diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN.json b/resources/lang/zh-CN.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d62d0ff --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN.json @@ -0,0 +1,343 @@ +{ + "Actions": "操作", + "Details": "详情", + "If you did not request a password reset, no further action is required.": "如果你未请求重置密码,则无需进一步操作。", + "Reset Password": "重置密码", + "Sorry! You are not authorized to perform this action.": "抱歉!你没有权限执行此操作。", + "You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.": "你将收到重置账号密码的邮件,请到邮箱查看。", + "Confirm Password": "确认密码", + "Dashboard": "面板", + "Email Address": "邮箱地址", + "Forgot Your Password?": "忘记密码?", + "Forgot your password?": "忘记密码?", + "Login": "登录", + "Logout": "登出", + "Password": "密码", + "Remember Me": "记住我", + "Resources": "资源", + "Send Password Reset Link": "发送重置密码链接", + "Welcome Back!": "欢迎回来!", + "Delete Resource": "删除资源", + "Delete": "删除", + "Detach Resource": "去除资源", + "Detach": "去除", + "Detach Selected": "去除选择", + "Delete Selected": "删除选择", + "Force Delete Selected": "强制删除选择", + "Restore Selected": "恢复选择", + "Restore Resource": "恢复资源", + "Restore": "恢复", + "Force Delete Resource": "强制删除资源", + "Force Delete": "强制删除", + "The :resource was created!": ":resource创建成功!", + "Are you sure you want to delete this resource?": "你确定要删除此资源?", + "Are you sure you want to delete the selected resources?": "你确定要删除已选择的资源?", + "Are you sure you want to detach this resource?": "你确定要去除资源?", + "Are you sure you want to detach the selected resources?": "你确定要去除已选择的资源?", + "Are you sure you want to force delete this resource?": "你确定要强制删除资源?", + "Are you sure you want to force delete the selected resources?": "你确定要强制删除已选择的资源?", + "Are you sure you want to restore this resource?": "你确定要恢复资源?", + "Are you sure you want to restore the selected resources?": "你确定你想恢复已选择的资源?", + "No :resource matched the given criteria.": ":resource不符合给定的标准。", + "Another user has updated this resource since this page was loaded. Please refresh the page and try again.": "自页面刷新依赖,另一个用户以及更新了该资源。请刷新页面重试。", + "Are you sure you want to delete this file?": "你确定要删除此文件?", + "Are you sure you want to run this action?": "你确定要运行此操作?", + "Attach": "附加", + "Attach & Attach Another": "附加以及附加另一个", + "Cancel": "取消", + "Choose": "选择", + "Choose File": "选择文件", + "Choose Type": "选择类型", + "Choose an option": "选择一个选项", + "Click to choose": "点击选择", + "Create": "创建", + "Create & Add Another": "创建以及新建另一个", + "Delete File": "删除文件", + "Edit": "修改", + "Edit Attached": "修改附加", + "Go Home": "回到首页", + "Hold Up!": "Hold Up!", + "Lens": "Lens", + "New": "New", + "Next": "下一页", + "Only Trashed": "只有已删除的", + "Per Page:": "前 Page: 页", + "Please select a resource to perform this action on.": "请选择要执行此操作的资源。", + "Preview": "预览", + "Previous": "上一页", + "Run Action": "运行操作", + "Select Action": "选择操作", + "Select All": "选择全部", + "Select All Matching": "选择全部匹配", + "Something went wrong.": "出了些问题。", + "The action ran successfully!": "操作成功运行!", + "The government won\\'t let us show you what\\'s behind these doors": "政策受限", + "This image": "图片", + "Update": "更新", + "Update & Continue Editing": "更新以及继续修改", + "View": "视图", + "We\\'re lost in space. The page your were trying to view does not exist.": "你查看的页面不存在。", + "Whoops": "出错", + "Whoops!": "出错!", + "With Trashed": "包含已删除", + "Write": "攫写", + "could not be found.": "无法找到。", + "total": "总数", + "January": "一月", + "February": "二月", + "March": "三月", + "April": "四月", + "May": "五月", + "June": "六月", + "July": "七月", + "August": "八月", + "September": "九月", + "October": "十月", + "November": "十一月", + "December": "十二月", + "Afghanistan": "阿富汗", + "Aland Islands": "奥兰群岛", + "Albania": "阿尔巴尼亚", + "Algeria": "阿尔及利亚", + "American Samoa": "美属萨摩亚", + "Andorra": "安道尔", + "Angola": "安哥拉", + "Anguilla": "安圭拉", + "Antarctica": "南极洲", + "Antigua And Barbuda": "安提瓜和巴布达", + "Argentina": "阿根廷", + "Armenia": "亚美尼亚", + "Aruba": "阿鲁巴", + "Australia": "澳大利亚", + "Austria": "奥地利", + "Azerbaijan": "阿塞拜疆", + "Bahamas": "巴哈马", + "Bahrain": "巴林", + "Bangladesh": "孟加拉国", + "Barbados": "巴巴多斯", + "Belarus": "白俄罗斯", + "Belgium": "比利时", + "Belize": "伯利兹", + "Benin": "贝宁", + "Bermuda": "百慕大", + "Bhutan": "不丹", + "Bolivia": "玻利维亚", + "Bosnia And Herzegovina": "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那", + "Botswana": "博茨瓦纳", + "Bouvet Island": "布维岛", + "Brazil": "巴西", + "British Indian Ocean Territory": "英属印度洋领地", + "Brunei Darussalam": "文莱达鲁萨兰国", + "Bulgaria": "保加利亚", + "Burkina Faso": "布基纳法索", + "Burundi": "布隆迪", + "Cambodia": "柬埔寨", + "Cameroon": "喀麦隆", + "Canada": "加拿大", + "Cape Verde": "佛得角", + "Cayman Islands": "开曼群岛", + "Central African Republic": "中非共和国", + "Chad": "乍得", + "Chile": "智利", + "China": "中国", + "Christmas Island": "圣诞岛", + "Cocos (Keeling) Islands": "科科斯(基林)群岛", + "Colombia": "哥伦比亚", + "Comoros": "科摩罗", + "Congo": "刚果", + "Congo, Democratic Republic": "刚果民主共和国", + "Cook Islands": "库克群岛", + "Costa Rica": "哥斯达黎加", + "Cote D\\'Ivoire": "Cote D \\'Ivoire", + "Croatia": "克罗地亚", + "Cuba": "古巴", + "Cyprus": "塞浦路斯", + "Czech Republic": "捷克共和国", + "Denmark": "丹麦", + "Djibouti": "吉布提", + "Dominica": "多米尼加", + "Dominican Republic": "多明尼加共和国", + "Ecuador": "厄瓜多尔", + "Egypt": "埃及", + "El Salvador": "萨尔瓦多", + "Equatorial Guinea": "赤道几内亚", + "Eritrea": "厄立特里亚", + "Estonia": "爱沙尼亚", + "Ethiopia": "埃塞俄比亚", + "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)": "福克兰群岛(马尔维纳斯群岛)", + "Faroe Islands": "法罗群岛", + "Fiji": "斐", + "Finland": "芬兰", + "France": "法国", + "French Guiana": "法属圭亚那", + "French Polynesia": "法属波利尼西亚", + "French Southern Territories": "法属南部领土", + "Gabon": "加蓬", + "Gambia": "冈比亚", + "Georgia": "格鲁吉亚", + "Germany": "德国", + "Ghana": "加纳", + "Gibraltar": "直布罗陀", + "Greece": "希腊", + "Greenland": "格陵兰", + "Grenada": "格林纳达", + "Guadeloupe": "瓜德罗普岛", + "Guam": "关岛", + "Guatemala": "危地马拉", + "Guernsey": "根西岛", + "Guinea": "几内亚", + "Guinea-Bissau": "几内亚比绍", + "Guyana": "圭亚那", + "Haiti": "海地", + "Heard Island & Mcdonald Islands": "赫德岛和麦当劳群岛", + "Holy See (Vatican City State)": "罗马教廷(梵蒂冈城)", + "Honduras": "洪都拉斯", + "Hong Kong": "香港", + "Hungary": "匈牙利", + "Iceland": "冰岛", + "India": "印度", + "Indonesia": "印度尼西亚", + "Iran, Islamic Republic Of": "伊朗伊斯兰共和国", + "Iraq": "伊拉克", + "Ireland": "爱尔兰", + "Isle Of Man": "马恩岛", + "Israel": "以色列", + "Italy": "意大利", + "Jamaica": "牙买加", + "Japan": "日本", + "Jersey": "新泽西", + "Jordan": "约旦", + "Kazakhstan": "哈萨克斯坦", + "Kenya": "肯尼亚", + "Kiribati": "基里巴斯", + "Korea": "韩国", + "Kuwait": "科威特", + "Kyrgyzstan": "吉尔吉斯斯坦", + "Lao People\\'s Democratic Republic": "老挝人民民主共和国", + "Latvia": "拉脱维亚", + "Lebanon": "黎巴嫩", + "Lesotho": "莱索托", + "Liberia": "利比里亚", + "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya": "阿拉伯利比亚民众国", + "Liechtenstein": "列支敦士登", + "Lithuania": "立陶宛", + "Luxembourg": "卢森堡", + "Macao": "澳门", + "Macedonia": "马其顿", + "Madagascar": "马达加斯加", + "Malawi": "马拉维", + "Malaysia": "马来西亚", + "Maldives": "马尔代夫", + "Mali": "马里", + "Malta": "马耳他", + "Marshall Islands": "马绍尔群岛", + "Martinique": "马提尼克", + "Mauritania": "毛里塔尼亚", + "Mauritius": "毛里求斯", + "Mayotte": "马约特", + "Mexico": "墨西哥", + "Micronesia, Federated States Of": "密克罗尼西亚联邦", + "Moldova": "摩尔多瓦", + "Monaco": "摩纳哥", + "Mongolia": "蒙古", + "Montenegro": "黑山", + "Montserrat": "蒙特塞拉特", + "Morocco": "摩洛哥", + "Mozambique": "莫桑比克", + "Myanmar": "缅甸", + "Namibia": "纳米比亚", + "Nauru": "瑙鲁", + "Nepal": "尼泊尔", + "Netherlands": "荷兰", + "Netherlands Antilles": "荷属安的列斯", + "New Caledonia": "新喀里多尼亚", + "New Zealand": "新西兰", + "Nicaragua": "尼加拉瓜", + "Niger": "尼日尔", + "Nigeria": "尼日利亚", + "Niue": "纽埃", + "Norfolk Island": "诺福克岛", + "Northern Mariana Islands": "北马里亚纳群岛", + "Norway": "挪威", + "Oman": "阿曼", + "Pakistan": "巴基斯坦", + "Palau": "帕劳", + "Palestinian Territory, Occupied": "巴勒斯坦领土,被占领", + "Panama": "巴拿马", + "Papua New Guinea": "巴布亚新几内亚", + "Paraguay": "巴拉圭", + "Peru": "秘鲁", + "Philippines": "菲律宾", + "Pitcairn": "皮特凯恩", + "Poland": "波兰", + "Portugal": "葡萄牙", + "Puerto Rico": "波多黎各", + "Qatar": "卡塔尔", + "Reunion": "团圆", + "Romania": "罗马尼亚", + "Russian Federation": "俄罗斯联邦", + "Rwanda": "卢旺达", + "Saint Barthelemy": "圣巴泰勒米", + "Saint Helena": "圣赫勒拿岛", + "Saint Kitts And Nevis": "圣基茨和尼维斯", + "Saint Lucia": "圣卢西亚", + "Saint Martin": "圣马丁", + "Saint Pierre And Miquelon": "圣皮埃尔和密克隆", + "Saint Vincent And Grenadines": "圣文森特和格林纳丁斯", + "Samoa": "萨摩亚", + "San Marino": "圣马力诺", + "Sao Tome And Principe": "圣多美和普林西比", + "Saudi Arabia": "沙特阿拉伯", + "Senegal": "塞内加尔", + "Serbia": "塞尔维亚", + "Seychelles": "塞舌尔", + "Sierra Leone": "塞拉利昂", + "Singapore": "新加坡", + "Slovakia": "斯洛伐克", + "Slovenia": "斯洛文尼亚", + "Solomon Islands": "所罗门群岛", + "Somalia": "索马里", + "South Africa": "南非", + "South Georgia And Sandwich Isl.": "南乔治亚岛和三明治Isl。", + "Spain": "西班牙", + "Sri Lanka": "斯里兰卡", + "Sudan": "苏丹", + "Suriname": "苏里南", + "Svalbard And Jan Mayen": "斯瓦尔巴和扬马延", + "Swaziland": "斯威士兰", + "Sweden": "瑞典", + "Switzerland": "瑞士", + "Syrian Arab Republic": "阿拉伯叙利亚共和国", + "Taiwan": "台湾", + "Tajikistan": "塔吉克斯坦", + "Tanzania": "坦桑尼亚", + "Thailand": "泰国", + "Timor-Leste": "东帝汶", + "Togo": "多哥", + "Tokelau": "托克劳", + "Tonga": "汤加", + "Trinidad And Tobago": "特立尼达和多巴哥", + "Tunisia": "突尼斯", + "Turkey": "火鸡", + "Turkmenistan": "土库曼斯坦", + "Turks And Caicos Islands": "特克斯和凯科斯群岛", + "Tuvalu": "图瓦卢", + "Uganda": "乌干达", + "Ukraine": "乌克兰", + "United Arab Emirates": "阿拉伯联合酋长国", + "United Kingdom": "英国", + "United States": "美国", + "United States Outlying Islands": "美国离岛", + "Uruguay": "乌拉圭", + "Uzbekistan": "乌兹别克斯坦", + "Vanuatu": "瓦努阿图", + "Venezuela": "委内瑞拉", + "Viet Nam": "越南", + "Virgin Islands, British": "英属维尔京群岛", + "Virgin Islands, U.S.": "美属维尔京群岛", + "Wallis And Futuna": "瓦利斯和富图纳群岛", + "Western Sahara": "撒哈拉沙漠西部", + "Yemen": "也门", + "Zambia": "赞比亚", + "Zimbabwe": "津巴布韦" +} diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/validation.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/validation.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..965e61a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/validation.php @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ + ':attribute已存在。', + 'relatable' => ':attribute可能与此资源无关。', + +];