Johannes Heisig
This analysis predicts Crown Bulk Density, a canopy fuel variable relevant to crown fire spread. It is difficult to sample in the field and therefore estimated using measurements of other forest structure variables and allometric equations. Predictor data for this regression analysis comes from airborne LiDAR and Sentinel-1 & -2.
NOTE: Binder is great for reproducing analysis in R. However, it has RAM restrictions, which can be a problem for large remote sensing data stacks. Below we provide switches for this program, which allow you to decide, whether you want to run all analysis steps or skip some of the computationally expensive ones (e.g. extracting raster values). Be prepared that Binder may crash when running complex tasks. If you run this script on Binder we suggest you stick with the switch settings below (skip.. = TRUE), which allows intermediate results to be loaded from existing files. Alternatively, you may choose to download this repository and run operations locally instead. In this case feel free to change switches below TRUE to FALSE.
Analysis switches:
skip_training_data_extraction = TRUE
skip_model_prediction = TRUE
select = dplyr::select
knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache=T, warning = F, message = F)
if (skip_training_data_extraction){
haard = readRDS(file.path(getwd(),"data",
"cbd_training_data.rds")) |>
st_sf() |>
select(-c(PlotID, FC_CBH, FC_SH, FC_CC))
} else {
predictors_path = file.path(getwd(),"data","predictors_haard_10m.rds")
if (! file.exists(predictors_path)){
} else print("Predictor data already on disk.")
p = readRDS(predictors_path)
haard = st_read(file.path(getwd(),"data",
crs=4326, quiet=T,
select(plot_id, dom_spp)
FC = read.csv(file.path(getwd(),"data","haard_cbd_fuelcalc.csv"))[-1,] |>
select(PlotID, preCBD, preCBH, preSH, preCC) |>
mutate(PlotID = sub(x=PlotID, "-Inventory", "") |> as.numeric(),
across(2:5, as.numeric)) |>
rename_with(~sub("pre","FC_",.x)) |>
drop_na() |>
ft = read_stars(file.path(getwd(),"results","haard_surface_fuel_map.tif")) |>
if (!skip_training_data_extraction){
# Create buffer around visited field plots according to survey protocol
haard = haard[haard$plot_id %in% FC$PlotID,] |>
st_transform(st_crs(p)) |>
#' Convert raster data to polygon geometries to enable
#' intersection rather than pixel-based extraction.
#' Extract area-weighted values from predictors at plot
#' locations. First intersect buffers with predictors,
#' then weight each fragment of a field plot by its
#' area in relation to plot size (pi*(10m)² = 314 m²)
haard = st_intersection(st_as_sf(p), haard)
haard = haard |>
mutate(across(-c(plot_id, dom_spp, geometry),
~as.numeric(.x * st_area(haard)/314))) |>
group_by(plot_id) |>
function(s) round(sum(s),2)),
dom_spp = unique(dom_spp))
# join with target variable (CBD) based on field plot ID
haard = FC |>
mutate(plot_id = as.character(PlotID)) |>
select(plot_id, FC_CBD) |>
inner_join(haard, by = "plot_id") |>
select(-plot_id, -dom_spp) |>
haard = st_drop_geometry(haard)
# CBD field samples
plot(1:nrow(haard), haard$FC_CBD, col="red")
any(colSums( > 0) # no NAs in training point data
## [1] FALSE
if (!skip_training_data_extraction){
# how many NAs in which predictor?
p.nas = colSums(
p.nas[p.nas > 0]
# ==> NAs mainly in Z-related variables --> can be filled with zeros
# where in space are NAs? = st_apply(p, 1:2, function(x) sum(
plot(, breaks = "equal",
col = rev(terrain.colors(10)),
main = "\nNumber of\nmissing predictor values per pixel")
# ==> almost exclusively in non-forest areas --> less of a problem
p = p %>% replace(, 0)
training = haard |> sample_frac(0.7)
testing = haard |> setdiff(training)
x_train = model.matrix(FC_CBD ~ ., training)[,-1] # predictors
x_test = model.matrix(FC_CBD ~ ., testing)[,-1]
y_train = training$FC_CBD # target
y_test = testing$FC_CBD
(zerovar = which(apply(scale(x_train), 2, FUN = function(x) {all(})))
## zq15 B1_p10 B1_p50
## 45 84 85
x_train = x_train[,-zerovar]
x_test = x_test[,-zerovar]
if (!skip_training_data_extraction) p = p[,,,-zerovar]
Prepare model training components:
A simple 5-fold random CV is used for assessment of model performance
needs to be tuned through cross-validation. We use a tune grid with 100 possible values between 100 and 0.1. -
Alpha (
) determines whether the model performs Ridge regression (a = 0
), a Lasso regression (a = 1
), or an Elasticnet regression (0 < a > 1
). -
Predictor variables (
) are translated from astars
-object to a matrix for model prediction.
tc = trainControl("cv", 5)
grid = 10^seq(2, -1, length = 100)
a = 0
if (!skip_training_data_extraction){
newx = p |>
split(3) |> |>
select(-x,-y) |>
The caret
modeling framework will be used as a wrapper for glmnet
glm_ridge = train(
method = "glmnet",
preProcess = c("center", "scale"),
tuneGrid = data.frame(lambda=grid, alpha=0),
trControl = tc,
importance = T)
#saveRDS(glm_ridge, "results/models/model_log_cbd_ridge.rds")
Performance metrics
best_lambda = glm_ridge$bestTune$lambda
modelpred = glm_ridge |>
predict(s = best_lambda) |>
testpred = glm_ridge |>
predict(s = best_lambda, newdata = x_test) |>
print(paste("R2 (model prediction vs training data) =", R2(modelpred, y_train)))
## [1] "R2 (model prediction vs training data) = 0.597169910562399"
print(paste("R2 (prediction vs validation data) =", R2(testpred, y_test)))
## [1] "R2 (prediction vs validation data) = 0.734889751072626"
print(paste("RMSE (model prediction vs training data) =", RMSE(modelpred, y_train)))
## [1] "RMSE (model prediction vs training data) = 0.0538830618265586"
print(paste("RMSE (prediction vs validation data) =", RMSE(testpred, y_test)))
## [1] "RMSE (prediction vs validation data) = 0.0690322554130355"
print(paste("RMSE (intercept only model) =",RMSE(mean(y_train), y_test)))
## [1] "RMSE (intercept only model) = 0.0821053783796247"
Variable importance
plot(varImp(glm_ridge), top=20)
## Shapiro-Wilk normality test
## data: residuals(glm_ridge)
## W = 0.97532, p-value = 0.8295
Scatter plot
plot(log(modelpred), log(y_train),
xlim=c(-4,-1), ylim=c(-4,-1))
points(log(testpred),log(y_test), col="red")
lambda_index = which(glm_ridge$results$lambda == best_lambda)
coef(glm_ridge$finalModel)[,lambda_index] |>
sort(decreasing = T)
## cov_25m NDVI_p90 zpcum8 cov_20m B5_p10
## 8.589786e-03 7.765810e-03 7.551110e-03 7.065261e-03 6.598638e-03
## B9_p10 cov_15m cov_30m cover cov_30m_plus
## 6.027070e-03 5.650038e-03 5.615321e-03 5.407282e-03 5.405789e-03
## B7_p10 zkurt B8_p10 cov_8m cov_7m
## 5.008443e-03 4.911439e-03 4.719062e-03 4.469104e-03 4.374511e-03
## zcov_tree zpcum7 cov_9m pzabovezmean cov_10m
## 4.366869e-03 3.996367e-03 3.951544e-03 3.924434e-03 3.760507e-03
## B6_p10 zmean_grass zmean_shrub VH_p50 VH_p10
## 3.540731e-03 3.396566e-03 3.346739e-03 3.321214e-03 3.314947e-03
## cov_6m B12_p50 B12_p10 B3_p10 VH_p90
## 2.955332e-03 2.421877e-03 2.417216e-03 2.227210e-03 2.185131e-03
## B4_p10 cov_5m B9_p90 zpcum6 zq25
## 2.165452e-03 1.925761e-03 1.562989e-03 1.416798e-03 1.311937e-03
## zcov_shrub cov_4m zq30 zpcum5 B6_p50
## 1.235259e-03 1.127762e-03 7.244414e-04 7.021985e-04 6.890991e-04
## cov_3.5m B8_p90 B7_p90 D cov_3m
## 6.470897e-04 4.640204e-04 4.211512e-04 3.981953e-04 3.179441e-04
## zpcum2 B8_p50 B11_p10 B11_p50 zpcum4
## 2.491043e-04 1.227398e-04 1.004822e-04 -1.334253e-05 -5.719775e-05
## zcov_grass cov_0.4m B4_p50 cov_0.5m zpcum3
## -1.261444e-04 -1.363407e-04 -1.408502e-04 -1.481716e-04 -1.845071e-04
## pzabove2 NDVI_p10 cov_1.5m cov_2.5m VV_p10
## -1.854629e-04 -2.829398e-04 -2.877925e-04 -3.179764e-04 -3.332955e-04
## B3_p50 cov_1m B9_p50 zpcum1 B6_p90
## -4.000011e-04 -4.278860e-04 -4.628147e-04 -4.651159e-04 -4.832626e-04
## VV_p50 cov_2m cbh aspect B7_p50
## -6.363807e-04 -6.617142e-04 -1.026951e-03 -1.090726e-03 -1.119400e-03
## zq35 zcv VV_p90 cov_0m zskew
## -1.149858e-03 -1.178821e-03 -1.301041e-03 -1.365768e-03 -1.756174e-03
## B2_p10 NDVI_p50 N B5_p50 B3_p90
## -1.791889e-03 -1.897309e-03 -2.271493e-03 -3.443341e-03 -3.521321e-03
## VVVH_ratio_p10 slope zentropy zq40 B2_p90
## -3.845969e-03 -4.063651e-03 -4.090790e-03 -4.133946e-03 -4.598607e-03
## VVVH_ratio_p90 pground zq45 B5_p90 B11_p90
## -5.248388e-03 -5.405935e-03 -5.595980e-03 -5.691376e-03 -6.026466e-03
## B2_p50 B12_p90 VVVH_ratio_p50 B1_p90 dem
## -6.138913e-03 -6.151091e-03 -6.154383e-03 -6.223940e-03 -6.236798e-03
## zq20 zq50 zq55 vert_gap zmean_tree
## -6.529452e-03 -6.661062e-03 -6.695292e-03 -6.752985e-03 -6.797544e-03
## rumple zmean zmax Z zq60
## -6.832287e-03 -6.847241e-03 -6.916992e-03 -6.932715e-03 -6.938348e-03
## zq99 zsd B4_p90 zq65 zq95
## -7.028331e-03 -7.122703e-03 -7.135953e-03 -7.177020e-03 -7.191010e-03
## zq90 zq80 zq85 zq75 zq70
## -7.321122e-03 -7.342597e-03 -7.348164e-03 -7.358602e-03 -7.374379e-03
## ziqr (Intercept)
## -7.502296e-03 -2.578066e+00
Predict and back-transform to normal scale.
Set CBD of non-burnable areas to NA.
Calculate the Area of Applicability (AOA).
Finally, 117 values (0.013 %) ranging between 0.3 and 10^13 remain. They are considered to be unreasonable for CBD and are also set to NA.
(cbd_glm_st = read_stars(file.path(getwd(),"results","haard_CBD.tif")) |>
} else {
cbd_glm = predict(glm_ridge, newdata = newx) |>
exp() |>
cbd_glm_st = ft |>
mutate(CBD = cbd_glm,
CBD = case_when(FuelType == 4 ~ NaN,
CBD > 0.3 ~ NaN,
TRUE ~ CBD)) |>
## stars object with 2 dimensions and 1 attribute
## attribute(s):
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
## CBD 7.414872e-14 0.07014109 0.08498263 0.08649818 0.09911616 0.2981278 362132
## dimension(s):
## from to offset delta refsys point values x/y
## x 1 1000 372000 10 +proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps... FALSE NULL [x]
## y 1 900 5733000 -10 +proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps... FALSE NULL [y]
# Distribution of predicted CBD
hist(cbd_glm_st, breaks=100)
(AOA = read_stars(file.path(getwd(),"results","AOA_haard_CBD.tif")) |>
} else {
cl <- makeCluster(6)
AOA = aoa(model=glm_ridge, newdata=p, cl = cl)
## stars object with 2 dimensions and 1 attribute
## attribute(s):
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## AOA 0 0 0 0.3960178 1 1
## dimension(s):
## from to offset delta refsys point values x/y
## x 1 1000 372000 10 +proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps... FALSE NULL [x]
## y 1 900 5733000 -10 +proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps... FALSE NULL [y]
pcbd = ggplot() +
geom_stars(data = cbd_glm_st, downsample = 1) +
coord_fixed() +
scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0), name="") +
scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0, 0), name="") +
scale_fill_viridis_c(direction = -1) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
AOA = c(AOA, cbd_glm_st) |>
mutate(AOA = ifelse(, 99, AOA) |>
factor(levels = c(1,0,99),
labels = c("inside","outside","NB")))
paoa = ggplot() +
geom_stars(data = AOA["AOA"], downsample = 2) +
coord_equal() +
scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0), name="") +
scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0, 0), name="") +
scale_fill_manual(values=c("lightgreen","firebrick","grey80"), name = "AOA") +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
pcbd + paoa
This plot refers to Figure 8 in our paper.
# Which percentage of pixels fall outside the AOA?
round(sum(AOA$AOA == 'outside') / length(AOA$AOA),4)*100
## [1] 20.19
About 20.19% of cells fall outside the AOA.
From section 4.2 in Heisig et al. 2022:
Ridge regression analysis was applied to predict CBD for the Haard forest. CV selected an optimal regularization parameter lambda of 10.7. Overall, model performance was poor which was expected, considering the small number of training samples. A model-R² of 0.59 with a RMSE of 0.054 was reported. Independent validation samples produced a higher R² of 0.73, while RMSE degraded to 0.069. Although R² is acceptable, RMSEs are large, considering a CBD training sample mean of 0.095. Differences in model performance and validation scores indicate the introduction of bias by ridge regression. Variable importance scores indicated strong dependence on LiDAR-derived vertical structure metrics and optical predictor data. The most relevant predictors included C25, B05p10, Zp20, NDV**Ip90, B04p90, and DEM. Further, the nine next relevant variables in the ranking, Ziqr, Zpcu**m80, and Zp65, ..., 95, all describe vegetation structure in the upper third of the tree. This coincides with relative heights at which CBD can be found at the maximum. We tested adding training samples from NFI plots (n = 15) but were not able to improve the model. On average, their derived CBD values were significantly smaller than the existing values based on field sampling. NFI surveys include records of species and CH among many other observations. However, they do not include CBH. Supplementing NFI tree lists, for example, with LiDAR-derived CBH at 10 m spatial resolution, is rather inaccurate, especially when considering plots with heterogeneous species composition, age, and vertical structure. Spatial prediction and AOA for CBD are shown in Figure 8. CBD values range from 0 to 0.3. They roughly follow the tree species classification, while higher densities can be observed for pine than for beech and red oak. Anomalies in CBD within homogeneous patches dominated by a single species are related to structural differences. Considering only forested pixels, 20% fall outside the AOA. This may again be explained by the low number of training samples. A significant portion is located in areas with steeper slopes.