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This library aims to perform various checks in the javascript environment.

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checkif.js is distributed as a npm package.

npm install checkif.js


The library is constituted of a set of checkers to perform different verifications.


import { is } from 'checkif.js';


This group of methods allows to verify if a given value is from a specific type.


Checks if a given value is null.


Alias und(value)

Checks if a given value is undefined.


Checks if a given value is null or undefined.


Checks if a given value is NaN. Same as Number.isNaN.

is.nan(NaN); // true
is.nan(Number.NaN); // true

Alias arr(value)

Checks if a given value is an array. This method is the same as Array.isArray, if available.

is.array([]); // true
is.array(new Array(0)); // true

Alias bool(value)

Checks if a given value is a boolean.

is.boolean(true); // true
is.boolean(new Boolean(0)); // true

Alias str(value)

Checks if a given value is a string.

is.string(''); // true
is.string(String('')); // true
is.string(new String('')); // true

Checks if a given value is a char.

is.char(' '); // true
is.char('1'); // true
is.char(1); // false

Checks if a given value is a date. Date('November 23, 1998 03:24:00')); // true, my birthdate btw ;)

Alias num(value)

Checks if a given value is a number.

is.number(Number(1)); // true
is.number(new Number(1)); // true
is.number(1); // true

Alias reg(value)

Checks if a given value is a regular expression.

is.regexp(\a\); // true
is.regexp(RegExp()); // true
is.regexp(new RegExp()); // true

Alias obj(value)

Checks if a given value is an object.

is.object({}); // true
is.object(String(1)); // true
is.object('1'); // false

Alias pure(value)

Checks if a given value is a pure JSON object.

is.pureObject({}); // true
is.pureObject({ value: 1 }); // true
is.pureObject(new Date()); // false

Alias func(value)

Checks if a given value is a function.

is.function(function () { }); // true
is.function(x => x); // true
is.function(new Function('x', 'return x')); // true

Alias err(value)

Checks if a given value is an error.

is.error(Error('Fatal error')); // true
is.error(new Error('Nothing works anymore')); // true

Alias dom(value)

Checks if a given value is a DOM node.

// Browser
is.domNode(window.document.body); // true
// Node.js
let dom = new JSDOM(`<html !DOCTYPE><body></body></html>`);
is.domNode(dom.window.document.body); // true

Alias window(value)

Checks if a given value is a window object.

// Browser
is.windowObject(window); // true
// Node.js
let dom = new JSDOM(`<html !DOCTYPE></html>`)
is.windowObject(dom.window); // true


This group of methods allows to verify if a given string is from a specific known type of value.

To be implemented


This group of methods allows to verify if a given string is a from a specific format.


Check if a given string is lower case.

is.lowerCase('abc'); // true
is.lowerCase('abc 123'); // true
is.lowerCase('ABC'); // false

Check if a given string is upper case.

is.upperCase('ABC'); // true
is.upperCase('ABC 123'); // true
is.upperCase('abc'); // false


This group of methods allows to verify if a given number is a from a specific class of numbers.


Checks if a given value is even.

is.even(10); // true
is.even(11); // false

Checks if a given value is odd.

is.odd(9); // true
is.odd(10); // false

Alias int(value)

Checks if a given value is an integer.

is.integer(12); // true
is.integer(10.0); // true
is.integer(3.14); // false
is.integer(Number.MIN_VALUE); // false
is.integer(Infinity); // false
is.integer('6');// false


This group of methods allows to verify if the current environment is a specific environment.

To be implemented


This group of methods allows to verify if a date is a specific kind.


Checks if a given value is a Date object in the past.

is.past(new Date(0)); // true

let pastDate = new Date();
pastDate.setUTCFullYear(pastDate.getUTCFullYear() - 1);
is.past(pastDate); // true

let futureDate = new Date();
futureDate.setUTCFullYear(futureDate.getUTCFullYear() + 1);
is.past(futureDate); // false

Checks if a given value is a Date object in the future.

let futureDate = new Date();
futureDate.setUTCFullYear(futureDate.getUTCFullYear() + 1);
is.future(futureDate); // true

is.future(new Date(0)); // false

let pastDate = new Date();
pastDate.setUTCFullYear(pastDate.getUTCFullYear() - 1);
is.future(pastDate); // false

Checks if a given value is a Date object set today.

let date = new Date();
date.setUTCMinutes(30);; // true Date()); // true Date(0)); // false

let pastDate = new Date();
pastDate.setUTCFullYear(pastDate.getUTCFullYear() - 1);; // false

let futureDate = new Date();
futureDate.setUTCFullYear(futureDate.getUTCFullYear() + 1);; // false


all(enumerable, matcher, strict = false)

import { all } from 'checkif.js';

This method verifies if all elements in a given enumerable (array or object) match a specific value or function.

all on arrays

all([0, 0, 0, 0], 0); // true
all([2, 4, 6, 8], x => x%2 === 0); // true

all([0, 1, 2, 3], 1); // false

all on objects

all({ x: 1, y: 1 }, 1); // true
let a = {};
all({ x: a, y: a }, x => x === a); // true

all({ x: 0, y: new Number(0) }, function(x){ return x === 0; }); // false

Strict mode

The second parameter of all is automatically resolved as a matcher function when it's a function. But you may want to check if the values are exactly equal to the function (as a value). In this case, you should use the strict mode by setting the 3rd parameter to true (default false).

import { all } from 'checkif.js';

let _function = function (x) { ... };
all({ x: _function, y: _function }, _function, true); // true

Feel free to build complex logic for your checks.

import { all, is } from 'checkif.js';
all({ x: ['a', 'b'], y: ['a', 'c'] }, x => all(x, is.char)); // true


any(enumerable, matcher, strict = false)

This method verifies if any element in a given enumerable (array or object) matches a specific value or function.

import { any } from 'checkif.js';

any([0,1,2,3], 2); // true
any([0,1,2,3], x => x === 0); // true
any({ x : 1, y : 0}, x => x === 1); // true

any([0, 1, 2, 3], 1); // false
any({ x : 1, y : 1}, 2); // false
any([0,1,2,3], x => x === 5); //false

any also supports strict mode.


This group of methods allows to verify if a given enumerable (array or object) has an element verifying a specific condition. This checker contains the same methods as is. In fact, has.method(array) is equivalent to any(array, is.method).

import { any } from 'checkif.js';

has.uppercase(['abc', 'Abc', 'ABC']); // true
has.even({ x : 1, y : 2, z : 3}); // true
has.function({ x : function(){}}); // true

has.nan([0, 1, 2, 3]); // false
has.integer([1.2, 1.3]); // false
has.null([]); // false


This group of methods allows to verify if a given enumerable (array or object) has only elements verifying a specific condition. This checker contains the same methods as is.

hasOnly.method(array) is equivalent to all(array, is.method).

import { any } from 'checkif.js';

hasOnly.lowercase(['abc', 'def', 'ghi']); // true
hasOnly.integer({ x : 1, y : 2, z : 3}); // true
hasOnly.function({ x : function(){}, y : x => x}); // true

hasOnly.null([null, 1, 2, 3]); // false
hasOnly.odd([1, 2, 3]); // false


atLeast(enumerable, count, matcher, strict = false)

Alias atl(enumerable, count, matcher, strict = false)

This method verifies if at least a number of elements in a given enumerable (array or object) match a specific value or function.

import { atLeast } from 'checkif.js';

atLeast([1,1,2,3], 2, 1); // true
atLeast([0,0,2,0], 3, x => x === 0); // true
atLeast({ x : 1, y : 0}, 1, x => x === 1); // true

atLeast([0, 1, 2, 3], 2, 1); // false
atLeast({ x : 1, y : 1}, 3, 2); // false
atLeast([0,1,2,3], 1, x => x === 5); //false

atLeast also supports strict mode.


atMost(enumerable, count, matcher, strict = false)

Alias atm(enumerable, count, matcher, strict = false)

This method verifies if at most a number of elements in a given enumerable (array or object) match a specific value or function.

import { atMost } from 'checkif.js';

atMost([0, 0, 1, 2], 2, 0); // true
atMost([true, true, true, false], 3, x => x === true); // true
atMost({ x: a, y: a }, 3, x => x === a); // true

atMost([0, 0, 1, 1], 1, 0); // false
atMost({ x: 1, y: 0 }, 0, 1); // false
let _function = function () { return true };
atMost({ x: _function, y: _function }, 1, _function); // false

atMost also supports strict mode.



This group of methods allows to verify if a given enumerable (array or object) has at least a number of elements verifying a specific condition from is. hasAtLeast(count).method(enumerable) is equivalent to atLeast(enumerable, count, is.method).



This group of methods allows to verify if a given enumerable (array or object) has at most a number of elements verifying a specific condition from is. hasAtMost(count).method(enumerable) is equivalent to atMost(enumerable, count, is.method).

Keep in mind that using the has* notation is less performant than using the equivalent atLeast or atMost function. Everytime has*(count) is called, the resulting functions are regenerated from is.


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