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Releases: jqwidgets/jQWidgets

jQWidgets v11.1.3 Release, Feb-09-2021

10 Feb 07:39
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  • Fixed an issue regarding the Angular CLI ng-add schematics.
  • Fixed an issue regarding the Angular CLI ng-generate schematics.
  • Fixed an issue regarding the default theme in Angular 11.1.4.
  • Fixed an issue regarding the stricter type checking in Angular

jQWidgets v11.0.0 Release, Nov-16-2020

16 Nov 09:39
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What's New:

  • Angular 11 support.

What's Fixed:

  • Fixed an issue in jqxScheduler regarding the ensureVisible method.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxScheduler regarding the 'appointmentClick' event in agenda view.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the cell class name styling.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid when the Grid is displayed in a DropDownButton and the animationType is "none".
  • Fixed an issue in jqxInput regarding the HTML sanitization.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxKnob regarding the 'changing' callback.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxInput regarding the "change" event raised multiple times.
  • Fixed an issue in ThemeBuilder when importing a theme.
  • Fixed an issue in ThemeBuilder regarding the DateTimeInput icon.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxToolbar regarding the z-index of its dropdown button.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxNumberInput regarding changed steps when pressing the spin down button.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxTextArea regarding the "select" event.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxKanban regarding the 'itemMoved' event for newly added item.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxPasswordInput regarding its style.

jQWidgets v10.1.6 Release, Oct-16-2020

16 Oct 11:51
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  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the scrolling with mouse wheel in Chrome 86.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid data export, when the data has symbols like &, @, etc.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxForm regarding the hideComponent API.

jQWidgets v10.1.5 Release, Sep-18-2020

17 Sep 21:42
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  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid's column resizing when autofill is enabled

jQWidgets v10.1.3 Release, Sep-16-2020

16 Sep 13:02
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  • Fixed an issue in jqxPivotGrid regarding the html escape of characters.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the clipboard paste.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the undo and redo functionality.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the Ctrl+Space column selection.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the Ctrl+Shift+Space all rows selection.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the excel-like cells selection, when the Grid is bound to large data set.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the selection of all rows API, when the selection mode is set to excel-like cells selection mode.

jQWidgets v10.1.0 Release, Sept-04-2020

03 Sep 14:06
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What's New:

  • Blazor UI Components. Demos: Docs:
  • jqxGrid - Excel-like Horizontal and Vertical auto-fill.
  • jqxGrid - Undo and Redo with Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+Y.
  • jqxGrid - Ctrl+D. Pressing Ctrl+D fills the cell beneath with the contents of the selected cell in a column.
  • jqxGrid - Ctrl+Space. Pressing Ctrl+Space selects the column.

What's Improved:

  • Angular Reactive Forms support.

What's Fixed:

  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid about the "ensurerowvisible" method. It was not working properly with the "deferred" scrolling mode.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid (Mobile). Fast scrolling throws error in NsBasic app.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid about copy and paste date in the column from date type, it sets current date instead of copied one.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid about using the "ensurecellvisible" method when there are pinned columns.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid about using the "showfilterbar" property with editing.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid about missing "expanded" from "getgroup" method.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid about overlapping labels from sorting and filtering feature.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid about the "autoresizecolumns" method which does not react as it is expected.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid about the localization for the window of the Column Chooser.
  • Fixed an issue in JqxGrid about paste in rowdetails input.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid about using grouping and column chooser. Wrong items were displayed in the column chooser.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid about disabling the exporting feature for just one column it does not have an effect with the "exportview" method.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid about possible security issue reported by Checkmarx utility tool, which scans the code for possible vulnerabilities.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid about changing of themes.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxDataAdapter (FireFox) about formatting of dates appropriately when has comma ("," symbol.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxInput (Angular) about reactive Form with the "reset" method of the forms.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxInput about autocomplete click event, which triggers click on elements behind.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxNumberInput about decimalSeparator and groupSeparator combination.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxNumberInput about using the "decimalSeparator" property with the "," option it set inappropriate value with the "val" method.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxDataTable about the "enableBrowseSelection" property.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxDataTable about possible security issue reported by Checkmarx utility tool, which scans the code for possible vulnerabilities.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxTreeGrid about possible security issue reported by Checkmarx utility tool, which scans the code for possible vulnerabilities.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxKanban about "itemAttrClicked" event not working on mobile devices.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxForm about the "hideComponent" method.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxScheduler about incorrect behavior when trying to click on the current day (today) it does not react from the calendar.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxScheduler about possible security issue reported by Checkmarx utility tool, which scans the code for possible vulnerabilities.
  • Fixed an issue in JqxExpander about the Theme [Frog]. Text appears white on white background.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxComboBox about selection of first item when the ComboBox is in multiple selection mode. cannot choose the first item.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxComboBox about incorrect HTML in the ComboBox template.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxComboBox about possible security issue reported by Checkmarx utility tool, which scans the code for possible vulnerabilities.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxDropDownList about the keyboard navigation and incremental search. The numbers from the "Num Lock" keys do not react.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxDropDownList about possible security issue reported by Checkmarx utility tool, which scans the code for possible vulnerabilities.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxListBox about possible security issue reported by Checkmarx utility tool, which scans the code for possible vulnerabilities.

jQWidgets v10.0.0 Release, June-20-2020

22 Jul 08:03
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What's New:

  • Angular 10 support.
  • Modern Light and Dark Themes with CSS variables support.
  • jqxGrid Filter all functionality.
  • jqxGrid Excel import.
  • New demos.

jQWidgets v9.1.6 Release, May-18-2020

18 May 10:15
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  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid related to IE11 and sorting.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid related to multi-column sorting in Angular.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxComboBox and jqxPanel regarding jQuery 3.5.1.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxForm regarding duplicate ids.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxForm when more than one jqxForm-s on page, dropdown list opens only in last form.

jQWidgets v9.1.4 Release, April-15-2020

15 Apr 07:21
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What's New:

  • Schematics for the Angular CLI - Add and Generation Schematics are added to jqwidgets-ng npm package for easier setup of Angular projects.
  • jqxGrid Column Chooser. Modal dialog included in the Grid component, which allows you to dynamically show/hide grid columns.
  • jqxScheduler UI Virtualization, which allows you to load thousands of appointments/events in the month and timeline views.
  • jqxDateTimeInput yearCutOff and full edit mode, which allows handling and validation of user input as in a standard input and also validates 2-year digits.
    Example: if yearCutoff is 1926 and 01/01/20 is entered, 20 will be interpreted as 2020. if 01/01/54 is entered, 54 will be interpreted as 1954.
    What's Improved:
  • Angular Docs & Tutorials.
    What's Fixed:
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid charting IE11 support.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxListBox - when using programmatically selection of all item the "getCheckedItems" method does not return all items in the "checkChange" event
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid - when having more than 10 columns after the filtering in the next one there has appeared white strip.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid (React) - after filtering it break rendering of columns after 10th
  • Fixed an issue in jqxSwitchButton - checked and unchecked events are swapped
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid - when using sorting with option "many" and filtering it throws error
  • Fixed an issue in jqxTree - error message with the newer version of the jQuery (v3.4.1)
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid - when select/edit one cell and after that using tabbing it automatically checked the first checkbox
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid - when using input inside the "rowdetails" option after tabbing from this input it select first row
  • Fixed an issue in jqxPopover - close buttons closes all popovers on page
  • Fixed an issue in jqxSwitchButton - with some the themes it looks like there is no chosen option
  • Fixed an issue in Disabled button doesn't always block click event
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid - keyboard navigation between groups broken when showgroupaggregates == true
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid - cannot be grouped after toggling the "filterrow" option
  • Fixed an issue in jqxComboBox - the "multiSelect" property and opening the list will select the first one
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid - the "sortMode: 'many'" option only latest sorted column has correct options for its menu
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid - not appropriate behavior when it is disabled - possible to change checkboxes
  • Fixed an issue in jqxListBox - cannot be using the dragging feature after adding the new items
  • Fixed an issue in jqxSwitchButton - there is no visual difference between disabled and enabled state
  • Fixed an issue regarding touch-devices detection.
  • Fixed an issue in the jqx.base.css regarding jqxButton's disabled state.

jQWidgets v9.0.0 Release, January-03-2020

06 Jan 06:23
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What's New:

  • jqxGrid Charting - Data Visualization of Grid data in a Chart.
  • jqxGrid export to .xlsx data format.
  • jqxGrid export with Data Grouping.
  • jqxGrid Progress and Rating columns.
  • jqxGrid Rating cell editor with jqxRating.
  • jqxGrid Material UI Pager Template.

What's Improved:

  • All Angular examples are with Ivy rendering.
  • jqxGrid Data Export performance.

What's Fixed:

  • Fixed various typescript issues related to Angular 9 compatibility.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the dropdownlist filter component positioning.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the tabindex of the grid menu, when multiple grids are on the page.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the row details display in Firefox.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid PDF export when header export is disabled.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid Dropdownlist filter popup position while scrolling.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the gethroup method results.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the grouping dragging errors associated with isPassive prop.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding tabbing and editing with enabled RTL mode.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the multi sorting, when sorting is applied while the Grid data source is empty.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the editing after addrow method is called, while sorting is applied.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the addrow method, when the Grid's source is empty.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the grouping when aggregates and paging are turned on.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the editing, when the grid is initially empty and an editable row is added by calling addrow.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxWindow regarding the resize method behavior.,
  • Fixed an issue in jqxHeatMap rendering for IE11.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxScheduler regarding the yearly recurrence edit.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxScheduler regarding the work time, when the fromHour is set to 0.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxTabs regarding the tabs rendering with Material themes.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxTabs regarding the tabs close button behavior.
  • Fixed an issue in jqxTreeGrid regarding the expandAll method and the checkboxes appearance after the treegrid is rendered.