Thank you for reading this guide and contributing to the workflow!
If you need any help getting started or solving an error:
- Read the documentation for the relevant section
- Check the issues trackers for similar problems and solutions
- Open an issue with one of the following labels:
help wanted
for when extra attention is neededquestion
for when further information is requested
If you have any suggestions or enhancements you would like:
- Read the documentation to confirm the feature is not available
- Search the issues tracker for similar suggestions and outcomes
- Open an issue with one of the following labels:
for improvements or additions to documentationenhancement
for new features or requests
Run the workflow on the bundled test data using the command shown below:
$ snakemake --snakefile workflow/Snakefile --cores 4 --directory .test --show-failed-logs --use-conda --conda-cleanup-pkgs cache
You can also generate unit tests for your code:
$ snakemake --snakefile workflow/Snakefile --directory .test snakemake --generate-unit-tests
This project uses the Snakemake linter to analyse the workflow and highlight issues that should be solved in order to follow best practices. The linter can be invoked as shown below:
$ snakemake --lint
Contributions must pass all linting checks before a pull request will be considered.
This project uses snakefmt to enforce a consistent coding style. Follow the instructions below to install and run the formatter on your Snakemake files:
Install snakefmt via conda:
$ conda install -c bioconda -n snakefmt snakefmt
Format a single file:
$ snakefmt Snakefile
Format multiple files:
$ snakefmt workflow/
Contributions must pass all formatting checks before a pull request will be considered.
Contributors must adhere to our Code of Conduct and violations should be reported to James Ashmore as soon as possible.