Slice text can change dynamically based on what a user has selected in slices above.
{% hint style="info" %} It is best practice to add dynamic text after configuring charts. Dynamic text will only return selections in charts. {% endhint %}
For example, suppose you have a chooser slice followed by a trend slice, and the measure used in the trend slice is the measure selected in the upstream chooser slice. Your trend slice title says "Here's the trend for the measure selected above":
You want to replace the phrase "the measure selected above" with the label of the measure selected above. For example, If the user selects IMDb Rating in the chooser slice, you want the trend slice title to display "Here's the trend for IMDb Rating." Likewise, if the user selects Budget, you want the trend slice title to display "Here's the trend for Budget" (and so on).
To do this, you would replace "the measure selected above" in the slice text area with dynamic text that references the chooser slice. Clicking the "@" button in the chooser slice will copy the dynamic text reference (also called the "slice slug"), which you can then paste into the downstream slice text.
Here's what that looks like:
{% embed url="" %} Add dynamic text {% endembed %}
You can access other details about a slice with the following shortcuts.
Shortcut | Description |
@Slice.pill | Display a selectable pill that lets you change the selection in Slice. |
@Slice.label | Show a label for what kind of item is being selected in Slice. |
@Slice.list | List the selections in Slice. |
@Slice.count | Show the total number of unique items in Slice. |
@Slice.number | Show the total number of selected items in Slice |
Here's an example
We have a slice that lets you look at a leaderboard of Directors using the Movie Trends data.
This slice is Leaderboard1
We can use the dynamic text below to show and change details about what is selected. Here's the text
@Leaderboard1.number selected out of @Leaderboard1.count @Leaderboard1.label
The selections are @Leaderboard1.list
Change them yourself here @Leaderboard1.pill
Here's what this looks like.