created | modified |
2024-12-09 17:10:59 UTC |
2024-12-12 11:45:42 UTC |
$installerPath = "\\TT-FS01\Products\Microsoft\System Center 2019" `
+ "\DPM\Agents\DPMAgentInstaller_x64.exe"
$installerArguments = ""
Start-Process `
-FilePath $installerPath `
-ArgumentList "$installerArguments" `
Review the licensing agreement. If you accept the Microsoft Software License Terms, select I accept the license terms and conditions, and then click OK.
Confirm the agent installation completed successfully and the following firewall exceptions have been added:
- Exception for DPMRA.exe in all profiles
- Exception for Windows Management Instrumentation service
- Exception for RemoteAdmin service
- Exception for DCOM communication on port 135 (TCP and UDP) in all profiles
Installing Protection Agents Manually
Pasted from <>
TT-ADMIN02 - DPM Management Shell
$productionServer = 'STORM'
.\Attach-ProductionServer.ps1 `
-DPMServerName TT-DPM05 `
-PSName $productionServer `
-UserName jjameson-admin