABxiAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAA\
9405. 67NgjsHGAbcDVFkXZ5Jwd+P96IGPc9rl9ETBEaCzCJkvY2UpziRZ7zftZWk8052U9+NqX6vXL\
9406. 6KDflSQnlJ0bP+QnPQAy744n9mup6H9PaCDFwM5zjf8exB89bZ1cdrYOP0NgnuRDRWlk9u/fE\
9407. 6llkxqmfH8lmRQ/DAmER9opk9wR6suc1LvTiXNEe1vbhUCH2USgnEwH3vUm05JQqejGvZvOtz\
9408. 67sIKEGgLdDNl/IrfqWVZG/wr42ekomEm91VA1p4LhHBuFzHF8//u7vvbREHMQqGtNLmiOOD/\
9409. 6X7WWiwqyCE98qt0jk5JJmgR5WJJElBmzRb1F7a66MmSLTNWZ2XSHfKBSKHoVteSEJ6EOdvVw\
9410. 6fNZOtXKDe39jXdRlkmMnOWIOFBgeEK/b0mFsgffnPyyAitNyutKky7J8a8MSEkAKGLgfptnS\
9411. 6/gDRSo7vwdNUmQDB7oP6pK7QF5d9SrY8M/tkrXcurSIQAmX7tz7pd33LIB7GQkBQ/k81s/0D\
9412. 6gpt4gbw7x0Cn/PocitK5KIGPGQIzQzAMuCeC2ERAidx9TySVqX06goT0SFFOOV9Kuxdi5Rg7\
9413. 6l6n3c+nKRemidOm2dtFV1jXMk4rP2m6RJ8xEdPYONLTbeMgaJ1nwS2W4su3MHwqkkvJ2PdDU\
9414. 6r7pgAnVRt4Kh789FXlD0r3p6jUtNO19O1s74U9pnIxqFpw+mBgF+8y30PAyw1dzlknLLVcSB\
9415. 6J2OuCr9eV5Efew6cOGd47ZEfhrW7HXI+FBNFvWgWnugUU4UvlrV63niv2ZPeKu8M76y/HQaG\
9416. 6weU+4Gzp+Y+cfb9R9djDWcd1Svr1xG7l+j/yf3eM996548qlC+dOzOqQ8//Lo0uaSEQCFuLD\
9417. 6/bXyWhJ6aPmyaRonVPxGABFL4/0slcKI6f+PmT0M+QRsplmWnv4F49VT+JsPifoa6aeyr2Hz\
9418. 6EeLdP1FEOV/ZN+c9sAuoNh0BRS0xgCCc9wME5s0HOKj/wc0fWYsTbFQpsZL5SayJPkL45kDo\
9419. 6DcJJ10MvD0ZSq7FEIr1TfqZ7NC6s75zSp8viaNO5/PczYCV9z6NTa0KBdnGBg6kbdeBkRLfU\
9420. 6qRd3D9Pqw5jWCc5WM/i95OE8731MBd1u2EmsXIa5dCvavY32U1Ytza4nfbERg6OVRZka7jq0\
9421. 6r2FcXNDyEhXheaHtaU1o1kvO9MuBOHqugLUEzN+4jznu0oK9wZPur1lWVFfxl8lZzn2XwcjZ\
9422. 6Csg/RJy0mAMMmgnqXS8ELhOCRUSLzvsM5gAPudEh2lVoRxGgyUVnArZMruE0YS1PqFMD3upb\
9423. 6jVoecGj1KpWl6/ZysuyzkG4SGA4bps6FBQSg4e4IxNUgdmosmoDn0TpIex/s1BFau6GBNO4z\
9424. 6cvWXypm4hEg5k3llelySFqNmUtRZ3PHBA7p4MBX1nK4awwAV6kWzIVbUA67A55QKYbMsgVaH\
9425. 6c1ZxKuZ0DCyqxCsJjLyCEY36gf0wjAu3t0zemc87PmBCJbU9Lso0YAaYJUx8wsR02hYz5hGy\
9426. 6Js0+A4uHGZgfuf5SOR9iBQuLhpOExaIFrHj6JlXanebzGHp2ELDh6av09PVE1fmdsj2oHRWs\
9427. 6fOtYrV6wRCyx7XogHqvpnZiPBBdNcL6kIoS9UI/DOIlumlveSgv9oqMBYp7WZ2fGxAXmZmaG\
9428. 6OCyJG6+wAszZFCQw/EXVjx+YA2uVyN6bhNWiZhgtYjAwR5U/7uV1scghiTGiAPZbA5ZqHw5u\
9429. 6Yu1cDjhRwREBFyq2wa0R8GgceDUKPo2BX+MhoAkQ1EQIaZqVHMwH3xM+P32TTA34tmOMNZ4n\
9430. 6mHXqn49fmE3qX1+wMNYoYetOsPx6wxKzkURImERJIjGSSJwkkiCJJEkiKZJImiSSIYlkSYqK\
9431. 6UBu0UOopuLMmasiJW0PMFOO2UgbDif2NaQUqkBbyaGjdTUvuyamEQwCq9DWsxsG9qPt+VFqV\
9432. 66cIsXcyWujWIEtNFdeia9ssNrJUpe3IDMPQZOReC8x+qvt17drPWdcHeL0gTarWwoQ6o828o\
9433. 60EJzrA20yZsgVyVHdlCJOF3NaACxHbP38TA+MGx3St9c5t2CxbGtunB4J9AF4Px2rSr1wyK9\
9434. 69KoXBR13vw9Fk9qhTX0ivZoanrvhLa5oiJO8cqR0lX7QtJ2c1a62V3PMtutaaoit+hxtXuC5\
9435. 6ZUXJePSR6btQlt5g7PqPQ822g7F8D123pc4kaGXz7qYztJxDXCxJr7foKqxwy4rikI/NvINx\
9436. 6bkArRTTnnMWy6YA8J39LfTweThKsqlt7Mz078NDSOPOGgtGTpeG8ZRBF+xKBjdSoNe8gE6uC\
9437. 6ucOH98jE4+cv1JEjI555TFjYj4+0KdFlojzJGWp2wc1tCaYGSeO8dBfT0u3lpDY3tazzu4wn\
9438. 6lF9wzy2nK+sTr/qEVdANoZ0ToBdD+MY4ewOHNnkXPBvKVXLSbEGfGVD0Nzr0Fs3HID3Y1Kqx\
9439. 6mzJ6p1C1/R6Xneyw/q9YRDLahbnsI1u76XzMLPqsK0yvQDeQ4TMR41709sIssmEgs0XH1lcj\
9440. 67HLnUG6u2Xpy5vbOowIGqrR6cwF0TLGI5PF7pkbzIVYQU0sIaoNgul3LGAH2B1nREFYXUMia\
9441. 6prCeAzggGxrC5gIK2dK0exs/AIRKdlIIuxkUspdSsU+rqXagqXaooXakqTiWS/a0E7zA6QIK\
9442. 6OdMUznMAh+RCQ7hcQCFXmspr3ciuds/6gPsZFPIgpfJhwUIepRAeZ1DIk5Tue4oKfSfKZyNV\
9443. 6pKU/J7J4Abx1EMV5mXSRDl6lMfU6jfBmBww4k7f6gLzTB+J9od/kA/uGj2mET2nkn7+zQ/JF\
9444. 6H5Kv+pB804fkOyvwI43wM438V5sdkd/6iPzRR+SvPiL/WIH/aYRxGqMb/Oqe3d54+LWR1vr2\
9445. 6knnnc467iD247eXBA3YYBAiFfierClXz/8jyL3Qh/zP8y+Y/1eN8jq+SKZAML/lIidjwZ8N4\
9446. 6aLthvhxGUkGPo+p0eHKZ0sT5FsqJcQCy9UhHIvcJFIlIvANTPFWUTUhSiVdsNRnvwEQxm5uc\
9447. 6ksjdv5evJfpOgI6c7juH8pnG2RKwlXaDYe9g8rMwYfML3A2SMWeBDopJJsmS5dUE2KttnmQa\
9448. 6JZlMspvEpJioiEDFNpPUTbwqG3Zjhx2VCeJrIf60s2mI6blZMZVyAyYzI+1a2Y0AIqcbLUgR\
9449. 66iRbNtnp82GrImXW0YbcbczDgqQDWNdTenvtTAlT9iPHenluV+d3eed1/5MjMBrX2LgrK2ml\
9450. 6FuoDOz036n/kaHbAeszR3jHoI4NWB3lusTfuVgkMUkLQaH0F6+pSCS11fXRwT421vs9s7axd\
9451. 6nvtF7/eeIeq9s1aCLsLWdh+w7sXz3IYdEsSQ0LVsebmES/vXDU9k653W4MiNq8bMj5nLioCY\
9452. 6edGgOT6tmYwqiOW1ugiEmew6iwjvvYb3SaeZJb7XNufOo9oH8FTneWGL+BLiclptpnhPwcui\
9453. 6T+rzcF34+ycsL7p3AveuML9i9h13beylyg8CzEz5HppadqmmDxKrAquG9L3ztedRoWxEsAYt\
9454. 6OM1Eu0G0gyTHkxf7cSkHJQRbA4xmlqHWkv1C0KhFhBq1z81Wq1CZoWic8TJ570WfSj5qsM+Q\
9455. 6nl4k3H5+P+P3zlv9ltQrzv41qyiSwV/gOadyQBchsmwDGu/JI8tXflE8jqUVA0Zw0SKbdDC9\
9456. 6c4FR+fak95SdF7uqpoRe9z6YRv+85YUzF4qJy6Q8GOVNwUn/ymyjNNbmcuVfXYeH2osLdCte\
9457. 6ebmZRyUfQQZA1BSCLK4PWA/z1kBvDZm0t+i3or1LkMD6en95pGG0UOa8ZJXgS9TdEA1I2mZw\
9458. 61JOWWxDu0NEh4rM19H55rvueMBUZV1RjkmB3oxkXhAckpa5gzzxUDA2VLOrWFAXx+4gmfU17\
9459. 65o3v9H7EYdvGFuM+tDB3TA4ITjVUKduO/R4bXRAcPXZusWkN+t59sFz7Hyi0FkSdzrHXQVFq\
9460. 6b8c9k9eLRjVlBbNvt4172CanYg/F3Rket1zCTc77UZ61Gq/Be9J8hrKrxbDZMEotf5o8zHDc\
9461. 6/UJaEtdhgwHEcBEQKM+6NBWIewLmI1sHuWYAedZCw8U1hJfSWcld+2tv3jpCFc5FnosLWC0+\
9462. 6DnAlnOXUXLoMXrmCVerNQkZHvRm8YtE12vG8+N/vOnPcu3vM1uOnzE3u3VP2ppmLZawm2NuO\
9463. 6tPa7xwHFCgVKpox5PVrOmaDHrThk1tX864a2+/qhJd3nCFRQ+bfUKI4O+Wgk5byB3saMcUfV\
9464. 6C8G137yMd16zRm3ZSq+UrDlk5ha3TiAj0b74prWO/vYG+RC+ronP1/McDtefBtY1XhZE0PIB\
9465. 6wTe7CBTte2U6KPbYd5GffApQlDGssdfmxYGSlnHrQt7++KEwUg3ikkoQyKPixgUDB6Lozjv5\
9466. 6vM5PBnllt+UzMnP6DStFsOfossbXOefWhQApACCNpkTYGAONIowDfndqDKRFuzn685nthZPe\
9467. 6vEL7TIWkXAG2yxKBH90+yMzuRzWn3KMmyKGwZWnIErlJ9Vwt8OtR6+4TKad5y9+ViBtTzVG+\
9468. 6tpv/xiLrcGKJRtYvCUlGeL4Dwy1jo1CSQe0X71EXK1YG44ztxTONjIslL8SwY0Cki0k0vsX/\
9469. 6/xz7CxkAc9dEdJZhMy/JCGzD2FAGtUcag0tc2e2miJkp477V2qTKB+nFnDl/noxpXJ+yqVdO\
9470. 6wNjbplmeiuburg9ii1Z1zwtG8QjcJAiVPSOV2mHzq1Qt7p2+YCcIKPmFusE5O+m8s+Wd8o3t\
9471. 6qO1b1IZF8N0tx6RQnZ9Ux3gXijHlolixst6vhJV6ao0ZFzSprfAc3x0MLvxU0OsmXEVddMVK\
9472. 629CC6mPgPtXTUW7tVnZxwm0DTJwNOeVRV4axMSPlpgyv1Va1MQhQqWwUOb0s+gVLOecos4Nf\
9473. 6eqlFW3fLQrlP86R4XRxrDHF0VIx6ArM5/sTWtObY6U2aosgxbN6FUa1iNTUpMThk1sUfJOC6\
9474. 6s1SKo9D0g1NfiVmavyful/K7nZdDgutV1A26i7FR3r16bv3zz1cGw+ta17IX/+ripyutix3C\
9475. 6xNmCxs7uiqKu9/Zjjn06tblXpJxlaLF5Od0d5W9QhQrs2u6UN0trQlCyEK2j9VYgCEIDrhQN\
9476. 6c00rxg/FOfZ1N+nLV7RXDsYP+p0EzqKcuPujzuzEQsu2mFf4nYvf3Yp32rq/RYLetDLuOOTc\
9477. 60WXBtgoech7AHUxAxPBg81qWCsYlzTofRU5/MpuyNoegR6mCJO5ckrLOhWbG7xo/VGwGgpRb\
9478. 6+Ch+TmlcuY6Qct/2x3gxzeDUU9u+ltexrjelJ0VRR9KXH/AqrbYxHa0vmQ/kBnE5EORBK1ZH\
9479. 6mTSy7A8DJMgzzqDsu9ML5J3ufkuUNDCfN5UKAjBgw2I/QlS8MQ6o/ll9dTAdoM7HYtV4cNWE\
9480. 6U4pOl5Y4SIzdMbNSjXFmsBV1uXXf7GaBZZslpFGFiIpokSzxWj4hjlGl4VKJDACo7ScxQf29\
9481. 6kM8gHD3nUJkwkN2aW2TGttqwOrygJ7r9nYX2tYqy7Z3TQV5ocWzUI8l871y3LsQLoTgEO76B\
9482. 6Upp69hy6VKRpZvpvgfQ2T06qgXjxh38eatREitX6bzKggIYmN4sAkA3a5oeJZDK3ahQrVJwa\
9483. 6AD65cEGBkS/tKH9TtybiREEWCMcKD0HH0gELtjB+KNSk7bspmpr6eb0CscIiFyZpmXu8+gxw\
9484. 6O7pJNbAK2h9q2c5dMHBaoi5DylbNGdweVVdN3Jm9u6YXXlmx4nYY2vIPfSkrE/vyv9gn/Z+j\
9485. 6R3HKExaUhdV0Az77YWbQPhNfjw+F0vTteSMin+wIfxyPe0DEoI4uz6o2IXwsZC7sg8MicQ3o\
9486. 6wys+NJYKVW72YiVQ5LKDVwrEg2jNVM6XdNjbsHlRDcAkD08o5iWtFB2dVoydRmmDRLalE+4t\
9487. 63gBbAPa7n7qXXXbTZTJXZKy5+1W0K7dgYEcIlu90ovC0C+5gxXiKtZisT14qDJ7f2ksyK59U\
9488. 6r3QeHtBb24mPz7YDB3rgMTyUZ/fxM8h2i1Z21B8/VA5+9l7BKaOJZ15lWsyPv/z6CjU32ZKq\
9489. 6+QFeyUywxYnUxUmcQfGc1Sp69oE2n6zFL8BXf5rc3cJMM6S97gagTT1bi7cmAV4MibkC4rz/\
9490. 6icmmFtMlo5aN1Wp3uxsBfd4+9T42xmxvd79FV/hfuviBcrIaX092PrY5rle9FR4wTnDzrwj4\
9491. 67frD2d0KsMcdcADQ1Yu1LECg9Wj3yOS8OhrJdQBqXqsam17vmt2wjjjouHE/EO9sGPdqt23v\
9492. 6j8rL6wid6ulagtNK5p1hjRkFtUxTIaZnIXk63Zb3P0t5MQ+3vxHIFrmgAdWwiDuA67tbVIF6\
9493. 6wJ53z0uhyhsfH9bgF0kPT9v2hrT3HKIBgUXIYoxsVU+uryemiUiQEwh+BfxP//qLShlumR26\
9494. 6I8OqjD+x3hHDj/IrEWmvyL6ioG/atfxe+5GzIqRgfaoayWOiTk+YixO15KDO6Os3XACDjboe\
9495. 6ryXXOuEmTpDsc7czk+H04Kw1PNJazW32CAURHwBldqK0/nqYHtcrtLyyTYmoD8hbcnJUfa3U\
9496. 63FxWNus7uic3Qm1BzEecJW0MAz+W2CyN9FLIy+EpSy6CjkXsllZw1uBs1SxrQWM97/vnHu7m\
9497. 6OtrkRl8AtBN3RDxI/fg7dZLLtDFYuCYYPMwXiO6ZIpwJ1GGydI9oUYYgnQQKDKoMTcwsjrfe\
9498. 6Tcht6y18bLcpNfX41WE27447vLNzHuF+j15co5N7Py8vKUpTCoghHMEYKkM6y02lvX+9XiFg\
9499. 6xBKMRNiwX69+LJb2Xa5WGqo7Rlk0cxsLVd0l2UXAW5jORg31sFMKYWXsDcRUKRDP8Q87OjiM\
9500. 6dI1hNEt43netf8rOyfp+L58fq3holY9gxXwRJLY6gahgLQi4hS8w9LS+rFcJtdSCBrQLWsMs\
9501. 6aDg/n8/P8/N+fcyoLepYr3W/CIUT7HsRQTtkduddbVfbo6Twt6fyJVPRrUGqRkWp3rdry65v\
9502. 6sPYInyq1mPHrQDrqGJYI/LzA/QAzAXLnx+lu9uxHTEka9xgWgRvqEioskh+UWgD4nDvTAxaz\
9503. 63v9BqqmFuQwy1wSXye1Df1NXVF7G8bUFxUE4F9axG5fm+vFQJvP8iuYjrFveB6++AqmJTQJ0\
9504. 69GHjbPhzdSzkZGxokQzONVs0R0FCPJz1hJKbvDKsaj9hT0vp/gH5oiT8pAbWsBChwAbxHgDd\
9505. 659iJVZE3bAzPRN1RuG+MT7th+J3i6KFwVJvPvsGRDIZW4P2rVfiKjDVBM2Va+w6PgI0c5u3K\
9506. 6O7MrWryPhXFFdBoAwi2JCaW9sZ3fTagQ4Tld6u4djwcWzeCdiYoeNbfalsRYo740afYQ1Rid\
9507. 6Bp/E9mbcTemEjoWWXIU7I5nK5H/BEqmZnPMyhDV234BTLQKCe6nhU+frwQo1gNFWf+eQGN62\
9508. 6aeF7BuzaN/94W2xlKd8t8KMA/3uoxymFt19OlCjYZeaMWbTKM9Yog9zDhptYMOzIQAoO7kn6\
9509. 6nTao8CxjrRRgjKe7mKa+tzuufhAAZtgjA92THkulWvIzEi0++j1DvXMnupDUS8aVusWain+c\
9510. 6CcvmR5orC+RcJs3wVahLYyEcqbvAS2e0QJ6BlU36R/IEd9Aol9q+M+UGvlo8EyRzISvqusNS\
9511. 67ePQ6cQzG1s725db4jNYNHAfF3KFG8wHqDwZDpWDsJ5qRLXR1ulFx85GhkypPubYaCiOQ5DR\
9512. 6PQUiNpgk4fLJHenSMLMiswXsqW4Cpln1rFoHzpOoBbuZIixmVyhKajeqlFmp8zNAEsbEJz0g\
9513. 6X0qlQuykZhf82pkhq2hWtCtYUdBODn6iPTBJT5Zk8IqFxqfBeFKjXk/sMeumhT8muOtq2Bgn\
9514. 6dR4fj6RoOi0zI25kajAXlDZhUhS39jipk39h/69AfDPBLmOxhDj7Lg/WUTbOwJiJ3p7WtOpm\
9515. 6ypARmhorQifINNm1CNS99GfDcLbD8sn8Fvlmvn7CmW65Pdmu6bKtuE0tn7NglIX1e/JAJP+G\
9516. 6gB3At7cSOp92rl0lp0pp0xVb5YaQedwGgcJA1pT4cy24lS+jvzDw86YTfb2igJm5MysHmejW\
9517. 6ZTGXpoAoLBLucUGEz/DwbjqOdzGAl5jy5VoCQws5zNYl4SVt030aZulYMgpDBPZd+kL0wV+w\
9518. 6nob2LPRDQGEbdUoeFm4fEKio9c/ferVlpSO8Bx7OFZyHip1PIizvoqFe02kpmS17TvIOty42\
9519. 6+Q0QaCnOpeLsPwwo+vixIeIeUjucUsKejVlez35qyuC0mm5pJJJLEVP2JAe/LTOwUUfKJkNy\
9520. 6lEe3Kdth241ZNQmkVcAIh6DZJBzvQov5fn3JZA0phBWdNq5iTsm5N2D8gyve3V3X2o3zF3VY\
9521. 6OqEBgTIADAbC69z7vOKJjGOzHRmUUwLU66iabtIbqR6SPOHCL+fCTfvpKcB/oG2p3wRKErEJ\
9522. 6v1YOfu9iaKEMLXS3ptdH8fwN2Rdww9bZ7rFa2bwrzcyux3o+hPV6bJZpb71j7lLAdzge3VX7\
9523. 69uSCdz6f/FDb7+wzWnbbDSPj9R20+PybDUm/lVAsTuF0aycFQwJfPCUwcBvCGWEq6xoTIEOy\
9524. 6b0bLta20+LYRYdyEceX7ypfezQKIy5OvJTAHCJy/WyOYaDVyPucMsHnZ0GCH75Cd//te1Bv2\
9525. 6RkMykqYurBiNbuH3Xfuprirr4Dd453O6abAYGb5tw1d6wrBL8p1J1Sx9Lgw7yxqYn0FTrc0y\
9526. 659yLlV+4zIkLfZlPFRVnanHpTyrIlpn4lGkt269+JXnIWhEQWNvuVsrt531jr+8AHkVZfQU8\
9527. 68U/4AUZMuOj5iliigFrof/usmloYEI1f8erhJku75snYW7YmFmUcoC7UtG/KfJRuz6j0tWPa\
9528. 656J5QA0rJHwSIhNT4GWvez19HT2lia+Pz7/+MVEWlvjY6+9P85a0y9qWkTzQ7nF0wDXpQpw3\
9529. 6K4xnfK2L08b5MrxdeI+DDfVDeV2JY0Fp6KH602tj2MbxxKM8oG+wTkE/dr8jyo4Sfs/IV6uf\
9530. 6+IIXpH2Nca1+WCJV5qEv193bcUELLR4iFu83xUedKy9353tn+3o01dF2bNEQ3fK9Q5tCXrCi\
9531. 6La+woCuvEeYrr+PiN2+i2V/eDJck580pyra8BV5ZIZbpe3kr5vJD3pqoGsnbcl/d+ndvR23b\
9532. 6K41M4dKwaAwDaMA1gZGBoQWAcYE9mYkmQOnAjkaG41FkGkIP2BAIgKvUvzhpE5JbA6lze2iL\
9533. 65Nr+AwiDo2W4BStvK30dKy0JGNbzAY5akexsrV0xo5K8rY50LOTLvDyukIZNbRLKOCk18mD3\
9534. 6WxmZGlsCMxNdGFYGNJnetUWyCPgo4BONEL4I9b8UeEBGYXuCdCd+DkctrqVLYXGSfE46kvAu\
9535. 6+ltK5SRxQPnjUqyJXsSYs6VY6WPKfns9+IXjHhd5wQvGipgFdMwVEQ+A7a2AAS0clQwH7KHW\
9536. 6SEGjhnklSVRghMtPy6gEtJRIKJeYkpQyQiequQunFOOU4BLdK1yp55olZS6npyPhMnvK7xIa\
9537. 6pyNj+JctcQLXenBOCms46aMkenIx45WpXqxxVJQLz/vgpmAVa0fmDv6Pue9xVTBPfVxCUGfj\
9538. 61R8uVi8Zu9nRFqk/t0gR6wmWOlzuKRqk33HpO8qQ+nbGoEZLL/0Va156SJ+u+t86/os7ic49\
9539. 6/7xoEqvL+2E8VOyCTuT/7j269Zy4jUtN+g4="
9540. 6 ) format("woff2");
9541. 6}
9542. 6.JSLINT_,
9543. 6.JSLINT_ address,
9544. 6.JSLINT_ button,
9545. 6.JSLINT_ cite,
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9547. 6.JSLINT_ dfn,
9548. 6.JSLINT_ dl,
9549. 6.JSLINT_ dt,
9550. 6.JSLINT_ fieldset,
9551. 6.JSLINT_ fieldset > div,
9552. 6.JSLINT_ input,
9553. 6.JSLINT_ label,
9554. 6.JSLINT_ legend,
9555. 6.JSLINT_ ol,
9556. 6.JSLINT_ samp,
9557. 6.JSLINT_ style,
9558. 6.JSLINT_ textarea,
9559. 6.JSLINT_ ul {
9560. 6 border: 0;
9561. 6 box-sizing: border-box;
9562. 6 margin: 0;
9563. 6 padding: 0;
9564. 6}
9565. 6/* disable text inflation algorithm used on some smartphones and tablets */
9566. 6.JSLINT_ {
9567. 6 -ms-text-size-adjust: none;
9568. 6 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
9569. 6 text-size-adjust: none;
9570. 6}
9571. 6.JSLINT_REPORT_ div {
9572. 6 box-sizing: border-box;
9573. 6}
9574. 6/*csslint ignore:end*/
9575. 6
9576. 6/* css - jslint_report - font */
9577. 6.JSLINT_,
9578. 6.JSLINT_ fieldset legend,
9579. 6.JSLINT_ .center {
9580. 6 font-family: daley, sans-serif;
9581. 6 font-size: 14px;
9582. 6}
9583. 6.JSLINT_ fieldset textarea,
9586. 6 font-size: 12px;
9587. 6}
9588. 6.JSLINT_ fieldset textarea,
9590. 6 font-family: monospace;
9591. 6}
9592. 6.JSLINT_ fieldset > div {
9593. 6 font-family: sans-serif;
9594. 6}
9596. 6 font-style: normal;
9597. 6 font-weight: bold;
9598. 6}
9600. 6 font-style: italic;
9601. 6}
9603. 6 font-size: 32px;
9604. 6}
9605. 6
9606. 6/* css - jslint_report - general */
9607. 6.JSLINT_ {
9608. 6 background: antiquewhite;
9609. 6}
9610. 6.JSLINT_ fieldset {
9611. 6 background: gainsboro;
9612. 6 clear: both;
9613. 6 margin: 16px 40px;
9614. 6 width: auto;
9615. 6}
9616. 6.JSLINT_ fieldset address {
9617. 6 float: right;
9618. 6}
9619. 6.JSLINT_ fieldset legend,
9620. 6.JSLINT_ .center {
9621. 6 text-align: center;
9622. 6}
9623. 6.JSLINT_ fieldset legend {
9624. 6 background: darkslategray;
9625. 6 color: white;
9626. 6 padding: 4px 0;
9627. 6 width: 100%;
9628. 6}
9629. 6.JSLINT_ fieldset textarea {
9630. 6 padding: 4px;
9631. 6 resize: none;
9632. 6 white-space: pre;
9633. 6 width: 100%;
9634. 6}
9635. 6.JSLINT_ fieldset textarea::selection {
9636. 6 background: wheat;
9637. 6}
9638. 6.JSLINT_ fieldset > div {
9639. 6 padding: 16px;
9640. 6 width: 100%;
9641. 6 word-wrap: break-word;
9642. 6}
9644. 6 background: cornsilk;
9645. 6 padding: 8px 16px;
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9648. 6 line-height: 20px;
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9650. 6}
9652. 6 display: block;
9653. 6 line-height: 20px;
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9656. 6 position: relative
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9659. 6 line-height: 20px;
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9662. 6 width: 100px;
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9668. 6 /* yellow */
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9671. 6}
9673. 6 /* green */
9674. 6 background: #e0ffe0;
9675. 6 margin-left: 32px;
9676. 6}
9678. 6 /* blue */
9679. 6 background: #D0D0ff;
9680. 6 margin-left: 48px;
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9683. 6 /* purple */
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9685. 6 margin-left: 64px;
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9688. 6 /* red */
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9690. 6 margin-left: 80px;
9691. 6}
9693. 6 /* orange */
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9695. 6 margin-left: 96px;
9696. 6}
9698. 6 /* gray */
9699. 6 background: #e0e0e0;
9700. 6 margin-left: 112px;
9701. 6}
9703. 6 margin-left: 128px;
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9706. 6 margin-left: 144px;
9707. 6}
9709. 6 background: transparent;
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9712. 6 background: honeydew;
9713. 6 height: 100px;
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9723. 6 white-space: pre-line;
9724. 6}
9725. 6.JSLINT_ #JSLINT_REPORT_WARNINGS cite:nth-child(1) {
9726. 6 margin-top: 0;
9727. 6}
9729. 6 background: lavenderblush;
9730. 6 display: block;
9731. 6 padding: 4px;
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9735. 6 background: pink;
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9737. 6 overflow-y: auto;
9738. 6}
9740. 6/* Google Lighthouse Accessibility - Background and foreground colors do not */
9741. 6/* have a sufficient contrast ratio. */
9742. 6 /* background: indianred; */
9743. 6 background: #b44;
9744. 6}
9745. 6</style>
9746. 6 `).trim() + "\n";
9747. 6
9748. 6// Produce the Title.
9749. 6
9750. 6 html += "<div class=\"center\" id=\"JSLINT_REPORT_TITLE\">\n";
9751. 6 html += "JSLint Report\n";
9752. 6 html += "</div>\n";
9753. 6
9754. 6// Produce the HTML Error Report.
9755. 6// <cite>
9756. 6// <address>LINE_NUMBER</address>
9757. 6// MESSAGE
9758. 6// </cite>
9759. 6// <samp>EVIDENCE</samp>
9760. 6
9761. 6 html += "<fieldset id=\"JSLINT_REPORT_WARNINGS\">\n";
9762. 6 html += "<legend>Report: Warnings (" + warnings.length + ")</legend>\n";
9763. 6 html += "<div>\n";
9764. 1 if (stop) {
9765. 1 html += "<div class=\"center\">JSLint was unable to finish.</div>\n";
9766. 1 }
9767. 7 warnings.forEach(function ({
9768. 7 column,
9769. 7 line,
9770. 7 line_source,
9771. 7 message,
9772. 7 stack_trace = ""
9773. 7 }, ii) {
9774. 7 html += (
9775. 7 "<cite>"
9776. 7 + address(line, column)
9777. 7 + htmlEscape((ii + 1) + ". " + message)
9778. 7 + "</cite>"
9779. 7 + "<samp>"
9780. 7 + htmlEscape(line_source.slice(0, 400) + "\n" + stack_trace)
9781. 7 + "</samp>\n"
9782. 7 );
9783. 7 });
9784. 3 if (warnings.length === 0) {
9785. 3 html += "<div class=\"center\">There are no warnings.</div>\n";
9786. 3 }
9787. 6 html += "</div>\n";
9788. 6 html += "</fieldset>\n";
9789. 6
9790. 6// Produce the /*property*/ directive.
9791. 6
9792. 6 html += "<fieldset id=\"JSLINT_REPORT_PROPERTIES\">\n";
9793. 6 html += (
9794. 6 "<legend>Report: Properties ("
9795. 6 + Object.keys(property).length
9796. 6 + ")</legend>\n"
9797. 6 );
9798. 6 html += "<label>\n";
9799. 6 html += "<textarea readonly>";
9800. 6 html += "/*property";
9801. 301 Object.keys(property).sort().forEach(function (key, ii) {
9802. 300 if (ii !== 0) {
9803. 300 html += ",";
9804. 300 length_80 += 2;
9805. 300 }
9806. 42 if (length_80 + key.length >= 80) {
9807. 42 length_80 = 4;
9808. 42 html += "\n ";
9809. 42 }
9810. 301 html += " " + key;
9811. 301 length_80 += key.length;
9812. 301 });
9813. 6 html += "\n*/\n";
9814. 6 html += "</textarea>\n";
9815. 6 html += "</label>\n";
9816. 6 html += "</fieldset>\n";
9817. 6
9818. 6// Produce the HTML Function Report.
9819. 6// <div class=LEVEL>
9820. 6// <address>LINE_NUMBER</address>
9821. 6// <dfn>FUNCTION_NAME_AND_SIGNATURE</dfn>
9822. 6// <dl>
9823. 6// <dt>DETAIL</dt>
9824. 6// <dd>NAMES</dd>
9825. 6// </dl>
9826. 6// </div>
9827. 6
9828. 6 html += "<fieldset id=\"JSLINT_REPORT_FUNCTIONS\">\n";
9829. 6 html += "<legend>Report: Functions (" + functions.length + ")</legend>\n";
9830. 6 html += "<div>\n";
9831. 2 if (json) {
9832. 2
9833. 2// Bugfix - fix website crashing when linting pure json-object.
9834. 2// return (
9835. 2
9836. 2 html += (
9837. 2 warnings.length === 0
9838. 2 ? "<div class=\"center\">JSON: good.</div>\n"
9839. 2 : "<div class=\"center\">JSON: bad.</div>\n"
9840. 2 );
9841. 4 } else if (functions.length === 0) {
9842. 4 html += "<div class=\"center\">There are no functions.</div>\n";
9843. 4 }
9844. 6 exports = Object.keys(exports).sort();
9845. 6 froms.sort();
9846. 6 global = Object.keys(global.context).sort();
9847. 6 module = (
9848. 6 module
9849. 1 ? "module"
9850. 5 : "global"
9851. 6 );
9852. 3 if (global.length + froms.length + exports.length > 0) {
9853. 3 if (functions.length === 0) {
9854. 3 html += "<br>\n";
9855. 3 }
9856. 3 html += "<div class=\"level level0\">\n";
9857. 3 html += detail(module, global);
9858. 3 html += detail("import from", froms);
9859. 3 html += detail("export", exports);
9860. 3 html += "</div>\n";
9861. 3 }
9862. 321 functions.forEach(function (the_function) {
9863. 321 let {
9864. 321 context,
9865. 321 from,
9866. 321 id,
9867. 321 level,
9868. 321 line,
9869. 321 name,
9870. 321
9871. 321// Bugfix - fix html-report from crashing if parameters is undefined.
9872. 321
9873. 321 parameters = [],
9874. 321 signature
9875. 321 } = the_function;
9876. 321 let list = Object.keys(context);
9877. 321 let params;
9878. 321 html += (
9879. 321 "<div class=\"level level" + htmlEscape(level) + "\">"
9880. 321 + address(line, from + 1)
9881. 321 + "<dfn>"
9882. 321 + (
9883. 321 id === "=>"
9884. 1 ? (
9885. 1 "\u00ab" + htmlEscape(name) + "\u00bb"
9886. 1 + htmlEscape(signature)
9887. 1 + " =>"
9888. 1 )
9889. 320 : (
9890. 320 typeof name === "string"
9891. 320 ? "\u00ab" + htmlEscape(name) + "\u00bb"
9892. 320 : htmlEscape(name.id)
9893. 320 ) + htmlEscape(signature)
9894. 321 )
9895. 321 + "</dfn>"
9896. 321 );
9897. 321 params = [];
9898. 470 parameters.forEach(function extract({
9899. 470 id,
9900. 470 names
9901. 470 }) {
9902. 470 switch (id) {
9903. 6 case "[":
9904. 42 case "{":
9905. 42
9906. 42// Recurse extract().
9907. 42
9908. 42 names.forEach(extract);
9909. 42 break;
9910. 4 case "ignore":
9911. 4 break;
9912. 424 default:
9913. 424 params.push(id);
9914. 470 }
9915. 470 });
9916. 321 html += detail("parameter", params.sort());
9917. 321 list.sort();
9918. 2203 html += detail("variable", list.filter(function (id) {
9919. 2203 return (
9920. 2203 context[id].role === "variable"
9921. 1693 && context[id].parent === the_function
9922. 2203 );
9923. 2203 }));
9924. 2203 html += detail("exception", list.filter(function (id) {
9925. 2203 return context[id].role === "exception";
9926. 2203 }));
9927. 2203 html += detail("closure", list.filter(function (id) {
9928. 2203 return (
9929. 2203 context[id].closure === true
9930. 1494 && context[id].parent === the_function
9931. 2203 );
9932. 2203 }));
9933. 2203 html += detail("outer", list.filter(function (id) {
9934. 2203 return (
9935. 2203 context[id].parent !== the_function
9936. 1190 && context[id].parent.id !== "(global)"
9937. 2203 );
9938. 2203 }));
9939. 2203 html += detail(module, list.filter(function (id) {
9940. 2203 return context[id].parent.id === "(global)";
9941. 2203 }));
9942. 2203 html += detail("label", list.filter(function (id) {
9943. 2203 return context[id].role === "label";
9944. 2203 }));
9945. 321 html += "</div>\n";
9946. 321 });
9947. 6 html += "</div>\n";
9948. 6 html += "</fieldset>\n";
9949. 6 return html;
9950. 6}
9951. 1
9952. 10async function jstestDescribe(description, testFunction) {
9953. 10
9954. 10// This function will create-and-run test-group <testFunction>
9955. 10// with given <description>.
9956. 10
9957. 10 let message;
9958. 10 let result;
9959. 10 let timerTimeout;
9960. 10
9961. 10// Init jstestTimeStart.
9962. 10
9963. 1 if (jstestTimeStart === undefined) {
9964. 1 jstestTimeStart = jstestTimeStart || Date.now();
9965. 1 process.on("exit", jstestOnExit);
9966. 1 }
9967. 10
9968. 10// PR-457 - Wait awhile for imports to initialize.
9969. 10
9970. 10 await new Promise(function (resolve) {
9971. 10 setTimeout(resolve);
9972. 10 });
9973. 10
9974. 10// Init jstestItList.
9975. 10
9976. 10 jstestItList = [];
9977. 10 testFunction();
9978. 10
9979. 10// Wait for jstestItList to resolve.
9980. 10
9981. 10 timerTimeout = setTimeout(noop, 0x7fffffff);
9982. 10 result = await Promise.all(jstestItList);
9983. 10 clearTimeout(timerTimeout);
9984. 10
9985. 10// Print test results.
9986. 10
9987. 10 message = (
9988. 10 "\n " + (Date.now() - jstestTimeStart) + "ms"
9989. 10 + " - test describe - " + description + "\n"
9990. 66 + result.map(function ([
9991. 66 err, description, mode
9992. 66 ]) {
9993. 66 jstestItCount += 1;
9994. 1 if (err) {
9995. 1 jstestCountFailed += 1;
9996. 1 err = (
9997. 1 " \u001b[31m\u2718 " + jstestItCount + ". test it - "
9998. 1 + description + "\n" + err.stack + "\u001b[39m"
9999. 1 );
10000. 1 if (mode === "pass") {
10001. 1 jstestCountFailed -= 1;
10002. 1 err = "";
10003. 1 }
10004. 1 }
10005. 66 return err || (
10006. 66 " \u001b[32m\u2714 " + jstestItCount + ". test it - "
10007. 66 + description + "\u001b[39m"
10008. 66 );
10009. 66 }).join("\n")
10010. 10 );
10011. 10 console.error(message);
10012. 10}
10013. 1
10014. 66function jstestIt(description, testFunction, mode) {
10015. 66
10016. 66// This function will create-and-run test-case <testFunction>
10017. 66// inside current test-group with given <description>.
10018. 66
10019. 66 jstestCountTotal += 1;
10020. 66 jstestItList.push(new Promise(async function (resolve) {
10021. 66 let err;
10022. 66 try {
10023. 65 await testFunction();
10024. 65 } catch (errCaught) {
10025. 1 err = errCaught;
10026. 1 }
10027. 66 resolve([err, description, mode]);
10028. 66 }));
10029. 66}
10030. 1
10031. 2function jstestOnExit(exitCode, mode) {
10032. 2
10033. 2// This function will on process-exit, print test-report
10034. 2// and exit with non-zero exit-code if any test failed.
10035. 2
10036. 2 let message = (
10037. 2 (
10038. 2 (jstestCountFailed || mode === "testsFailed")
10039. 1 ? "\n\u001b[31m"
10040. 1 : "\n\u001b[32m"
10041. 2 )
10042. 2 + " tests total - " + jstestCountTotal + "\n"
10043. 2 + " tests failed - " + jstestCountFailed + "\n"
10044. 2 + "\n"
10045. 2 + " time finished - "
10046. 2 + Number(Date.now() - jstestTimeStart).toLocaleString()
10047. 2 + " ms\n"
10048. 2 + "\u001b[39m"
10049. 2 );
10050. 1 if (mode !== "testsFailed") {
10051. 1 console.error(message);
10052. 1 }
10053. 2 process.exitCode = exitCode || jstestCountFailed;
10054. 2 return message;
10055. 2}
10056. 1
10057. 107async function moduleFsInit() {
10058. 107
10059. 107// This function will import nodejs builtin-modules if they have not yet been
10060. 107// imported.
10061. 107
10062. 107// State 3 - Modules already imported.
10063. 107
10064. 104 if (moduleFs !== undefined) {
10065. 104 return;
10066. 104 }
10067. 3
10068. 3// State 2 - Wait while modules are importing.
10069. 3
10070. 3 if (moduleFsInitResolveList !== undefined) {
10071. 2 return new Promise(function (resolve) {
10072. 2 moduleFsInitResolveList.push(resolve);
10073. 2 });
10074. 2 }
10075. 1
10076. 1// State 1 - Start importing modules.
10077. 1
10078. 1 moduleFsInitResolveList = [];
10079. 1 [
10080. 1 moduleChildProcess,
10081. 1 moduleFs,
10082. 1 modulePath,
10083. 1 moduleUrl
10084. 1 ] = await Promise.all([
10085. 1 import("child_process"),
10086. 1 import("fs"),
10087. 1 import("path"),
10088. 1 import("url")
10089. 1 ]);
10090. 2 while (moduleFsInitResolveList.length > 0) {
10091. 2 moduleFsInitResolveList.shift()();
10092. 2 }
10093. 107}
10094. 1
10095. 2728function noop(val) {
10096. 2728
10097. 2728// This function will do nothing except return <val>.
10098. 2728
10099. 2728 return val;
10100. 2728}
10101. 1
10102. 12919function objectDeepCopyWithKeysSorted(obj) {
10103. 12919
10104. 12919// This function will recursively deep-copy <obj> with keys sorted.
10105. 12919
10106. 12919 let sorted;
10107. 8995 if (typeof obj !== "object" || !obj) {
10108. 8995 return obj;
10109. 8995 }
10110. 3924
10111. 3924// Recursively deep-copy list with child-keys sorted.
10112. 3924
10113. 3924 if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
10114. 1338 return obj.map(objectDeepCopyWithKeysSorted);
10115. 2586 }
10116. 2586
10117. 2586// Recursively deep-copy obj with keys sorted.
10118. 2586
10119. 2586 sorted = Object.create(null);
10120. 7457 Object.keys(obj).sort().forEach(function (key) {
10121. 7457 sorted[key] = objectDeepCopyWithKeysSorted(obj[key]);
10122. 7457 });
10123. 2586 return sorted;
10124. 2586}
10125. 1
10126. 2791function object_assign_from_list(dict, list, val) {
10127. 2791
10128. 2791// Assign each property-name from <list> to <dict>.
10129. 2791
10130. 89862 list.forEach(function (key) {
10131. 89862 dict[key] = val;
10132. 89862 });
10133. 2791 return dict;
10134. 2791}
10135. 1
10136. 97function v8CoverageListMerge(processCovs) {
10137. 97
10138. 97// This function is derived from MIT Licensed v8-coverage at
10139. 97// https://github.com/demurgos/v8-coverage/tree/master/ts
10140. 97// https://github.com/demurgos/v8-coverage/blob/master/ts/LICENSE.md
10141. 97//
10142. 97// Merges a list of v8 process coverages.
10143. 97// The result is normalized.
10144. 97// The input values may be mutated, it is not safe to use them after passing
10145. 97// them to this function.
10146. 97// The computation is synchronous.
10147. 97// @param processCovs Process coverages to merge.
10148. 97// @return Merged process coverage.
10149. 97
10150. 97 let resultMerged = []; // List of merged scripts from processCovs.
10151. 97 let urlToScriptDict = new Map(); // Map scriptCov.url to scriptCovs.
10152. 97
10153. 1094 function compareRangeList(aa, bb) {
10154. 1094
10155. 1094// Compares two range coverages.
10156. 1094// The ranges are first ordered by ascending `startOffset` and then by
10157. 1094// descending `endOffset`.
10158. 1094// This corresponds to a pre-order tree traversal.
10159. 1094
10160. 1065 if (aa.startOffset !== bb.startOffset) {
10161. 1065 return aa.startOffset - bb.startOffset;
10162. 1065 }
10163. 29 return bb.endOffset - aa.endOffset;
10164. 29 }
10165. 97
10166. 1707 function dictKeyValueAppend(dict, key, val) {
10167. 1707
10168. 1707// This function will append <val> to list <dict>[<key>].
10169. 1707
10170. 1707 let list = dict.get(key);
10171. 1165 if (list === undefined) {
10172. 1165 list = [];
10173. 1165 dict.set(key, list);
10174. 1165 }
10175. 1707 list.push(val);
10176. 1707 }
10177. 97
10178. 384 function mergeTreeList(parentTrees) {
10179. 384
10180. 384// This function will return RangeTree object with <parentTrees> merged into
10181. 384// property-children.
10182. 384// @precondition Same `start` and `end` for all the parentTrees
10183. 384
10184. 119 if (parentTrees.length <= 1) {
10185. 119 return parentTrees[0];
10186. 265 }
10187. 265
10188. 265// new RangeTree().
10189. 265
10190. 265 return {
10191. 265
10192. 265// Merge parentTrees into property-children.
10193. 265
10194. 265 children: mergeTreeListToChildren(parentTrees),
10195. 669 delta: parentTrees.reduce(function (aa, bb) {
10196. 669 return aa + bb.delta;
10197. 669 }, 0),
10198. 265 end: parentTrees[0].end,
10199. 265 start: parentTrees[0].start
10200. 265 };
10201. 265 }
10202. 97
10203. 265 function mergeTreeListToChildren(parentTrees) {
10204. 265
10205. 265// This function will return <resultChildren> with <parentTrees> merged.
10206. 265
10207. 265 let openRange;
10208. 265 let parentToChildDict = new Map(); // Map parent to child.
10209. 265 let queueList;
10210. 265 let queueListIi = 0;
10211. 265 let queueOffset;
10212. 265 let queueTrees;
10213. 265 let resultChildren = [];
10214. 265 let startToTreeDict = new Map(); // Map tree.start to tree.
10215. 639 function nextXxx() {
10216. 639
10217. 639// Increment nextOffset, nextTrees.
10218. 639
10219. 639 let [
10220. 639 nextOffset, nextTrees
10221. 300 ] = queueList[queueListIi] || [];
10222. 639 let openRangeEnd;
10223. 583 if (queueTrees === undefined) {
10224. 583 queueListIi += 1;
10225. 583
10226. 583// Increment nextOffset, nextTrees.
10227. 583
10228. 583 } else if (nextOffset === undefined || nextOffset > queueOffset) {
10229. 56 nextOffset = queueOffset;
10230. 56 nextTrees = queueTrees;
10231. 56 queueTrees = undefined;
10232. 56
10233. 56// Concat queueTrees to nextTrees.
10234. 56
10235. 56 } else {
10236. 56 if (nextOffset === queueOffset) {
10237. 56 queueTrees.forEach(function (tree) {
10238. 56 nextTrees.push(tree);
10239. 56 });
10240. 56 queueTrees = undefined;
10241. 56 }
10242. 56 queueListIi += 1;
10243. 56 }
10244. 639
10245. 639// Reached end of queueList.
10246. 639
10247. 265 if (nextOffset === undefined) {
10248. 265 if (openRange !== undefined) {
10249. 265
10250. 265// Append nested-children from parentToChildDict (within openRange) to
10251. 265// resultChildren.
10252. 265
10253. 265 resultAppendNextChild();
10254. 265 }
10255. 265 return true;
10256. 374 }
10257. 374 if (openRange !== undefined && openRange.end <= nextOffset) {
10258. 129
10259. 129// Append nested-children from parentToChildDict (within openRange) to
10260. 129// resultChildren.
10261. 129
10262. 129 resultAppendNextChild();
10263. 129 openRange = undefined;
10264. 374 }
10265. 374 if (openRange === undefined) {
10266. 292 openRangeEnd = nextOffset + 1;
10267. 502 nextTrees.forEach(function ({
10268. 502 parentIi,
10269. 502 tree
10270. 502 }) {
10271. 502 openRangeEnd = Math.max(openRangeEnd, tree.end);
10272. 502
10273. 502// Append children from nextTrees to parentToChildDict.
10274. 502
10275. 502 dictKeyValueAppend(parentToChildDict, parentIi, tree);
10276. 502 });
10277. 292 queueOffset = openRangeEnd;
10278. 292 openRange = {
10279. 292 end: openRangeEnd,
10280. 292 start: nextOffset
10281. 292 };
10282. 292 } else {
10283. 114 nextTrees.forEach(function ({
10284. 114 parentIi,
10285. 114 tree
10286. 114 }) {
10287. 114 let right;
10288. 82 if (tree.end > openRange.end) {
10289. 82 right = treeSplit(tree, openRange.end);
10290. 82 if (queueTrees === undefined) {
10291. 82 queueTrees = [];
10292. 82 }
10293. 82
10294. 82// new RangeTreeWithParent().
10295. 82
10296. 82 queueTrees.push({
10297. 82 parentIi,
10298. 82 tree: right
10299. 82 });
10300. 82 }
10301. 114
10302. 114// Append children from nextTrees to parentToChildDict.
10303. 114
10304. 114 dictKeyValueAppend(parentToChildDict, parentIi, tree);
10305. 114 });
10306. 82 }
10307. 639 }
10308. 292 function resultAppendNextChild() {
10309. 292
10310. 292// This function will append next child to <resultChildren>.
10311. 292
10312. 292 let treesMatching = [];
10313. 589 parentToChildDict.forEach(function (nested) {
10314. 589 if (
10315. 589 nested.length === 1
10316. 563 && nested[0].start === openRange.start
10317. 480 && nested[0].end === openRange.end
10318. 468 ) {
10319. 468 treesMatching.push(nested[0]);
10320. 468 } else {
10321. 121
10322. 121// new rangeTreeCreate().
10323. 121
10324. 121 treesMatching.push({
10325. 121 children: nested,
10326. 121 delta: 0,
10327. 121 end: openRange.end,
10328. 121 start: openRange.start
10329. 121 });
10330. 121 }
10331. 589 });
10332. 292 parentToChildDict.clear();
10333. 292
10334. 292// Recurse mergeTreeList().
10335. 292
10336. 292 resultChildren.push(mergeTreeList(treesMatching));
10337. 292 }
10338. 75 function treeSplit(tree, offset) {
10339. 75
10340. 75// This function will split <tree> along <offset> and return the right-side.
10341. 75// @precondition `tree.start < offset && offset < tree.end`
10342. 75// @return RangeTree Right part
10343. 75
10344. 75 let child;
10345. 75 let ii = 0;
10346. 75 let leftChildLen = tree.children.length;
10347. 75 let mid;
10348. 75 let resultTree;
10349. 75 let rightChildren;
10350. 75
10351. 75// TODO(perf): Binary search (check overhead) //jslint-ignore-line
10352. 75
10353. 19 while (ii < tree.children.length) {
10354. 19 child = tree.children[ii];
10355. 19 if (child.start < offset && offset < child.end) {
10356. 19
10357. 19// Recurse treeSplit().
10358. 19
10359. 19 mid = treeSplit(child, offset);
10360. 19 leftChildLen = ii + 1;
10361. 19 break;
10362. 19 }
10363. 19 if (child.start >= offset) {
10364. 19 leftChildLen = ii;
10365. 19 break;
10366. 19 }
10367. 19 ii += 1;
10368. 19 }
10369. 75 rightChildren = tree.children.splice(
10370. 75 leftChildLen,
10371. 75 tree.children.length - leftChildLen
10372. 75 );
10373. 4 if (mid !== undefined) {
10374. 4 rightChildren.unshift(mid);
10375. 4 }
10376. 75
10377. 75// new rangeTreeCreate().
10378. 75
10379. 75 resultTree = {
10380. 75 children: rightChildren,
10381. 75 delta: tree.delta,
10382. 75 end: tree.end,
10383. 75 start: offset
10384. 75 };
10385. 75 tree.end = offset;
10386. 75 return resultTree;
10387. 75 }
10388. 265
10389. 265// Init startToTreeDict.
10390. 265
10391. 669 parentTrees.forEach(function (parentTree, parentIi) {
10392. 545 parentTree.children.forEach(function (child) {
10393. 545
10394. 545// Append child with child.start to startToTreeDict.
10395. 545
10396. 545 dictKeyValueAppend(startToTreeDict, child.start, {
10397. 545 parentIi,
10398. 545 tree: child
10399. 545 });
10400. 545 });
10401. 669 });
10402. 265
10403. 265// init queueList.
10404. 265
10405. 335 queueList = Array.from(startToTreeDict).map(function ([
10406. 335 startOffset, trees
10407. 335 ]) {
10408. 335
10409. 335// new StartEvent().
10410. 335
10411. 335 return [
10412. 335 startOffset, trees
10413. 335 ];
10414. 217 }).sort(function (aa, bb) {
10415. 217 return aa[0] - bb[0];
10416. 217 });
10417. 639 while (true) {
10418. 639 if (nextXxx()) {
10419. 639 break;
10420. 639 }
10421. 639 }
10422. 265 return resultChildren;
10423. 265 }
10424. 97
10425. 689 function sortFunc(funcCov) {
10426. 689
10427. 689// This function will normalize-and-sort <funcCov>.ranges.
10428. 689// Sorts the ranges (pre-order sort).
10429. 689// TODO: Tree-based normalization of the ranges. //jslint-ignore-line
10430. 689// @param funcCov Function coverage to normalize.
10431. 689
10432. 689 funcCov.ranges = treeToRanges(treeFromSortedRanges(
10433. 689 funcCov.ranges.sort(compareRangeList)
10434. 689 ));
10435. 689 return funcCov;
10436. 689 }
10437. 97
10438. 129 function sortScript(scriptCov) {
10439. 129
10440. 129// This function will normalize-and-sort <scriptCov>.functions.
10441. 129
10442. 129// Normalize-and-sort functions[xxx].ranges.
10443. 129
10444. 688 scriptCov.functions.forEach(function (funcCov) {
10445. 688 sortFunc(funcCov);
10446. 688 });
10447. 129
10448. 129// Sort functions by root range (pre-order sort).
10449. 129
10450. 559 scriptCov.functions.sort(function (aa, bb) {
10451. 559 return compareRangeList(aa.ranges[0], bb.ranges[0]);
10452. 559 });
10453. 129 return scriptCov;
10454. 129 }
10455. 97
10456. 888 function treeFromSortedRanges(ranges) {
10457. 888
10458. 888// @precondition `ranges` are well-formed and pre-order sorted
10459. 888
10460. 888 let root;
10461. 888 let stack = []; // Stack of parent trees and parent counts.
10462. 1856 ranges.forEach(function (range) {
10463. 1856
10464. 1856// new rangeTreeCreate().
10465. 1856
10466. 1856 let node = {
10467. 1856 children: [],
10468. 1856 delta: range.count,
10469. 1856 end: range.endOffset,
10470. 1856 start: range.startOffset
10471. 1856 };
10472. 1856 let parent;
10473. 1856 let parentCount;
10474. 888 if (root === undefined) {
10475. 888 root = node;
10476. 888 stack.push([
10477. 888 node, range.count
10478. 888 ]);
10479. 888 return;
10480. 968 }
10481. 1565 while (true) {
10482. 1565 [
10483. 1565 parent, parentCount
10484. 1565 ] = stack[stack.length - 1];
10485. 1565
10486. 1565// assert: `top !== undefined` (the ranges are sorted)
10487. 1565
10488. 1565 if (range.startOffset < parent.end) {
10489. 1565 break;
10490. 1565 }
10491. 1565 stack.pop();
10492. 1565 }
10493. 968 node.delta -= parentCount;
10494. 968 parent.children.push(node);
10495. 968 stack.push([
10496. 968 node, range.count
10497. 968 ]);
10498. 968 });
10499. 888 return root;
10500. 888 }
10501. 97
10502. 781 function treeToRanges(tree) {
10503. 781
10504. 781// Get the range coverages corresponding to the tree.
10505. 781// The ranges are pre-order sorted.
10506. 781
10507. 781 let count;
10508. 781 let cur;
10509. 781 let ii;
10510. 781 let parentCount;
10511. 781 let ranges = [];
10512. 781 let stack = [ // Stack of parent trees and counts.
10513. 781 [
10514. 781 tree, 0
10515. 781 ]
10516. 781 ];
10517. 1630 function normalizeRange(tree) {
10518. 1630
10519. 1630// @internal
10520. 1630
10521. 1630 let children = [];
10522. 1630 let curEnd;
10523. 1630 let head;
10524. 1630 let tail = [];
10525. 849 function endChain() {
10526. 18 if (tail.length !== 0) {
10527. 18 head.end = tail[tail.length - 1].end;
10528. 18 tail.forEach(function (tailTree) {
10529. 18 tailTree.children.forEach(function (subChild) {
10530. 18 subChild.delta += tailTree.delta - head.delta;
10531. 18 head.children.push(subChild);
10532. 18 });
10533. 18 });
10534. 18 tail.length = 0;
10535. 18 }
10536. 849
10537. 849// Recurse normalizeRange().
10538. 849
10539. 849 normalizeRange(head);
10540. 849 children.push(head);
10541. 849 }
10542. 867 tree.children.forEach(function (child) {
10543. 432 if (head === undefined) {
10544. 432 head = child;
10545. 435 } else if (
10546. 435 child.delta === head.delta && child.start === curEnd
10547. 435 ) {
10548. 435 tail.push(child);
10549. 435 } else {
10550. 435 endChain();
10551. 435 head = child;
10552. 435 }
10553. 867 curEnd = child.end;
10554. 867 });
10555. 432 if (head !== undefined) {
10556. 432 endChain();
10557. 432 }
10558. 238 if (children.length === 1) {
10559. 238 if (
10560. 238 children[0].start === tree.start
10561. 238 && children[0].end === tree.end
10562. 238 ) {
10563. 238 tree.delta += children[0].delta;
10564. 238 tree.children = children[0].children;
10565. 238
10566. 238// `.lazyCount` is zero for both (both are after normalization)
10567. 238
10568. 238 return;
10569. 238 }
10570. 1624 }
10571. 1624 tree.children = children;
10572. 1624 }
10573. 781 normalizeRange(tree);
10574. 1624 while (stack.length > 0) {
10575. 1624 [
10576. 1624 cur, parentCount
10577. 1624 ] = stack.pop();
10578. 1624 count = parentCount + cur.delta;
10579. 1624 ranges.push({
10580. 1624 count,
10581. 1624 endOffset: cur.end,
10582. 1624 startOffset: cur.start
10583. 1624 });
10584. 1624 ii = cur.children.length - 1;
10585. 1624 while (ii >= 0) {
10586. 1624 stack.push([
10587. 1624 cur.children[ii], count
10588. 1624 ]);
10589. 1624 ii -= 1;
10590. 1624 }
10591. 1624 }
10592. 781 return ranges;
10593. 781 }
10594. 97
10595. 1 if (processCovs.length === 0) {
10596. 1 return {
10597. 1 result: []
10598. 1 };
10599. 96 }
10600. 96
10601. 96// Init urlToScriptDict.
10602. 96
10603. 234 processCovs.forEach(function ({
10604. 234 result
10605. 234 }) {
10606. 269 result.forEach(function (scriptCov) {
10607. 269 dictKeyValueAppend(urlToScriptDict, scriptCov.url, scriptCov);
10608. 269 });
10609. 234 });
10610. 129 urlToScriptDict.forEach(function (scriptCovs) {
10611. 129
10612. 129// assert: `scriptCovs.length > 0`
10613. 129
10614. 129// function mergeScriptList(scriptCovs) {
10615. 129// Merges a list of matching script coverages.
10616. 129// Scripts are matching if they have the same `url`.
10617. 129// The result is normalized.
10618. 129// The input values may be mutated, it is not safe to use them after passing
10619. 129// them to this function.
10620. 129// The computation is synchronous.
10621. 129// @param scriptCovs Process coverages to merge.
10622. 129// @return Merged script coverage, or `undefined` if the input list was empty.
10623. 129
10624. 129 let functions = [];
10625. 129
10626. 129// Map funcCovRoot.startOffset:funcCovRoot.endOffset to funcCov.
10627. 129
10628. 129 let rangeToFuncDict = new Map();
10629. 129
10630. 129// Probably deadcode.
10631. 129// if (scriptCovs.length === 0) {
10632. 129// return undefined;
10633. 129// }
10634. 129
10635. 96 if (scriptCovs.length === 1) {
10636. 96 resultMerged.push(sortScript(scriptCovs[0]));
10637. 96 return;
10638. 96 }
10639. 96
10640. 96// Init rangeToFuncDict.
10641. 96// Map funcCovRoot.startOffset:funcCovRoot.endOffset to funcCov.
10642. 96
10643. 226 scriptCovs.forEach(function ({
10644. 226 functions
10645. 226 }) {
10646. 277 functions.forEach(function (funcCov) {
10647. 277 dictKeyValueAppend(
10648. 277 rangeToFuncDict,
10649. 277
10650. 277// This string can be used to match function with same root range.
10651. 277// The string is derived from the start and end offsets of the root range of
10652. 277// the function.
10653. 277// This assumes that `ranges` is non-empty (true for valid function coverages).
10654. 277
10655. 277 (
10656. 277 funcCov.ranges[0].startOffset
10657. 277 + ";" + funcCov.ranges[0].endOffset
10658. 277 ),
10659. 277 funcCov
10660. 277 );
10661. 277 });
10662. 226 });
10663. 112 rangeToFuncDict.forEach(function (funcCovs) {
10664. 112
10665. 112// assert: `funcCovs.length > 0`
10666. 112
10667. 112// function mergeFuncList(funcCovs) {
10668. 112// Merges a list of matching function coverages.
10669. 112// Functions are matching if their root ranges have the same span.
10670. 112// The result is normalized.
10671. 112// The input values may be mutated, it is not safe to use them after passing
10672. 112// them to this function.
10673. 112// The computation is synchronous.
10674. 112// @param funcCovs Function coverages to merge.
10675. 112// @return Merged function coverage, or `undefined` if the input list was empty.
10676. 112
10677. 112 let count = 0;
10678. 112 let isBlockCoverage;
10679. 112 let merged;
10680. 112 let ranges;
10681. 112 let trees = [];
10682. 112
10683. 112// Probably deadcode.
10684. 112// if (funcCovs.length === 0) {
10685. 112// return undefined;
10686. 112// }
10687. 112
10688. 96 if (funcCovs.length === 1) {
10689. 96 functions.push(sortFunc(funcCovs[0]));
10690. 96 return;
10691. 111 }
10692. 111
10693. 111// assert: `funcCovs[0].ranges.length > 0`
10694. 111
10695. 276 funcCovs.forEach(function (funcCov) {
10696. 276
10697. 276// assert: `funcCov.ranges.length > 0`
10698. 276// assert: `funcCov.ranges` is sorted
10699. 276
10700. 276 count += (
10701. 276 funcCov.count !== undefined
10702. 111 ? funcCov.count
10703. 274 : funcCov.ranges[0].count
10704. 276 );
10705. 199 if (funcCov.isBlockCoverage) {
10706. 199 trees.push(treeFromSortedRanges(funcCov.ranges));
10707. 199 }
10708. 276 });
10709. 111 if (trees.length > 0) {
10710. 96 isBlockCoverage = true;
10711. 96 ranges = treeToRanges(mergeTreeList(trees));
10712. 96 } else {
10713. 96 isBlockCoverage = false;
10714. 96 ranges = [
10715. 96 {
10716. 96 count,
10717. 96 endOffset: funcCovs[0].ranges[0].endOffset,
10718. 96 startOffset: funcCovs[0].ranges[0].startOffset
10719. 96 }
10720. 96 ];
10721. 111 }
10722. 111 merged = {
10723. 111 functionName: funcCovs[0].functionName,
10724. 111 isBlockCoverage,
10725. 111 ranges
10726. 111 };
10727. 111 if (count !== ranges[0].count) {
10728. 96 merged.count = count;
10729. 111 }
10730. 111
10731. 111// assert: `merged` is normalized
10732. 111
10733. 111 functions.push(merged);
10734. 111 });
10735. 96 resultMerged.push(sortScript({
10736. 96 functions,
10737. 96 scriptId: scriptCovs[0].scriptId,
10738. 96 url: scriptCovs[0].url
10739. 96 }));
10740. 96 });
10741. 96
10742. 96// Sorts the scripts alphabetically by `url`.
10743. 96// Reassigns script ids: the script at index `0` receives `"0"`, the script at
10744. 96// index `1` receives `"1"` etc.
10745. 96
10746. 96 Object.entries(resultMerged.sort(function (aa, bb) {
10747. 96 return (
10748. 96 aa.url > bb.url
10749. 96 ? 1
10750. 96 : -1
10751. 96 );
10752. 129 })).forEach(function ([
10753. 129 scriptId, scriptCov
10754. 129 ]) {
10755. 129 scriptCov.scriptId = scriptId.toString(10);
10756. 129 });
10757. 96 return {
10758. 96 result: resultMerged
10759. 96 };
10760. 96}
10761. 1
10762. 8async function v8CoverageReportCreate({
10763. 8 consoleError,
10764. 8 coverageDir,
10765. 8 processArgv = []
10766. 8}) {
10767. 8
10768. 8// This function will create html-coverage-reports directly from
10769. 8// v8-coverage-files in <coverageDir>.
10770. 8// 1. Spawn node.js program <processArgv> with NODE_V8_COVERAGE.
10771. 8// 2. Merge JSON v8-coverage-files in <coverageDir>.
10772. 8// 3. Create html-coverage-reports in <coverageDir>.
10773. 8
10774. 8 let cwd;
10775. 8 let excludeList = [];
10776. 8 let exitCode = 0;
10777. 8 let fileDict;
10778. 8 let includeList = [];
10779. 8 let modeIncludeNodeModules;
10780. 8 let processArgElem;
10781. 8 let promiseList = [];
10782. 8 let v8CoverageObj;
10783. 8
10784. 13 function htmlRender({
10785. 13 fileList,
10786. 13 lineList,
10787. 13 modeIndex,
10788. 13 pathname
10789. 13 }) {
10790. 13 let html;
10791. 13 let padLines;
10792. 13 let padPathname;
10793. 13 let txt;
10794. 13 let txtBorder;
10795. 13 html = "";
10796. 13 html += String(`
10797. 13<!DOCTYPE html>
10798. 13<html lang="en">
10799. 13<head>
10800. 13<title>V8 Coverage Report</title>
10801. 13<style>
10802. 13/* jslint utility2:true */
10803. 13/*csslint ignore:start*/
10804. 13.coverage,
10805. 13.coverage a,
10806. 13.coverage div,
10807. 13.coverage pre,
10808. 13.coverage span,
10809. 13.coverage table,
10810. 13.coverage tbody,
10811. 13.coverage td,
10812. 13.coverage th,
10813. 13.coverage thead,
10814. 13.coverage tr {
10815. 13 box-sizing: border-box;
10816. 13 font-family: monospace;
10817. 13}
10818. 13/*csslint ignore:end*/
10819. 13
10820. 13/* css - coverage_report - general */
10821. 13body {
10822. 13 margin: 0;
10823. 13}
10824. 13.coverage pre {
10825. 13 margin: 5px 0;
10826. 13}
10827. 13.coverage table {
10828. 13 border-collapse: collapse;
10829. 13}
10830. 13.coverage td,
10831. 13.coverage th {
10832. 13 border: 1px solid #777;
10833. 13 line-height: 20px;
10834. 13 margin: 0;
10835. 13 padding: 5px 10px;
10836. 13}
10837. 13.coverage td span {
10838. 13 display: inline-block;
10839. 13 width: 100%;
10840. 13}
10841. 13.coverage .content {
10842. 13 padding: 0 5px;
10843. 13}
10844. 13.coverage .content a {
10845. 13 text-decoration: none;
10846. 13}
10847. 13.coverage .count {
10848. 13 margin: 0 5px;
10849. 13 padding: 0 5px;
10850. 13}
10851. 13.coverage .footer,
10852. 13.coverage .header {
10853. 13 padding: 20px;
10854. 13}
10855. 13.coverage .footer {
10856. 13 text-align: center;
10857. 13}
10858. 13.coverage .percentbar {
10859. 13 height: 12px;
10860. 13 margin: 2px 0;
10861. 13 min-width: 200px;
10862. 13 position: relative;
10863. 13 width: 100%;
10864. 13}
10865. 13.coverage .percentbar div {
10866. 13 height: 100%;
10867. 13 position: absolute;
10868. 13}
10869. 13.coverage .title {
10870. 13 font-size: large;
10871. 13 font-weight: bold;
10872. 13 margin-bottom: 10px;
10873. 13}
10874. 13
10875. 13/* css - coverage_report - color */
10876. 13.coverage td,
10877. 13.coverage th {
10878. 13 background: #fff;
10879. 13}
10880. 13.coverage .count,
10881. 13.coverage .coverageHigh {
10882. 13 background: #9d9;
10883. 13}
10884. 13.coverage .count {
10885. 13 color: #666;
10886. 13}
10887. 13.coverage .coverageIgnore {
10888. 13 background: #ccc;
10889. 13}
10890. 13.coverage .coverageLow,
10891. 13.coverage .uncovered {
10892. 13 background: #ebb;
10893. 13}
10894. 13.coverage .coverageMedium {
10895. 13 background: #fd7;
10896. 13}
10897. 13.coverage .footer,
10898. 13.coverage .header,
10899. 13.coverage .lineno {
10900. 13 background: #ddd;
10901. 13}
10902. 13.coverage .percentbar {
10903. 13 background: #999;
10904. 13}
10905. 13.coverage .percentbar div {
10906. 13 background: #666;
10907. 13}
10908. 13
10909. 13/* css - coverage_report - important */
10910. 13.coverage pre:hover span,
10911. 13.coverage tr:hover td {
10912. 13 background: #7d7;
10913. 13}
10914. 13.coverage pre:hover span.uncovered,
10915. 13.coverage tr:hover td.coverageLow {
10916. 13 background: #f99;
10917. 13}
10918. 13</style>
10919. 13</head>
10920. 13<body class="coverage">
10921. 13<!-- header start -->
10922. 13<div class="header">
10923. 13<div class="title">V8 Coverage Report</div>
10924. 13<table>
10925. 13<thead>
10926. 13 <tr>
10927. 13 <th>Files covered</th>
10928. 13 <th>Lines</th>
10929. 13 <th>Remaining</th>
10930. 13 </tr>
10931. 13</thead>
10932. 13<tbody>
10933. 13 `).trim() + "\n";
10934. 7 if (modeIndex) {
10935. 7 padLines = String("(ignore) 100.00 %").length;
10936. 7 padPathname = 32;
10937. 7 fileList.unshift({
10938. 7 linesCovered: 0,
10939. 7 linesTotal: 0,
10940. 7 modeCoverageIgnoreFile: "",
10941. 7 pathname: "./"
10942. 7 });
10943. 7 fileList.slice(1).forEach(function ({
10944. 7 linesCovered,
10945. 7 linesTotal,
10946. 7 modeCoverageIgnoreFile,
10947. 7 pathname
10948. 7 }) {
10949. 7 if (!modeCoverageIgnoreFile) {
10950. 7 fileList[0].linesCovered += linesCovered;
10951. 7 fileList[0].linesTotal += linesTotal;
10952. 7 }
10953. 7 padPathname = Math.max(padPathname, pathname.length + 2);
10954. 7 padLines = Math.max(
10955. 7 padLines,
10956. 7 String(linesCovered + " / " + linesTotal).length
10957. 7 );
10958. 7 });
10959. 7 }
10960. 13 txtBorder = (
10961. 13 "+" + "-".repeat(padPathname + 2) + "+"
10962. 13 + "-".repeat(padLines + 2) + "+"
10963. 13 + "-".repeat(padLines + 2) + "+\n"
10964. 13 );
10965. 13 txt = "";
10966. 13 txt += "V8 Coverage Report\n";
10967. 13 txt += txtBorder;
10968. 13 txt += (
10969. 13 "| " + String("Files covered").padEnd(padPathname, " ") + " | "
10970. 13 + String("Lines").padStart(padLines, " ") + " | "
10971. 13 + String("Remaining").padStart(padLines, " ") + " |\n"
10972. 13 );
10973. 13 txt += txtBorder;
10974. 19 fileList.forEach(function ({
10975. 19 linesCovered,
10976. 19 linesTotal,
10977. 19 modeCoverageIgnoreFile,
10978. 19 pathname
10979. 19 }, ii) {
10980. 19 let coverageLevel;
10981. 19 let coveragePct;
10982. 19 let fill;
10983. 19 let str1;
10984. 19 let str2;
10985. 19 let xx1;
10986. 19 let xx2;
10987. 2 coveragePct = Math.floor(10000 * linesCovered / linesTotal || 0);
10988. 19 coverageLevel = (
10989. 19 modeCoverageIgnoreFile
10990. 2 ? "coverageIgnore"
10991. 17 : coveragePct >= 8000
10992. 17 ? "coverageHigh"
10993. 17 : coveragePct >= 5000
10994. 17 ? "coverageMedium"
10995. 17 : "coverageLow"
10996. 19 );
10997. 19 coveragePct = String(coveragePct).replace((
10998. 19 /..$/m
10999. 19 ), ".$&");
11000. 13 if (modeIndex && ii === 0) {
11001. 7 fill = (
11002. 7
11003. 7// Badge-color rgb-red.
11004. 7
11005. 7 "#" + Math.round(
11006. 7 (100 - Number(coveragePct)) * 2.21
11007. 7 ).toString(16).padStart(2, "0")
11008. 7
11009. 7// Badge-color rgb-green.
11010. 7
11011. 7 + Math.round(
11012. 7 Number(coveragePct) * 2.21
11013. 7 ).toString(16).padStart(2, "0")
11014. 7
11015. 7// Badge-color rgb-blue.
11016. 7
11017. 7 + "00"
11018. 7 );
11019. 7 str1 = "coverage";
11020. 7 str2 = coveragePct + " %";
11021. 7 xx1 = 6 * str1.length + 20;
11022. 7 xx2 = 6 * str2.length + 20;
11023. 7
11024. 7// Fs - write coverage_badge.svg.
11025. 7
11026. 7 promiseList.push(fsWriteFileWithParents((
11027. 7 coverageDir + "coverage_badge.svg"
11028. 7 ), String(`
11029. 7<svg height="20" width="${xx1 + xx2}" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
11030. 7<rect fill="#555" height="20" width="${xx1 + xx2}"/>
11031. 7<rect fill="${fill}" height="20" width="${xx2}" x="${xx1}"/>
11032. 7<g
11033. 7 fill="#fff"
11034. 7 font-family="verdana, geneva, dejavu sans, sans-serif"
11035. 7 font-size="11"
11036. 7 font-weight="bold"
11037. 7 text-anchor="middle"
11038. 7>
11039. 7<text x="${0.5 * xx1}" y="14">${str1}</text>
11040. 7<text x="${xx1 + 0.5 * xx2}" y="14">${str2}</text>
11041. 7</g>
11042. 7</svg>
11043. 7 `).trim() + "\n"));
11044. 7 pathname = "";
11045. 7 }
11046. 19 txt += (
11047. 19 "| "
11048. 19 + String("./" + pathname).padEnd(padPathname, " ") + " | "
11049. 19 + String(
11050. 19 modeCoverageIgnoreFile + " " + coveragePct + " %"
11051. 19 ).padStart(padLines, " ") + " | "
11052. 19 + " ".repeat(padLines) + " |\n"
11053. 19 );
11054. 19 txt += (
11055. 19 "| " + "*".repeat(
11056. 19 Math.round(0.01 * coveragePct * padPathname)
11057. 19 ).padEnd(padPathname, "_") + " | "
11058. 19 + String(
11059. 19 linesCovered + " / " + linesTotal
11060. 19 ).padStart(padLines, " ") + " | "
11061. 19 + String(
11062. 19 (linesTotal - linesCovered) + " / " + linesTotal
11063. 19 ).padStart(padLines, " ") + " |\n"
11064. 19 );
11065. 19 txt += txtBorder;
11066. 19 pathname = htmlEscape(pathname);
11067. 19
11068. 19// CL-37251d17 - Bugfix - Fix incorrect http-link to index.html.
11069. 19
11070. 19 html += String(`
11071. 19 <tr>
11072. 19 <td class="${coverageLevel}">
11073. 19 ${(
11074. 19 modeIndex
11075. 13 ? (
11076. 13 "<a href=\"" + (pathname || "index") + ".html\">. / "
11077. 13 + pathname + "</a><br>"
11078. 13 )
11079. 6 : (
11080. 6 "<a href=\""
11081. 6 + "../".repeat(pathname.split("/").length - 1)
11082. 6 + "index.html\">. / </a>"
11083. 6 + pathname + "<br>"
11084. 6 )
11085. 19 )}
11086. 19 <div class="percentbar">
11087. 19 <div style="width: ${coveragePct}%;"></div>
11088. 19 </div>
11089. 19 </td>
11090. 19 <td style="text-align: right;">
11091. 19 ${modeCoverageIgnoreFile} ${coveragePct} %<br>
11092. 19 ${linesCovered} / ${linesTotal}
11093. 19 </td>
11094. 19 <td style="text-align: right;">
11095. 19 <br>
11096. 19 ${linesTotal - linesCovered} / ${linesTotal}
11097. 19 </td>
11098. 19 </tr>
11099. 19 `).trim() + "\n";
11100. 19 });
11101. 13 html += String(`
11102. 13</tbody>
11103. 13</table>
11104. 13</div>
11105. 13<!-- header end -->
11106. 13 `).trim() + "\n";
11107. 6 if (!modeIndex) {
11108. 6 html += String(`
11109. 6<!-- content start -->
11110. 6<div class="content">
11111. 6 `).trim() + "\n";
11112. 11853 lineList.forEach(function ({
11113. 11853 count,
11114. 11853 holeList,
11115. 11853 line,
11116. 11853 startOffset
11117. 11853 }, ii) {
11118. 11853 let chunk;
11119. 11853 let inHole;
11120. 11853 let lineHtml;
11121. 11853 let lineId;
11122. 11853 lineHtml = "";
11123. 11853 lineId = "line_" + (ii + 1);
11124. 11853 switch (count) {
11125. 32 case -1:
11126. 11219 case 0:
11127. 11219 if (holeList.length === 0) {
11128. 11219 lineHtml += "</span>";
11129. 11219 lineHtml += "<span class=\"uncovered\">";
11130. 11219 lineHtml += htmlEscape(line);
11131. 11219 break;
11132. 11219 }
11133. 11219 line = line.split("").map(function (char) {
11134. 11219 return {
11135. 11219 char,
11136. 11219 isHole: undefined
11137. 11219 };
11138. 11219 });
11139. 11219 holeList.forEach(function ([
11140. 11219 aa, bb
11141. 11219 ]) {
11142. 11219 aa = Math.max(aa - startOffset, 0);
11143. 11219 bb = Math.min(bb - startOffset, line.length);
11144. 11219 while (aa < bb) {
11145. 11219 line[aa].isHole = true;
11146. 11219 aa += 1;
11147. 11219 }
11148. 11219 });
11149. 11219 chunk = "";
11150. 11219 line.forEach(function ({
11151. 11219 char,
11152. 11219 isHole
11153. 11219 }) {
11154. 11219 if (inHole !== isHole) {
11155. 11219 lineHtml += htmlEscape(chunk);
11156. 11219 lineHtml += "</span><span";
11157. 11219
11158. 11219// Coverage-hack - Ugly-hack around possible deadcode where isHole is always
11159. 11219// true.
11160. 11219
11161. 11219 if (isHole) {
11162. 11219 lineHtml += " class=\"uncovered\"";
11163. 11219 }
11164. 11219 lineHtml += ">";
11165. 11219 chunk = "";
11166. 11219 inHole = isHole;
11167. 11219 }
11168. 11219 chunk += char;
11169. 11219 });
11170. 11219 lineHtml += htmlEscape(chunk);
11171. 11219 break;
11172. 634 default:
11173. 634 lineHtml += htmlEscape(line);
11174. 11853 }
11175. 11853 html += String(`
11176. 11853<pre>
11177. 11853<span class="lineno">
11178. 11853<a href="#${lineId}" id="${lineId}">${String(ii + 1).padStart(5, " ")}.</a>
11179. 11853</span>
11180. 11853<span class="count
11181. 11853 ${(
11182. 11853 count <= 0
11183. 11219 ? "uncovered"
11184. 634 : ""
11185. 11853 )}"
11186. 11853>
11187. 11187${String(count || "-0").padStart(7, " ")}
11188. 11853</span>
11189. 11853<span>${lineHtml}</span>
11190. 11853</pre>
11191. 11853 `).replace((
11192. 11853 /\n/g
11193. 11853 ), "").trim() + "\n";
11194. 11853 });
11195. 6 html += String(`
11196. 6</div>
11197. 6<!-- content end -->
11198. 6 `).trim() + "\n";
11199. 6 }
11200. 13 html += String(`
11201. 13<div class="footer">
11202. 13 [
11203. 13 This document was created with
11204. 13 <a href="https://github.com/jslint-org/jslint">JSLint</a>
11205. 13 ]
11206. 13</div>
11207. 13</body>
11208. 13</html>
11209. 13 `).trim() + "\n";
11210. 13
11211. 13// Fs - write <file>.html.
11212. 13
11213. 13 promiseList.push(fsWriteFileWithParents(pathname + ".html", html));
11214. 6 if (!modeIndex) {
11215. 6 return;
11216. 7 }
11217. 7
11218. 7// Fs - write coverage_report.txt.
11219. 7
11220. 7 consoleError("\n" + txt);
11221. 7 promiseList.push(fsWriteFileWithParents((
11222. 7 coverageDir + "coverage_report.txt"
11223. 7 ), txt));
11224. 7 }
11225. 8
11226. 8/*
11227. 8function sentinel() {}
11228. 8*/
11229. 8
11230. 8 await moduleFsInit();
11231. 1 consoleError = consoleError || console.error;
11232. 8 cwd = process.cwd().replace((
11233. 8 /\\/g
11234. 8 ), "/") + "/";
11235. 8
11236. 8// Init coverageDir.
11237. 8// Assert coverageDir is subdirectory of cwd.
11238. 8
11239. 8 assertOrThrow(coverageDir, "invalid coverageDir " + coverageDir);
11240. 8
11241. 8// CL-61b11012 - coverage - Relax requirement for coverageDir to be in cwd.
11242. 8// assertOrThrow(
11243. 8// pathnameRelativeCwd(coverageDir),
11244. 8// "coverageDir " + coverageDir + " is not subdirectory of cwd " + cwd
11245. 8// );
11246. 8
11247. 8 coverageDir = modulePath.resolve(coverageDir).replace((
11248. 8 /\\/g
11249. 8 ), "/") + "/";
11250. 8
11251. 8 processArgv = processArgv.slice();
11252. 9 while (processArgv[0] && processArgv[0][0] === "-") {
11253. 3 processArgElem = processArgv.shift().split("=");
11254. 3 processArgElem[1] = processArgElem.slice(1).join("=");
11255. 3 switch (processArgElem[0]) {
11256. 3
11257. 3// PR-371 - Add cli-option `--exclude=...`.
11258. 3
11259. 3 case "--exclude":
11260. 3 excludeList.push(processArgElem[1]);
11261. 3 break;
11262. 3
11263. 3// PR-371 - Add cli-option `--include=...`
11264. 3
11265. 3 case "--include":
11266. 3 includeList.push(processArgElem[1]);
11267. 3 break;
11268. 3
11269. 3// PR-400
11270. 3// Disable default-coverage of directory `node_modules`,
11271. 3// but allow override with cli-option `--include-node-modules=1`.
11272. 3
11273. 3 case "--include-node-modules":
11274. 3 modeIncludeNodeModules = !(
11275. 3 /0|false|null|undefined/
11276. 3 ).test(processArgElem[1]);
11277. 3 break;
11278. 3 }
11279. 7 }
11280. 7
11281. 7// 1. Spawn node.js program <processArgv> with coverage
11282. 7
11283. 7 if (processArgv.length > 0) {
11284. 6
11285. 6// Remove old coverage-files.
11286. 6
11287. 6 await fsWriteFileWithParents(coverageDir + "/touch.txt", "");
11288. 6 await Promise.all(Array.from(
11289. 6 await moduleFs.promises.readdir(coverageDir)
11290. 11 ).map(async function (file) {
11291. 11 if ((
11292. 11 /^coverage-\d+?-\d+?-\d+?\.json$/
11293. 6 ).test(file)) {
11294. 6 consoleError("rm file " + coverageDir + file);
11295. 6 await moduleFs.promises.unlink(coverageDir + file);
11296. 6 }
11297. 11 }));
11298. 6 exitCode = await new Promise(function (resolve) {
11299. 6 let processArgv0 = processArgv[0];
11300. 6
11301. 6// If win32 environment, then replace program npm with npm.cmd.
11302. 6// Coverage-hack - Ugly-hack to get test-coverage under both win32 and linux.
11303. 6
11304. 6 if (processArgv0 === "npm") {
11305. 6 processArgv0 = process.platform.replace(
11306. 6 "win32",
11307. 6 "npm.cmd"
11308. 6 ).replace(
11309. 6 process.platform,
11310. 6 "npm"
11311. 6 );
11312. 6 }
11313. 6 moduleChildProcess.spawn(
11314. 6 processArgv0,
11315. 6 processArgv.slice(1),
11316. 6 {
11317. 6 env: Object.assign({}, process.env, {
11318. 6 NODE_V8_COVERAGE: coverageDir
11319. 6 }),
11320. 6
11321. 6// PR-465
11322. 6// https://nodejs.org/en/blog/vulnerability/april-2024-security-releases-2
11323. 6// Node.js will now error with EINVAL if a .bat or .cmd file is passed to
11324. 6// child_process.spawn and child_process.spawnSync without the shell option set.
11325. 6
11326. 6 shell: (
11327. 6 processArgv0.endsWith(".bat")
11328. 6 || processArgv0.endsWith(".cmd")
11329. 6 ),
11330. 6 stdio: ["ignore", 1, 2]
11331. 6 }
11332. 6 ).on("exit", resolve);
11333. 6 });
11334. 6 consoleError(
11335. 6 `v8CoverageReportCreate - program exited with exitCode=${exitCode}`
11336. 6 );
11337. 7 }
11338. 7
11339. 7// 2. Merge JSON v8-coverage-files in <coverageDir>.
11340. 7
11341. 7 consoleError("v8CoverageReportCreate - merging coverage files...");
11342. 7 v8CoverageObj = await moduleFs.promises.readdir(coverageDir);
11343. 18 v8CoverageObj = v8CoverageObj.filter(function (file) {
11344. 18 return (
11345. 18 /^coverage-\d+?-\d+?-\d+?\.json$/
11346. 18 ).test(file);
11347. 18 });
11348. 7 v8CoverageObj = await Promise.all(v8CoverageObj.map(async function (file) {
11349. 7 let data;
11350. 7 let pathnameDict = Object.create(null);
11351. 7 data = await moduleFs.promises.readFile(coverageDir + file, "utf8");
11352. 7 data = JSON.parse(data);
11353. 473 data.result.forEach(function (scriptCov) {
11354. 473 let pathname = scriptCov.url;
11355. 473
11356. 473// Filter out internal coverages.
11357. 473
11358. 393 if (!pathname.startsWith("file:///")) {
11359. 393 return;
11360. 393 }
11361. 80
11362. 80// Normalize pathname.
11363. 80
11364. 80 pathname = moduleUrl.fileURLToPath(pathname);
11365. 80 pathname = modulePath.resolve(pathname).replace((
11366. 80 /\\/g
11367. 80 ), "/");
11368. 80
11369. 80// Filter files outside of cwd.
11370. 80
11371. 80 if (pathname.indexOf("[") >= 0 || !pathname.startsWith(cwd)) {
11372. 74 return;
11373. 74 }
11374. 7
11375. 7// Normalize pathname relative to cwd.
11376. 7
11377. 7 pathname = pathname.slice(cwd.length);
11378. 7 scriptCov.url = pathname;
11379. 7 pathnameDict[pathname] = scriptCov;
11380. 7 });
11381. 7
11382. 7// PR-400 - Filter directory `node_modules`.
11383. 7
11384. 7 if (!modeIncludeNodeModules) {
11385. 7 excludeList.push("node_modules/");
11386. 7 }
11387. 7
11388. 7// PR-400 - Filter files by glob-patterns in excludeList, includeList.
11389. 7
11390. 7 data.result = globExclude({
11391. 7 excludeList,
11392. 7 includeList,
11393. 7 pathnameList: Object.keys(pathnameDict)
11394. 7 }).pathnameList.map(function (pathname) {
11395. 7 return pathnameDict[pathname];
11396. 7 });
11397. 7 return data;
11398. 7 }));
11399. 7
11400. 7// Merge v8CoverageObj.
11401. 7
11402. 7 v8CoverageObj = v8CoverageListMerge(v8CoverageObj);
11403. 7
11404. 7// Debug v8CoverageObj.
11405. 7
11406. 7 await fsWriteFileWithParents(
11407. 7 coverageDir + "v8_coverage_merged.json",
11408. 7 JSON.stringify(v8CoverageObj, undefined, 1)
11409. 7 );
11410. 7
11411. 7// 3. Create html-coverage-reports in <coverageDir>.
11412. 7
11413. 7 consoleError("v8CoverageReportCreate - creating html-coverage-report...");
11414. 7 fileDict = Object.create(null);
11415. 7 await Promise.all(v8CoverageObj.result.map(async function ({
11416. 7 functions,
11417. 7 url: pathname
11418. 7 }) {
11419. 7 let lineList;
11420. 7 let linesCovered;
11421. 7 let linesTotal;
11422. 7 let source;
11423. 7 source = await moduleFs.promises.readFile(pathname, "utf8");
11424. 7 lineList = [{}];
11425. 7 source.replace((
11426. 7 /^.*$/gm
11427. 11853 ), function (line, startOffset) {
11428. 11853 lineList[lineList.length - 1].endOffset = startOffset - 1;
11429. 11853 lineList.push({
11430. 11853 count: -1,
11431. 11853 endOffset: 0,
11432. 11853 holeList: [],
11433. 11853 line,
11434. 11853 startOffset
11435. 11853 });
11436. 11853 return "";
11437. 11853 });
11438. 7 lineList.shift();
11439. 7 lineList[lineList.length - 1].endOffset = source.length;
11440. 41 functions.reverse().forEach(function ({
11441. 41 ranges
11442. 41 }) {
11443. 65 ranges.reverse().forEach(function ({
11444. 65 count,
11445. 65 endOffset,
11446. 65 startOffset
11447. 65 }, ii, list) {
11448. 580047 lineList.forEach(function (elem) {
11449. 580047 if (!(
11450. 580047 (
11451. 580047 elem.startOffset <= startOffset
11452. 205728 && startOffset <= elem.endOffset
11453. 579982 ) || (
11454. 579982 elem.startOffset <= endOffset
11455. 579982 && endOffset <= elem.endOffset
11456. 579982 ) || (
11457. 579926 startOffset <= elem.startOffset
11458. 579926 && elem.endOffset <= endOffset
11459. 579926 )
11460. 556497 )) {
11461. 556497 return;
11462. 556497 }
11463. 23550
11464. 23550// Handle tree-root.
11465. 23550
11466. 23550 if (ii + 1 === list.length) {
11467. 23281 if (elem.count === -1) {
11468. 23281 elem.count = count;
11469. 23281 }
11470. 23281 return;
11471. 23281 }
11472. 269
11473. 269// Handle tree-children.
11474. 269
11475. 269 if (elem.count !== 0) {
11476. 170 elem.count = Math.max(count, elem.count);
11477. 269 }
11478. 269 if (count === 0) {
11479. 203 elem.count = 0;
11480. 203 elem.holeList.push([
11481. 203 startOffset, endOffset
11482. 203 ]);
11483. 203 }
11484. 580047 });
11485. 65 });
11486. 41 });
11487. 7 linesTotal = lineList.length;
11488. 11853 linesCovered = lineList.filter(function ({
11489. 11853 count
11490. 11853 }) {
11491. 11853 return count > 0;
11492. 11853 }).length;
11493. 7 await moduleFs.promises.mkdir((
11494. 7 modulePath.dirname(coverageDir + pathname)
11495. 7 ), {
11496. 7 recursive: true
11497. 7 });
11498. 7 fileDict[pathname] = {
11499. 7 lineList,
11500. 7 linesCovered,
11501. 7 linesTotal,
11502. 7 modeCoverageIgnoreFile: (
11503. 7 (
11504. 7 /^\/\*coverage-ignore-file\*\/$/m
11505. 7 ).test(source.slice(0, 65536))
11506. 7 ? "(ignore)"
11507. 7 : ""
11508. 7 ),
11509. 7 pathname
11510. 7 };
11511. 7 htmlRender({
11512. 7 fileList: [
11513. 7 fileDict[pathname]
11514. 7 ],
11515. 7 lineList,
11516. 7 pathname: coverageDir + pathname
11517. 7 });
11518. 7 }));
11519. 7 htmlRender({
11520. 7 fileList: Object.keys(fileDict).sort().map(function (pathname) {
11521. 7 return fileDict[pathname];
11522. 7 }),
11523. 7 modeIndex: true,
11524. 7 pathname: coverageDir + "index"
11525. 7 });
11526. 7 await Promise.all(promiseList);
11527. 7 assertOrThrow(
11528. 7 exitCode === 0,
11529. 7 "v8CoverageReportCreate - nonzero exitCode " + exitCode
11530. 7 );
11531. 7}
11532. 1
11533. 1/*
11534. 1function sentinel() {}
11535. 1*/
11536. 1
11537. 1// Export jslint as cjs/esm.
11538. 1
11539. 1jslint_export = Object.freeze(Object.assign(jslint, {
11540. 1 assertErrorThrownAsync,
11541. 1 assertJsonEqual,
11542. 1 assertOrThrow,
11543. 1 debugInline,
11544. 1 fsWriteFileWithParents,
11545. 1 globExclude,
11546. 1 htmlEscape,
11547. 1 jslint,
11548. 1 jslint_apidoc,
11549. 1 jslint_assert,
11550. 1 jslint_charset_ascii,
11551. 1 jslint_cli,
11552. 1 jslint_edition,
11553. 1 jslint_phase1_split,
11554. 1 jslint_phase2_lex,
11555. 1 jslint_phase3_parse,
11556. 1 jslint_phase4_walk,
11557. 1 jslint_phase5_whitage,
11558. 1 jslint_report,
11559. 1 jstestDescribe,
11560. 1 jstestIt,
11561. 1 jstestOnExit,
11562. 1 moduleFsInit,
11563. 1 noop,
11564. 1 objectDeepCopyWithKeysSorted,
11565. 1 v8CoverageListMerge,
11566. 1 v8CoverageReportCreate
11567. 1}));
11568. 1// module.exports = jslint_export; // Export jslint as cjs.
11569. 1export default Object.freeze(jslint_export); // Export jslint as esm.
11570. 1jslint_import_meta_url = import.meta.url;
11571. 1
11572. 1// Run jslint_cli.
11573. 1jslint_cli({});
11574. 1
diff --git a/.artifact/coverage/jslint_wrapper_cjs.cjs.html b/.artifact/coverage/jslint_wrapper_cjs.cjs.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7e2512946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.artifact/coverage/jslint_wrapper_cjs.cjs.html
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@