Gammapy 1.0 will be released in 2016.
For plans and progress see
Gammapy 0.5 will be released in spring or summer 2016.
For plans and progress see
- Released on April 20, 2016 (Gammapy 0.4 on PyPI)
- 10 contributors (5 new)
- 8 months of work (from August 13, 2015 to April 20, 2016)
- 108 pull requests (not all listed below)
- Requires Python 2.7 or 3.4+, Numpy 1.8, Scipy 0.15, Astropy 1.0, Sherpa 4.8
- Support for Windows added (testing on AppVeyor)
- New: Women are hacking on Gammapy!
- New: IACT data access via DataStore and HDU index tables
- New: Radially-symmetric background modeling
- Improved: 2-dim image analysis
- New: 1-dim spectral analysis
- New: Add sub-package gammapy.cube and start working on 3-dim cube analysis
- Axel Donath
- Brigitta Sipocz (new)
- Christoph Deil
- Dirk Lennarz (new)
- Johannes King
- Jonathan Harris
- Lea Jouvin (new)
- Luigi Tibaldo (new)
- Manuel Paz Arribas
- Olga Vorokh (new)
This list is incomplete. Many small improvements and bug fixes are not listed here.
See the complete Gammapy 0.4 merged pull requests list on Github.
- [#518] Fixes and cleanup for SkyMap (Axel Donath)
- [#511] Add exposure image computation (Lea Jouvin)
- [#510] Add acceptance curve smoothing method (Lea Jouvin)
- [#507] Add Fermi catalog spectrum evaluation and plotting (Johannes King)
- [#506] Improve TS map computation performance (Axel Donath)
- [#503] Add FOV background image modeling (Lea Jouvin)
- [#502] Add DataStore subset method (Johannes King)
- [#487] Add SkyMap class (Axel Donath)
- [#485] Add OffDataBackgroundMaker (Lea Jouvin)
- [#484] Add Sherpa cube analysis prototype (Axel Donath)
- [#481] Add new gammapy.cube sub-package (Axel Donath)
- [#478] Add observation stacking method for spectra (Lea Jouvin and Johannes King)
- [#475] Add tests for TS map image computation (Olga Vorokh)
- [#474] Improve significance image analysis (Axel Donath)
- [#473] Improve tests for HESS data (Johannes King)
- [#462] Misc cleanup (Christoph Deil)
- [#461] Pacman (Lea Jouvin)
- [#459] Add radially symmetric FOV background model (Lea Jouvin)
- [#457] Improve data and observation handling (Christoph Deil)
- [#456] Fix and improvements to TS map tool (Olga Vorokh)
- [#455] Improve IRF interpolation and extrapolation (Christoph Deil)
- [#447] Add King profile PSF class (Christoph Deil)
- [#436] Restructure spectrum package and command line tool (Johannes King)
- [#435] Add info about Gammapy contact points and gammapy-extra (Christoph Deil)
- [#421] Add spectrum fit serialisation code (Johannes King)
- [#403] Improve spectrum analysis (Johannes King)
- [#415] Add EventList plots (Jonathan Harris)
- [#414] Add Windows tests on Appveyor (Christoph Deil)
- [#398] Add function to compute exposure cubes (Luigi Tibaldo)
- [#396] Rewrite spectrum analysis (Johannes King)
- [#395] Fix misc issues with IRF classes (Johannes King)
- [#394] Move some data specs to gamma-astro-data-formats (Christoph Deil)
- [#392] Use external ci-helpers (Brigitta Sipocz)
- [#387] Improve Gammapy catalog query and browser (Christoph Deil)
- [#383] Add EnergyOffsetArray (Lea Jouvin)
- [#379] Add gammapy.region and reflected region computation (Johannes King)
- [#375] Misc cleanup of scripts and docs (Christoph Deil)
- [#371] Improve catalog utils (Christoph Deil)
- [#369] Improve the data management toolbox (Christoph Deil)
- [#367] Add Feldman Cousins algorithm (Dirk Lennarz)
- [#364] Improve catalog classes and gammapy-extra data handling (Jonathan Harris, Christoph Deil)
- [#361] Add gammapy-spectrum-pipe (Johannes King)
- [#359] Add 1D spectrum analysis tool based on gammapy.hspec (Johannes King)
- [#353] Add some scripts and examples (Christoph Deil)
- [#352] Add data management tools (Christoph Deil)
- [#351] Rewrite EnergyDispersion class (Johannes King)
- [#348] Misc code cleanup (Christoph Deil)
- [#347] Add background cube model comparison plot script (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#342] Add gammapy-bin-image test (Christoph Deil)
- [#339] Remove PoissonLikelihoodFitter (Christoph Deil)
- [#338] Add example script for cube background models (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#337] Fix sherpa morphology fitting script (Axel Donath)
- [#335] Improve background model simulation (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#332] Fix TS map boundary handling (Axel Donath)
- [#330] Add EnergyDispersion and CountsSpectrum (Johannes King)
- [#319] Make background cube models (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#290] Improve energy handling (Johannes King)
- Released on August 13, 2015 (Gammapy 0.3 on PyPI)
- 9 contributors (5 new)
- 4 months of work (from April 13, 2014 to August 13, 2015)
- 24 pull requests
- Requires Astropy version 1.0 or later.
- On-off likelihood spectral analysis was added in gammapy.hspec, contributed by Regis Terrier and Ignasi Reichardt. It will be refactored and is thus not part of the public API.
- The Gammapy 0.3 release is the basis for an ICRC 2015 poster contribution
- Manuel Paz Arribas
- Christoph Deil
- Axel Donath
- Jonathan Harris (new)
- Johannes King (new)
- Stefan Klepser (new)
- Ignasi Reichardt (new)
- Regis Terrier
- Victor Zabalza (new)
- [#326] Fix Debian install instructions (Victor Zabalza)
- [#318] Set up and document logging for Gammapy (Christoph Deil)
- [#317] Using consistent plotting style in docs (Axel Donath)
- [#312] Add an "About Gammapy" page to the docs (Christoph Deil)
- [#306] Use assert_quantity_allclose from Astropy (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#301] Simplified attribute docstrings (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#299] Add cube background model class (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#296] Add interface to HESS FitSpectrum JSON output (Christoph Deil)
- [#295] Observation table subset selection (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#291] Remove gammapy.shower package (Christoph Deil)
- [#289] Add a simple Makefile for Gammapy. (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#286] Function to plot Fermi 3FGL light curves (Jonathan Harris)
- [#285] Add infos how to handle times in Gammapy (Christoph Deil)
- [#283] Consistent random number handling and improve sample_sphere (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#280] Add new subpackage: gammapy.time (Christoph Deil)
- [#279] Improve SNRcat dataset (Christoph Deil)
- [#278] Document observation tables and improve gammapy.obs (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#276] Add EffectiveAreaTable exporter to EffectiveAreaTable2D (Johannes King)
- [#273] Fix TS map header writing and temp file handling (Axel Donath)
- [#264] Add hspec - spectral analysis using Sherpa (Regis Terrier, Ignasi Reichardt, Christoph Deil)
- [#262] Add SNRCat dataset access function (Christoph Deil)
- [#261] Fix spiral arm model bar radius (Stefan Klepser)
- [#260] Add offset-dependent effective area IRF class (Johannes King)
- [#256] EventList class fixes and new features (Christoph Deil)
- Released on April 13, 2015 (Gammapy 0.2 on PyPI)
- 4 contributors (1 new)
- 8 months of work (from August 25, 2014 to April 13, 2015)
- 40 pull requests
- Requires Astropy version 1.0 or later.
- Gammapy now uses Cython, i.e. requires a C compiler for end-users and in addition Cython for developers.
- Manuel Paz Arribas (new)
- Christoph Deil
- Axel Donath
- Ellis Owen
- [#254] Add changelog for Gammapy (Christoph Deil)
- [#252] Implement TS map computation in Cython (Axel Donath)
- [#249] Add data store and observation table classes, improve event list classes (Christoph Deil)
- [#248] Add function to fill acceptance image from curve (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#247] Various fixes to image utils docstrings (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#246] Add catalog and plotting utils (Axel Donath)
- [#245] Add colormap and PSF inset plotting functions (Axel Donath)
- [#244] Add 3FGL to dataset fetch functions (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#236] Add likelihood converter function (Christoph Deil)
- [#235] Add some catalog utilities (Christoph Deil)
- [#234] Add multi-scale TS image computation (Axel Donath)
- [#231] Add observatory and data classes (Christoph Deil)
- [#230] Use setuptools entry_points for scripts (Christoph Deil)
- [#225] Misc cleanup (Christoph Deil)
- [#221] TS map calculation update and docs (Axel Donath)
- [#215] Restructure TS map computation (Axel Donath)
- [#212] Bundle in gammapy/extern (Christoph Deil)
- [#210] Restructure image measurement functions (Axel Donath)
- [#205] Remove healpix_to_image function (moved to reproject repo) (Christoph Deil)
- [#200] Fix quantity errors from astro source models (Christoph Deil)
- [#194] Bundle TeVCat in gammapy.datasets (Christoph Deil)
- [#191] Add Fermi PSF dataset and example (Ellis Owen)
- [#188] Add tests for spectral_cube.integral_flux_image (Ellis Owen)
- [#187] Fix bugs in spectral cube class (Ellis Owen)
- [#186] Add iterative kernel background estimator (Ellis Owen)
- Released on August 25, 2014 (Gammapy 0.1 on PyPI)
- 5 contributors
- 15 months of work (from May 15, 2013 to August 25, 2014)
- 82 pull requests
- Requires Astropy version 0.4 or later.
- Rolf Bühler
- Christoph Deil
- Axel Donath
- Ellis Owen
- Regis Terrier
Note that Gammapy development started out directly in the master branch, i.e. for some things there is no pull request we can list here.
- [#180] Clean up datasets code and docs (Christoph Deil)
- [#177] Misc code and docs cleanup (Christoph Deil)
- [#176] Add new sub-package (Christoph Deil)
- [#167] Add image profile function (Ellis Owen)
- [#166] Add SED from Cube function (Ellis Owen)
- [#160] Add code to make model images from a source catalog (Ellis Owen)
- [#157] Re-write Galaxy modelling code (Axel Donath)
- [#156] Add Fermi Vela dataset (Ellis Owen)
- [#155] Add PSF convolve function (Ellis Owen)
- [#154] Add Fermi PSF convolution method (Ellis Owen)
- [#151] Improve npred cube functionality (Ellis Owen)
- [#150] Add npred cube computation (Christoph Deil and Ellis Owen)
- [#142] Add EffectiveAreaTable and EnergyDependentMultiGaussPSF classes (Axel Donath)
- [#138] Add Crab flux point dataset (Rolf Bühler)
- [#128] Add flux point computation using Lafferty & Wyatt (1995) (Ellis Owen)
- [#122] Add morphology models as Astropy models (Axel Donath)
- [#117] Improve synthetic Milky Way modeling (Christoph Deil)
- [#116] Add Galactic source catalog simulation methods (Christoph Deil)
- [#109] Python 2 / 3 compatibility with a single codebase (Christoph Deil)
- [#103] Add datasets functions to fetch Fermi catalogs (Ellis Owen)
- [#100] Add image plotting routines (Christoph Deil)
- [#96] Add wstat likelihood function for spectra and images (Christoph Deil)
- [#88] Add block reduce function for HDUs (Ellis Owen)
- [#84] Add TablePSF and Fermi PSF (Christoph Deil)
- [#68] Integrate PyFACT functionality in Gammapy (Christoph Deil)
- [#67] Add image measure methods (Christoph Deil)
- [#66] Add plotting module and HESS colormap (Axel Donath)
- [#65] Add model image and image measurement functionality (Axel Donath)
- [#64] Add coordinate string IAU designation format (Christoph Deil)
- [#58] Add per-pixel solid angle function in image utils (Ellis Owen)
- [#48] Add sphere and power-law sampling functions (Christoph Deil)
- [#34] Rename tevpy to gammapy (Christoph Deil)
- [#25] Add continuous wavelet transform class (Regis Terrier)
- [#12] Add coverage reports to continuous integration on coveralls (Christoph Deil)
- [#11] Add blob detection (Axel Donath)
- Rename tevpy to gammapy in commit 7e955f on Aug 19, 2013 (Christoph Deil)
- Start tevpy repo with commit 11af4c on May 15, 2013 (Christoph Deil)