This project contains two non-trivial UI examples.
Layout of multiple fields with different widths on a form.
See qlik-sponsor-detail-view.xml.
This form is implemented using the formLayout layout with 6 columns defined in
. For each field, thecolspan
attribute specifies the width in columns:<formLayout id="form" dataContainer="qlikSponsorDc"> <textField id="sponsorNameField" ... colspan="6"/> <textField id="userLimitField" ... colspan="3"/> ... <responsiveSteps> <responsiveStep minWidth="0em" columns="1"/> <responsiveStep minWidth="50em" columns="6"/> </responsiveSteps>
Master-detail list.
The view displays the list of Qlik users and the list of licenses for the selected user.
The lists are linked using the query with a parameter and the dataLoadCoordinator facet:
<data readOnly="true"> <collection id="qlikUsersDc" ...> <loader id="qlikUsersDl"> <query> <![CDATA[select e from QlikUser e]]> </query> </loader> </collection> <collection id="qlikLicensesDc" ...> <loader id="qlikLicensesDl"> <query> <![CDATA[select e from QlikLicense e where e.user = :container_qlikUsersDc ]]> </query> </loader> </collection> </data> <facets> <dataLoadCoordinator auto="true"/>
In the controller, the license "create" action is made available depending of user selection, and a new license is initialized with the selected user and current time.