copyright | lastupdated | ||
2017-03-14 |
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#Monitoring and logging {: #monitoring}
{{}} automatically collects metrics and events so that you can monitor your usage of {{}}. {:shortdesc}
Note: Metrics and events are not available in {{}} in {{}} Dedicated environments.
You can monitor the following log information:
- Topic metrics
- We send the number of bytes in and out for each of your topics (a checkpoint is taken every 15 minutes). You can access these metrics by clicking the **Grafana** button on the {{}} dashboard in the {{}} console.
- Topic events
- We also push events each time you create or delete a topic. You can access these events by clicking the **Kibana** button on the {{}} dashboard in the {{}} console.
We recommend that you don't edit the {{}} dashboards because {{}} makes updates that might overwrite your changes. However, you can include these metrics and events in your own dashboards.