The function Z.unsafeRunSync
is the entry point for the interpreter.
will launch a new thread to run the current effect and wait until execution completes, so it is meant to be used only once per Zenith program.
The interpreter is defined in several mutually recursive, partial functions:
Launches new fibers on the backgroundrunLoop
Main interpreterrunWithErrorHandler
Error handlercontinueOrComplete
The interpreter uses a stack to hold both next
/ errorHandler
continuations coming from foldCauseZ
and flatMap
inductive Stack: Type -> Type -> Type -> Type -> Type 1 where
| more
(next : A -> Z R E₁ A₁)
(errorHandler? : Option (Cause E -> Z R E₁ A₁))
(eq_E_E₁? : Option (PLift (E = E₁)) := none)
(tail : Stack E₁ A₁ E₂ A₂)
(parentId : Option NodeId)
(validEnv : R ∣ Rfiber)
(env : Environment Rfiber)
: Stack E A E₁ A₁
| done (complete: Observer E A) : Stack E A Empty Empty
Execution finishes when the callback complete
in Stack.done
The stack and other bookkeeping information is captured in a structure RunState
structure RunState (Rfiber) (E A E₁ A₁: Type) where
interruption : Interruption
fiberInfos : IO.Ref (List FiberInfo)
stack : Stack E A E₁ A₁
environment : Environment Rfiber
fiberId : FiberId
initialTime : Nat
Every fiber has a RunState
is associated with a single fiber (via FiberId