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YubiHSM Shell

YubiHSM Shell is a tool to directly interface with a YubiHSM 2 device.

For the most part it is a thin wrapper around libyubihsm exposing most of its functions directly to the user.

YubiHSM Shell can be invoked in interactive mode and from the command line.

Interactive Mode

To invoke YubiHSM Shell in interactive mode simply run yubihsm-shell with no parameters. This mode supports tab-completion (not on Windows) and "classic" terminal shortcuts (C-p, C-n, C-a, C-e, etc.)

In this mode, the default Connector URL is http://127.0.01:12345. If a different URL is needed, it can be specified with the --connector option. For example, to select direct USB run

yubihsm-shell --connector yhusb://

Help can be obtained by running

yubihsm> help

to get a list of available commands and their syntax, or by running

yubihsm> help COMMAND

to get help on a specific command.

Debug messages can be turned on by running

yubihsm> debug all

other levels of verbosity are available as well.

Each command has its own default input and output format. Possible choices are PEM, base64, binary, hex, password and default. Those can be changed by running

yubihsm> set informat base64


yubihsm> set outformat hex

Input and Output formats are a generic modifier and some values may not make sense in some cases. The default setting can be restored by using the default format.

Command-line Mode

It is possible to run yubihsm-shell as a non-interactive command-line utility. To do so add the --action option with the desired command to execute.

For example, to generate an RSA 2048 key with Label Signature_Key, Object ID 10 and Capabilities sign-pss, run

$ yubihsm-shell -p password -a generate-asymmetric -A rsa2048 -i 10 -c sign-pss -l Signature_Key

to sign a file called message.dat using the previously generated key, PSS with SHA256 as padding scheme and save the result to a file called signature.dat run

$ yubihsm-shell -p password -a sign-pss -i 10 -A rsa-pss-sha256 --in message.dat --out signature.dat --outformat binary

it is then possible to extract the public key by using

yubihsm-shell -p password -a get-public-key -i 10 --out key.pem --outformat PEM

and verify the signature with OpenSSL by running

$ openssl dgst -sha256 -binary message.dat > digest.dat
$ openssl pkutil -verify -in message.dat -sigfile signature.dat -pkeyopt rsa_padding_mode:pss -pubin -inkey key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_pss_saltlen:-1 -pkeyopt digest:sha256

A detailed list of possible actions and parameters is available in the manpage or by running yubihsm-shell --help.