We hold regular meetings. See details at community page.
OpenTelemetry is a toolkit for collecting application performance and behavior data.
The library is in Alpha stage. The library is expected to move to GA stage after v1.0.0 major release.
Please join gitter for help or feedback on this project.
We encourage contributions. Use tags up-for-grabs and good first issue to get started with the project. Follow CONTRIBUTING guide to report issues or submit a proposal.
Package | MyGet (CI) | NuGet (releases) |
OpenTelemetry | ||
OpenTelemetry.Abstractions |
Package | MyGet (CI) | NuGet (releases) |
Asp.Net Core | ||
.Net Core HttpClient | ||
StackExchange.Redis |
Package | MyGet (CI) | NuGet (releases) |
Zipkin | ||
Prometheus | ||
Application Insights | ||
Stackdriver |
You can use OpenTelemetry API to instrument code and report data. Or use one of automatic data collection modules.
Incoming requests of ASP.NET Core app can be automatically tracked.
Install packages to your project: OpenTelemetry OpenTelemetry.Collector.AspNetCore
Make sure
, andIPropagationComponent
registered in DI.services.AddSingleton<ITracer>(Tracing.Tracer); services.AddSingleton<ISampler>(Samplers.AlwaysSample); services.AddSingleton<IPropagationComponent>(new DefaultPropagationComponent());
Configure data collection singletons in ConfigureServices method:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { // ... services.AddSingleton<RequestsCollectorOptions>(new RequestsCollectorOptions()); services.AddSingleton<RequestsCollector>();
Initialize data collection by instantiating singleton in Configure method
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, /*... other arguments*/ ) { // ... var collector = app.ApplicationServices.GetService<RequestsCollector>();
Outgoing http calls made by .NET Core HttpClient
can be automatically tracked.
Install package to your project: OpenTelemetry.Collector.Dependencies
Make sure
, andIPropagationComponent
registered in DI.services.AddSingleton<ITracer>(Tracing.Tracer); services.AddSingleton<ISampler>(Samplers.AlwaysSample); services.AddSingleton<IPropagationComponent>(new DefaultPropagationComponent());
Configure data collection singletons in ConfigureServices method:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { // ... services.AddSingleton<DependenciesCollectorOptions>(new DependenciesCollectorOptions()); services.AddSingleton<DependenciesCollector>();
Initiate data collection by instantiating singleton in Configure method
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, /*... other arguments*/ ) { // ... var depCollector = app.ApplicationServices.GetService<DependenciesCollector>();
Outgoing http calls to Redis made usign StackExchange.Redis library can be automatically tracked.
Install package to your project: OpenTelemetry.Collector.StackExchangeRedis
Make sure
, andIExportComponent
registered in DI.services.AddSingleton<ITracer>(Tracing.Tracer); services.AddSingleton<ISampler>(Samplers.AlwaysSample); services.AddSingleton<IExportComponent>(Tracing.ExportComponent);
Configure data collection singletons in ConfigureServices method:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { // ... services.AddSingleton<StackExchangeRedisCallsCollectorOptions>(new StackExchangeRedisCallsCollectorOptions()); services.AddSingleton<StackExchangeRedisCallsCollector>();
Initiate data collection by instantiating singleton in Configure method
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, /*... other arguments*/ ) { // ... var redisCollector = app.ApplicationServices.GetService<StackExchangeRedisCallsCollector>(); // use collector to configure the profiler ConnectionMultiplexer connection = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("localhost:6379"); connection.RegisterProfiler(redisCollector.GetProfilerSessionsFactory());
The Jaeger exporter communicates to a Jaeger Agent through the compact thrift protocol on the Compact Thrift API port. You can configure the Jaeger exporter by following the directions below:
- Get Jaeger.
- Configure the
: The name of your application or service.AgengHost
: Usuallylocalhost
since an agent should usually be running on the same machine as your application or service.AgentPort
: The compact thrift protocol port of the Jaeger Agent (default6831
: The maximum size of each UDP packet that gets sent to the agent. (default65000
- See the sample for an example of how to use the exporter.
var exporter = new JaegerExporter(
new JaegerExporterOptions
ServiceName = "tracing-to-jaeger-service",
AgentHost = host,
AgentPort = port,
var span = tracer
.SpanBuilder("incoming request")
Configure Zipkin exporter to see traces in Zipkin UI.
- Get Zipkin using getting started guide.
- Start
as below: - See sample for example use.
var exporter = new ZipkinTraceExporter(
new ZipkinTraceExporterOptions() {
Endpoint = new Uri("https://<zipkin-server:9411>/api/v2/spans"),
ServiceName = typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Name,
var span = tracer
.SpanBuilder("incoming request")
Configure Prometheus exporter to have stats collected by Prometheus.
- Get Prometheus using getting started guide.
- Start
as below. - See sample for example use.
var exporter = new PrometheusExporter(
new PrometheusExporterOptions()
Url = "http://+:9184/metrics/"
// record metrics
statsRecorder.NewMeasureMap().Put(VideoSize, values[0] * MiB).Record();
This sample assumes your code authenticates to Stackdriver APIs using service account with credentials stored in environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS. When you run on GAE, GKE or locally with gcloud sdk installed - this is typically the case. There is also a constructor for specifying path to the service account credential. See sample for details.
- Add Stackdriver Exporter package reference.
- Enable Stackdriver Trace API.
- Enable Stackdriver Monitoring API.
- Instantiate a new instance of
with your Google Cloud's ProjectId - See sample for example use.
var exporter = new StackdriverExporter(
- Create Application Insights resource.
- Set instrumentation key via telemetry configuration object
new TelemetryConfiguration("iKey")
). This object may be injected via dependency injection as well. - Instantiate a new instance of
. - See sample for example use.
var config = new TelemetryConfiguration("iKey")
var exporter = new ApplicationInsightsExporter(
config); // either global or local config can be used
This library follows Semantic Versioning.
GA: Libraries defined at a GA quality level are stable, and will not introduce backwards-incompatible changes in any minor or patch releases. We will address issues and requests with the highest priority. If we were to make a backwards-incompatible changes on an API, we will first mark the existing API as deprecated and keep it for 18 months before removing it.
Beta: Libraries defined at a Beta quality level are expected to be mostly stable and we're working towards their release candidate. We will address issues and requests with a higher priority. There may be backwards incompatible changes in a minor version release, though not in a patch release. If an element is part of an API that is only meant to be used by exporters or other OpenTelemetry libraries, then there is no deprecation period. Otherwise, we will deprecate it for 18 months before removing it, if possible.