0.7.1 (2024-05-01)
- auto snap version (8bab368)
0.7.0 (2024-05-01)
0.6.0 (2024-04-29)
- add incoming transfer progress (#47) (f154e90)
- add option to change destination folder (#60) (7091df0)
0.5.0 (2024-04-02)
- allow to select a specific port number (8188bfb)
- go back to flex-col for itms (3597da8)
0.4.1 (2024-03-10)
- support text payload (to clipboard) (f8a7732)
- release-please update .lock files (23b681c)
- scroll when multiple requests/results (97a1dea)
- support sharing WiFi (act as text) (69840b8)
- release 0.4.1 (d592b8e)
0.4.0 (2024-03-07)
0.3.0 (2024-03-06)
- add ability to change device visibility (860dff9)
- temporarily visible mode (need ble) (#33) (cb9b17b)
- correct color for hover on light green (0a20588)
0.2.0 (2024-03-03)
- add optimization profile for release (5203a1e)
- add option to configure close action (64c1ca9)
- implement logging into a file (1f7c986)
- release process specify GLIBC version in filename (9711ab3)
- tauri v1 & build on 20.04 (#24) (5516783)
- parse_mdns_info fix device_type & test (8f11566)
0.1.1 (2024-03-02)
- add frontend(tauri) & move current to core_lib
- add BLE listening for nearby device sharing (b400275)
- add disable/enable start on boot (de66a09)
- add frontend(tauri) & move current to core_lib (d989683)
- add notifications (ba050bb)
- add TcpListener & parse proto (76c28b7)
- auto_addr only V4 (ccbc08d)
- autostart at boot (e904683)
- display if the user rejected (42f901f)
- don't use hardcoded key anymore (f36316d)
- export common structs to TS (c2072b5)
- front-backend communication channel (45d9d7c)
- implement encrypted files transfer (b1e26ce)
- implement key-exchange, pre-encryption (c1b9edc)
- implement mDNS service broadcast (ebd2386)
- improve UI & handling of requests (4bd3e83)
- improve: stabilise UI & communication (7120162)
- init (143df16)
- make the core_lib actually being a lib (becf516)
- move tauri to V2 & BLEA behind feature (1187b44)
- prepare tauri to send cmd (fc2a28a)
- real hostname in UI (f9661fd)
- release process (b989b05)
- remove random mdns name (6d83183)
- resend broadcast mdns if nearby sharing (2aa4701)
- sending file working (and wip UI) (53890f0)
- somewhat working UI channel with Rust (6452132)
- ui: add version info (db14a39)
- ui: tray allow to open app (748cbbb)
- update transfer_metadata for future use (cde67c0)
- wip: implement base for outbound transfer (d4f2da5)
- wip: outbound handle connection response (21c7dd8)
- wip: outbound handle paired_key_result (56e32c1)
- wip: try to send BLE advertisment when sending (d8ae730)
- apply autostart if no value (87f49a8)
- linting (428e141)
- notifications blocked the thread (566894c)
- only handle own id for inbound channel (ed7453b)
- release all linux bundles (ade8a94)
- release: correct process (attempt#1) (32e1939)
- ui: improve style (d402374)
- unlisten & blur/focus fixes (a6f52b4)
- use vendored tls (8c5b954)
- wrong path for dep (72ef7bc)