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Simple dotfile repo for my short lived installations, mainly in wsl2 + ubuntu.
That said, this repo is more for misc install instructions, as a pure dotfile repo where I simply copy the same dotfiles to new installs does not always work that well for me due to the particulars of any given system and use case.

Table of Contents

Install and customization:


Base installation

Fix PATH in .profile
In Ubuntu-22.04 they messed up the order of things so that required paths are not set until after .bashrc is executed.

  1. nano ~/.profile
  2. Find the block that starts with # if running bash
  3. Move that block so that it is the last thing executed in the file (we want any PATH stuff to be above it)
  4. Save and reload shell

Configure ssh key for github and clone repo

  1. Create the dir for all ssh keys, mkdir ~/.ssh
  2. Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent| Github Docs
  3. Start the ssh agent, run eval $(ssh-agent -s)
  4. Add the private ssh key to the agent, example ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_github_home
  5. Create development dir: mkdir ~/dev && cd ~/dev
  6. Finally clone this repo, the final path should be ~/dev/dotfiles

Update and install defaults

  1. Update to latest, run script: . ~/dev/dotfiles/scripts/
  2. Install default tools: run script: . ~/dev/dotfiles/scripts/
  3. Add custom settings to ~/.bashrc, see instructions
  4. Add ssh keys
  5. (WSL) Install pretty shell
  6. Install tmux
    1. Then symlink config file ~/dev/dotfiles/configs/.tmux.conf to ~/.tmux.conf
       ln -sf ~/dev/dotfiles/configs/.tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf


How to customize .bashrc

All custom settings are stored in a separate file .bashrc_dotfiles in order to keep .bashrc as clean and default as possible (quite handy when handling lots of installs).

  1. Open .bashrc in an editor
  2. At the bottom of the file, add the following and save
    NB! Make sure the path is correct for your system.
    ### dotfiles: shared settings
    source "$HOME/dev/dotfiles/configs/.bashrc_dotfiles"
  3. Reload shell
  4. Done!

How to manage ssh

I use keychain for easier management of ssh keys.
Install and configuration of keychain are handled by default install script and bashrc extras config file.
All you need to do is to prepare the ssh keys for usage:

  1. Copy keys to ~/.ssh
  2. Set required permissions: run script . ./scripts/
  3. Done!

Graphics and CUDA support

Works out of the box

Require installation


  • sudo apt install x11-xserver-utils so you can use things like xhost


Go to Nvidia for updated instructions (see below).
The main challenge with CUDA on WSL is that the default Ubuntu package for CUDA Toolkit comes with a driver. This driver will overwrite the link to the windows driver. The solution is to install a WSL-Ubuntu specific package for CUDA toolkit directly from Nvidia.

  1. Follow the manual installation steps in nvidia doc CUDA on WSL
  2. Remove old key as instructed
  3. Then run "Option 1: Installation of Linux x86 CUDA Toolkit using WSL-Ubuntu Package – Recommended"
    If gpg hangs then modify the command to say gpg --no-use-agent as it is most likely wsl/ubuntu waiting for the agent to start up.
  4. Done! is not a symbolic link

Updating the nvidia driver in windows can sometimes mess with the symbolic links that WSL depend on.

The fix is to recreate the links in windows, then update links in wsl like so:

  1. Run CMD in Windows (as Administrator)
    cd \Windows\System32\lxss\lib
    # If you run into permission trouble then first make sure you are using CMD in Administrator mode.
    # If still no-go, open explorer.exe and attempt to delete the file there, as you will get a different error message:
    # Open explorer at current location
    explorer.exe .
    # Usually it turns out to be TrustedInstaller that is the owner.
    # First take ownership of the file
    takeown /f
    # Then give admins the rights to change it
    icacls /grant Administrators:F /T
    # ...And now you should be able to delete and recreate the links as described above
  2. Open WSL bash
    sudo ldconfig
    If this last command fail then restart wsl and run it again.
Docker + CUDA
  1. Install nvidia container toolkit
  2. Docker should work with CUDA out of the box with the latest version of Docker installed on win11 as described in WSL 2 GPU Support for Docker Desktop on NVIDIA GPUs
  3. You can verify that CUDA is available in docker by
    a. Running the examples found in the docker page above, b. or simply run CUDA benchmark like so (run both to be sure):
    # Option: Use local dockerfiles (easy to use in k8s as well if you need to test gpu on node)
    docker build -t cuda-test -f docker/cuda-test.dockerfile docker/.
    docker build -t nvidia-smi -f docker/nvidia-smi.dockerfile docker/.
    # nvidia-smi will dump some gpu info in stdout
    docker run --rm --gpus=all nvidia-smi
    # cuda-test will rune some simple calculations using the cuda core and dump result in stdout
    docker run -it --rm --gpus=all cuda-test
    # Option: Use external 
    docker run --rm --gpus=all nvidia/cuda:11.6.2-base-ubuntu20.04 nvidia-smi
    docker run -it --gpus=all --rm nbody -benchmark

Note that the parameter --gpus=all is the way to tell docker to use gpu, otherwise it will just use the cpu.

docker-compose + CUDA

To enable gpus then define gpu as a capability under the deploy tag.

# Example docker-compose.yaml

   build: something
   command: something
               - capabilities: [gpu]


Docker desktop failed to stop

Sometimes installs in wsl (like nvidia-container-tools) can mess up the docker wsl distro which will set docker in a bad state.


  1. Close docker desktop
  2. Unregister the docker wsl distro:
    1. In windows, open a cmd as admin and run wslconfig.exe /u docker-desktop
  3. Start docker desktop

Compacting to free up space

WSL2 lives inside a virtual disk which is usually stored by windows in a ext4.vhdx file.
This file will grow over time even if contents inside WSL2 are deleted. This "feature" is one of the small quirks of virtual file systems, they tend to eat up space on the host system usage over time goes up.
You can reclaim this space by trimming the .vhdx file.


  1. See post from iuriguilherme
  2. See post from MS

Update 2024:
WSL can automatically trim drives as long as the distro/volume has been set to set-sparse=true. The default setting is false.
How to turn it on: wsl --manage <distro> --set-sparse true
If you want to trim then do the following:

  1. Shutdown WSL
  2. Set sparse to false for the target distro, as trim cannot run when set to true
  3. Trim the target *.vhdx file(s)
  4. Set sparse to true again for the distro(s)
  5. Done!

Update 2023:
MS has updated WSL2 to automatically trim itself, and so far it seems to work on my system.
The exception is docker vhd which sometimes seems not to shrink and has to be handled manually:

  1. Prune docker, docker system prune --all
  2. Shutdown docker
  3. Open Windows Powershell in admin mode
  4. Shut down wsl wsl --shutdown
  5. Trim docker vhd Optimize-VHD -Path "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Docker\wsl\data\ext4.vhdx" -Mode Full
  6. Trim ubuntu vhd Optimize-VHD -Path "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Packages\CanonicalGroupLimited.Ubuntu22.04LTS_79rhkp1fndgsc\LocalState\ext4.vhdx" -Mode Full

optimize-vhd require windows feature "virtual platform" to be installed:

Optimize-VHD -Path "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Docker\wsl\data\ext4.vhdx" -Mode Full

diskpart is available in all windows distros, and can be used to shrink virtual drives like this:

select vdisk file="C:\Users\<user>\AppData\local\Docker\wsl\data\ext4.vhdx"
attach vdisk readonly
compact vdisk
detach vdisk

Mount external and network drives

Note: Mounting works for drives.
To access usb devices like microcontrollers etc then use usbipd.

Mount usb drive

Examle where the drive is available under f: in windows

sudo mkdir /mnt/f
sudo mount -t drvfs f: /mnt/f

Mount network drive

Example where networked storage is already showing in Windows under \\server\share

sudo mkdir /mnt/share
sudo mount -t drvfs '\\server\share' /mnt/share

WSL and GUI apps

Access control seems to be disabled in WSL as xhost will print the following:

access control disabled, clients can connect from any host

This means there is no point fiddling with xhost + something in WSL.

Serial over USB

Example use case: read serial output from an arduino nano.

This works quite well when using usbipd-win.
You can inspect the traffic in linux terminal using the tool minicom.

Install and configure minicom for usb:

  1. Install package sudo apt install minicom
  2. First check with dmesg | grep tty if system recognize your adapter
  3. Then try to run minicom with sudo minicom -s, go to "Serial port setup" and change the first line to /dev/ttyUSB0
  4. Finally save config as default with "Save setup as dfl"

Connect minicom to device:

  1. sudo minicom --device /dev/ttyUSB0
  2. Select "comm Paramenters" and speed to what ever the device is using
  3. You should now see output from device

Permissions for devices under /dev/tty*

This comes into play when you want to access misc USB stuff or other devices.
The /dev directory is recreated at every boot, so any settings via chmod will vanish.

Normally the group dialout should be the owner for serial devices.
Unfortunately there is a bug in WSL2 where group root is the only owner, ref microsoft/WSL/issues/9247.
Use chmod option until fixed in WSL to avoid breaking stuff.

Option: Use chmod before every time you want to use the device

This setting will not survive reboot.

sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0

Option: Join group that owns /dev/tty*

This setting is permanent.

# Find owner group. If this is root then we should not add users to it...
ls -l /dev/ttyACM0

# Add user to group. BEWARE: check group first, do not join root!
sudo adduser $USER $(stat --format="%G" /dev/ttyACM0)

Setting permissions after copying dirs between distros

Aka "why do the directory have a green background?"

Apart from coloring files based on their type (turquoise for audio files, bright red for Archives and compressed files, and purple for images and videos), ls also colors files and directories based on their attributes:

  • Black text with green background indicates that a directory is writable by others apart from the owning user and group, and has the sticky bit set (o+w, +t).
  • Blue text with green background indicates that a directory is writable by others apart from the owning user and group, and does not have the sticky bit set (o+w, -t).

A "de-greener" command to get back the rights,

chmod -R a-x,o-w,+X thatGreenFolderWithSubfolders/


Kill WSL

  1. Open CMD with admin access
  2. Run the following commands:
    taskkill /F /FI "IMAGENAME eq wsl.exe"
    taskkill /F /FI "IMAGENAME eq wslhost.exe"
    taskkill /F /FI "IMAGENAME eq wslservice.exe"

Fix Corrupted VHD

Once in a blue moon you will see a system error message containing "Read-only file system" when running normal operations that should work. This is usually down to corrupted VHD, and for Ubuntu in particular that is /dev/sdb.

The linux tool e2fsck can fix this as long as it can work outside the VHD. Meaning you cannot run it properly from inside the distro that has a bad VHD.
The workaround is to use another distro for this task.

I have two distros installed:

  • Ubuntu
  • docker-desktop

"Ubuntu" is the distro that has a bad VHD. I can then use "docker-desktop" to fix that VHD.

  1. Shutdown all wsl distros: wsl --shutdown
  2. Mount the VHD:
    wsl --mount %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\CanonicalGroupLimited.Ubuntu24.04LTS_79rhkp1fndgsc\LocalState\ext4.vhdx --vhd --bare
  3. Fix the VHD from the other distro: wsl -d docker-desktop -u root e2fsck -f -y /dev/sdc
  4. Unmount when done: wsl --unmount %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\CanonicalGroupLimited.Ubuntu24.04LTS_79rhkp1fndgsc\LocalState\ext4.vhdx
  5. Done!

Source: how-to-repair-a-vhd-mounting-error? the tutorial not work at all! | wsl git issue