Give your object and models schemas
$ npm install draft --save
$ component install jwerle/draft
$ bower install draft
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Creating a model with draft is as simple as passing it a schema descriptor
var User = draft({ name: String, email: String })
, Post = draft({ owner: Object, content: String })
var werle = new User({ name: 'werle', email: '[email protected]' })
, post = new Post({ owner: werle, content: "I like draft :)"})
Creates a schema form a descriptor and returns a model constructor
var Post = draft({
owner : User,
comments : [Comment],
content : String,
created : Date,
updated : Date
Schema constructor
- An object defining a descriptor for the schema instanceoptions
- An object of options:strict
- Strict mode. Model from schema will be frozen from schema updates after instantiation. (Default:true
var schema = new draft.Schema({
name: String,
email: String
Adds an object to the schema tree
- A key used to identify the property in the schemadescriptor
- An object descriptor or constructor function
schema.add({ age: Number });
Creates a static function on the schema's model constructor
- The name of the static functionfunc
- The actual function
var siteSchema = new draft.Schema({
name : String,
url : String
siteSchema.static('createSites', function createSites (map) {
return Object.keys(map).map(function (site) {
return new this({ name: site, url: map[site] });
}, this);
// create Site model
var Site = siteSchema.createModel();
var sites = Site.createSites({
'google' : "",
'github' : "",
'twitter' : "",
sites[0].name; // 'google'
sites[0].url; // ''
sites[1].name; // 'github'
sites[1].url; // ''
Creates a constructor from the defined schema
var schema = new draft.Schema({
name : String,
email : String
var User = schema.createModel();
var user = new User({ name: 'werle', email: '[email protected]' });
Accepts an object of data and passes it to the Model constructor from the Schema instance
- An object of data to pass to the schema instance model constructor
var schema = new draft.Schema({
name : String,
albums : [Album],
fans : [Fan]
var bob ={
name: 'bob',
albums: [new Album({ name: "Sun Is Shining" }), new Album({ name: "Roots of a Legend" }) ],
fans: [sally, frank, joe]
A schema descriptor is a key to type descriptor object. The key for each property on the object represents a possible key on a model instance created from the schema instance.
A simple example of a schema who defines a model which accepts an object that defines a single property name
of the type string
new draft.Schema({ name : String })
A more advanced example would be to define the descriptor object for the property:
new draft.Schema({
name: { type: String }
Tree constructor. Creates an object tree for a schema. This is used for aggregating types
A tree instance is intended to be used with a schema
- A schema descriptor used to define the tree.options
- An object of options. If present andarray
is set to true then an array is returned who's prototype is an instance of the tree .
var tree = new draft.Tree({
name: String
// is an instance of draft.Type who's constructor is a String constructor; // { Constructor: [Function: String] }
Adds a key to the tree on a given parent tree. Defaults to 'this' as the parent if one is not provided.
- The parent tree object in which the descriptor is added to by the provided key. Defaults to the tree instance caller.key
- The key of the item in the tree to adddescriptor
- The object descriptor for the key being added to the tree
var tree = new draft.Tree({
domain: String
tree.add('subdomains', {});
tree.subdomains; // {} (Tree instance)
tree.add(tree.subdomains, 'primary', String);
tree.subdomains.primary; // { Constructor: [Function: String] }
tree.add(tree.subdomains, 'secondary', String);
tree.subdomains.secondary; // { Constructor: [Function: String] }
tree.subdomains.add('cdn', String);
tree.subdomains.cdn; // { Constructor: [Function: String] }
tree.add('host', String);; // { Constructor: [Function: String] }
Type constructor. Creates a Type used in a Tree instance for a Schema instance. It is meant to provide methods for validation and coercion.
- A valid type constructor who will NEVER be invoked with thenew
- A valid schema constructor
var stringType = new draft.Type(String);
stringType.coerce(123); // '123'
var numberType = new draft.Type(Number);
numberType.coerce('123'); // 123
var booleanType = new draft.Type(Boolean);
booleanType.coerce(1); // true
booleanType.coerce(0); // false
Creating a custom type
var customType = new draft.Type(function CustomType (value) {
return {
toString: function () {
return value.toString();
valueOf: function () {
return value;
add: function (n) {
return CustomType(value + n);
sub: function (n) {
return CustomType(value - n);
+customType.coerce(4).add(5); // 9
+customType.coerce(10).sub(9); // 1
customType.coerce('j').add('o').add('e').toString(); // 'joe'
Returns a string representation of a Type instance
someType.toString(); // '[object Type]'
Returns the valueOf return value from the original constructor on the Type instance
var someType.valueOf(); // some value
Default getter that coerces a value. This method that can be implemented by the descriptor. Defaults to .coerce()
var stringType = new draft.Type(String)
stringType.get(12345); // '12345'
Default setter that coerces a value. This method that can be implemented by the descriptor. Defaults to .coerce()
var stringType = new draft.Type(String)
stringType.set(12345); // '12345'
Validates a defined type. It performs instance of checks on values that are not primitive. Primitive inputs are validated with a 'typeof' check
- Mixed input to validate against the type
var numberType = new draft.Type(Number)
numberType.validate('123'); // false
numberType.validate(true); // false
numberType.validate(123); // true
Coerces a given input with the set Constructor type
- Input to coerce to a type
var booleanType = new draft.Type(Boolean)
booleanType.coerce(1); // true
booleanType.coerce(123); // true
booleanType.coerce(0); // false
booleanType.coerce(null); // false
booleanType.coerce(); // false
Base constructor for all created Model instances. Usually a Model constructor is created from a schema, but passing a schema to a Model constructor works too.
- An object of data is validated against the schema used to create the Modelschema
- An instance of a schema.
var schema = new draft.Schema({
name: String,
email: String
var user = new draft.Model({ name: 'werle', email: '[email protected]' }, schema);
Refreshes the state of the model based on its schema
Sets data on the model based on the schema
Returns a plain object representation of the model
Called with JSON.stringify
Returns a string representation of a Model instance
Returns a value representation of a Model instance
Define a schema for an object with types. Strict mode default
var draft = require('draft')
var schema = new draft.Schema({
name : String,
profile : {
email : String,
age : Number
Create a model constructor from the schema defaulting to strict mode
var User = schema.createModel();
Instantiate the model passing in an object. In strict mode all properties on an object must be defined in the schema that was used to create it
var user = new User({
name: 'werle',
profile: { email: '[email protected]' },
somePropertyNotInSchema: 'someValue'
Only values in the schema were set on the object // werle //
user.somePropertyNotInSchema // undefined
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