IMPORTANT! Our Helm Chart docs have moved to our main documentation site. Below you will find the basic instructions for installing and deleting Xray. For all other information, refer to Installing Xray.
- Kubernetes 1.14+
This chart will do the following:
- Optionally deploy PostgreSQL (NOTE: For production grade installations it is recommended to use an external PostgreSQL)
- Deploy RabbitMQ (optionally as an HA cluster)
- Deploy JFrog Xray micro-services
- A running Kubernetes cluster
- Dynamic storage provisioning enabled
- Default StorageClass set to allow services using the default StorageClass for persistent storage
- A running Artifactory
- Kubectl installed and setup to use the cluster
- Helm v2 or v3 installed
Before installing JFrog helm charts, you will need to add the JFrog helm repository to your Helm client.
helm repo add jfrog
helm repo update
To connect Xray to your Artifactory installation, you will need to use a join key. To learn how to retrieve the connection details of your Artifactory installation (join key and JFrog URL) from the UI, see
Provide the join key and JFrog URL as a parameter to the Xray chart installation:
helm upgrade --install xray --set xray.joinKey=<YOUR_PREVIOUSLY_RETIREVED_JOIN_KEY> \
--set xray.jfrogUrl=<YOUR_PREVIOUSLY_RETIREVED_BASE_URL> jfrog/xray --namespace xray --create-namespace
To apply the chart with recommended sizing configurations : For small configurations :
helm upgrade --install xray jfrog/xray -f sizing/xray-sizing-small.yaml --namespace xray --create-namespace
IMPORTANT: Uninstalling Xray using the commands below will also delete your data volumes and you will lose all of your data. You must back up all this information before deletion.
To uninstall Xray use the following command.
helm uninstall xray --namespace xray && sleep 90 && kubectl delete pvc -l app=xray