From dd53bcc95c4df4673fc4e91fc2a21c92bc5b6e90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Phlex Plexico Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2019 22:17:04 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] First shot at making a submodule! --- .gitmodules | 4 + sourcemod_plugin/get5-webapi | 1 + sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/.gitignore | 4 - .../get5_apistats/scripting/.clang-format | 67 -- .../scripting/get5/jsonhelpers.sp | 144 ---- .../get5_apistats/scripting/get5/util.sp | 709 ------------------ .../get5_apistats/scripting/get5/version.sp | 4 - .../get5_apistats/scripting/get5_apistats.sp | 587 --------------- .../get5_apistats/scripting/include/ | 225 ------ .../scripting/include/ | 154 ---- .../scripting/include/ | 113 --- .../translations/chi/get5.phrases.txt | 327 -------- .../translations/de/get5.phrases.txt | 243 ------ .../translations/fr/get5.phrases.txt | 275 ------- .../translations/get5.phrases.txt | 380 ---------- .../translations/pl/get5.phrases.txt | 251 ------- .../translations/pt/get5.phrases.txt | 279 ------- .../translations/ru/get5.phrases.txt | 239 ------ 18 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 4001 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .gitmodules create mode 160000 sourcemod_plugin/get5-webapi delete mode 100644 sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/.gitignore delete mode 100644 sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/.clang-format delete mode 100644 sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/get5/jsonhelpers.sp delete mode 100644 sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/get5/util.sp delete mode 100644 sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/get5/version.sp delete mode 100644 sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/get5_apistats.sp delete mode 100644 sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/include/ delete mode 100644 sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/include/ delete mode 100644 sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/include/ delete mode 100644 sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/chi/get5.phrases.txt delete mode 100644 sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/de/get5.phrases.txt delete mode 100644 sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/fr/get5.phrases.txt delete mode 100644 sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/get5.phrases.txt delete mode 100644 sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/pl/get5.phrases.txt delete mode 100644 sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/pt/get5.phrases.txt delete mode 100644 sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/ru/get5.phrases.txt diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules new file mode 100644 index 0000000..412b9ab --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitmodules @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +[submodule "sourcemod_plugin/get5-webapi"] + path = sourcemod_plugin/get5-webapi + url = + branch = master diff --git a/sourcemod_plugin/get5-webapi b/sourcemod_plugin/get5-webapi new file mode 160000 index 0000000..e41ac0a --- /dev/null +++ b/sourcemod_plugin/get5-webapi @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Subproject commit e41ac0ab3c698ed67dbadcd667e55feef403e074 diff --git a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/.gitignore b/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index a213ccc..0000000 --- a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -*.smx -*.zip -*.tar.gz -builds diff --git a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/.clang-format b/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/.clang-format deleted file mode 100644 index 9205d19..0000000 --- a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/.clang-format +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ ---- -Language: Cpp -# BasedOnStyle: Google -AccessModifierOffset: -1 -AlignAfterOpenBracket: true -AlignConsecutiveAssignments: false -AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft: true -AlignOperands: true -AlignTrailingComments: true -AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: true -AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: false -AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false -AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Empty -AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false -AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false -AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: None -AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: false 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json_decode(contents); -} - -stock void json_string_type(JSON_CELL_TYPE type, char[] output, int maxlength) { - switch (type) { - case Type_Invalid: Format(output, maxlength, "invalid"); - case Type_String: Format(output, maxlength, "string"); - case Type_Int: Format(output, maxlength, "int"); - case Type_Float: Format(output, maxlength, "float"); - case Type_Bool: Format(output, maxlength, "bool"); - case Type_Null: Format(output, maxlength, "null"); - case Type_Object: Format(output, maxlength, "object"); - } -} - -stock bool json_has_key(JSON_Object json, const char[] key, JSON_CELL_TYPE expectedType) { - if (json == null) { - return false; - } else if (!json.HasKey(key)) { - return false; - } else { - // Perform type-checking. - JSON_CELL_TYPE actualType = json.GetKeyType(key); - if (actualType != expectedType) { - char expectedTypeStr[16]; - char actualTypeStr[16]; - json_string_type(expectedType, expectedTypeStr, sizeof(expectedTypeStr)); - json_string_type(actualType, actualTypeStr, sizeof(actualTypeStr)); - LogError("Type mismatch for key \"%s\", got %s when expected a %s", key, actualTypeStr, - expectedTypeStr); - return false; - } - return true; - } -} - -stock int json_object_get_string_safe(JSON_Object json, const char[] key, char[] buffer, int maxlength, - const char[] defaultValue = "") { - if (json_has_key(json, key, Type_String)) { - return json.GetString(key, buffer, maxlength); - } else { - return strcopy(buffer, maxlength, defaultValue); - } -} - -stock int json_object_get_int_safe(JSON_Object json, const char[] key, int defaultValue = 0) { - if (json_has_key(json, key, Type_Int)) { - return json.GetInt(key); - } else { - return defaultValue; - } -} - -stock bool json_object_get_bool_safe(JSON_Object json, const char[] key, bool defaultValue = false) { - if (json_has_key(json, key, Type_Bool)) { - return json.GetBool(key); - } else { - return defaultValue; - } -} - -stock float json_object_get_float_safe(JSON_Object json, const char[] key, float defaultValue = 0.0) { - if (json_has_key(json, key, Type_Float)) { - return json.GetFloat(key); - } else { - return defaultValue; - } -} - -// Used for parsing an Array[String] to a sourcepawn ArrayList of strings -stock int AddJsonSubsectionArrayToList(JSON_Object json, const char[] key, ArrayList list, - int maxValueLength) { - if (!json_has_key(json, key, Type_Object)) { - return 0; - } - - int count = 0; - JSON_Object array = json.GetObject(key); - if (array != null) { - char[] buffer = new char[maxValueLength]; - for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { - char keyAsString[64]; - array.GetIndexString(keyAsString, sizeof(keyAsString), i); - array.GetString(keyAsString, buffer, maxValueLength); - list.PushString(buffer); - count++; - } - array.Cleanup(); - } - return count; -} - -// Used for mapping a keyvalue section -stock int AddJsonAuthsToList(JSON_Object json, const char[] key, ArrayList list, - int maxValueLength) { - int count = 0; - // We handle two formats here: one where we get a array of steamids as strings, and in the - // 2nd format we have a map of steamid- > player name. - JSON_Object data = json.GetObject(key); - if (data != null) { - if (data.IsArray) { - char[] buffer = new char[maxValueLength]; - for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { - char keyAsString[64]; - data.GetIndexString(keyAsString, sizeof(keyAsString), i); - data.GetString(keyAsString, buffer, maxValueLength); - - char steam64[AUTH_LENGTH]; - if (ConvertAuthToSteam64(buffer, steam64)) { - list.PushString(steam64); - count++; - } - } - - } else { - StringMapSnapshot snap = data.Snapshot(); - char[] buffer = new char[maxValueLength]; - char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; - for (int i = 0; i < snap.Length; i++) { - snap.GetKey(i, buffer, maxValueLength); - - // Skip json meta keys. - if (json_is_meta_key(buffer)) { - continue; - } - - data.GetString(buffer, name, sizeof(name)); - char steam64[AUTH_LENGTH]; - if (ConvertAuthToSteam64(buffer, steam64)) { - Get5_SetPlayerName(steam64, name); - list.PushString(steam64); - count++; - } - } - delete snap; - } - } - return count; -} diff --git a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/get5/util.sp b/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/get5/util.sp deleted file mode 100644 index a900983..0000000 --- a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/get5/util.sp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,709 +0,0 @@ -#include - -#define MAX_INTEGER_STRING_LENGTH 16 -#define MAX_FLOAT_STRING_LENGTH 32 -#define AUTH_LENGTH 64 - -// Dummy value for when we need to write a keyvalue string, but we don't care about he value. -// Trying to write an empty string often results in the keyvalue not being writte, so we use this. -#define KEYVALUE_STRING_PLACEHOLDER "__placeholder" - -static char _colorNames[][] = {"{NORMAL}", "{DARK_RED}", "{PINK}", "{GREEN}", - "{YELLOW}", "{LIGHT_GREEN}", "{LIGHT_RED}", "{GRAY}", - "{ORANGE}", "{LIGHT_BLUE}", "{DARK_BLUE}", "{PURPLE}"}; -static char _colorCodes[][] = {"\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05", "\x06", - "\x07", "\x08", "\x09", "\x0B", "\x0C", "\x0E"}; - -// Convenience macros. -#define LOOP_TEAMS(%1) for (MatchTeam %1 = MatchTeam_Team1; %1 < MatchTeam_Count; %1 ++) -#define LOOP_CLIENTS(%1) for (int %1 = 0; %1 <= MaxClients; %1 ++) - -// These match CS:GO's m_gamePhase values. -enum GamePhase { - GamePhase_FirstHalf = 2, - GamePhase_SecondHalf = 3, - GamePhase_HalfTime = 4, - GamePhase_PostGame = 5, -}; - -/** - * Returns the number of human clients on a team. - */ -stock int GetNumHumansOnTeam(int team) { - int count = 0; - for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { - if (IsPlayer(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == team) { - count++; - } - } - return count; -} - -stock int CountAlivePlayersOnTeam(int csTeam) { - int count = 0; - for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { - if (IsPlayer(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == csTeam) { - count++; - } - } - return count; -} - -stock int SumHealthOfTeam(int team) { - int sum = 0; - for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { - if (IsPlayer(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == team) { - sum += GetClientHealth(i); - } - } - return sum; -} - -/** - * Switches and respawns a player onto a new team. - */ -stock void SwitchPlayerTeam(int client, int team) { - if (GetClientTeam(client) == team) { - return; - } - - LogDebug("SwitchPlayerTeam %L to %d", client, team); - if (team > CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR) { - CS_SwitchTeam(client, team); - CS_UpdateClientModel(client); - CS_RespawnPlayer(client); - } else { - ChangeClientTeam(client, team); - } -} - -/** - * Returns if a client is valid. - */ -stock bool IsValidClient(int client) { - return client > 0 && client <= MaxClients && IsClientConnected(client) && IsClientInGame(client); -} - -stock bool IsPlayer(int client) { - return IsValidClient(client) && !IsFakeClient(client); -} - -stock bool IsAuthedPlayer(int client) { - return IsPlayer(client) && IsClientAuthorized(client); -} - -/** - * Returns the number of clients that are actual players in the game. - */ -stock int GetRealClientCount() { - int clients = 0; - for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { - if (IsPlayer(i)) { - clients++; - } - } - return clients; -} - -stock void Colorize(char[] msg, int size, bool stripColor = false) { - for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(_colorNames); i++) { - if (stripColor) { - ReplaceString(msg, size, _colorNames[i], "\x01"); // replace with white - } else { - ReplaceString(msg, size, _colorNames[i], _colorCodes[i]); - } - } -} - -stock void ReplaceStringWithInt(char[] buffer, int len, const char[] replace, int value, - bool caseSensitive = false) { - char intString[MAX_INTEGER_STRING_LENGTH]; - IntToString(value, intString, sizeof(intString)); - ReplaceString(buffer, len, replace, intString, caseSensitive); -} - -stock bool IsTVEnabled() { - ConVar tvEnabledCvar = FindConVar("tv_enable"); - if (tvEnabledCvar == null) { - LogError("Failed to get tv_enable cvar"); - return false; - } - return tvEnabledCvar.BoolValue; -} - -stock int GetTvDelay() { - if (IsTVEnabled()) { - return GetCvarIntSafe("tv_delay"); - } - return 0; -} - -stock bool Record(const char[] demoName) { - char szDemoName[256]; - strcopy(szDemoName, sizeof(szDemoName), demoName); - ReplaceString(szDemoName, sizeof(szDemoName), "\"", "\\\""); - ServerCommand("tv_record \"%s\"", szDemoName); - - if (!IsTVEnabled()) { - LogError( - "Autorecording will not work with current cvar \"tv_enable\"=0. Set \"tv_enable 1\" in server.cfg (or another config file) to fix this."); - return false; - } - - return true; -} - -stock void StopRecording() { - ServerCommand("tv_stoprecord"); - Call_StartForward(g_OnDemoFinished); - Call_PushString(g_DemoFileName); - Call_Finish(); -} - -stock bool InWarmup() { - return GameRules_GetProp("m_bWarmupPeriod") != 0; -} - -stock bool InOvertime() { - return GameRules_GetProp("m_nOvertimePlaying") != 0; -} - -stock bool InFreezeTime() { - return GameRules_GetProp("m_bFreezePeriod") != 0; -} - -stock void EnsurePausedWarmup() { - if (!InWarmup()) { - StartWarmup(); - } - - ServerCommand("mp_warmup_pausetimer 1"); - ServerCommand("mp_do_warmup_period 1"); - ServerCommand("mp_warmup_pausetimer 1"); -} - -stock void StartWarmup(bool indefiniteWarmup = true, int warmupTime = 60) { - ServerCommand("mp_do_warmup_period 1"); - ServerCommand("mp_warmuptime %d", warmupTime); - ServerCommand("mp_warmup_start"); - - // For some reason it needs to get sent twice. Ask Valve. - if (indefiniteWarmup) { - ServerCommand("mp_warmup_pausetimer 1"); - ServerCommand("mp_warmup_pausetimer 1"); - } -} - -stock void EndWarmup(int time = 0) { - if (time == 0) { - ServerCommand("mp_warmup_end"); - } else { - ServerCommand("mp_warmup_pausetimer 0"); - ServerCommand("mp_warmuptime %d", time); - } -} - -stock bool IsPaused() { - return GameRules_GetProp("m_bMatchWaitingForResume") != 0; -} - -// Pauses and returns if the match will automatically unpause after the duration ends. -stock bool Pause(int pauseTime = 0, int csTeam = CS_TEAM_NONE) { - if (pauseTime == 0 || csTeam == CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR || csTeam == CS_TEAM_NONE) { - ServerCommand("mp_pause_match"); - return false; - } else { - ServerCommand("mp_pause_match"); - if (csTeam == CS_TEAM_T) { - GameRules_SetProp("m_bTerroristTimeOutActive", true); - GameRules_SetPropFloat("m_flTerroristTimeOutRemaining", float(pauseTime)); - } else if (csTeam == CS_TEAM_CT) { - GameRules_SetProp("m_bCTTimeOutActive", true); - GameRules_SetPropFloat("m_flCTTimeOutRemaining", float(pauseTime)); - } - return true; - } -} - -stock void Unpause() { - ServerCommand("mp_unpause_match"); -} - -stock void RestartGame(int delay) { - ServerCommand("mp_restartgame %d", delay); -} - -stock bool IsClientCoaching(int client) { - return GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR && - GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iCoachingTeam") != 0; -} - -stock void UpdateCoachTarget(int client, int csTeam) { - SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iCoachingTeam", csTeam); -} - -stock void SetTeamInfo(int csTeam, const char[] name, const char[] flag = "", - const char[] logo = "", const char[] matchstat = "", int series_score = 0) { - int team_int = (csTeam == CS_TEAM_CT) ? 1 : 2; - - char teamCvarName[MAX_CVAR_LENGTH]; - char flagCvarName[MAX_CVAR_LENGTH]; - char logoCvarName[MAX_CVAR_LENGTH]; - char textCvarName[MAX_CVAR_LENGTH]; - char scoreCvarName[MAX_CVAR_LENGTH]; - Format(teamCvarName, sizeof(teamCvarName), "mp_teamname_%d", team_int); - Format(flagCvarName, sizeof(flagCvarName), "mp_teamflag_%d", team_int); - Format(logoCvarName, sizeof(logoCvarName), "mp_teamlogo_%d", team_int); - Format(textCvarName, sizeof(textCvarName), "mp_teammatchstat_%d", team_int); - Format(scoreCvarName, sizeof(scoreCvarName), "mp_teamscore_%d", team_int); - - // Add Ready/Not ready tags to team name if in warmup. - char taggedName[MAX_CVAR_LENGTH]; - if ((g_GameState == Get5State_Warmup || g_GameState == Get5State_PreVeto) && - !g_DoingBackupRestoreNow) { - MatchTeam matchTeam = CSTeamToMatchTeam(csTeam); - if (IsTeamReady(matchTeam)) { - Format(taggedName, sizeof(taggedName), "%T %s", "ReadyTag", LANG_SERVER, name); - } else { - Format(taggedName, sizeof(taggedName), "%T %s", "NotReadyTag", LANG_SERVER, name); - } - } else { - strcopy(taggedName, sizeof(taggedName), name); - } - - SetConVarStringSafe(teamCvarName, taggedName); - SetConVarStringSafe(flagCvarName, flag); - SetConVarStringSafe(logoCvarName, logo); - SetConVarStringSafe(textCvarName, matchstat); - - if (g_MapsToWin > 1) { - SetConVarIntSafe(scoreCvarName, series_score); - } -} - -stock void SetConVarIntSafe(const char[] name, int value) { - ConVar cvar = FindConVar(name); - if (cvar == null) { - LogError("Failed to find cvar: \"%s\"", name); - } else { - cvar.IntValue = value; - } -} - -stock bool SetConVarStringSafe(const char[] name, const char[] value) { - ConVar cvar = FindConVar(name); - if (cvar == null) { - LogError("Failed to find cvar: \"%s\"", name); - return false; - } else { - cvar.SetString(value); - return true; - } -} - -stock bool GetConVarStringSafe(const char[] name, char[] value, int len) { - ConVar cvar = FindConVar(name); - if (cvar == null) { - LogError("Failed to find cvar: \"%s\"", name); - return false; - } else { - cvar.GetString(value, len); - return true; - } -} - -stock bool OnActiveTeam(int client) { - if (!IsPlayer(client)) - return false; - - int team = GetClientTeam(client); - return team == CS_TEAM_CT || team == CS_TEAM_T; -} - -stock int GetCvarIntSafe(const char[] cvarName) { - ConVar cvar = FindConVar(cvarName); - if (cvar == null) { - LogError("Failed to find cvar \"%s\"", cvar); - return 0; - } else { - return cvar.IntValue; - } -} - -stock void FormatMapName(const char[] mapName, char[] buffer, int len, bool cleanName = false) { - // explode map by '/' so we can remove any directory prefixes (e.g. workshop stuff) - char buffers[4][PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; - int numSplits = ExplodeString(mapName, "/", buffers, sizeof(buffers), PLATFORM_MAX_PATH); - int mapStringIndex = (numSplits > 0) ? (numSplits - 1) : (0); - strcopy(buffer, len, buffers[mapStringIndex]); - - // do it with backslashes too - numSplits = ExplodeString(buffer, "\\", buffers, sizeof(buffers), PLATFORM_MAX_PATH); - mapStringIndex = (numSplits > 0) ? (numSplits - 1) : (0); - strcopy(buffer, len, buffers[mapStringIndex]); - - if (cleanName) { - if (StrEqual(buffer, "de_cache")) { - strcopy(buffer, len, "Cache"); - } else if (StrEqual(buffer, "de_inferno")) { - strcopy(buffer, len, "Inferno"); - } else if (StrEqual(buffer, "de_dust2")) { - strcopy(buffer, len, "Dust II"); - } else if (StrEqual(buffer, "de_mirage")) { - strcopy(buffer, len, "Mirage"); - } else if (StrEqual(buffer, "de_train")) { - strcopy(buffer, len, "Train"); - } else if (StrEqual(buffer, "de_cbble")) { - strcopy(buffer, len, "Cobblestone"); - } else if (StrEqual(buffer, "de_overpass")) { - strcopy(buffer, len, "Overpass"); - } else if (StrEqual(buffer, "de_nuke")) { - strcopy(buffer, len, "Nuke"); - } - } -} - -stock void GetCleanMapName(char[] buffer, int size) { - char mapName[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; - GetCurrentMap(mapName, sizeof(mapName)); - FormatMapName(mapName, buffer, size); -} - -stock GamePhase GetGamePhase() { - return view_as(GameRules_GetProp("m_gamePhase")); -} - -stock bool InHalftimePhase() { - return GetGamePhase() == GamePhase_HalfTime; -} - -stock int AddSubsectionKeysToList(KeyValues kv, const char[] section, ArrayList list, - int maxKeyLength) { - int count = 0; - if (kv.JumpToKey(section)) { - count = AddKeysToList(kv, list, maxKeyLength); - kv.GoBack(); - } - return count; -} - -stock int AddKeysToList(KeyValues kv, ArrayList list, int maxKeyLength) { - int count = 0; - char[] buffer = new char[maxKeyLength]; - if (kv.GotoFirstSubKey(false)) { - do { - count++; - kv.GetSectionName(buffer, maxKeyLength); - list.PushString(buffer); - } while (kv.GotoNextKey(false)); - kv.GoBack(); - } - return count; -} - -stock int AddSubsectionAuthsToList(KeyValues kv, const char[] section, ArrayList list, - int maxKeyLength) { - int count = 0; - if (kv.JumpToKey(section)) { - count = AddAuthsToList(kv, list, maxKeyLength); - kv.GoBack(); - } - return count; -} - -stock int AddAuthsToList(KeyValues kv, ArrayList list, int maxKeyLength) { - int count = 0; - char[] buffer = new char[maxKeyLength]; - char steam64[AUTH_LENGTH]; - char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; - if (kv.GotoFirstSubKey(false)) { - do { - kv.GetSectionName(buffer, maxKeyLength); - kv.GetString(NULL_STRING, name, sizeof(name)); - if (ConvertAuthToSteam64(buffer, steam64)) { - list.PushString(steam64); - Get5_SetPlayerName(steam64, name); - count++; - } - } while (kv.GotoNextKey(false)); - kv.GoBack(); - } - return count; -} - -stock bool RemoveStringFromArray(ArrayList list, const char[] str) { - int index = list.FindString(str); - if (index != -1) { - list.Erase(index); - return true; - } - return false; -} - -stock int OtherCSTeam(int team) { - if (team == CS_TEAM_CT) { - return CS_TEAM_T; - } else if (team == CS_TEAM_T) { - return CS_TEAM_CT; - } else { - return team; - } -} - -stock MatchTeam OtherMatchTeam(MatchTeam team) { - if (team == MatchTeam_Team1) { - return MatchTeam_Team2; - } else if (team == MatchTeam_Team2) { - return MatchTeam_Team1; - } else { - return team; - } -} - -stock bool IsPlayerTeam(MatchTeam team) { - return team == MatchTeam_Team1 || team == MatchTeam_Team2; -} - -public MatchTeam VetoFirstFromString(const char[] str) { - if (StrEqual(str, "team2", false)) { - return MatchTeam_Team2; - } else { - return MatchTeam_Team1; - } -} - -stock bool GetAuth(int client, char[] auth, int size) { - if (client == 0) - return false; - - bool ret = GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_SteamID64, auth, size); - if (!ret) { - LogError("Failed to get steamid for client %L", client); - } - return ret; -} - -// TODO: might want a auth->client adt-trie to speed this up, maintained during -// client auth and disconnect forwards. -stock int AuthToClient(const char[] auth) { - for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { - if (IsAuthedPlayer(i)) { - char clientAuth[AUTH_LENGTH]; - if (GetAuth(i, clientAuth, sizeof(clientAuth)) && StrEqual(auth, clientAuth)) { - return i; - } - } - } - return -1; -} - -stock int MaxMapsToPlay(int mapsToWin) { - if (g_BO2Match) - return 2; - else - return 2 * mapsToWin - 1; -} - -stock void CSTeamString(int csTeam, char[] buffer, int len) { - if (csTeam == CS_TEAM_CT) { - Format(buffer, len, "CT"); - } else if (csTeam == CS_TEAM_T) { - Format(buffer, len, "T"); - } else { - Format(buffer, len, "none"); - } -} - -stock void GetTeamString(MatchTeam team, char[] buffer, int len) { - if (team == MatchTeam_Team1) { - Format(buffer, len, "team1"); - } else if (team == MatchTeam_Team2) { - Format(buffer, len, "team2"); - } else if (team == MatchTeam_TeamSpec) { - Format(buffer, len, "spec"); - } else { - Format(buffer, len, "none"); - } -} - -stock void GameStateString(Get5State state, char[] buffer, int length) { - switch (state) { - case Get5State_None: - Format(buffer, length, "none"); - case Get5State_PreVeto: - Format(buffer, length, "waiting for map veto"); - case Get5State_Veto: - Format(buffer, length, "map veto"); - case Get5State_Warmup: - Format(buffer, length, "warmup"); - case Get5State_KnifeRound: - Format(buffer, length, "knife round"); - case Get5State_WaitingForKnifeRoundDecision: - Format(buffer, length, "waiting for knife round decision"); - case Get5State_GoingLive: - Format(buffer, length, "going live"); - case Get5State_Live: - Format(buffer, length, "live"); - case Get5State_PostGame: - Format(buffer, length, "postgame"); - } -} - -public MatchSideType MatchSideTypeFromString(const char[] str) { - if (StrEqual(str, "normal", false) || StrEqual(str, "standard", false)) { - return MatchSideType_Standard; - } else if (StrEqual(str, "never_knife", false)) { - return MatchSideType_NeverKnife; - } else { - return MatchSideType_AlwaysKnife; - } -} - -public void MatchSideTypeToString(MatchSideType type, char[] str, int len) { - if (type == MatchSideType_Standard) { - Format(str, len, "standard"); - } else if (type == MatchSideType_NeverKnife) { - Format(str, len, "never_knife"); - } else { - Format(str, len, "always_knife"); - } -} - -stock void ExecCfg(ConVar cvar) { - char cfg[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; - cvar.GetString(cfg, sizeof(cfg)); - ServerCommand("exec \"%s\"", cfg); -} - -// Taken from Zephyrus ( -stock bool ConvertSteam2ToSteam64(const char[] steam2Auth, char[] steam64Auth, int size) { - if (strlen(steam2Auth) < 11 || steam2Auth[0] != 'S' || steam2Auth[6] == 'I') { - steam64Auth[0] = 0; - return false; - } - int iUpper = 765611979; - int isteam64Auth = StringToInt(steam2Auth[10]) * 2 + 60265728 + steam2Auth[8] - 48; - int iDiv = isteam64Auth / 100000000; - int iIdx = 9 - (iDiv ? iDiv / 10 + 1 : 0); - iUpper += iDiv; - IntToString(isteam64Auth, steam64Auth[iIdx], size - iIdx); - iIdx = steam64Auth[9]; - IntToString(iUpper, steam64Auth, size); - steam64Auth[9] = iIdx; - return true; -} - -stock bool ConvertSteam3ToSteam2(const char[] steam3Auth, char[] steam2Auth, int size) { - if (StrContains(steam3Auth, "[U:1:") != 0 || strlen(steam3Auth) >= AUTH_LENGTH) { - return false; - } - - // Steam2 -> Steam3 is: - // Old: STEAM_0:A:B - // New: [U:1:B*2+A] - // Example: STEAM_0:1:1234 ---> [U:1:2469] - // - // So the inverse Steam3 -> Steam2 is: - // [U:1:x], x = B * 2 + A - // where A = 1 if x odd, A = 0 if x even - // -> B = (x - A) / 2 - - // Get the x value as a string, then convert it to an int. - char xBuf[AUTH_LENGTH]; - const int startIndex = 5; - int i = startIndex; - for (; i < strlen(steam3Auth) - 1; i++) { - xBuf[i - startIndex] = steam3Auth[i]; - } - xBuf[i - startIndex] = '\0'; - - int x = StringToInt(xBuf); - if (x == 0) { - return false; - } - - int a = (x % 2); - int b = (x - a) / 2; - - Format(steam2Auth, size, "STEAM_0:%d:%d", a, b); - return true; -} - -stock bool ConvertAuthToSteam64(const char[] inputId, char outputId[AUTH_LENGTH], - bool reportErrors = true) { - if (StrContains(inputId, "STEAM_") == 0 && strlen(inputId) >= 11) { // steam2 - return ConvertSteam2ToSteam64(inputId, outputId, sizeof(outputId)); - - } else if (StrContains(inputId, "7656119") == 0) { // steam64 - strcopy(outputId, sizeof(outputId), inputId); - return true; - - } else if (StrContains(inputId, "[U:1:") == 0) { // steam3 - // Convert to steam2 then to steam64. - char steam2[AUTH_LENGTH]; - if (ConvertSteam3ToSteam2(inputId, steam2, sizeof(steam2))) { - return ConvertSteam2ToSteam64(steam2, outputId, sizeof(outputId)); - } - } - - if (reportErrors) { - LogError("Failed to read input auth id \"%s\", inputId", inputId); - } - - return false; -} - -stock bool HelpfulAttack(int attacker, int victim) { - if (!IsValidClient(attacker) || !IsValidClient(victim)) { - return false; - } - int attackerTeam = GetClientTeam(attacker); - int victimTeam = GetClientTeam(victim); - return attackerTeam != victimTeam && attacker != victim; -} - -stock SideChoice SideTypeFromString(const char[] input) { - if (StrEqual(input, "team1_ct", false)) { - return SideChoice_Team1CT; - } else if (StrEqual(input, "team1_t", false)) { - return SideChoice_Team1T; - } else if (StrEqual(input, "team2_ct", false)) { - return SideChoice_Team1T; - } else if (StrEqual(input, "team2_t", false)) { - return SideChoice_Team1CT; - } else if (StrEqual(input, "knife", false)) { - return SideChoice_KnifeRound; - } else { - LogError("Invalid side choice \"%s\", falling back to knife round", input); - return SideChoice_KnifeRound; - } -} - -typedef VoidFunction = function void(); - -stock void DelayFunction(float delay, VoidFunction f) { - DataPack p = CreateDataPack(); - p.WriteFunction(f); - CreateTimer(delay, _DelayFunctionCallback, p); -} - -public Action _DelayFunctionCallback(Handle timer, DataPack data) { - data.Reset(); - Function func = data.ReadFunction(); - Call_StartFunction(INVALID_HANDLE, func); - Call_Finish(); - delete data; -} - -// Deletes a file if it exists. Returns true if the -// file existed AND there was an error deleting it. -public bool DeleteFileIfExists(const char[] path) { - if (FileExists(path)) { - if (!DeleteFile(path)) { - LogError("Failed to delete file %s", path); - return false; - } - } - - return true; -} diff --git a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/get5/version.sp b/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/get5/version.sp deleted file mode 100644 index 73b388a..0000000 --- a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/get5/version.sp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -#tryinclude "manual_version.sp" -#if !defined PLUGIN_VERSION -#define PLUGIN_VERSION "0.7.1" -#endif diff --git a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/get5_apistats.sp b/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/get5_apistats.sp deleted file mode 100644 index decaefd..0000000 --- a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/get5_apistats.sp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,587 +0,0 @@ -/** - * ============================================================================= - * Get5 web API integration - * Copyright (C) 2016. Sean Lewis. All rights reserved. - * ============================================================================= - * - * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - * along with this program. If not, see . - */ - -#include "include/" -#include "include/" -#include -#include -#include "get5/util.sp" -#include "get5/version.sp" - -#include -#include // -#include // -#include "get5/jsonhelpers.sp" - -#pragma semicolon 1 -#pragma newdecls required - -int g_MatchID = -1; - -ConVar g_APIKeyCvar; -char g_APIKey[128]; - -ConVar g_APIURLCvar; -char g_APIURL[128]; - -char g_storedAPIURL[128]; -char g_storedAPIKey[128]; - -ConVar g_FTPHostCvar; -char g_FTPHost[128]; - -ConVar g_FTPUsernameCvar; -char g_FTPUsername[128]; - -ConVar g_FTPPasswordCvar; -char g_FTPPassword[128]; - -ConVar g_FTPPortCvar; -int g_FTPPort; - -ConVar g_FTPEnableCvar; -bool g_FTPEnable; - - -#define LOGO_DIR "resource/flash/econ/tournaments/teams" -#define PANO_DIR "materials/panorama/images/tournaments/teams" -// clang-format off -public Plugin myinfo = { - name = "Get5 Web API Integration", - author = "splewis/phlexplexico", - description = "Records match stats to a get5-web api", - version = "0.4", - url = "" -}; -// clang-format on - -public void OnPluginStart() { - InitDebugLog("get5_debug", "get5_api"); - LogDebug("OnPluginStart version=%s", PLUGIN_VERSION); - - g_FTPHostCvar = - CreateConVar("get5_api_ftp_host", "", "Remote FTP Host. Make sure you do NOT have the trailing slash. Include the path to the directory you wish to have.", FCVAR_PROTECTED); - - g_FTPPortCvar = - CreateConVar("get5_api_ftp_port", "21", "Remote FTP Port", FCVAR_PROTECTED); - - g_FTPUsernameCvar = - CreateConVar("get5_api_ftp_username", "username", "Username for the FTP connection.", FCVAR_PROTECTED); - - g_FTPPasswordCvar = - CreateConVar("get5_api_ftp_password", "supersecret", "Password for the FTP user. Leave blank if no password.", FCVAR_PROTECTED); - - g_FTPEnableCvar = - CreateConVar("get5_api_ftp_enabled", "0", "0 Disables FTP Upload, 1 Enables."); - - g_APIKeyCvar = - CreateConVar("get5_web_api_key", "", "Match API key, this is automatically set through rcon", FCVAR_DONTRECORD); - HookConVarChange(g_APIKeyCvar, ApiInfoChanged); - - g_APIURLCvar = CreateConVar("get5_web_api_url", "", "URL the get5 api is hosted at, IGNORE AS IT IS SYSTEM SET.", FCVAR_DONTRECORD); - - HookConVarChange(g_APIURLCvar, ApiInfoChanged); - - RegConsoleCmd("get5_web_avaliable", - Command_Avaliable); // legacy version since I'm bad at spelling - RegConsoleCmd("get5_web_available", Command_Avaliable); - /** Create and exec plugin's configuration file **/ - AutoExecConfig(true, "get5api"); - -} - -public Action Command_Avaliable(int client, int args) { - char versionString[64] = "unknown"; - ConVar versionCvar = FindConVar("get5_version"); - if (versionCvar != null) { - versionCvar.GetString(versionString, sizeof(versionString)); - } - - JSON_Object json = new JSON_Object(); - - json.SetInt("gamestate", view_as(Get5_GetGameState())); - json.SetInt("avaliable", 1); // legacy version since I'm bad at spelling - json.SetInt("available", 1); - json.SetString("plugin_version", versionString); - - char buffer[128]; - json.Encode(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); - ReplyToCommand(client, buffer); - - delete json; - - return Plugin_Handled; -} - -public void ApiInfoChanged(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue) { - g_APIKeyCvar.GetString(g_APIKey, sizeof(g_APIKey)); - g_APIURLCvar.GetString(g_APIURL, sizeof(g_APIURL)); - - // Add a trailing backslash to the api url if one is missing. - int len = strlen(g_APIURL); - if (len > 0 && g_APIURL[len - 1] != '/') { - StrCat(g_APIURL, sizeof(g_APIURL), "/"); - } - - LogDebug("get5_web_api_url now set to %s", g_APIURL); -} - -static Handle CreateRequest(EHTTPMethod httpMethod, const char[] apiMethod, any:...) { - char url[1024]; - Format(url, sizeof(url), "%s%s", g_APIURL, apiMethod); - - char formattedUrl[1024]; - VFormat(formattedUrl, sizeof(formattedUrl), url, 3); - - LogDebug("Trying to create request to url %s", formattedUrl); - - Handle req = SteamWorks_CreateHTTPRequest(httpMethod, formattedUrl); - if (StrEqual(g_APIKey, "")) { - // Not using a web interface. - return INVALID_HANDLE; - - } else if (req == INVALID_HANDLE) { - LogError("Failed to create request to %s", formattedUrl); - return INVALID_HANDLE; - - } else { - SteamWorks_SetHTTPCallbacks(req, RequestCallback); - AddStringParam(req, "key", g_APIKey); - return req; - } -} - -static Handle CreateDemoRequest(EHTTPMethod httpMethod, const char[] apiMethod, any:...) { - char url[1024]; - Format(url, sizeof(url), "%s%s", g_storedAPIURL, apiMethod); - - char formattedUrl[1024]; - VFormat(formattedUrl, sizeof(formattedUrl), url, 3); - - LogDebug("Trying to create request to url %s", formattedUrl); - - Handle req = SteamWorks_CreateHTTPRequest(httpMethod, formattedUrl); - if (StrEqual(g_storedAPIKey, "")) { - // Not using a web interface. - return INVALID_HANDLE; - - } else if (req == INVALID_HANDLE) { - LogError("Failed to create request to %s", formattedUrl); - return INVALID_HANDLE; - - } else { - SteamWorks_SetHTTPCallbacks(req, RequestCallback); - AddStringParam(req, "key", g_APIKey); - return req; - } -} - -public int RequestCallback(Handle request, bool failure, bool requestSuccessful, - EHTTPStatusCode statusCode) { - if (failure || !requestSuccessful) { - LogError("API request failed, HTTP status code = %d", statusCode); - char response[1024]; - SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodyData(request, response, sizeof(response)); - LogError(response); - return; - } -} - -public void Get5_OnBackupRestore() { - char matchid[64]; - Get5_GetMatchID(matchid, sizeof(matchid)); - g_MatchID = StringToInt(matchid); -} - -public void Get5_OnSeriesInit() { - char matchid[64]; - Get5_GetMatchID(matchid, sizeof(matchid)); - g_MatchID = StringToInt(matchid); - - // Handle new logos. - if (!DirExists(LOGO_DIR)) { - if (!CreateDirectory(LOGO_DIR, 755)) { - LogError("Failed to create logo directory: %s", LOGO_DIR); - } - } - if (!DirExists(PANO_DIR)) { - if (!CreateDirectory(PANO_DIR, 755)) { - LogError("Failed to create logo directory: %s", PANO_DIR); - } - } - - char logo1[32]; - char logo2[32]; - GetConVarStringSafe("mp_teamlogo_1", logo1, sizeof(logo1)); - GetConVarStringSafe("mp_teamlogo_2", logo2, sizeof(logo2)); - CheckForLogo(logo1); - CheckForLogo(logo2); -} - -public void CheckForLogo(const char[] logo) { - if (StrEqual(logo, "")) { - return; - } - - char logoPath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH + 1]; - char svgLogoPath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH +1]; - Format(logoPath, sizeof(logoPath), "%s/%s.png", LOGO_DIR, logo); - Format(svgLogoPath, sizeof(svgLogoPath), "%s/%s.svg", PANO_DIR, logo); - - // Try to fetch the file if we don't have it. - if (!FileExists(logoPath)) { - LogDebug("Fetching logo for %s", logo); - Handle req = CreateRequest(k_EHTTPMethodGET, "/static/resource/csgo/resource/flash/econ/tournaments/teams/%s.png", logo); - if (req == INVALID_HANDLE) { - return; - } - - Handle pack = CreateDataPack(); - WritePackString(pack, logo); - - SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestContextValue(req, view_as(pack)); - SteamWorks_SetHTTPCallbacks(req, LogoCallback); - SteamWorks_SendHTTPRequest(req); - } - - //Attempt to get SVG. - if (!FileExists(svgLogoPath)) { - LogDebug("Fetching logo for %s", logo); - Handle req = CreateRequest(k_EHTTPMethodGET, "/static/resource/csgo/materials/panorama/images/tournaments/teams/%s.svg", logo); - if (req == INVALID_HANDLE) { - return; - } - - Handle svgPack = CreateDataPack(); - WritePackString(svgPack, logo); - - SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestContextValue(req, view_as(svgPack)); - SteamWorks_SetHTTPCallbacks(req, LogoCallbackSvg); - SteamWorks_SendHTTPRequest(req); - } -} - -public int LogoCallback(Handle request, bool failure, bool successful, EHTTPStatusCode status, int data) { - if (failure || !successful) { - LogError("Logo request failed, status code = %d", status); - return; - } - - DataPack pack = view_as(data); - pack.Reset(); - char logo[32]; - pack.ReadString(logo, sizeof(logo)); - - char logoPath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH + 1]; - Format(logoPath, sizeof(logoPath), "%s/%s.png", LOGO_DIR, logo); - - LogMessage("Saved logo for %s to %s", logo, logoPath); - SteamWorks_WriteHTTPResponseBodyToFile(request, logoPath); -} - -public int LogoCallbackSvg(Handle request, bool failure, bool successful, EHTTPStatusCode status, int data) { - if (failure || !successful) { - LogError("Logo request failed, status code = %d", status); - return; - } - - DataPack pack = view_as(data); - pack.Reset(); - char logo[32]; - pack.ReadString(logo, sizeof(logo)); - - char svgLogoPath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH + 1]; - Format(svgLogoPath, sizeof(svgLogoPath), "%s/%s.svg", PANO_DIR, logo); - - LogMessage("Saved logo for %s to %s", logo, svgLogoPath); - SteamWorks_WriteHTTPResponseBodyToFile(request, svgLogoPath); -} - -public void Get5_OnGoingLive(int mapNumber) { - char mapName[64]; - g_FTPEnable = g_FTPEnableCvar.BoolValue; - - GetCurrentMap(mapName, sizeof(mapName)); - Handle req = CreateRequest(k_EHTTPMethodPOST, "match/%d/map/%d/start", g_MatchID, mapNumber); - if (req != INVALID_HANDLE) { - AddStringParam(req, "mapname", mapName); - SteamWorks_SendHTTPRequest(req); - } - // Store Cvar since it gets reset after match finishes? - if (g_FTPEnable) { - Format(g_storedAPIKey, sizeof(g_storedAPIKey), g_APIKey); - Format(g_storedAPIURL, sizeof(g_storedAPIURL), g_APIURL); - } - Get5_AddLiveCvar("get5_web_api_key", g_APIKey); - Get5_AddLiveCvar("get5_web_api_url", g_APIURL); - -} - -public void UpdateRoundStats(int mapNumber) { - int t1score = CS_GetTeamScore(Get5_MatchTeamToCSTeam(MatchTeam_Team1)); - int t2score = CS_GetTeamScore(Get5_MatchTeamToCSTeam(MatchTeam_Team2)); - - Handle req = CreateRequest(k_EHTTPMethodPOST, "match/%d/map/%d/update", g_MatchID, mapNumber); - if (req != INVALID_HANDLE) { - AddIntParam(req, "team1score", t1score); - AddIntParam(req, "team2score", t2score); - SteamWorks_SendHTTPRequest(req); - } - - // Update player stats - KeyValues kv = new KeyValues("Stats"); - Get5_GetMatchStats(kv); - char mapKey[32]; - Format(mapKey, sizeof(mapKey), "map%d", mapNumber); - if (kv.JumpToKey(mapKey)) { - if (kv.JumpToKey("team1")) { - UpdatePlayerStats(kv, MatchTeam_Team1); - kv.GoBack(); - } - if (kv.JumpToKey("team2")) { - UpdatePlayerStats(kv, MatchTeam_Team2); - kv.GoBack(); - } - kv.GoBack(); - } - delete kv; -} - -public void Get5_OnMapResult(const char[] map, MatchTeam mapWinner, int team1Score, int team2Score, - int mapNumber) { - char winnerString[64]; - GetTeamString(mapWinner, winnerString, sizeof(winnerString)); - - Handle req = CreateRequest(k_EHTTPMethodPOST, "match/%d/map/%d/finish", g_MatchID, mapNumber); - if (req != INVALID_HANDLE) { - AddIntParam(req, "team1score", team1Score); - AddIntParam(req, "team2score", team2Score); - AddStringParam(req, "winner", winnerString); - SteamWorks_SendHTTPRequest(req); - } -} - - - -static void AddIntStat(Handle req, KeyValues kv, const char[] field) { - AddIntParam(req, field, kv.GetNum(field)); -} - -public void UpdatePlayerStats(KeyValues kv, MatchTeam team) { - char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; - char auth[AUTH_LENGTH]; - int mapNumber = MapNumber(); - - if (kv.GotoFirstSubKey()) { - do { - kv.GetSectionName(auth, sizeof(auth)); - kv.GetString("name", name, sizeof(name)); - char teamString[16]; - GetTeamString(team, teamString, sizeof(teamString)); - - Handle req = CreateRequest(k_EHTTPMethodPOST, "match/%d/map/%d/player/%s/update", g_MatchID, - mapNumber, auth); - if (req != INVALID_HANDLE) { - AddStringParam(req, "team", teamString); - AddStringParam(req, "name", name); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_KILLS); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_DEATHS); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_ASSISTS); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_FLASHBANG_ASSISTS); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_TEAMKILLS); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_SUICIDES); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_DAMAGE); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_HEADSHOT_KILLS); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_ROUNDSPLAYED); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_BOMBPLANTS); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_BOMBDEFUSES); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_1K); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_2K); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_3K); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_4K); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_5K); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_V1); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_V2); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_V3); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_V4); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_V5); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_FIRSTKILL_T); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_FIRSTKILL_CT); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_FIRSTDEATH_T); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_FIRSTDEATH_CT); - AddIntStat(req, kv, STAT_TRADEKILL); - SteamWorks_SendHTTPRequest(req); - } - - } while (kv.GotoNextKey()); - kv.GoBack(); - } -} - -static void AddStringParam(Handle request, const char[] key, const char[] value) { - if (!SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(request, key, value)) { - LogError("Failed to add http param %s=%s", key, value); - } else { - LogDebug("Added param %s=%s to request", key, value); - } -} - -static void AddIntParam(Handle request, const char[] key, int value) { - char buffer[32]; - IntToString(value, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); - AddStringParam(request, key, buffer); -} - -public void Get5_OnMapVetoed(MatchTeam team, const char[] map){ - char teamString[64]; - GetTeamString(team, teamString, sizeof(teamString)); - LogDebug("Map Veto START team %s map vetoed %s", team, map); - Handle req = CreateRequest(k_EHTTPMethodPOST, "match/%d/vetoUpdate", g_MatchID); - if (req != INVALID_HANDLE) { - AddStringParam(req, "map", map); - AddStringParam(req, "teamString", teamString); - AddStringParam(req, "pick_or_veto", "ban"); - SteamWorks_SendHTTPRequest(req); - } - LogDebug("Accepted Map Veto."); -} - -public void Get5_OnDemoFinished(const char[] filename){ - g_FTPEnable = g_FTPEnableCvar.BoolValue; - if (g_FTPEnable) { - LogDebug("About to enter UploadDemo."); - int mapNumber = MapNumber(); - char zippedFile[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; - char formattedURL[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; - UploadDemo(filename, zippedFile); - - Handle req = CreateDemoRequest(k_EHTTPMethodPOST, "match/%d/map/%d/demo", g_MatchID, mapNumber-1); - LogDebug("Our api url: %s", g_storedAPIURL); - // Send URL to store in database to show users at end of match. - // This requires anonmyous downloads on the FTP server unless - // you give out usernames. - if (req != INVALID_HANDLE) { - Format(formattedURL, sizeof(formattedURL), "%sstatic/demos/%s", g_storedAPIURL, zippedFile); - LogDebug("Our URL: %s", formattedURL); - AddStringParam(req, "demoFile", formattedURL); - SteamWorks_SendHTTPRequest(req); - } - // Need to store as get5 recycles the configs before the demos finish recording. - Format(g_storedAPIKey, sizeof(g_storedAPIKey), ""); - Format(g_storedAPIURL, sizeof(g_storedAPIURL), ""); - } -} - -public void UploadDemo(const char[] filename, char zippedFile[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]){ - char remoteDemoPath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; - if(filename[0]){ - g_FTPHostCvar.GetString(g_FTPHost, sizeof(g_FTPHost)); - g_FTPPort = g_FTPPortCvar.IntValue; - g_FTPUsernameCvar.GetString(g_FTPUsername, sizeof(g_FTPUsername)); - g_FTPPasswordCvar.GetString(g_FTPPassword, sizeof(g_FTPPassword)); - - Format(zippedFile, sizeof(zippedFile), "%s", filename); - Format(remoteDemoPath, sizeof(remoteDemoPath), "%s/%s", g_FTPHost, zippedFile); - LogDebug("Our File is: %s and remote demo path of %s", zippedFile, remoteDemoPath); - System2FTPRequest ftpRequest = new System2FTPRequest(FtpResponseCallback, remoteDemoPath); - ftpRequest.AppendToFile = false; - ftpRequest.CreateMissingDirs = true; - ftpRequest.SetAuthentication(g_FTPUsername, g_FTPPassword); - ftpRequest.SetPort(g_FTPPort); - ftpRequest.SetProgressCallback(FtpProgressCallback); - LogDebug("Our File is: %s", zippedFile); - - ftpRequest.SetInputFile(zippedFile); - ftpRequest.StartRequest(); - } else{ - LogDebug("FTP Uploads Disabled OR Filename was empty (no demo to upload). Change config to enable."); - } -} - - -public void FtpProgressCallback(System2FTPRequest request, int dlTotal, int dlNow, int ulTotal, int ulNow) { - char file[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; - request.GetInputFile(file, sizeof(file)); - if (strlen(file) > 0) { - LogDebug("Uploading %s file with %d bytes total, %d now", file, ulTotal, ulNow); - } -} - -public void FtpResponseCallback(bool success, const char[] error, System2FTPRequest request, System2FTPResponse response) { - if (success || StrContains(error, "Uploaded unaligned file size") > -1) { - char file[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; - request.GetInputFile(file, sizeof(file)); - if (strlen(file) > 0) { - if (DeleteFileIfExists(file)) { - LogDebug("Deleted file after complete."); - } - } - } else{ - LogError("There was a problem: %s", error); - } -} - -public void Get5_OnMapPicked(MatchTeam team, const char[] map){ - char teamString[64]; - GetTeamString(team, teamString, sizeof(teamString)); - LogDebug("Map Pick START team %s map picked %s", team, map); - Handle req = CreateRequest(k_EHTTPMethodPOST, "match/%d/vetoUpdate", g_MatchID); - if (req != INVALID_HANDLE) { - AddStringParam(req, "map", map); - AddStringParam(req, "teamString", teamString); - AddStringParam(req, "pick_or_veto", "pick"); - SteamWorks_SendHTTPRequest(req); - } - LogDebug("Accepted Map Pick."); -} - -public void Get5_OnSeriesResult(MatchTeam seriesWinner, int team1MapScore, int team2MapScore) { - char winnerString[64]; - GetTeamString(seriesWinner, winnerString, sizeof(winnerString)); - - KeyValues kv = new KeyValues("Stats"); - Get5_GetMatchStats(kv); - bool forfeit = kv.GetNum(STAT_SERIES_FORFEIT, 0) != 0; - delete kv; - - Handle req = CreateRequest(k_EHTTPMethodPOST, "match/%d/finish", g_MatchID); - if (req != INVALID_HANDLE) { - AddStringParam(req, "winner", winnerString); - AddIntParam(req, "forfeit", forfeit); - SteamWorks_SendHTTPRequest(req); - } - - g_APIKeyCvar.SetString(""); -} - -public void Get5_OnRoundStatsUpdated() { - if (Get5_GetGameState() == Get5State_Live) { - UpdateRoundStats(MapNumber()); - } -} - -static int MapNumber() { - int t1, t2, n; - int buf; - Get5_GetTeamScores(MatchTeam_Team1, t1, buf); - Get5_GetTeamScores(MatchTeam_Team2, t2, buf); - Get5_GetTeamScores(MatchTeam_TeamNone, n, buf); - return t1 + t2 + n; -} diff --git a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/include/ b/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/include/ deleted file mode 100644 index 422e7cf..0000000 --- a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/include/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,225 +0,0 @@ -#if defined _get5_included_ -#endinput -#endif -#define _get5_included_ - -enum Get5State { - Get5State_None, // no setup has taken place - Get5State_PreVeto, // warmup, waiting for the veto - Get5State_Veto, // warmup, doing the veto - Get5State_Warmup, // setup done, waiting for players to ready up - Get5State_KnifeRound, // in the knife round - Get5State_WaitingForKnifeRoundDecision, // waiting for a .stay/.swap command after the knife - Get5State_GoingLive, // in the lo3 process - Get5State_Live, // the match is live - Get5State_PostGame, // postgame screen + waiting for GOTV to finish broadcast -}; - -enum MatchTeam { - MatchTeam_Team1, - MatchTeam_Team2, - MatchTeam_TeamSpec, - MatchTeam_TeamNone, - MatchTeam_Count, -}; - -enum MatchSideType { - MatchSideType_Standard, // Team that doesn't pick map gets side choice, leftovers go to knife - // rounds - MatchSideType_AlwaysKnife, // All maps use a knife round to pick sides - MatchSideType_NeverKnife, // Team 1 always starts CT -}; - -enum SideChoice { - SideChoice_Team1CT, // Team 1 will start on CT - SideChoice_Team1T, // Team 2 will start on T - SideChoice_KnifeRound, // There will be a knife round to choose sides -}; - -// Called each get5-event with JSON formatted event text. -forward void Get5_OnEvent(const char[] eventJson); - -// Called when a series is first setup. -// Note: do not rely on the state of any cvars at this point. -forward void Get5_OnSeriesInit(); - -// Called each time in a match when a map is going live. -// The mapNumber parameter starts at 0. -forward void Get5_OnGoingLive(int mapNumber); - -// Called whenever the gamestate phase is changed. -forward void Get5_OnGameStateChanged(Get5State oldState, Get5State newState); - -// Called when the stats for the last round have been updated. -forward void Get5_OnRoundStatsUpdated(); - -// Called at the end of a map in a series. -forward void Get5_OnMapResult(const char[] map, MatchTeam mapWinner, int team1Score, int team2Score, - int mapNumber); - -// Called at the end of a full match. -// Note: both Get5_OnMapResult and Get5_OnSeriesResult are called on the last map of a series. -forward void Get5_OnSeriesResult(MatchTeam seriesWinner, int team1MapScore, int team2MapScore); - -forward void Get5_OnPreLoadMatchConfig(const char[] filePath); - -// Called when a match config fails to load. -forward void Get5_OnLoadMatchConfigFailed(const char[] reason); - -// Called when a team vetoes a map. -forward void Get5_OnMapVetoed(MatchTeam team, const char[] map); - -// Called when a team selects a map. -// The team parameter will be MatchTeam_TeamNone if the map was selected as the last remaining map -// and not by one of the teams specifically. -forward void Get5_OnMapPicked(MatchTeam team, const char[] map); - -// Called when a team selects a side. -forward void Get5_OnSidePicked(MatchTeam team, const char[] map, int side); - -// Called when a demo finishes recording. -forward void Get5_OnDemoFinished(const char[] filename); - -// Called when a match backup is restored. -forward void Get5_OnBackupRestore(); - -// Returns the current pug gamestate. -native Get5State Get5_GetGameState(); - -// Prints a plugin-formatted message to a client. -native void Get5_Message(int client, const char[] format, any:...); - -// Prints a plugin-formatted message to a team. -native void Get5_MessageToTeam(MatchTeam team, const char[] format, any:...); - -// Prints a plugin-formatted message to all clients. -native void Get5_MessageToAll(const char[] format, any:...); - -// Loads a match config (keyvalues or JSON) from a local file. -// Returns true if the config was successfully loaded. -native bool Get5_LoadMatchConfig(const char[] filename); - -// Loads a match config by downloading a remote config via a HTTP GET request. -// Request parameters should be left out of the url and put into the optional ArrayLists parameters. -native bool Get5_LoadMatchConfigFromURL(const char[] url, ArrayList paramNames = null, - ArrayList paramValues = null); - -// Adds a player to a match team. You can optionally force set a player name here as well. -// Returns if they were successfully added. -native bool Get5_AddPlayerToTeam(const char[] steamId, MatchTeam team, - const char[] playerName = ""); - -// Force sets a steam64 to map to a specified playername -native bool Get5_SetPlayerName(const char[] steamId, const char[] playerName); - -// Removes a player from all match teams. -// Returns if they were successfully removed (false if not round). -native bool Get5_RemovePlayerFromTeam(const char[] steamId); - -// Returns the current match team a auth is mapped to. -native MatchTeam Get5_GetPlayerTeam(const char[] steamId); - -// Translates a CS team (CS_TEAM_T, etc.) to a Match team. -native MatchTeam Get5_CSTeamToMatchTeam(int csTeam); - -// Translate da MatchTeam to a CS team. -native int Get5_MatchTeamToCSTeam(MatchTeam team); - -// Gets the scores for a match team. -native void Get5_GetTeamScores(MatchTeam team, int& seriesScore, int& currentMapScore); - -// Gets the current matchid. -native void Get5_GetMatchID(char[] id, int length); - -// Sets the current matchid. -native void Get5_SetMatchID(const char[] id); - -// Adds a cvar to be set when going live. If the cvar is already in the cvars for the match, the new -// value will replace the old value if the override parameter is true. -// Note: this should only be used when a match config loaded. -native void Get5_AddLiveCvar(const char[] name, const char[] value, bool override = true); - -// Copies the current series stats into the passed KeyValues structure. -// Below are the keys used for stats in the kv copied. -// The caller is responsible for creating and deleting a KeyValues -// object if using this method. -native bool Get5_GetMatchStats(KeyValues kv); - -// Increases an (integer-typed) player statistic in the plugin's stats keyvalue structure. -native int Get5_IncreasePlayerStat(int client, const char[] statName, int amount = 1); - -// Series stats (root section) -#define STAT_SERIESWINNER "winner" -#define STAT_SERIESTYPE "series_type" -#define STAT_SERIES_TEAM1NAME "team1_name" -#define STAT_SERIES_TEAM2NAME "team2_name" -#define STAT_SERIES_FORFEIT "forfeit" - -// Map stats (under "map0", "map1", etc.) -#define STAT_MAPNAME "mapname" -#define STAT_MAPWINNER "winner" -#define STAT_DEMOFILENAME "demo_filename" - -// Team stats (under map section, then "team1" or "team2") -#define STAT_TEAMSCORE "score" - -// Player stats (under map section, then team section, then player's steam64) -#define STAT_NAME "name" -#define STAT_KILLS "kills" -#define STAT_DEATHS "deaths" -#define STAT_ASSISTS "assists" -#define STAT_FLASHBANG_ASSISTS "flashbang_assists" -#define STAT_TEAMKILLS "teamkills" -#define STAT_SUICIDES "suicides" -#define STAT_DAMAGE "damage" -#define STAT_HEADSHOT_KILLS "headshot_kills" -#define STAT_ROUNDSPLAYED "roundsplayed" -#define STAT_BOMBDEFUSES "bomb_defuses" -#define STAT_BOMBPLANTS "bomb_plants" -#define STAT_1K "1kill_rounds" -#define STAT_2K "2kill_rounds" -#define STAT_3K "3kill_rounds" -#define STAT_4K "4kill_rounds" -#define STAT_5K "5kill_rounds" -#define STAT_V1 "v1" -#define STAT_V2 "v2" -#define STAT_V3 "v3" -#define STAT_V4 "v4" -#define STAT_V5 "v5" -#define STAT_FIRSTKILL_T "firstkill_t" -#define STAT_FIRSTKILL_CT "firstkill_ct" -#define STAT_FIRSTDEATH_T "firstdeath_t" -#define STAT_FIRSTDEATH_CT "firstdeath_ct" -#define STAT_TRADEKILL "tradekill" - -public SharedPlugin __pl_get5 = { - name = "get5", file = "get5.smx", -#if defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN - required = 1, -#else - required = 0, -#endif -}; - -#if !defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN -public __pl_get5_SetNTVOptional() { - MarkNativeAsOptional("Get5_GetGameState"); - MarkNativeAsOptional("Get5_Message"); - MarkNativeAsOptional("Get5_MessageToTeam"); - MarkNativeAsOptional("Get5_MessageToAll"); - MarkNativeAsOptional("Get5_LoadMatchConfig"); - MarkNativeAsOptional("Get5_LoadMatchConfigFromURL"); - MarkNativeAsOptional("Get5_AddPlayerToTeam"); - MarkNativeAsOptional("Get5_SetPlayerName"); - MarkNativeAsOptional("Get5_RemovePlayerFromTeam"); - MarkNativeAsOptional("Get5_GetPlayerTeam"); - MarkNativeAsOptional("Get5_CSTeamToMatchTeam"); - MarkNativeAsOptional("Get5_MatchTeamToCSTeam"); - MarkNativeAsOptional("Get5_GetTeamScores"); - MarkNativeAsOptional("Get5_GetMatchID"); - MarkNativeAsOptional("Get5_SetMatchID"); - MarkNativeAsOptional("Get5_AddLiveCvar"); - MarkNativeAsOptional("Get5_IncreasePlayerStat"); - MarkNativeAsOptional("Get5_GetMatchStats"); -} -#endif diff --git a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/include/ b/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/include/ deleted file mode 100644 index c333f05..0000000 --- a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/include/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,154 +0,0 @@ -/* - * by Dr. McKay - * - * A simple to use library for debug logging which can be redirected or disabled on-the-fly. - * Employs transitional syntax - SourceMod 1.7 or newer is required to compile and run. - */ - -#if defined _logdebug_included -#endinput -#endif -#define _logdebug_included - -// define NO_DEBUG before including this file to completely disable all debugging -#if defined NO_DEBUG -stock void InitDebugLog(const char[] convarName, const char[] debugTag, - int adminFlags = ADMFLAG_GENERIC) {} -stock bool LogDebug(const char[] format, any...) { - return false; -} -#endinput -#endif - -#define DEBUG_SERVER_CONSOLE 1 /**< Message will be routed to server console */ -#define DEBUG_CLIENT_CONSOLE 2 /**< Message will be routed to all clients' consoles */ -#define DEBUG_ADMIN_CONSOLE \ - 4 /**< Message will be routed to consoles of admins with a flag specified by plugin */ -#define DEBUG_CLIENT_CHAT \ - 8 /**< Message will be routed to all clients' chat boxes (and consequently consoles) */ -#define DEBUG_ADMIN_CHAT \ - 16 /**< Message will be routed to chat boxes of admins with a flag specified by plugin */ -#define DEBUG_LOG_FILE 32 /**< Message will be routed to plugin's debug log */ - -ConVar g_cvarDebugMode; -char g_DebugLogFileName[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; -char g_DebugTag[11]; -char g_DebugCvarName[64]; -int g_DebugAdminFlags; - -/** - * Inits debug logging. You must call this in OnPluginStart(). - * - * @param convarName A name to use for the cvar which controls debug log output. Also - * used - * as filename for logfile. - * @param debugTag Tag to prepend to messages, without []. Max 10 characters. - * @param adminFlag One or more admin flagbits which define whether a user is an - * "admin". If you pass multiple flags, users will need ALL flags. - * @noreturn - */ -stock void InitDebugLog(const char[] convarName, const char[] debugTag, - int adminFlags = ADMFLAG_GENERIC) { - BuildPath(Path_SM, g_DebugLogFileName, sizeof(g_DebugLogFileName), "logs/%s.log", convarName); - - char flagChars[32]; - AdminFlag flags[22]; - int numFlags = FlagBitsToArray(adminFlags, flags, sizeof(flags)); - for (int i = 0; i < numFlags; i++) { - int len = strlen(flagChars); - - if (len > 0) { - len += StrCat(flagChars, sizeof(flagChars), ", "); - } - - int flag = 0; - FindFlagChar(flags[i], flag); - flagChars[len] = view_as(flag); - - flagChars[len + 1] = '\0'; - } - - g_DebugAdminFlags = adminFlags; - - char convarDescription[512]; - Format( - convarDescription, sizeof(convarDescription), - "Add up values to enable debug logging to those locations\n 1 = server console\n 2 = all clients' consoles\n 4 = consoles of admins with '%s' flag%s or access to '%s' override\n 8 = all clients' chat\n 16 = chat of admins with '%s' flag%s or access to '%s' override\n 32 = debug log file %s", - flagChars, flagChars[1] == '\0' ? "" : "s", convarName, flagChars, - flagChars[1] == '\0' ? "" : "s", convarName, g_DebugLogFileName); - g_cvarDebugMode = - CreateConVar(convarName, "0", convarDescription, FCVAR_DONTRECORD, true, 0.0, true, 63.0); - - strcopy(g_DebugTag, sizeof(g_DebugTag), debugTag); - strcopy(g_DebugCvarName, sizeof(g_DebugCvarName), convarName); -} - -/** - * Logs a message to all enabled debug output points - * - * @param format Message text with formatting tokens - * @param ... Variable number of format parameters - * @return true if message was output to at least one place - */ -stock bool LogDebug(const char[] format, any...) { - if (g_cvarDebugMode == null) { - ThrowError("InitDebugLog must be called before LogDebug"); - } - - int output = g_cvarDebugMode.IntValue; - if (output == 0) { - return false; - } - - char buffer[512]; - VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, 2); - - if (output & DEBUG_SERVER_CONSOLE) { - PrintToServer("[%s] %s", g_DebugTag, buffer); - } - - if (output & DEBUG_CLIENT_CONSOLE) { - for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { - if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i)) { - PrintToConsole(i, "[%s] %s", g_DebugTag, buffer); - } - } - } - - if (output & DEBUG_ADMIN_CONSOLE) { - for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { - if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && - CheckCommandAccess(i, g_DebugCvarName, g_DebugAdminFlags, true)) { - PrintToConsole(i, "[%s] %s", g_DebugTag, buffer); - } - } - } - - if (output & DEBUG_CLIENT_CHAT) { - PrintToChatAll("[%s] %s", g_DebugTag, buffer); - } - - if (output & DEBUG_ADMIN_CHAT) { - for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { - if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && - CheckCommandAccess(i, g_DebugCvarName, g_DebugAdminFlags, true)) { - PrintToChat(i, "[%s] %s", g_DebugTag, buffer); - } - } - } - - if (output & DEBUG_LOG_FILE) { - LogToFileEx(g_DebugLogFileName, "[%s] %s", g_DebugTag, buffer); - } - - return true; -} - -/** - * Returns a bitstring containing bits enabled for each output location (see DEBUG_ constants) - * - * @return bitstring for enabled outputs - */ -stock int GetDebugOutputs() { - return g_cvarDebugMode.IntValue; -} diff --git a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/include/ b/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/include/ deleted file mode 100644 index ae3e16e..0000000 --- a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/scripting/include/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,113 +0,0 @@ -#define CVAR_NAME_MAX_LENGTH 128 -#define CVAR_VALUE_MAX_LENGTH 128 - -// Returns a cvar Handle that can be used to restore cvars. -stock Handle SaveCvars(ArrayList cvarNames) { - ArrayList storageList = CreateArray(); - ArrayList cvarNameList = new ArrayList(CVAR_NAME_MAX_LENGTH); - ArrayList cvarValueList = new ArrayList(CVAR_VALUE_MAX_LENGTH); - - char nameBuffer[CVAR_NAME_MAX_LENGTH]; - char valueBuffer[CVAR_VALUE_MAX_LENGTH]; - for (int i = 0; cvarNames != null && i < cvarNames.Length; i++) { - cvarNames.GetString(i, nameBuffer, sizeof(nameBuffer)); - - Handle cvar = FindConVar(nameBuffer); - if (cvar != INVALID_HANDLE) { - GetConVarString(cvar, valueBuffer, sizeof(valueBuffer)); - cvarNameList.PushString(nameBuffer); - cvarValueList.PushString(valueBuffer); - } - } - - storageList.Push(cvarNameList); - storageList.Push(cvarValueList); - return storageList; -} - -// Restores cvars to their previous value using a return value of SaveCvars. -stock void RestoreCvars(Handle& cvarStorage, bool close = true) { - ArrayList cvarNameList = view_as(GetArrayCell(cvarStorage, 0)); - ArrayList cvarValueList = view_as(GetArrayCell(cvarStorage, 1)); - - char name[CVAR_NAME_MAX_LENGTH]; - char value[CVAR_VALUE_MAX_LENGTH]; - for (int i = 0; i < cvarNameList.Length; i++) { - cvarNameList.GetString(i, name, sizeof(name)); - cvarValueList.GetString(i, value, sizeof(value)); - - Handle cvar = FindConVar(name); - if (cvar != INVALID_HANDLE) { - SetConVarString(cvar, value); - } - } - - if (close) { - CloseCvarStorage(cvarStorage); - } -} - -// Closes a cvar storage object returned by SaveCvars. -stock void CloseCvarStorage(Handle& cvarStorage) { - if (cvarStorage == INVALID_HANDLE) { - return; - } - - CloseHandle(GetArrayCell(cvarStorage, 0)); - CloseHandle(GetArrayCell(cvarStorage, 1)); - CloseHandle(cvarStorage); - cvarStorage = INVALID_HANDLE; -} - -// Returns the first "word" in a line, as seperated by whitespace. -stock bool __firstWord(const char[] line, char[] buffer, int len) { - char[] lineBuffer = new char[strlen(line)]; - strcopy(lineBuffer, strlen(line), line); - TrimString(lineBuffer); - int splitIndex = StrContains(line, " "); - if (splitIndex == -1) - splitIndex = StrContains(line, "\t"); - - if (splitIndex == -1) { - Format(buffer, len, ""); - return false; - } - - int destLen = splitIndex + 1; - if (destLen > len) - destLen = len; - - strcopy(buffer, destLen, lineBuffer); - return true; -} - -// Wrapper for SetCvars from an arbitrary file. -// Returns if successful. -stock Handle ExecuteAndSaveCvars(const char[] cfgFile) { - char lineBuffer[CVAR_NAME_MAX_LENGTH + CVAR_VALUE_MAX_LENGTH]; - char nameBuffer[CVAR_NAME_MAX_LENGTH]; - - char filePath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; - Format(filePath, sizeof(filePath), "cfg/%s", cfgFile); - - File file = OpenFile(filePath, "r"); - if (file != null) { - ArrayList nameList = new ArrayList(CVAR_NAME_MAX_LENGTH); - - while (!file.EndOfFile() && file.ReadLine(lineBuffer, sizeof(lineBuffer))) { - if (__firstWord(lineBuffer, nameBuffer, sizeof(nameBuffer))) { - TrimString(nameBuffer); - nameList.PushString(nameBuffer); - } - } - - Handle ret = SaveCvars(nameList); - ServerCommand("exec %s", cfgFile); - delete nameList; - delete file; - return ret; - } else { - LogError("Failed to open file for reading: %s", filePath); - return INVALID_HANDLE; - } -} diff --git a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/chi/get5.phrases.txt b/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/chi/get5.phrases.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 56571b7..0000000 --- a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/chi/get5.phrases.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,327 +0,0 @@ -"Phrases" -{ - "ReadyToVetoInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "当您的队伍准备好进行Veto(Ban图)时,请输入{GREEN}!ready{NORMAL}。" - } - "WaitingForCastersReadyInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "正在等待裁判输入{GREEN}!ready{NORMAL}来开始比赛。" - } - "ReadyToRestoreBackupInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "当您准备好恢复比赛至备份档案时,请输入{GREEN}!ready{NORMAL}。" - } - "ReadyToKnifeInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "当您准备好进行刀局时,请输入{GREEN}!ready{NORMAL}。" - } - "ReadyToStartInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "当您准备好开始比赛时,请输入{GREEN}!ready{NORMAL}。" - } - "YouAreReady" - { - "chi" "您已被标记为准备就绪。" - } - "YouAreNotReady" - { - "chi" "您已被标记为未准备好。" - } - "WaitingForEnemySwapInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}赢得刀局。等待他们输入!stay或是!swapwon来选择留下还是交换队伍。" - } - "WaitingForGOTVBrodcastEndingInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "当GOTV播放结束时,地图将被切换。" - } - "NoMatchSetupInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "没有设置比赛配置" - } - "YourAreNotAPlayerInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "您并不是这场比赛的玩家" - } - "TeamIsFullInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "您的团队已满" - } - "TeamForfeitInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}未及时准备就绪,已被视为弃权。" - } - "MinutesToForfeitMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}有{2}分的时间来准备就绪,否则将被视为放弃比赛。" - } - "SecondsToForfeitInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}有{2}秒的时间来准备就绪,否则将被视为放弃比赛。" - } - "10SecondsToForfeitInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}有10秒的时间来准备就绪,否则将被视为放弃比赛。" - } - "PausePeriodSuffix" - { - "chi" "于这个半场" - } - "MaxPausesUsedInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "您的队伍已经使用了最大为{1}次的暂停次数{2}。" - } - "MaxPausesTimeUsedInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "您的队伍已经使用了最大为{1}秒的暂停时间{2}。" - } - "MatchPausedByTeamMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}暂停了比赛。" - } - "MatchTechPausedByTeamMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}要求发起一个技术暂停。" - } - "AdminForceTechPauseInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "一位管理员发起了技术暂停。" - } - "PauseTimeExpiration10SecInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}的暂停时间即将耗尽,将在10秒后解除暂停。" - } - "PauseTimeExpirationInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}剩余{2}秒的暂停时间{3}。" - } - "PauseRunoutInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}的暂停时间已经耗尽,已解除比赛的暂停。" - } - "MatchUnpauseInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1:N}解除了比赛的暂停。" - } - "WaitingForUnpauseInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}想要取消暂停,正在等待{2}输入!unpause来取消暂停。" - } - "PausesLeftInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}剩余{2}次pauses暂停次数{3}。" - } - "OnePauseLeftInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}剩余{2}次pauses暂停次数{3}。" - } - "TeamFailToReadyMinPlayerCheck" - { - "chi" "服务器上至少有{1}名玩家,您才能准备就绪。" - } - "TeamReadyToVetoInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}已准备好进行Veto(Ban图)。" - } - "TeamReadyToRestoreBackupInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}已准备好恢复比赛至备份档案。" - } - "TeamReadyToKnifeInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}已准备好拼刀选边。" - } - "TeamReadyToBeginInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}已准备好开始比赛。" - } - "TeamNotReadyInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}已不在准备就绪状态。" - } - "ForceReadyInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "如果您有不到{1}名玩家,您可以输入{GREEN}!forceready{NORMAL}来强制准备您的队伍。" - } - "TeammateForceReadied" - { - "chi" "您的队伍已被{GREEN}{1}{NORMAL}强制准备就绪。" - } - "AdminForceReadyInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "一名管理员强制准备了所有队伍。" - } - "AdminForceEndInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "一名管理员强制结束了比赛。" - } - "AdminForcePauseInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "一名管理员强制暂停了比赛。" - } - "AdminForceUnPauseInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "一名管理员强制解除了比赛暂停。" - } - "TeamWantsToReloadLastRoundInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}想停止比赛并重新加载比赛至上一回合,需要{2}输入!stop来确认。" - } - "TeamWinningSeriesInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}{NORMAL}在这系列比赛中正处于领先状态 {2}-{3}" - } - "SeriesTiedInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "此系列比赛终结于{1}-{2}" - } - "NextSeriesMapInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "下一张地图在此系列比赛中是{GREEN}{1}" - } - "TeamWonMatchInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}赢得了这局比赛。" - } - "TeamTiedMatchInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}与{2}打成了平局。" - } - "TeamsSplitSeriesBO2InfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}和{2}在此系列比赛中平局 1-1。" - } - "TeamWonSeriesInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}赢得了此系列比赛 {2}-{3}." - } - "MatchFinishedInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "这场比赛已完结。" - } - "CurrentScoreInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{LIGHT_GREEN}{1} {GREEN}{2} {NORMAL}- {GREEN}{3} {LIGHT_GREEN}{4}" - } - "BackupLoadedInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "成功加载备份档案 {1}" - } - "MatchBeginInSecondsInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "这场比赛将于{1}后开始。" - } - "MatchIsLiveInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "比赛已{GREEN}开始" - } - "KnifeIn5SecInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "刀局将在5秒后开始。" - } - "KnifeInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "刀局!" - } - "TeamDecidedToStayInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}已决定留下。" - } - "TeamDecidedToSwapInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}已决定交换。" - } - "TeamLostTimeToDecideInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}将会留下来,因为他们没有及时做出决定。" - } - "ChangingMapInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "切换地图至{GREEN}{1}......" - } - "MapDecidedInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "地图已被确定:" - } - "MapIsInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "地图 {1}: {GREEN}{2}" - } - "TeamPickedMapInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}挑选了{GREEN}{2}{NORMAL}作为地图 {3}" - } - "TeamSelectSideInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}已选择在{GREEN}{2}{NORMAL}开始 {3}" - } - "TeamVetoedMapInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "{1}vetoed(Ban掉)了{LIGHT_RED}{2}" - } - "CaptainLeftOnVetoInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "一个队长在Veto(Ban图)期间离开,暂停Veto(Ban图)" - } - "ReadyToResumeVetoInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "当您准备好恢复Veto(Ban图)时,请输入{GREEN}!ready{NORMAL}。" - } - "MatchConfigLoadedInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "已加载比赛配置。" - } - "MoveToCoachInfoMessage" - { - "chi" "因为您的团队已经满员,所以您被移到了教练的位置。" - } - "ReadyTag" - { - "chi" "[准备]" - } - "NotReadyTag" - { - "chi" "[未准备]" - } - "MatchPoweredBy" - { - "chi" "由{YELLOW}Get5{NORMAL}强力驱动" - } - "MapVetoPickMenuText" - { - "chi" "请选择一张想玩的地图:" - } - "MapVetoPickConfirmMenuText" - { - "chi" "你确定想玩{1}:" - } - "MapVetoBanMenuText" - { - "chi" "请选择一张想VETO(Ban图)的地图:" - } - "MapVetoBanConfirmMenuText" - { - "chi" "你确定想VETO(Ban图){1}:" - } - "MapVetoSidePickMenuText" - { - "chi" "请为{1}选择队伍" - } - "MapVetoSidePickConfirmMenuText" - { - "chi" "你确定想开始{1}:" - } - "ConfirmPositiveOptionText" - { - "chi" "是" - } - "ConfirmNegativeOptionText" - { - "chi" "否" - } - "VetoCountdown" - { - "chi" "Veto(Ban图)还剩{GREEN}{1}秒。" - } -} diff --git a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/de/get5.phrases.txt b/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/de/get5.phrases.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 22a95ae..0000000 --- a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/de/get5.phrases.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,243 +0,0 @@ -"Phrases" -{ - "ReadyToVetoInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Tippe {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}wenn dein Team bereit zum Voten ist." - } - "WaitingForCastersReadyInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Warten auf die Caster, tippe {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}um zu beginnen." - } - "ReadyToRestoreBackupInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Tippe {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}wenn dein Team bereit ist das Match Backup wieder einzuspielen." - } - "ReadyToKnifeInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Tippe {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}wenn dein Team bereit ist für die Messer-Runde." - } - "ReadyToStartInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Tippe {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}wenn dein Team bereit ist zu beginnen." - } - "WaitingForEnemySwapInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1} gewinnt die Seitenwahl. Wartend auf !stay oder !swap ." - } - "WaitingForGOTVBrodcastEndingInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Die Map wird gewechselt sobald der GOTV broadcast geendet hat." - } - "NoMatchSetupInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Es ist kein Match aufgesetzt" - } - "YourAreNotAPlayerInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Du bist kein Spieler von diesem Match" - } - "TeamIsFullInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Dein Team ist voll" - } - "TeamForfeitInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1} schaffte es nicht fertig zu werden und gab auf." - } - "MinutesToForfeitMessage" - { - "de" "{1} hat {2} Minuten um fertig zu werden oder sie werden aufgeben." - } - "SecondsToForfeitInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1} hat {2} Sekunden um fertig zu werden oder sie werden aufgeben." - } - "10SecondsToForfeitInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1} hat 10 Sekunden fertig zu werden oder sie geben auf." - } - "PausePeriodSuffix" - { - "de" "für diese Hälfte" - } - "MaxPausesUsedInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Dein Team hatte bereits die maximal zulässigen {1} Pausen{2}." - } - "MaxPausesTimeUsedInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Dein Team hat bereits die maximalen {1} Sekunden der Pausezeit genutzt{2}." - } - "MatchPausedByTeamMessage" - { - "de" "{1} hat das Match pausiert." - } - "PauseTimeExpiration10SecInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1} hat fast keine Pausenzeit mehr, es wird in 10 Sekunden fortgefahren." - } - "PauseTimeExpirationInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1} hat {2} Sekunden der Pausenzeit übrig{3}." - } - "PauseRunoutInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1} hat keine Pausenzeit mehr, weiter gehts!" - } - "MatchUnpauseInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1:N} hat das Match fortgesetzt." - } - "WaitingForUnpauseInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1} möchte fortfahren, zum zuzustimmen muss {2} !unpause schreiben." - } - "TeamFailToReadyMinPlayerCheck" - { - "de" "Du musst mindestens {1} Spieler im Team haben um loszulegen." - } - "TeamReadyToVetoInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1} ist bereit für die Mapwahl." - } - "TeamReadyToRestoreBackupInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1} ist bereit ein Match Backup wieder einzuspielen." - } - "TeamReadyToKnifeInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1} ist bereit für die Messerrunde." - } - "TeamReadyToBeginInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1} ist bereit das Match zu beginnen." - } - "TeamNotReadyInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1} ist nicht mehr bereit." - } - "AdminForceReadyInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Ein Admin hat das Match gestartet." - } - "AdminForceEndInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Ein Admin hat das Match beendet." - } - "AdminForcePauseInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Ein Admin hat das Match pausiert." - } - "AdminForceUnPauseInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Ein Admin hat das Match fortgesetzt." - } - "TeamWantsToReloadLastRoundInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1} möchte die letzte Runde wiederholen, {2} muss mit !stop bestätigen." - } - "TeamWinningSeriesInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1}{NORMAL} gewinnt die Serie {2}-{3}" - } - "SeriesTiedInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Die Serie ist unentschieden mit {1}-{2}" - } - "NextSeriesMapInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Die nächste Map in der Serie ist {GREEN}{1}" - } - "TeamWonMatchInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1} hat das Match gewonnen." - } - "TeamsSplitSeriesBO2InfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1} und {2} haben die Serie 1-1 geteilt." - } - "TeamWonSeriesInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1} hat die Serie gewonnen {2}-{3}." - } - "MatchFinishedInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Das Match ist beendet" - } - "CurrentScoreInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{LIGHT_GREEN}{1} {GREEN}{2} {NORMAL}- {GREEN}{3} {LIGHT_GREEN}{4}" - } - "BackupLoadedInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Backup {1} erfolgreich geladen" - } - "MatchBeginInSecondsInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Das Match beginnt in {1} Sekunden." - } - "MatchIsLiveInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Match ist {GREEN}LIVE" - } - "KnifeIn5SecInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Die Messerrunde beginnt in 5 Sekunden." - } - "KnifeInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Messern!" - } - "TeamDecidedToStayInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1} hat sich für den Stay entschieden." - } - "TeamDecidedToSwapInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1} hat sich für den Seitenwechsel entschieden." - } - "TeamLostTimeToDecideInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1} wird so bleiben da keine Entscheidung in der Zeit gefallen ist." - } - "ChangingMapInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Ändern der Map in {GREEN}{1}..." - } - "MapDecidedInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Die Maps wurden entschieden:" - } - "MapIsInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Map {1}: {GREEN}{2}" - } - "TeamPickedMapInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1} wählte {GREEN}{2} {NORMAL}als Map aus {3}" - } - "TeamSelectSideInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1} möchte als {GREEN}{2} {NORMAL}starten {3}" - } - "TeamVetoedMapInfoMessage" - { - "de" "{1} verbietet {LIGHT_RED}{2}" - } - "CaptainLeftOnVetoInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Team Captian verließ das Match während der Veto Phase, pausieren..." - } - "ReadyToResumeVetoInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Tippe {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}wenn ihr fertig seit mit dem veto fortzufahren." - } - "MatchConfigLoadedInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Match Config geladen." - } - "MoveToCoachInfoMessage" - { - "de" "Das Team ist voll die wurdest als Coach hinzugefügt." - } -} diff --git a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/fr/get5.phrases.txt b/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/fr/get5.phrases.txt deleted file mode 100644 index df158a7..0000000 --- a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/fr/get5.phrases.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ -"Phrases" -{ - "ReadyToVetoInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Entrez {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}quand votre équipe est prête pour le tour de veto." - } - "WaitingForCastersReadyInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "En attente : les casters doivent entrer {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}pour que le match commence." - } - "ReadyToRestoreBackupInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Entrez {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}quand vous êtes prêt(e) à restorer la sauvegarde du match." - } - "ReadyToKnifeInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Entrez {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}quand pour être prêt(e) pour à démarrer un round au couteau." - } - "ReadyToStartInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Entrez {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}quand vous êtes prêt(e) à commencer." - } - "YouAreReady" - { - "fr" "Vous avez été marqué(e) comme prêt(e)." - } - "YouAreNotReady" - { - "fr" "Vous avez été marqué(e) comme NON prêt(e)." - } - "WaitingForEnemySwapInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} a gagné le round a couteau. Attente de leur choix entre !stay ou !swap." - } - "WaitingForGOTVBrodcastEndingInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "La carte changera dès que la diffusion GOTV sera terminée." - } - "NoMatchSetupInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Aucune configuration de match trouvée" - } - "YourAreNotAPlayerInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Vous n'êtes pas un joueur dans ce match" - } - "TeamIsFullInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Votre équipe est pleine" - } - "TeamForfeitInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} ne s'est pas déclaré prête à temps et a déclaré forfait." - } - "MinutesToForfeitMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} dispose encore de {2} minutes pour se déclarer prête, sinon elle déclarera forfait." - } - "SecondsToForfeitInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} dispose encore de {2} secondes pour se déclarer prête, sinon elle déclarera forfait." - } - "10SecondsToForfeitInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} a 10 secondes pour se déclarer prêt(e), sinon il/elle déclarera forfait." - } - "PausePeriodSuffix" - { - "fr" "pour cette mi-temps" - } - "MaxPausesUsedInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Votre équipe a déjà utilisé son maximum de {1} pauses{2}." - } - "MaxPausesTimeUsedInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Votre équipe a déjà utilisé son maximum de {1} secondes de pause{2}." - } - "MatchPausedByTeamMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} a mis le match en pause." - } - "PauseTimeExpiration10SecInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} est bientôt parvenue à la fin de sa pause, fin dans 10 secondes." - } - "PauseTimeExpirationInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} dispose encore de {2} secondes de pause{3}." - } - "PauseRunoutInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} a épuisé son temps de pause, reprise du match." - } - "MatchUnpauseInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1:N} a mis fin à la pause." - } - "WaitingForUnpauseInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} désire reprendre le match, en attente que {2} tappe !unpause." - } - "PausesLeftInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} dispose encore de {2} pauses{3}." - } - "OnePauseLeftInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} dispose encore de {2} pause{3}." - } - "TeamFailToReadyMinPlayerCheck" - { - "fr" "Vous devez disposer d'au moins {1} joueur sur le serveur pour vous déclarer prêt(e)." - } - "TeamReadyToVetoInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} est prêt pour le tour de veto." - } - "TeamReadyToRestoreBackupInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} est prêt à restaurer la sauvegarde du match." - } - "TeamReadyToKnifeInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} est prêt pour le knife round." - } - "TeamReadyToBeginInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} est prêt à commencer le match." - } - "TeamNotReadyInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} n'est plus prêt." - } - "ForceReadyInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Vous pouvez entrer {GREEN}!forceready {NORMAL}pour forcer votre équipe à être prête si vous avez moins de {GREEN}{1}{NORMAL} joueurs." - } - "TeammateForceReadied" - { - "fr" "Votre équipe s'est déclaré prête (de force) par {GREEN}{1}" - } - "AdminForceReadyInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Un admin a forcé toutes les équipes à se déclarer prêtes." - } - "AdminForceEndInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Un admin a forcé la fin du match." - } - "AdminForcePauseInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Un admin a forcé le match en pause." - } - "AdminForceUnPauseInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Un admin a forcé la reprise du match." - } - "TeamWantsToReloadLastRoundInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} veut arrêter et recommencer au dernier round, cela nécessite {2} pour confirmer avec !stop." - } - "TeamWinningSeriesInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1}{NORMAL} gagne les séries {2}-{3}" - } - "SeriesTiedInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "La série est ex-æquo at {1}-{2}" - } - "NextSeriesMapInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "La prochaine map dans la série est {GREEN}{1}" - } - "TeamWonMatchInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} a remporté la victoire." - } - "TeamsSplitSeriesBO2InfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} et {2} ont gagné autant de match (1-1)." - } - "TeamWonSeriesInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} a remporté la série {2}-{3}." - } - "MatchFinishedInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Le match est terminé" - } - "CurrentScoreInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{LIGHT_GREEN}{1} {GREEN}{2} {NORMAL}- {GREEN}{3} {LIGHT_GREEN}{4}" - } - "BackupLoadedInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Sauvegarde chargée avec succès {1}" - } - "MatchBeginInSecondsInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Le match commencera dans {1} secondes." - } - "MatchIsLiveInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Le match est en {GREEN}LIVE" - } - "KnifeIn5SecInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Le knife round commencera dans 5 secondes." - } - "KnifeInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Knife !" - } - "TeamDecidedToStayInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} a décidé de rester." - } - "TeamDecidedToSwapInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} a décidé de changer de camp." - } - "TeamLostTimeToDecideInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} restera car ils n'ont pas pris leur décision à temps." - } - "ChangingMapInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Changement de map pour {GREEN}{1}…" - } - "MapDecidedInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Les maps ont été décidées :" - } - "MapIsInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Map {1} : {GREEN}{2}" - } - "TeamPickedMapInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} a choisi {GREEN}{2} {NORMAL}comme map {3}" - } - "TeamSelectSideInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} a choisi de commencer sur {GREEN}{2} {NORMAL}sur {3}" - } - "TeamVetoedMapInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "{1} a rejetté {LIGHT_RED}{2}" - } - "CaptainLeftOnVetoInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Un chef d'équipe a quitté pendant le tour de veto, match en pause." - } - "ReadyToResumeVetoInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Entrez {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}quand vous êtes prêt(e) à reprendre le tour de veto." - } - "MatchConfigLoadedInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Configuration du match chargée." - } - "MoveToCoachInfoMessage" - { - "fr" "Vous avez bougé à la position de coach, car votre équipe est complète." - } - "ReadyTag" - { - "fr" "[PRÊT]" - } - "NotReadyTag" - { - "fr" "[PAS PRÊT]" - } -} diff --git a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/get5.phrases.txt b/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/get5.phrases.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d149fd6..0000000 --- a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/get5.phrases.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,380 +0,0 @@ -"Phrases" -{ - "ReadyToVetoInfoMessage" - { - "en" "Type {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}when your team is ready to veto." - } - "WaitingForCastersReadyInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s}" - "en" "Waiting for {1} to type {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}to begin." - } - "ReadyToRestoreBackupInfoMessage" - { - "en" "Type {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}when you are ready to restore the match backup." - } - "ReadyToKnifeInfoMessage" - { - "en" "Type {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}when you are ready to knife." - } - "ReadyToStartInfoMessage" - { - "en" "Type {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}when you are ready to begin." - } - "YouAreReady" - { - "en" "You have been marked as ready." - } - "YouAreNotReady" - { - "en" "You have been marked as NOT ready." - } - "WaitingForEnemySwapInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s}" - "en" "{1} won the knife round. Waiting for them to type !stay or !swap." - } - "WaitingForGOTVBrodcastEndingInfoMessage" - { - "en" "The map will change once the GOTV broadcast has ended." - } - "WaitingForGOTVVetoInfoMessage" - { - "en" "The map will change once the GOTV broadcast has been displayed the map vetos." - } - "NoMatchSetupInfoMessage" - { - "en" "There is no match setup" - } - "YourAreNotAPlayerInfoMessage" - { - "en" "You are not a player in this match" - } - "TeamIsFullInfoMessage" - { - "en" "Your team is full" - } - "TeamForfeitInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s}" - "en" "{1} failed to ready up in time and has forfeit." - } - "MinutesToForfeitMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s},{2:d}" - "en" "{1} has {2} minutes left to ready up or they will forfeit the match." - } - "SecondsToForfeitInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s},{2:d}" - "en" "{1} has {2} seconds left to ready up or they will forfeit the match." - } - "10SecondsToForfeitInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s}" - "en" "{1} has 10 seconds to ready up or forfeit the match." - } - "PausePeriodSuffix" - { - "en" "for this half" - } - "MaxPausesUsedInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:d},{2:s}" - "en" "Your team has already used the max {1} pauses{2}." - } - "MaxPausesTimeUsedInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:d},{2:s}" - "en" "Your team has already used the max {1} seconds of pause time{2}." - } - "MatchPausedByTeamMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:N}" - "en" "{1} paused the match." - } - "MatchTechPausedByTeamMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:N}" - "en" "{1} has called for a technical pause." - } - "AdminForceTechPauseInfoMessage" - { - "en" "An admin has called for a technical pause." - } - "PauseTimeExpiration10SecInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s}" - "en" "{1} is almost out of pause time, unpausing in 10 seconds." - } - "PauseTimeExpirationInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s},{2:d},{3:s}" - "en" "{1} has {2} seconds of pause time left{3}." - } - "PauseRunoutInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s}" - "en" "{1} has run out of pause time, unpausing the match." - } - "MatchUnpauseInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:N}" - "en" "{1:N} unpaused the match." - } - "WaitingForUnpauseInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" - "en" "{1} wants to unpause, waiting for {2} to type !unpause." - } - "PausesLeftInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s},{2:d},{3:s}" - "en" "{1} has {2} pauses left{3}." - } - "OnePauseLeftInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s},{2:d},{3:s}" - "en" "{1} has {2} pause left{3}." - } - "TeamFailToReadyMinPlayerCheck" - { - "#format" "{1:d}" - "en" "You must have at least {1} players on the server to ready up." - } - "TeamReadyToVetoInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s}" - "en" "{1} is ready to veto." - } - "TeamReadyToRestoreBackupInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s}" - "en" "{1} is ready to restore the match backup." - } - "TeamReadyToKnifeInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s}" - "en" "{1} is ready to knife for sides." - } - "TeamReadyToBeginInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s}" - "en" "{1} is ready to begin the match." - } - "TeamNotReadyInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s}" - "en" "{1} is no longer ready." - } - "ForceReadyInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:d}" - "en" "You may type {GREEN}!forceready {NORMAL}to force ready your team if you have less than {GREEN}{1}{NORMAL} players." - } - "TeammateForceReadied" - { - "#format" "{1:N}" - "en" "Your team was force-readied by {GREEN}{1}" - } - "AdminForceReadyInfoMessage" - { - "en" "An admin has force-readied all teams." - } - "AdminForceEndInfoMessage" - { - "en" "An admin force ended the match." - } - "AdminForcePauseInfoMessage" - { - "en" "An admin force paused the match." - } - "AdminForceUnPauseInfoMessage" - { - "en" "An admin force unpaused the match." - } - "TeamWantsToReloadLastRoundInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" - "en" "{1} wants to stop and reload last round, need {2} to confirm with !stop." - } - "TeamWinningSeriesInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s},{2:d},{3:d}" - "en" "{1}{NORMAL} is winning the series {2}-{3}" - } - "SeriesTiedInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:d},{2:d}" - "en" "The series is tied at {1}-{2}" - } - "NextSeriesMapInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s}" - "en" "The next map in the series is {GREEN}{1}" - } - "TeamWonMatchInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s}" - "en" "{1} has won the match." - } - "TeamTiedMatchInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" - "en" "{1} and {2} have tied the match." - } - "TeamsSplitSeriesBO2InfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" - "en" "{1} and {2} have split the series 1-1." - } - "TeamWonSeriesInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s},{2:d},{3:d}" - "en" "{1} has won the series {2}-{3}." - } - "MatchFinishedInfoMessage" - { - "en" "The match has been finished" - } - "CurrentScoreInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s},{2:d},{3:d},{4:s}" - "en" "{LIGHT_GREEN}{1} {GREEN}{2} {NORMAL}- {GREEN}{3} {LIGHT_GREEN}{4}" - } - "BackupLoadedInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s}" - "en" "Successfully loaded backup {1}" - } - "MatchBeginInSecondsInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:d}" - "en" "The match will begin in {1} seconds." - } - "MatchIsLiveInfoMessage" - { - "en" "Match is {GREEN}LIVE" - } - "KnifeIn5SecInfoMessage" - { - "en" "The knife round will begin in 5 seconds." - } - "KnifeInfoMessage" - { - "en" "Knife!" - } - "TeamDecidedToStayInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s}" - "en" "{1} has decided to stay." - } - "TeamDecidedToSwapInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s}" - "en" "{1} has decided to swap." - } - "TeamLostTimeToDecideInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s}" - "en" "{1} will stay since they did not make a decision in time." - } - "ChangingMapInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s}" - "en" "Changing map to {GREEN}{1}..." - } - "MapDecidedInfoMessage" - { - "en" "The maps have been decided:" - } - "MapIsInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:d},{2:s}" - "en" "Map {1}: {GREEN}{2}" - } - "TeamPickedMapInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:d}" - "en" "{1} picked {GREEN}{2} {NORMAL}as map {3}" - } - "TeamSelectSideInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:s}" - "en" "{1} has selected to start on {GREEN}{2} {NORMAL}on {3}" - } - "TeamVetoedMapInfoMessage" - { - "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" - "en" "{1} vetoed {LIGHT_RED}{2}" - } - "CaptainLeftOnVetoInfoMessage" - { - "en" "A captain left during the veto, pausing the veto." - } - "ReadyToResumeVetoInfoMessage" - { - "en" "Type {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}when you are ready to resume the veto." - } - "MatchConfigLoadedInfoMessage" - { - "en" "Loaded match config." - } - "MoveToCoachInfoMessage" - { - "en" "Because your team is full, you were moved to the coach position." - } - "ReadyTag" - { - "en" "[READY]" - } - "NotReadyTag" - { - "en" "[NOT READY]" - } - "MatchPoweredBy" - { - "en" "Powered by {YELLOW}Get5" - } - "MapVetoPickMenuText" - { - "en" "Select a map to PLAY:" - } - "MapVetoPickConfirmMenuText" - { - "#format" "{1:s}" - "en" "Confirm you want to PLAY {1}:" - } - "MapVetoBanMenuText" - { - "en" "Select a map to VETO:" - } - "MapVetoBanConfirmMenuText" - { - "#format" "{1:s}" - "en" "Confirm you want to VETO {1}:" - } - "MapVetoSidePickMenuText" - { - "#format" "{1:s}" - "en" "Select a side for {1}" - } - "MapVetoSidePickConfirmMenuText" - { - "#format" "{1:s}" - "en" "Confirm you want to start {1}:" - } - "ConfirmPositiveOptionText" - { - "en" "Yes" - } - "ConfirmNegativeOptionText" - { - "en" "No" - } - "VetoCountdown" - { - "#format" "{1:i}" - "en" "Veto commencing in {GREEN}{1} {NORMAL}seconds." - } -} diff --git a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/pl/get5.phrases.txt b/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/pl/get5.phrases.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 8c51592..0000000 --- a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/pl/get5.phrases.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ -"Phrases" -{ - "ReadyToVetoInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Napisz {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}kiedy Twoja drużyna będzie gotowa do głosowania." - } - "WaitingForCastersReadyInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Czekamy na komentatorów na wpisanie {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}aby zacząć rozgrywkę." - } - "ReadyToRestoreBackupInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Napisz {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}kiedy Twoja drużyna będzie gotowa do wczytania meczu." - } - "ReadyToKnifeInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Napisz {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}kiedy Twoja drużyna będzie gotowa do rundy nożowej." - } - "ReadyToStartInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Napisz {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}kiedy Twoja drużyna będzie gotowa." - } - "WaitingForEnemySwapInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} wygralo runde nożową. Oczekiwanie na !stay lub !swap." - } - "WaitingForGOTVBrodcastEndingInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Mapa zostanie zmieniona gdy transmisja GOTV zostanie zakończona." - } - "NoMatchSetupInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Brak ustawień meczu" - } - "YourAreNotAPlayerInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Nie jesteś graczem w tym meczu" - } - "TeamIsFullInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Twoja drużyna jest pełna" - } - "TeamForfeitInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} nie bylo gotowe w wymaganym czasie i mecz został oddany na korzyść drużyny przeciwnej." - } - "MinutesToForfeitMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} ma {2} minuty aby być gotowym do meczu albo mecz zostanie oddany na korzyść drużyny przeciwnej." - } - "SecondsToForfeitInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} ma {2} sekund aby być gotowym do meczu albo mecz zostanie oddany na korzyść drużyny przeciwnej." - } - "10SecondsToForfeitInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} ma 10 sekund aby być gotowym do meczu albo mecz zostanie oddany na korzyść drużyny przeciwnej." - } - "PausePeriodSuffix" - { - "pl" "na tę połowę" - } - "MaxPausesUsedInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Twoja drużyna użyła już maksymalnie {1} pauzy{2}." - } - "MaxPausesTimeUsedInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Twoja drużyna użyła już maksymalnie {1} sekund czasu pauzy{2}." - } - "MatchPausedByTeamMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} zatrzymało mecz." - } - "PauseTimeExpiration10SecInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} kończy się czas pauzy, wznowienie rozgrywki nastąpi za 10 sekund." - } - "PauseTimeExpirationInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} zostało {2} sekund pauzy{3}." - } - "PauseRunoutInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} skończył się czas pauzy, wznawianie rozgrywki." - } - "MatchUnpauseInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1:N} odpauzowało mecz." - } - "WaitingForUnpauseInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} chce wznowić rozgrywkę, oczekiwanie na {2} na wpisanie !unpause." - } - "PausesLeftInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} pozostały {2} pauzy{3}." - } - "OnePauseLeftInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} pozostała {2} pauza{3}." - } - "TeamFailToReadyMinPlayerCheck" - { - "pl" "Musi być conajmniej {1}graczy na serwerze aby móc być gotowym." - } - "TeamReadyToVetoInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} jest gotowe do głosowania." - } - "TeamReadyToRestoreBackupInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} jest gotowe do przywrócenia meczu." - } - "TeamReadyToKnifeInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} jest gotowe do nożówki za strony." - } - "TeamReadyToBeginInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} jest gotowe do rozpoczęcia meczu." - } - "TeamNotReadyInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} anulowali swoją gotowość." - } - "AdminForceReadyInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Administrator wymusił gotowość na wszystkich drużynach." - } - "AdminForceEndInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Administrator zakończył mecz." - } - "AdminForcePauseInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Administrator zatrzymał mecz." - } - "AdminForceUnPauseInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Administrator wznowił mecz." - } - "TeamWantsToReloadLastRoundInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} chce zatrzymać mecz i wczytać poprzednią rundę, oczekiwanie na potwierdzenie przez {2} i wpisanie !stop." - } - "TeamWinningSeriesInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1}{NORMAL} wygrywa {2}-{3}" - } - "SeriesTiedInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Drużyny remisują {1}-{2}" - } - "NextSeriesMapInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Następna mapa w meczu to {GREEN}{1}" - } - "TeamWonMatchInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} wygrało mapę." - } - "TeamsSplitSeriesBO2InfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} i {2} zremisowali spotkanie 1-1." - } - "TeamWonSeriesInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} wygrało spotkanie {2}-{3}." - } - "MatchFinishedInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Mecz został zakończony" - } - "CurrentScoreInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{LIGHT_GREEN}{1} {GREEN}{2} {NORMAL}- {GREEN}{3} {LIGHT_GREEN}{4}" - } - "BackupLoadedInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Pomyślnie wczytano kopię meczu {1}" - } - "MatchBeginInSecondsInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Mecz rozpocznie się za {1} sekund." - } - "MatchIsLiveInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Mecz jest {GREEN}LIVE" - } - "KnifeIn5SecInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Runda nożowa rozpocznie się za 5 sekund." - } - "KnifeInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Nozówka!" - } - "TeamDecidedToStayInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} zdecydowało na pozostanie w aktualnych drużynach." - } - "TeamDecidedToSwapInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} zdecydowało na zamianę drużyn." - } - "TeamLostTimeToDecideInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} drużyny zostały w aktualnych drużynach, ponieważ żadna decyzja nie została podjęta." - } - "ChangingMapInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Zmiana mapy na {GREEN}{1}..." - } - "MapDecidedInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Wybrano następujące mapy:" - } - "MapIsInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Mapa {1}: {GREEN}{2}" - } - "TeamPickedMapInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} wybrało {GREEN}{2} {NORMAL}jako mapę {3}" - } - "TeamSelectSideInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} wybrało stronę {GREEN}{2} {NORMAL}na {3}" - } - "TeamVetoedMapInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "{1} odrzuciło {LIGHT_RED}{2}" - } - "CaptainLeftOnVetoInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Kapitan opuścił serwer, głosowanie zostało wstrzymane." - } - "ReadyToResumeVetoInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Napisz {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}kiedy Twoja drużyna będzie gotowa do wznowienia głosowania." - } - "MatchConfigLoadedInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Załadowano ustawawienia meczu." - } - "MoveToCoachInfoMessage" - { - "pl" "Ponieważ Twoja drużyna jest pełna, zostałeś przeniesiony na stanowisko coach'a." - } -} diff --git a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/pt/get5.phrases.txt b/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/pt/get5.phrases.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 6f5feb9..0000000 --- a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/pt/get5.phrases.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,279 +0,0 @@ -"Phrases" -{ - "ReadyToVetoInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "Digite {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}quando seu time estiver pronto para o veto." - } - "WaitingForCastersReadyInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "Esperando pelos streammers para digitar {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}pra começar." - } - "ReadyToRestoreBackupInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "Digite {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}quando vocês estiver pronto para restaurar o backup da partida." - } - "ReadyToKnifeInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "Digite {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}quando você estiver pronto pro Round Faca." - } - "ReadyToStartInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "Digite {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}quando você estiver pronto para começar." - } - "YouAreReady" - { - "pt" "Você foi marcado como {GREEN}pronto{NORMAL}." - } - "YouAreNotReady" - { - "pt" "Você foi desmarcado como {GREEN}pronto{NORMAL}." - } - "WaitingForEnemySwapInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} venceu o Round Faca. Esperando pelo time vencedor digitar !stay ou !swap." - } - "WaitingForGOTVBrodcastEndingInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "O mapa vai mudar assim que o broadcast do GOTV acabar." - } - "NoMatchSetupInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "Não existe configuração de partida." - } - "YourAreNotAPlayerInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "Você não é um jogador dessa partida." - } - "TeamIsFullInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "Seu time está cheio." - } - "TeamForfeitInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} não ficou pronto a tempo e se rendeu." - } - "MinutesToForfeitMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} tem {2} minutos para ficar prontos ou eles se renderão." - } - "SecondsToForfeitInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} tem {2} segundos para ficar prontos ou eles se renderão." - } - "10SecondsToForfeitInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} tem 10 segundos para fica prontos ou se render." - } - "PausePeriodSuffix" - { - "pt" "para essa metade do jogo." - } - "MaxPausesUsedInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "Seu time já utilizou o máximo de {1} pausas{2}." - } - "MaxPausesTimeUsedInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "Seu time já usou o máximo de {1} segundos do tempo de pausa{2}." - } - "MatchPausedByTeamMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} pausou a partida." - } - "PauseTimeExpiration10SecInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} está quase no fim do tempo de pausa, resumindo a partida em 10 segundos." - } - "PauseTimeExpirationInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} tem {2} segundos faltando para resumir a partida{3}." - } - "PauseRunoutInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} chegou ao fim do tmepo de pause, resumindo a partida." - } - "MatchUnpauseInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1:N} resumiu a partida." - } - "WaitingForUnpauseInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} quer resumir a partida, mas esperando por {2} digitar !unpause." - } - "PausesLeftInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} tem {2} pauses sobrando{3}." - } - "OnePauseLeftInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} tem {2} pause sobrando{3}." - } - "TeamFailToReadyMinPlayerCheck" - { - "pt" "Você precisa ter pelo menos {1} jogadores conectados no server para ficar pronto." - } - "TeamReadyToVetoInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} está pronto para o veto." - } - "TeamReadyToRestoreBackupInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} está pronto para restaurar o backup da partida." - } - "TeamReadyToKnifeInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} está pronto para jogar o Round Faca." - } - "TeamReadyToBeginInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} está pronto para começar a partida." - } - "TeamNotReadyInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} deixou de estar pronto." - } - "ForceReadyInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "Você pode digitar {GREEN}!forceready {NORMAL}para forçar seu time a ficar pronto se você tiver menos de {GREEN}{1}{NORMAL} jogador." - } - "TeammateForceReadied" - { - "pt" "Seu time foi forçado a ficar pronto pelo jogador {GREEN}{1}" - } - "AdminForceReadyInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "O administrador forçou todos os times a ficarem prontos." - } - "AdminForceEndInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "O administrador forçou o fim da partida." - } - "AdminForcePauseInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "O administrador forçou um pause na partida." - } - "AdminForceUnPauseInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "O administrador forçou o resumo de uma partida." - } - "TeamWantsToReloadLastRoundInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} quer parar e recomeçar o último round. Para isso precisa que outros {2} confirmem digitanto !stop." - } - "TeamWinningSeriesInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1}{NORMAL} está vencendo a série {2}-{3}" - } - "SeriesTiedInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "A série está empatada em {1}-{2}" - } - "NextSeriesMapInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "O próximo mapa da série será {GREEN}{1}" - } - "TeamWonMatchInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} é a equipe vencedora da partida." - } - "TeamsSplitSeriesBO2InfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} e {2} empataram a série em 1-1." - } - "TeamWonSeriesInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} é a equipe vencedora da série {2}-{3}." - } - "MatchFinishedInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "A partida foi fnializada." - } - "CurrentScoreInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{LIGHT_GREEN}{1} {GREEN}{2} {NORMAL}- {GREEN}{3} {LIGHT_GREEN}{4}" - } - "BackupLoadedInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "Backup carregado com sucesso {1}" - } - "MatchBeginInSecondsInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "A partida vai começar em {1} segundos." - } - "MatchIsLiveInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{GREEN}Começou a partida! Boa diversão e boa sorte!" - } - "KnifeIn5SecInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "O Round Faca vai começar em 5 segundos." - } - "KnifeInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "Round Faca!" - } - "TeamDecidedToStayInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} decidiu ficar no mesmo lado." - } - "TeamDecidedToSwapInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} decidiu trocar de lado." - } - "TeamLostTimeToDecideInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} ficará no mesmo lado uma vez que não decidiu a tempo." - } - "ChangingMapInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "Mudando o mapa para {GREEN}{1}..." - } - "MapDecidedInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "Os mapas foram votados:" - } - "MapIsInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "Mapa {1}: {GREEN}{2}" - } - "TeamPickedMapInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} escolheu {GREEN}{2} {NORMAL}como mapa {3}" - } - "TeamSelectSideInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} escolheu começar no lado {GREEN}{2} {NORMAL}em {3}" - } - "TeamVetoedMapInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "{1} vetou {LIGHT_RED}{2}" - } - "CaptainLeftOnVetoInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "Um capitão deixou a partida durante o veto, pausando o veto." - } - "ReadyToResumeVetoInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "Digite {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}quando você estiver pronto para resumir o veto." - } - "MatchConfigLoadedInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "A configuração da partida foi carregada com sucesso." - } - "MoveToCoachInfoMessage" - { - "pt" "Você foi movido para a posição de Coach pois seu time está cheio." - } - "ReadyTag" - { - "pt" "[READY]" - } - "NotReadyTag" - { - "pt" "[NOT READY]" - } - "MatchPoweredBy" - { - "pt" "Oferecido por {YELLOW}Get5" - } -} diff --git a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/ru/get5.phrases.txt b/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/ru/get5.phrases.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f6dd6fb..0000000 --- a/sourcemod_plugin/get5_apistats/translations/ru/get5.phrases.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,239 +0,0 @@ -"Phrases" -{ - "ReadyToVetoInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Напишите {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}когда ваша команда будет готова к голосованию." - } - "WaitingForCastersReadyInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Ожидаем, пока все игроки напишут {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}для начала." - } - "ReadyToRestoreBackupInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Напиши {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}когда твоя команда будет готова загрузить сохраненную игру." - } - "ReadyToKnifeInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Напиши {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}когда твоя команда будет готова к ножевому раунду." - } - "ReadyToStartInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Напиши {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}когда твоя команда будет готова начать." - } - "WaitingForEnemySwapInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "{1} выиграла раунд. Ожидаем, пока они напишут !stay или !swap." - } - "WaitingForGOTVBrodcastEndingInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Карта будет изменена, когда закончится трансляция на GOTV." - } - "NoMatchSetupInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "На этом сервере нет матча." - } - "YourAreNotAPlayerInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Ты не являешься участником текущего матча" - } - "TeamIsFullInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Твоя команда заполнена" - } - "TeamForfeitInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "{1} не подтвердили участие и им было засчитано техническое поражение." - } - "MinutesToForfeitMessage" - { - "ru" "У {1} осталось {2} минут, чтобы подтвердить готовность или им будет засчитано техническое поражение." - } - "SecondsToForfeitInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "У {1} осталось {2} секунд, чтобы подтвердить готовность или им будет засчитано техническое поражение." - } - "10SecondsToForfeitInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "{1} осталось 10 секунд, чтобы подтвердить готовность." - } - "PausePeriodSuffix" - { - "ru" "для этой половины" - } - "MaxPausesUsedInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Твоя команда уже израсходовала максимум {1} паузы{2}." - } - "MaxPausesTimeUsedInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Твоя команда уже израсходовала максимум {1} секунд времени паузы{2}." - } - "MatchPausedByTeamMessage" - { - "ru" "{1} поставил матч на паузу." - } - "PauseTimeExpiration10SecInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "{1} уже израсходовали количество пауз, снятие с паузы через 10 секунд." - } - "PauseTimeExpirationInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "У {1} осталось {2} секунд от паузы{3}." - } - "PauseRunoutInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Для {1} время паузы вышло, матч снимается с паузы." - } - "MatchUnpauseInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "{1} снял матч с паузы." - } - "WaitingForUnpauseInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "{1} желает снять паузу, ожидаем когда {2} напишут !unpause." - } - "TeamReadyToVetoInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "{1} готовы для голосования." - } - "TeamReadyToRestoreBackupInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "{1} готовы загрузить сохраненную игру." - } - "TeamReadyToKnifeInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "{1} готовы к ножевому раунду." - } - "TeamReadyToBeginInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "{1} готовы начать матч." - } - "TeamNotReadyInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "{1} пока не готовы." - } - "AdminForceReadyInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Админ, в общем, сказал, что все готовы. Поехали." - } - "AdminForceEndInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Админ завершил матч." - } - "AdminForcePauseInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Администратор сила сделала паузу игра." - } - "AdminForceUnPauseInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Администратор силы возобновленная игра." - } - "TeamWantsToReloadLastRoundInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "{1} желает остановить и перезагрузить последний раунд, ждем {2} чтобы написали !stop для подтверждения." - } - "TeamWinningSeriesInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "{1}{NORMAL} выигрывает со счетом {2}-{3}" - } - "SeriesTiedInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Матч остановлен на счете {1}-{2}" - } - "NextSeriesMapInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Следующая карта в серии {GREEN}{1}" - } - "TeamWonMatchInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "{1} выиграл матч." - } - "TeamsSplitSeriesBO2InfoMessage" - { - "ru" "{1} и {2} закончили серию со счетом 1-1." - } - "TeamWonSeriesInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "{1} выиграли серию {2}-{3}." - } - "MatchFinishedInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Матч уже завершен" - } - "CurrentScoreInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "{LIGHT_GREEN}{1} {GREEN}{2} {NORMAL}- {GREEN}{3} {LIGHT_GREEN}{4}" - } - "BackupLoadedInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Удачно загружен бэкап {1}" - } - "MatchBeginInSecondsInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Матч начнется через {1} секунд." - } - "MatchIsLiveInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Матч {GREEN}НАЧАЛСЯ!" - } - "KnifeIn5SecInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Ножевой раунд начнется через 5 секунд." - } - "KnifeInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Ножевой раунд!" - } - "TeamDecidedToStayInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "{1} решили остатся в той же команде." - } - "TeamDecidedToSwapInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "{1} решили сменить стороны." - } - "TeamLostTimeToDecideInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "{1} остаются в той же команде, так как они не успели принять решение вовремя." - } - "ChangingMapInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Карта изменена на {GREEN}{1}..." - } - "MapDecidedInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Итак, была выбрана карта:" - } - "MapIsInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Карта {1}: {GREEN}{2}" - } - "TeamPickedMapInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "{1} выбрал {GREEN}{2} {NORMAL}как карту {3}" - } - "TeamSelectSideInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "{1} выбрали начать за {GREEN}{2} {NORMAL}на {3}" - } - "TeamVetoedMapInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "{1} вычеркнули {LIGHT_RED}{2}" - } - "CaptainLeftOnVetoInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Капитан пропал по время голосования, голосование приостановлено." - } - "ReadyToResumeVetoInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Напишите {GREEN}!ready {NORMAL}, когда будете готовы продолжить голосование." - } - "MatchConfigLoadedInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Загружен конфиг для матча." - } - "MoveToCoachInfoMessage" - { - "ru" "Так как твоя команда заполнена, ты был перемещен на позицию тренера." - } -}