- This is a multi step process that requires creating a connection to both the fly application serving the webpages and the fly application running the database application that the web app is connected to.
- The command
$ fly ssh console
creates a vm that connects to the app that is being accessed- The DB port number changes w/ every connection
- It's necessary to install net-tools on each new connection
This process returns a connection string with the format: postgres://{username}:{password}@{hostname}:{port}/{database}
$ fly ssh console -a <app-name>
$ fly ssh console -a <app-name-db>
$ apt-get install net-tools
$ netstat -ano | grep 5432
1. Connect to Database App
a. `$ fly ssh console -a <app-name-db>`
b. `$ apt-get install net-tools`
# Need to do w/ each new connection
c. `$ netstat -ano | grep 5432` # returns ports
pg_dump -h -U whodapet_demo_db -d whodapet_demo > demo_dateString.sql
fly ssh sftp get Backups/whodapet-demo_20240419.sql -a whodapet-demo-db