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Code and documentation for the London Blockchain Labs 2020 Future of Blockchain project.

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Vessel owners sign up to participate.

  • Register vessel DIDs
  • Stake funds (ETH, DAI, IOTEX) for each vessel
  • What do they get out of it?
    • CleanCatch = True (?) on fishing catch
  • Graphical interface - form fill

Governments register MPA boundaries

WHO? Runs Cloud Node program

  • Fetch current boundaries (query smart contract)
  • Check for new data into S3 cloud bucket every minute
  • Check to see if points are within MPA boundaries
    • If TRUE:
      • Submit transaction slashing that vessel's stake
      • Set bool CleanCatch = False (?). This means that the Node service has private keys to sign tx. Who is administering this? Etc?

Externally-owned accounts / Roles:


Government Root Account

  • Constructs Jurisdiction contracts
    • Registers boundaries
  • Registers and deregisters border officials

✅ Hard code registration

Border Officials EOAs

✅ Human interface

  • View complete list of shipments in country
  • View appropriate container metadata


✅ Human interface

  • Submit verification that shipment is ok


✅ Human interface

  • Submit verification that shipment was received ok



✅ Machine interface

  • Register ownership of device?


// on tracker ping:

// fetch data from Redis - or stream

  // Check which jurisdiction the tracker is in

  // Check which jurisdiction tracker is registered in on-chain

  // if different:
    // Revoke access to prior jurisdiction
    // Grant access to current jurisdiction
    // AND execute enter(jurisdiction);
  // Check if tracker is still in that jurisdiction
    // If yes:

    // Else:
      // Check if tracker is inside another jurisdiction


contract Tracker {

  address currentJurisdiction; // < contract address

  construction () {

    // register DID on iotex registry with msg.sender as owner

  crossBorder(_departingJurisdiction, _enteringJurisdiction) {

    // revoke _departingJurisdiction officers access to location information

    // pay _enteringJurisdiction money.
    // grant _enteringJurisdiction officers access to location information

    // update currentJurisdiction



contract Jurisdiction {
  uint importTaxPct;
  did; // did:io:_contractaddress_

  struct Officer {

  mapping (address => Officer) officers;

  constructor (_boundaries) {
    // register DID with boundaries

  // list of border officers
  function registerOfficer () {


  function removeOfficer () {


  function updateBoundaries (_newBoundaries) {
    // replace boundaries with new boundaries

  function enterJurisdiction (_trackerId) payable {

    // confirm signatures
    // accept payment ...


  function departJurisdiction (_trackerId) {



contract JurisdictionRegistry {



// Tracker

// Jurisdiction

    "@context": "",
    "id": "did:io:<<Government's wallet address>>",
    "publicKey": [{
        "id": "did:io:<<public key>>#keys-1",
        "type": "RsaVerificationKey2018",
        "controller": "did:io:0x56d0B5eD3D525332F00C9BC938f93598ab16AAA7",
        "publicKeyPem": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY...END PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n" }],
    "authentication": [{
        "type": "RsaSignatureAuthentication2018",
        "publicKey": "did:io:0x5576E95935366Ebd2637D9171E4C92e60598be10#keys-1" }],
    "service": [{
        "id": "did:io:0x88C36867cffB66197812a9385A038cc6Dd75244b;fetch_boundaries",
        "type": "FetchBoundaries",
        "serviceEndpoint": "" }],
        // a signed hash of the boundaries for verification in SGX enclave.
    "created": "2018-02-08T16:03:00Z",
    "proof": {
        "type": "LinkedDataSignature2015",
        "created": "2018-02-08T16:02:20Z",
        "creator": "did:io:0x5576E95935366Ebd2637D9171E4C92e60598be10#keys-1",
        "signatureValue": "QNB13Y7Q9...1tzjn4w=="



// In SGX enclave on the cloud:

// point in polygon {
  // confirm validity of jurisdictional boundaries (verify signed hash)\
  // confirm validity of tracker location (verify signed coordinates)
  // calculate if point in polygon


// Obvs not rust but ...
function toBeChecked (_trackerId, _jurisdiction)
  returns (bool performCheck_) {
  // If temperature has stayed below max
  // and
  // trackers[_trackerId].Value > x
  // and
  // No controlled ingredients
    return False;
  } Else {
    return True;


Code and documentation for the London Blockchain Labs 2020 Future of Blockchain project.






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