All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- Add autorespawn, improve level grid, add two hearts for each level, add animation to hearts (64698c7)
- Add bricks and cut rope on mini brick hit (949e891)
- Add bubble particle effect (c449ec9)
- Add Coil monetization and disable/enable NEAR Level button (e11a66e)
- Add game hints, tweak levels (96bca21)
- Add goal/grave and box collision (4603529)
- Add gravity and player (54f50cb)
- Add heart pickups (75b8c98)
- Add initial game content for Skeleton Rope physics Game (c7363b9)
- Add level (1538ba6)
- Add level 6 (678ece5)
- Add level 7 (23fbda6)
- Add level 8, and swap level 8 with 4 (8b1a6f6)
- Add level complete and load next level (1cf79b0)
- Add level dialog after level is complete (c61b002)
- Add loading indicator while waiting to mint level (a72925e)
- Add main menu and level selector (9bcd2df)
- Add moving platforms and players with more levels and less gravity (7d9b86b)
- Add music (d966006)
- Add music (ec3498e)
- Add music with demo song (38d4c8c)
- Add NEAR API with login and logout button (369619f)
- Add rope physics (8e0f5fd)
- Add saw behavior, east west, and level 3 (8e22d36)
- Add sawblade (40fdf7b)
- Add skull image to player, and cut the rope command (1ec3ee5)
- Add sound effects (5e50763)
- Add stop motion when rope is cut for the first time (1feb6be)
- Add Support for Coil Subscription and limit hat selection to subscribets (c8bed9e)
- Add thanks for playing screen (f77b0ff)
- Add two mechanics: climb rope, and jetpack rope (651caad)
- Add win condition and goal animation (3b0c4da)
- Buy NFTs to unlock bonus levels (c173470)
- Change player direction (883eee1)
- Connect to paras testnet and render NFTs in series (18c97f1)
- Create hamburger menu icon (09fa801)
- Integrate Arcadian headpieces (6843b19)
- Load json levels (3d9b1c6)
- Select arcadian head and use in-game (ae51247)
- Toggle music (acf9687)
- Use levelData to create level (6d4431a)
- Add missing updates in package (c152d59)
- Add two audio contexts to mute sound not sfx (e9f29ab)
- Avoid adding extra listeners, avoid moving when has won, avoid respawning when has won (3302526)
- Create new, better, stronger, faster rope (5f141d7)
- Fix climb rope (e817169)
- Fix cut rope and adjust box collision (d5d24c7)
- Fix game crash if no arcadian headgear is selected (bb6319d)
- Fix gap between bricks (752cd9b)
- Fix issue with not being able to select arcadian headgear (5dbff24)
- Fix reference error (feddcb9)
- Init levels every time we click select level to update hearts (5028c0a)
- Load images using data-url. Also reduces space (bf9889b)
- Make proper variables and remove unused code from Sprite class (837d577)
- Prevent player from humping on the ground (117cbbb)
- Reduce space between boxes to prevent player from pasing through (6bee639)
- Remove excess level and change outdir (da535c6)
- Replay NEAR level or go back to menu (7055a7f)
- Use disabled class instead of attribute to be able to click NEAR levels (57786cd)
- Use nft_buy instead of nft_mint, and double price to cover storage (a6c8832)