This was created as a comical nod to the older cyberpunk stuff like William Gibson's Neuromancer, Shadowrun, and other early imaginations of what "cyber space" would look like. In addition, you can collect VHS tapes that are stort of contemporary to those literary / artistic works and view some of my favorite clips after completing the level.
Left hand trigger - Teleport Right hand trigger - Shoot / interract with puzzles
- Scale - the user should feel small as you are navigating across a motherboard.
- Animation - VHS tapes and some enemy behaviors are handled via scripting their animations
- Locomotion - Teleportation
- Physics - Minigame ball is controlled via physics and when enemies are defeated they have gravity & explosion force applied to them so they crumble
- Video Player - Intro and Victory scene both have videos
- Empathy - What it's like to be a real hacker! Just joking, I didn't do this one.
- Gamification - Collecting VHS tapes are optional, but allow you to watch clips after completing the level
- Diegetic UI - Puzzle is marked in a highlighted zone and goal / penalty spheres are colored red and green - although I should make a colorblind mode...
- AI Achievment - Enemies use navmesh to navigate and then change behavior based on different conditions (patrol, search, attack)
- 3D Modeling - Gun, enemies, and motherboard (the level) were all created in blender. However, I botched the UV mapping of the motherboard, so that's why I didn't do the lighting achievement. Very new to Blender and very out of time :P
- User Testing - Tested with my friend Mike for basic prototypes of both puzzles and combat as well as late in development