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SecOps GKE Forwarder

This Terraform repository provides a modular and scalable solution for setting up a SecOps forwarder on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). This forwarder is designed to handle multi-tenant data ingestion, ensuring secure and efficient log forwarding to your Chronicle instance.

High level architecture

The following diagram illustrates the high-level design of created resources, which can be adapted to specific requirements via variables:

Chronicle Forwarder

Key Features

  • Automated GKE Cluster Creation: Streamlines the provisioning of a dedicated Kubernetes cluster for the forwarder.
  • Scalable Forwarder Deployment: Deploys the Chronicle forwarder as a Kubernetes Deployment, allowing for easy scaling to accommodate varying log volumes.
  • Multi-tenant Support: Enables the forwarder to ingest log data from multiple sources or tenants, maintaining clear separation within Chronicle.
  • Modular Configuration: Provides flexible Terraform modules to customize network settings, resource allocation, and tenant-specific configurations.


Step 0: Cloning the repository

If you want to deploy from your Cloud Shell, click on the image below, sign in if required and when the prompt appears, click on “confirm”.

Open Cloudshell

Otherwise, in your console of choice:

git clone

Before you deploy the architecture, you will need at least the following information/configurations in place (for more precise configuration see the Variables section):

  • The project ID
  • The VPC host project
  • VPC and subnets should already exist

Step 2: Prepare the variables

Once you have the required information, head back to your cloned repository. Make sure you’re in the directory of this tutorial (where this README is in).

Configure the Terraform variables in your terraform.tfvars file. See the example test at the end of this as starting point - just copy it to terraform.tfvars and edit the latter. See the variables documentation below.

Step 3: Prepare the providers in the root module

Setup terraform providers in the root module to deal with kubernetes resources as follows:

data "google_client_config" "identity" {
  count = module.chronicle-forwarder.fleet_host != null ? 1 : 0

provider "kubernetes" {
  host  = module.chronicle-forwarder.fleet_host
  token = try(data.google_client_config.identity.0.access_token, null)

provider "kubectl" {
  host = module.chronicle-forwarder.fleet_host
  token = try(data.google_client_config.identity.0.access_token, null)

Step 4: Deploy resources

Initialize your Terraform environment and deploy the resources:

terraform init
terraform apply

Get kubeconfig to connect to the cluster using the command below:

gcloud container fleet memberships get-credentials CLUSTER_NAME --project PROJECT

Then running the command kubectl get pods you should receive the following message:

"No resources found in default namespace."


name description type required default
network_config Shared VPC network configurations to use for GKE cluster. object({…})
prefix Prefix used for resource names. string
project_id Project id, references existing project if project_create is null. string
region GCP region. string
chronicle_forwarder Chronicle GKE forwarder configuration. object({…}) {}
project_create Provide values if project creation is needed, uses existing project if null. Parent is in 'folders/nnn' or 'organizations/nnn' format. object({…}) null
tenants Chronicle forwarders tenants config. map(object({…})) {}


name description sensitive
fleet_host GKE Fleet host.


module "test" {
  source     = "./fabric/blueprints/secops/secops-gke-forwarder"
  project_id = "test"
  project_create = {
    billing_account_id = "12345-ABCDEF-12345"
    parent             = "folders/2345678901"
  region = "europe-west8"
  network_config = {
    host_project        = "prod-net-landing-0"
    network_self_link   = ""
    subnet_self_link    = ""
    ip_range_gke_master = ""
  prefix = "tmp"
  tenants = {
    tenant-1 = {
      chronicle_forwarder_image = "cf_production_stable"
      chronicle_region          = "europe"
      tenant_id                 = "tenant-1"
      namespace                 = "ten-1"
      forwarder_config = {
        config_file_content = file("data/config.yaml")
    tenant-2 = {
      chronicle_forwarder_image = "cf_production_stable"
      chronicle_region          = "europe"
      tenant_id                 = "tenant-2"
      namespace                 = "tenant-2"
      forwarder_config = {
        secret_key   = file("data/secret_key.json")
        customer_id  = "XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX"
        collector_id = "XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX"
# tftest modules=5 resources=34 files=credentials,config
# tftest-file id=credentials path=data/secret_key.json
"type": "service_account",
"project_id": "xxxx",
"private_key_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nsdcCDSCsLxhfQIOwdvzCn5wcwJ7xVA=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
"client_email": "[email protected]",
"client_id": "ASDCVSACSA",
"auth_uri": "",
"token_uri": "",
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
"client_x509_cert_url": "",
"universe_domain": ""
# tftest-file id=config path=data/config.yaml
    collector_id: COLLECTOR_ID \
    customer_id: CUSTOMER_ID \

  - syslog:
        enabled: true
        data_type: "WINDOWS_DHCP"
        batch_n_seconds: 10
        batch_n_bytes: 1048576
      connection_timeout_sec: 60
      tcp_buffer_size: 524288
  - syslog:
        enabled: true
        data_type: "WINDOWS_DNS"
        batch_n_seconds: 10
        batch_n_bytes: 1048576
      connection_timeout_sec: 60
      tcp_buffer_size: 524288