Let's first look at how can ensure in the code, that logging works properly
Try to add this to your own service, look at the logging-and-metrics
If you have added some code, build a new image:
docker build -t 12-factor-workshop/deals:v4 .
Now, we need to add a few more moving parts to collect all logs with fluentd, index them in elasticsearch and make them searchable with Kibana:
cd ~/microservices-demo/microservices-demo/deploy/kubernetes/manifests
kubectl create -f kubernetes/manifests-logging/elasticsearch.yml
kubectl create -f kubernetes/manifests-logging/fluentd-daemon.yml
kubectl create -f kubernetes/manifests-logging/kibana.yml
You can now access the Kibana dashboard via
After creating the initial index, you can click around in the socks shop, and soon you will see logs appearing in the discover view of Kibana.
Useful metrics can often be exposed directly by the web framework. Also Prometheus brings a very useful library to do the heavy lifting with maintaining counters etc. For an example in Java, see:
In go, with go-kit
this, is achieved with "middlewares". Both metrics and logging:
Prometheus even provides it's own handler for the scraping endpoint:
For more inspiration, see also http://container-solutions.com/microservice-monitoring-with-prometheus/
To be able to collect metrics, we can install Prometheus:
cd logging-and-metrics
kubectl apply -f prometheus_graphana.yaml
If you reload the Kubernetes dashboard, you will see a new monitoring namespace.
You can access the UI via:
# admin / admin
As alternative, there's a brand-new "Operator" available for Prometheus from CoreOS.
With many web frameworks, Tracing via Zipkin can be added relatively easy be integrating it with the request/response cycle:
Zipkin is already installed along with the Sock Shop. You can reach the UI by opening
Tracing isn't yet added properly to all the services, but should be able to see e.g. the ones includin the user service here:
Without any code changes, tools like Weave Scope can show you how individual services interact:
cd logging-and-metrics
kubectl apply -f weavescope.yaml
Browse to:
You can change the namespace in the lower left corner of the screen.