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Run pytest with verbose output pytest -v

Hide warnings pytest -p no:warnings

Run tests that have the custom marker slow pytest -m slow pytest -m "not slow" pytest -m "slow and fast" pytest -m "slow or fast"

Run tests that have 'logged' keyword in their name pytest -k "logged"

Prints print statements to shell pytest -s

List test with durations, x is the number of slowest durations pytest --durations=0

List test with durations over 1 second pytest --durations-min=1.0

Creates a results.xml file (e.g. for Jenkins) pytest --junitxml="BUILD\_${BUILD_NUMBER}\_results.xml"


Creates a results.html file with test results pytest --html="results.html"




Makes the default pytest results better pip install pytest-sugar

Run pytest without sugar pytest -p no:sugar


Run pytest with 8 threads pytest -n 8

Detect processors and use all threads pytest -n auto


File starts with [pytest]

Run pytest with these flags adopts = -s -v

Register markers

markers =
    performance: with description

Pytest mark

from pytest import mark

Skip the test @pytest.mark.skip

Skip the test with an added reason @pytest.mark.skip(reason="Some reason")

Skip test conditionally with an added reason @pytest.mark.skipif(4 > 1, reason="Some reason")

Mark test expected to fail, still run it but marked as xfail instead of fail @pytest.mark.xfail @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Some reason")

Custom markers, for example mark a test as 'slow' @pytest.mark.slow

Runs the test in its own transaction that will be rolled back at the end of the test, allowing parallel testing @pytest.mark.django_db

Pytest fixture

Mark a function as a fixture that can be used as a parameter in a test function @pytest.fixture

Run fixture for every parameter @fixture(params=[])

Pytest parametrize

Run the test for each value in values @pytest.mark.parametrize(varname, ["one", "two", "three"])

Same with multiple variables @pytest.mark.parametrize("var1,var2", [(0, 1), (2, 3), (4, 5)])

Indirect=True: first run the "companies" fixture on the data before giving the data to the test pytest.mark.parametrize("companies", [["one", "two", "three"], ["four", "five"]], indirect=True)

With ids pytest.mark.parametrize("companies", [["one", "two", "three"], ["four", "five"]], ids=["first three", "last two"], indirect=True)


Give every function in the file this decorator pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db

pytestmark = [pytest.mark.django_db, pytest.mark.slow]


with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
assert "Some Value" == str(e.value)

caplog fixture

assert "some value" in caplog.text

with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO):
    assert "infolog" in caplog.text

pytest mailoutbox fixture

from django.core import mail
assert len(mailoutbox) == 0
assert len(mailoutbox) == 1
assert mailoutbox[0].subject == "Test subject"

pytest settings fixture

Change settings with settings fixture

def test_something(settings);


Patch replaces an object with another object

def patch(target, new=DEFAULT, spec=None, create=False, spec_set=None, autospec=None, new_callable=None, **kwargs):

Function scope example

Patch target targets where the object is being used, not where it is defined.

def db_write():
    print("db_write, enter")

from db_utils import db_write

def foo()
    print("foo, enter")
    x = db_write()
    return x

from unittest.mock import patch
from utils import foo

@patch("utils.db_write", MagicMock(return_value=42))
def test_mock_out_db_write():
    assert foo() == 42

Doesn't run the actual function but makes sure it is called with the given arguments

Context scope example

from unittest.mock import patch

with patch("") as mocked_function:

Mock an API json response

responses.add(method=responses.GET, url="someurl", json={}, status=200)

response = request.get(url="url", headers={})
assert response.status_code == 200
response_content = json.loads(response.content)
assert response_content["somevalue"] == "somevalue


Install Allure for pytest pip install allure-pytest

Install Allure (Mac) brew install allure

Install Allure (Linux)

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:qameta/allure
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install allure

Run pytest and create Allure json test files pytest . --aluredir=/tmp/my_allure_results

Run Allure to display the created json test files allure serve /tmp/my_allure/results


@fixture(params[webdriver.Chome, webdriver.Firefox]) def browser(request): driver = request.param drvr = driver() yield drvr drvr.quit()

Tox is a tool for running tests in different virtual environments. python -m pip install tox tox # creates tox.ini


pytest --markers # prints markers with descriptions that are documented in pytest.ini


Feature flags to use new code on only a percentage of the live database.


Use lru_cache decorator on functions that take a long time and the input-output is always the same. @lru_cache(maxsize=256)