Quick overview of clojure.
This is the basic project structure.
If you're curious about the 'why', I've jotted down some basic ideas in doc/intro.md.
If you'd rather jump right into the coding basics, start with src/clj-tut/core.clj.
If you're feeling adventurous, install leiningen from leiningen.org.
Run lein repl
here in the root directory.
Type the forms from core.clj there to see what they produce.
If you're feeling really adventurous, set up an editor that understands clojure (lighttable is a great one) and follow along dynamically.
project.clj is the rough equivalent of Visual Studio's .csproj or java's pom.xml. It describes all the project dependencies, where the source code lives, different settings for different kinds of builds (called profiles), and where the output should go.
Copyright © 2014 James Gatannah.
Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.