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651 lines (488 loc) · 59.2 KB

File metadata and controls

651 lines (488 loc) · 59.2 KB

Vim Commands and Plugins


gq format paragraph - autowrap text at 80 characters

Quickfix and Location Windows

(Using unimpaired.vim)

[q, ]q - :cnext, cprevious (mappings from unimpaired.vim)
<leader>a :cclose -> close quickfix window

Location List Navigation

[l, ]l - prev, next location list item
[L, ]L - first, last location list item


Buffer list navigation

[b, ]b - prev, next buffer
[B, ]B - first, last buffer
<C-^> or :b# - previous buffer
:b <name_of_file> -> open <name_of_file>

Word Search / Modification

n, N repeat next, previous "/" or "?"
gn, gN select next, previous match

How to edit word repeatedly through file

  • Use gn / gN when CHANGING/DELETING matches

  • Use n / N when NAVIGATING to matches

    1. /word - find "word"
    2. cgnNEW_WORD - change "word" to "NEW_WORD"
    3. . - repeat change word

Above replaces the following sequence

1. /word
2. visually select the word
4. n.  n.  n.  n.

Best option is to use 'terryma/vim-multiple-cursors'

Text Objects

d, c, y -> delete, change, yank (Ex. diw)
iw, aw inner word, a word
iW, aW inner WORD, a WORD
is, as inner sentence, a sentence
ip, ap inner paragraph, a paragraph
ib, ab inner '(' ')' block, a '(' ')' block
iB, aB inner '{' '}' block, a '{' '}' block

vimdiff Commands

]c, [c next/previous difference
do diff obtain
dp diff put
:diffupdate update diff if updates looks messed up

'find' and 'till'

d, c, y -> delete, change, yank (Ex. cfn -> change to next 'n')

f{char} - to occurrence of {char} to the right.  Cursor is placed on {char} |inclusive|.
F{char} - to occurrence of {char} to the left.  Cursor is placed on {char} |exclusive|.
t{char} - Till before occurrence of {char} to the right. Cursor is placed on the character left of {char} |inclusive|.
T{char} - Till after occurrence of {char} to the left. Cursor is placed on the character right of {char} |exclusive|.
; - Repeat latest f, t, F or T .
, - Repeat latest f, t, F or T in opposite direction. 

Edit in place

<C-a>, <C-x> - increment/decrement number


zM - close all folds
zR - Open all folds
zA - Open / close fold function ( aliased to <space> )
za - Open / close a fold at cursor 


Move cursor.. H, M, L Top, Middle, Bottom of Screen
5k up 5 rows
5j down 5 rows
Scroll current Line to.. zt,zz,zb top, middle, bottom of window
Move screen.. <C-y> up one line
<C-e> down one line
Move cursor and screen.. <C-u> up 1/2 page
<C-d> down 1/2 page
Split Window Navigation.. <C-H> move to left split window
<C-J> move to lower split window
<C-K> move to above split window
<C-L> move to right split window
Go Through Jump Locations.. <C-o> <C-i>


junegunn/fzf.vim (fuzzy finder)

Mapping Description
; :Buffers
<leader>ag search for file under cursor in files
<leader> <space> :Files
<leader>/ search with 'Ag'
:Commits git commits
:BCommits git commits for current buffer
:Ag loads all files and file contents for searching
:History: Command history
:History/ Search history
:Windows list of open windows in vim
:Commands : Commands
:Maps key mappings
start search with `'` to find exact match 
start search with `!` to find exclude match

Video Examples

make visual word selection first then ...

<C-n> - select additional words
c, r, i - to perform operation on selection
<Home> - move to beginning of line
<End> - move to end of line
<Up/Down> - move cursors up/down
[b, ]b jump to previous, next buffer
[m, ]m jump to previous, next method
gcc - comment current line
gc - comment visual selected lines
cs"' - change surrounding from " to '
ds"  - delete " surrounding
S'   - Visual select, surround with '
ysiw] - surround current word with [] (no spaces)
ysiw[ - surround current word with [  ] (with spaces)

tpope/vim-fugitive (git wrapper)

:Gdiff - diff current file
:Gbrowse - open selected lines in browser (works with visual mode)

MAPPINGS - Available in the :Gstatus buffer

  g?  show this help
Staging and resetting mappings
  s - Stage (add) the file or hunk under the cursor
  u - Unstage (reset) the file or hunk under the cursor

  <C-N> skip to next file or hunk
  <C-P> skip to previous file or hunk

  <CR>  |:Gedit| edit file under cursor
  =     Toggle inline diff of file under cursor

  D, dd |:Gdiff|
  ds    |:Gsdiff| horizontal split
  dv    |:Gvdiff| vertical split

  a     Show alternative format
  dp    |:Git| add --intent-to-add (untracked files)
  q     close status
  P     patch 
Commit Mappings
  cc    |:Gcommit|  Create a commit
  ca    Amend the last commit and edit the message 
  ce    Amend the last commit without editing the message 
Miscellaneous mappings
  gq    Close the status buffer.
  R     Reload the status buffer

Plugin needed for :Gbrowse in vim-fugitive

:GV - Commit browser in Vim :GV! - only list commits that affected the current file

s{char} - search {char} in file
<leader> is '\' key
<leader>s{char} - highlight {char} in file
<leader>j{char} - Line motion - highlight lines below
<leader>k{char} - Line motion - highlight lines above


Shortcut Command Description
quckfix navigations [q,   ]q :cnext, :cprevious (mappings from unimpaired.vim)
function navigation ]],   [[ jump to next, previous function or method (can be used with d, v prefixes)
Go to Definition gd :GoDef jump to definition, locally or globally
<C-t> jump back to previous location
\ds (go-def-split)
\dv (go-def-vertical)
Go Doc K, \gd :GoDoc Get documentation for function under cursor
\gv (go-doc-vertical)
Go Implements (interfaces) \s (go-implements) Show a list of interfaces implemented by the type under your cursor
Go Rename (refactoring) \e (go-rename) Rename the identifier under the cursor to a new name
Commands \b :GoBuild
\r :GoRun go run on whole package
\R :GoRun % go run on current file (map added to .vimrc)
\t :GoTest run go test on file
\c :GoCoverageToggle toggle between GoCoverage and GoCoverageToggle
:A, :AV, :AS :GoAlternate alternate between .go and _test.go
Go Declarations <C-g> :GoDecls opens the current file and lists all available function declarations
\dr :GoDeclsDir is the same as :GoDecls, the only difference is it parses all Go files under the current directory
Text Objects dif, cif, vif, yif detete, change, visual select, yank 'INNER FUNCTION'
daf, caf, vaf, yaf detete, change, visual select, yank 'A FUNCTION'
Struct Split gS Split struct expression into multiple lines
Struct Join gJ Join struct expression into single line


print fn fmt.Println()
ff fmt.Printf() dynamically copys the variable name into the format string
ln log.Println()
lf log.Printf() dynamically copys the variable name into the format string
variables : v := value (shorthand variable declaration)
var (variable declaration)
vars (variables declaration)
for for (for loop)
fori for i := 0; i < N; i++ { } (for integer loop)
forr for k, v := range { } (for range loop)
if, else if, ife (if with inline err)
else, el
field tags json (add json field tag)
yaml (add yaml field tag)
interfaces in interface{} (interface)
inf interface name { /* methods */ } (full interface)
interface type Interface interface { /* TODO: add methods */ } (interface I)
function fun func funcName() error { } (function)
fum func (receiver type) funcName() error { } (method)
func func name(params) { }
fumh func (receiver type) funcName(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { } (http handler function on receiver)
funch func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { } (HTTP handler)
function as method meth func (receiver type) name(params) { } (method)
anonymous function anon fn := func() { } (anonymous function)
Errors err if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } (Basic error handling)
errn if err != nil { return err } (Error return)
errn, if err != nil { return nil, err } (Error multiple return)
errp if err != nil { panic() } (Error panic)
errt if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } (Error test fatal)
maps make make([]string, 0)
map map[string]int (map[Type]Type)
single words rt return
br break
ft fallthrough
cn continue
Slices ap append(slice, value) (append)
ap= slice = append(slice, value) (append assignment)
Struct struct type Struct struct { } (struct)
go routines go go funcName() (goroutine named function)
gof go func() { }() (goroutine anonymous function)
channels ch chan type
select select { case v1 := <-chan1 } select channel
switch sw switch var {
  case value1:
  case value2:
switch switch var { case value1: }
Testing test func TestFunction(t *testing.T) { } (test function)
tt var tests = []struct {
&nbsp;&nbsp;name string
&nbsp;&nbsp;expected string
&nbsp;&nbsp;given string
&nbsp;{"", "", "",},
for _, tt := range tests {
&nbsp;&nbsp;tt := tt
&nbsp;&nbsp;t.Run(, func(t *testing.T){
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; actual := (tt.given)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; if actual != tt.expected {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;t.Errorf("(%s): expected %s, actual %s", tt.given, tt.expected, actual)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; }
&nbsp;&nbsp; })
(test table)

Move Between Functions (Uses Ctrl-P)

:GoDecls opens the current file and lists all available function declarations
:GoDeclsDir is the same as :GoDecls, the only difference is it parses all Go files under the current directory

Guru (editor tool for navigating and understanding Go code)

:GoReferrers find references to the selected identifier, scanning all packages in the workspace. Result is location list
:GoDescribe Like :GoInfo, but give more info show methdod set of a type, declarations of a package
:GoImplements find the interface a type implements (shows location list)
:GoCallers Show "callees" relation for a selected package. A list of possible call targets for the type under the cursor (or selected package) is shown in a location list.
:GoCallers Show "callers" relation for a selected function. A list of possible callers for the selected function under the cursor is shown in a location list.

Refactor It

:GoRename search all packages under GOPATH and renames all identifiers that depend on the identifier
(visual select code)
result is quickfix list of all variables that are free variables
used to determine complexity of a piece of code. See how many variables depend on this code

Delve Debugger

:GoDebugStart [pkg] [program-args] (Ex :GoDebugStart ./hello)
:GoDebugStop close all windows after stop
:GoDebugRestart recompile code
:GoDebugTest [pkg] [program-args] (same as :GoDebugStart, but debugs *_test.go file)
Use -test.flag to pass flags to go test when debugging a test;
for example -test.v or TestFoo (:GoDebugTest ./app TestStartServerSuccess)
:GoDebugPrint {expr} (Ex. :GoDebugPrint truth == 42)
:GoDebugStepOut Run all code in the current function and halt ("step out")
:GoDebugSet {var} {value} set the variable to value. Cannot be string. limitation of delve
<F5> next breakpoint (:GoDebugContinue)
<F6> evaluate the under the cursor (:GoDebugPrint)
<F9> add breakpoint (:GoDebugBreakpoint)
<F10> next line (:GoDebugNext) Will literally go to the line with active cursor in file!
<F11> step into (:GoDebugStep)
<S-F11> step out (:GoDebugStepOut) Mapped in .vimrc


Struct values displayed as {...}
array/slices as [4] -> <CR> on the variable name to expand values

Go Test

:GoTest run go test on file
:GoTestFunc test only function under cursor
:GoTestCompile test compile without problems

Go Coverage

:GoCoverage go test -coverprofile tempfile
:GoCoverageClear clear coverage
:GoCoverageToggle toggle between GoCoverage and GoCoverageToggle

Go Imports

:GoImport add package to import statement (supports tab completion)
:GoImportAs add package with package name (ex. str strings)
:GoDrop remove package from imports
:GoRun %  - go run on current file
:GoRun - go run on whole package
:GoBuild - compile file instead of running it

Add field tags (json snippet)

Place cursor at end of Message or ServerName lines.
In insert mode, type json and hit tab.. !

Convert ...

  type foo struct {
    Message    string
    Ports      []int
    ServerName string

to ...

  type foo struct {
    Message    string `json:"message"`
    Ports      []int
    ServerName string `json:"server_name"`

Understand It (setup with auto g: commands in .vimrc so don't have to use shortcut to use)

Identifier Resolution (what is a function accepting or returning)

<leader>i -> :GoInfo 
The following shows identifier information whenever move cursor
  let g:go_auto_type_info = 1
  set updatetime=100   -> set update frequency

Identifier Highlighting

:GoSameIds -> highlight all variables under cursor, across file
:GoSameIdsClear -> clear highlights
let g:go_auto_sameids = 1   -> always highlight when move cursor

kien/ctrlp.vim (fuzzy finder)

Find anything from VIM tutorial

Once CtrlP is open

<F5> - purge cache for current dir to get new files, remove deleted files and apply new ignore
<C-d> - switch to filename search instead of full path
<C-P> - invoke ctrlP
<C-F> <C-B> - switch to next, previous mode in sequence
<C-v> <C-x> - open in Vertical or Horizontal split
<C-j> <C-k> - navigate the result list
<C-n> <C-p> - select next/previous string in prompt history
<C-z> - mark/unmark multiple files. <C-o> to open files


:NERDTree - invoke NERDTree


:MarkdownPreview - open .md file in browser

Valloric/YouCompleteMe (Auto Completion)

Also uses ultisnips

start typing.  (ife for example)
    <C-n> <C-p> to traverse popup menu
    <tab> to insert snippet
    <C-j> <C-k> to move through fields

Javascript completion 
cd .vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/third_party/tern_runtime
npm install --production


use % to go to matching <tag>


traverse branches of file history. allows retreiving any edit
changed from gundo, because gundo no longer supports python3


:TagBarToggle - show program tags


. - repeat command for surround.vim and a few others






snippets for ultisnips



Look and Feel, Automatic functionality


Automatically close HTML tags


color (), [], {} different colors and apply different colors to nested parens


Add open buffers to command line


powerline status bar
theme for info bar at bottom.
tabline extension shows active buffers at top of screen



syntax checker after write of file
:SyntasticInfo to view information about version and enabled checkers on
current file
:let g:syntastic_debug=3
:SyntasticCheck eslint
run :mes


yarn installed with -- brew install yarn
prettier installed with -- yarn global add prettier



show gutter with git changes


good video -
explanation of rope functions -

\r - run python from within vim
\g - goto definition
K - show documentaion

[[, ]] - Jump to prev, next class or function (normal, visual, operator modes)
[M, ]M - Jump to prev, next class or method (normal, visual, operator modes)
aC    Select a class. Ex: vaC, daC, yaC, caC (normal, operator modes)
iC    Select inner class. Ex: viC, diC, yiC, ciC (normal, operator modes)
aM    Select a function or method. Ex: vaM, daM, yaM, caM (normal, operator modes)
iM    Select inner function or method. Ex: viM, diM, yiM, ciM (normal, operator modes)

[l, ]l - Jump to prev, next location of error/warning

Extract method/variable from selected lines.
<C-c>rm - visual select first.  Extracts selection and creates new function/method
<C-c>rl - visual select first.  Extracts selection and creates new variable

<C-c>ro - organize imports
<C-c>rr - rename method/function/class/variable under cursor

got this working and allow <C-S-e> to run script in vim