<a name"4.0.0-alpha.6.1">
- accordions: fix issue #51 add a security spacing around the arrow for header link (e39196dd)
- badge: fix badge size and color to better match the brand (39633350)
- build: o-carousel (ac318438)
- carousel: remove scss for specific slick component from core (5ce00b93)
- chore: code lint (1570a1b2)
- component:
- o-carousel (5e0c83d5)
- switches (bd75f04a)
- MegaMenu (51462f91)
- MegaMenu (49522428)
- MegaMenu (a80cc30e)
- MegaMenu (6aeded01)
- MegaMenu (3b0e35a4)
- MegaMenu (4da9b79b)
- MegaMenu (1645158b)
- modal (4e0c7775)
- megamenu (249088f3)
- Carousel (b284e6c5)
- dropdown (7e68792b)
- pagination (eba08dda)
- megamenu accessibility (a39cc04f)
- megamenu accessibility (67f74cbd)
- megamenu (9871bb30)
- megamenu accessibility (7369f58c)
- megamenu accessibility (9183101b)
- megamenu accessibility (f0836cd1)
- megamenu accessibility (e2693ed2)
- megamenu accessibility (e74c0d9b)
- megamenu accessibility (698917cb)
- mega menu (494eaa7d)
- mega menu (1e96e983)
- navbar (489c7615)
- navbar (2d5e9711)
- mega menu (8760940e)
- alert padding (b6b3891b)
- navbar (46864216)
- navs (e244bef7)
- o-card (d516cd7b)
- custom-forms: fix indeterminate state of custom radio issue #46 (17f3c497)
- dist: dist for ng-boosted (90ba25a8)
- doc:
- font:
- megamenu: move transition class adding at the begining and remove at the end (c9eaefd6)
- o-accordions: replace first-child selector by a default border and a sibling selector to remov (0663507f)
- o-buttons: fix build error issue #44 (b0000877)
- outline: remove default outline color. Use the current component color for the outline as (2e5bd260)
- sortable: update sortable js dependency. now works with jquery3 also remove links from th (e1efd1bc)
- tabs:
- transitionning: merge bootstrap fix for component is transitionning. See issue #50 (bb16f760)
<a name"4.0.0-alpha.6">
- accordion:
- button:
- buttons:
- component:
- buttons (3f3fe1e9)
- footer (8a3263d3)
- tables (e05a5ea5)
- tags (dc0bdb8b)
- navbar (b4a97940)
- o-list (f027f6db)
- navbar (5c5ca055)
- buttons (dff90f86)
- forms (f66bd126)
- scrollspy (9a629857)
- local navigation (b5791660)
- carousel (6802892c)
- carousel (174a1d6c)
- navbar (ae9bd644)
- buttons (64a03317)
- forms (e7cbaa95)
- scrollspy (51b7195a)
- local navigation (9bb1a928)
- carousel (5ef3648b)
- carousel (47291968)
- navbar (6cc35f38)
- custom-select: update custom select size to match all other form components (0ac2166a)
- dropdown:
- fix dropdown-menu overlay (dd5604e3)
- remove margin on nav-divider (53f81fe8)
- update dropdown scss following alpha.6 merge (15ff9db6)
- following alpha.6 update, fix dropdown item padding (b600b2ad)
- fix dropdown-menu overlay (db842938)
- remove margin on nav-divider (1af1e526)
- update dropdown scss following alpha.6 merge (6b57ac52)
- following alpha.6 update, fix dropdown item padding (7ef49b86)
- forms: update the spacing between two form groups (3f0eaedc)
- grid:
- links:
- navbar:
- pagination:
- progress: update progressbar font-size new var in bootstrap Alpha.6 impact on the progress (406f8b31)
- scroll-up:
<a name"4.0.0-alpha.5">
- card:
- update card header and footer background color to #fff (7d08fa99)
- fix double border on list in cards see twbs/bootstrap#20 (cad8131e)
- component:
- local nav mobile (744532ec)
- footer (aac578d0)
- accordion (9a546f20)
- dropdown (a5e1b792)
- navbar (ab9a6b85)
- pagination (d52ecb30)
- pagination (68e3d6cd)
- pagination (76e40aa3)
- accordion (d248e138)
- tables (5be835b3)
- popin (ef8efa43)
- form (16b13ae8)
- orange popin (df9ff136)
- pagination (2125bbc2)
- pagination (53ede330)
- local navigation (e94fa4a5)
- navbar (ec628546)
- tables (2a45a356)
- accordion (6ef0faf6)
- tables reflow (374ea7ef)
- tables (86b4b200)
- navbar (98854f86)
- accordion (fb576008)
- tables (be31c0b3)
- navbar (fa3447c9)
- navbar (1036572a)
- bullet point (09f37d1b)
- bullet point (3725e60b)
- toggles (0fdd9d37)
- buttons (34215930)
- navbar (f0bd5d61)
- nav pills (8c022e1d)
- custom select (35bde81f)
- custom checkboxes & radios (27fce3b0)
- carousel (bcc3e908)
- form select (9be9dfe5)
- input group (d1fec414)
- dropdown items (d45bb045)
- switches (f0aa3844)
- switches (c8bd544b)
- megamenu (751c3ce6)
- buttons (ba587e0a)
- cards (58518671)
- accordion class (40e5ef1f)
- stepbar (92167b35)
- form error message (3743699b)
- core:
- css: code lint (e7a6f32a)
- custom-checkbox:
- custom-select:
- dist: css external dependency (90b14a8a)
- doc:
- dropdown:
- forms: fix linting errors (fb3a9fb1)
- images: fix fig caption contrast error put #333 instead of #ccc fix issue #22 (3bcb00b9)
- input-group: fix issue #15 Double border onto segmented buttons (bb34c619)
- o-scroll: update background color to #666 (1a20a0a9)
- o-scroll-up: fix scroll up position on mobile display. Add a dynamic bottom position adapted (1e889f75)
- spacer: update spacer after alpha5 patch (20d02d34)
- step_bar: fix stepbar display on mobile (8243fca1)
- svg: fix svg encoding errors need to escape # for FF and IE11 (d6b2e428)
- table: fix hover table color for inverted mode compatibility (ca37b346)
- bootstrapalpha5: update bootstrap version to v4.alpha.5 (3916ce31)
- component:
<a name"4.0.0-alpha.4">
- chore: code lint (d8caba5e)
- component:
- doc:
- nav-tabs:
- o-scroll: fix js linting errors (1b5e720d)
- progress: brand alignement for progressbar (7450f8ce)
- switch:
- o-scroll: update the o-scroll component, add the doc, and prepare the alpha.4 release (5bae6fcf)
<a name"4.0.0-alpha.3.1">
<a name"4.0.0-alpha.3">
- component:
- doc:
- accordions: enlarge the border for mobile display 2px, for more readability (3b198ded)
- build:
- component: toggle switches (f6a0d5aa)
- icons:
<a name"v4.0.0-alpha.2">
- build:
- component:
- stepbar (93498248)
- pagination (234c5d1a)
- pagination (04eb7ab9)
- pagination (c98532c0)
- tab borders (33fbc0b3)
- breadcrumb nav (4c58c349)
- tabs (467f38d6)
- local navigation (d166eab0)
- tabs (cc752f1b)
- tabs (13ae96ec)
- collapse (fae5ee4a)
- collapse (f08e98fe)
- navbar (85bdfbc3)
- stepbar (c9ccdc82)
- accordion (df2d649e)
- local nav (194c40ad)
- stepbar (94ad9b5a)
- local nav (007f5c56)
- stepbar (7b6162c8)
- local navigation (8082ea7f)
- local navigation (230700e1)
- core:
- doc:
- build:
- chore: update frames and popout icons to include B2B (e0db88ca)
- core:
- doc: orange modules (7807a984)
<a name"v4.0.0-alpha.1">
- build:
- component:
- accordion arrow (1790d5d9)
- supra bar icons (f53c6d4d)
- megamenu (f035abf2)
- navbar & megamenu (b9c9be61)
- dropdown (95042f00)
- dropdown (45b51210)
- megamenu mobile (cb2d6662)
- navbar optimisation (132d3760)
- search bar (39de5d90)
- megamenu documentation (39dc6c18)
- mega-menu (872855d4)
- navbar & mega-mega-menu (f8445e9d)
- stepbar accessibility (c13df4c9)
- orange stepbar (036d4a8f)
- navbar (36064e57)
- orange stepbar (69806439)
- navbar comfort (5fdc5802)
- navbar branded (6eb4f242)
- button height (ccc2da8d)
- primary button pressed state (ed3e8085)
- buttons clear background (6ca2aa09)
- stepbar fix (84342e8e)
- tab height (0429fcf3)
- buttons on black background (3cc1f444)
- removed carousel glyphicon dependency (5e951cfb)
- danger button text color (edf6fc81)
- megamenu variables (b36d8429)
- o-button scss clean up (b2de3847)
- buttons states styles (0b1bf2c5)
- buttons states styles (31d4ce22)
- pagination (234556e6)
- pagination (d9dd2dea)
- button height (f5098f9d)
- form input height and padding (e29c12db)
- components:
- navs (4074a954)
- secondary buttons styling (213a2f26)
- accordion (93b73ffb)
- tooltip (531aac70)
- dropdown (a9379745)
- modal (e20ada5b)
- modal (fe777ba2)
- nav-tabs arrows (1fc3b1f9)
- dropdown (145c27ef)
- dropdown (37b20870)
- megamenu (b4efdd04)
- boostwatch (aed902e9)
- boostwatch (ede0c4cf)
- boostwatch (02efafb9)
- boostwatch (1f3d2ff8)
- boostwatch (6bb490d9)
- boostwatch (4d4827a2)
- boostwatch (225a7687)
- core:
- fix brand color (43fa9737)
- update grid frameworkgrid mixin due to libsass update (e959fb99)
- fix qunit test (e7598279)
- glyphicon references (b765fcd8)
- deprecated screen- var (fb31d21e)
- base font size (8993912d)
- font icon and minor fixes (30606be7)
- fix eslint errors into dropdown.js (49c08424)
- fix eslint errors and add tether.min to sample pages (49c03fde)
- eslint fix and orange icons fix (37b38d60)
- font family (210730bd)
- scsslint error space needed between operator (0ea4396a)
- Fix scss errors (f8467163)
- css:
- doc:
- navbar active links (f7e9c1f1)
- megamenu boostwatch (ced8b5d7)
- megamenu (1887240a)
- syntax error (f958673d)
- brand warning accessibility (c3e75896)
- brand compliant warning (efd66021)
- boostwatch mobile view (886252fa)
- confort+ left spacing (43e4b707)
- back to top on mobile (efea7577)
- back to top on mobile (2c4fb2e0)
- pagination semantics (3a8abb0d)
- pagination semantics (a564410c)
- boosted rebranding (16dd6685)
- Remove card class around the form into boostwatch (a231b322)
- back to top accessibility (c707d411)
- download button focus color (7c610dd2)
- boostwatch sidebar links (acb4a048)
- news page pagination (544356f4)
- js refactor (63340514)
- uncomment css classes for cdu_link (e1a7cd08)
- footer (43cc343c)
- scroll top button (0b2de027)
- scroll top button (151d5c73)
- js assets path (ab15adbe)
- js indentation (9737dceb)
- component pages (ec34d407)
- boostwatch (222cfb52)
- boosted landing page (3e30de3a)
- boosted landing page (7d3af81b)
- bootswatch (2bad2432)
- boostwatch (aa575cba)
- removed ads (65cef4f3)
- main navbar (ae3ae360)
- main navbar (b9a02c38)
- externalized orange custom doc (d9d16962)
- externalized orange custom doc (ec675904)
- externalized orange custom doc (a4e2c894)
- externalized orange custom doc (42e3e668)
- absolute paths (d0542368)
- absolute paths (4652ad2b)
- absolute paths (d2b509da)
- externalized orange custom doc (ec7ef53b)
- example: dashboard + form (01d5090f)
- examples:
- git: ignore generated output (11ed7b97)
- megamenu:
- pagination: sizes (25b00943)
- tab:
- test:
- build:
- component:
- core:
- doc:
- examples: orange news (7d48d5a4)
- rtl: component customisation (b7813d62)
Bootstrap uses GitHub's Releases feature for its changelogs.
See the Releases section of our GitHub project for changelogs for each release version of Boosted.
Release announcement posts on the official Bootstrap blog contain summaries of the most noteworthy changes made in each release.