This describes how my linux Bash terminal is currently setup.
- Add asdf to path
- . "$HOME/.asdf/"
- Display git branch in terminal prompted
- create a function
that reads the git branch info - Call the function in the string that defines my terminal prompt and assign it to PS1
- create a function
git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/(\1)/'
PS1="${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\W\[\033[00m\]\$(git_branch)\$ "
- Syntax Notes
- Single Quotes - Bash interpret everything inside single quotes as a literal string
- Double Quotes - Bash interprets variables and specific characters in a special ways
- Limit Prompt to Working Directory v Current Working Directory
- w - CWD
- W - Basename of the working directory
- BASH Prompt Reference: (
- alias emacs='flatpak run org.gnu.emacs'
- Moved .bashrc from
- Created a local repo in
[configuration_repos] A directory that contains my configuration files for various and sundry tools [flatpak]
- Bash Single vs. Double Quotes What's the Difference (,them%20as%20a%20literal%20string.)
- How to Customize Bash Prompt in Linux (
- [[alias]]
- [[bash_setup]]
- [[communication]]
- [[migration_phx_site_from_digital_ocean_to_gigalixir]]
- [[Debuging_Elixir]]
- [[design system]]
- [[Elixir]]
- [[elixir_configuration]]
- [[elixir_exports]]
- [[elixir_phoenix]]
- [[emacs]]
- [[event_sourcing]]
- [[File_Tree_Tools]]
- [[foam_extensions]]
- [[gigalixir]]
- [[git]]
- [[git_commands]]
- [[git_tags]]
- [[git_workflow]]
- [[Phoenix.LiveView]]
- [[livebook_smart_cells]]
- [[ice_breakers]]
- [[mc]] (Midnight commander)
- [[ecsx_game_evelopment]]
- [[postgres]]
- [[postgres_installation]]
- [[rexbug]]
- [[process_boundaries]]
- [[silversearcher-ag]]
- [[sql]]
- [[speed_test]]
- [[supervisor_vs_linking]]
- [[tailwind_css]]
- [[tailwind_CSS_Justin_M]]
- [[zettelkasten]]
- [[Zettelkasten]]