Releases: jodyphelan/pathogen-profiler
Releases · jodyphelan/pathogen-profiler
pathogen-profiler v4.6.0
- Adding debug statements to barcoding functions
- Allowing user to modify stdeve cutoff for barcode containment
- Adding crude mpileup method to look for barcoding SNPs
- Added script to replace ucsc-fatovcf
pathogen-profiler v4.5.1
- Update default caller to bcftools or clair3 for nanopore
- Add missing bcftools index command
- Fix for jodyphelan/TBProfiler#402
pathogen-profiler v4.5.0
- Add strand support extraction from GATK VCFs
- Non-critical bug fixes
pathogen-profiler v4.4.0
- VCF annotation 3x faster
- Allow pipeline to continue even if delly fails
- Add new variant call class for P. falciparum
- Add db schema version of species db
- Bug fix for VCF variant combination
What's Changed
- Implement check to see if deletion of tandem repeats can be place outside of gene region
- Add database schema versions to version dictionary
- Implement variant calling classes to allow for future plugins
- Sanity checks to see if sequence names in VCF match database
- Fix bug in coverage qc depth calculation
- Fix for sourmash error
Full Changelog: v4.2.0...v4.3.0
pathogen-profiler v4.2.0
What's Changed
- Added in bwa meme to mappers
- Added option to dump barcoding snps
- Small updates to pydantic models
Dev by @jodyphelan in #44
Full Changelog: v4.1.0...v4.2.0
pathogen-profiler v4.1.0
- Added barcoding mutations to BarcodeResult type
- Small bug fixes
pathogen-profiler v4.0.0
- Pydantic data models
- Type hints
- Code refactoring
pathogen-profiler v3.1.0
- Improved hgvs mutation parsing and validation
- Add sourmash sequence similarity searching
pathogen-profiler v3.0.0
- Stylistic changes (e.g. capitalisation of class names)
- Use of logging for logging
- Hard and soft filtering on variants
- For parallel jobs (e.g. variant calling) now using joblib internally vs gnu parallel
- Using pysam to extract data from VCFs