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Pulsr Node.js Web App Framework

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Best decision of my career: Working on Open Source Software, the culture of sharing, encouraging and learning from each other is incredible. -- Dale Harvey @daleharvey

Pulsr is a very fast Web App Framework designed to allow teams to create A-graded Web apps much faster through independent pagelets development. All LESS/CSS/JS files are properly concatenated, minimized, gzipped, cache-enabled and sent to a client. This is why Google's Page Speed grades Pulsr based sites with 95 out of 100 speed score, and YSlow with 91 out of 100 score. The good news is Pulsr doesn't include all the Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site suggested by Yahoo! engineers. So, there is a room for further improvement.

Pulsr sites are not only fast from Google/Yahoo point of view, but they also look fast (perceived to be fast) for site visitors because Pulsr sends the first response without waiting for all the heavy work necessary to render the page to be finished like database queries, image processing, etc. Visitors see the basic layout immediately while the rest data of the page is pushed in by the server in chunks within the same initial HTTP request (notice: no AJAX!). This is the same technology used by Facebook on their main site, and many other high traffic Web sites like Mashable, TechCrunch, etc. If you want to learn more about chunked transfer encoding read Faster Web Page Loading with Facebook BigPipe I posted last year.

Pulsr is developer friendly

Pulsr is not complete yet, nothing is ever finished. In fact, I have just started it. With introduction of pagelets concept (discussed further) Pulsr is designed to make it very easy and fast for developers, particularly for teams, to build and maintain their Web applications.

Client side

UI on the client side consists of independent pagelets. This means each pagelet can be developed by a different person in your team, thus you can develop your application much faster.

Page structure

For page layout rendering, both client and server side, Pulsr uses Handlebars. Right now for server side Handlebars is fixed. For client side, there is no limitation. You can use whatever you want. I will see if I can make the server side be more flexible on this matter.

Every page in Pulsr consists of the following components:

  1. Main site layout
  2. Page layout
  3. Pagelet layout
Main site layout

Check out view/layout.hb.

Main site layout is pretty static. You most likely will never have to touch it unless you know what you are doing. This layout simply outputs:

  1. the opening html tag which includes Paul Irish's conditional html tag suggestions.
  2. the header tag with CSS links at the top followed by one single JS link to RequireJS which, if necessary, will load other required JavaScript files. Before RequireJS the header also includes configurations in a script tag for RequireJS.
  3. the opening body tag. Important: the body tag should not be closed because Pulsr is solely based on chunked transfer encoding.
Page layout

Eg. view/front-page.hb

A page layout is more or less static as well. All it includes is a markup for upcoming pagelets. It may also include other markup like the topbar, a header with a product or company logo, i.e. static page layout. Everything else which is dynamic that may slow down the response should be loaded through pagelets.

The idea here is - send something, anything to a client as soon as possible so that the browser starts working by loading required static resources and rendering the initial page. This is very important. Here is why.

When using a common Web framework, after it receives a request for a particular page, it start building the page markup on the server side filling out with contents retrieved from a database, doing other important work like logging, user tracking, etc. All this takes time, but during this time the client browser is twiddling its thumbs - a whole waste of time and resources. But when the server has done building the page, it sends the response to the browser, and now the browser is super busy loading all the static resources and then rendering the page as shown in the following screenshot.

Figure 1: The response flow when a Web framework sends full page at once.

What Pulsr does (Figure 2) is it sends the initial page template (eg. layout.hb + front-page.hb) to the client browser as soon as possible. While it keeps working on building the pagelets included for the requested page, by retrieving their data from a database or a remote server, the browser is already busy with loading page resources. At some point Pulsr sends the second chunk with, let's say, the layout and data of pagelet 1. The browser immediately starts loading the resources of this pagelet and starts rendering its layout. This continues until Pulsr finishes sending all pagelets' data.

Figure 2: Pulsr sending the page layout as soon as it can.

Using chunked transfer encoding, Pulsr allows to dramatically increase the overall page load time which is highly favored by search engines. Moreover, this gives your site visitors the feeling of pages loading faster. This is Psychology, and it works!

A page layout can be as dry as the following front-page.hb of a demo Pulsr site. The site pagelets will go inside, for instance, div#pageView. It is not a rule, so you can control this within each of your pagelet.

<div id="fb-root"></div>
<div class="fixed">
    <nav class="top-bar">
        <li class="name"><a>App name</a></li>
<div class="row">
    <div class="nine columns centered">
        <div class="row" id="pageView"></div>
Pagelet layout

Now this is the most interesting! The concept of pagelets is really cool! From developers' perspective, pagelets help to split the work into multiple independent tasks, which the team members can work on separately. Developers create their own pagelets which later can be included and reused in multiple pages. Very convenient!

Under /pagelets directory you will be creating and keeping these pagelets. Each of them should do something distinct (that's the whole point). For example, your blog page may consist of a post content, a blogroll, a list of blog categories, a section about the author, in addition to Google Analytics tracking code even though it is not something that will be visible to your site visitors. In this case you can create five different pagelets each of which output its own layout, content, scripts, etc.

A pagelet which has some visual markup to display to a client should consist of two parts:

  1. A DOM element, which wraps the pagelet itself and has class="chunked hide". That is, the pagelet's HTML should go in this wrapper. Let's call it a pagelet container.
  2. A JavaScript code in script tag which moves the pagetlet from its parent hidden container to a target DOM element as defined in the page layout.

If a pagelet does not display anything, like the Google Analytics (GA) tracker, the developer does not need to send the pagelet container. In this case, the script tag may hold GA's tracking code itself. For an example take a loot at GA pagelet in pagelets/ga/ga.js. It does not need any visual manipulation, so it sends only GA tracking code in a script tag.

Thus, pagelets should never care about where on the page they will be displayed. This shakes off the responsibility from developers to UI designers, though for most of teams this may be the same person.

The pagelet location should be defined in page layout by an id attribute of some DOM element. The developer will simply move the pagelet from its wrapper to its target location through jQuery or plain JavaScript, whatever is convenient.

At this point you may ask what if JavaScript is turned off on the client?

There are two LESS/CSS rules defined to be used by pagelet containers:

.chunked.hide {
  display: none !important;
.no-js {
    .chunked.hide {
        display: block !important;

To remind, a pagelet container is any DOM element which holds some pagelet in plain HTML. The container also specifies the class="chunked hide". It means when JavaScript is enabled, all pagelet containers are invisible to users so they will not see anything blinking at the bottom of the page. The pagelet's JavaScript will then move the pagelet from the container to its proper location which will make it visible to users.

If JavaScript is disabled, the .no-js class will apply which will make the pagelet container visible, so the incoming pagelet data will be visible to users anyway. Moreover, the pagelets will still be beautifully styled with your CSS. The only concern is that the pagelets will be out of order as they come from Pulsr.

Thus this approach provides several advantages over using AJAX:

  1. No extra HTTP request.
  2. No problem with cross-site requests as all data is served by the origin server which, if necessary, performs cross-site requests.
  3. Your users will always be able to see what you have for them despite JavaScript being turned off, unlike with AJAX.

Server side

Pulsr is AMD compliant. Everything in Pulsr is in modules which are loaded by RequireJS. Modularity will allow you to develop and maintain pieces of your application independently from the rest of the application. It is so awesome that JavaScript as a language will included a native support to modules in, perhaps, in the year 2013.

RequireJS is so cool that it not only loads modules on demand and manages their dependencies, but also allows to interpret the code only once. This means that your entire applications once loaded and interpreted sits in the memory. More than that, with RequireJS you can share data between client requests through local module variables or cache. One example is retrieving some information from a database or a remote server once and keeping it in a local to module variable or a global cache. This is true for both server and client side usage of RequireJS. I will explain more about this later in a separate post.

Client-side JavaScript

Pulsr provides automatic (but configurable) minification, uglifying, and gzipping your client side JavaScript files. By default these scripts are cached by browsers which means your server will not be stressed too much. This will give your app higher speed score. In development environment you can either turn it off or set a lower maxage value for Cache-Control. I have yet to implement the version control for static files including CSS for production environment.

When you change any of your JS files, they get rebuild on the next client request. Further on only compiled files are served to a client.


Pulsr provides Zurb Foundation CSS Framework. It is a really powerful one with slick UI. If you prefer Twitter's Bootstrap, you can replace it easily. All LESS/CSS files are also grouped, concatenated, gzipped and served to a client. By default, they are also cached by browsers with the same settings as JavaScript resources.

When building your site, oftentimes you do not need the entire CSS framework be loaded. Pulsr allows to group LESS files and request different resources for different pages. At the same time, it is very likely that you have a set of CSS rules which are common for all pages, eg. normalize, grid, typography, media queries, etc. These will be included on every page before the page-specific CSS.

Since iPhone will not cache resources over 25KB, in Pulsr final minified and gzipped CSS do not surpass 25KB in size. For this reason the common CSS is divided into two files: a) main style.less b) mqueries.less. So, on any page Pulsr includes two or more CSS resources. For the same reason, when developing your CSS rules, consider this iPhone limitation and divide your files into two if they are growing above 25KB.

As with JS files, LESS files are rebuilt every time root LESS files are changed. I have yet to implement so that Pulsr rebuilds also when imported/nested LESS files are changed.

File structure

The following is the current file structure of Pulsr Web App Framework. Until it gets stable, there is a possibility that it may change. In fact, I do have plans to change it significantly in the upcoming pre-stable releases when adding multi-site support

When will Pulsr be stable? When I develop a fully featured URL Manager for Pulsr. Right now it is limited to plain regular expressions, which, if matched, relay the request to a corresponding controller. Until then I will consider it as evolving and unstable, and you should use it on your own risk.

So, here is how Pulsr's skeleton looks like.

contents/	// here you place your static pages
controller/	// here you define modules which respond to user requests
docs/		// documentation of Pulsr generated by docco
img/		// here go your image files
js/		// here go JS scripts which you server to a client
less/		// for your LESS/CSS files
pagelets/	// here you define pagelets (modules by nature) which can be used by controllers
    /ga		// a pagelet for Google Analytics tracker
        /ga.js	// the pagelet script
        /ga.hb	// the pagelet layout
pulsr/		// the core Pulsr modules
views/		// here you place your layout files which are later compiled by Handlebars
    /layout.hb	// main site layout
    /front-page.hb // a page layout for a front page (/)
app.js		// main entrance script for Pulsr which is also defined in package.json
favicon.ico	// further follow favicons and touch icons as recommended by HTML5-boilerplate project
humans.txt	// a file about the developers of the project. You can include yourself as well.
robots.txt	// for search engines

Request flow


The entrance/start script for Pulsr project is app.js located in the root of the project. If you want to run locally, you do:

node app.js

app.js file is already defined in package.json as a start script.

"scripts": {
	"start": "app.js"

So you can deploy your Pulsr project directly to Nodejitsu or similar cloud platforms.

When you start app.js it loads the configuration file from conf.js and the HTTP server from server.js. The server listens to a port defined in conf.js.


Then the server passes a callback to url_manager.js.


When a request comes in the URL Manager decided which controller has to be loaded based on the request URI. Since all modules in Pulsr are loaded by RequireJS, they are loaded and interpreted by Node.js only once. This means no matter how many requests come in, a controller will be loaded only once at the very first time. Every next time, the controller will be served from the memory.


URL Manager loads url_patterns.js where the developer defines an object with keys and values where keys represent the regex, which should match the request URI, and values represent the controller name, which should handle the request. See the module snippet below.

define(function() {
	return {
		// sorted by priority: the first one matched will process the request
		'/': 'front_page',
		// blog and all kinds of content requests can be handled by the same
		// "blog" controller
		'/blog(/([\\w-]+)*)*': 'post',
		// The below will match everything else: used as the last option.
		// DO NOT remove it or the response will never be returned.
		'/.*': 'fileHandler'

When URI matches one of the URL patterns, the URL Manager loads the corresponding controller from /controllers directory which is then instructed to handle the request.


Usually controllers are written by developers. However, there is one core controller in /pulsr directory called fileHandler.js. This module handles the static file requests such as JavaScript files, CSS files, images, etc. If you take a look at url_patterns.js, you will notice that fileHandler controller is the last fallback option defined which matches basically anything the previous patterns could not match. It should not be removed, or else in case no patterns match, no response will be returned to the client.

When no patterns match, the fileHandler controller will be matched which will try to find the static file being requested, if there is any. If no file is being requested, or the file is not found, 404 HTTP error is returned.

Developer can further extend fileHandler controller. Currently there are two extensions:

  1. js.js (pulsr/fileHandlers/js.js): a file handler which handles requests for JavaScript files. It optionally minifies, uglifies, and gzips the file then sends to a client.
  2. less.js (pulsr/fileHandlers/less.js): a file handler which handles LESS/CSS files reqeusts. Optionally minifies, uglifies, and gzips the file then sends to a client.

You can, for intance, have image file handler which would preprocess and send image files based on the user agent of the client. Eg. for mobile devices you would serve smaller images, for desktops - large images, etc.

If no specific file handler is found based on the mime type of the requested file, the base fileHandler will handle the request. Multiple mime types can be handle by one file handler.

User controller

You can create two types of controllers:

  1. View controller which renders some view to display to a client.
  2. REST controller which handles headless, RESTful requests.

####### View controller

The following is a sample user controller from controllers/front_page.js which handles requests for a front page of a Web site for '/' URI.

define(['baseController', 'module'], function(BaseController, module) {
	return BaseController.override({
		title: 'My Node.js app based on Pulsr',
		layout: 'front-page',
		css: ['front-page.less'],
		pagelets: [
			{name: 'ga'}

Since the entire page is built from pagelets, as explained above, you can notice that the view controller doesn't include any code which has anything to do with displaying some content to a client. All the markup which will be sent to a client is generated by one or more pagelets defined in this view controller. In other words, if no pagelet is defined, nothing will be displayed to a client.

The front-page page layout that is indicated in the above view controller prepares an HTML markup (placeholder) for the defined pagelets. This way the pagelet developer does not have to think or care about where and how the pagelet will be displayed on the page. The front-end developer will handle that. For example, your pagelet would simply output the JSON object with data, while on the client side the view rendering would be handled by, let's say, a Backbone Model and View, which knows already where to create and insert new DOM elements based on your JSON data. Or if you prefer AngularJS, your pagelet would output angular-ready markup.

Requirements for a view controller are:

  1. Must override properties of a BaseController (/pulsr/baseController.js).
  2. Parent properties must be extended for the following properties:
    1. title: title of the page
    2. moduleId: an ID of the current controller auto set by RequireJS.
    3. layout: a page layout for this controller located at /views directory.
  3. Optional properties that can be extended:
    1. css: an optional array of custom CSS/LESS files which should be loaded for this page.
    2. pagelets: an optaional array of various pagelets that should be loaded for this page. Pagelets can be nested, i.e. one pagelet can have multiple inner pagelets which are loaded after the parent pagelet is loaded.

####### Headless/RESTful controller

A headles controller may look like the following from /controllers/api.js.

    # api.js

    An exemplary headless controller module to handle client site API actions.


    - ** /api**: will run the **default** action as no action is specified.
    - ** /api/someGetAction**: will run **someGetAction**.
define(['restController', 'module', 'conf'], function(RestController, module, conf) {
    return RestController.override({
        'get-actions': {
            // a default action if no action is specified
            default: function (request, response) {
                // as a sample response return this API and action info
                    controller: 'api',
                    method: 'GET',
                    action: 'default',
                    status: 'success'
            // some other API called from a client
            someGetAction: function (request, response) {
                // for example, first make sure this request is generated from our own site.
                if (request.headers && request.headers['host'] && request.headers['host'].indexOf(conf.get('')) == 0) {
                    // as a sample response return this API and action info
                        controller: 'api',
                        method: 'GET',
                        action: 'someGetAction',
                        status: 'success'
                    // otherwise, it's prohibited
                    response.statusCode = 403;
            // other GET actions can be added here
        // other HTTP actions can be added here

Requirements for a RESTful controller are:

  1. Must override properties (at least moduleId) of a RestController (/pulsr/restController.js).
  2. Optionally can provide GET, POST, DELETE, etc. properties like get-actions shown above.
    • When a GET request for /api/someGetAction is arrived, the RestController will check if get-actions property exists. If it exists, it checks whether or not someGetAction is defined in get-actions. If it does, it calls the function assigned to that action to handle the request.
    • In case no action is requested, eg. /api with no action specified, the default action will be executed.


Pulsr Web App Framework is distributed under the terms of the MIT license. For details refer to the LICENSE file in this repo.

What's next

This is the first public release. I will soon release a new version with significant improvements to Pulsr performance through:

  1. Decreasing Time to First Byte (TTFB) by flushing the main layout.hb even earlier than now: before the page layout.
  2. Gzip individual chunked responses from view controllers.
  3. And many more...

There will be even more improvements to the Pulsr Framework itself which will provide more convenience for teams to develop Web Apps in Node.js.