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File metadata and controls

395 lines (276 loc) · 17 KB

How to run blackbox-testing

Before running EdgeX black-box test using the Newman script and Postman, you must install the following:

You must also clone the repo from

To set up the environment variables for the test script, do the following:

1.Open the path/to/blackbox-testing/ file and uncomment the following code snippet:

. $(dirname "$0")/bin/


  1. Open the path/to/blackbox-testing/bin/ file and uncomment the following code snippet:

. $(dirname "$0")/


Change directory to path/to/blackbox-testing/, and execute the following command:

$ bash

The console displays output similar to the following:

$ bash
Starting.. volume
WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
Login Succeeded
Creating network "blackbox-testing_edgex-network" with driver "bridge"
Creating blackbox-testing_volume_1 ... done
Starting.. consul
WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
Login Succeeded
blackbox-testing_volume_1 is up-to-date
Creating blackbox-testing_consul_1 ... done
Starting.. command
WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
Login Succeeded
blackbox-testing_volume_1 is up-to-date
blackbox-testing_mongo_1 is up-to-date
blackbox-testing_consul_1 is up-to-date
blackbox-testing_logging_1 is up-to-date
blackbox-testing_metadata_1 is up-to-date
Creating blackbox-testing_command_1 ... done
  1. Check the EdgeX services using the docker ps command, as shown below:
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                              COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                                                            NAMES
f1b490b3e0c3         "/core-command --con…"   3 minutes ago       Up 3 minutes>48082/tcp                                                                                         blackbox-testing_command_1
055dc4d48442            "/core-data --consul…"   3 minutes ago       Up 3 minutes>48080/tcp,>5563/tcp                                                                blackbox-testing_data_1
e0aa5a675d7d        "/core-metadata --co…"   3 minutes ago       Up 3 minutes>48081/tcp, 48082/tcp                                                                              blackbox-testing_metadata_1
deaa276c175f   "/bin/sh -c 'java -j…"   3 minutes ago       Up 3 minutes>48060/tcp                                                                                         blackbox-testing_notifications_1
18336488dba4      "/support-logging --…"   4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes>48061/tcp                                                                                         blackbox-testing_logging_1
05896fe88e17            "docker-entrypoint.s…"   4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes>27017/tcp                                                                                         blackbox-testing_mongo_1
85d0e33c4924    "docker-entrypoint.s…"   4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes        8300-8302/tcp, 8400/tcp, 8500/tcp, 8301-8302/udp, 8600/tcp, 8600/udp                                             blackbox-testing_config-seed_1
9e4bf85969d7        consul:1.1.0                                                       "docker-entrypoint.s…"   4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes>8400/tcp, 8301-8302/udp,>8500/tcp, 8300-8302/tcp, 8600/udp,>8600/tcp   blackbox-testing_consul_1
47f532468383           "/bin/sh -c '/usr/bi…"   4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes                                                                                                                         blackbox-testing_volume_1

The script logic is as follows:

  • Import test data into Edgex
  • Run the Newman test script
  • Clean test data

For example, when we execute bash ./bin/ -cd, then the script logic is:

  • Import core-data's test data into Edgex
  • Run core-data's test script
  • Clean core-data's test data

The output is similar to the following:

$ bash ./bin/ -cd
 _____    _           __  __  _____                     _
| ____|__| | __ _  ___\ \/ / |  ___|__  _   _ _ __   __| |_ __ _   _
|  _| / _` |/ _` |/ _ \\  /  | |_ / _ \| | | | '_ \ / _` | '__| | | |
| |__| (_| | (_| |  __//  \  |  _| (_) | |_| | | | | (_| | |  | |_| |
|_____\__,_|\__, |\___/_/\_\ |_|  \___/ \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|_|   \__, |
            |___/                                              |___/

                           Version: Alpha

[INFO] Init postman test data .
Info: Initiating Coredata Test


Starting blackbox-testing_volume_1 ... done


❏ event_error_4xx
↳ 05 http://localhost:48080/api/v1/event
PUT edgex-core-data:48080/api/v1/event [404 Not Found, 173B, 26ms]
✓  Status code is 404
✓  Response time is less than 800

↳ 16 http://localhost:48080/api/v1/event/id/:id
PUT edgex-core-data:48080/api/v1/event/id/57e866d4e4b0ca8e6d73a412 [404 Not Found, 173B, 4ms]
✓  Status code is 404
✓  Response time is less than 800

↳ 13 http://localhost:48080/api/v1/event/id/:id
DELETE edgex-core-data:48080/api/v1/event/id/57e866d4e4b0ca8e6d73a412 [404 Not Found, 173B, 3ms]
✓  Status code is 404
✓  Response time is less than 800

↳ 18 http://localhost:48080/api/v1/event/device/:deviceId/{limit}
GET edgex-core-data:48080/api/v1/event/device/57e866d4e4b0ca8e6d73a412/100 [200 OK, 110B, 2ms]
✓  Response time is less than 800

↳ 100 http://localhost:48080/api/v1/event/device/:deviceId
DELETE edgex-core-data:48080/api/v1/event/device/preassureSensor [200 OK, 108B, 2ms]
✓  Response time is less than 800

↳ 22 http://localhost:48080/api/v1/event/device/:deviceId
DELETE edgex-core-data:48080/api/v1/event/device/57e866d4e4b0ca8e6d73a412 [200 OK, 108B, 2ms]
✓  Response time is less than 800

│                         │ executed │   failed │
│              iterations │        1 │        0 │
│                requests │        6 │        0 │
│            test-scripts │        6 │        0 │
│      prerequest-scripts │        0 │        0 │
│              assertions │        9 │        0 │
│ total run duration: 283ms                     │
│ total data received: 53B (approx)             │
│ average response time: 6ms                    │

After deploying services, we can test the service's API using the following commands:

Testservice command
support-rulesengine bash ./bin/ -ru
support-notification bash ./bin/ -sn
support-logging bash ./bin/ -log
export-client bash ./bin/ -exc
core-metadata bash ./bin/ -md
core-data bash ./bin/ -cd
core-command bash ./bin/ -co
All bash ./bin/ -all

You can run bash ./bin/ to list these options:

$ bash ./bin/
[INFO] Init postman test data . [-cd Coredata] | [-md Metadata] | [-co Command] | [-sn SupportNotification] | [-lo Logging] | [-exc Export Client] | [-ru Rulesengine] | [-all All]

Install Allure:

Allure is based on standard xUnit results output. Once we have finished running the Newman script, the built-in JUnit reporter outputs a summary of the collection run to a JUnit compatible XML file. (Path: /blackbox-testing/bin/testResult/)

Generate report using the following command:

$ allure serve /path-to-blackbox-testing-directory/blackbox-testing/bin/testResult

After executing the allure serve command, the following information is displayed in the terminal:

  1. The location of the generated report
  2. The URL to visit the report
  3. The operation to stop the local Allure web server (Ctrl+C)

For example:


For more information about the Allure framework, visit

Newman can also be used to test locally running EdgeX code quickly.

First, install Newman on your command line with NPM. Instructions on how to install NPM are widely available for your
operating system.
$ npm install -g newman

Tests can now be executed on a per folder basis with the following syntax:

$ newman run /path-to-blackbox-testing-directory/bin/postman-test/collections/collection_name.postman_collection
    --folder folder_name
    -e bin/postman-test/environment/environment_name.postman_environment.json
    -d bin/postman-test/data/data_name.json
where "collection_name" is the name of the collection (usually the name of the service under test), the "folder_name" is
the name of the component under test, the "environment_name" is the name of the environment the test should be run under (usually the name of the service under test, with separate environments for running natively and running in a Docker container) and "data_name" is the name of the data file for that test, usually corresponding to the name of the folder.

The test uses same logic as bash ./bin/ -cd, but there are more steps to complete.

We will use the core-data test below as an example.

  1. Add the script located at path/to/blackbox-testing/bin/postman-test/collections/core-data-importer.postman_collection.json

1-1. Drop, or select, the file in the Import dialog box


1-2. Select the Pre-requisite Scriot tab to view the prepared test data:


1-3. Select the Tests tab to view the script. This script executes POST API to add new test data.


  1. Import the environment from path/to/blackbox-testing/bin/postman-test/environment/core-data.postman_environment.json



  1. Execute the import script in one of the following ways:

3-1. Execute the import scripts one-by-one



3-2. Execute the import scripts using Postman Runner


  1. Import the path/to/blackbox-testing/bin/postman-test/collections/core-data.postman_collection.json file, this file describes the testing APIs and test assertions.


  1. Choose a test folder and env


  1. Select the path/to/blackbox-testing/bin/postman-test/data/eventData.json file and run tests.


  1. View the test result.


  1. Add the path/to/blackbox-testing/bin/postman-test/collections/core-data-cleaner.postman_collection.json script


  1. Execute the cleaner script in one of the following ways:

2-1. Execute the clean scripts one-by-one


2-2. Execute the cleaner scripts using Postman Runner


To run core-command tests you must have the following services running before any beginning any tests:

  1. mongo
  2. core-data
  3. core-metadata
  4. core-command
  5. device-virtual

Run the core-command-cleaner script, then the importer script, and finally the tests.

The core-command-cleaner collection requires the core-metadata environment. It does not require any data files.

The core-command-importer collection requires the core-metadata environment. It does not require any data files.

The core-command collection has four folders:
  1. device: this folder requires the core-command environment and the coreCommandData data file.
  2. device_error_4xx: this folder requires the core-command environment and the coreCommandData data file.
  3. ping: this folder requires the core-command environment. It does not require any data files.
  4. resources: this folder requires the core-command environment. It does not require any data files.

To run support-notification tests you must have the following services running before beginning any tests:

  1. mongo
  2. support-notifications

Run the support-notifications-cleaner script, then the importer script, and finally the tests.

The support-notifications-cleaner collection requires the support-notification environment. It does not require any data files.

The support-notifications-importer collection requires the support-notification environment. It does not require any data files.

The support-notifications collection has four folders:
  1. subscription: this folder requires the support-notification environment and the subscriptionData data file.
  2. notification: this folder requires the support-notification environment and the notificationData data file.
  3. transmission: this folder requires the support-notification environment and the transmissionData data file.
  4. ping: this folder requires the support-notification environment. It does not require any data files.