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zapier-platform-schema Generated Documentation

This is automatically generated by the npm run docs command in zapier-platform-schema version 12.0.3.



Codifies high-level options for your integration.



Key Required Type Description
skipHttpPatch no boolean By default, Zapier patches the core http module so that all requests (including those from 3rd-party SDKs) can be logged. Set this to true if you're seeing issues using an SDK (such as AWS).
skipThrowForStatus no boolean Starting in core version 10.0.0, response.throwForStatus() was called by default. We introduced a per-request way to opt-out of this behavior. This flag takes that a step further and controls that behavior integration-wide for requests made using z.request(). Unless they specify otherwise (per-request, or via middleware), Shorthand requests always call throwForStatus(). z.request() calls can also ignore this flag if they set skipThrowForStatus directly


  • { skipHttpPatch: true, skipThrowForStatus: false }
  • { skipHttpPatch: false, skipThrowForStatus: true }
  • {}


  • { foo: true } - Invalid key.
  • { skipHttpPatch: 'yes' } - Invalid value.
  • { skipThrowForStatus: 'no' } - Invalid value.


Represents a full app.



Key Required Type Description
version yes /VersionSchema A version identifier for your code.
platformVersion yes /VersionSchema A version identifier for the Zapier execution environment.
beforeApp no /MiddlewaresSchema EXPERIMENTAL: Before the perform method is called on your app, you can modify the execution context.
afterApp no /MiddlewaresSchema EXPERIMENTAL: After the perform method is called on your app, you can modify the response.
authentication no /AuthenticationSchema Choose what scheme your API uses for authentication.
requestTemplate no /RequestSchema Define a request mixin, great for setting custom headers, content-types, etc.
beforeRequest no /MiddlewaresSchema Before an HTTP request is sent via our z.request() client, you can modify it.
afterResponse no /MiddlewaresSchema After an HTTP response is recieved via our z.request() client, you can modify it.
hydrators no /HydratorsSchema An optional bank of named functions that you can use in z.hydrate('someName') to lazily load data.
resources no /ResourcesSchema All the resources for your app. Zapier will take these and generate the relevent triggers/searches/creates automatically.
triggers no /TriggersSchema All the triggers for your app. You can add your own here, or Zapier will automatically register any from the list/hook methods on your resources.
bulkReads no /BulkReadsSchema All of the read bulks (GETs) your app exposes to retrieve resources in batches.
searches no /SearchesSchema All the searches for your app. You can add your own here, or Zapier will automatically register any from the search method on your resources.
creates no /CreatesSchema All the creates for your app. You can add your own here, or Zapier will automatically register any from the create method on your resources.
searchOrCreates no /SearchOrCreatesSchema All the search-or-create combos for your app. You can create your own here, or Zapier will automatically register any from resources that define a search, a create, and a get (or define a searchOrCreate directly). Register non-resource search-or-creates here as well.
flags no /AppFlagsSchema Top-level app options


  • { version: '1.0.0', platformVersion: '10.1.2' }


  • { version: 'v1.0.0', platformVersion: '10.1.2' } - Invalid value for version.
  • { version: '1.0.0', platformVersion: 'v10.1.2' } - Invalid value for platformVersion.


Config for Basic Authentication. No extra properties are required to setup Basic Auth, so you can leave this empty if your app uses Basic Auth.



  • {}


  • { foo: true } - Invalid key.


Config for custom authentication (like API keys). No extra properties are required to setup this auth type, so you can leave this empty if your app uses a custom auth method.



  • {}


  • { foo: true } - Invalid key.


Config for Digest Authentication. No extra properties are required to setup Digest Auth, so you can leave this empty if your app uses Digets Auth.



  • {}


  • { foo: true } - Invalid key.


Config for OAuth1 authentication.



Key Required Type Description
getRequestToken yes oneOf(/RequestSchema, /FunctionSchema) Define where Zapier will acquire a request token which is used for the rest of the three legged authentication process.
authorizeUrl yes oneOf(/RedirectRequestSchema, /FunctionSchema) Define where Zapier will redirect the user to authorize our app. Typically, you should append an oauth_token querystring parameter to the request.
getAccessToken yes oneOf(/RequestSchema, /FunctionSchema) Define how Zapier fetches an access token from the API


  • {
      getRequestToken: { require: 'some/path/to/file.js' },
      authorizeUrl: { require: 'some/path/to/file2.js' },
      getAccessToken: { require: 'some/path/to/file3.js' }


  • {
      getRequestToken: { require: 'some/path/to/file.js' },
      authorizeUrl: { require: 'some/path/to/file2.js' }
    Missing required key.


Config for OAuth2 authentication.



Key Required Type Description
authorizeUrl yes oneOf(/RedirectRequestSchema, /FunctionSchema) Define where Zapier will redirect the user to authorize our app. Note: we append the redirect URL and state parameters to return value of this function.
getAccessToken yes oneOf(/RequestSchema, /FunctionSchema) Define how Zapier fetches an access token from the API
refreshAccessToken no oneOf(/RequestSchema, /FunctionSchema) Define how Zapier will refresh the access token from the API
codeParam no string Define a non-standard code param Zapier should scrape instead.
scope no string What scope should Zapier request?
autoRefresh no boolean Should Zapier invoke refreshAccessToken when we receive an error for a 401 response?


  • {
      authorizeUrl: { require: 'some/path/to/file.js' },
      getAccessToken: { require: 'some/path/to/file2.js' }
  • {
      authorizeUrl: { require: 'some/path/to/file.js' },
      getAccessToken: { require: 'some/path/to/file2.js' },
      refreshAccessToken: { require: 'some/path/to/file3.js' },
      codeParam: 'unique_code',
      scope: 'read/write',
      autoRefresh: true


  • { authorizeUrl: { require: 'some/path/to/file.js' } } - Missing required key getAccessToken.


Represents authentication schemes.



Key Required Type Description
type yes string in ('basic', 'custom', 'digest', 'oauth1', 'oauth2', 'session') Choose which scheme you want to use.
test yes oneOf(/RequestSchema, /FunctionSchema) A function or request that confirms the authentication is working.
fields no /FieldsSchema Fields you can request from the user before they connect your app to Zapier.
connectionLabel no anyOf(/RequestSchema, /FunctionSchema, string) A string with variables, function, or request that returns the connection label for the authenticated user.
basicConfig no /AuthenticationBasicConfigSchema No description given.
customConfig no /AuthenticationCustomConfigSchema No description given.
digestConfig no /AuthenticationDigestConfigSchema No description given.
oauth1Config no /AuthenticationOAuth1ConfigSchema No description given.
oauth2Config no /AuthenticationOAuth2ConfigSchema No description given.
sessionConfig no /AuthenticationSessionConfigSchema No description given.


  • { type: 'basic', test: '$func$2$f$' }
  • { type: 'custom', test: '$func$2$f$', fields: [ { key: 'abc' } ] }
  • { type: 'custom', test: '$func$2$f$', connectionLabel: '{{}}' }
  • { type: 'custom', test: '$func$2$f$', connectionLabel: '$func$2$f$' }
  • { type: 'custom', test: '$func$2$f$', connectionLabel: { url: 'abc' } }


  • {} - Missing required keys: type and test
  • '$func$2$f$' - Must be object
  • { type: 'unknown', test: '$func$2$f$' } - Invalid value for key: type
  • { type: 'custom', test: '$func$2$f$', fields: '$func$2$f$' } - Invalid value for key: fields


Config for session authentication.



Key Required Type Description
perform yes oneOf(/RequestSchema, /FunctionSchema) Define how Zapier fetches the additional authData needed to make API calls.


  • { perform: { require: 'some/path/to/file.js' } }


  • {} - Missing required key: perform


Represents the fundamental mechanics of a search/create.



Key Required Type Description
resource no /KeySchema Optionally reference and extends a resource. Allows Zapier to automatically tie together samples, lists and hooks, greatly improving the UX. EG: if you had another trigger reusing a resource but filtering the results.
perform yes oneOf(/RequestSchema, /FunctionSchema) How will Zapier get the data? This can be a function like (z) => [{id: 123}] or a request like {url: 'http...'}.
performResume no /FunctionSchema A function that parses data from a perform (which uses z.generateCallbackUrl()) and callback request to resume this action.
performGet no oneOf(/RequestSchema, /FunctionSchema) How will Zapier get a single record? If you find yourself reaching for this - consider resources and their built-in get methods.
inputFields no /DynamicFieldsSchema What should the form a user sees and configures look like?
outputFields no /DynamicFieldsSchema What fields of data will this return? Will use resource outputFields if missing, will also use sample if available.
sample yes (with exceptions, see description) object What does a sample of data look like? Will use resource sample if missing. Requirement waived if display.hidden is true or if this belongs to a resource that has a top-level sample


  • { perform: { require: 'some/path/to/file.js' }, sample: { id: 42, name: 'Hooli' } }


  • { perform: { require: 'some/path/to/file.js' } } - Missing required key: sample. Note - This is only invalid if display is not explicitly set to true and if it does not belong to a resource that has a sample.


Represents the fundamental mechanics of a create.



Key Required Type Description
resource no /KeySchema Optionally reference and extends a resource. Allows Zapier to automatically tie together samples, lists and hooks, greatly improving the UX. EG: if you had another trigger reusing a resource but filtering the results.
perform yes oneOf(/RequestSchema, /FunctionSchema) How will Zapier get the data? This can be a function like (z) => [{id: 123}] or a request like {url: 'http...'}.
performResume no /FunctionSchema A function that parses data from a perform (which uses z.generateCallbackUrl()) and callback request to resume this action.
performGet no oneOf(/RequestSchema, /FunctionSchema) How will Zapier get a single record? If you find yourself reaching for this - consider resources and their built-in get methods.
inputFields no /DynamicFieldsSchema What should the form a user sees and configures look like?
outputFields no /DynamicFieldsSchema What fields of data will this return? Will use resource outputFields if missing, will also use sample if available.
sample yes (with exceptions, see description) object What does a sample of data look like? Will use resource sample if missing. Requirement waived if display.hidden is true or if this belongs to a resource that has a top-level sample
shouldLock no boolean Should this action be performed one at a time (avoid concurrency)?


  • { perform: { require: 'some/path/to/file.js' }, sample: { id: 42, name: 'Hooli' } }


  • { perform: { require: 'some/path/to/file.js' } } - Missing required key: sample. Note - This is only invalid if display is not explicitly set to true and if it does not belong to a resource that has a sample.


Represents user information for a trigger, search, or create.



Key Required Type Description
label yes (with exceptions, see description) string A short label like "New Record" or "Create Record in Project". Optional if hidden is true.
description yes (with exceptions, see description) string A description of what this trigger, search, or create does. Optional if hidden is true.
directions no string A short blurb that can explain how to get this working. EG: how and where to copy-paste a static hook URL into your application. Only evaluated for static webhooks.
important no boolean Affects how prominently this operation is displayed in the UI. Only mark a few of the most popular operations important.
hidden no boolean Should this operation be unselectable by users?


  • { hidden: true }
  • { label: 'New Thing', description: 'Gets a new thing for you.' }
  • {
      label: 'New Thing',
      description: 'Gets a new thing for you.',
      directions: 'This is how you use the thing.',
      hidden: false,
      important: true


  • { label: 'New Thing', hidden: false } - Missing required key: description
  • { description: 'Gets a new thing for you.', hidden: false } - Missing required key: label
  • { label: 'New Thing', description: 'Gets a new thing for you.', important: 1 } - Invalid value for key: important


Represents the inbound mechanics of hooks with optional subscribe/unsubscribe. Defers to list for fields.



Key Required Type Description
type yes (with exceptions, see description) string in ('hook') Must be explicitly set to "hook" unless this hook is defined as part of a resource, in which case it's optional.
resource no /KeySchema Optionally reference and extends a resource. Allows Zapier to automatically tie together samples, lists and hooks, greatly improving the UX. EG: if you had another trigger reusing a resource but filtering the results.
perform yes /FunctionSchema A function that processes the inbound webhook request.
performList yes (with exceptions, see description) oneOf(/RequestSchema, /FunctionSchema) Can get "live" data on demand instead of waiting for a hook. If you find yourself reaching for this - consider resources and their built-in hook/list methods. Note: this is required for public apps to ensure the best UX for the end-user. For private apps, you can ignore warnings about this property with the --without-style flag during zapier push.
canPaginate no boolean Does this endpoint support pagination via temporary cursor storage?
performSubscribe yes (with exceptions, see description) oneOf(/RequestSchema, /FunctionSchema) Takes a URL and any necessary data from the user and subscribes. Note: this is required for public apps to ensure the best UX for the end-user. For private apps, you can ignore warnings about this property with the --without-style flag during zapier push.
performUnsubscribe yes (with exceptions, see description) oneOf(/RequestSchema, /FunctionSchema) Takes a URL and data from a previous subscribe call and unsubscribes. Note: this is required for public apps to ensure the best UX for the end-user. For private apps, you can ignore warnings about this property with the --without-style flag during zapier push.
inputFields no /DynamicFieldsSchema What should the form a user sees and configures look like?
outputFields no /DynamicFieldsSchema What fields of data will this return? Will use resource outputFields if missing, will also use sample if available.
sample yes (with exceptions, see description) object What does a sample of data look like? Will use resource sample if missing. Requirement waived if display.hidden is true or if this belongs to a resource that has a top-level sample


  • {
      type: 'hook',
      perform: { require: 'some/path/to/file.js' },
      performList: { require: 'some/path/to/file2.js' },
      performSubscribe: { require: 'some/path/to/file3.js' },
      performUnsubscribe: { require: 'some/path/to/file4.js' },
      sample: { id: 42, name: 'Hooli' }


  • {
      type: 'hook',
      perform: { require: 'some/path/to/file.js' },
      performList: { require: 'some/path/to/file2.js' },
      performSubscribe: { require: 'some/path/to/file3.js' },
      performUnsubscribe: { require: 'some/path/to/file4.js' }
    Missing required key: sample. Note - This is only invalid if display is not explicitly set to true and if it does not belong to a resource that has a sample.


Represents the fundamental mechanics of triggers, searches, or creates.



Key Required Type Description
resource no /KeySchema Optionally reference and extends a resource. Allows Zapier to automatically tie together samples, lists and hooks, greatly improving the UX. EG: if you had another trigger reusing a resource but filtering the results.
perform yes oneOf(/RequestSchema, /FunctionSchema) How will Zapier get the data? This can be a function like (z) => [{id: 123}] or a request like {url: 'http...'}.
inputFields no /DynamicFieldsSchema What should the form a user sees and configures look like?
outputFields no /DynamicFieldsSchema What fields of data will this return? Will use resource outputFields if missing, will also use sample if available.
sample yes (with exceptions, see description) object What does a sample of data look like? Will use resource sample if missing. Requirement waived if display.hidden is true or if this belongs to a resource that has a top-level sample


  • { perform: { require: 'some/path/to/file.js' }, sample: { id: 42, name: 'Hooli' } }


  • { perform: { require: 'some/path/to/file.js' } } - Missing required key: sample. Note - This is only invalid if display is not explicitly set to true and if it does not belong to a resource that has a sample.


Represents the fundamental mechanics of a trigger.



Key Required Type Description
type no string in ('polling') Clarify how this operation works (polling == pull or hook == push).
resource no /KeySchema Optionally reference and extends a resource. Allows Zapier to automatically tie together samples, lists and hooks, greatly improving the UX. EG: if you had another trigger reusing a resource but filtering the results.
perform yes oneOf(/RequestSchema, /FunctionSchema) How will Zapier get the data? This can be a function like (z) => [{id: 123}] or a request like {url: 'http...'}.
canPaginate no boolean Does this endpoint support pagination via temporary cursor storage?
inputFields no /DynamicFieldsSchema What should the form a user sees and configures look like?
outputFields no /DynamicFieldsSchema What fields of data will this return? Will use resource outputFields if missing, will also use sample if available.
sample yes (with exceptions, see description) object What does a sample of data look like? Will use resource sample if missing. Requirement waived if display.hidden is true or if this belongs to a resource that has a top-level sample


  • { perform: { require: 'some/path/to/file.js' }, sample: { id: 42, name: 'Hooli' } }


  • { perform: { require: 'some/path/to/file.js' } } - Missing required key: sample. Note - This is only invalid if display is not explicitly set to true and if it does not belong to a resource that has a sample.


How will Zapier fetch resources from your application?



Key Required Type Description
key yes /KeySchema A key to uniquely identify a record.
noun yes string A noun for this read that completes the sentence "reads all of the XXX".
display yes /BasicDisplaySchema Configures the UI for this read bulk.
operation yes /BasicActionOperationSchema Powers the functionality for this read bulk.


  • {
      key: 'recipes',
      noun: 'Recipes',
      display: { label: 'Recipes', description: 'A Read that lets Zapier fetch all recipes.' },
      operation: {
        perform: '$func$0$f$',
        sample: { id: 1, firstName: 'Walter', lastName: 'Sobchak', occupation: 'Bowler' }


  • {
      display: { label: 'Get User', description: 'Retrieve a user.' },
      operation: { description: 'Define how this search method will work.' }
    Missing required keys: key and noun


Enumerates the bulk reads your app exposes.



Key Required Type Description
^[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$ no /BulkReadSchema Any unique key can be used and its values will be validated against the BulkReadSchema.


  • {
      recipes: {
        key: 'recipes',
        noun: 'Recipes',
        display: { label: 'Recipes', description: 'A Read that lets Zapier fetch all recipes.' },
        operation: {
          perform: '$func$0$f$',
          sample: { id: 1, firstName: 'Walter', lastName: 'Sobchak', occupation: 'Bowler' }


  • {
      readRecipes: {
        key: 'recipes',
        noun: 'Recipes',
        display: { label: 'Recipes', description: 'A Read that lets Zapier fetch all recipes.' },
        operation: {
          perform: '$func$0$f$',
          sample: { id: 1, firstName: 'Walter', lastName: 'Sobchak', occupation: 'Bowler' }
    Key must match the key of the associated BulkReadSchema


How will Zapier create a new object?



Key Required Type Description
key yes /KeySchema A key to uniquely identify this create.
noun yes string A noun for this create that completes the sentence "creates a new XXX".
display yes /BasicDisplaySchema Configures the UI for this create.
operation yes /BasicCreateActionOperationSchema Powers the functionality for this create.


  • {
      key: 'recipe',
      noun: 'Recipe',
      display: { label: 'Create Recipe', description: 'Creates a new recipe.' },
      operation: { perform: '$func$2$f$', sample: { id: 1 } }
  • {
      key: 'recipe',
      noun: 'Recipe',
      display: { label: 'Create Recipe', description: 'Creates a new recipe.' },
      operation: { perform: '$func$2$f$', sample: { id: 1 }, shouldLock: true }
  • {
      key: 'recipe',
      noun: 'Recipe',
      display: { label: 'Create Recipe', description: 'Creates a new recipe.', hidden: true },
      operation: { perform: '$func$2$f$' }


  • 'abc' - Must be an object
  • {
      key: 'recipe',
      noun: 'Recipe',
      display: { label: 'Create Recipe', description: 'Creates a new recipe.' },
      operation: { perform: '$func$2$f$', shouldLock: 'yes' }
    Invalid value for key on operation: shouldLock
  • {
      key: 'recipe',
      noun: 'Recipe',
      display: { label: 'Create Recipe', description: 'Creates a new recipe.' },
      operation: { perform: '$func$2$f$' }
    Missing required key on operation: sample. Note - this is valid if the resource has defined a sample.


Enumerates the creates your app has available for users.



Key Required Type Description
^[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$ no /CreateSchema Any unique key can be used and its values will be validated against the CreateSchema.


  • {
      createRecipe: {
        key: 'createRecipe',
        noun: 'Recipe',
        display: { label: 'Create Recipe', description: 'Creates a new recipe.' },
        operation: { perform: '$func$2$f$', sample: { id: 1 } }
  • {
      Create_Recipe_01: {
        key: 'Create_Recipe_01',
        noun: 'Recipe',
        display: { label: 'Create Recipe', description: 'Creates a new recipe.' },
        operation: { perform: '$func$2$f$', sample: { id: 1 } }


  • {
      '01_Create_Recipe': {
        key: '01_Create_Recipe',
        noun: 'Recipe',
        display: { label: 'Create Recipe', description: 'Creates a new recipe.' },
        operation: { perform: '$func$2$f$', sample: { id: 1 } }
    Key must start with a letter
  • {
      Create_Recipe: {
        key: 'createRecipe',
        noun: 'Recipe',
        display: { label: 'Create Recipe', description: 'Creates a new recipe.' },
        operation: { perform: '$func$2$f$', sample: { id: 1 } }
    Key must match the key field in CreateSchema


Like /FieldsSchema but you can provide functions to create dynamic or custom fields.



  • []
  • [ { key: 'abc' } ]
  • [ { key: 'abc' }, '$func$2$f$' ]
  • [ '$func$2$f$', '$func$2$f$' ]


  • [ {} ] - FieldSchema missing required key: key
  • [ { key: 'abc', choices: {} } ] - Invalid value for key in FieldSchema: choices (cannot be empty)
  • '$func$2$f$' - Must be an array


An object describing a labeled choice in a static dropdown. Useful if the value a user picks isn't exactly what the zap uses. For instance, when they click on a nickname, but the zap uses the user's full name (image).



Key Required Type Description
value yes string The actual value that is sent into the Zap. Should match sample exactly.
sample yes string Displayed as light grey text in the editor. It's important that the value match the sample. Otherwise, the actual value won't match what the user picked, which is confusing.
label yes string A human readable label for this value.


  • { label: 'Red', sample: '#f00', value: '#f00' }


  • { label: 'Red', value: '#f00' } - Missing required key: sample


A static dropdown of options. Which you use depends on your order and label requirements:

Need a Label? Does Order Matter? Type to Use
Yes No Object of value -> label
No Yes Array of Strings
Yes Yes Array of FieldChoiceWithLabel



  • { a: '1', b: '2', c: '3' }
  • [ 'first', 'second', 'third' ]


  • [ 1, 2, 3 ] - If an array, must be of either type string or FieldChoiceWithLabelSchema
  • [ { a: '1', b: '2', c: '3' } ] - If an array, must be of either type string or FieldChoiceWithLabelSchema


Represents an array of fields or functions.



  • []
  • [ { key: 'abc' } ]
  • [ { key: 'abc' }, '$func$2$f$' ]
  • [ '$func$2$f$', '$func$2$f$' ]


  • [ {} ] - Array item not a valid FieldSchema or FunctionSchema
  • [ { key: 'abc', choices: {} } ] - Array item not a valid FieldSchema
  • '$func$2$f$' - Must be an array


Defines a field an app either needs as input, or gives as output. In addition to the requirements below, the following keys are mutually exclusive:

  • children & list
  • children & dict
  • children & type
  • children & placeholder
  • children & helpText
  • children & default
  • dict & list
  • dynamic & dict
  • dynamic & choices



Key Required Type Description
key yes string A unique machine readable key for this value (IE: "fname").
label no string A human readable label for this value (IE: "First Name").
helpText no string A human readable description of this value (IE: "The first part of a full name."). You can use Markdown.
type no string in ('string', 'text', 'integer', 'number', 'boolean', 'datetime', 'file', 'password', 'copy', 'code') The type of this value. Use string for basic text input, text for a large, <textarea> style box, and code for a <textarea> with a fixed-width font.
required no boolean If this value is required or not.
placeholder no string An example value that is not saved.
default no string A default value that is saved the first time a Zap is created.
dynamic no /RefResourceSchema A reference to a trigger that will power a dynamic dropdown.
search no /RefResourceSchema A reference to a search that will guide the user to add a search step to populate this field when creating a Zap.
choices no /FieldChoicesSchema An object of machine keys and human values to populate a static dropdown.
list no boolean Acts differently when used in inputFields vs. when used in outputFields. In inputFields: Can a user provide multiples of this field? In outputFields: Does this field return an array of items of type type?
children no array[/FieldSchema] An array of child fields that define the structure of a sub-object for this field. Usually used for line items.
dict no boolean Is this field a key/value input?
computed no boolean Is this field automatically populated (and hidden from the user)?
altersDynamicFields no boolean Does the value of this field affect the definitions of other fields in the set?
inputFormat no string Useful when you expect the input to be part of a longer string. Put "{{input}}" in place of the user's input (IE: "https://{{input}}").


  • { key: 'abc' }
  • { key: 'abc', choices: { mobile: 'Mobile Phone' } }
  • { key: 'abc', choices: [ 'first', 'second', 'third' ] }
  • { key: 'abc', choices: [ { label: 'Red', sample: '#f00', value: '#f00' } ] }
  • { key: 'abc', children: [ { key: 'abc' } ] }
  • { key: 'abc', type: 'integer', helpText: 'neat' }


  • {} - Missing required key: key
  • { key: 'abc', type: 'loltype' } - Invalid value for key: type
  • { key: 'abc', choices: {} } - Invalid value for key: choices (cannot be empty)
  • { key: 'abc', choices: [] } - Invalid value for key: choices (cannot be empty)
  • { key: 'abc', choices: [ 3 ] } - Invalid value for key: choices (if an array, must be of either string or FieldChoiceWithLabelSchema)
  • { key: 'abc', choices: [ { label: 'Red', value: '#f00' } ] } - Invalid value for key: choices (if an array of FieldChoiceWithLabelSchema, must provide key sample)
  • { key: 'abc', choices: 'mobile' } - Invalid value for key: choices (must be either object or array)
  • { key: 'abc', children: [ '$func$2$f$' ] } - Invalid value for key: children (must be array of FieldSchema)


An array or collection of fields.



  • [ { key: 'abc' } ]


  • {} - Must be an array


An object whose values can only be primitives



Key Required Type Description
[^\s]+ no anyOf(null, string, integer, number, boolean) Any key may exist in this flat object as long as its values are simple.


  • { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
  • { a: 1.2, b: 2.2, c: 3.3 }
  • { a: 'a', b: 'b', c: 'c' }
  • { a: true, b: true, c: false }
  • { a: 'a', b: 2, c: 3.1, d: true, e: false }
  • { '123': 'hello' }


  • { a: {}, b: 2 } - Invalid value for key: a (objects are not allowed)
  • { a: [], b: 2 } - Invalid value for key: a (arrays are not allowed)
  • { '': 1 } - Key cannot be empty


A path to a file that might have content like module.exports = (z, bundle) => [{id: 123}];.



Key Required Type Description
require yes string No description given.


  • { require: 'some/path/to/file.js' }


  • {} - Missing required key: require
  • { required: 2 } - Invalid value for key: required (must be of type string)


Internal pointer to a function from the original source or the source code itself. Encodes arity and if arguments is used in the body. Note - just write normal functions and the system will encode the pointers for you. Or, provide {source: "return 1 + 2"} and the system will wrap in a function for you.



  • '$func$0$f$'
  • '$func$2$t$'
  • { source: 'return 1 + 2' }
  • { require: 'some/path/to/file.js' }


  • 'funcy' - Invalid function reference
  • { source: '1 + 2' } - Invalid value for key: source (must end with a return statement)
  • { source: '1 + 2', require: 'some/path/to/file.js' } - Must be either /FunctionRequireSchema or /FunctionSourceSchema


Source code like {source: "return 1 + 2"} which the system will wrap in a function for you.



Key Required Type Description
source yes string JavaScript code for the function body. This must end with a return statement.
args no array[string] Function signature. Defaults to ['z', 'bundle'] if not specified.


  • { source: 'return 1 + 2' }
  • { args: [ 'x', 'y' ], source: 'return x + y;' }


  • { source: '1 + 2' } - Invalid value for key: source (must end with a return statement)


A bank of named functions that you can use in z.hydrate('someName') to lazily load data.



Key Required Type Description
^[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9]*$ no /FunctionSchema Any unique key can be used in z.hydrate('uniqueKeyHere').


  • { hydrateFile: { require: 'some/path/to/file.js' } }


  • { '12th': { require: 'some/path/to/file.js' } } - Invalid key (must start with a letter)


A unique identifier for this item.


  • Type - string
  • Pattern - ^[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$
  • Source Code


  • 'vk'
  • 'validKey'
  • 'ValidKey'
  • 'Valid_Key_2'


  • '' - Cannot be empty
  • 'A' - Minimum of two characters
  • '1_Key' - Must start with a letter
  • 'a-Key' - Must not use dashes


List of before or after middlewares. Can be an array of functions or a single function



  • { require: 'some/path/to/file.js' }
  • [ { require: 'some/path/to/file.js' } ]


  • {} - Does not match either /FunctionSchema or an array of such


A representation of a HTTP redirect - you can use the {{syntax}} to inject authentication, field or global variables.



Key Required Type Description
method no string in ('GET') The HTTP method for the request.
url no string A URL for the request (we will parse the querystring and merge with params). Keys and values will not be re-encoded.
params no /FlatObjectSchema A mapping of the querystring - will get merged with any query params in the URL. Keys and values will be encoded.


  • { method: 'GET', url: '' }


  • { method: 'POST', url: '' } - Invalid value for key: method


Reference a resource by key and the data it returns. In the format of: {resource_key}.{foreign_key}(.{human_label_key}).


  • Type - string
  • Pattern - ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\s\[\]]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\s\[\]]+(,[a-zA-Z0-9_\s\[\]]+)*)?$
  • Source Code


  • ''
  • ''
  • ',lastName'
  • ',last_name,email'
  • 'contact.Contact Id.Full Name'
  • '[][]First Name,data[]Last Name'


  • 'Contact List' - Does not match resource_key pattern
  • 'Contact.list,' - Does not match foreign_key pattern
  • '' - Does not match human_label_key pattern


A representation of a HTTP request - you can use the {{syntax}} to inject authentication, field or global variables.



Key Required Type Description
method no string in ('GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'PATCH', 'DELETE', 'HEAD') The HTTP method for the request.
url no string A URL for the request (we will parse the querystring and merge with params). Keys and values will not be re-encoded.
body no oneOf(null, string, object, array) Can be nothing, a raw string or JSON (object or array).
params no /FlatObjectSchema A mapping of the querystring - will get merged with any query params in the URL. Keys and values will be encoded.
headers no /FlatObjectSchema The HTTP headers for the request.
auth no oneOf(array[string], /FlatObjectSchema) An object holding the auth parameters for OAuth1 request signing, like {oauth_token: 'abcd', oauth_token_secret: '1234'}. Or an array reserved (i.e. not implemented yet) to hold the username and password for Basic Auth. Like ['AzureDiamond', 'hunter2'].
removeMissingValuesFrom no object Should missing values be sent? (empty strings, null, and undefined only — [], {}, and false will still be sent). Allowed fields are params and body. The default is false, ex: removeMissingValuesFrom: { params: false, body: false }
serializeValueForCurlies no /FunctionSchema A function to customize how to serialize a value for curlies {{var}} in the request object. By default, when this is unspecified, the request client only replaces curlies where variables are strings, and would throw an error for non-strings. The function should accepts a single argument as the value to be serialized and return the string representation of the argument.
skipThrowForStatus no boolean If true, don't throw an exception for response 400 <= status < 600 automatically before resolving with the response. Defaults to false.
skipEncodingChars no string Contains the characters that you want left unencoded in the query params (req.params). If unspecified, z.request() will percent-encode non-ascii characters and these reserved characters: :$/?#[]@$&+,;=^@`\.


  • { method: 'GET', url: '' }


  • { method: 'SUPERCHARGE', url: '' } - Invalid value for key: method


How will we find create a specific object given inputs? Will be turned into a create automatically.



Key Required Type Description
display yes /BasicDisplaySchema Define how this create method will be exposed in the UI.
operation yes /BasicActionOperationSchema Define how this create method will work.


  • {
      display: { label: 'Create Tag', description: 'Create a new Tag in your account.' },
      operation: { perform: '$func$2$f$', sample: { id: 1 } }
  • {
      display: {
        label: 'Create Tag',
        description: 'Create a new Tag in your account.',
        hidden: true
      operation: { perform: '$func$2$f$' }


  • {
      display: { label: 'Create Tag', description: 'Create a new Tag in your account.' },
      operation: { perform: '$func$2$f$' }
    Missing key from operation: sample. Note – this is valid if the resource has defined a sample.


How will we get a single object given a unique identifier/id?



Key Required Type Description
display yes /BasicDisplaySchema Define how this get method will be exposed in the UI.
operation yes /BasicOperationSchema Define how this get method will work.


  • {
      display: { label: 'Get Tag by ID', description: 'Grab a specific Tag by ID.' },
      operation: { perform: { url: '$func$0$f$' }, sample: { id: 385, name: 'proactive enable ROI' } }
  • {
      display: { label: 'Get Tag by ID', description: 'Grab a specific Tag by ID.', hidden: true },
      operation: { perform: { url: '$func$0$f$' } }


  • {
      display: { label: 'Get Tag by ID', description: 'Grab a specific Tag by ID.' },
      operation: { perform: { url: '$func$0$f$' } }
    Missing key from operation: sample. Note – this is valid if the resource has defined a sample.


How will we get notified of new objects? Will be turned into a trigger automatically.



Key Required Type Description
display yes /BasicDisplaySchema Define how this hook/trigger method will be exposed in the UI.
operation yes /BasicHookOperationSchema Define how this hook/trigger method will work.


  • {
      display: { label: 'Get Tag by ID', description: 'Grab a specific Tag by ID.' },
      operation: {
        type: 'hook',
        perform: '$func$0$f$',
        sample: { id: 385, name: 'proactive enable ROI' }
  • {
      display: { label: 'Get Tag by ID', description: 'Grab a specific Tag by ID.', hidden: true },
      operation: { type: 'hook', perform: '$func$0$f$' }


  • {
      display: { label: 'Get Tag by ID', description: 'Grab a specific Tag by ID.' },
      operation: { type: 'hook', perform: '$func$0$f$' }
    Missing key from operation: sample. Note – this is valid if the resource has defined a sample.


How will we get a list of new objects? Will be turned into a trigger automatically.



Key Required Type Description
display yes /BasicDisplaySchema Define how this list/trigger method will be exposed in the UI.
operation yes /BasicPollingOperationSchema Define how this list/trigger method will work.


  • {
      display: {
        label: 'New User',
        description: 'Trigger when a new User is created in your account.'
      operation: {
        perform: { url: '' },
        sample: { id: 49, name: 'Veronica Kuhn', email: '[email protected]' }
  • {
      display: {
        label: 'New User',
        description: 'Trigger when a new User is created in your account.',
        hidden: true
      operation: { perform: { url: '' } }


  • {
      display: {
        label: 'New User',
        description: 'Trigger when a new User is created in your account.'
      operation: { perform: { url: '' } }
    Missing key from operation: sample. Note – this is valid if the resource has defined a sample.


How will we find a specific object given filters or search terms? Will be turned into a search automatically.



Key Required Type Description
display yes /BasicDisplaySchema Define how this search method will be exposed in the UI.
operation yes /BasicActionOperationSchema Define how this search method will work.


  • {
      display: { label: 'Find a Recipe', description: 'Search for recipe by cuisine style.' },
      operation: { perform: '$func$2$f$', sample: { id: 1 } }
  • {
      display: {
        label: 'Find a Recipe',
        description: 'Search for recipe by cuisine style.',
        hidden: true
      operation: { perform: '$func$2$f$' }


  • {
      key: 'recipe',
      noun: 'Recipe',
      display: { label: 'Find a Recipe', description: 'Search for recipe by cuisine style.' },
      operation: { perform: '$func$2$f$' }
    Missing key from operation: sample. Note – this is valid if the resource has defined a sample.


Represents a resource, which will in turn power triggers, searches, or creates.



Key Required Type Description
key yes /KeySchema A key to uniquely identify this resource.
noun yes string A noun for this resource that completes the sentence "create a new XXX".
get no /ResourceMethodGetSchema How will we get a single object given a unique identifier/id?
hook no /ResourceMethodHookSchema How will we get notified of new objects? Will be turned into a trigger automatically.
list no /ResourceMethodListSchema How will we get a list of new objects? Will be turned into a trigger automatically.
search no /ResourceMethodSearchSchema How will we find a specific object given filters or search terms? Will be turned into a search automatically.
create no /ResourceMethodCreateSchema How will we find create a specific object given inputs? Will be turned into a create automatically.
outputFields no /DynamicFieldsSchema What fields of data will this return?
sample no object What does a sample of data look like?


  • {
      key: 'tag',
      noun: 'Tag',
      get: {
        display: { label: 'Get Tag by ID', description: 'Grab a specific Tag by ID.' },
        operation: {
          perform: { url: '{{}}' },
          sample: { id: 385, name: 'proactive enable ROI' }
  • {
      key: 'tag',
      noun: 'Tag',
      sample: { id: 385, name: 'proactive enable ROI' },
      get: {
        display: { label: 'Get Tag by ID', description: 'Grab a specific Tag by ID.' },
        operation: { perform: { url: '{{}}' } }
  • {
      key: 'tag',
      noun: 'Tag',
      get: {
        display: { label: 'Get Tag by ID', description: 'Grab a specific Tag by ID.', hidden: true },
        operation: { perform: { url: '{{}}' } }
      list: {
        display: {
          label: 'New Tag',
          description: 'Trigger when a new Tag is created in your account.'
        operation: {
          perform: { url: '' },
          sample: { id: 385, name: 'proactive enable ROI' }


  • {
      key: 'tag',
      noun: 'Tag',
      get: {
        display: { label: 'Get Tag by ID', description: 'Grab a specific Tag by ID.' },
        operation: { perform: { url: '{{}}' } }
    Missing key from operation: sample. Note – this is valid if the resource has defined a sample.


All the resources that underlie common CRUD methods powering automatically handled triggers, creates, and searches for your app. Zapier will break these apart for you.



Key Required Type Description
^[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$ no /ResourceSchema Any unique key can be used and its values will be validated against the ResourceSchema.


  • {
      tag: {
        key: 'tag',
        noun: 'Tag',
        get: {
          display: { label: 'Get Tag by ID', description: 'Grab a specific Tag by ID.' },
          operation: {
            perform: { url: '{{}}' },
            sample: { id: 385, name: 'proactive enable ROI' }


  • {
      getTag: {
        key: 'tag',
        noun: 'Tag',
        get: {
          display: { label: 'Get Tag by ID', description: 'Grab a specific Tag by ID.' },
          operation: {
            perform: { url: '{{}}' },
            sample: { id: 385, name: 'proactive enable ROI' }
    Key does not match key for associated /ResourceSchema
  • {
      tag: {
        key: 'tag',
        noun: 'Tag',
        get: {
          display: { label: 'Get Tag by ID', description: 'Grab a specific Tag by ID.' },
          operation: { perform: { url: '{{}}' } }
    Missing key from operation: sample. Note – this is valid if the resource has defined a sample.


An array of objects suitable for returning in perform calls.



  • [ { name: 'Alex Trebek' } ]


  • 1 - Invalid type (must be array)
  • [ 1 ] - Invalid type (must be array of objects)


Pair an existing search and a create to enable "Find or Create" functionality in your app



Key Required Type Description
key yes /KeySchema A key to uniquely identify this search-or-create. Must match the search key.
display yes /BasicDisplaySchema Configures the UI for this search-or-create.
search yes /KeySchema The key of the search that powers this search-or-create
create yes /KeySchema The key of the create that powers this search-or-create


  • {
      key: 'searchOrCreateWidgets',
      display: {
        label: 'Search or Create Widgets',
        description: 'Searches for a widget matching the provided query, or creates one if it does not exist.',
        important: true,
        hidden: false
      search: 'searchWidgets',
      create: 'createWidget'


  • {
      key: '01_Search_or_Create_Widgets',
      display: {
        label: 'Search or Create Widgets',
        description: 'Searches for a widget matching the provided query, or creates one if it does not exist.',
        important: true,
        hidden: false
      search: 'searchWidgets',
      create: 'createWidget'
    Invalid value for key: key (must start with a letter)
  • {
      key: 'searchOrCreateWidgets',
      display: {
        label: 'Search or Create Widgets',
        description: 'Searches for a widget matching the provided query, or creates one if it does not exist.',
        important: true,
        hidden: false
      search: { require: 'path/to/some/file.js' },
      create: { require: 'path/to/some/file.js' }
    Invalid values for keys: search and create (must be a string that matches the key of a registered search or create)


Enumerates the search-or-creates your app has available for users.



Key Required Type Description
^[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$ no /SearchOrCreateSchema Any unique key can be used and its values will be validated against the SearchOrCreateSchema.


  • {
      searchOrCreateWidgets: {
        key: 'searchOrCreateWidgets',
        display: {
          label: 'Search or Create Widgets',
          description: 'Searches for a widget matching the provided query, or creates one if it does not exist.',
          important: true,
          hidden: false
        search: 'searchWidgets',
        create: 'createWidget'


  • {
      searchOrCreateWidgets: {
        key: 'socWidgets',
        display: {
          label: 'Search or Create Widgets',
          description: 'Searches for a widget matching the provided query, or creates one if it does not exist.',
          important: true,
          hidden: false
        search: 'searchWidgets',
        create: 'createWidget'
    Key must match the key of the associated /SearchOrCreateSchema


How will Zapier search for existing objects?



Key Required Type Description
key yes /KeySchema A key to uniquely identify this search.
noun yes string A noun for this search that completes the sentence "finds a specific XXX".
display yes /BasicDisplaySchema Configures the UI for this search.
operation yes /BasicActionOperationSchema Powers the functionality for this search.


  • {
      key: 'recipe',
      noun: 'Recipe',
      display: { label: 'Find a Recipe', description: 'Search for recipe by cuisine style.' },
      operation: { perform: '$func$2$f$', sample: { id: 1 } }
  • {
      key: 'recipe',
      noun: 'Recipe',
      display: {
        label: 'Find a Recipe',
        description: 'Search for recipe by cuisine style.',
        hidden: true
      operation: { perform: '$func$2$f$' }


  • 'abc' - Must be an object
  • {
      key: 'recipe',
      noun: 'Recipe',
      display: { label: 'Find a Recipe', description: 'Search for recipe by cuisine style.' },
      operation: { perform: '$func$2$f$' }
    Missing required key in operation: sample. Note - this is valid if the associated resource has defined a sample.


Enumerates the searches your app has available for users.



Key Required Type Description
^[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$ no /SearchSchema Any unique key can be used and its values will be validated against the SearchSchema.


  • {
      recipe: {
        key: 'recipe',
        noun: 'Recipe',
        display: {
          label: 'Find a Recipe',
          description: 'Search for recipe by cuisine style.',
          hidden: true
        operation: { perform: '$func$2$f$' }


  • {
      searchRecipe: {
        key: 'recipe',
        noun: 'Recipe',
        display: {
          label: 'Find a Recipe',
          description: 'Search for recipe by cuisine style.',
          hidden: true
        operation: { perform: '$func$2$f$' }
    Key must match the key of the associated /SearchSchema


How will Zapier get notified of new objects?



Key Required Type Description
key yes /KeySchema A key to uniquely identify this trigger.
noun yes string A noun for this trigger that completes the sentence "triggers on a new XXX".
display yes /BasicDisplaySchema Configures the UI for this trigger.
operation yes anyOf(/BasicPollingOperationSchema, /BasicHookOperationSchema) Powers the functionality for this trigger.


  • {
      key: 'new_recipe',
      noun: 'Recipe',
      display: { label: 'New Recipe', description: 'Triggers when a new recipe is added.' },
      operation: { type: 'polling', perform: '$func$0$f$', sample: { id: 1 } }
  • {
      key: 'new_recipe',
      noun: 'Recipe',
      display: {
        label: 'New Recipe',
        description: 'Triggers when a new recipe is added.',
        hidden: true
      operation: { type: 'polling', perform: '$func$0$f$' }


  • {
      key: 'new_recipe',
      noun: 'Recipe',
      display: { label: 'New Recipe', description: 'Triggers when a new recipe is added.' },
      operation: { perform: '$func$0$f$' }
    Missing required key from operation: sample. Note - this is valid if the Recipe resource has defined a sample.


Enumerates the triggers your app has available for users.



Key Required Type Description
^[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$ no /TriggerSchema Any unique key can be used and its values will be validated against the TriggerSchema.


  • {
      newRecipe: {
        key: 'newRecipe',
        noun: 'Recipe',
        display: { label: 'New Recipe', description: 'Triggers when a new recipe is added.' },
        operation: { type: 'polling', perform: '$func$0$f$', sample: { id: 1 } }


  • {
      newRecipe: {
        key: 'new_recipe',
        noun: 'Recipe',
        display: { label: 'New Recipe', description: 'Triggers when a new recipe is added.' },
        operation: { type: 'polling', perform: '$func$0$f$', sample: { id: 1 } }
    Key must match the key on the associated /TriggerSchema


Represents a simplified semver string, from 0.0.0 to 999.999.999.


  • Type - string
  • Pattern - ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$
  • Source Code


  • '1.0.0'
  • '2.11.3'
  • '999.999.999'


  • '' - Must have only 2 periods
  • '1000.0.0' - Each number can be a maximum of 3 digits
  • 'v1.0.0' - No letters allowed
  • '1.0.0-beta' - undefined