All notable changes to the "vscode-random" extension are documented in this file.
- Fix minor issue while publishing v.1.8.0
- New random string generator command that match a given regular expression (Thanks to @ntsd for the suggestion & implementation!)
- New random string generator command that matches IBAN pattern (Thanks to @b-pagis for the suggestion & implementation!)
- Update dependencies packages
- Update dependencies packages
- New command which takes a comma-separated set of values as input and returns a random sample from the list (Thanks to @tannerwelsh for the suggestion & implementation!)
Update dependencies packages
Context menu with extensions commands (Thanks to @lnxbil for the suggestion & @johanhammar for the implementation!)
- Context menu with extensions commands (Thanks to @lnxbil for the suggestion & @johanhammar for the implementation!)
- Update dependencies packages
- Update to Babel 7
- New extension icon
- Update dependencies packages
- Update dependencies packages
- New command to generate a random IP address
- New command to generate a random IPv6 address
- New command to generate a random Url
- New command to generate a random hexadecimal color
- New command to generate a random RGB color
- New command to generate a random integer within a given custom range
- New command to allow random seed reset
- New command to return a random country code
- New command to return a random country name
- Code improvements
- Fix bug when generating random values with multiple editors
- Initial release