This is the software for my radio controlled motorized strandbeest project ( = dodecapod robot).
- Youtube video
- This projet was published on Hackaday
- Inspired by Theo Jansen
- 2x Chinese Arduino Nano (robot and controller)
- 2x 3v small motor n20 250 RPM
- 2x NRF24L01 (wireless transmission chip)
- L9110s H-bridge
- 2x AA batteries in series for the H-bridge (main power for the motors)(with 1x battery holder)
- 2x 9-volt batteries (one to power each Arduino) (with 2x battery holder)
- 2x 0.1UF ceramic capacitor, one for each motor, between the + and - of the motor, that will act as suppressor of sparks and surges generated by motor brushes
- 1 joystick for the controller
- iron bars (2mm diameter)
- 1x "mini strandbeest" powered by wind (you can also find it on ebay)