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Errai Project Release Process

This document describes the steps that should be followed during every release of the Errai project. When making a release, please be careful to follow these steps in order. If something doesn't make sense, if you perform steps not listed here, or if after the release, it was discovered that something was forgotten, please update these notes to reflect the correct procedure.

The hope is that most or all of these steps will be automated. But a necessary first step is to discover everything that needs to be done in order to make a release successful.

A note on Errai Theory

When the Maven Release Plugin goes awry, it's a tedious process to back out its automated git tags and commits. We prefer to follow the steps manually, committing after each step as we go.

Release Steps

  1. Run the test suite. Ensure all tests pass.

     % mvn -Pintegration-test test
  2. Update reference guide with latest content and check in generated docbook.

     % cd errai-docs
     % mvn clean package   # this needs a profile in ~/.m2/settings.xml that references the JBoss public maven repo
     % git add src
  3. Ask Maven to update the version number in all the pom.xml files:

     % cd $errai_root_dir
     % ./ a.b.c.Final x.y.z.Final

    Afterward, verify that all subprojects reference the new parent pom's version:

     % find . -name pom.xml | xargs grep x.y.z | grep SNAP

    (if any are out of sync with the parent version, Maven will not have updated them)

  4. Build and package the release. These are the bits that will be uploaded to nexus. Expect this to take about 4 minutes, depending on network speed.

     % mvn clean deploy -Dgwt.compiler.skip=true -DaltDeploymentRepository=jboss-snapshots-repository::default::
  5. Create the a-la-carte binary Errai distribution and docs

     % mvn install -Pdistro,javadoc -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dgwt.compiler.skip=true
  6. Deploy the Errai Cordova project template

     % cd errai-cordova-maven-plugin/src/main/bash
     % sudo ./cordova-bundle a.b.c.Final
  7. Upload the docs and the distro zipfile

     % cd dist
     % scripts/ ${version}
  8. Tag and push the release to github

     % git commit a -m "Updated to new version x.y.z"
     % git tag x.y.z.Final

reset all versions to x.y.z+1-SNAPSHOT and commit

    % git push origin /branch/
    % git push origin --tags
    % git push upstream /branch/
    % git push upstream --tags
  1. Browse to nexus (
  1. Update the version number of errai in the getting started demo's pom.xml:

  2. Update the website with links to the new version (

  3. Publish a release blog entry at

  4. Tweet about the release!

=== You're done! Congrats! You deserve beer! ===