Chimera is a microservices based security camera system for RTSP/IP cameras (which kinda sorta only runs on linux)
List of microservices:
Massive Dependencies:
- motion - should be running on same machine as storage server for optimal performance. See storage as for why.
- ffmpeg - should be installed on same machine as livestream and storage.
- heartbeat - used to confirm server is still up.
- object - used to detect objects (still not implemented within start script).
- postgres - the database
sudo apt-get install motion ffmpeg postgresql
Or however you need to download it on your machine
Then, set up a conf for motion with all of your cameras. Then, set up postgres with a database, port, user, and password of your choosing. Motion will also need postgres details in it's conf as well. See storage for details.
Copy the example env into an .env dotfile:
cp env.example .env
Fill in the .env with all the info listed ( for optional fields, leave blank after the "=" ).
npm run setup
If running all or more than one service(s)
npm start
If splitting services
npm run start:<service>