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File metadata and controls

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ZIO uses covariance and contravariance a lot to propagate constraints and in general to express certain program invariants.

sealed trait ZIO[-R, +E, +A]

For example consider the Sync case class

case class Sync[A](trace: Trace, eval: () => A) extends ZIO[Any, Nothing, A]

R = Any means that this value is ready to be executed as it has no dependencies in the environment.

E = Nothing means that this value has no expected errors ("failures").

Such a value can be used whenever a ZIO[R, E, A] is expected (for arbitrary types R, E) due to contravariance of R and covariance of E.

Lean of course has no co/contravariance, which leads to a situation like the following:

Let's say we have two functions

def foldCauseZ (effect : Z R E A) (errorHandler : Cause E -> Z R E₁ A₁) (next : A -> Z R E₁ A₁)

def fail [ToString E] (userError : E): Z Unit E Empty

and we want to implement sandbox in terms of them:

def sandbox [ToString E]: Z R (Cause E) A :=
  self.foldCauseZ (fun e => fail e) pure

Unfortunately this doesn't compile:

type mismatch
  fail e
has type
  Z Unit (Cause E) Empty : Type 1
but is expected to have type
  Z R (Cause E) A : Type 1

There are two options AFAICT:

Don't fix type parameters

This means having two versions of the same function, for example:

def succeedNow' (a : A): Z R E A :=
  Z.internal.done (Exit.success a)

def succeedNow (a : A): Z Unit Empty A := 
  Z.succeedNow' a

cleary succeedNow is preferred, as it provides more information on the resulting value. But the alternative succeedNow' will have to be used in contexts where Unit and Empty don't work.

Use coercions to simulate variance

Alternatively, one can try to simulate variance by a set of coercions like this:

infixl:65 " <: " => Coe

def impossible {T : Empty -> Type _} (e) : T e := 
  Empty.rec e

/-! Using `Empty` as bottom and `Unit` as top  -/

instance :     A <: A    := ⟨id⟩
instance : Empty <: A    := ⟨impossible⟩
instance :     A <: Unit := ⟨fun _ => ()⟩

This defines Empty as a bottom type and Unit as a top type.

Armed with this one can simulate variance:

/-- Simulate contravariant R -/
instance [inst : R₀ <: R₁] : (Z R₁ E A) <: (Z R₀ E A) := ⟨contramap inst.coe⟩
/-- Simulate covariant E -/
instance [inst : E₀ <: E] : (Z R E₀ A) <: (Z R E A) := ⟨mapFailure inst.coe⟩

/-- Simulate covariant A -/
instance [inst : A <: B] : (Z R E A) <: (Z R E B) := ⟨map inst.coe⟩

After this the previous example sandbox compiles fine.

The downside is that extra nodes are introduced in the program structure. The cost of this depends a bit on the actual implementation of the coercion functions. Right now contramap, mapFailure and map are either primitives or close to primitives.

On the other hand in some cases the conversion needed is Empty -> A which is totally fine, as in this case know for sure that this conversion will never be evaluated.

Least upper bounds

One situation that it's unclear yet how to handle is the following:

val combinedEnv: ZIO[Int & String, IOException, Unit] = 
    env <- ZIO.environment[Int]
    str <- ZIO.environment[String]
    _ <- Console.printLine((env, str))
  yield ()

In this case Scala 3 will infer the R type correctly as Int & String.

In Zenith right now the whole environment has to be summoned at once:

def combinedEnv: Z (Nat × String) Empty Unit := do
  let env <- Z.environment (Nat × String)
  consoleLive.printLine (env.get Nat)
  consoleLive.printLine (env.get String)

Because if we try to get one type at a time:

-- Does not compile:
def envExample1: Z (Nat × String) Empty Unit := do
  let nat <- Z.environment Nat
  let str <- Z.environment String
  consoleLive.printLine (env.get Nat)
  consoleLive.printLine (env.get String)

The first Z.environment Nat fixes the Monad instance to be

Z Nat Empty _

which is not compatible with

 Z (Nat × String) Empty _