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101 lines (72 loc) · 3.66 KB

File metadata and controls

101 lines (72 loc) · 3.66 KB


Learn the names of those in your organization. Written by Joseph White, 2016-2017. Unauthorized use prohibited.




  • Do we want to index routes based on username or ids? What should the address look like in the app?
  • Make user be able to change password via update. (no hook currently on findOneAndUpdate)
  • Make user.ts work properly: cannot create duplicate usernames. Bookmarks: Temp/Mongoose force unique folder
  • Test password updating in user.ts. You may need to change pre('findOneAndUpdate') to a save hook on the Schema, or just use pre('findByIdAndUpdate').
  • Test user and group to make sure all functionality still works in Postman
  • Implement permissions.ts methods and commented-out routes in routes.ts.
  • Make a way to create a group and view people within a certain group or ALL groups user can access. Make group be selectable via dropdown in add and add-multi routes


  • Fix gulp issues: copy pages folder and use watch + livereload for everything.
  • express session secret should be saved internally
  • Make deletion of group possible, and a hook to delete the images in the folder.
  • Make deletion of people delete the correct image.
  • Make users only view their own images
  • Make users not be able to access each other's data and not be able to edit their username, privileges, etc, without ADMIN rights
  • Expire authenticated sessions after a certain amount of time
  • Serve dist/public (see server.ts)
  • Add multiple users from JSON expects object not array (Error in resource configuration for action save. Expected response to contain an object but got an array (Request: POST /api/people))
  • Add "Welcome Joseph" to Angular app by using Jade data?


  • get scss source maps to load


Import My Ward

  1. Setup development environment (below)

  2. Download ward directory

  • Navigate to your ward's directory on
  • Inject dist/setup/downloadInfo.js into Chrome developer console
  • Wait for photos and data.json to download
  1. Import ward directory
  • run dist/server/upload.js on server and follow its directions to upload photos
  • use Angular app at localhost:8020 to upload all data.

Setup Development Environment

Run the following commands

  1. npm install - install all dependencies
  2. npm run watch - gulp watch for changes in TS code
  3. npm start - start your server (./ in production)

Note: gulp build and gulp may be substituted for npm run build and npm run watch if you have gulp installed globally.

Directory Structure


  • dist/client includes HTML assets and app.bundle.js (bundle of all src/client code). HTML assets include favicon.ico, images/, and vendor/ (all in root, except images is in assets/)
  • dist/server and dist/setup are mirrors of these directories in src/


  • images - images used in app
  • vendor - libraries included in app
  • app.bundle.js, - angular app


  • controllers - REST API endpoints
  • models - Mongoose interaction with database
  • routes.ts - App routes
  • server.ts - Server start script


  • scripts to download data and add to database

temp/ (default location)

  • data - add your images and json downloaded from



  • If applicable, body contains the object to insert, or an array of objects


// 200 OK, 201 CREATED, 400 BAD_REQUEST, 401 UNAUTHORIZED, 404 NOT_FOUND // 200 is implied but we are being verbose here

  • If error, status code is 4xx or 5xx and body is an error message (string)
  • Otherwise, status code is 2xx and body is an object or an array of objects related to the request