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CliSte - the Command Line Interface for Stellar

usage: cliste [-h] [-a ACCOUNT_KEY] [-s SIGNING_KEY]... [-v] [-u HORIZON_URL] [--asset-properties ASSET_PROPERTIES] [--key-properties KEY_PROPERTIES] [--stand-alone-network-passphrase STAND_ALONE_NETWORK_PASSPHRASE] [--stellar-network STELLAR_NETWORK] [COMMAND-NAME]

Optional arguments

-h, --help show this help message and exit

-a ACCOUNT_KEY, --account-key ACCOUNT_KEY Account key of the account for the transaction. Required for any commands that do transactions on accounts. Defaults to the value of the ST_ACCOUNT_KEY environment variable.

-s SIGNING_KEY, --signing-key SIGNING_KEY Signing key

-v, --verbose Verbose output

-u HORIZON_URL, --horizon-url HORIZON_URL URL for horizon. Defaults to to the value of the ST_HORIZON_URL environment variable or http://localhost:8000 if that is empty. If you are planning to run lots of commands against stellar, you should consider setting up your own horizon server to avoid rate limiting on the public endpoints.

--asset-properties ASSET_PROPERTIES Properties file with assets

--key-properties KEY_PROPERTIES Properties file with named public or private keys

--stand-alone-network-passphrase STAND_ALONE_NETWORK_PASSPHRASE network password. You can leave this blank for testnet or public. It defaults to the passphrase for the standalone network you get with the quickstart docker image.

--stellar-network STELLAR_NETWORK

Positional arguments




Shows the account balance of the specified public key.

usage: cliste balance [-h]

Optional arguments

-h, show this help message and exit --help


usage: cliste listOffers [-h] [-l LIMIT]

Optional arguments

-h, --help show this help message and exit

-l LIMIT, Limit --limit LIMIT


usage: cliste defineAsset [-h] ISSUER ASSET-CODE

Optional arguments

-h, --help show this help message and exit

Positional arguments

ISSUER public key of the issuer

ASSET-CODE 4 or 12 letter asset code


List the defined assets

usage: cliste listAssets [-h]

Optional arguments

-h, show this help message and exit --help


usage: cliste defineKey [-h] NAME KEY

Optional arguments

-h, show this help message and exit --help

Positional arguments

NAME name of the key

KEY key


List the defined keys

usage: cliste listKeys [-h]

Optional arguments

-h, show this help message and exit --help


Create a new account

usage: cliste createAccount [-h] [NAME] [AMOUNT]

Optional arguments

-h, show this help message and exit --help

Positional arguments

NAME name under which to store the new key, defaults to key-

AMOUNT Amount XML to be transferred to the new account (default 20)


Pay an amount to another account

usage: cliste pay [-h] RECEIVER AMOUNT ASSET-CODE [MEMO]

Optional arguments

-h, --help show this help message and exit

Positional arguments

RECEIVER Receiver account key (public or secret) or key name in

AMOUNT Amount you are paying

ASSET-CODE Asset that you are paying with

MEMO Optional text memo


Prepare an XDR transaction for a payment. Prints the XDR of the transaction envelope so you can send it to the signees.

usage: cliste preparePaymentTX [-h] RECEIVER AMOUNT ASSET-CODE [MEMO]

Optional arguments

-h, --help show this help message and exit

Positional arguments

RECEIVER Receiver account key (public or secret) or key name in

AMOUNT Amount you are paying

ASSET-CODE Asset that you are paying with

MEMO Optional text memo


Show information about an XDR transaction envelope.

usage: cliste txInfo [-h] RECEIVER AMOUNT ASSET-CODE [MEMO]

Optional arguments

-h, --help show this help message and exit

Positional arguments

RECEIVER Receiver account key (public or secret) or key name in

AMOUNT Amount you are paying

ASSET-CODE Asset that you are paying with

MEMO Optional text memo


Add a signature to a transaction envelope in XDR form.

usage: cliste signTx [-h] RECEIVER AMOUNT ASSET-CODE [MEMO]

Optional arguments

-h, --help show this help message and exit

Positional arguments

RECEIVER Receiver account key (public or secret) or key name in

AMOUNT Amount you are paying

ASSET-CODE Asset that you are paying with

MEMO Optional text memo


Submit a transaction envelope in XDR form. You should add signatures first using signTx.

usage: cliste submitTx [-h] RECEIVER AMOUNT ASSET-CODE [MEMO]

Optional arguments

-h, --help show this help message and exit

Positional arguments

RECEIVER Receiver account key (public or secret) or key name in

AMOUNT Amount you are paying

ASSET-CODE Asset that you are paying with

MEMO Optional text memo


List trades

usage: cliste listPayments [-h]

Optional arguments

-h, show this help message and exit --help


List trades

usage: cliste listTrades [-h] BASE-ASSET COUNTER-ASSET

Optional arguments

-h, --help show this help message and exit

Positional arguments

BASE-ASSET Base asset

COUNTER-ASSET Counter asset


List trade aggregations

usage: cliste listTradeAggs [-h] [--from FROM] [--to TO] [-r RESOLUTION] BASE-ASSET COUNTER-ASSET [OFF-SET]

Optional arguments

-h, --help show this help message and exit

--from FROM From time in ms after epoch. Default to now-24h

--to TO to time in ms after epoch. Default now


Positional arguments

BASE-ASSET Base asset

COUNTER-ASSET Counter asset

OFF-SET offset


Trust an asset

usage: cliste trust [-h] ASSET-CODE [AMOUNT]

Optional arguments

-h, --help show this help message and exit

Positional arguments

ASSET-CODE Asset that you want to trust. Must be defined in

AMOUNT Amount you trust the asset with


Set options on an account

usage: cliste setOptions [-h] [--low-threshold LOW_THRESHOLD] [--medium-threshold MEDIUM_THRESHOLD] [--high-threshold HIGH_THRESHOLD] [--master-key-weight MASTER_KEY_WEIGHT] [--signer-weight SIGNER_WEIGHT] [--signer-key SIGNER_KEY] [--home-domain HOME_DOMAIN]

Optional arguments

-h, --help show this help message and exit

--low-threshold LOW_THRESHOLD

--medium-threshold MEDIUM_THRESHOLD

--high-threshold HIGH_THRESHOLD

--master-key-weight MASTER_KEY_WEIGHT

--signer-weight SIGNER_WEIGHT

--signer-key SIGNER_KEY

--home-domain HOME_DOMAIN


lists all assets on stellar

usage: cliste listAssetsOnStellar [-h]

Optional arguments

-h, show this help message and exit --help


Show fee stats

usage: cliste feeStats [-h]

Optional arguments

-h, show this help message and exit --help


Show help for a specific command

usage: cliste help [-h] [COMMAND]

Optional arguments

-h, show this help message and exit --help

Positional arguments

COMMAND name of the command

Configuring CliSte

You can configure cliste using two environment variables

  • CLISTE_OPTS any jvm arguments to configure heap, garbage collection, etc. You should not need this normally.
  • CLISTE_ARGS default arguments you want to pass to cliste (e.g. your signing key -k MYKEY)

Additionally, cliste uses two properties files that you can manage with cliste commands:

  • a map of key alias to key. You can use either public or private key here. For any argument that takes a key in cliste you can also use the alias. When you do a cliste createAccount it will get saved here. You can also use cliste defineKey and cliste listKeys
  • a map of asset code to issueing accountId. Use cliste defineAsset and cliste listAssets to manage