The Structurizr DSL provides a way to define a software architecture model as text, using a domain specific language (DSL). The Structurizr CLI (command line interface) provides tooling to parse DSL workspace definitions, upload them to the Structurizr cloud service/on-premises installation, and export diagrams to other formats (e.g. PlantUML, Mermaid, and WebSequenceDiagrams).
Download the Structurizr CLI from the releases page, and unzip. You will need Java (version 8+) installed, and available to use from your command line (please note that the CLI does not work with Java versions 11.0.0-11.0.3).
Alternatively the Structurizr CLI can be installed on Windows via scoop (see Windows installation) and on macOS via Homebrew (see macOS installation).
Create a new empty file with your favourite text editor, and copy the following text into it.
workspace "Getting Started" "This is a model of my software system." {
model {
user = person "User" "A user of my software system."
softwareSystem = softwareSystem "Software System" "My software system."
user -> softwareSystem "Uses"
views {
systemContext softwareSystem "SystemContext" "An example of a System Context diagram." {
include *
styles {
element "Software System" {
background #1168bd
color #ffffff
element "Person" {
shape person
background #08427b
color #ffffff
Save this file into the unzipped CLI directory.
This DSL definition:
- creates a person named "User"
- creates a software system named "Software System"
- creates a relationship between the person and the software system
- create a System Context view for the software system
- creates some element styles that will be applied when rendering the diagram
If you've not done so, follow Structurizr - Getting started to sign up for a free Structurizr account, and create a workspace. To upload your workspace to the Structurizr cloud service/on-premises installation, you will need your workspace ID, API key and secret. See Structurizr - Workspaces for information about finding these.
Open a terminal, and change to the unzipped CLI directory. Issue the following command to upload the workspace:
java -jar structurizr-cli-*.jar push -id WORKSPACE_ID -key KEY -secret SECRET -workspace WORKSPACE_FILE
- WORKSPACE_ID: your workspace ID
- API_KEY: your API key
- API_SECRET: your API secret
- WORKSPACE_FILE: the name of your workspace DSL file
You can now sign in to your Structurizr account, and open the workspace from your dashboard. Your workspace should now contain a diagram like this: