Create a people paging psudeo-class usable for Mixpanel's platform reports
Including the library:
<script src=""></script>
PeoplePager( Function callable [, String selector [, Function callback]])
- callable: a function to be called on for user returned from the request. The user object will be passed in as the first argument of the callable and will be a dictionary of all properties, including $distinct_id.
- selector: a string to be included as the selector property of the people query. To query all users set as
- callback: a function to be called once the callable has run on every user. No arguments are passed through.
Treating the constructor as a function you can create a one-off query.
function processUser(user) {
var selector = '(defined (properties["$name"]))'
function finishedProcessing() {
PeoplePager(processUser, selector, finishedProcessing);