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中文总榜 > 软件类 > Shell

数据更新: 2022-05-12   /   温馨提示:中文项目泛指「文档母语为中文」OR「含有中文翻译」的项目,通常在项目的「readme/wiki/官网」可以找到

# Repository Description Stars Updated
1 acmesh-official/ A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol 26486 2022-05-11
2 skywind3000/awesome-cheatsheets 超级速查表 - 编程语言、框架和开发工具的速查表,单个文件包含一切你需要知道的东西 ⚡ 8784 2022-04-25
3 EtherDream/jsproxy An online proxy based on ServiceWorker 8715 2021-12-24
4 wulabing/Xray_onekey Xray 基于 Nginx 的 VLESS + XTLS 一键安装脚本 7473 2022-01-23
5 opsnull/follow-me-install-kubernetes-cluster 和我一步步部署 kubernetes 集群 6872 2022-04-18
6 Dhghomon/easy_rust Rust explained using easy English 6593 2022-05-08
7 oldratlee/useful-scripts 🐌 useful scripts for making developer's everyday life easier and happier, involved java, shell etc. 6075 2022-01-28
8 mack-a/v2ray-agent (VLESS+TCP+TLS/VLESS+TCP+XTLS/VLESS+gRPC+TLS/VLESS+WS+TLS/VMess+TCP+TLS/VMess+WS+TLS/Trojan+TCP+TLS/Trojan+gRPC+TLS/Trojan+TCP+XTLS)+伪装站点、八合一共存脚本,支持多内核安装 5521 2022-05-06
9 prowler-cloud/prowler Prowler is an Open Source security tool to perform AWS security best practices assessments, audits, incident response, continuous monitoring, hardening and forensics readiness. It contains more than 2 ... 5470 2022-05-11
10 P3TERX/Actions-OpenWrt A template for building OpenWrt with GitHub Actions 使用 GitHub Actions 云编译 OpenWrt 5335 2022-02-23
11 haoel/ - 5121 2022-05-06
12 quickemu-project/quickemu Quickly create and run optimised Windows, macOS and Linux desktop virtual machines. 4709 2022-05-08
13 SuLingGG/OpenWrt-Rpi Raspberry Pi & NanoPi R2S/R4S & G-Dock & x86 OpenWrt Compile Project. (Based on Github Action / Daily Update) 4246 2022-04-25
14 mviereck/x11docker Run GUI applications and desktops in docker and podman containers. Focus on security. 4090 2022-05-09
15 klever1988/nanopi-openwrt Openwrt for Nanopi R1S R2S R4S 香橙派 R1 Plus 固件编译 纯净版与大杂烩 3506 2022-05-10
16 yeszao/dnmp Docker LNMP (Nginx, PHP7/PHP5, MySQL, Redis) 3056 2022-05-05
17 lmk123/oh-my-wechat 微信小助手的安装 / 更新工具。 2745 2021-11-30
18 openfans-community-offical/Debian-Pi-Aarch64 This is the first 64-bit system in the world to support all Raspberry Pi 64-bit hardware!!! (Include: PI400,4B,3B+,3B,3A+,Zero2W) 2586 2022-03-06
19 CyC2018/Job-Recommend 🔎 互联网内推信息(社招、校招、实习) 2581 2022-03-11
20 teddysun/lamp Install LAMP(Linux + Apache + MySQL/MariaDB + PHP ) for CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu 2558 2022-05-11
21 Sitoi/dailycheckin 基于【腾讯云函数】/【Docker】/【青龙面板】/【elecV2P】/【群晖】的每日签到脚本(支持多账号使用)签到列表: |爱奇艺|全民K歌|腾讯视频|有道云笔记|网易云音乐|一加手机社区官方论坛|百度贴吧|Bilibili|V2EX|咔叽网单|什么值得买|AcFun|天翼云盘|吾爱破解|芒果TV|Fa米家|小米运动|百度搜索资源平台|时光相册|哔咔漫画|联通营业厅| 2527 2022-04-26
22 csguide-dabai/Programmer-look-at-China 介绍中国各二线以上城市的互联网环境以及生活成本 2310 2022-03-30
23 jinwyp/one_click_script 一键安装 trojan v2ray xray. Install v2ray / xray (VLESS) and trojan (trojan-go) script 2299 2022-05-11
24 licess/lnmp LNMP一键安装包是一个用Linux Shell编写的可以为CentOS/RHEL/Fedora/Aliyun/Amazon、Debian/Ubuntu/Raspbian/Deepin/Mint Linux VPS或独立主机安装LNMP(Nginx/MySQL/PHP)、LNMPA(Nginx/MySQL/PHP/Apache)、LAMP(Apache/MySQL/PHP)生产环境的Shell程序 ... 2223 2022-05-03
25 firehol/blocklist-ipsets ipsets dynamically updated with firehol's script 2174 2022-05-11
26 P3TERX/aria2.conf Aria2 配置文件 OneDrive & Google Drvive 离线下载 百度网盘转存 2147 2022-04-01
27 bclswl0827/v2ray-heroku 用于在 Heroku 上部署 V2Ray WebSocket。 2122 2022-04-30
28 EnergizedProtection/block Let's make an annoyance free, better open internet, altogether! 2071 2022-05-11
29 MvsCode/frps-onekey Frps 一键安装脚本&管理脚本 A tool to auto-compile & install frps on Linux 1729 2022-04-22
30 pingcap/docs-cn TiDB/TiKV/PD documentation in Chinese. 1714 2022-05-11
31 googlefonts/noto-cjk Noto CJK fonts 1664 2022-05-04
32 ben1234560/k8s_PaaS 如何基于K8s(Kubernetes)部署成PaaS/DevOps(一套完整的软件研发和部署平台)--教程/学习(实战代码/欢迎讨论/大量注释/操作配图),你将习得部署如:K8S(Kubernetes)、Dashboard、Harbor、Jenkins、本地Gitlab、Apollo框架、Promtheus、Grafana、Spinnaker等。 1662 2022-03-09
33 nextcloud/nextcloudpi 📦 Build code for NextcloudPi: Raspberry Pi, Odroid, Rock64, Docker, curl installer... 1641 2022-05-05
34 yc9559/uperf Userspace performance controller for android 1620 2022-05-09
35 gaoyifan/china-operator-ip 中国运营商IPv4/IPv6地址库-每日更新 1620 2022-05-11
36 huan/docker-wechat DoChat is a Dockerized WeChat (盒装微信) PC Windows Client for Linux 1525 2022-04-17
37 devdawei/libstdc- Xcode 10 之后删除的 libstdc++ 库 1399 2021-11-19
38 Aniverse/inexistence I know nothing, you see nothing. 1365 2022-04-28
39 fscarmen/warp WARP one-click script. Add an IPv4, IPv6 or dual-stack CloudFlare WARP network interface and Socks5 proxy for VPS. 一键脚本 1359 2022-05-09
40 jorgebucaran/ Node.js version manager lovingly made for Fish. 1270 2022-05-07
41 cncf/tag-security 🔐CNCF Security Technical Advisory Group -- secure access, policy control, privacy, auditing, explainability and more! 1239 2022-05-10
42 lujun9972/emacs-document translate emacs documents to Chinese for convenient reference 1203 2022-02-23
43 hillwoodroc/winetricks-zh A windows applications setup wizard for Chinese wine users 1177 2021-12-06
44 ivanhao/pvetools proxmox ve tools script(debian9+ can use it).Including email, samba, NFS set zfs max ram, nested virtualization ,docker , pci passthrough etc. for english user,please look the end of readme. 1154 2022-05-06
45 insightglacier/Dictionary-Of-Pentesting Dictionary collection project such as Pentesing, Fuzzing, Bruteforce and BugBounty. 渗透测试、SRC漏洞挖掘、爆破、Fuzzing等字典收集项目。 1133 2022-05-09
46 archlinuxcn/repo Arch Linux CN Repository 1121 2022-05-11
47 Hagb/docker-easyconnect 使深信服(Sangfor)开发的非自由的代理软件 EasyConnect 运行在 docker 或 podman 中,并作为网关和/或提供 socks5、http 代理服务 1113 2022-05-04
48 Zenika/alpine-chrome Chrome Headless docker images built upon alpine official image 1087 2022-04-21
49 arloor/iptablesUtils iptables转发ddns域名 1085 2022-05-04
50 esirplayground/AutoBuild-OpenWrt Build OpenWrt using GitHub Actions 使用 GitHub Actions 编译 OpenWrt 感谢P3TERX的项目源码 感谢KFERMercer的项目源码 1065 2022-04-28
51 Magisk-Modules-Repo/MagiskHidePropsConf MagiskHidePropsConf 1062 2022-05-08
52 IvanSolis1989/OpenWrt-DIY 多设备 OpenWrt Aciton 固件云编译——X86、竞斗云、极路由 B70、K2T、K2P、K3、N1、红米 AC2100、Newifi D2、树莓派、小娱 C5、R2S、R4S、小米 R3G、小米 R3P、小米 Mini、网件 R7800、星际宝盒 CM520、Amlogic S905X3、OrangePi Zero Plus、网件 3800、Linksys Wrt1900 ... 1023 2022-05-06
53 rhasspy/rhasspy Offline private voice assistant for many human languages 991 2022-05-04
54 wulabing/V2Ray_ws-tls_bash_onekey - 989 2022-04-01
55 P3TERX/ WARP 一键安装脚本 Cloudflare WARP Installer A Bash script that automatically installs and configures CloudFlare WARP in Linux, connects to WARP networks with WARP official client or WireGuard. 985 2022-03-06
56 snail007/proxy_admin_free Proxy是高性能全功能的http代理、https代理、socks5代理、内网穿透、内网穿透p2p、内网穿透代理、内网穿透反向代理、内网穿透服务器、Websocket代理、TCP代理、UDP代理、DNS代理、DNS加密代理,代理API认证,全能跨平台代理服务器。 923 2022-05-01
57 ffffffff0x/f8x 红/蓝队环境自动化部署工具 Red/Blue team environment automation deployment tool 884 2022-05-10
58 kirin10000/Xray-script Xray:(VLESS/VMess)-(TCP/gRPC/WebSocket)-(XTLS/TLS)+Web 搭建/管理脚本 881 2022-05-05
59 nacos-group/nacos-docker This project contains a Docker image meant to facilitate the deployment of Nacos . 879 2022-05-06
60 rufengsuixing/luci-app-adguardhome maybe the best AdGuardHome luci for openwrt 858 2021-11-25
61 UnblockNeteaseMusic/luci-app-unblockneteasemusic [OpenWrt] 解除网易云音乐播放限制 819 2022-05-05
62 wahyd4/aria2-ariang-docker The Docker image for Aria2 + AriaNg + File Browser + Rclone 787 2022-04-19
63 rehiy/dnspod-shell 基于DNSPod用户API实现的纯Shell动态域名客户端 767 2022-05-03
64 aws/aws-app-mesh-examples AWS App Mesh is a service mesh that you can use with your microservices to manage service to service communication. 751 2022-04-28
65 tty228/luci-app-serverchan serverchan running on openwrt 705 2022-05-07
66 myxuchangbin/dnsmasq_sniproxy_install One-click Install and Configure Dnsmasq and Sniproxy for CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu 697 2022-04-22
67 DHDAXCW/NanoPi-R4S 基于 Lean&Lienol 源码的 NanoPi R4S 的 OpenWrt 固件。每天自动更新插件和内核,Fusion编译法 690 2022-05-09
68 KANIKIG/Multi-EasyGost 致力于最简单好用的GOST小白脚本 678 2022-05-01
69 DHDAXCW/NanoPi-R2S 基于 Lean&Lienol 源码的 NanoPi R2S 的 OpenWrt 固件。每天自动更新插件和内核,Fusion编译法 661 2022-05-07
70 woniuzfb/iptv 一键安装管理 FFmpeg / nginx / openresty / xray / v2ray / armbian / proxmox ve / cloudflare partner,workers / ibm cloud foundry 脚本 660 2021-12-19
71 Pal3love/Source-Han-TrueType TrueType version of Source Han Sans, Source Han Serif and Source Han Mono 652 2022-04-28
72 laishulu/Sarasa-Mono-SC-Nerd 简体中文等距更纱黑体+Nerd图标字体库。中英文宽度完美2:1,图标长宽经过调整,不会出现对齐问题,尤其适合作为终端字体。 643 2022-05-09
73 EtherDream/anti-portscan 使用 iptables 防止端口扫描 632 2022-04-01
74 YAWAsau/backup_script 備份數據腳本 631 2022-05-11
75 neodevpro/neodevhost The Powerful Friendly Uptodate AD Blocking Hosts 最新强大而友善的去广告 626 2022-05-11
76 Aurora-Admin-Panel/deploy 一个多服务器端口租用管理面板 625 2022-05-03
77 FlechazoPh/QLDependency 青龙面板全依赖一键安装脚本 / Qinglong Pannel Dependency Install Scripts. 593 2022-04-22
78 kkkyg/CFwarp Cloudflare WARP 多功能一键脚本,(自动识别WGCF与SOCKS5环境,同步循环Endpoint的IP,1:自定义设置刷新奈飞IP、自定义设置奈飞的IP区域,2:自定义设置仅刷IP区域,3:自定义WARP的IP段),支持升级WARP+及Teams账户。已测试:hax纯v6站,Euserv(德鸡),oracle(甲骨文云)等…………功能更新增加中… 585 2022-05-05
79 Har-Kuun/OneClickDesktop A one-click script that installs a remote desktop environment on a Linux server with browser/RDP/VNC access. 581 2021-12-08
80 jlesage/docker-firefox Docker container for Firefox 579 2022-01-20
81 bohanyang/debi Reinstall your VPS to minimal Debian 577 2022-05-07
82 apolloconfig/apollo-build-scripts Apollo Quick Start Build Scripts 575 2022-02-27
83 SuperManito/LinuxMirrors GNU/Linux 一键更换国内软件源 572 2022-04-20
84 emptysuns/Hi_Hysteria Hello World!非钟国优化线路使用不佳?不想中转?hysteria一键搞定。 569 2022-05-10
85 JinjunHan/iOSDeviceSupport 各个版本的iOS Device Support 564 2022-03-01
86 asdf-vm/asdf-nodejs Node.js plugin for asdf version manager 563 2022-04-27
87 datawhalechina/learn-nlp-with-transformers we want to create a repo to illustrate usage of transformers in chinese 557 2021-12-02
88 veip007/dd 萌咖大佬的Linux 一键DD脚本 550 2022-02-06
89 lework/kainstall Use shell scripts to install kubernetes(k8s) high availability clusters and addon components based on kubeadmin with one click.使用shell脚本基于kubeadmin一键安装kubernetes 高可用集群和addon组件。 547 2022-04-05
90 Hyy2001X/AutoBuild-Actions OpenWrt Actions 在线更新固件 Dev 543 2022-05-07
91 collabH/repository 知识仓库涉及到数据仓库建模、实时计算、大数据、数据中台、系统设计、Java、算法等。 541 2022-05-10
92 1orz/My-action 自动编译-无人值守Auto release base on Github actions 539 2022-04-05
93 2moe/tmoe-linux Without any basic knowledge of linux shell, you can easily install and configure a GNU/Linux graphical desktop environment on 📱Android termux and 💻WSL .🍰You can also run VSCode on your android phone. 538 2022-04-26
94 kt007007/KTMinerProxy 最强大的minerproxy矿池中转,原创GO语言编写,性能强大。支持绝大部分币种的转发、加密、自定义抽水、数据统计、配套隧道工具。The most powerful ore pool agent, written in the original go language, has strong performance. It supports forwarding, encryption, use ... 536 2022-05-11
95 VR-25/acc Advanced Charging Controller 534 2022-03-01
96 felix-fly/v2ray-openwrt 路由器Openwrt手工/脚本/ipk包安装V2ray简单流程 533 2022-05-11
97 CJ-Chen/TBtools GUI/CommandLine Tool Box for biologistists to utilize NGS data. 533 2022-05-10
98 elitak/nixos-infect [GPLv3+] install nixos over the existing OS in a DigitalOcean droplet (and others with minor modifications) 529 2022-04-20
99 google-research/xtreme XTREME is a benchmark for the evaluation of the cross-lingual generalization ability of pre-trained multilingual models that covers 40 typologically diverse languages and includes nine tasks. 514 2022-02-18
100 ellermister/mtproxy MTProxyTLS一键安装绿色脚本 511 2022-04-01
101 unifreq/openwrt_packit Flippy's openwrt packaged source code 506 2022-05-09
102 blockchain-jd-com/jdchain JD Chain is JD.COM's open source blockchain project, with the goal of creating enterprise blockchain system that makes data exchange easier and more efficient. 501 2022-05-11
103 Har-Kuun/OneClickCDN A one-click shell script to set up a CDN node for your websites. 488 2021-12-13
104 lovezzzxxx/liverecord 自动录播并自动备份,支持youtube频道、twitcast频道、twitch频道、openrec频道、niconico生放送、niconico社区、niconico频道、mirrativ频道、reality频道、17live频道、bilibili频道、streamlink支持的直播网址、ffmpeg支持的m3u8地址 486 2022-04-21
105 521xueweihan/OneFile 只有一个文件! 485 2022-03-31
106 jlesage/docker-handbrake Docker container for HandBrake 460 2022-02-23
107 tossp/redpill-tool-chain 这是一个测试项目,可能会有不可预测的事情发生(比如:毁损数据、烧毁硬件等等),请谨慎使用。 448 2022-05-07
108 bach-sh/bach Bach Testing Framework 440 2022-04-22
109 cloudnativeto/academy 云原生学院 直播 活动 - 430 2022-01-26
110 jacyl4/de_GWD Debian Gateway & DNS - 428 2022-05-09
111 a244573118/WeChatIntercept 微信防撤回插件,一键安装,仅MAC可用,支持新版3.2.0微信 427 2022-03-24
112 Oreomeow/VIP 🏃‍💨 Gone 417 2022-03-27
113 Vonng/pigsty Pigsty - Battery-Included Open-Source Distribution for PostgreSQL 417 2022-05-10
114 wang-bin/avbuild ffmpeg花式编译. build tool for all platforms: iOS, android, raspberry pi, win32, uwp, linux, macOS etc. 413 2022-05-03
115 MinerPr0xy/MinerProxy 本程序为正版原创,MinerProxy最稳定的ETH以太坊代理中转矿池程序,全新界面,支持ETH,ETC,抽水稳定不掉线,作者抽水千分之三,MinerProxy/矿池代理,支持TCP和SSL协议,支持自定义抽水,高性能高并发,支持web界面管理,包含自启动和进程守护,重启后可以自动运行,会放开防火墙和连接数限制,一键搞定。 409 2022-04-08
116 Misaka-blog/MisakaLinuxToolbox 御坂妹妹们的Linux VPS工具箱 405 2022-05-10
117 ericwang2006/docker_ttnode 甜糖星愿 405 2022-03-12
118 jontewks/puppeteer-heroku-buildpack Installs dependencies needed in order to run puppeteer on heroku. 403 2022-04-06
119 framps/raspiBackup Backup and restore your running Raspberry 402 2022-05-08
120 ophub/amlogic-s9xxx-openwrt OpenWrt for Amlogic s9xxx tv box. Support a311d, s922x, s905x3, s905x2, s912, s905d, s905x, s905w, s905, etc. including install to EMMC and update related functions. 401 2022-05-10
121 a1ive/grub2-filemanager GRUB2-based file manager 398 2022-03-09
122 Azure/container-service-for-azure-china Container Service for Azure China 387 2021-12-19
123 JACK-THINK/SCRIPTS-BOOTLOADER-FOR-ASUS-ROUTER 用于华硕路由器官方固件和梅林固件的自启动脚本系统(Self-starting scripts that can be used in both Asuswrt and Asuswrt-Merlin) 384 2021-12-16
124 recolic/awesome-hust HUST experiments, reports, and useful tools. 383 2022-05-07
125 SuLingGG/OpenWrt-Docker Build OpenWrt Docker Images For Raspberry Pi 1~4 (Daily Update) 381 2022-04-03
126 starnightcyber/Miscellaneous 百宝箱 380 2022-02-12
127 ophub/amlogic-s9xxx-armbian Armbian for Amlogic s9xxx tv box. Support a311d, s922x, s905x3, s905x2, s912, s905d, s905x, s905w, s905, etc. including install to EMMC and update related functions. 379 2022-04-05
128 GinjaChris/pentmenu A bash script for recon and DOS attacks 377 2022-01-17
129 BingMeme/whonolikeboduoyejieyi - 372 2022-03-29
130 john-shine/synology-baiduNetdisk-package - 372 2022-02-17
131 tuanqing/mknop Automatically Build OpenWrt Firmware for Phicomm n1, Vplus, Beikeyun, L1 Pro, S9xxx etc 367 2021-12-07
132 johnnynunez/Xiaomi-Mi-Air Xiaomi Mi Air 13.3" 2018 364 2022-05-10
133 buildkite/elastic-ci-stack-for-aws An auto-scaling cluster of build agents running in your own AWS VPC 361 2022-05-06
134 BlueSkyXN/SKY-BOX BlueSkyXN 综合工具箱 Linux Supported ONLY 353 2022-01-25
135 shvchk/fallout-grub-theme Fallout GRUB theme 352 2021-12-30
136 T0xst/linux linux安全检查 349 2022-03-30
137 boredazfcuk/docker-icloudpd An Alpine Linux 3.13.5 container for the iCloud Photos Downloader command line utility 343 2022-05-10
138 haiwen/seafile-server-installer-cn One script to install seafile server 340 2022-05-10
139 wyx176/Socks5 Socks5代理服务器搭建脚本/Socks5 shortcut creation script 329 2021-12-05
140 yaof2/luci-app-ikoolproxy iKoolProxy(原godproxy)是基于KoolProxyR 重新整理的。 需要先安装koolproxy.ipk,再luci,记得一定要重启路由器!目前不支持5.10以及5.15内核! 320 2022-05-05
141 themagicalmammal/howtodebuntu Tweaks for Debian/Ubuntu Distro's 319 2021-12-28
142 shengqiangzhang/Drcom-GDUT-HC5661A-OpenWrt 在Dr.COM下使用路由器上校园网WIFI(以广东工业大学、极路由1S HC5661A、OpenWrt为例) 316 2022-03-19
143 Vonng/pg PostgreSQL notes 314 2022-02-23
144 travislee8964/ocserv-auto Auto Install Ocserv Server for CentOS/RedHat 7 309 2022-01-11
145 cookcodeblog/k8s-deploy 使用kubeadm一键部署kubernetes集群 306 2021-11-25
146 Netflixxp/jcnf-box 这是个人常用的服务器指令和一键脚本 304 2022-05-08
147 yanbuyu/XiaomiCTSPass 强制小米设备通过谷歌CTS测试 294 2022-04-15
148 rime/rime-cantonese Rime Cantonese input schema 粵語拼音輸入方案 291 2022-05-05
149 sensec/ddns-scripts_aliyun OpenWrt/LEDE DDNS support for aliyun (阿里云) 289 2022-03-27
150 DavidPisces/ReduceMIUI MIUI精简计划 287 2022-03-18
151 Jiangmenghao/NUC8i5BEH NUC8i5BEH Hackintosh 285 2022-04-26
152 whunt1/onekeymakemtg 编译安装最新版 mtproxy-go 一键脚本 285 2022-01-10
153 SuLingGG/OpenWrt-Mini Customized Pure OpenWrt & Self-Build OpenWrt Packages Project. 284 2022-01-08
154 theniceboy/.config My dotfiles 282 2022-03-18
155 travislee8964/Ocserv-install-script-for-CentOS-RHEL-7 Ocserv(AnyConnect Server) install script for CentOS/RHEL 7 282 2022-01-11
156 Lancenas/actions-openwrt-helloworld Actions使用Lean's lede源码编译含helloworld服务固件 280 2022-04-29
157 ttionya/vaultwarden-backup Backup vaultwarden (formerly known as bitwarden_rs) sqlite3 database by rclone. (Docker) 276 2022-04-30
158 openwrtcompileshell/OpenwrtCompileScript Openwrt编译辅助脚本可以帮助你更快的搭建openwrt环境,但不会帮你完成整个编译过程 276 2022-05-04
159 JACKUSR2089/v2ray-subscribed v2ray666 268 2022-05-10
160 paniy/Xray_bash_onekey Xray+Nginx 包含 VLESS WebSocket/gPRC+TLS / XTLS+TCP 协议的一键安装脚本 266 2022-05-05
161 simonsmh/notocjk NotoSansCJK & NotoSerifCJK full weight patch for Android devices. 266 2022-01-22
162 wallace5303/dnnmmp 基于docker的开发者集成环境 (docker,nodejs,php,nginx,mongo,mysql,redis等) 264 2022-02-11
163 xratzh/CBBR 两键开启64位Debian8/9、Ubuntu14/16/18、CentOS6/7的BBR&魔改BBR 262 2021-12-13
164 ineo6/homebrew-install homebrew安装使用中科大镜像 261 2022-03-09
165 XIU2/Shell 🐧 自用的一些乱七八糟 Linux 脚本~ 261 2022-04-04
166 tofi86/universalJavaApplicationStub universalJavaApplicationStub - an alternative Application launcher script for Java based macOS Apps that works with both Apple's and Oracle's PList format and supports the old Apple Java 6 as well as ... 261 2022-02-22
167 foxiswho/docker-rocketmq rocketmq 257 2022-02-25
168 liuran001/GJZS 搞机助手·R(原「搞机助手重制版」) 255 2022-04-28
169 wenet-e2e/WenetSpeech A 10000+ hours dataset for Chinese speech recognition 253 2022-02-15
170 kenzok8/openwrt_Build 一键多编译固件 251 2022-05-07
171 stilleshan/frpc 基于原版 frp 内网穿透客户端 frpc 的一键安装卸载脚本和 docker 镜像.支持群晖NAS,Linux 服务器和 docker 等多种环境安装部署. 250 2022-04-22
172 stevezhengshiqi/one-key-cpufriend Generate customized CPUFriendDataProvider.kext for dynamic macOS CPU power management 250 2022-03-29
173 Misaka-blog/Xray-script Xray一键安装脚本,基于网络跳跃原脚本魔改,支持节点自动生成Nginx伪装站,支持和宝塔面板共存,支持IPv4、IPv6 VPS 249 2022-05-10
174 gd0772/AutoBuild-OpenWrt GitHub Actions 云编译 OpenWrt 246 2022-05-08
175 Mr-xn/subdomain_shell 一键调用subfinder+ksubdomain+httpx 强强联合 从域名发现-->域名验证-->获取域名标题、状态码以及响应大小 最后保存结果,简化重复操作命令 246 2022-02-17
176 jlesage/docker-crashplan-pro Docker container for CrashPlan PRO (aka CrashPlan for Small Business) 239 2022-03-24
177 zizifn/v2ray-heroku 利用github actions 实现v2ray-heroku的部署,停止,启动, 和删除。 236 2022-05-10
178 yuchuangu85/Develop-Source Open source for developer.(开发资源整理:Java,Android,算法,iOS,MacOS等等) 236 2022-04-12
179 aturl/awesome-anti-gfw 突破网络审查和封锁的开源工具清单。 236 2022-03-28
180 rootsongjc/migrating-to-cloud-native-application-architectures 《迁移到云原生应用架构》中文版 235 2022-03-12
181 Magisk-Modules-Repo/v2ray v2ray core 232 2022-02-10
182 kalasutra/Clash_For_Magisk 使用shell启动clash内核,以及创建iptables tproxy规则,以此在Android上达到透明代理的目的. 230 2021-12-18
183 zpm-zsh/zpm Zpm— Zsh Plugin Manager 230 2022-03-23
184 yanhuacuo/98wubi-tables 98五笔基础码表 225 2022-04-08
185 jinfeijie/yapi Docker for YApi 一键部署YApi 224 2022-03-24
186 thu-spmi/CAT A CRF-based ASR Toolkit 222 2022-04-10
187 Netflixxp/N1HK1dabao 项目为自动打包N1和HK1(s905x3)盒子的固件,请勿fork,因为fork无法获取最新的固件,请收藏短网址 获取最新固件版本;如需只要插件,可收藏另一个短网址 220 2022-05-08
188 DoctorLai/Teaching-Kids-Programming Teaching Kids Programming / Teaching Wife Programming 219 2022-05-09
189 dupontjoy/customization JS files for Redirector and rules I maintained for subscription 216 2022-04-05
190 levie-vans/WeChatAssistant-ForMac Mac微信功能拓展/微信插件/微信小助手(A plugin for Mac WeChat)独立加载版。微信双开助手。 215 2021-11-16
191 VergilGao/docker-mdc 的 docker镜像,帮助你更优雅的管理硬盘中的大姐姐们。 215 2022-04-05
192 1995chen/dnf - 214 2022-02-26
193 risfeng/aliyun-ddns-shell 阿里云域名解析动态更新IP Shell脚本 212 2022-02-07
194 missuo/CloudflareWarp Cloudflare Warp One Click Script 210 2022-02-01
195 dbkangaroo/kangaroo DBKangaroo's official repo for issue tracker and I18N 208 2022-05-01
196 tianhao/alfred-mweb-workflow 搜索、打开MWeb 内部文档和外部 Markdown 文档 207 2022-03-08
197 KMinerProxy/KMinerProxy 新一代轻量、多端管理的ETH抽水代理 202 2022-02-09
198 esrrhs/xiaohuangji 小黄鸡表情收集 202 2022-05-09
199 Aranxu/NodePanels Nodepanels - 安全,私密,好用的云端服务器集群管理系统 201 2022-05-01
200 qxzg/Actions 每日自动更新fancyss规则 201 2022-05-10

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