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Torgny Bjers edited this page Aug 20, 2013 · 50 revisions

Plugin listing. If you write a plugin feel free to add it to this list.

Content Plugins

browser-side require() the node.js way

browserify plugin that follows .js files require() calls and bundles them

CoffeeScript plugin that renders .coffee to .js

Client side JavaScript and CoffeeScript module packager plugin. Make sure to check out the example.

Snockets concatenation and minification plugin for both .coffee & .js files.

A production-ready asset management plugin.

LESS plugin that renders .less to .css

Renders markdown content using Pandoc instead of marked.

All in one: Browserify, Stylus, Coffee with UglifyJS and CleanCSS

Sass plugin that renders .scss to .css using the sass ruby gem.

Renders markdown content using a modified version of Showdown instead of marked. Pure JS and has 'extra' features similar to the Pandoc plugin.

Sibilant.js plugin that renders .sibilant to .js. Get some Lisp in your Javascript!

Stylus plugin that renders .styl files to .css

Parses .csv files and adds the data in them to the content tree.

Minifies .css files using Clean-CSS, ignoring already minified files (ending in .min.css).

Template Plugins

Adds support for ejs templates

Adds support for haml templates

Adds support for Hogan.js templates

Adds support for poptags templates

Adds support for nunjucks

Adds support for Swig templates

Adds support for xmlb templates

Adds support for siml templates

Adds support for handlebars templates

Adds support for liquid templates

Generator Plugins

Component plugin for building better web applications with wintersmith.

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