For OS X and macOS including High Sierra ATI Radeon 5450 needs the following edits in Config.plist:
FakeID: 0x68E01002 against ATI in config.plist>Devices , [√] Inject ATI in config.plist>Graphics [Eulemur] as FB Name in config.plist>Graphics
I installed initially High Sierra Beta 3 with the previously created USB Installer and then updated the system to Beta 4 when I got notified about the new release.
On installation the Graphics display was in "Billions of Colors" and any "Finder use" caused the screen to show "bleeding colors' and "jittery screens". I had to install SwitchResX to change "Billions of colors" to "Millions of colors" to fix the Display problem. After install, clickon the monitor icon in task bar, choose millions of colors instead of billions in each monitor. tested OK